Glitter. Everywhere.

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Glitter. Everywhere.

Post by Cory »

The US Airways Center was playing host to EBWF Warfare, and in an uncommon showing, Trish Stratus and Natalya would take on Emma and Alexa Bliss in a tag team match to earn contendership for the Women's Tag Team Titles. Natalie and Trish were in the arena locker room, putting the finishing touches on their wrestling outfits in preparation for their interiew in front of the cameras. Natalie spoke out loud, a makeup mirror held up to her face.

Natalie Neidhart: I'm assuming Emma and Alexa have had their promo here recently. It looks like Tinkerbell exploded in here.

Trish Stratus: That’s not glitter Natalie. That’s pixie dust. What it really looks like back here is the dressing area of a Vegas strip club. Not the good kind either, the ones way out on the city line.

Natalie Neidhart: So the ones that have parking spots for 18-wheelers?

Trish Stratus: Those are them. Ugh! Glitter on my Michael Kors bag. It really is everywhere.

Natalie Neidhart: I'm telling you. It's harder to get out than blood.

Trish Stratus: And Emma and Alexa probably don’t know a thing about that. So, what’s the deal with the pre-Rumble nod to ‘ole Trish and Nat?

Natalie Neidhart: Oh, I figure it is our quarterly call up to put another team over and go back to kissing babies and showing off Yoga moves.

Trish Stratus: Does it have to be?

Natalie looked over at Trish for the first time since they had been chatting.

Natalie Neidhart: Do you not want it to be?

Trish Stratus: I don’t know. I’ve been on the road for so long, and it would be fun to be back on TV.

She met Nattie’s eye, and shrugged, smiling.

Trish Stratus: Plus, I’ve been spending so much time with Nick, it’d be nice to have an excuse to be around more.

Natalie Neidhart: About that. What's going on with that? You two are such different types.

Trish Stratus: What do you mean? How do you think we’re different?

Trish went behind a chinese room divider, sleeping out of her jeans, and putting on a pair of black fishnets, before shimming into a pair of too tight, black spandex wrestling short shorts.

Natalie Neidhart: Well for one, he might be thirty-four, but he strikes me as a young spirit.

Natalie saw Trish’s shock of brunette hair stick out from behind the divider and then her annoyed expression.

Trish Stratus: Are you saying I don’t have a young spirit? Is this because I crocheted that scarf? You have pink hair. Aren’t you a young spirit?

Natalie wedged the pink highlights in her hair between her thumb and index finger and showed it to Trish.

Natalie Neidhart: Hey, this isn't for pole dancing, this is for my family.

Trish Stratus: My mother lives in Toronto, Natalie! The SCARF was for my family.

Natalie Neidhart: Well as long as you're having fun, it doesn't matter what kind of spirit he has.

Trish Stratus: I’m staying at his family’s house tonight. They don’t live there anymore, but they have a house here in Arizona. I saw it earlier today. It’s gorgeous.

Natalie Neidhart: Sounds like fun. I like Nick. I think it's cute when he tries to hang with Wes and John while they're talking about classic sports cars.

Trish Stratus: You know he was going to Law School? I’m telling you.

She sighed.

Trish Stratus: I know I made some shitty decisions about men in the past, but this feels pretty good right now. He’s smart, and funny, and he acts like… I don’t know, I’m allowed to have an opinion.

Nattie smiled. She loved hearing that from her best friend.

Natalie Neidhart: You seem happier. So I'm all for it.

Trish smiled back, coming from behind the divider wearing a Trish Stratus “We Can Do It” t-shirt, with the midriff cut out, along with the shorts and fishnets. She reached for her boots. Natalie had gotten dressed, and was applying mascara in the mirror.

Trish Stratus: How are you feeling about Wes being in the Rumble?

Trish could hear Natalie audibly grumble.

Natalie Neidhart: Wes told me not to worry, and that it's going to be very low impact. I don't know. I think he's gearing up to do more in the ring.

Trish Stratus: Low impact? With Jericho at the same time. He’s not fooling you. Those are spot monkey materials and everyone knows it.

Natalie Neidhart: I know. I'm trying to pick my battles because there's only so much you can tell a man like Wes what not to do. It was a large enough victory that he didn't wrestle at Christmas Eve of Destruction.

Trish Stratus: He did invent it.

That made Natalie laugh. She’d heard that before.

Natalie Neidhart: Come on, we’re going to be late for Cole.

Trish stood up, screwing up her nose.

Trish Stratus: Cole? Who’d we piss off? Why don’t we get Renee?

Natalie Neidhart: You know, Wes doesn’t think Renee is that good. Ever since they let her start commentating dark matches for the digital archive, Wes sort of… Renee has lost her shine.

Trish Stratus: Odd duck that Wes Ikeda.

Natalie Neidhart: Tell me about it. Let’s go.

The ladies headed toward the door, going into the hallway together to find Michael Cole.


Michael adjusted his tie, putting on his professional smile.

Michael Cole: Tonight we have a real treat for you EBWF fans out there in the Universe. Tonight we will crown number one contenders for the EBWF Diva's Tag Team Championships. In a rare showing on Warfare, the tag team of Beautiful Dangerous which is comprised of former EBWF Women's Champions Trish Stratus and Natalya, will take on Emma and Alexa Bliss. With me tonight is the two women that make up Beautiful Dangerous, Trish Stratus and Natalya.

Natalya: A rare showing, Michael? A rare showing? Michael, the reason we're a "rare" showing is because there is no competition in the Women's locker room that's worth our time. I am here with the greatest Women's Champion this company has ever seen in Trish Stratus. Do you think for one second that she's going to waste her time coming to Warfare to wrestle a couple of scrubs?

Michael Cole: So, you're saying this team of Emma and Alexa Bliss were an impressive enough tag team to bring you two to Warfare to take them on?

Natalya suddenly had a disgusted look on her face.

Natalya: No. No! They're a couple of scrubs!

Michael Cole: But didn't you just say-- nevermind. Trish, what are your thoughts about the team of Emma and Alexa Bliss?

Trish Stratus: I have no thought about the team of Emma and Alexa Bliss. I did make sure to lock up my luggage before I left the locker room, though. All I’m saying.

Natalya mockingly did the "Emma dance", adding the gesture of grabbing things out of the air and stuffing them in her pockets.

Michael Cole: Tonight's match will determine the number one contender for the Diva's Tag Team Championships. Are you two already formulating a plan for the current champions, should you be victorious in your match tonight?

Natalya casually leaned in towards Trish, a confused expression on her face.

Natalya: Who are the tag team champions?

Trish whispered "one sec" and quickly produced a smart phone, the phone making clicking noises as she typed furiously into the device. She stared at the screen for a second, before reading what she saw.

Trish Stratus: Eva Marie and Summer Rae. Summer Rae was kind of... gifted her title.

Natalya: To answer your question, Michael, no. We are not formulating a plan yet for Summer Rae and Eva Marie. The fact that Eva Marie owns a title belt in the EBWF and hasn't actually tried to use it to keep up her pants is remarkable. No, our focus is on Emma and Alexa Bliss. Our goal is to beat them senseless in the center of the ring, and then make sure there are extra janitors on hand to sweep up the extra glitter that those two little rats are undoubtedly going to leave everywhere.

Trish Stratus: Wait? Hold on… are these Women’s WRESTLING Championships? Or are they THOT championships, because that’s the only explanation for why Eva and Summer would have them. They are THE champions at being THOT.

Michael Cole: I’m sorry, thot?

Natalya: That ho over there.

Trish Stratus: Face it, that’s what I called Eva for six months. Emma and Alexa haven’t had a decent wrestling match since they arrived in EBWF. Tonight they’re going to get one. Then? Nat and I… we’re going to make everyone wish we were still making rare appearances.

Natalie waved at the camera, a smirk on her features. The two ladies exited the scene as Michael Cole wrapped up. Trish and Natalie made their way up to the guerilla position, happy to be back in the swing of things.
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Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:46 pm
Location: Charlotte, NC

Re: Glitter. Everywhere.

Post by Holly »

Loved this! Very cute and a fun read! :)

