So you think you're an Asshole?

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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm

So you think you're an Asshole?

Post by D.J »

OOC: Hey guys, something quick for ya. Hope you like it. Good luck Juan Morales from the Big Green #90smoviesreference #FTW

The scene opened up at a house show in South Dakota. There were two new members of EBWF squaring up in the ring. The crowd was cheering, "ooohing" and "ahhing" at the strong moves but didn't seem to be all that electric. All of a sudden out of nowhere, right in the middle of the match, familiar words were heard.

"So you think you're untouchable?"

Followed by "Basic Thuganomics" being played over the PA System. The crowd exploded in boo's as John Cena slowly made his way down the ramp. He wore his chain gang necklace along with a Dan Marino throwback Dolphins Jersey with matching hat on backwards. He also wore aqua and orange Forces with Jean Shorts. He slid into the ring and gave the FU to both superstars. The referee called for the bell and the match was thrown out. The referee looked furious with Cena and Cena started towards him like he was going to attack him. This caused the referee to scamper out of the ring extremely quickly. Cena requested a microphone, and ripped it out of the time keepers hand when it was retrieved for him. He held the microphone to his lips and the crowd booed loudly. He had an icy cold look in his eye, and it was clear just by his facial expression that he was not in a good mood.

John Cena: Shutcho' damn mouths, my god.

John mocked the crowd.

John Cena: "Boooo" "Booo" "I hate John Cena, he's stupid, he's not a nice guy anymore, boooo, the EBWF told me to hate him so I'm going to.. BOOOOO" Do you realize how pathetic ya'll are? I mean for real, ya'll just don't have an original thought in yo' heads. Ya'll can't stand me anymore, but why is that? Why all of a sudden are you guys hatin on the kid somethin' so fierce. Is it because I lost the salute? Is it because I don't pander to you like I always have? I mean surrrrrriously what is it? Because ya boy is just dying to know!

The crowd continued to give Cena a large amount of Heat.

John Cena: Fine ya'll can have yo' secrets, do yo' thing, but I got some bad news fo' each and everyone one of ya'll who is rashin' me right now. This Monday Night at Warfare will be the first minor obstacle to my becoming the Kizzzzzing of the Rizzzzing. Standin' in my way, well sort of anyway, is a guy named Mr. Anderson... Mr. Anderson.. be real my dude, there aint no body that's man enough to beat me, but at LEAST make it intriguing! At least make it something that's worth watching. This aint even goin to be a challenge man. So he's the Intercontinental Champion, what is that posed' to impress me? What would impress me if this man kept my attention for any longer than 5 seconds. Homeboy is just a loud mouth, who wants to walk round here like he's some sort of tough guy. I'm so over dudes like Mr. Anderson, the EBWF telling you that he's a bad ass so ya'll believe it. You can put a bow tie on feces but that don't make it smell any better. The fact is anyone who thinks this man can beat me is straight buggin. Monday Night I'ma dispose of this clown, and I'ma move on to the next round, feel me?

The crowd booed even more. John held his hand up.

John Cena: Yo, yo, yo, chill, chill chill.

Mr. Anderson or Kennedy, whatever you callin yo'self.. you yellin it.
to me you like the last pick in the draft cause you nuttin' but "Mr. Irrelevant."
You as the Intercontinental Champion what else can I say? It's a bore
You make these people miss Justin Gabriel, need I even say anymore?
You repeat yo name twice, like we care, son that's an obsurd line
but when they announce the winner Monday, it won't be heard a third time
Cause Monday's gon' be a beating, you'll need somethin' to heal the pain
Maybe recover with some DDP yoga while he makes DAMN sure that you "Feel the Bang."

The crowd booed but there were a few snickers from the fans in the front row.

John Cena: Chill, chill.

How can we really ever expect Mr. Anderson to come out here and act jolly
when every day he has to look in the mirror and see an overgrown Crash Holly.
Bottom line, I could come out and act scared, but it aint even right to FAKE IT.
you say you're an "asshole", but we all know that's just where you like to TAKE IT.
Face it, you aint got a prayer on Warfare, think you beatin me? You're a dreama.
cuse the victor Monday night's gon' be none other than JOHN CENNAAAAAAAA.....CENA


Cena dropped the mic and flashed the "Word Life" sign with his hands. The crowd booed as he made his way out of the ring and back up the ramp as the scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)

Re: So you think you're an Asshole?

Post by Will »

:homer Dude, this was great! FEED ME MORE!