Destiny Results 9/28/2014

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Destiny Results 9/28/2014

Post by Ashlee »


After a promotional video previewing the event and the usual impressive pyrotechnic display, the Target Center cheered as Destiny officially got underway. The camera panned around the crowd, then cut to JR and The King at ringside.

Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Destiny, live from the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota!

Jerry Lawler: What a night we've got tonight JR! And what a way to start things off, with a Six Pack Challenge for the EBWF Breakout Title!

Jim Ross: Damien Sandow has had a tremendous run as the EBWF Breakout Champion, and tonight he faces arguably his biggest challenge yet!

Kane came to the ring first, followed by Bray Wyatt, Tyler Breeze, Bo Dallas, Austin Aries and finally, Damien Sandow. The first four men had all taken a place on the apron after heading to the ring, so as the last two men to enter the match, Sandow and Aries kicked things off. As the referee called for the bell, Sandow and Aries locked up and Sandow applied a headlock. Aries broke free and pushed Sandow into the ropes, then took him down with a Japanese arm drag. Sandow got back to his feet and Aries hit a shin breaker, followed by a leg-hook Saito suplex. Aries hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Aries with a near fall!

Both men got to their feet, and Aries went for a forward Russian legsweep, but Sandow blocked it and countered with a DDT. Sandow then tagged in Wyatt, who grinned sadistically as he entered the ring. Wyatt ran at Aries, taking him down with a clothesline, then as Aries got to his feet, Wyatt hit him with a uranage. Aries got to his feet once more, and Kane slapped him on the back, tagging himself in. Wyatt looked excited at the prospect of taking on Kane, and beckoned the Big Red Machine towards him. Kane obliged and the two men exchanged right hands back and forth furiously.

Jim Ross: Business is about to pick up here, King!

Kane appeared to have the upper hand and he went for a big boot, but Wyatt ducked out of the way and lifted him up for a back drop. Wyatt then ran against the ropes, hitting a running Senton. Wyatt made the cover and the referee counted - 1... as the referee counted 2, Sandow entered the ring and broke up the count! As the referee told Sandow off for entering the ring, Wyatt pushed past the referee and began pummelling Sandow! With the referee struggling to keep control of the match, Dallas, Aries and Breeze entered the ring. The three men seemed to have a mutual understanding, and they all went after Wyatt simultaneously! Kane then got to his feet, and a six way brawl broke out!

Jerry Lawler: So much for only having two men in the ring, JR!

As Wyatt fought Aries and Kane tried to fend off Dallas and Breeze, Sandow rolled out of the ring and crouched down at ringside. Back in the ring, Wyatt threw Aries out of the ring while Kane whipped both Dallas and Breeze into the ropes, hitting them with a double clothesline. Kane and Wyatt then stared each other down, and moved towards each other. Kane grabbed Wyatt by the throat, ready for a Chokeslam, but Wyatt slapped Kane's hand away and grabbed Kane by the throat, before setting him up for - and hitting him with - Sister Abigail! Wyatt hooked the leg - 1... 2... Sandow pulled Wyatt out of the ring, and hit him with the Terminus! Sandow entered the ring and hit the Elbow of Disdain, then covered Kane. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: Sandow has retained the Breakout Title once again! What a match!

Perhaps fearing retribution from the other participants in the match, as the referee called for the bell Sandow quickly grabbed his title and exited through the crowd.


The Crowd attending the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota was loving every minute of Destiny. The camera cut to the the announcers’ table, where JR and the King were calling the event.

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, Destiny rolls on and what a night we have ahead of us, King!

Jerry Lawler: You’re right King! Later tonight we will see John Cena and CM Punk clash for the EBWF World Title in what promises to be the match of the evening!


The capacity crowd erupted in boos as Jay-Z’s “99 problems” blasted over the PA system and one half of the Thrillseekers walked out from behind the curtain. Lance Storm, wearing a Storm Wrestling Academy shirt and his one pair of ‘leaving the house’ jeans, paused on the ramp for a moment, taking in the atmosphere without a single change of facial expression. Trent walked behind him, smirking confidently as if enjoying every single insult and boo the crowd dished out. Trent wore a black zipped up hoodie and jeans, a baseball cap tilted backwards and white Chuck Taylor shoes.

Jim Ross: These two damned dogs have been at the interim CEO’s throats for weeks now! Apparently the time for the EBWF Universe to get an explanation has arrived.

The EBWFtron showed footage of Lance’s return at Summerslam to Superkick Jericho, followed by footage of two weeks ago during the Highlight Reel, where Lance put Jericho’s head through the Jeritron 6000. The camera cut to the ring, where both men were standing, Trent mockingly pointed at the tron, displaying Jericho’s busted open forehead as he laid on his back after the attack. Lance on the other hand stared blankly until he put the microphone towards his lips. He then looked to the crowd. The crowd were chanting “you sold out!”, Trent folded his arms and chuckled at the crowds, mouthing out “Can you believe that?” to Lance Storm. Lance paid him no attention.

Lance Storm: Well that’s hurtful. And, if I can be serious for a moment, you’re all showing your idiocy. Lance Storm has never sold out in his life. Since day one I have stood by every moral I set for myself. Since day one I have looked out for only myself and those few who I hold dear. It takes a lot for me to let someone in, you know?

Jerry Lawler: Sheesh, cry me a river! Do you believe a word he’s saying?

Lance Storm: Now let me tell you a little story, degenerates of Minneapolis - waste tissue left from the building of Brock Lesnar. There was one man whom I let in further than everyone - even my wife, my children and my parents. He filled the hole in my life, left by my good for nothing drug-addict brother, that I wanted filling above all others. That man’s name was Christopher Irvine, better known to you as your Interim CEO, Chris Jericho. Now you can all say what you want, chant what you want, throw whatever hurtful accusations you want my way - I loved that man and I will love him until the day I die. But that man is no more. What he is known to you as - the CEO - is what has driven me to come back to this god-forsaken company. Those strict moral codes I live by have led to me feeling a need to right all the wrongs that impact me in any way. I could have just stayed at home, training the next generation of stars that you idiots cheer - but I couldn’t just sit back and watch my best friend - my brother - become the real sell-out.

The crowd’s “you sold out” chants only got louder and booing filled the arena.

Lance Storm: So I have taken it upon myself to introduce Mr. Corporate to someone who exemplifies the man Chris Jericho once was. Someone who I could be proud to call a friend. A real man - someone who would never bow down to the Ikeda dynasty and do their dirty work. Someone who is hungry for revolution and thirsty for change. A man who, under my tutelage, will beat the suit-wearing suck-up bullshit out of Chris Jericho and make sure he never makes another business meeting in his life without wheelchair assistance. The man I speak of, is the man standing to my left. TRENT.

Trent nodded and slowly ran the zipper of his hoodie down, he tossed the jacket outside the ring and showed the world he was wearing a “Storm Wrestling Academy” T-shirt of his own. Trent pointed with both hands at his T-shirt, the crowd booed in reply. Trent got a hold of Lance’s microphone and brought it closer to his lips.

Trent: Now, I’m sure as hell you haven’t missed me... Zack Ryder’s Lackey, the man AJ Lee stood up at the altar... The puny kid who didn’t become King of the Ring because he got beaten to a pulp backstage by Bully Ray, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase before his match... Yep, I’ve come a long way. I’ve poured my heart and soul between these ropes and what have I gotten in return? NOTHING. “You were World Champion”, Yeah... So was Ted DiBiase for like, one week. My point being... While you were cheering for John Cena or whatever loser you fancy these days, you forgot about good ol’ Trenton... Not a single fan, Not even my good friends Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, NOBODY. It was then when Lance Storm reached out to me and reminded me I could OWN this dump, I could DECIMATE every single wrestler who stood in my way... And the best part is that I didn’t have to be a suck up to Wes Ikeda to do so! All I had to do was think of a name, a name bigger than any other name I could think of and stand up to him... Threaten to destroy his legacy... Of course, the natural choice was the man who runs this place.

Trent walked right in front of a camera and pointed.

Trent: Chris Jericho, I am out to hunt your ass down! I will not rest until your blood is spattered all over my hands, all over my face. I will show the world you can be EBWF champion without having to babysit for Wes Ikeda while he’s out living the high life and getting into some diva’s panties.

Lance Storm: So what we’re saying Chris is wherever you are - we’re gonna be. Sitting in on some lame ass meeting? We’ll be there. Doing some soul-destroying publicity for this multimedia conglomerate? We’ll be there. Wes Ikeda’s 7th wedding to Hillbilly Jim’s daughter? We’ll be there. Make a wish? You get the pictu-


Jerry Lawler: Here we go!

The fans got to their feet as Jericho’s music hit, roaring in approval. Lance and Trent turned their attention towards the ramp, Trent grabbed a hold of the ropes and clearly mouthed out “BRING IT ON!”, while Lance remained unamused. The crowd went wild as Jericho jumped from behind the barrier, sneaking behind Lance and Trent. “Y2J” chants broke out as Jericho seized up his rivals, as if deciding who was going down first. Trent was the first to turn out only to be met with Chris Jericho’s knee on his face!


As Trent hit the mat, Jericho rolled out of the ring and walked towards the bottom of the ramp, where he stood and pointed at Lance. Jericho then pointed to a watch that wasn’t there, as if to tell Lance that his time would come. Lance’s facial expression remained like that of a sphinx, eyes fixed on Jericho.

Jerry Lawler: Looks like Jericho got back at Trent, JR!

Jim Ross: I doubt it that’s the end of it, King. It looks like this is far from over.


Jim Ross: Up next, we have the first of two divas matches - a fatal four way to determine the new number one contender for the Women's Title!

Alexa Bliss came to the ring first, followed by Paige, Torrie Wilson and finally, Angelina Love. The four divas stood in separate corners of the ring and as the referee called for the bell, they stared between one another, perhaps wondering who was going to make the first move. It was Angelina who moved first, running at Torrie and hitting her with a clothesline. Alexa and Paige then charged at each other, exchanging punches back and forth. Paige gained the upper hand and she threw Alexa out of the ring, then followed her to the outside as the two divas brawled at ringside. Back in the ring, Angelina whipped Torrie against the ropes and hit her with a running shoulder block, which she followed up with a shoulder jawbreaker.

Jerry Lawler: These divas are wasting no time tonight, JR!

Torrie got to her feet and Angelina hit a snapmare, followed by a dropkick to the back of the head. Angelina made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! At this point, Paige re-entered the ring, having taken care of Alexa. Angelina ran at Paige, attempting a clothesline, but Paige ducked out of the way and turned to face Angelina, hitting her with a clothesline of her own. Paige stomped on Angelina several times, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the corner. Paige ran at Angelina and speared her against the turnbuckle, then as Angelina staggered out of the corner, Paige hit a fisherman suplex. Paige hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Alexa broke up the count! Paige got to her feet and tried to body slam Alexa, but Alexa countered with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. Alexa then turned her attention to Torrie, who was back on her feet. The two divas exchanged punches before Torrie hit Alexa with a DDT. At this point, both Paige and Angelina got to their feet, and stared across the ring at Torrie. Torrie challenged them both to come at her, and Paige went first, charging at Torrie. Torrie was ready for her and she took Paige down with a drop toe hold. Angelina then ran at Torrie, attempting the Botox Injection, but Torrie ducked out of the way and hit the Nose Job! Torrie made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Torrie wins!

Jerry Lawler: Watch out Michelle McCool!

Torrie celebrated, then made her way to the back as the other three divas watched on disappointed.


“World’s Apart” brought Sami Zayn to the ring, and our triple threat match was set to start.

Jim Ross: The winner of this match will be the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship.

“Heroes” brought the arrival of Ted DiBiase.

Jerry Lawler: Things have not been going this man’s way in the last few weeks. If he wins this match he might have a built-in match at Fanniversary.

“Hail Sabin!” Chris Sabin was last to enter the ring.

Jim Ross: Chris Sabin is the final competitor for this match. Which one of these men will go on to the October classic?

The three competitors were in the ring as the bell rang. Sabin went after Zayn first but DiBiase helped take Sabin down. Zayn got kicked in the face. Sabin got a quick roll up and two count on DiBiase. Sabin connected a high flying spot on Zayn. Sabin tossed Zayn to the outside. Sabin then threw DiBiase out. Sabin cleaned house as he dove to the outside with a spectacular spot. Sabin pumped up the crowd as they chanted “Let’s Go Sabin."

Sabin got DiBiase back in the ring, he jumped on the apron to go after him but Zayn stopped him. Zayn and DiBiase double teamed Sabin with a double team supplex. DiBiase held Sabin up while Zayn connected several right hands. Zayn changed positions and held Sabin back while DiBiase attacked him. DiBiase attempted a high risk spot as Zayn attacked him to the outside. Zayn went on the offensive and hit a suplex on Sabin. Zayn applied a submission hold, DiBiase was on the outside.

DiBiase got on the apron and was greeted by Zayn's attack. DiBiase countered and was able to get Zayn to the outside. Sabin used this to his advantage as he countered. DiBiase was able to get a couple of two counts. He locked a submission hold on Sabin. DiBiase had a Japanese Sleeper on Sabin on the mat but Sabin was able to get back to his feet. DiBiase got Sabin to the apron and Zayn pulled him off to the outside. After pulling Sabin out of the ring, Zayn hit a snap suplex, and Sabin cried out in pain as his back hit the bottom of the ramp. Zayn then re-entered the ring, where he began exchanging right hands with DiBiase. DiBiase was able to overpower Zayn, and after hitting him with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped Zayn into the ropes. As Zayn ran back towards him, DiBiase flipped him over with a hip toss, then hit a fist drop. As Zayn got to his feet, DiBiase went for Dream Street, but Zayn blocked it and countered with a jawbreaker. DiBiase staggered backwards and Zayn grabbed him, whipping him into the corner. The crowd cheered in anticipation as Zayn ran towards DiBiase, then to the delight of the Minnesota crowd, Zayn hit DiBiase with the Helluva Kick!

Jerry Lawler: Huge kick to the face of Ted DiBiase! This could be it, JR!

As DiBiase hit the mat, Zayn hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3! Sabin tried to re-enter the ring to break up the count, but he was too late and the referee called for the bell!

Jim Ross: Another great victory for the extremely talented Sami Zayn! He's earned himself another shot at the Intercontinental Championship!


After a gruellingly competitive back and forth, exciting match between Sami Zayn, Ted DiBiase and Chris Sabin we finally had our winner and the number one contender to Syxx’s Intercontinental Championship. As the fans cheered on at the end of the match, Sami Zayn was still inside the ring catching his breath as the fans chanted ‘Ole’ which resulted in him smiling and laughing back at them. He then proceeded towards the top rope near the commentary table and scanned the fans in attendance whilst smiling and applauded them for their support in the match. As the winner’s music still blasted the PA system the titantron started to glitch and the audio started to stutter and the fans picked up on this whilst Sami didn’t.

The fans then heard a huge thud which resulted in the entire arena’s lights turning off as fans started to cheer, wondering what was going on. Cameras flashed across the arena with excitement building up; after moments of darkness the PA system distorts some sound again before we hear the piano introduction of Space Dementia by Muse for a short while, as the song was about to start it suddenly came to a halt and we hear some noises on the canvas inside of the ring. Fans started to wonder what was going on and within seconds their questions are answered, the lights suddenly turned on and we see a tall figure standing inside the ring, over Sami Zayn’s lifeless body. The man was wearing a maroon suit with a black shirt underneath and has long, messy hair. In his left hand he has a metal-handle walking stick and in the left he was carrying a small tablet. He was looking down at Sami Zayn as fans booed him; he then slowly looked up towards the camera for a second with a sinister grin on his face. Gasps are heard throughout the arena as the independent fans instantly realise who is now in the EBWF; who has been messing with Sami Zayn for weeks now, Solomon Crowe.

He looked back down and looked at Sami, up and down looking proud of his work, he then kneeled down and put his hand on Sami’s left cheek and laughs. He picked up a microphone which was in his pocket and the fans heard his evil laugh as they booed at Crowe for attacking the fan-favourite Sami Zayn. Eventually he stopped laughing and only said a few words to Sami, who was wincing in pain and tried to get up.

Solomon Crowe: Shh Sami, it’s okay... don’t strain yourself. It’s better... to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak... and remove all doubt.

Solomon Crowe laughed again off the microphone as he dropped it next to Sami and stood up again, looking into his tablet and pressing on the screen a few times, before looking back into the camera and the lights shutting off again; leaving Sami Zayn all alone in the ring.


When Destiny returned from a promo, the "Cutting Edge" set was now in the ring, and Edge inhabited the middle of the squared circle. He wore sunglasses over his eyes a Tag Team Championship bet over his shoulder, and a big wide smile. The crowd's cheers died down, when Edge brought the microphone to his lips.

Edge: Ladies and gentlemen last week on Warfare was controversial to say the least. Now normally, I don't even blink in the face of controversy as it's practically my middle name.

The crowd cheered as Edge smiled, brushed his hair back with his off hand and continued.

Edge: But last week JUST as I was about to pick up another win to add to my already illustrious career, over The Miz. Ted DiBiase tried to intervene which caused the match to be thrown out. What was more shocking was what came next. Miz attacked DiBiase for a reason unknown to me and I'm sure to all of you. So tonight, I want.. no I need answers. SO without further ado let's bring out the man who can give us those answers. Ladies and gentlemen.. The Miz.

The crowd erupted in boo's as "AWEEEEEEEEEESOMEEEEE" followed by "I Came to Play" by Downstait was heard over the loud speaker. The Miz emerged from the back with a confident smirk and swagger filled strut, that everyone in the EBWF was quite used to. He was dressed in a gray suit and his hair was slicked all around. He made his way through his normal full entrance before finally getting in the ring with Edge. The two maintained eye contact for 3-4 seconds, before Miz broke the stare and requested a microphone from the time keeper. A request that was quickly granted. Edge stood his ground, adjusting the title higher on his shoulder, and then speaking.

Edge: Miz.. welcome to the Cutting Edge.

Miz smirked, and spoke in a tone laced with sarcasm.

The Miz: Truly an honor to be here. I mean as far as talk shows goes this has got to be top 50 that I've been a guest on.. so really just completely humbled you asked me to be a guest.

Edge smiled as the crowd booed.

Edge: I mean granted this is NO Real World/Road Rules aftershow.. but I like what we're doing with it.

The crowd laughed and cheered.

Jim Ross: Well Edge of course poking fun at Miz' reality TV background.

Miz squinted and clapped mockingly.

The Miz: Bravo.. Edge. Like I haven't heard that one before. Are you going to ask me any questions or is this going to just be a you trying to use me to make people care about you for 10 more minutes kind of thing.

Edge smiled.

Edge: Of course. So Miz, the big question on everyone's mind.. well not everyone.. really not anyone.. but I'll ask it anyway.. why did you do what you did last week to Ted DiBiase. Is Trilogy finally what it basically was from day 1.. and that is officially dead? Or were you just mad you couldn't beat me.. so you decided to pick one someone even worse than you in Ted DiBiase?

The crowd cheered more as Miz again shook his head as if to say "OK OK"

The Miz: Couldn't beat you? Really? That's what you think? That I.. can't beat you? REEALLY?!

Edge: Just answer the question.

The Miz: I will answer it.. NO.. I didn't attack Ted.. because I couldn't beat you.. because I think we both know that I can beat you.. and I have beat you. I attacked Ted beca...

Before Miz could even get his sentence out. Ted DiBiase's music hit as he emerged from the back to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He walked to the ring much faster than usual and slid inside, getting a mic from the time keeper. He spoke first before Miz could even get a word in.

Ted DiBiase: Yeah Miz, why did you attack me huh? Because I was exposing you for something we all know to be true. That you can't win a damn match without mine or someone else's help. Tell him Miz, what made you do what you did?

The Miz laughed.

The Miz: Can't win a match? Ted I'm like 874 and 0 vs. you so I don't know what that says about you, if I can't win a match without your help. You might want to crack open a history book before y..

Ted interrupted him.

Ted DiBiase: Oh shut up will ya?!

The crowd cheered as Edge smiled and nodded.

Ted DiBiase: I'm so sick of your condescending crap! Feel free to NOT answer Edge's question because I don't even need an answer, nor do I want one. The fact is.. you've done me a favor. No longer am I going to be held back by you.. by styles or by anyone else. I don't want to hear you speak.. I came down here for another reason.. to kick your ass!

The crowd cheered loudly once again.

Edge: Does anyone else want to see that?

Edge raised his hand as the crowd cheered louder. Surprisingly Miz didn't have a come back. He took off his jacket, nodding and smirking as if he was ready to throw down. The two trash talked for a couple of months before Miz threw a left hand and the fight was on.

Jim Ross: Here we go! Two former friends going at it here on the Cutting Edge!

Jerry Lawler: Ahh!

After a couple lefts from Miz, Ted turned the tide by hitting a few rights of his own. Miz whiffed on a clothesline and Ted went for Dream Street but Miz reversed it and had him set up for an SCF. Ted wriggled away and dropped Miz with a clothesline. Ted looked at Edge who was nodding in approval. The crowd was going nuts..

Jim Ross: It looks like Ted is gaining the upper hand here, on his for.. WAIT A MINUTE!

The crowd's booed their brains out as Edge had just hit Ted DiBiase in the back of the head with his Tag Title Belt. He picked Miz up, and put the belt on the ground next to Ted. Miz groggily picked up Ted and planted him face first with an SCF right on the belt, busting Ted wide open.

Jim Ross: That damned Edge just hit DiBiase from behind and he seems to be on the same bah gawd page as that snake Miz. What the hell is going on!?

Jerry Lawler: WHAT!?

Miz picked up Ted's lifeless body and tossed him right into a vicious spear from Edge. The two were now standing over Ted's body and laughing. They made eye contact and then hugged in the middle of the ring. Edge raised Miz' hand. Edge picked up a microphone.

Edge: Hey! The title.. give it to me!

The time keeper brought over the second Tag Team Title belt that was sitting at ring side.

Edge: Ladies and Germs! I give to you.. the NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS of the EBWF... RATED...

Edge put the mic in front of Miz.


The crowd booed as Edge threw the title on Miz' shoulder and the two embraced once more.

Jim Ross: Well I can't believe this. With Randy Orton gone, Edge has totally pulled the wool over all of our eyes aligning himself with the Miz.. I just can't believe this is happening.

Jerry Lawler: Believe it JR!

"I Came to Play" hit once more and The Miz and Edge exited the ring and walked back up the ramp to one of the louder choruses of boo's in a very long time.


Warfare returned from commercial with Michelle McCool and Natalya already in the ring. The two divas circled the center of the ring at the bell. McCool got a rear arm lock. Natalya took McCool over and McCool locked on an arm wringer. Natalya Monkey Flipped out of the arm wringer and a two count. Natalya put on a side headlock and a takeover now.

The two broke and Natalya called for a test of strength but instead McCool kicked her to the gut. Side headlock takeover by McCool this time. Natalya applied the headscissors to reverse out. McCool got out then applied another side headlock. Natalya powered out and the two women break. McCool sucker punched Natalya. Natalya quickly shoved McCool into the corner and shoulder tackled her then head scissors her over. Natalya went for a pin and got two.

Natalya climbed the ropes but McCool charged and Natalya fell all the way to the outside floor. Back inside now McCool applied a modified surfboard submission with her legs. McCool now went to the ropes. Natalya tried to fight back but McCool leapt forward and sat across the sternum of Natalya.

McCool got a two count and applied a side headlock. Natalya reversed out with elbows and tried a back kick. Natalya fell to a split position. McCool went for a kick while Natalya was down. Natalya caught the leg and made McCool fall to a split position in front of Natalya. Now both women exchanged punches while in full splits in front of each other. Natalya hit a double foot to the face and a two count. Natalya went rope to rope and hit a flying clothesline, and another. Then she tossed McCool to the ground by the hair and flung her by the hair after that. Neckbreaker by Natalya and a two count.

Natalya went to the corner and tried a headscissor but McCool tossed her over the ropes to the apron. McCool landed on her feet and quickly jumped to the ropes and hit a missile dropkick. Two count for Natalya. McCool on the ropes now and charges out at Natalya with a Rake of the eyes. McCool hit the Faith Breaker and went for the pin! 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It’s over! It’s over! Mihelle McCool beats Natalya!


Michelle McCool’s music faded as the cameras came back to ringside, Natalie was still getting back up to a vertical base. She slowly put her hand down on the mat and got herself to a vertical base. The crowd applauded the well established EBWF Diva.

Jim Ross: It wasn’t a winning effort, but it was great to see Natalya back in the ring. Perhaps this is a sign that she is going to…

The applause came to an abrupt halt as a familiar music pounded out of the arena speakers, and the fans at Destiny got to their feet in surprise.

Jerry Lawler: Oh, no.

Jim Ross: It can’t be!

The unmistakable riffs of “Next Big Thing” blasted throughout the arena as the EBWF Tron fired up with the video for the Beast Incarnate.

Jim Ross: It’s Brock Lesnar!

Jerry Lawler: Someone get Nattie out of the ring!

Natalya was frozen in the middle of the ring as Paul Heyman appeared from behind the curtain. He was flanked by the former EBWF World Champion. Lesnar smirked and hopped around before taunting the crowd and causing pyro to explode behind him and his manager. Heyman, a smug look on his face, headed down to the ring with his champion, and the two men stepped into the squared circle, opposite Natalya. She backed up slightly, her eyes were fixed on the 285 pound Beast. Paul Heyman took a microphone and twirled it a few times before directing his attention to the Diva in the ring.

Jim Ross: No good can come from this, someone needs to stop them!

Paul Heyman: Natalya, Natalya, Natalya. Look at yourself. You have indeed, hit rock bottom.

Natalya narrowed her eyes at Lesnar’s manager, but remained on high alert.

Paul Heyman: If this were 2011, Michelle McCool wouldn’t be Women’s Champion. She wouldn’t be a blip on your radar. Three years ago, you were the monster of the Women’s Division. You beat everyone in your path. You were an unstoppable wrestling machine.

Heyman continued to slowly make her way closer to the Canadian grappler.

Paul Heyman: Daughter of Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, himself a man that flamed out before his time.

Jim Ross: Well, that was a low blow.

Paul Heyman: You were the Iron Maiden of the EBWF. The Anti-Diva. A woman who stood for the purity of our sport. The competition of professional wrestling. When the other women wanted to show off their bikini bodies, and make a spectacle of the Women’s Division, you aimed to bring it back to it’s core. A combat sport. Words cannot express the respect I have for that endeavor. You see, you and I are a lot alike.

Paul took another step closer to Natalya, who tensed up. Her fists were clenched.

Paul Heyman: I, too, seek to bring the industry of professional wrestling back to a time before pomp and circumstance, before the pageantry and the showmanship. And my client… BAAWWWROOOOCCCKKK… LESNAR… is going to help me do just that. Because when you put all the chips on the table, and you sort out all the cards, there is only ONE man in this company. One man in this business. One man on this PLANET, that can be considered the most dangerous man in wrestling of all time. He is the Beast Incarnate, and he is going to represent this company going forward.

Brock, staying a fair distance from Natalya, smirked as he glanced out at the crowd, oblivious to the boos the two of them were getting for being in the ring.

Paul Heyman: Which brings me to why I am here, Natalya. Everybody knows that Brock Lesnar is the future of this business. As… absent as your… man has been on the Administrative side of things, even he knows that Brock Lesnar is the future of this business. He knows that one day, this business will be morphed into pure combat sport that it was meant to be. Men who were born and bred to be killers. Until that day, Brock Lesnar is going to make an example out of every walking billboard like John Cena who prances out here with his armbands, and his towels, and panders to the wallets of every schmuck in the EBWF Universe. But for all of his intensity and his athletic prowess, Brock Lesnar can only affect change on half of the EBWF. The other half will require me to… outsource.

Heyman took yet another step towards Natalya as a sinister smirk grew on his lips.

Paul Heyman: What I need… is a Paul. Heyman. Gal.

A large portion of the crowd cheered at the prospect, while the other half of the fanbase voiced their displeasure.

Jim Ross: Is he… recruiting Natalya? Is he crazy?

Paul Heyman: You see, I want to channel the Natalya that defeated Lita at Wrestlemania to defend her hard fought Women’s Championship title. I want the Natalya that became the first ever Sky High Champion. I want the Natalya that ran completely roughshod over the Women’s Division, and became the most imposing champion that this company has seen in years. I’m tired of seeing literally the best technical wrestler on the roster be reduced to this …

Paul generally gestured in her direction with disgust.

Paul Heyman: Whatever this is. You’re better than this. It’s time you realized that. With my help, I will make sure you do.

The crowd was getting loud with anticipation as Heyman flipped the mic around, offering it to Natalya. She glanced at the microphone and reached out to take it.

Just as she was about to take the microphone, a drunken fan facing the hard camera hopped the barricade and awkwardly rolled into the ring. He got up to his feet and made a beeline for Natalya. Paul Heyman grabbed Natalya by the arm and jerked her behind him, blocking the drunken fan’s path. Before the camera could switch away from the unexpected event, It caught Brock Lesnar immediately springing into action, taking down the fan with a hard tackle to the mat. Within seconds, security had swarmed the ring and had pinned the man down as Brock Lesnar got back up to his feet. The segment concluded awkwardly as “Next Big Thing” started playing in the arena and the cameras switched back to Jim Ross, who talked up a segue to the next match.


“Cult of Personality” brought the challenger as Christy Hemme did formal ring announcements. Punk did his usual entrance before making his way to the ring. Cena’s familiar theme hit, and the crowd gave a bit of a mixed reaction as the champ proceeded to the ring. Hemme announced the champion. The referee presented the belt for contention, and the bell rang.

Punk caught Cena with a kick to the stomach before mounting him and punching away at Cena's face. Punk hit a suplex before hitting Cena with a big boot to the face. Punk backed away and hit Cena with a huge kick to the face, sending Cena falling to the outside. Punk followed and sent Cena head first into one of the ring posts.

Jim Ross: John Cena just bounced right off of that steel!

Cena made it back to his feet and into the ring. Punk took him down with repeated right hands. Punk kept letting the referee count, then attacking Cena as soon as he got to his feet. Cena stopped this by picking Punk up and slamming him to the mat. Cena picked Punk up and slammed him again before hitting him with three consecutive elbow drops. Punk made it up to his feet and he's peppered with rights and lefts from Cena. Punk responded with a kick to the back and a big low dropkick to Cena.

Punk hit a belly to back suplex. Punk hit another belly to back suplex, then a third. Cena made it back to his feet at 7, ducked a clothesline and delivered one of his own. The ref started the count for both men, and both made it up at four. Cena tried for the AA but Punk fought out and hit a back stabber.

Cena made it up at 5. Punk kicked at Cena, then hit a big suplex. Punk hit another suplex, then went for a third but it was blocked and reversed by Cena. Both men get counted by the ref and both made it up at four. Cena hit two shoulderblocks, then a belly to back suplex. He can't hit the ropes, but he still connected with the five knuckle shuffle anyway. Cena tried for the AA but Punk fought it off and hit a beautiful German suplex.

Cena made it to his feet at 4 and hit a quick gut wrench suplex. The ref started the count on Punk. Punk made it back to his feet at 4 and hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Punk didn’t wait for the ref to make the count, but instead picked Cena up and began hitting him with rights and lefts before trying to bury Cena under one of the ring posts. Punk backed up, and jumped down on the post on top of Cena's chest, driving it down.

Cena made it back up to his feet at 8 and hit an immediate AA. The ref began to count both men. Cena made it up at 6 and Punk was up at 8. Cena shouldered Punk, but Punk wriggled out of it. Punk charged up behind Cena and locked in a sleeper hold. Punk wrapped his legs around Cena's body to lock in the hold.
Cena tried to fight to his feet but Punk wouldn’t let go. The ref grabbed Cena's hand and picked it up for one. The ref stopped counting, but Punk released the hold and the referee began his count.

Cena got back to his feet at 8 and Punk went to throw Cena from the ring, but Cena launched Punk out instead. Punk flew back first into the barricade. Punk made it up to his feet at 6. Cena came to the outside and slammed Punk into the barricade head first. Cena tried to send Punk into the ring steps, but Punk reversed and Cena flew into the steps shoulder first.

Cena was caught off guard by Punk, who kicked him in the back repeatedly. Punk charged Cena and ended up eating a drop toe hold into the ring post.
Cena picked up the ring steps and threw them at Punk's head hard, but Punk avoided it and took Cena down with a flurry of rights. Punk slammed Cena head first into the ring steps before backing away and charging in with a big clubbing blow. Punk picked up the other stairs and used them to blast Cena in the head.

Cena made it up to his feet at 8 and Punk was there with a big right. Cena responded with rights of his own, fighting him up the entrance ramp. They fought back to the backstage area where Cena tossed Punk on a table full of snacks. Cena tried to push a huge equipment case on Punk, but Punk moved and avoided being crushed. Punk threw Cena on top of the equipment case and body slammed Cena down hard. The ref began the count, but Cena made it up at 7. Cena stumbled over into the interview area. Punk took a piece of the set and threw it down on top of Cena. There were three other set pieces that are exactly the same, and Punk tossed all four on top of Cena in an attempt to hold Cena down.

The referee began the count, and unbelievably, Cena climbed out from under the rubble and made his way up to his feet. Punk and Cena fought back out into the arena and Cena was on wobbly legs. Cena blocked a punch from Punk and came back with a series of his own. Punk sent Cena through a big Desting logo that was part of the entrance ramp. Punk grabbed a table and began setting it up.

Punk placed Cena on the table and began climbing some of the set. Cena got up and pulled Punk off of the set, sending him crashing through the table. Punk struggled but he was able to get to his feet at 8. Cena laid in to Punk with punches and Punk tried to fight back. They began to fight through the crowd and then eventually back to the ring. Punk was able to send Cena flying over the announcer's table.

Punk began disassembling the Spanish announce table. He went to slam Cena in to the table head first, but Cena beat him around the ring and slammed him into a barricade. Punk shoved Cena into the ring post and tried for an enzugiri but Cena moved and Punk connected with the ring post. Cena went for the ring steps, setting them up next to the Spanish announce table. Cena shouldered Punk and began climbing the steps. Cena stood at the top of the steps, and sent Punk crashing through the announce table with a huge AA.


Jim Ross: Good god, almighty!

Cena had to brace himself against the ring steps.


Jerry Lawler: Punk has to get up! He has to get up here!

The referee continued his count.


Jim Ross: There it is! John Cena is the last man standing.

Christy Hemme: Your winner, and STILL EBWF World Champion, JOHN CENA!

Cena was handed the World Championship by the referee. He held it up as the crowd gave another mixed reaction.

Jim Ross: Cena is certainly beat up here, but he leaves victorious.

Cena backed up the ramp, holding his side, that title on display at his side as Destiny went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote