Who Needs It?

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
Brian W.
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Who Needs It?

Post by Brian W. »

.:: The opening fireworks went off and the crowd was up on their feet as they were excited to see the talent the EBWF had to offer. It was a weekly house but you wouldn't know it by the crowd. The crowd was going wild like it was a Pay per View. After the opening fireworks were done the crowd stayed on their feet cheering until Damien Sandow's music was heard through the arena. At that time most of the crowd started booing, but there were also mixed cheers heard. Sandow walked out from behind the curtain in a pair of black wrestling tights and a black B & B shirt. He carried the Breakout Title over his left shoulder and wore a serious look on his face. Behind him was Daniel Rodimer who was wearing a pair of blue jeans and the same B & B shirt. The two of them walked to the ring slowly taking their time. They entered the ring and as Rodimer posed in a turnbuckle, Sandow got a microphone from a worker at ringside. Sandow walked to the middle of the ring and Rodimer made his way behind and to the right of Sandow. As Sandow raised the microphone up to his mouth the talk the booing crowd got louder so Sandow paused. ::.

Damien Sandow: You ignoramuses need to show some respect to your Breakout champion! [The crowd continued to boo.] Oh who am I kidding? This belt doesn't carry any respect with it. Not once has anyone in the EBWF been booked on late night television shows to show off their Breakout Title. Not once has a single wrestler that has been out on the town told a good looking lady that he was the current Breakout champion in EBWF, and that lady gone back to his room with him. This title means absolutely nothing. In fact, to prove what this title means to me and my career I am going to do this...

.:: Sandow took the title off of his shoulder and handed it over to Rodimer who was standing next to him now. He told Rodimer to put it on his shoulder and wear it as his own. While Rodimer wore the belt on his shoulder, Sandow took a step back and look at the image he had just created. After a couple of seconds he shook his head in disgust and took the title away from Rodimer. He began to speak again as he held the belt in his right hand. ::.

Damien Sandow: Daniel, I know it may have felt great to have a championship on your shoulder, but you don't need to degrade yourself either. You are too good for this title with where you are in your career. No, no this title doesn't deserve to be on your shoulder either. There is really only one place this title belongs.
.:: Sandow raised the Breakout Title in the air and then dropped it on the ground. The crowd booed loudly as Sandow stood in the ring with a smile on his face. ::.

Damien Sandow: Forget the Breakout Championship. This isn’t about the Breakout Championship. [Sandow paused.] Actually it is about the Breakout Championship, but it is about more than that. Instead of defending this title at King of the Ring I should be still in the tournament. I am going to take the anger I feel about that out on my opponent. Who is my opponent at KOTR? None other than Mick Foley! You know, the same Foley that has done nothing since he has been here in EBWF. The same Mick that I think has not won a single match since he has been here. So why? Why is he given a championship match at a Pay per View? That just shows you how much this championship means nothing to this company. It also shows that they have no faith in Foley. There is not one person in this arena tonight and there will not be a person in that arena on Sunday that thinks Mick Foley is going to beat me. Guess what? Although all of you are the most ignorant people I know, you are all correct about that. Foley stands no chance against the likes of me, Damien Sandow.

.:: Sandow put the microphone to his side and walked around in a couple of circles. As he did this he stepped on the Breakout Title each time. The crowd booed loudly as they did not like someone disrespecting a championship. ::.

Damien Sandow: On a side note let me tell you all a little something. Next week we will be celebrating a holiday by shooting fireworks in the sky. We will be blowing things up and we will be lighting things on fire. Sunday I will be giving you all a preview of what you might see come the Fourth of July. I am going to blow Mick Foley’s dreams of becoming a champion here to smithereens. At King of the Ring I am going to ignite a flame and explode my brilliance all over Foley and his craziness. Let me look in to this camera when I say this so I am saying it directly to Foley. [Camera zoomed in on Sandow’s face.] Mick, on Sunday bring all you got. Bring your dreams and bring your aspirations. Bring your will to never give up. Throw all of those things you bring with you in to a brown sack. And like a fresh bag of crap, I will set it on fire and all of your dreams will go up in flames! For that, and for the crap in a brown paper bag reference, YOU’RE WELCOME!

.:: The crowd booed as Sandow dropped his microphone and him and Rodimer left the ring. When Sandow was half way up the ramp he turned around and stopped as if he was thinking he had forgotten something. He got a look on his face as if he realized what was going on and he walked back down to the ring. He entered the ring and picked up the Breakout Title that was still on the mat. He held the title in his right hand and drug it all the way up the ramp with him. Once or twice while up the ramp he dropped the title and picked it back up. He and Rodimer walked behind the curtain as the camera faded. ::.
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Ben M
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Re: Who Needs It?

Post by Ben M »

Brian W. wrote:The same Mick that I think has not won a single match since he has been here. So why? Why is he given a championship match at a Pay per View?
Foley won a number one contender match at Death Before Dishonor. And they say Sandow is intelligent ;)
Brian W.
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Re: Who Needs It?

Post by Brian W. »

Thanks for the input. It's appreciated? :shit