Over My Dead Body

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Over My Dead Body

Post by Will »

Mario Lopez: AJ Styles - The future of the EBWF. They call him “The Phenomenal One”, “The Big Bad Wolf, “The Greatest Wrestler in the Galaxy”, some even call him “The Man”. Growing up, he was poor and raised on a farm. When he was about 14 his family moved to a small city in Georgia. Throughout high school he ran with the local gang bangers and used almost any drug he could get his hand on. When he turned 18 he got his first real job as a factory worker. He calmed down from there and married his high school sweetheart. Then he found his passion, professional wrestling. Today, he is the World Heavyweight Champion of the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, the EBWF. He’s a Georgia boy through and through, and he’ll tell you so without even asking. AJ Styles is one of the most fascinating and captivating people I’ve ever sat down to interview. He has so much love for his sport. This interview was filmed earlier today on the set and I am going to show it to you in its entirety. However, I warn you. This interview is not intended for our younger audience. It’s raw and vulgar, but it wouldn’t be AJ Styles if it wasn’t. Here’s what the World Champion had to say.

It was a beautiful day on the set of EXTRA as AJ Styles sat across from the show’s host, Mario Lopez. Both men were dressed to the nines and if you didn’t think the World Champion had a sense of styles, then you thought wrong. Surprisingly, he wasn’t dressed in black today. Instead the World Champion wore a custom tailored grey suit that made anything from the Men’s Warehouse look like it came from a salvation army. With the trees blowing in the background of the outdoor set, the sunlight glimmered off the EBWF World Championship belt which rested on AJ Styles shoulder.

Mario Lopez: Let’s just cut to the chase. I’ve been dying to know this. Last year, at WrestleMania XIII you faced Wes Ikeda, the owner of the company, in the main event. How was that experience?

AJ Styles: I remember there was about 80,000 people booing the hell out of me. I remember me and Ikeda being really stiff with each other. I told him he hit like a pussy and he gave me a black eye. Ha. Priceless, shit. I don’t remember much of the end because the rusty fuck was too reckless and knocked me unconscious with the Coast to Coast. In the end it was all about what it’s always been about, Wes’ ego. Biggest fucking piece of shit to ever wrestle. Then has the nerve to call the shit he plays music. He won't put anyone over. Unless, it’s one of his “favs”. He demands you to do shit his way, and he gets mad when he thinks people are disrespecting him. You want to see Wes Ikeda mockery at its finest. Watch the WrestleMania match where him and Ric Flair tore the roof off the building. Watch the WrestleMania where he faces Randy Orton and the two beat the living hell out of each other. Wes Ikeda is overrated. He’s insensitive, and he’s a tool. The biggest tool in the tool box. Am I biting the hand of the man who put food on my table? Maybe. Do I care? Not at all. Fuck Wes Ikeda. Fuck you, Wes. I want a rematch just for the record.

Mario Lopez: Dolph Ziggler is your opponent for this year’s WrestleMania. The record shows that he has already beaten you in the past. What are your thoughts going into WrestleMania XIV this year as the defending World Champion?

AJ Styles: This past Monday. I arrived to the arena. I found out my segment was being cut and the match type I wanted to do would be a no go. I wouldn’t be getting Dolph Ziggler in a Hell in a Cell. Shit, I wouldn’t even be getting Dolph Ziggler in the main event anymore. I was walking around backstage with a chip on my shoulder. I got up in a few of the top guys faces and I flat out told them to eat shit and die. I was pissed. Legit pissed. I wanted to get in Dolph’s face, and tell him he was a coward for not accepting my challenge. He doesn’t want to work with me to promote the match, but he want to be the person that represents this company as its top champion. That’s pathetic. I’d tell him how it’s all his fault that the World Championship match has been billed as the co-main event for the SECOND year in a row. Even though he will try and twist the story to blame it on me. No, I’m a bonafide main eventer. I’ve been in more main events than Dolph has matches. For some reason, the guy doesn’t like me. He has even said he “hates” me. Hell, he doesn’t even fucking know me. He is just sleeping with my ex-girlfriend. But, from what I hear from the rumors going around backstage, he hasn’t even hit that ass yet. She’s making him wait. Very classy of her too. Maybe that’s why he hates me. I bet he’d probably commit suicide if he knew how long she made me wait. So, after telling him to grow some balls, I’d tell him how his gimmicks has always been shit. Men in pink shirts are pussies. Nobody gives a fuck about him and AJ Lee touching his hair. Nobody gives a damn about him and the Bellas doing each other’s makeup. I’d tell him how he belongs in the divas division and I’d challenged him to a real fight if he wanted to prove me wrong. Then… he wouldn't accept. He’d just run and tell on me like a child and get me in trouble with the company. That’s the kinda guy that could be the next EBWF World Champion.

Mario Lopez: What’s the greatest achievement in your career?

AJ Styles: That I’m a fucking huge name and I’ve never needed WWE to do it. I made a good decision when I came to the EBWF from TNA and I proved all of my critics wrong. I count that as my greatest achievement. Everyone that said I would be at the top can kiss my ass. Look at me now.

Mario Lopez: Rumors were that Vince once said he never signed you because when you were a free agent you had a severe problem with drugs.

AJ Styles: I’ve been approached by WWE, Vince McMahon, and so many of his people regarding a WWE contract. When I got into that shitstorm last year and the company let me go Vince was the very first person to contact me.

Mario Lopez: You’ve spoken to him?

AJ Styles: Dozens of times. Until I finally let him know that I would be coming back to the EBWF if the opportunity was presented. Just so happens it was. Vince was seething. I didn’t give a shit. When it comes down to business, Wes Ikeda is damn good at that. For a son of a bitch that didn’t finish high school he really does know how to make money.

Mario Lopez: You developed a drug habit in Georgia, is that right?

AJ Styles: I was a user before I ever stepped into a wrestling ring. I did some hard drugs, and I’m not too proud of that. I nearly killed myself. I recall going to jail for drunk driving once. I got disorderly with the officers and I ended up staying in jail for a month. For the first time in a long time I had stayed out of trouble. Well, shit happened, I fell in with the same crowd and ended up using again.

Mario Lopez: Hard drugs?

AJ Styles: Cocaine. Hell of a drug.

Mario Lopez: So you would say you’ve changed?

AJ Styles: I smoke weed. I have a medicinal license to have it and use. As far as the other stuff. No way. I’d never fuck with it again.

Mario Lopez: What were your parents like?

AJ Styles: Next subject.

Mario Lopez: Have you ever cheated on someone you loved?

AJ Styles: When I was married, no. When I was on the drugs, and had stable girlfriends I’d always end up letting them down.

Mario Lopez: Have you’ve ever been on steroids?

AJ Styles: I’ve think my doctor gave me a shot once upon a time when I had the flu.

Mario Lopez: But you have ever taken them as performance enhancers?

AJ Styles: Never.

Mario Lopez: Okay, finish the sentence, you’re walking down the street and you see The Miz, you walk up to him and...

AJ Styles: Punch him in the mouth.

Mario Lopez: What would you say?

AJ Styles: Nothing.

Mario Lopez: Okay, I understand you dislike Miz. So, name one other guy you'd care to never work with again?

AJ Styles: I’d work with Mike, no problems. Mike and I don’t have any bad blood between us. I'll just kick his ass for personal reasons. On that note I’d go with... Dolph Ziggler. He doesn't understand this business. When you are at the top, like we are, you have to sell your match to the best of your ability. You have to make people buy the show just to see what happens when you are in the ring with a guy you dislike. Dolph Ziggler doesn’t understand that. Instead of us working together to sell this match, he would rather let his feeling get involved. If Dolph can’t seem to understand that then he will never be a top guy in this industry.

Mario Lopez: Whose departure from wrestling made you the most emotional?

AJ Styles: On a personal note, I really enjoyed what DX did for the company. Triple H and Shawn Michaels weren’t just two of the best wrestlers, but they were two of the best entertainers to ever step foot in the EBWF. When those two decided to hang it up, it really got me down because I knew when I finally had an opportunity to join the EBWF they would no longer be around.

Mario Lopez: Where’d you get your gimmick?

AJ Styles: I don’t have a gimmick. I am not a character.

Mario Lopez: Where did your style come from then?

AJ Styles: Brian Kendrick was one of my inspirations for unpredictable lunatic. I dug the delivery style of Raven. My in ring style is a Shawn Michaels/Triple H/Kurt Angle hybrid.

Mario Lopez: So in your opinion, what was the best WrestleMania match that you haven’t been a part of?

AJ Styles: WrestleMania 8. Chris Jericho verses Shawn Michaels. If you want to know what wrestling is, watch that match. Then watch it again.

Mario Lopez: What’s the best thing about being a millionaire?

AJ Styles: I finally have enough money to support my drug habit.

Mario Lopez: Who has the most painful finisher to take?

AJ Styles: I’d have to go with CM Punk. That GTS can hurt like hell.

Mario Lopez: What’s your favorite match?

AJ Styles: The Miz. EBWF Wrestlemania XI. We were best friends at the time. We worked so hard to put on the best match possible. I mean we worked our asses off like never before and it paid off. We had a fantastic match.

Mario Lopez: Didn’t you face him the next month in an Iornman match?

AJ Styles: Yeah, that was fun too. But it was fucking grueling. We talked it out the entire month. We came up with so many spots. We even had signals. It was more punishing than our WrestleMania match, and I think we both liked it that way. That match was 60 minutes long. An entire fucking hour. We had to deal with Taka and Funaki kidnapping Layla at the end of the match. Then Chris Jericho attacked me afterwards and beat the living hell out of me. I had no idea that shit was gonna happen. Afterwards, Mike and I both were in the back on Hope’s examination table laughing our asses off about it. I loved it.

Mario Lopez: Tell me, why are you so attached to the technical style of wrestling?

AJ Styles: I like technical wrestling more than anything. I did a little amateur wrestling in school. I wasn’t on the level of Dolph Ziggler, but that’s because I wasn’t committed. But I was pretty good for the redneck country kid. There are only so many of us that are willing to take sick bumps and bleed all over place to entertain the fans, but when you can entertain a stadium of 50,000 people with straight up wrestling, enough said. I admired Chris Beniot’s style a lot. I became a lot more interested in straight up wrestling after I met Kurt Angle in TNA. When I first arrived in the EBWF I was a bit flashy. But I’ve became more serious about technical wrestling after Kevin Nash was insulting me, calling me a glorified stunt man when I had just won the title. I convinced myself that I absolutely had to be the next generation. Since then, I’ve been convincing everyone else by showcasing how passionate I am about what I do. I’ve been doing absolutely everything in my power to be the greatest star to pass through this company since Shawn Michaels.

Mario Lopez: Why do you think it is that so many people dislike you?

AJ Styles: There's nothing I love more than being insulted. EBWF is like a high school. If the popular kid thinks you’re not cool, he can influence everyone to feel the same way. I’m sure when somebody arrives for their first day of work they hear the gossip, the rumors, the stories. “Oh, that AJ Styles is such a man-whore.” “He made a sextape and aired it on ebwf.net.” “He fucked majority of the female wrestlers.” “Oh, that AJ Styles is such a bad friend.” “He’ll leave you hanging high and dry when the deck is stacked high.” Oh, speaking of high, he’s always high.” That type of stuff would give you the bad impression of a person right off the bat. Now the newcomer is like “Oh, that AJ Styles is such an asshole.” Then the cycle repeats itself. You’ve got to understand that in this business the reason you never hear people talking about guys like Dolph Ziggler, Justin Gabriel, Daniel Rodimer, and on and on. It's because no one gives a shit. If they hate me. If they insult me. If they say I suck. If they accuse me of being the biggest fucking douchebag around, it's because they're paying me some fucking attention.

Mario Lopez: What are your thoughts on being a failure?

AJ Styles: I don't set out to do anything that I won’t succeed at. Failure isn't really in my vocabulary.

Mario Lopez: What are your thoughts on the man who defeated you last year for the World Championship and then went on to defeat your challenger Dolph Ziggler, Brock Lesnar?

AJ Styles: I've wrestled the guy one time. He was a complete and total dick. Nothing was more awesome than him catching Wes Ikeda during our contract signing and hitting the F5 on the outside of the ring.

Mario Lopez: Tell me what you think about AJ Lee?

AJ Styles: I should have expected that huh? Ummm… she is without a doubt... very gifted in her abilities.

Mario Lopez: What type of abilities?

AJ Styles: I’d rather not elaborate. Let’s just say Dolph Ziggler is dating an ex of mine on camera and off.

Mario Lopez: Why is it you constantly criticize the EBWF management when things don't go your way?

AJ Styles: I’m pretty vocal about my career. If I wasn’t I probably wouldn’t be Champion right now.

Mario Lopez: Who's the number one guy on your roster right now that you could see as a top contender for the World Title?

AJ Styles: Brian Kendrick. He draws like a motherfucker.

Mario Lopez: Of all the people in the world, who are you the most jealous of, and why?

AJ Styles: All the people in the world? Whoever's dating Ronda Rousey. It’s obvious why.

Mario Lopez: Who do you still mark out for?

AJ Styles: Lance Storm.

Mario Lopez: Who are the best characters in EBWF?

AJ Styles: Hmmm… Trent is always entertaining. Sasha Banks has a cool gimmick. Solomon Crowe is a great character. All three are going to be the future of the business.

Mario Lopez: What’s going to happen this Sunday at WrestleMania XIV?

AJ Styles: Nobody is going to watch the preshow. Dean Malenko is going to take Stardust back to wrestling school. The Divas are going to be sexy as fuck. The Intercontinental Championship triple threat is gonna be insane. Punk and Kendrick are gonna go all out. Crowe and Jericho is going to be a great display of old school verses new school. Lesnar and Cena are gonna kill each other. And my match with Ziggler? Well, we’re gonna steal the fucking show.

“Well, look who it is.”

The voice rang out clear as day, and AJ looked up. In front of him stood a beautiful girl wearing a fitting blue dress. Her blonde hair was pent up perfectly and she had a big smile on her face.

Renee Young: You really should stop following me wherever I go. Might cause headlines.

AJ smirked.

AJ Styles: The only reason it'd make headlines is because I was involved, don't get it twisted. You’d be the stalker, Renee.

Renee Young: Oh, hush. Seriously, what are you doing here? Isn’t you’re date looking for you?

AJ Styles: I have lifetime tickets to all EBWF Dinner with the Divas events.

Renee Young: That’s a damned shame.

AJ Styles: Yeah. I—

A generic iPhone ringtone played. AJ slid his hand into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone. He arched his eyebrow.

AJ Styles: I don’t know who this is. Give me one sec, Renee.

She nodded as he brought the phone to his ear.

AJ Styles: Hello?

Kurt Schneider: Hey, AJ. Listen, it’s Kurt Schneider. You got a second for me?

AJ Styles: I’m in the middle of a date with Ren-

She punched him in the arm.

AJ Styles: I’m kinda busy…

Kurt Schneider: It’ll just take a second. Here me out. I wanted to go over a possible idea for your pre-show in ring promo before WrestleMania gets rolling.

AJ Styles: I usually just kind of go with the flow, ya know?

Kurt Schneider: Well, here's the deal. As you know WrestleMania is a really expensive event. That’s where I come in. We're struggling a lot with you from a creative standpoint.

AJ Styles: Why is that?

Kurt Schneider: You, for all intents and purposes, are the supposed to be the ultimate in the EBWF right now. You’re are supposed to receive cheers for even standing in the ring. It's just not happening. On some nights, you're getting more boos than Solomon Crowe, and EVERYONE hates him!

AJ Styles: What can I say, Kurt? People respect greatness.

AJ smirked at Renee, who began giggling quietly.

Kurt Schneider: We need to stir things up in your promos to get a little heat on you. People are digging the "Big Bad Wolf" idea. The shirts are selling well might I add. The idea is that once you do finally lose the belt, the person who wins it will be so over by beating you that his stock shoots to the moon with the fans.

AJ Styles: So, your saying Dolph Ziggler is going over?

Kurt Schneider: Nothing is set in stone at the moment. We just need you to pull the trigger on the heel turn everyone has been expecting.

There was a brief silence.

AJ Styles: I’ll call you back.

AJ ended the call before Kurt could retort. He put the phone back in his pocket and shook his head.

Renee Young: He wants you to turn heel? Already?

AJ Styles: Apparently the fans aren't loving me as much as they ought to be.

Renee Young: And this is news… how?

AJ Styles: Well it's not, I know people don’t like me. I hear them boo me.

Renee Young: Maybe you ought to go Brie Mode.

AJ turned to look at Renee, tilting his head slightly.

AJ Styles: What?

Renee Young: You know, when Brie Bella gets in the zone. She calls it Brie Mode.

AJ Styles: First off, Brie Bella is a—

Renee put her hand up in AJ's face.

Renee Young: Stop that. I don't want to hear it.

He chuckled a little.

AJ Styles: I guess it’s safe to say I haven’t garnered any favor with the women's locker room, huh?

Renee Young: That's putting it lightly.

AJ shrugged.

AJ Styles: First, half of them tried to sleep with me within the first few months of working here. Secondly, the only one of 'em that's worth anything is Natalya.

Renee laughed out loud.

Renee Young: Yep, NO idea why the girls don't like you. What a real charmer you are.

She sarcastically punched AJ in the arm again. AJ looked at Renee Young one last time.

AJ Styles: Can I see you later on tonight?

He grinned as Renee Young rolled her eyes and scoffed. She began walking away.

AJ Styles: I hate to see you leave. But damn I love to watch you go.

Renee walked away with a smile on her face as she disappeared into the crowd. AJ took a glass of whatever it was the waiter was walking around serving. He took a seat and took a big gulp of the alcoholic beverage. His phone began ringing again. AJ took his phone out again. It was Kurt Schneider. He really wasn’t busy, so he decided to answer it.

AJ Styles: What's up? What do you have for me now?

Kurt Schneider: Hey AJ. The creative team is in a meeting right now, and they came up with another idea to bring some heat down on you before your match with Dolph Ziggler.

AJ Styles: Okay.

Kurt Schneider: We want you to invite a midget out to the ring who is dressed just like Dolph Ziggler, make a few jokes and then give him the Styles Clash.

AJ Styles: That idea sucks.

There was an awkward silence.

AJ Styles: I’ll call you back.

Kurt Schneider: Wait, AJ! One more-

It was too late. AJ hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket. AJ got comfortable in his seat and began sipping his drink. The thought of his match with Dolph Ziggler weighed heavily on his shoulders.

AJ Styles settled in his huge hotel room. He found the bed, cuddling up with a huge pillow, he instantly fell asleep above the covers, not even bothering to take his shoes off. Minutes turned into hours. The same generic ringtone began playing in his pocket. AJ stirred a little bit. He slowly sat up and pulled his phone out. He checked the caller ID and groaned. After much deliberation, he accepted the call.

AJ Styles: Kurt.

Kurt Schneider: What do you say to THIS! How about we have you fake an injury in your promo and refuse to fight Dolph Ziggler. Then we'll have Jim Ross announce that he's received word from Wes Ikeda that you will be forced to compete at WrestleMania or you will be stripped you of your belt.

AJ Styles: That is brilliant.

Kurt Schneider: Really?

AJ Styles: No. It's actually one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

Kurt Schneider: You gotta give me something here, AJ. I'm under the gun here.

AJ Styles: Don't you worry, Schneider. You want boos. I'll give you boos.

AJ hung up on him again. He checked his watch. Nap time was over. It was time to get up and head to the arena.

Todd Grisham: Hey, AJ. Ready for that interview?

AJ Styles nodded in Todd's direction. Together they were standing in a backstage hallway of Levi’s Stadium. AJ was hoping to keep this interview short and sweet, although all the nonsense about getting the people to turn on him more was starting to get on his nerves. It was just a good thing he couldn't be held responsible for what he was going to say on the mic. He slipped his bag open and took the EBWF World Title out. He draped the title over his shoulder as he waited for Todd to begin. Staring at the illustrious belt, he sighed. He was either going to lose his championship and fall back to the bottom of the barrel, or he was going to lose it to a guy who couldn't be half the wrester he is. Since Dolph Ziggler had come to the EBWF he was fired up and ready to rock. He worked harder and trained longer than he had ever done in WWE, and he was enjoying the fruits of that hard work now. Was it AJ's time to step aside and let another guy shine? Was Dolph Ziggler really to beat AJ Styles and etch his name in EBWF history books? AJ smirked.

AJ Styles: Over my dead body.

Todd Grisham: Excuse me?

Todd looked confused.

AJ Styles: Nothing. Ready?

Todd Grisham: You know the drill.

AJ nodded and walked in front of the camera. He nodded and put his game face on.

Todd Grisham: Greetings! We are only hours away from the most exciting event this year, WrestleMania XIV! The biggest names in professional wrestling are going to put on a spectacular show tonight inside the Levi Stadium. With me is right now is one of those wrestler. He will defend the EBWF World Title against Royal Rumble Winner, Dolph Ziggler. He is the EBWF World Champion, AJ Styles.

AJ stepped forward into the view of the camera. He looked down at Todd briefly then looked out into the distance with little concern for what Todd was doing.

Todd Grisham: AJ, What are your thoughts on the fantastic opportunity that you have this Sunday, to face Dolph Ziggler and cement your reign as EBWF Champion?

AJ Styles: Todd, let me get one thing straight with you. Dolph Ziggler is a credible challenger. He has won two Royal Rumble matches. That’s impressive. He has been impressive. Every year around this time the EBWF always puts the best verses the best to see who the very best is.

Todd Grisham: So, you feel like this match was inevitable?

AJ Styles: Of course it was. Ever since I stepped foot into this company, I have been the very best. I've main evented every PPV event. If I wanted it, it was mine. You name em, I've beaten em. Several times. I am the absolute best this company has ever seen. There is no one that can take this title from me.

Todd Grisham: Dolph Ziggler earned this match by winning the Royal Rumble match. Many would say this match is going to be a major highlight in both of your careers. What would you say to that?

AJ Styles: So, you’ve forgotten the war I went through with Wes Ikeda last year? What about the time that I beat Randy Orton at WrestleMania? No? Maybe the match of the year candidate with CM Punk at WrestleMania? How about the WrestleMania I beat the hell out of The Miz and won the World Championship? Not memorable enough?

Todd Grisham: Well…

AJ Styles: I have had plenty of highlights in my career, Todd. The plan is to add a few more highlights to my career. Do NOT talk to me about Dolph Ziggler being a highlight of anything. A man that won’t beat me, no matter how hard he tries. The moment I won this championship, he should have given his opportunity to someone who wasn’t about to waste it away like he is about to do. Truthfully, I think there are a lot of people that would stand a better chance against me than the loud mouthed Ziggler, but maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm a little biased, because I know he can’t beat me when the lights are on bright.

Todd Grisham: Perhaps. It does seem you are on top of your game. However, Dolph Ziggler got the best of you on Warfare a month ago. Then Sami Zayn managed to pull out a major upset win against you 2 weeks ago. What does that do for your mindset going into WrestleMania?

AJ looked oddly at Todd.

AJ Styles: My mindset? Have you been listening, Todd? Dolph Ziggler might have been able to beat me, but there's only so many times that you can tease a wolf before it bites.

AJ pauses for a moment, appearing deep in contemplation.

AJ Styles: Do you remember the last time I faced Ziggler?

Todd Grisham: Yes.

AJ Styles: Dolph Ziggler did this really tough interview where he said I was a middle of the rack player who had as much talent as the Brooklyn Brawler. That really made me laugh. What makes you think that you stand a chance against me tonight? Because you’ve trained a little harder? Hit the weights a little more? Used a different conditioner for the “hair”?

AJ smirked.

AJ Styles: The truth is our history is irrelevant in this match. Dolph, you have every reason in the world to hate me. I’m still in the spotlight. No matter how much you think your little Rumble victory is important. Dolph Ziggler you like to talk about how you’re going to take everything away from me. Well, tonight. I’d love to see you try. I’m not a changed man. I don’t have a clean slate. Nobody has forgiven me. I’m a leech. A drain on society and the company. I’ve destroyed so many lives. I don’t pretend to be anything I’m not. I’m a human being. I’ve made many mistakes in the past. Sure, I’ve used many people on my way to the top. I’ve weaseled my way into championship matches that I’ve won. I’m not the guy that’s going to sit back and wait to be handed a damn thing. I am the World Champion for a good damn reason. I don’t care if people enjoy my matches. I don’t care if you are entertained. I only care about one thing. Being the EBWF World Champion. That means I’m willing to sell my soul in order to keep it.

AJ leaned in a little closer to Todd. His icy glare was terrifying.

AJ Styles: Dolph, this is going to be your wake up call. You are mediocre at best and once I beat you we probably won’t hear from you for another year. You think you can call yourself big time when you haven’t done a damn thing. Rated PG? Is that like Centon? Anyway, you haven’t done anything. Sure you’ll probably criticize me for losing a match against Sami Zayn. But didn’t you lose a match against him too? The kid is good. Give him some credit. Chances are, when we do step into the ring with one another, I won’t give a damn about your wellbeing. If I have to send you out of WrestleMania in a wheel chair I will, remember that Dolph. I’m not going back to Japan. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here in the EBWF and after the night is over I will still be the World Heavyweight Champion.

AJ walked off the camera, leaving Todd alone in the picture. If the EBWF wanted angry fans, he'd give them some angry fans.

The roar of the fans was starting to grow louder and louder. AJ was already dressed in his ring gear. He had been training and working out every day since the last Pay Per View. Not a moment had been wasted. This would be the final straw in the hat of AJ's impressive return. It was ironic, in a way that the same match that was supposed to take place last year was going to happen this year instead. This was his night to take all the animosity and distaste that people had for his attitude, and turn it right back around on them. It was getting closer to show time. WrestleMania was upon the EBWF, and everyone was prepared for an incredible show. AJ had no problems witht giving it to them either. This was his opportunity to have something to celebrate. Something he could relish for a little while. He was NOT about to let what could only be described as Dolph Ziggler's flash in the pan ascent to greatness stop him from becoming one of the greatest EBWF World Champion ever. Styles had become accustomed to the weight of the EBWF world title around his waist, or over his shoulder. He remember back during his first few months in the EBWF. He didn’t win a single title. It took him almost a year to get his first taste of gold and since then the titles haven’t stopped rolling in. He was a real work horse.

“Get Ready to Fly”

The fans erupted into a mixed reaction of boos and cheers as the World Champion appeared on the entrance ramp. Lilian Garcia announced his arrival.

Lilian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the EBWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, A…. J….. STYLES!!!

AJ Styles made his way down the ramp. He didn't make eye contact with a single fan in attendance. He got up into the ring, taking a microphone from one of the assistants ringside. With the World Title belt over his shoulder, he stood in the center of the ring, a furious look of disdain on his face.

AJ Styles: I bet you people just CAN'T WAIT to see Dolph Ziggler come out here and take this thing away from me, right?

The fans responded with cheers.

AJ Styles: I bet it would make you idiots real happy to see it stop there. You'd like that wouldn't you?!

The crowd cheers got louder. His face was now one of utter rage.

AJ Styles: SHUT YOUR MOUTHS. I'M TALKING. YOUR CHAMPION IS SPEAKING! Dolph Ziggler is a NOBODY! He doesn't belong in this ring at ALL, much less when I'm in it. I have worked too hard and too long to win this World Championship to have a Breakout Champion at best take it from me. Dolph Ziggler doesn't deserve a damn thing in this business other than a pink slip and a ticket back to California. This World Title is MINE!

AJ hastily held up the EBWF World Championship, amidst loud boos from the crowd. The "Big Bid Wolf" seemed to be getting some really good heat from the 70,000 fans in attendance. He was loud, he was angry, and in all honesty, he was obnoxious.

AJ Styles: Mark my words, Ziggler. Do NOT show up to this match tonight. I SWEAR I will hurt you. You have the gall to disrespect me by being a little pussy, and yet you call me the coward?! I'm right here, Ziggler. I will be in the arena until the end of the night when the raise my hand in victory over your broken body. I will—

A loud "You Suck" chant began to form, which AJ caught wind of and stopped in mid-sentence to listen. He seemed to calm down a bit.

AJ Styles: You people will cheer and boo for whomever I tell you to cheer and boo for. That's how this business works. The exceptional few like myself will always decide how you sheep react to us. Tonight, you will cheer and you will pull for Dolph Ziggler to win the EBWF World Championship, but it isn't going to happen. You'll cheer and you'll cheer because I made you do it, but it won't make a difference. All of Dolph Ziggler's hard work and all of his training will amount to one of two things. Either I decide to be merciful, and just send him to the back of the line for this.

AJ slowly raised the World Championship back into the air.

AJ Styles: Or, I will do the thing I do best. silence the showoff… permanently. Either way, when all is said and done, I will STILL be the EBWF World Champion.

AJ Styles smirked as “Get Ready to Fly" by GRITS hit the speakers. Styles exited the ring and went up the ramp, taking in the loud chorus of boos that were directed at him. It was that moment that he knew. There was no other conclusion. WrestleMania belonged to the “Big Bad Wolf”.
Last edited by Will on Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Over My Dead Body

Post by Ashlee »

"For a son of a bitch that didn’t finish high school he really does know how to make money. "

Okay... I laughed out loud. :lol

"WrestleMania 8. Chris Jericho verses Shawn Michaels. If you want to know what wrestling is, watch that match. Then watch it again."

So much EBWF truth right here.

"Brian Kendrick. He draws like a motherfucker."

This is probably a direct Wes quote.

"Dolph Ziggler doesn't deserve a damn thing in this business other than a pink slip and a ticket back to California."

LOLwut. Dolph Ziggler isn't from California.

I always appreciate the history you add. Reminds me of some good times. Thanks Will.
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Juan Ramirez
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Re: Over My Dead Body

Post by Juan Ramirez »

Great work brother, enjoed it all the way through! Good luck at Mania.