Survivor Series Results

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Ben M
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Survivor Series Results

Post by Ben M »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Survivor Series! We are live from the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin and up first tonight, we've got the Breakout Title on the line as Vampiro takes on Stardust!

Vampiro came to the ring first, followed by Stardust. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowe. When the two men had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and Vampiro and Stardust began exchanging punches. Vampiro gained the upper hand and he whipped Stardust into the ropes, then attempted a clothesline. Stardust ducked out of the way and springboarded off the opposing set of ropes, hitting Vampiro with the Beautiful Disaster! Vampiro got to his feet and Stardust hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Stardust ran at Vampiro and hit a clothesline, then as Vampiro staggered out of the corner, Stardust took him down with a bulldog. Stardust covered Vampiro and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Stardust with a near fall!

Stardust pulled Vampiro to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then applied a headlock. Vampiro broke free and pushed Stardust into the ropes, before hitting a sidewalk slam. Stardust got to his feet and Vampiro kicked him in the stomach, then hit a pumphandle sitout powerbomb. Vampiro hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time, Vampiro gets a two count!

Vampiro pulled Stardust to his feet and set him up for a suplex, but Stardust blocked it and lifted Vampiro up, hitting the Alabama slam. Stardust stomped on Vampiro several times, then hit a knee drop. Vampiro sat up and Stardust tried to apply a sleeper hold, but Vampiro wriggled free and both men got to their feet, exchanging right hands back and forth once more. This time, Stardust gained the upper hand and after hitting Vampiro with a series of punches in quick succession, he kicked the challenger hard in the stomach and hit him with Dark Matter! Stardust hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Stardust gets the victory!

Jim Ross: The artist formerly known as Cody Rhodes has retained the Breakout Title!


Jim Ross: Up next, the rivalry between Dolph Ziggler and Bray Wyatt continues as the two men collide inside a steel cage!

After the traditional steel cage music had been played, and the cage that had been hanging above the ring had been lowered, "Hunt You Down" by Saliva hit and the crowd booed as Bray Wyatt made his way to the ring. After Wyatt had entered the cage, "Smackdown" by Thousand Foot Krutch hit and the crowd cheered as Dolph Ziggler stepped out onto the stage. Ziggler flashed his trademark cocky grin to the camera as he made his way down the ramp, but Ziggler's expression hardened as he entered the cage and looked across the ring ay Wyatt. After the cage door had been locked, the referee called for the bell. Wyatt wasted no time getting started, charging towards Ziggler and hitting him with a flurry of right hands. Ziggler fought back with some punches of his own and after gaining the upper hand, he whipped Wyatt into the ropes. Ziggler took Wyatt down with a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet Ziggler went for a neckbreaker. Wyatt blocked it, countering with a neckbreaker of his own, then stomped on Ziggler several times. After picking Ziggler up and hitting him with a huge body slam, Wyatt began climbing the cage. Wyatt had barely reached the halfway point of the cage when Ziggler got to his feet and pulled him down to the ring mat. Ziggler then grabbed Wyatt's head and smashed it off the side of the cage, before lifting him up for a backdrop. Ziggler hit Wyatt with multiple elbow drops, then climbed to the top rope and hit a jumping elbow drop! Ziggler hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Ziggler with a near fall!

Ziggler sat Wyatt up and applied a sleeper hold, but Wyatt broke free and hit Ziggler in the side of the head with an elbow smash. Both men got to their feet and exchanged right hands back and forth. Ziggler gained the upper hand once again, then attempted a clothesline. Wyatt ducked out of the way, then grabbed Ziggler and hit a drop suplex. Wyatt followed it up with a running senton, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Wyatt gets a two count!

Wyatt pulled Ziggler to his feet and threw him into the cage, then hit a side slam. As Ziggler got to his feet, Wyatt tried to set him up for Sister Abigail, but Ziggler broke free and hit Wyatt with a shoulder jawbreaker, then began to climb the cage. As Ziggler neared the top, Wyatt got to his feet and climbed up after him. Wyatt grabbed Ziggler's leg and pulled him back into the ring, then lifted him up, applying a bearhug. Ziggler managed to counter with a DDT, then as Wyatt got to his feet, Ziggler hit him with the Zig Zag! Ziggler hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Another victory for Dolph Ziggler!

The referee called for the bell and raised Ziggler's arm in victory. After celebrating in the ring, Ziggler exited the cage and made is way up the ramp. Wyatt glared at Ziggler from the ring as Ziggler walked through the curtain.


"Top of the World" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Eva Marie and Summer Rae made their way to the ring for the next match. Summer looked delighted to be holding one half of the Women's Tag Titles as she made her way down the ramp.

Jim Ross: Up next, the Women's Tag Titles are on the line and under the Freebird rule, Summer Rae is stepping in for the injured Sasha Banks!

Jerry Lawler: Look how happy Summer is to be taking part in this match, JR!

Upon entering the ring, Summer and Eva posed with the titles, then awaited the arrival of their opponents. "Gun" by CHVRCHES hit and the crowd cheered as Alexa Bliss and Emma headed to the ring. Alexa and Emma were both visibly excited to be competing for the gold, but there was obvious tension between them and their opponents as the two blonde divas entered the ring. As the referee called for the bell, Eva and Alexa moved to the ring apron, allowing Summer and Emma to start the match. The two divas locked up and Emma took Summer down with a snapmare, then stomped on her several times. Emma pulled Summer to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then went for a clothesline. Summer turned out of the way, then hit Emma with a spinning heel kick. Summer hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Summer Rae with a near fall!

Summer tagged in Eva, who hit Emma with a series of right hands, then whipped her into the corner. Emma moved out of the way, causing Eva to collide with the turnbuckle. Emma then climbed through the ropes, applying the Dil-Emma! Eva cried out in pain but refused to submit, and Emma broke the hold. Emma then tagged in Alexa, who upon entering the ring ran at Eva and hit a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. Alexa followed it up with a standing moonsault double knee drop, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! Alexa Bliss was so close to getting the victory for her and Emma there, JR!

As Alexa got to her feet, Summer ran into the ring and attacked her! Emma ran in to come to the aid of her partner, and there was momentary chaos as the referee struggled to restore order. Eventually, the referee was able to force Summer and Emma to retake their places on the ring apron, allowing the match to continue. Alexa pulled Eva to her feet and went to set her up for a suplex, but Eva rolled her up with a small package! The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Eva hit Alexa with a hard kick to the stomach, followed by a DDT! Eva pinned Alexa once more and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Eva Marie retains the gold for the Mean Girls!

Summer Rae screamed with excitement as the referee called for the bell, and as she ran into the ring she shared a celebratory hug with her partner. Summer and Eva continued to celebrate as Alexa and Emma made their way to the back, looking disappointed.


Jim Ross: Up next, more divas action as Michelle McCool defends the Women's Title against Velvet Sky!

"Angel on my Shoulder" hit and the crowd cheered as Velvet Sky made her way to the ring. After Velvet had entered the ring, "Not Enough for Me" hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as Michelle McCool stepped out onto the stage. As she entered the ring, Michelle taunted Velvet with the Women's Title, before handing the belt to the referee. The referee held the title in the air then called for the bell as the two divas locked up. Michelle applied a headlock, but Velvet broke free and pushed Michelle into the ropes, then hit her with a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Velvet hit Michelle with a series of punches, before whipping her into the corner. Velvet ran at Michelle and hit her with a corner clothesline, then as Michelle staggered out of the corner, Velvet took her down with a one-handed bulldog. Velvet hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Velvet Sky!

Velvet pulled Michelle to her feet and hit her with some more right hands, then went to whip her into the ropes. Michelle reversed the Irish whip, sending Velvet into the ropes. As Velvet ran back towards her, Michelle took her down with a big boot. Michelle then stomped on Velvet several times, before pulling her to her feet and hitting a Russian legsweep. Michelle made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Michelle McCool gets a two count!

Michelle pulled Velvet to her feet and hit a series of punches, then set her up for a neckbreaker. Velvet blocked it and countered with a snapmare, followed by a shoot kick to the back of Michelle's head. Michelle got back to her feet and Velvet whipped her against the ropes, then took her down with a shoulder block. Michelle got to her feet once more and Velvet hit a vertical suplex before covering Michelle. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Velvet pulled Michelle back to her feet and hit her with a stiff kick to the stomach, then applied the octopus stretch! Michelle cried out in pain, but when the referee asked her if she wanted to submit, the Women's Champion shook her head defiantly. Michelle then fell backwards, hitting Velvet with a Samoan drop and forcing her to break the hold. Michelle pulled Velvet to her feet and hit her with a European uppercut, then whipped her into the corner. Michelle ran at Velvet and hit her with a bodypress, causing Velvet to fall into a sitting position. Michelle then went for a running knee smash, but Velvet rolled out of the way, causing Michelle's knee to collide with the middle turnbuckle. As Michelle's knee hit the turnbuckle, she cried out in pain and hobbled out of the corner, clutching her knee in pain.

Jerry Lawler: JR, Michelle looks in a lot of pain...

The referee approached Michelle and asked her something; the champion responded by shaking her head. The referee then approached Velvet Sky, who was still on the mat. After the referee had spoken to Velvet, the challenger got to her feet and challenged Michelle to come at her. Michelle moved towards her and Velvet hit a kick to the midsection, followed by the Beauty-T! Velvet made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! We have a new champion! Velvet Sky has won the EBWF Women's Championship for the first time!

The referee called for the bell, then raised Velvet's arm in victory. Velvet was visibly delighted as the referee handed her the championship, but she also looked concerned for her opponent, who was still down on the mat. As Velvet exited the ring, EMTs rushed to the ring to tend to Michelle.


"We Are One" by 12 Stones hit and the crowd booed as Wade Barrett, Ryback, Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel and Tyler Breeze made their way to the ring.

Jim Ross: And here comes Team Barrett, ready for the ten-man elimination tag match!

After Team Barrett had entered the ring, "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit, and the crowd cheered as CM Punk stepped out onto the stage, with Sting and Enzo Amore on his left and Dean Ambrose and Sami Zayn on his right. As the five men walked to the ring, Punk had a smirk on his face. There was obvious tension between Punk and Barrett as Team Punk entered the ring.

Jerry Lawler: JR, I think this match is going to be explosive!

The referee called for the bell and Amore and Bryan started the match as the other eight men moved onto the ring apron. Bryan and Amore locked up and Bryan applied a hammerlock, then turned Amore around and hit a series of punches. Bryan whipped Amore against the ropes and took him down with a drop toe hold, then applied a standing surfboard. Amore cried out in pain, and Bryan broke the hold, then pulled Amore to his feet and set him up for a suplex. Amore blocked it and hit Bryan with a knee to the midsection, then took him down with a DDT. Amore stomped on Bryan several times, then ran against the ropes and went for a knee drop. Bryan rolled out of the way, then both men got to their feet. Amore ran at Bryan and went for a clothesline, but Bryan grabbed Amore and pulled him down to the mat, applying the LeBell Lock! Amore cried out in pain and quickly tapped out as the referee called for the bell, signalling the first elimination.

Jim Ross: Enzo Amore has been eliminated!

As Amore exited the ring, Sting entered for Team Punk and after hitting Bryan with a series of right hands, he whipped Bryan into the corner. Sting ran at Bryan, going for the Stinger Splash, but Bryan moved out of the way and tagged in Tyler Breeze. As Breeze entered the ring, he grabbed Sting and slammed his head against the turnbuckle, then hit a flurry of punches and kicks in an attempt to keep Sting in the corner. However Sting was able to fight his way out, and after whipping Breeze against the ropes, Sting hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Sting lifted Breeze up, hitting him with the Stinger Splash! The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: Sting eliminates Tyler Breeze! Both teams are down to four!

Justin Gabriel entered the ring to replace Breeze, and upon entering the ring he hit Sting with an Enzuigiri, followed by an STO. Gabriel went to the top rope, and as Sting got to his feet, he attempted a crossbody. Sting caught him and countered with a bodyslam, then tagged in Dean Ambrose. As Ambrose entered the ring he jumped on Gabriel, taking him down with a Thesz press before hitting a series of punches. Ambrose pulled Gabriel to his feet and set him up for a powerbomb, but Gabriel countered with a hurricanrana. As both men got to their feet, Gabriel took Ambrose down with a jumping back kick, then ran against the ropes and hit a springboard moonsault. Gabriel made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! As both men got to their feet, Gabriel went to whip Ambrose into the ropes, but Ambrose reversed it, sending Gabriel into the ropes. As Gabriel hit the ropes, Bryan blind-tagged himself in. As Ambrose took Gabriel down with a clothesline, Bryan entered the ring and ran at Ambrose, attempting a running single-leg high knee. Ambrose ducked out of the way, then hit Bryan with a double-arm DDT! Ambrose hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan has been eliminated! He tried to outsmart Dean Ambrose, but the Lunatic Fringe gets the upper hand!

As Gabriel was still in the ring, he automatically replaced Bryan following his elimination. Sami Zayn held out his hand, and Ambrose tagged him in. As Zayn entered the ring, he ran at Gabriel and took him down with a leg lariat. Gabriel got to his feet and Zayn hit him with a series of right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Zayn went for the Helluva Kick, but Gabriel moved out of the way and Zayn hit the turnbuckle full force. Gabriel grabbed Zayn from behind, lifting him up with a back drop. The two men got to their feet and Gabriel took Zayn down with a discus elbow smash, then climbed to the top rope. Gabriel hit the 450 Splash, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: And now Sami Zayn is gone! Both teams are even again, it's three on three now!

As Zayn exited the ring, CM Punk entered the ring to represent his team. As Barrett saw Punk enter the ring, he held out his hand, and Gabriel tagged him in.

Jim Ross: Here we go, King! The two team captains are going head to head in a repeat of what we saw this past Monday on Warfare!

Punk grinned at Barrett as he entered the ring, and challenged the Bearer of Bad News to come at him. Barrett was all too happy to oblige and the two men exchanged right hands back and forth furiously in the center of the ring. Punk was able to gain the upper hand and he applied an arm wrench on Barrett, before stepping over the wrenched arm and hitting Barrett with a mule kick. Punk then stomped on Barrett several times, before picking him up and hitting a double underhook backbreaker. Punk made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! As Punk got to his feet, the crowd chanted for Sting, and the Straight Edge Savior responded, tagging Sting in to the delight of the crowd. Upon entering the ring, Sting stalked Barrett, and as Barrett got to his feet, Sting lifted him up for the Scorpion Death Drop! Barrett wriggled free and countered with a reverse DDT before stomping on Sting repeatedly. Barrett ran against the ropes, and as Sting got to his feet, Barrett hit him full force with the Bull Hammer! Barrett hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3! The crowd booed as the referee called for the bell, signalling Sting's elimination.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, it hasn't exactly been a perfect comeback for Stinger, but as you can see, the EBWF crowd still love him!

Sting rolled out of the ring and made his way back up the ramp, waving to the crowd at the top of the stage before walking through the curtain. Back in the ring, Punk replaced Sting and he went after Barrett once more, this time attempting a roundhouse kick. Barrett ducked out of the way and hit Punk with a big boot, then tagged in Justin Gabriel. Upon entering the ring, Gabriel hit Punk with a spinout powerbomb then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Gabriel pulled Punk to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, where he set Punk up for a tornado DDT. Punk blocked it and climbed the ropes, then hit Gabriel with a superplex! Both men were down for several seconds before getting to their feet, and when the two men were stood back up, Punk hit Gabriel with a series of Mongolian chops, then whipped him into the corner. Punk ran at Gabriel and hit a step-up high knee, followed by a bulldog. Punk then signalled for the GTS, and as Gabriel got to his feet, Punk hit it! As Punk made the cover, Ryback ran in to break up the count, but Ambrose intervened, hitting Ryback with a knee strike to the midsection. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: Gabriel has been eliminated! Both teams are down to two now!

As he was in the ring, Ryback replaced Gabriel as the legal man, and Ambrose was stomping on him repeatedly. The referee ordered Ambrose to exit the ring, but as soon as Ambrose did so, Punk tagged him in! Ambrose smiled sadistically as he re-entered the ring. As Ryback got to his feet, Ambrose hit him with a DDT, followed by a snap elbow drop. Ambrose hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Ambrose pulled Ryback to his feet and set him up for the headlock driver, but Ryback countered, lifting Ambrose up and hitting an atomic drop. Ryback followed it up with a series of punches, then whipped Ambrose against the ropes before hitting the meat-hook clothesline. Ambrose got to his feet and Ryback lifted him onto his shoulders, hitting him with Shell Shocked! Ryback hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: Ambrose is gone! Punk is on his own now, JR!

Ryback and Barrett both grinned as Ambrose exited the ring, and Punk entered. As Punk and Ryback moved towards one another, Ryback went to grab Punk, but Punk was ready for him and he pulled Ryback down to the mat, applying the Anaconda Vise! Ryback cried out in pain but Barrett quickly entered the ring, stomping on Punk repeatedly and forcing him to break the hold.

Jim Ross: There you have it, King! The numbers game is already giving the advantage to Barrett and Ryback!

Ryback and Punk got to their feet, and began exchanging right hands back and forth. Ryback took control of the exchange, and after hitting Punk with a series of punches in quick succession, he lifted him up and hit the Boulder Holder. Punk got to his feet and Ryback hit a powerbomb, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Ryback pulled Punk to his feet and whipped him into the ropes, and as Punk hit the ropes, Barrett kicked him in the back. Punk turned around and hit Barrett with a sucker punch, knocking him off the ring apron. The crowd cheered as Barrett fell to the outside and Punk turned his attention back to Ryback. Ryback went for a spinebuster, but Punk countered with a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Punk and Ryback both got to their feet and Punk hit a series of punches, then whipped Ryback into the corner. As Punk ran towards Ryback, Barrett entered the ring and took Punk down with a clothesline. At the referee's insistence, Barrett moved back onto the ring apron, but as Ryback moved out of the corner, he locked Punk in a headlock and dragged him towards Barrett. Ryback tagged Barrett in and held Punk in place while Barrett hit him with a hard kick to the ribs. As Ryback exited the ring, he yelled at Barrett, "finish him!" Barrett obliged, lifting Punk onto his shoulders and hitting him with the Wasteland! Barrett made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Barrett and Ryback are the survivors and it's a victory for Team Barrett!

The referee called for the bell and raised Barrett's arm in victory. Barrett and Ryback celebrated over the fallen Punk, then made their way to the back as Punk recovered in the ring.


Jim Ross: Still to come, John Cena defends the World Title against Solomon Crowe in our main event, but first, we have a really slobberknocker on our hands, as Chris Jericho takes on Lance Storm. These two superstars trained together, made their pro wrestling debuts against one another 24 years ago, and for the better part of the last two decades, the two men have been best friends. They're former EBWF Tag Team Champions, but the relationship between them turned sour a few months ago when Storm betrayed Jericho, and aligned himself with Lance Storm. Tonight, the two men put their livelihoods on the line. If Jericho wins, Lance Storm will leave the EBWF, and if Storm wins, Jericho will step down as CEO.

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for this one, JR! It's going to be a classic!

"99 Problems" by Jay-Z hit and the crowd booed loudly as Lance Storm headed to the ring, accompanied by Trent. As usual, Lance looked around at the audience with disdain as he made his way down the ramp. After Lance had entered the ring, "Break the Walls Down" hit and the crowd erupted as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage. Jericho was wearing his signature light-up jacket, but he wore a serious expression on his face as he walked to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: I love seeing that light-up jacket, JR!

Jim Ross: Well King, if Lance Storm wins tonight, you might get to see it more often...

Trent was stood at the bottom of the ramp, glaring at Jericho, and Jericho brushed past him as he entered the ring. Jericho then removed his jacket and stared intently at Storm as the referee called for the bell. Jericho and Storm locked up and Storm hit a headlock takedown, then hit Jericho with a series of right hands as Jericho got back to his feet. Storm then whipped Jericho into the ropes, before hitting an arm drag. Jericho got back to his feet the two men locked up once more. Jericho got behind Storm and hit him with a belly-to-back suplex, then applied a backbreaker submission. The referee asked Storm if he wanted to submit, but Storm shook his head and Jericho broke the hold. The two men got back to their feet and Jericho went for a clothesline, but Storm ducked out of the way and hit Jericho with a series of punches, before slamming his head against the turnbuckle. With Jericho cornered, Storm hit a series of backhand chops, then went to whip Jericho into the opposing corner. Jericho reversed the Irish whip, sending Storm into the corner, then as Storm staggered out of the corner, Jericho hit him with a dropkick. As Storm got back to his feet, Jericho ran against the ropes and moved towards Storm, but Storm ducked and pulled down on the top rope, sending Jericho over the ropes. As Jericho hit the outside, Storm distracted the referee, allowing Trent time to stomp on Jericho several times, then kick Jericho in the ribs! The crowd booed and the referee looked past Storm, noticing Trent. Trent moved away from Jericho, protesting his innocence, but as the referee noticed Jericho clutching his ribs, he ordered Trent away from ringside! The crowd cheered with delight as Trent and Storm protested furiously.

Jim Ross: Well King, that should help keep things fair!

Jerry Lawler: So long, Trent! Haha!

As Trent reluctantly made his way up the ramp, Jericho re-entered the ring. Storm whipped Jericho into the ropes then hit a dropkick. Both men got back to their feet and Storm hit a delayed vertical suplex, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Storm sat Jericho up and applied a sleeper hold, but Jericho managed to get to his feet. Storm kept the hold locked in, but Jericho hit him with a right hand, forcing Storm to break the hold. Jericho followed it up with some more right hands, then hit Storm with an Enzuigiri. Jericho then hit a tiger suplex, complete with a bridging pin and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: What a match this has been so far, JR!

Jim Ross: Both men are giving it their all tonight, King! Given the stakes, neither one of them wants to lose!

Both men got to their feet and Jericho hit Storm with some more right hands, then lifted him up for a body slam. Storm wriggled free and hit Jericho with a clothesline, then set Jericho up for a piledriver, but Jericho countered with a back toss! As Storm got to his feet, Jericho ran towards him, but Storm was ready for him and he hit Jericho with a Superkick! Storm hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: I can't believe it, King! I thought that was it right there!

Jerry Lawler: So did Lance Storm, JR! Look at the way he's protesting!

Storm got to his feet and argued with the referee, insisting it was a three count. Storm then turned his attention to Jericho, who was back on his feet. He whipped Jericho into the turnbuckle then sat him on the top rope, but as Storm tried to climb onto the turnbuckle, Jericho kicked him away. As Storm staggered backwards, Jericho jumped from the top rope, hitting Storm with a diving back elbow. Jericho hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Jericho pulled Storm to his feet and hit a series of backhand chops, then went to whip Storm into the ropes. Storm reversed the Irish whip, sending Jericho into the ropes, then slid underneath Jericho and locked in the Canadian Maple Leaf! Jericho cried out in pain, but after trying and failing to reach the ropes, he rolled over and broke out of the hold, then applied the Walls of Jericho!

Jim Ross: What a counter! This could be it, King!

Storm crawled towards the ropes, but just as he was about to reach them, Jericho pulled him away! Storm tried to move towards the ropes once more, but Jericho held firm and applied more pressure on Storm's back! Storm stretched out for the ropes once more, but realising he was unable to reach them, he reluctantly tapped out. The referee called for the bell and raised Jericho's arm in victory!

Jerry Lawler: It's over, JR! Chris Jericho has won this match, and Lance Storm is gone from EBWF!

As Jericho celebrated, Storm got to his feet and began yelling at Jericho. Two members of security began making their way down the ramp to escort Storm out of the arena, and Jericho grinned as he pointed them out to Storm. After he had seen the members of security approaching, Storm tried to surprise Jericho with a second Superkick... but Jericho ducked out of the way, then hit a Codebreaker! As Storm rolled out of the ring, security grabbed him, and Jericho waved goodbye as his former best friend was escorted up the ramp.

Jim Ross: Well King, it will be interesting to see how Trent reacts to this!


Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event. John Cena defends the EBWF World Title against Solomon Crowe!

"Space Dementia" by Muse hit and the crowd booed loudly as Crowe made his way to the ring. After Crowe had entered the ring, "The Time is Now" hit and the crowd cheered as John Cena stepped out onto the stage. The usual Cena-haters could be heard amongst the fans in the Resch Center, but the crowd seemed to be predominantly pro-Cena as the World Champion headed down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Cena climbed the nearest turnbuckle and held the World Title belt up proudly, then handed it to the referee, who lifted it above his head before calling for the bell. As the bell rang, Cena and Crowe charged towards one another and began exchanging right hands back and forth furiously. After overpowering Crowe, Cena hit the challenger with a series of punches in quick succession, then whipped him into the ropes. Cena took Crowe down with a running leaping shoulder block, then as Crowe got back to his feet, Cena hit a side belly-to-belly suplex. Cena pulled Crowe to his feet and went to slam his head against the turnbuckle, but Crowe blocked it and grabbed Cena, slamming his head against the turnbuckle in retaliation. Crowe then punched Cena several times in the corner before hitting him with a kick to the midsection. As Cena staggered out of the corner, Crowe went for a bulldog, but Cena blocked it and countered with an atomic drop, followed by a sitout powerbomb. Cena hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Cena!

Cena pulled Crowe to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then went to whip him against the ropes. Crowe reversed the Irish whip, sending Cena into the ropes, then ran after him. As Cena hit the ropes, Crowe hit a clothesline, sending Cena over the top rope. Crowe followed Cena out of the ring and after stomping on him several times, Crowe picked Cena up and threw him into the ring steps. The referee began counting - 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Crowe threw Cena back into the ring then climbed to the top rope. Crowe watched Cena closely as "The Champ" struggled to his feet, and as Cena stood up Crowe jumped from the turnbuckle, hitting Cena with a double axe handle. Crowe made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Solomon Crowe gets a two count!

Jerry Lawler: Crowe knows how big of an opportunity this is, JR... he's determined not to waste it!

Crowe sat Cena up and applied a sleeper hold, but Cena broke free and got to his feet. Crowe hit Cena with a hard kick to the stomach, then set him up for a DDT, but Cena blocked it and countered with a sitout hip toss. As Crowe got to his feet, Cena ran against the ropes and took him down with a one-handed bulldog, then followed it up with an elbow drop. Cena hooked the leg once more - 1... 2... kickout! Cena pulled Crowe to his feet and set him up for a suplex, but Crowe blocked it and countered with a suplex of his own. Crowe hit a knee drop, then as Cena got to his feet, Crowe hit him with a neckbreaker. Crowe hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Crowe pulled Cena to his feet and hit a series of punches, then went to whip Cena into the ropes. Cena reversed it, sending Crowe into the ropes, then took him down with a drop toe hold before applying the STF!

Jim Ross: John Cena has the STF locked in! This could be it King!

Crowe cried out in pain, but after a struggle he was able to reach the ropes and Cena broke the hold. As Cena got to his feet, he stomped on Crowe several times, then picked him up and hit a gutwrench suplex. Cena then hit the Five Knuckle Shuffle, before signalling for the Attitude Adjustment! As Crowe got to his feet, Cena lifted him onto his shoulders... but Crowe wriggled free and countered with the Headlock Driver! Crowe made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: I don't believe it, JR! Solomon Crowe is the new World Champion!

Jim Ross: Good God almighty, what an upset!!

The crowd were visibly stunned as the referee called for the bell and handed the World Title to Crowe. Crowe grinned sadistically has he celebrated his victory.

Jim Ross: Well folks, as you can see Solomon Crowe is the new World Champion, and his victory here tonight might shake the very foundation of the EBWF! Be sure to tune into Warfare next Monday to see the fallout from tonight's event! Thank you for watching, good night!