Barrett Barrage

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Ben M
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Barrett Barrage

Post by Ben M »

Two weeks had passed since Wade Barrett and Ryback had emerged victorious at Survivor Series, and Barrett had been rewarded with a chance to earn a shot at the PTG Title. The Path to Glory Championship was a title that Barrett had long coveted, and yet somehow, Barrett felt like he'd been short-changed. The reason for that was the Warfare main event, where CM Punk, The Rock and Edge were competing for a shot at the World Title. Punk was one of the five men Barrett and his team had beaten at Survivor Series, The Rock had only just returned to EBWF, and Barrett couldn't even remember the last time Edge had appeared on EBWF television. The proverbial glass ceiling that Barrett had dismissed as a myth suddenly seemed to be a reality. Why wasn't he deserving of a chance to be World Champion when the man he had pinned at Survivor Series, CM Punk, was? Barrett pondered this as he waited backstage in his locker room in the Cajundome, but he and his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Barrett opened it and saw Michael Cole stood outside his locker room, accompanied by an EBWF cameraman.

Wade Barrett: Michael Cole? I didn't realise you still worked here. Has Renee Young called in sick?

Michael Cole ignored the snide remark that he had probably heard all too often since EBWF had hired Renee Young, but there was a bluntness in his tone that suggested Barrett's comment had stung.

Michael Cole: I've been asked to interview you for your match tonight, if that's not too much trouble.

Barrett tried to sound warmer as he responded, remembering that not all Americans appreciated his dry sense of humour.

Wade Barrett: Of course, Michael. Lead the way.

Barrett followed Cole and the cameraman down the hallway and a few moments later, they were stood in front of an EBWF backdrop, where no doubt a number of interviews would be filmed over the course of the evening. The camera started rolling and Cole began to speak.

Michael Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, with me at this time is Wade Barrett, who later on tonight will be competing in a fatal four way for the chance to earn a shot at the EBWF PTG Title. Wade, as I mentioned moments ago, you have a chance to become the number one contender tonight. What are your thoughts on being one victory away from challenging the PTG Champion, Justin Gabriel, at Christmas Eve of Destruction?

Wade Barrett: Well Michael, as those who have followed by career closely will know, the PTG Title is a title that I've had my eye on... so of course I'm excited about being given the opportunity to become the number one contender. But I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little annoyed at the way I've still been earmarked as someone who belongs in the PTG Title bracket, when CM Punk - the man who I defeated two weeks ago at Survivor Series - has been placed in a triple threat match for the World Title number one contendership. Do wins and losses not count in the EBWF, Michael? CM Punk is a former World Champion, and a former PTG Champion. In fact, it was only three months ago that he "cashed in" the PTG Title to challenge John Cena for the World Title, in a match where he lost. Then at Survivor Series, Punk assembled a team that, on paper, was arguably one of the greatest Survivor Series teams in EBWF history. He brought back "The Icon" Sting, and managed to get EBWF's resident psycho, Dean Ambrose on board. But his team were still no match for Team Barrett, and Ryback and I walked out of that match as the Survivors. Doesn't it seem unfair to you that Punk is rewarded with yet another chance to earn a World Title shot, while I have to settle for a chance to take on the PTG Champion Justin Gabriel? Ryback hasn't even been booked tonight - apparently he's inferior to CM Punk too. And don't get me started on The Rock and Edge. The Rock has been here for what, three weeks? And I'm sure he'll be leaving again in a few months time, when he's needed to promote the ten thousandth Fast and Furious movie. I know our new World Champion, Solomon Crowe, has only been here for a couple of months, but at least he earned his World Title shot by competing in an open battle royal that every EBWF superstar was eligible for. The Rock has been handed a chance to get a World Title shot, just because he's The Rock. Then there's Edge, who has surely set a new record by now for the most inactive champion in EBWF history. I'm surprised the Tag Titles haven't been retired; have they even been defender this year? I'm far more deserving of a World Title shot than any of the three men who've been given the chance to get one, and you can bet that when I win my match tonight, and beat Justin Gabriel for the PTG Title at Christmas Eve of Destruction, I'll be cashing the title in as soon as I can to get the World Title shot I deserve. I may have to jump through a lot of hoops to get my first World Title shot in the EBWF, but I promise you this Michael - when I do get a chance to challenge the World Champion, whoever the champ is when I face them, I'll make sure that opportunity isn't wasted.

Barrett's response had turned into something of a rant, and it was clear from Michael Cole's delayed response that he hadn't been expecting it.

Michael Cole: ...Okay. Well Wade, it's pretty clear that you'd rather be competing in our main event tonight, which is of course understandable, but you did mention that a few weeks ago before Survivor Series, there was an open battle royal for the World Title number one contendership. Solomon Crowe won that match and the rest is history, but Wade, you weren't involved in that match. I can't help but wonder, if you're so determined to get your chance at the World Title, why didn't you enter the open battle royal and put yourself in contention for a World Title shot at Survivor Series?

Barrett glared at Cole before responding.

Wade Barrett: Michael, in case you've forgotten, I had a match with CM Punk just before the open battle royal, and after that match I was ambushed by Dean Ambrose. I had every intention of competing in the open battle royal, but unfortunately I was not in any condition to do so.

Michael Cole: You mentioned Dean Ambrose there, who is one of the three men you'll be competing against tonight, along with Daniel Bryan and Tyler Breeze. Ambrose returned to the EBWF just before Survivor Series to join Team Punk, and as you said he marked his EBWF return by attacking you at ringside after your match with CM Punk. Do you see this match as an opportunity to get revenge on Ambrose for his attack a few weeks ago?

Wade Barrett: I'm not sure revenge is the right word, Michael. Of course I'm angry about being assaulted by Dean Ambrose in such a callous manner, but I can understand his reasoning. He's been relegated into insignificance since leaving the EBWF; the reason he joined Team Punk, and attacked me the way he did, was an attempt to try and make himself relevant again. Given that he was taken out by my good friend Ryback at Survivor Series, his attempt wasn't nearly as successful as Ambrose hoped it would be, but you can't blame the guy for trying can you? I'm sure Dean will be equally if not more determined tonight, given the stakes, but it's not going to be easy for him. He's up against three men he made enemies of by joining Team Punk, and if for some inexplicable reason I'm not able to take Ambrose out tonight, I'm sure Daniel Bryan or Tyler Breeze will.

Michael Cole: There's no doubt Dean Ambrose is at something of a disadvantage tonight, given that he's up against three members of Team Barrett in this fatal four way, but I'll be intrigued to see how the dynamic between you, Daniel Bryan and Tyler Breeze works. The three of you were allies at Survivor Series, but surely that alliance is now a thing of the past, especially given that only one of you can walk away from this match with a shot at the PTG Title secured?

Wade Barrett: Of course. I'm not a fool, Michael. I know it will be every man for himself tonight. Tyler Breeze has already renounced his affiliation with me, and I'm sure Daniel Bryan will soon, especially given that he was unsure about joining Team Barrett to begin with. But at the same time, I respect both Tyler and Daniel for working with me at Survivor Series - if it weren't for them, Team Barrett might not have emerged victorious. The fact of the matter is, the three of us are still united by our mutual dislike of Dean Ambrose, and I'm sure both Tyler and Daniel will want to help me despatch Ambrose before we deal with each other.

Michael Cole: And if that's how things pan out, are you confident you can beat both Bryan and Breeze? After all, this isn't an elimination made Wade - you don't have to be pinned to lose.

Wade Barrett: I'm well aware of how a fatal four way works... But yes, I'm confident of a victory. I said before that I respect Tyler and Daniel, and I stand by that - but there's a difference between respecting someone and being in awe of them. Just because I respect the two of them, doesn't mean I don't think I'm better than them. I'm confident of beating any EBWF superstar, of winning any match I'm placed in, and tonight will be no different. Mark my words, I will walk away victorious tonight. I will win the PTG Title at Christmas Eve of Destruction. And I will win the EBWF World Title in 2015. Prepare yourself for the Barrett Barrage, Michael - defeating CM Punk at Survivor Series was just the beginning.

Barrett walked away as the scene faded.