The Exotic Express had rolled into the arena in which Warfare would be taking place for the evening. The eccentric, rockstar like Adam Rose led his troop of seemingly always present Rosebuds as the ringleader awaited an interview backstage courtesy of Todd Grisham. Rose was dressed in a long, scarlet colored coat and a healthy amount of eyeliner. The Rosebuds were still more creepy and dire looking than the more wholesome image that had formerly been associated with them. The pack of ghouls, equal amounts of male and female party goers, sang Adam's theme in a slow, off key drawl before Rose waved his palms to quite them down.
| Adam Rose | Alright, alright. Bring it down.
They all complied without question and Grisham looked a little anxious standing around so many strange and unsavory people.
| Todd Grisham | Joining me at this time is Adam Rose who is set to compete against Ted DiBiase Jr. A former, multi-time champion here in EBWF. Adam, the last time we saw you, you nearly became a champion yourself before you were narrowly defeated by our current PTG Champion: Justin Gabriel.
| Adam Rose | Oh. Yes. Heart breaking, wasn't it? I kind of feel like he cheated a little. But it's alright. The past is the past. Since that day, I feel as though I've become the true victor.
| Todd Grisham | And why is that?
| Adam Rose | Because his girlfriend has been hounding me day and night to become a Rosebud. Very persistent, that one.
| Todd Grisham | have any proof of that claim?
| Adam Rose | What proof do I need? Everyone wants to be a Rosebud! You get to be around me and partake in my lifestyle! Do you know who else should become a Rosebud? Ted DiBiase. Because from I've seen he's been..floundering as of late.
Rose began to scope out his surroundings, looking high and low for something.
| Adam Rose | Do we..have someone dressed as a fish? Anyone? I really could use it as a visual right about now. Really? No one? Lovely. Just lovely. The whole lot of you and no one is dressed as a fish.
Apparently annoyed, Rose placed his palm onto a random party goers face, this one dressed like a scarecrow, and roughly shoved him to the ground.
| Adam Rose | I'm sorry. I'm going to need one of you to start dressing like a fish. Understood?
| Todd Grisham | The relationship between you and your Rosebuds seems to be very..strange.
| Adam Rose | I'm everything to them, Todd. I have literally given them each a purpose. Do you know what they were doing without me? NOTHING. The exact same thing Ted is doing at the moment. NOTHING. I am a God and they are all my creations. But there is always room for more and I believe I have a spot for Ted amongst the ranks. All he would have to do is know his place and understand that this is my party. And if I'm not happy, no one is happy. Or..he can keep right along, on his path to nowhere, living his boring, mundane little life. He can keep on being a..lemon.
Rose shrugged his shoulders and chomped down on the sucker that had been tucked into his mouth.
| Todd Grisham | I'm not sure if I would count out an athlete like Ted DiBiase. Many feel he's always a win or two away from becoming a champion once again.
| Adam Rose | Hm, hm, hm. Maybe that's all true. Maybe he is just in something of a runt. Maybe a title would brighten his spirit! would just be something of a temporary fix, you see. It wouldn't lead him to true happiness. Only I can help him do that! I can help him learn how to smile and live a more fulfilling life! Women, booze, narcotics! Everything he needs is right here! Does he want to stumble about with a lampshade on his head that he fashioned into a makeshift hat? I can make that happen for him! All he has to do is climb aboard the Exotic Express and all of his fantasies can come to life!
Adam spread out his arms in an inviting, warm manner.
| Adam Rose | Or he can refuse and I can leave traces of his teeth all over the ring. No skin off my nose, really! I can only offer him the Golden Ticket, I can't drag him kicking and screaming into the Chocolate Factory! Either way, he has his options. A world of frivolity and pure imagination under my guidance or..the aforementioned trip to the dentist. Decisions, decisions, Teddy-Boy!
Before Todd could get a chance to present any more questions, he was quickly swarmed by the Rosebuds who went dancing by to the tune of their own singing, like a stampede of drunken, costumed animals.
Kill All Lemons
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