Warfare Results 03/16/2015

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Warfare Results 03/16/2015

Post by Cory »


Pyro shot off to open EBWF Warfare.

Jim Ross: Welcome to EBWF Warfare, I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler. We are just a few weeks away from Wrestlemania.

The screen lit up with Renee Young, standing alongside AJ Styles. He wasn’t alone.

Jerry Lawler: And it looks like we’re about to hear from the EBWF World Champion.

The Women’s Champion Sasha Banks was standing across from AJ. Both champions wore their titles proudly on their shoulders. Sasha was dressed to impress wearing her latest white “Legit BOSS” t-shirt underneath a bright red blazer, tucked into a white form fitting mini skirt, and of course white shutter shades. As AJ Styles on the other hand wore a simple "AJ Styles - Big Bad Wolf" T-shirt and jeans.

Renee Young: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, at this time I am joined by the World Champions of both the male and female divisions here in the EBWF, AJ Styles and Sasha Banks.

Renee was smiling. Styles didn’t smile. Neither did Sasha. Renee stopped smiling and got serious.

Renee Young: In just three weeks Sasha you will be facing Brie Bella for your Women’s Championship and AJ, you will be going up against Dolph Ziggler inside Hell in a Cell for the World Championship at WrestleMania XIV! Just last week your challengers stood here and told the EBWF fans what they thought of you. Now, it’s your turn.

Renee extended the microphone. Sasha snatched it from her, of course.

Sasha Banks: You wanna know what I think, Danae? Or even better, what WE think?! We think what Brie Bella and Dolph Ziggler think doesn’t even matter, because there shouldn’t even be thinking involved. It’s all about the doing. Duh!

AJ Styles: I think her name is Renee. But like you said it doesn’t matter what anybody thinks. It’s all about doing something that does matter.

Sasha gave a shrug and titled her head to the side slightly.

Sasha Banks: Well, you say Renee, I say Danae. But I say Dolph, and you say...

AJ Styles: Weak. Pathetic. Punk-Ass cheerleader. Shall I continue?

Renee looked like she wasn’t going to stop him.

AJ Styles: Lame. Girly. Wimp. Goody-two-shoes, suck up, no balls having bitc-

Sasha interrupted him.

Sasha Banks: SWERVE. You's don't need to waste your words on a boy like him, boo. Everyone knows just how much of a lame buck poster he is.

Styles turned to look at Sasha, squinting at her.

AJ Styles: You mean lame duck poser...

Sasha Banks: Yeah whatever. Axe me now. About my opponent for Wrestlemania.

AJ Styles: She wants you to axe her, Renee. I mean, I'd axe her, but in a totally different way.

Styles looked over Renee then Sasha.

AJ Styles: I wouldn't mind axeing both of you.

He received a pop from the more mature audience members.

Sasha rolled her eyes and held the microphone back towards Renee, who had an eyebrow perked. The two champs exchanged a few quick words as the blonde interviewer spoke.

Renee Young: Sasha?

Sasha brought the mic back to their side and smacked her lips.

Sasha Banks: Tuh. That was dumb. Just like Brie Bella. When the name Brie Bella is speaked, only one word comes to mind. She's a loser.

Renee Young: That's obviously three wo--

Sasha Banks: LOSER!

She plastered an L-shaped hand to her forehead and even stepped up to the camera, completely filling up the screen. Styles reached out and reeled her back in with a tug on her blazer.

Sasha Banks: Which means nothing will change! She's a LOSER now, will be a LOSER walking into Mania, and a LOSER walking out. And you can bank on that... Danae.

AJ Styles: Let’s overlook that. Let’s overlook the fact that they are both natural born losers who fucked around and got lucky in the big leagues. We’re going to overlook the fact that they’ve had their chance at these championships and failed miserably in the past.

Styles showed his championship to Renee and Sasha followed suit.

AJ Styles: Dolph Ziggler and Brie Bella have EARNED a second chance. They have both EARNED the opportunity to be embarrassed on the grandest stage of them all. If Dolph Ziggler thinks he knows what he has in store for him come WrestleMania. I promise you, he has no fucking idea.

AJ Styles looked seriously into the camera. Renee turned her attention to Sasha.

Renee Young: Do you have any ideas, Sasha?

Sasha Banks: My idea? It’s that Brie Bella has no idea either, because I’ma BOSS. And the BOSS knows how to handle her business. At Wrestlemania, Brie Bella and Dolph Ziggler will know what it feels like to fight with real champions, and also how it feels to be soooo close to becoming one, AGAIN, but just not doing enough to catch this gold.

Sasha patted the belt on her shoulder with her free hand, while Styles continued looking seriously into the camera. The camera panned back to Renee. She took back the microphone from Sasha.

Renee Young: There you have it, words from both our World Champion and Women's champion, AJ Styles and Sasha Banks. Stay tuned to see what will happen in the 2 weeks leading up to Wrestlemania. JR, King, back to you.

The scene faded to commercial.


The crowd cheered the arrival of former EBWF World Champion Solomon Crowe, and gave a mixed reaction for EBWF mainstay Brian Kendrick. The bell rang. Kendrick jumped off to an early lead and then stayed there for several minutes. Kendrick landed a flying elbow smash off the top rope, ala Randy Savage, for a near fall. From there, Crowe started to fight back.

Crowe nailed Kendrick with a DDT. He covered him but only got two. He went for the elbow, but Kendrick avoided it, ducked down and rolled Crowe up. 1-2….Crowe kicked out.

Kendrick caught Crowe coming off the ropes out of nowhere with a huge clothesline. Kendrick played to the crowd and then picked Crowe up. Kendrick hit Sliced Bread #2 and went for the pin. The crowd cheered for the three count as Kendrick got the win.


Aphrodite by Kylie Minogue unexpectedly played out of the speakers as the crowd cheered for the entrance of the legendary Torrie Wilson. She smiled brightly, waving to the crowd as she made her way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Special Guest Timekeeper for the main event, 10 time EBWF Women's Champion... TORRIE WILSON!

Jim Ross: Well folks, looks like Torrie Wilson has been invited to participate in this evening's matchup between Brock Lesnar and Syxx.

Jerry Lawler: Heck of a view! Woohoo!

Torrie waved at Jim and Jerry, then took her seat at the timekeeper's table.

F.E. by 40 Below Summer played out of the speakers as Syxx made his way down to the ring. He crotch chopped the crowd and threw up the nWo Too Sweet hand gesture. The crowd popped big for his entrance as he slid into the ring.

Jim Ross: Big fight feel here, King. Syxx has been focused on getting back into the title picture, one can only imagine he wants to finally capture that World Championship gold.

Styx got into his corner and waited patiently for his opponent as his music faded. The crowd's reaction was explosive as "Next Big Thing" pulsed throughout the arena. The heavy hitting song heralded the entrance of Brock Lesnar, who came out from behind the curtain in his MMA shorts and gloves. Paul Heyman also appeared, flanking his client and giving him a round of applause. Lesnar walked down to the ring and hopped onto the apron, causing the turnbuckles to explode with pyrotechnics. Heyman traversed ringside and stopped in front of Torrie Wilson, smiling malevolently. Torrie had an uncomfortable look on her face as she remained composed.

The referee called for the bell and Syxx cautiously circled the Beast Incarnate. Lesnar smirked and obliged the cagey veteran. Lesnar stepped in and locked horns with Syxx. Lesnar drove Syxx immediately into the corner, overpowering the smaller man and driving his shoulder into Syxx's midsection multiple times. Syxx kicked Lesnar away and hit a dropkick on him, forcing him to stumble back. Styx charged forward, but Lesnar side stepped him and got behind him, throwing him back into a German Suplex. Syxx landed on the back of his neck, and Lesnar went for a roll up, getting a two count. Lesnar picked Syxx up and grabbed him, attempting another German Suplex. Syxx flipped over and landed on his feet, grabbing Lesnar and going for an X-Factor. Lesnar quickly adjusted his weight, grabbed Syxx's arm and dropped to the mat, wrapping his legs around Syxx.

Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar's got Syxx in the Kimura Lock!

After a moment of flailing, Syxx finally tapped out. Torrie Wilson hit the bell to signify the match was over.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, by submission, Brock--

Lillian was interrupted by Heyman, who shoved her out of the way. Lillian landed on the ground, shocked. Heyman forcibly grabbed Torrie Wilson and roughly pushed her into the ring. Brock Lesnar grabbed the helpless woman and brought her to her feet. Torrie had a look of sheer terror on her features.

Jim Ross: Oh, my god. Someone's gotta get in there! Torrie is a ten time women's champion, but she's no match against Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar smirked, taking a step closer towards Torrie. Heyman got into the ring and approached her flank. He had a mic in his hand.

Paul Heyman: Ms. Wilson. I apologize for the rough treatment, but my client and I have a matter which needs the utmost attention. You see, you and John Cena are quite chummy. In fact, you discovered him when he was busy bleeding out on the floor of a locker room. My client and I saw the look in your eyes when you discovered him. You two are close. So unfortunately, I need to use you as bait.

The crowd got to their feet and the noise in the arena intensified as John Cena flew threw the curtain at top speed, sprinting down the ramp towards the ring. Heyman quickly moved forward towards the side of the ring closest to the ramp.

Paul Heyman: Woah, whah, whah, whah! John! Wait just one second.

Lesnar grabbed Torrie by the arm and scooped her up into a fireman's carry. Torrie kicked and flailed, but it was no use.

Paul Heyman: Cena, STOP. STOP RIGHT THERE.

Seeing Torrie in the predicament she was in, Cena put the brakes on just before sliding into the ring. He looked up at the scene with a grave look of concern.

Paul Heyman: If you take one step further, I'll make sure Brock Lesnar puts this woman out of her misery.

Jim Ross: This is sick! Cena is just trying to help Torrie!

Jerry Lawler: Someone needs to do something!

Cena, fists tightly clenched and nostrils flaring, restrained himself from entering the ring and attacking Torrie's assailant.

Paul Heyman: Cena, listen to me. You're a smart man, so you'll listen to me. If you do what I say, I will make sure that Torrie is put down safely. But if you come into the ring, my client will be forced to hurt her. He doesn't want to do that, John.

The skeptical look on John Cena's face said it all.

Paul Heyman: Now, you need to back up the ramp.

John took a step forward, wanting desperately to get into the ring. Lesnar tensed up, with Torrie on his shoulders. Heyman looked back and forth between Lesnar and Cena, gesturing Cena to stop.

Paul Heyman: John, stop right there. You heard me. You need to move back. When you move back, my client and I will let Torrie go and we'll exit the ring, okay?

Jim Ross: This is a tense situation, folks. I'm not sure what John's going to do here. Clearly he wants to get him some of Brock Lesnar.

Paul Heyman: What's it going to be, Cena? All you need to do is back up the ramp.

Cena, teeth clenched, took a couple steps back per Heyman's request.

Jerry Lawler: Cena's doing the only thing he can think to do to ensure Torrie's safety!

Paul Heyman: Just a little further.

John pointed at Heyman and audibly said "You're gonna burn for this." Begrudgingly, Cena took a few more steps back. Paul's expression curled into a smile.

Paul Heyman: There, that wasn't so hard.

Cena's eyes widened in horror as Brock Lesnar pushed off his knees and launched Torrie into the air, spinning her around and connecting with an F5 that made the entire arena go into a frenzy.


Torrie remained motionless in the ring as Cena sprinted forward and dove into the ring as Lesnar and Heyman made hasty retreats. Cena took a knee in front of Torrie and checked on her as medical officials rushed out from the back.

Jerry Lawler: This is awful! Someone needs to check on Torrie!

Jim Ross: I've seen some low things in my life, but Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are the lowest form of scum I have ever seen. Damn them!

Heyman and Lesnar headed up the ramp, laughing uproariously. Cena remained next to Torrie as trainers tended to her. The crowd booed the duo vociferously.

Jim Ross: John Cena is going to go to Wrestlemania and kick Brock Lesnar's ass, and I'm going to have a front row seat to watch it happen! Disgusting!

The cameras faded on Torrie Wilson as the EBWF logo flashed in the corner and Warfare went off the air.