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Ben M
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:12 pm
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Post by Ben M »

OOC: Good luck Kyle!

Progress had been slow, but Wade Barrett felt like he was finally making his mark in the EBWF. Although he had been the first superstar to be eliminated from the PTG Triple Threat match at SummerSlam, Barrett had made his mark be attacking both Ted DiBiase and CM Punk after he'd been eliminated. That had been followed up by a guest commentary spot - and a confrontation with Ryback - on last week's Warfare - and though it had been three months since Barrett and Ryback had first crossed paths, their storyline was gaining momentum, which in turn meant Barrett was gaining momentum. Although Wade was not yet one hundred percent sure where his storyline with Ryback was going, nine months after returning to EBWF, he had at last become a prominent part of EBWF programming.

With Barrett set to face former PTG Champion Ted DiBiase on this week's Warfare, he had been asked to take part in an interview, to be aired on the Warfare pre-show. The interview was set to be recorded two hours before Warfare was due to air, which suited Barrett just fine; it meant he had more time to prepare for his match. Around ten minutes before he was due to be interviewed, Barrett exited the men's locker room and headed to the interview area, where he found Renee Young and a cameraman waiting. Renee looked surprised to see Barrett; perhaps she was used to people arriving late. Wade could hear the surprise in Renee's voice as she spoke to him.

Renee Young: Hey... you're early.

Wade Barrett: You forget I'm English, Renee... punctuality is important to me.

Renee smiled, and Barrett smiled back at her. His smile was quickly replaced by a stern expression as the camera started rolling.

Renee Young: Thanks for joining us on the EBWF Warfare Pre-Show! I'm joined at this time by Bad News Barrett, who later on tonight will take on Ted DiBiase, in something of a rematch from the PTG Title triple threat match at SummerSlam. Wade, at SummerSlam, Ted DiBiase eliminated you from the PTG Title match, thus preventing you from having a chance to walk away with the gold. Do you see your match with DiBiase tonight as a chance for revenge?

Wade Barrett: Renee, if you're going to talk about the past, at least tell the full story. You're overlooking two important aspects of what happened at SummerSlam. Firstly, the only reason DiBiase managed to eliminate me from that match is because that imbecilic meathead Ryback distracted me. Secondly, I already exacted my revenge on Ted Jr. when I smashed him in the face with the PTG Title... and hit him with the Bad News Bullhammer, just for good measure.

Barrett smiled smugly as he reminisced about attacking DiBiase and CM Punk at SummerSlam.

Renee Young: Okay. Keeping on the subject of revenge, last week you had another run-in with Ryback. In what seemed like an attempt to screw Ryback in his match against Tyler Breeze, you inadvertently took out Tyler Breeze, thus helping Ryback ensure victory. Are you worried that Ryback, or even Tyler Breeze, will come after you tonight?

Wade Barrett: I don't worry about anything, Renee; it just isn't in my nature. As for what happened last week, I think it's unfair of you to say that I tried to screw Ryback. My only intention when I came to the ring last week was to keep a close eye on Ryback. I was hoping my presence might distract him, like his presence distracted me at SummerSlam. The only reason I entered the ring last week was to make sure that the referee, John Cone, was okay. I only got physical when Ryback got in my face, and as you've already pointed out, I ended up hitting Tyler Breeze instead. So in spite of all the bad blood between Ryback and me, really Ryback should be thanking me. Because if it wasn't for me, Ryback would have lost last week. Whether I meant to help Ryback or not, that Neanderthal owes me one. And if he wants to clear that debt, all he has to do is stay away from the ring tonight. If he leaves me to beat Ted DiBiase without him getting involved - and that includes making his presence known - then I'll be happy to let bygones be bygones. We can forget all the bad blood of the last few months, and go our separate ways.

Renee Young: What about Tyler Breeze though? Don't you think he might want revenge? If you honestly believe that Ryback would have lost last week, then you're all but admitting you cost Tyler that match...

Wade Barrett: You're absolutely right. But if Tyler is thinking about revenge, he's either very brave or very stupid. Because, Tyler, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. Whatever thoughts are entering your mind, don't act on them. I didn't mean to cost you your match last week, but if you have any intention of interfering in my match, then I'll have every intention of beating that "gorgeous" face of yours to a pulp. That's a promise.

Renee Young: And what about Ted DiBiase? The last time he was in the ring with you was when you hit him with the Bad News Bullhammer at SummerSlam? You don't see this match as a chance for revenge, but he might.

Wade Barrett: All this talk of revenge, Renee... you're beginning to sound a little obsessed. I'm sure Ted will want to avenge what happened at SummerSlam, but he's forgetting that I'm bigger, stronger and tougher than he is. He got one over on me at SummerSlam, but nothing will distract me tonight, so if he wants to get one over on me again, I'll make sure he's disappointed.

Renee Young: Don't you think you're being a little disrespectful about Ted DiBiase? He's arguably one of the EBWF's most established superstars, and until recently he was the longest reigning champion in EBWF history.

Wade Barrett: I don't think I'm disrespecting DiBiase at all, Renee, and you've just proved why. If you ask anyone who follows the EBWF what DiBiase's biggest accomplishment has been, they'll tell you what you just told me - that he was one of the longest reigning champions in EBWF history. They won't mention the fact that he was World Champion, because no one remembers that. They won't mention a great match he had, they won't mention an iconic moment, they won't mention a time when he was the EBWF's top dog, because none of those things have happened. Ted DiBiase is the epitome of the phrase "deadwood", because that's all he is as far as the EBWF records are concerned. He's been around long enough to be part of the furniture, but the two things he's done to stand out from the crowd are to hold the World Title for one of the shortest and most forgettable reigns in EBWF history, and a record-breaking EBWF title-run that has since been surpassed by Superman himself, John Cena. That's it - and that brief World Title run of his was four and a half years ago, Renee. Ted, you are a mark of stagnation on this company, and it doesn't matter how many times you reform the Trilogy, you are not going to be EBWF's number one again. Not when there are people like me around. Because while people like you are standing still, men like me are moving forward, and I'll prove that tonight when I beat you.

Renee Young: Okay, Wade, thank you for your time, and good luck in your match tonight.

After the camera had been turned off, Barrett thanked Renee, then made his way back to the locker room area.