Warfare Results 03/30/2015

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Warfare Results 03/30/2015

Post by Ashlee »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We're just six days away from the hottest event on the EBWF calendar... WrestleMania!

Jim Ross: We are live from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, and tonight we'll see The Rock take on the former Intercontinental Champion, Sami Zayn!

Jerry Lawler: We'll also see Justin Gabriel versus Brian Kendrick, and the Ascension make their EBWF debut against Wade Barrett of Ryback!

Jim Ross: Speaking of EBWF debuts, King! Up first tonight, we'll see the veteran superstar Dean Malenko competing for the first time in a fatal four way against Big Ryck, Austin Aries and Damien Sandow! The winner gets a Breakout Title shot at WrestleMania!

"Shooter" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Dean Malenko headed to the ring. After Malenko had entered the ring, Big Ryck came out, followed by Aries and finally Damien Sandow. When all four superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Big Ryck started strongly, charging at Aries and taking him down with a huge shoulder block, before taking Aries down with a lariat. Big Ryck then turned his attention to Malenko, and the two men locked up. Big Ryck applied a headlock, but Malenko transitioned it into a hammerlock, then hit Big Ryck with a German suplex.

Jerry Lawler: How the hell did Malenko manage to lift Big Ryck up for that German suplex, JR?

Jim Ross: Malenko is one of the most impressive technicians in wrestling, King... he's full of surprises!

As Malenko got to his feet, Aries ran at him, but Malenko was reacted quickly and hit Aries with a dropkick. Sandow then got to his feet and Malenko grabbed him, hitting a brainbuster before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Malenko got to his feet and Big Ryck attacked him, lifting Malenko onto his shoulders then throwing him out of the ring. Big Ryck then turned his attention to Aries, who was back on his feet. Aries hit Big Ryck with a series of punches, but Big Ryck quickly overpowered Aries, and after hitting Aries with a stiff kick to the midsection, Big Ryck hit him with a powerbomb. Big Ryck hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Big Ryck with a near fall!

As Big Ryck got to his feet, he was attacked by Damien Sandow. Sandow took Big Ryck down with a Russian legsweep, then hit the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow hooked the leg - 1... 2... kickout! Sandow got to his feet and stomped on Big Ryck several times, then pulled him to his feet. Sandow set Big Ryck up for a full nelson slam, but Big Ryck broke free, then hit Sandow with a big boot. Sandow got to his feet and Big Ryck lifted him onto his shoulders, applying the Torture Rack!

Jim Ross: This could be it King!

Just as it looked like Sandow was going to submit, Malenko re-entered the ring, attacking Big Ryck and forcing him to break the hold. Malenko whipped Big Ryck into the ropes, then took him down with a drop toe hold. Malenko applied a Boston crab, but Aries hit him with a dropkick to the back of the head, forcing him to break the hold. Malenko got to his feet and Aries hit him with a series of right hands, then lifted him onto his shoulders and set him up for the death valley driver. Malenko countered with a neckscissors, then as Aries got to his feet, Malenko hit a double underhook powerbomb, followed by the Texas Cloverleaf! Aries tried to reach the ropes, but was unable to do so and tapped out! The referee called for the bell as Malenko broke the hold.

Jerry Lawler: An impressive debut victory for Dean Malenko! The Man of 1,000 Holds is going to WrestleMania!

Malenko celebrated his win as Warfare went to a commercial break.


After the tag match between The Ascension and Barrett and Ryback, the camera cut backstage. The crowd gave a mixed reaction as the camera cut to Renee Young, who was stood with Chris Jericho.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, with me at this time is the longest serving superstar in EBWF History, Chris Jericho. Chris, this Sunday you'll be appearing at your 14th consecutive WrestleMania. How does it feel to be keeping up that streak?

Chris Jericho: It's an honor, Renee. I've been with EBWF since the very beginning, and WrestleMania is still my favorite night of the year. I'm hoping this Sunday will be a night to remember for me.

Renee Young: You're up against Solomon Crowe, who provided what was arguably the shock of 2014 when he defeated John Cena for the World Title at Survivor Series. Crowe went on to successfully defend the Title against The Rock and Dean Ambrose in two thrilling matches, before losing the gold to AJ Styles last month at Fallout, in an Elimination Chamber match you were also part of. How different of a threat will Crowe pose to you when it's one on one, rather than you, him and four other guys inside the devastating steel structure that is the Elimination Chamber?

Chris Jericho: I'll be honest with you, Renee - no disrespect to Crowe, but I don't really see him as a threat. Is Crowe a talented wrestler? Sure. Was he a deserving World Champion? Absolutely. But I have been in this business a long time, and there is no one I consider a threat, because no matter how good anyone I come up against is, I can always find a way to beat them. Crowe and I didn't cross paths much inside the Chamber - I spent most of my time dealing with Chris Sabin and Dean Ambrose, and Ambrose eliminated me before I could get my hands on Crowe. This time, I'll have Crowe all to myself, and if anyone should feel threatened going into this match, it's him.

Renee Young: As a former World Champion, Solomon Crowe is entitled to a rematch, and when you interrupted him last week on Warfare, he was demanding to know when he would get that rematch. Instead, you challenged him to put that rematch on the line, and he did. So if you win this Sunday, you'll be the new number one contender for the World Title. How do you feel about the prospect of going up against AJ Styles, a man you have a lot of history with, or the two-time Royal Rumble winner, Dolph Ziggler?

Chris Jericho: You know Renee, it's funny how things work sometimes. AJ and Dolph were supposed to go one on one last year, but "the Brock Lesnar effect" changed all that. Now a year later, they finally get their WrestleMania main event match together. It will be a great match I'm sure, and I'll be watching it closely. Because whoever walks away from Mania the World Champion, I'll be ready for. And...

There was a loud thud as Renee Young let out a squeal and stumbled back a few steps, and the sound of boos could be heard as Solomon Crowe entered the frame and hit a huge forearm to the back of Jericho’s head which knocked him to the ground, face first. It was obvious Crowe wasn’t finished with Jericho after their encounter last week resulted in Crowe being left embarrassed in the middle of the ring, now it was time for last-minute revenge before their big WrestleMania match. Crowe fell down to his knees and grabbed Jericho’s hair in his left hand before lifting his head up and connecting with punch after punch, starting off with slower and powerful punches before speeding up and then standing up to his feet and stamping on Jericho’s head repeatedly.

Solomon Crowe: You just LOVE being on television and stealing my limelight don’t you? Love this you son of a bitch!

Crowe grabbed Jericho and stood him up, he grabbed his face and laughed in it before throwing Jericho head first into one of the monitors at the back as he fell to the ground. Crowe stood tall over Jericho and smiled, clearly proud of his work before kicking Jericho’s arm and walking over him, before leaving he saw Renee Young was still standing there watching what was unfolding, shaken by the incident. Crowe straightened his hair and pointed for Renee Young to move in closer so he could speak, the camera picked up Renee’s hand which was trembling, holding the microphone towards Crowe’s mouth.

Solomon Crowe: And that... is what happens... to people who believe Solomon Crowe is not a threat. Chris Jericho has been here for a very long time, but I think it is now long enough and it is time for me to put the EBWF Universe out of their misery, and end Chris Jericho once and for all. At WrestleMania when I get my hands on him inside of the ring, he will realize right away that Solomon Crowe is the biggest threat he has ever faced.

Solomon Crowe was about to walk away and leave Jericho on the ground, however Renee Young still piped up with another question for Crowe, and he stopped to answer her.

Renee Young: Many people will argue that Chris Jericho’s experience in this match will prevail, his technicality, the experience and of course his superior submission... how can you counter all of that in your first WrestleMania?

Crowe then stepped back and looked down at Jericho who was moving around in pain, and the cameras picked up several personnel just waiting for Crowe to leave so they could help him, Crowe stared at them and realised they were waiting for him. Crowe moved towards Jericho and laughed, standing on his hands so he couldn’t move them before responding to Renee Young.

Solomon Crowe: You have not seen anything yet, you have only seen less than half of what I am capable of and if I could become the World Champion, then you people will dread to think what I can do at my best. This man... on the floor wincing in pain is not better than me in any way, I have defeated experienced men, technical men and I am not new to submission manoeuvres, Renee. In fact, why don’t I give you a little taster of what is to come at WrestleMania, a little something I destroyed various opponents with as a dangerous up-and-comer.

Crowe grabbed Jericho’s leg as a demonstration and placed it over his neck and locked his hands in tight grip before kicking Jericho’s head, falling down and tightening the grip even more, displaying the dangerous Stretch Muffler submission hold he was known for, and was adamant that it would get one over the Walls of Jericho. Crowe then released Jericho and crouched down to talk to him, moving Jericho’s hair out of his face and slapped him to pump him up.

Solomon Crowe: And you Mr. Jericho... I guess I will see you at WrestleMania.

Crowe then looked around and walked off as the medics and personnel tended to Jericho after Crowe’s cheap yet vicious attack.


Warfare’s focus returned to the ring, where the lights changed for the start of the next match. Emma’s theme music hit and the bubbly diva hit the stage in the style of Brian Kendrick. With her white jacket, white top, trunks and boots similar to her newfound idol, she stumbled her way down the ramp in a manner likewise to Kendrick.

Jim Ross: This is an interesting infatuation Emma seems to have with Brian Kendrick.

Jerry Lawler: Interesting? More like weird! This is as strange as it gets.

When she made it to the ring, “Empire March” began to play throughout the arena, marking the entrance of the monstrous Awesome Kong. Kong appeared on the stage where she stood ominously for a few moments before slowly making her way to the ring. When she arrived, Emma threw off her jacket to ringside as the bell rang. Kong’s massive figure remained planted in the center of the ring as Emma began circling it. Kong turned her self to follow along as Emma edged in a bit closer, throwing a few of her dance jabs in Kong’s direction. She didn’t even flinch.

Jerry Lawler: Awesome Kong doesn’t even look bothered by Emma.

Jim Ross: That could be a big mistake on her part. Emma’s out to impress Kendrick tonight.

Emma went to lock up with Kong but was thrown across the ring in one shove. She rolled to her feet and collected herself while Kong barely moved. Emma went for it again, this time grabbing Kong’s arm and wrenching it awkwardly. Kong looked at Emma with bug eyes and pulled her arm free from the lock, forcing Emma to stumble backwards. Kong took a few steps forward to get in Emma’s face. The much smaller woman had to look away from her opponents gaze and even fanned at her face.

Jerry Lawler: Ohhh boy, this doesn’t look good for Emma.

With surprising speed Kong lunged forward to grab at Emma, but she ducked under her arm and hit Kong with a swift kick to the back of her knee, which caused her to kneel down momentarily. Emma seized the opportunity and hopped on Kong’s back, slapping on a sleeperhold. But with Kong’s massive strength, she easily returned to her feet and started taking small steps backwards with Emma on her back, grabbing at her tiny wrists trying to break free. Emma refused to let go and attempted to wrap her legs around Kong for leverage but failed. Kong slowly began to spin in a circle, trying to loosen Emma from her back. The crowd started counting with each spin and got all the way up to 5! Emma slipped off, slightly dizzy from the spinning. She wobbled towards the ropes and rebounded towards Kong who was doubled over and sent her to the mat with a dropkick to the side of the head. She went for a pin. 1…… Kong threw Emma off easily. Both women got to their feet and Kong hit Emma with a hard punch to her gut. She threw her to the ropes where Emma rebounded into a shoulder block. Kong took a couple of steps back and lumbered towards Emma as she was on the mat to go for a giant splash. But Emma was aware and rolled out of the way just at the last moment.

Jim Ross: Oh man! What a giant splash!

Jerry Lawler: Luckily Emma didn't become a giant splat!

Kong returned to her feet as fast as her body allowed her while Emma sized her up from the corner. When Kong was vertical Emma rushed her, hitting a hurricanrana. Kong was sent flying into the ropes, her upper body bouncing off like a guillotine. She turned around, holding at her throat and chest when Emma flew at her with a flying elbow. Emma fell to the mat from her own momentum while Kong lurched backwards. It didn’t seem to do much though. When Emma got back to standing position she went to grab Kong by the arm. She attempted an irish whip, but there was no possible way as Kong was much larger. Instead, when Emma went to pull on Kong’s arm, Kong yanked her back roughly into a backdrop position. In a grand display of strength she stepped all the way to the center of the ring with Emma held up precariously in the same position. The crowd was going wild, and “oh’ing”. In a desperate attempt to save herself she began flailing her legs in the air. This gave her enough momentum to cause Kong to stumble forward towards the turnbuckle where Emma landed feet first on the 2nd post of the corner. With careful precision she moved her feet to the top of the turnbuckle, still locked into Kong’s grip in the back drop. With a quick push, she launched herself up and behind Kong to pull off a Sliced Bread #2!

Jim Ross: By God King! Emma just executed a gravity defying finisher!

Jerry Lawler: Forget gravity, she just went against all of physics being able to take down Kong like that!

The crowd cheered loudly as Emma went for the pin. 1…….2…………..3! Emma secured the victory.

Jerry Lawler: Wow JR, what an impressive win for Emma!

Jim Ross: Perhaps it may even be impressive enough to secure Brian Kendrick’s attention. What a match and what a win here tonight for Emma.

The winning woman quickly rolled out of the ring to evade any punishment that may have followed, dancing in the style of Kendrick all the way up the ramp as her music played. Kong sat up clearly disappointed as the show cut to commercial.


Returning from break the cameras picked up in the parking garage. There was a pop overheard from the audience as AJ Styles appeared on the screen.

Jim Ross: There is our World Champion, AJ Styles just making it to the arena.

As Styles made it closer to the entrance the camera picked up a huge protest going on. Disgruntled fans with homemade signs screamed foul language towards the camera. That didn't stop Styles as he continued towards them.

Jerry Lawler: I wonder what's going on outside the arena?

Before Styles got any closer he was approached by two men dressed in EBWF Security uniforms.

Security: Sir, in the interest of your protection, please allow us to escort you into the building.

Styles was confused. After pulling back his black hood he questioned the two guards.

AJ Styles: Protection? You boys don't look like Farooq and Bradshaw, so exactly what do I need to be protected from?

Before security could respond the crowd became rowdy when a loud "THERE HE IS!" was heard. A very disgruntled woman held a sign that had Styles name and giant red "X" plastered over it. She pointed a finger at him as the mob of people, mostly middle-aged women, turned towards him, continuing to shout profanities and wave their signs around. The two security guards motioned towards the entrance and looked back at Styles.

Jim Ross: What on earth is going on out there?

Styles avoided interacting with the mob so he followed the guards expeditiously. With the crowd having to stay so many feet away from the building, Styles was able to safely find a route to the entrance. When he was just a few steps away from the door, a lone figure stepped directly in front of him. She didn't have a sign, or anything on her for that matter. But that didn't mean she wasn't loaded.

Michelle McCool: Oh hey AJ, going somewhere?

She had a smirk on her face is she looked smugly at Styles, making it clear she wasn't about to budge. Another person somewhere in the mob yelled. "BASTARD!"

Styles looked behind him then back towards the blonde bombshell standing inches away from him.

AJ Styles: Michelle... Looking good...

There was no fear in this man's heart as he smiled deviously at McCool. She laughed at Styles' comment.

Michelle McCool: I guess I'm not the only thing that's "good" around here anymore though, right? You're different. Way different now. Supposedly anyway.

It seemed like the mob was angered because they started getting a little louder.

AJ Styles: You and everybody else around here seems to think so. I caught your little publicity stunt a few weeks ago. You pissed a lot of people off.

Styles looked back at the crowd for just a moment.

AJ Styles: Not more than me by the looks of it. Is this supposed to be a part of your plan to expose me? A bunch of MILFS screaming my name?

Michelle McCool: Is it working? Because it seems like everyone else has something to say about this. Everyone except you. Because you have something to hide, AJ... These "MILFS?" All the people here protesting you don't even add up to the number of women you've slept with.

Michelle stared at him with those icy blue eyes of hers, not losing any eye contact with Styles but she still had a smirk on her face.

Michelle McCool: You can't change that.

AJ Styles: Right. There are things you can't change. Sure, I've slept with a lot of women. Sue me. I've been tested. I've had my shots. I'm pretty sure I'm cleaner than majority of those people.

Styles smirked right back at her.

AJ Styles: What is it really, Michelle? Why are you causing all this trouble over me? Are you mad because you became a statistic or do you just miss big daddy?

Michelle looked around for a second at the people surrounding her and Styles, not appearing fazed by what he said.

Michelle McCool: A statistic you're not that far from becoming again in one week, AJ. 7 days, and you'll be needing me-- again, when you finally realize that you're still the same loser you always have been and always will be. So much for the Big Bad Wolf...

AJ Styles: To be honest, Michelle. You're right. I'm not a good person. People think I'm some changed man, but in reality I'm that same bastard who could care less how they feel. Last week, I was almost booed out of the arena in my match with Sami Zayn. I realized that I don't need these people. They are still the same bunch of unappreciative degenerates they've always been. I need you, Michelle.

Michelle McCool: If you want me, you won't just have your world title to worry about at Wrestlemania. Show everyone what they already know; that you're no different. If you need me, you'll prove it. Beat Dolph Ziggler, and I'm all yours.

Styles leaned forward and grabbed Michelle, kissing her with raw passion. The kiss only lasted seconds once Styles snatched away.

AJ Styles: See you Sunday night, sweet cheeks.

After this the mob went wild, cursing Styles as he made his way easily past Michelle into the building. They tried to force their way in as more security came to the scene for more crowd control.

Jim Ross: BAW GAWD KING, what did we just witness?

Jerry Lawler: I think our World Champion just showed us his true colors!

The scene faded out into a commercial break.


The Ascension were the first out to the ring, and the crowd was ready for tag team action. Ryback and Barrett were out next, and Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler spoke as they made their way to the ring.

Jim Ross: Twitter has gotten these two trending since they were left off the Slammy Ballot for Tag Team of the Year.

Jerry Lawler: What an oversight?! How could the administration let this happen.

Barrett and Viktor started things off for their respective teams. Viktor secured the upper-hand and then tagged in Konnor. Konnor picked up where Viktor left off, taking it to Barrett. Barrett tagged in Ryback. After some quick double-team offense, Ryback remained in the ring and continued to go to work on Konnor. Ryback tagged Barrett back in. They utilized some more quick double-team offense to remain in control of the match.

Jim Ross: Amazing Tag Action here tonight!

Both men were down, and struggled to their corners. Each guy made the tag. Viktor took the hot tag and was blasting anything that moved. He nailed Ryback with a Psycho Crusher and then started calling to the fans. Barrett interfered, allowing Ryback to roll Viktor up for a close near fall.
Victor fought his way out of it and superkicked Ryback. He hit the Tiger Bomb for another near fall. He went to the top rope, but Ryback crotched him and tagged Barrett back in. Ryback grabbed Viktor and superplexed him. Barrett came off the top on the other side of the ring with a splash. 1..2..3!

Jim Ross: And there’s a win for Ryback and Bad News Barrett!


The cameras cut backstage where Michael Cole was on scene with the Mean Girls; Eva Marie, Summer Rae, and Women's Champion, Sasha Banks. All three were dressed in their ring gear and ready to go. Despite the fact that only one out of the three actually had a match for Warfare.

Michael: Michael Cole here with the self proclaimed Mean Girls. It's my pleasure to introduce to you at this time, our Women's champion, Sasha Banks.

Sasha smiled smugly, sporting her ridiculous gold "bling" glasses, her Women's title strapped around her slender waist. Sasha patted the title with her hand to bring attention to her most prized possession.

Michael Cole: Eva Marie.

Eva twirled her luscious red hair around her manicured fingers. Her nails matched her red ring gear almost perfectly.

Eva: All red everything.

Michael: And Summer Rae.

Summer was beaming. She was practically on cloud nine after winning a shot at the Women's tag team titles at Wrestlemania 14, against Trish Stratus and Natalya. It was an enormous opportunity for her on the grandest stage of them all, and she knew that.

Summer Rae: Pleasure is all your's, Michael. I assure you.

Michael: Of course.

Summer: In fact, nerd bomber, we wouldn't even let you near us right now if it wasn't for the fact that I, Summer Rae, happen to have a huge announcement to make.

Summer paused, the attention all on her now. Just like she preferred. Summer simply smiled and flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder.

Summer: ... That's your cue to ask me about it, Michael.

Summer scoffed in annoyance and looked at both her BAE's with a 'WTF' expression.

Michael: What announcement do you have for the EBWF Universe, Summer?

Summer: Wow, it's like I have to tell this idiot how to do his ONE job. This is exactly why two cousins shouldn't marry... when they reproduce, you get a kid like Michael Cole. Now get lost!

Summer yanked the microphone from Michael Cole and Sasha shoved him out of the scene.

Sasha: You heard her! SCAM!

Sasha clearly meant "Scram", but no one bothered to correct her. The three girls adjusted themselves to be center in front of the camera. Summer cleared her throat, standing between both Sasha Banks and Eva Marie.

Summer: I know the EBWF has been waiting on the edge of their seats for like... a week straight now. My fans say they can't eat or sleep, some are even missing work and school. It's insane how much they truly care about the Mean Girls. Our fans are worried, they need an answer! One they will get.... in a moment.

Summer switched hands with the microphone before she continued.

Summer: You see, everyone has been tweeting and texting me about who I'm going to pick. Pft, like I'm going to spoil my big announcement over twitter. This moment is mine to shine, and y'all should know I'm going to soak up the spotlight as much as I can! No shame in my game. I'm here to help put Mean Girls on the map for good! We aren't going anywhere, we've done nothing but dominate the Divas division since we arrived on the scene about a year ago. Who else accomplished what we three did in one year? Hm? Who?

Eva and Sasha shrugged their shoulders.

Summer: No one, that's who! I mean look at us, we are the total package. We're smart, we're gorgeous, we're athletic, and we obviously get the job done. I mean my bae Sasha isn't champion for nothing!

Sasha: Tuh!

Summer: Now, before I announce who I finally decided to be my partner, I just want to say that...

Again Summer paused for a few moments before she continued.

Summer: I know all the ladies are in the locker room right now, watching this, waiting with baited breath for me to make my final decision. Don't worry ladies, none of you are going to be my pick! I mean, obvi it will tots comes down to my Ride or Die's! Duhh!

Summer mockingly smacked the side of her head and made a derp face.

Summer: This was quite possibly the HARDEST decision OF. MY. LIFE. No joke. How do you choose between your two best friends? It's us three vs the world until the bitter end. I mean we're practically like the Charlie's Angels of professional wrestling. But I don't expect you basics to understand that because, well... you're basic. Basics don't have emotions or have a true bond with people like us Queens do. Trust me people when I say, the struggle is real.

Summer turned and looked at Sasha then at Eva and smiled.

Summer: However, I did finally make a decision. It wasn't easy but my partner for Wrestlemania 14 is... EVA!!

Eva: Red and gold baby!

The three Divas squealed with excitement and jumped in place by one another. It looked and sounded like fan girls at a One Direction concert, before Zayn announced his departure from the band. They all hugged one another as the scene faded to another segment.


"Top of the World" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Eva Marie made her way to the ring, accompanied by Summer Rae and Sasha Banks.

Jim Ross: Well moments ago, we found out that Eva Marie will team with Summer Rae at WrestleMania against the Women's Tag Champions, Natalya and Trish Stratus. Tonight though, Eva takes on Brie Bella, who will challenge Sasha Banks for the Women's Title this Sunday!

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for this one, JR!

The Mean Girls entered the ring and posed for the crowd, then Sasha and Summer exited the ring and Sasha sat down next to Lawler at the announce table.

Jim Ross: Well it looks like the Women's Champion, Sasha Banks, is joining us on commentary for this match! Welcome Sasha!

Sasha Banks: Yes, it’s true, I’m here. Thank you’s for having me.

"You Can Look" by Jim Johnston hit. The crowd cheered as Brie Bella made her way to the ring, accompanied by Nikki Bella. As Brie entered the ring, she glared across at the Women's Champion, Sasha Banks, then taunted Eva as the referee called for the bell. The two divas locked up and Brie took Eva down with a snapmare, then stomped on Eva several times. Eva got to her feet and Brie whipped her against the ropes, before hitting an arm drag. Eva got to her feet and Brie went for a clothesline, but Eva ducked out of the way before hitting Brie with a series of punches.

Sasha Banks: Mhmm, that’s my boo. Slaying as usual.

Eva whipped Brie into the corner, then ran at her and hit a corner dropkick. As Brie staggered out of the corner, Eva rolled her up in a small package! The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Eva with a near fall!

Sasha Banks: I hope Brie knows it ain’t gonna be that kicking out. I’m very fragile.

Jim Ross: Fragile? That’s not a good thing, Sasha.

Jerry Lawler: I think she means “agile”, JR. There are just some things you aren’t meant to understand.

Sasha Banks: Cuz you’re not a BOSS. Duh.

Both divas got to their feet and Eva kicked Brie in the stomach, then set Brie up for a suplex. Brie blocked it, countering with a suplex of her own. Both divas got to their feet and Brie hit Eva with a series of punches, then ran to the ropes. As Brie hit the ropes, Summer Rae grabbed her foot, trying to trip her! Brie turned to face Summer and glared at her, but Eva took advantage of the distraction, rolling Brie up once more, this time with a schoolgirl! The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Eva Marie almost stole a victory there thanks to Summer Rae's interference!

Summer Rae applauded Eva's efforts, incurring the wrath of Brie's sister Nikki. Nikki ran at Summer and took her down with a Thesz press, then punched her on the ground repeatedly! Sasha had stood up from her seat and covered her mouth in surprise as she watched the chaos ensue. The crowd cheered for Nikki, but the referee had seen enough, and he ordered both divas to leave the ringside area!

Jerry Lawler: Well Sasha, it looks like we're going to have a fair fight between Eva and Brie now! Unless you're planning on getting involved?

Sasha groaned and smacked her lips before sitting back in her chair hastily, pouting for quite some time. Back in the ring, both Brie and Eva were on their feet, and the two divas locked up once more. Eva applied a headlock, but Brie broke free, pushing Eva into the ropes before hitting her with a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet once more and Brie ran at Eva, taking her down with a knee to the head. Brie stomped on Eva some more, then pulled her to her feet and hit a hair-pull mat slam. Brie made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: This time Brie Bella gets a two count!

Sasha Banks: You can’t pull her hair like that! Isn't that illegible?! CHEATER!

Jerry Lawler: I don't think it’s "illegible"! But it looks like Eva is still in the game here.

Both divas got to their feet, and began exchanging punches back and forth. Brie gained the upper hand and went to whip Eva into the corner, but Eva reversed the Irish whip, sending Brie into the corner. Eva then ran at Brie and went for a clothesline, but Brie got her knees up, blocking Eva. Eva collided face-first with the knees of Brie, then as she staggered backwards, Brie climbed to the top rope. Brie hit a diving crossbody and made the cover once more. The referee counted - 1... 2... Sasha squealed in despair as Eva managed to kick out!

Jerry Lawler: Brie Bella was so close to victory there!

Brie got to her feet and signalled for the Bella Buster! Eva got to her feet, and Brie went for it... but Eva countered with a spinebuster! Eva then applied a modified surfboard stretch on Brie, who cried out in pain but refused to submit. Eva broke the hold, and Eva went for Seeing Red... but Brie blocked it, and took Eva down with a DDT. Brie then grabbed Eva's right leg, applying a single leg Boston crab!

Jim Ross: Single leg Boston crab locked in by Brie Bella! I think Eva Marie's in trouble!

At this point the women’s champion had gotten out of her seat and went to ringside, calling on Eva. Eva crawled towards the ropes as Banks stretched out her hand to try and help... but just as she was about to reach her, Brie pulled her back! Brie increased the pressure, and reluctantly, Eva Marie tapped out. As the referee called for the bell, Brie broke the hold, and after the referee had raised Brie's arm in victory, Brie walked to the side of the ring and pointed at Sasha who was stomping her feet in a fit. Brie began mouthing off at Sasha which only angered her more, and she held up the Women's Title, taunting Brie with the gold. Brie and Sasha continued to trash talk one another as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a promo highlighting the Wrestlemania weekend ahead the fans erupted in a loud pop as the backstage area was shown and the number one contender for the World Championship, Dolph Ziggler, and his now longtime girlfriend, AJ Lee, were seen sitting high up on top of one of the massive black and stainless steel equipment trunks. She was leaning against him, and running her hand over his flat shirt-covered abdomen.

AJ Lee: Oooooo! I think you got a new ab, Ziggly-Puff!

Dolph Ziggler: Two. Had to keep it symmetrical. I think I’m up to a 14-pack now.

He gave that typically cocky Ziggler smirk and her hands continued to run over him. For a moment her right hand made contact with his platinum locks and instantly he was jerking away as if she’d burned him.

Dolph Ziggler: Whoa! What’s the rule babe?

She looked instantly apologetic and spoke in a monotone, having obviously said this mantra a time or two in the past.

AJ Lee: Touch anything I want but not the hair. Never the hair.

He gave a small approving nod.

Dolph Ziggler: Good job.

AJ preened and then her face grew more serious as she looked back at him, watching as he admired his own reflection in the mirrored surface of his iPhone case. He’d widen his eyes and a look of overly dramatic shock and humility would take over his features.

AJ Lee: Whatcha doing?

Dolph Ziggler: I’m wondering if I should pretend to look shocked when I defeat Styles at Wrestlemania or not. Practicing my,” Oh my God I wanna thank all the little people,” face. Not sure if I should even bother with it when we all know it’s gonna happen.

He shrugged and she was quiet for a moment.

AJ Lee: So... why do you think AJ is telling everyone he’ll win?

Dolph looked entirely unaffected and only scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Dolph Ziggler: We all know it’s just his way of crying out for attention. He’s the World Champion and all anyone is talking about going into Wrestlemania is Lesnar, Cena, and of course, yours truly. No one gives a damn about the World Champion. No one has been talking about the World Champion in over a month; and he can’t stand it. He can’t stand the fact that the spotlight is on me, and not him. So he’s gotta go out there and run his mouth to try and get some attention for himself.

He shrugged and gave a small chuckle of amusement.

Dolph Ziggler: Let him say whatever he wants to say, and do whatever the hell he wants to do. It won’t make a damn bit of difference. If there’s one thing AJ Styles has proven over and over again, it’s that he can talk a big game, but he washes out among big players. Just look at last week. I won in my match against Ted Dibiase - the very man he used to call partner and tout as some kind of dangerous force. How much you wanna bet at some point or another he’ll talk about how Dibiase is, NOW, conveniently, nothing? And what did he do last week? When I was busy doing what I do best, winning? He lost. To Sami Zayn. Bet he wishes I hadn’t seen THAT, huh? He’ll try and pretend the loss was a fluke. I know this because it’s the same damn thing he ALWAYS does. He’ll try to get under my skin, he’ll try to get me riled up, and he might even make this personal, but I don’t care. Because in the end? We all know his words won’t save him from my actions, and they won’t save that title from changing hands at Wrestlemania.

He turned to her.

Dolph Ziggler: Wanna see just how worried I am about AJ Styles?

She raised an eyebrow but before she could say anything he was leaning toward her and they were kissing. The camera slowly began to pan right and away from the couple with AJ’s giggles and amused words following behind as the scene began to fade to black.

AJ Lee: Okay! Okay, Ziggles! You aren’t worried! You aren’t worried AT ALL!

Dolph Ziggler: Not the hair! I know it’s amazing and a thing of beauty, but not.the.hair!


"Rocket Skates" began to play over the arena and Brian Kendrick headed towards the ring. He didn't play to the crowd at all and didn't waste a moment during his trek to the squared circle.

Jim Ross: Current and reigning Path to Glory champion Brian Kendrick is set to face off against the man he defeated to win the vacated gold: Justin Gabriel. Gabriel is going to be looking for some revenge here and Kendrick is going to be looking to build some momentum for his match with CM Punk!

Kendrick paced around the ring as his music played but his mind seemed to be anywhere but on the task at hand. Just as the announcer was about to announce his opponent, he suddenly snatched the referee and dropped him with the Slice Bread #2!

Jerry Lawler: What was that?! Kendrick just attacked the referee before the match has even begun!

The ring announcer dropped the mic and quickly bolted as Kendrick snatched it off of the canvas. Stalking about at an even more fevered pace, Kendrick brought the mic to his mouth.

Brian Kendrick: C. M. Punk.

The crowd erupted at the name of the challenger.

Brian Kendrick: I hate you, I've always hated you, I'll always hate you! And do you know what? I don't want to wait until WrestleMania. You want what I got? Come out here and take it from me you piece of--

A burst of static and 'Cult of Personality' cut off Kendrick as CM Punk didn't waste any time making an appearance.

Jerry Lawler: That challenge was accepted in record time!

Jim Ross: Punk and Kendrick have a ton of history and I don't believe either man is going to hesitate to knock the other's head clean off!

Punk bolted to the ring as Kendrick tossed his mic aside and rushed towards him as well. Punk practically speared Kendrick through the ring and began to pummel him with right hands before Stardust and Adam Rose suddenly slid into the ring and began laying in stomps on Punk.

Jim Ross: It was a damn trap!

Stardust and Rose pried Punk off of Kendrick and began to lay in some right hands of their own before Punk shoved them both away. With some distance, he began to drop both men with right hands and even connected with the GTS on Rose! As Rose collapsed in the ring, Kendrick quickly struck and took out Punk's knee from behind. This allowed a double team to ensue and try as he might, Punk couldn't fend off two former World Champions. Punk was stomped onto the mat and Kendrick hastily pulled his body up and connected with his second Sliced Bread of the night!

Jim Ross: Valiant effort by Punk but the numbers game caught up with him.

Kendrick rubbed some fingers along his mouth which had been busted open during the brawl and flicked his own blood away. Stardust yanked Punk to his feet and Kendrick brought the PTG Title crashing into his head to drop him once more. Satisfied with his attack, Kendrick glared down at Punk as Stardust hauled a lifeless Adam Rose to his feet and the three made an exit from the ring.

Jerry Lawler: We knew this encounter was going to be intense but with the title on the line, I'm afraid what these two are going to do to walk out of Mania as champion!


"If you smell, what The Rock, is cooking!"

"Electrifying" hit and the crowd cheered as The Rock strutted to the ring for the next match. Upon entering the ring, Rock climbed the turnbuckle and performed his trademark pose, holding up one arm and smelling the air before climbing down and awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "World's Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd continued to cheer as Sami Zayn headed to the ring.

Jim Ross: And here comes Sami Zayn, who picked up a huge victory last week on Warfare, defeating the EBWF World Champion AJ Styles. Can Zayn get another win tonight and maintain his momentum going into WrestleMania?

After Zayn had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Rock wasted no time getting started, hitting Zayn with the People's Punches. Rock then whipped Zayn into the ropes, before hitting a huge clothesline. Zayn got to his feet and Rock hit a float-over DDT before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from The Great One!

Zayn got to his feet and Rock grabbed him, dragging him towards the corner and slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Rock then punched Zayn in the corner several times, before whipping him against the ropes once more. As Zayn ran back towards him, Rock went for a snap overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Zayn blocked it and countered with an exploder suplex. Both men got to their feet and Zayn hit a dropkick. The two men got to their feet once more and Zayn whipped The Rock into the ropes, then ran at him and hit a clothesline, sending Rock to the outside. As Rock got to his feet, Zayn ran against the ropes and jumped over the top rope, hitting Rock with a somersault plancha!

Jim Ross: Impressive aerial skill from Sami Zayn!

The referee began counting both men out - 1... 2... 3... at the count of four, Zayn picked Rock up and threw him back into the ring. Zayn then climbed to the top rope and hit a diving crossbody before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Zayn and Rock got to their feet, and Zayn set Rock up for the Blue Thunder Bomb, but The Rock blocked it before hitting Zayn with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men got to their feet and The Rock whipped Zayn against the ropes, then hit him with a Samoan drop. Rock hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Zayn got to his feet and ran towards Rock, going for a clothesline, but Rock ducked out of the way and hit a flowing snap DDT, followed by a kip-up. Zayn slowly got to his feet, and Rock went for the Rock Bottom... but Zayn blocked it, and countered with a cradle DDT. Zayn then hit a standing moonsault, and as Rock got to his feet, Zayn whipped him into the corner. Zayn then ran at The Rock, hitting him with a huge big boot!

Jerry Lawler: Helluva Kick!

Rock fell to the mat and Zayn made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Zayn wins!

Jerry Lawler: Another performance like that on Sunday JR, and we could have a new Intercontinental Champion!

The referee called for the bell and raised Zayn's arm in victory. Zayn celebrated, then made his way to the back as The Rock watched on, disappointed. The EBWF logo appeared in the corner.

Jim Ross: What an exciting lineup we're going to have at Wrestlemania! Don't miss it, this Sunday!

The cameras faded as Warfare went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote