This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.


Post by Batista »

We see some waves, the sun is hot, beating down on the warm sand as there doesn't seem to be many, if anyone, out today on the beach. The camera pans over a few more inches to spot a familiar face. He has on a rather light hawaiian shirt, probably considered tacky by some, at least the "fashion experts" and a pair of black trunks, sipping some kind of drink with a lemon wedge in it through a straw. The man is covered in tattoos and by now we know who it is as it's Batista. He sets his drink aside as he sits up in his rather comfortable looking hammock, staring at the camera.

Batista: "Well, hello there. Guess who's back?"

He smirks slyly, knowing full well how he was treated the last time he made a return.

Batista: "I guess an explanation is needed, huh?"

Standing, Batista grabs a piece of paper, or papers, showing his signature on a contract he has officially signed with EBWF."

Batista: "That's exactly why I've returned to wrestling. Money. Fame. The spotlight. Nothing else matters to me at this point. Many people were annoyed and dumbfounded as to why I would leave the WWE, where I was getting a good amount of money and would be recognized as the movie star that I am."

Looking down at the contract, a small chuckle escapes his lips.

Batista: "Believe me, I didn't want to. I really didn't want to have it come down to this but let's face facts; let's put it ALL out there for all to figure out. I don't NEED the WWE to do what I needed to do with MY life. They are the ones that called. THEY ... Are the ones that came to me about possibly returning. And Triple H was the man that asked if I would like to give it another go after taking sometime away from the ring."

Tossing the contract down on the table next to the hammock, Batista returns his look to the camera.

Batista: "But along the way, I got lied to. Along the way, I was misled and fed false information as to why I was in the WWE. Triple H promised me championship opportunities. Movie roles. The spotlight. Did I get any of that? I was doing just fine finding work on my own but I figured I'd trust someone like Hunter to get me to where I wanted to be ... And he lied. It was bad enough I was taking direction and being told what to do by someone else ... But to lie to my face? That doesn't sit well with me. So I left and I took awhile to think about what had transpired during my time in the WWE. No regrets, man. No regrets at all."

Taking off his shades, continuing to stare at the camera.

Batista: "EBWF called me and discussed a number of topics with me. They saw how I was lied and mishandled. They sympathized with me. They understood what a underhanded son of a bitch Hunter was for screwing with me. We talked turkey and moments later I was sold, we had a handshake agreement and then finally got the contract. I don't know who Wes Ikeda is as a man or if he keeps his word, but like anything in life, you take that chance. You take that risk. You make a huge gamble in order to make things work. I did that with Wes. And I hope it works out for the best."

Putting his shades back on, figuring that the sun is too much for even The Animal himself as he runs his hand across his head.

Batista: "Then I found out who I was facing on my first match back from quitting. At Warfare, I'll be facing Tyler Breeze and Jack Evans. I get it. I'm new here, no one in ownership or running the joint knows me and I need to prove myself. That's exactly what I'll do. So Jack ... I'll start with you. I know that you're five foot eight, one hundred and fifty nothing pounds. You got quite a resume there. I'm Impressed. I've heard alot about you ... Wrestling for different promotions around the world; grabbing a few championships along the way. You have a couple of tag team championships and titles a man like you would compete for under your belt. Congradulations. I heard about the altercations you've had with guys like Samoa Joe and Juventud Guerrera ... I see you make friends quick."

A sly smirk grows across his face, knowing full well he hasn't exactly been innocent either.

Batista: "That's ok, sometimes you gotta step on a few toes to get to where you want to get to. Win at all costs. Do what you need to do to further your career and not worry about what others think. Screw what others think! They don't matter ... They never have and they never will. I tried interacting with people once and where did it get me? Nowhere. I went to the back of the line as I watched wrestler after wrestler walk past me and get to where I wanted to go. Superstar after superstar went on to become a champion, a world champion. Then I made my move. So, Jack, in that regard, I see where you're coming from. The only problem I see is that you have nothing that I can't handle that'll throw me off my game. I already know what I'm going to do to you. I know I'm going to be throwing you around that ring like a ragdoll."

Pacing back and forth, thinking of the next thing to say. Finally, he stops pacing and looks back at the camera.

Batista: "This dark match doesn't mean a damn thing to me. I could sleep walk through this match and win. Hell, you two probably won't even show up considering how much more taller and stronger I am than either of you combined. Jack Evans, if you thought you could pull off those high flying moves and make a dent in me than you have another thing coming, my friend. I'm going to take all your high flying moves and break your body in two! And between now and when Warfare airs, I may take it to the next level and end your damn career. I'm out for myself and these days, I don't feel like putting up with the crap that I've been dealing with my entire professional life. Taking a backseat to people like you, little ants who get coddled and loved by fans around the world while I work my butt off and for what? For management to wet themselves over how much of an underdog someone like you is? They absolutely LOVE the thought of a smaller guy beating the odds, with his back almost always against the wall but guess what? This isn't a script. I'm going to beat you and I'm going to LOVE every minute of it!"

Flipping off his shades, frustrated at the thought of a smaller guy being thought more highly than himself is getting to The Animal. After taking a few moments to mull things over, he continues.

Batista: "If facing Jack Evans isn't reason alone to despise this triple threat dark match, facing someone pompus, arrogant and so into himself makes you want to cut out your own ears and eyes out. Your eyes because he goes around, prancing about like a stuck up, self-centered, primadonna who hasn't done jacksquat for this business. He goes around taking pictures or as kids these days like to call them "selfies", just makes me sick. I don't want to watch that nonsense. I rather go to a strip joint if I wanted to watch that. And my ears because he sounds every bit of a self-obsessed nobody who thinks he's done it all and deserves all the opportunities in the world. I've always wondered what would exactly happen if somebody ... Say, me for example, punched you in your pretty little face and ruined your looks. What would become of your professional career? You couldn't exactly sell your looks to people if you had a blackeye now, could you?"

Chuckling at the thought.

Batista: "I'm going to tell you exactly what I'm going to do to you. First, by taking those stupid streamers you wear attached to your boots area and wrap it around your scrawny neck and choke ya with it! Take a selfie of THAT! I'll even do you one better. I'll make sure to take a bunch of pictures of me beating your sorry ass around the ring on your own cellphone so you can capture that moment that you got into the ring with a movie star. Don't get me wrong, you're a very talented individual ... Very. The only thing that is getting in the way of your talent is your self-obsession with yourself. Between the ears. You have nothing there other than spider webs and a mouse running around in a little hamster wheel trying to keep whatever brain activity you do have alive. I can only imagine what your house looks like. Bunch of you framed up on the wall. Kiss marks all over your posters. Even some Justin Bieber posters hung up because stupid follows stupid."

Shaking his head slowly, amused at the thought of that actually being the case.

Batista: "This match is nothing more than a warm-up to get me back into the swing of things. I feel good, I feel REAL good. So good in fact, I may even go easy on the two chumps that'll compete against me. I'll give you the option of showing up, laying down and letting me pin you for the three count ... OR ... Just doing it the easy way and gotta admit, the fun way, of kicking both of your asses and making sure you feel it for weeks. Your choice. Either way, you won't just get your ass kicked by any wrestler, you'll be getting your ass kicked by a wrestler that also happens to be a movie star. You don't like it? Too bad ..."


Walking off, the scene fades.


OOC: It's been a few weeks since I've roleplayed and even longer being apart of a real wrestling fed again. Goodluck to Tyler Breeze and Jack Evans.
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Ben M
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:12 pm
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Post by Ben M »

Welcome! This is a really good first RP

Disappointed Batista wasn't wearing blue though ;)


Post by Batista »

There's always the oft. chance bluetista makes an appearance, stay tuned!