Aftermath Results 05/03/2015

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Aftermath Results 05/03/2015

Post by Ashlee »



LuFisto came to the ring first, followed by AJ Lee. When both divas were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. The two divas locked up, and AJ took LuFisto down with a snapmare. LuFisto got to her feet and AJ whipped her into the ropes, then hit a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and AJ hit a swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! AJ pulled LuFisto to her feet and hit her with a knee to the midsection, then went for an Irish whip. LuFisto reversed it, sending AJ into the ropes, then took her down with a hip toss. LuFisto stomped on AJ several times, then pulled her to her feet and hit her with a bridging northern lights suplex, covering AJ for the pin. The referee made the count, but AJ kicked out after two. LuFisto pulled AJ to her feet and set her up for a cradle DDT, but AJ blocked it, countering with a snap suplex. Both divas got to their feet and AJ grabbed LuFisto, applying the Black Widow! LuFisto quickly submitted, and AJ broke the hold as the referee called for the bell.



Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to EBWF Aftermath! We are live from Boston, Massachusetts, and I'm joined by my good friend and broadcast colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: What a night we have in store tonight, JR! Chris Jericho takes on Sami Zayn for the Intercontinental Title instead a steel cage, and CM Punk defends the Path to Glory Championship against The Rock!

Jim Ross: We'll also see Mighty Molly challenge Sasha Banks for the Women's Title, and in our main event, we've got Solomon Crowe versus AJ Styles. The winner will become the number one contender for the EBWF World Title!

Jerry Lawler: Up first though, we'll see the lovely Torrie Wilson return in a divas triple threat match! I can't wait for this one, JR!

"Celtic Invasion" by CFO$ hit, and the crowd booed as Becky Lynch headed to the ring. After Becky had entered the ring, "Angel on my Shoulder" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Velvet Sky made her way to the ring. Finally, "Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit, and the crowd went wild as Torrie Wilson stepped out onto the stage.

Jim Ross: It looks like the fans inside TD Garden are as excited to see Torrie Wilson back as you are, King!

Torrie was all smiles as he made his way to the ring, but upon entering the ring, her expression turned serious. The referee called for the bell, and Becky ran at Velvet, taking her down with a clothesline. Becky then turned her attention to Torrie, and she went to hit Torrie with a roundhouse kick, but Torrie ducked out of the way, then hit Becky with a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet, and Torrie tossed Becky out of the ring, then went after Velvet, who was back on her feet. Torrie hit Velvet with a kick to the midsection, then took her down with a DDT. Torrie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start by Torrie!

As Torrie got to her feet, Becky re-entered the ring and hit Torrie with a forearm smash, then threw her shoulder first into the ring post. Velvet got back to her feet and Becky set her up for a neckbreaker, but Velvet blocked it, then hit Becky with a snapmare. As Becky sat up, Velvet hit a shoot kick to the back of the head, then pulled Becky to her feet and whipped her into the corner. Velvet ran at her and went for the corner clothesline, but Becky got her knees up and blocked it. Velvet ran face-first into Becky's knees, then as Velvet staggered backwards, Becky grabbed her, hitting a pumphandle suplex. Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... again Velvet kicked out!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Becky Lynch gets a two count!

By this point, Torrie had recovered and she went after Becky, whipping her into the ropes before hitting a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. Both divas got to their feet and Torrie hit Becky with a kick to the midsection, before setting her up with a suplex. Becky blocked it, then hit Torrie with a sitout jawbreaker. She followed it up with multiple running leg drops, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... Torrie kicked out just before the three! Becky looked frustrated and she went to apply the Four-Leg Clover on Torrie, but before she could lock it in, Velvet ran at her and took her down with a spear! Velvet punched Becky several times against the ring mat, then pulled her to her feet and hit an inverted swinging facebuster. Velvet covered Becky and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Velvet got to her feet and stomped on Becky repeatedly, then dragged Becky to her feet once more and went to whip her against the ropes. Becky reversed the Irish whip, sending Velvet into the ropes, then as Velvet rang back towards her, Becky took her down, applying the Fujiwara armbar!

Jerry Lawler: Becky Lynch has the Fujiwara armbar locked in! This could be it JR!

Velvet cried out in pain and reached out for the ropes, but she was unable to get to them. Just as Velvet was about to tap out, Torrie broke the hold! Becky and Torrie got to their feet, and Torrie hit Becky with a clothesline, sending her over the top rope. As Torrie turned around, Velvet rolled her up in a small package and the referee counted - 1... 2... Torrie kicked out! Both divas got to their feet, and Velvet set Torrie up for the Beauty-T, but Torrie countered with a spinebuster. Velvet got to her feet, and Torrie hit the Nose Job! Torrie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Torrie gets the win, and in her first match back from injury, she becomes the new number one contender for the Women's Title!

As the referee called for the bell, Torrie celebrated, then made her way to the back.


Jim Ross: Up next, Breakout Title on the line as Stardust defends the gold against Tyler Breeze!

"#mmmgorgeous" hit and Tyler Breeze headed to the ring, admiring himself via his selfie stick as he made his way down the ramp. After Breeze had entered the ring, "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven began to play, and the Breakout Champion Stardust stepped out onto the stage. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the fans as they made their way to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: This Boston crowd is divided tonight, JR!

As Stardust entered the ring, he climbed the turnbuckle and held the Breakout Title up proudly, then climbed down and handed it to the referee. The referee held the belt up, then called for the bell. Stardust wasted no time getting started, hitting Breeze with a series of right hands. Stardust then whipped Breeze against the ropes, before taking him down with a clothesline. Breeze got back to his feet, and Stardust hit a straight-jacket DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Stardust with a near fall!

Stardust pulled Breeze to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then went to whip him into the corner. Breeze reversed the Irish whip, sending Stardust into the turnbuckles. Breeze ran at Stardust and hit him with a high knee, then as Stardust staggered out of the corner, Breeze lifted him up for a suplex. Both men got to their feet, and Breeze hit Stardust with a kick to the midsection, before lifting him up for an implant DDT. Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Tyler Breeze gets a two count!

Breeze got to his feet and stomped on Stardust several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the ropes. Breeze went for a back body drop, but Stardust countered, dropping down before hitting Breeze with a kick to the head. Breeze looked dazed, and Stardust lifted him up, hitting the Alabama slam. Stardust made the cover, but Breeze kicked out at two, then both men got to their feet. Stardust and Breeze began exchanging punches back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Breeze hit Stardust with an enzuigiri. Stardust staggered backwards, and Breeze hit him with a superkick!

Jim Ross: Supermodel Kick!

Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Stardust kicked out just before the three! Breeze held his head in disbelief.

Jerry Lawler: Tyler Breeze was nanoseconds away from becoming the new Breakout Champion there, JR!

Breeze looked frustrated and he moved to the corner, grabbing his selfie stick with the intention of using it as a weapon. Breeze then turned around, but Stardust was back on his feet, and he hit Breeze with a dropkick, causing Breeze to drop the stick. Stardust picked it up, and to the crowd's delight, Stardust took a selfie! Breeze got to his feet and as he saw Stardust holding his selfie stick, he reacted furiously. Snarling at Stardust, Breeze grabbed him by the arm and snatched the stick away from Stardust, then hit him with a knee to the midsection. After placing the selfie stick back in the corner, Breeze grabbed Stardust once more and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting the Beauty Shot! Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Tyler Breeze has done it!

The referee called for the bell and raised Tyler Breeze's arm in victory. Breeze looked delighted as the referee handed him the Breakout Title, and after taking a selfie with the championship, Breeze exited the ring.


"Fear Nothing" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Justin Gabriel made his way to the ring for the next match, accompanied by Velvet Sky.

Jim Ross: And here comes Justin Gabriel who is competing in a triple threat match tonight against Ted DiBiase and Syxx. The winner becomes the new number one contender for the EBWF PTG Title!

After Gabriel had entered the ring, "F.E." by 40 Below Summer hit and Syxx came out to another mixed reaction, accompanied by Symphony. Finally, "Heroes" by Shinedown hit and Ted DiBiase came out to a chorus of boos.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, these fans inside TD Garden are undecided on Gabriel and Syxx, but they're making their feelings for Ted DiBiase Jr. pretty clear!

DiBiase didn't seem to care what the fans thought of him, and as he entered the ring, he glared across at his opponents. As the bell sounded, DiBiase charged at Syxx and took him down with a clothesline, then turned to Gabriel and hit him with a series of punches. DiBiase whipped Gabriel against the ropes, before taking him down with a powerslam. Syxx got back to his feet and DiBiase grabbed him, slamming his head against the turnbuckle before punching him in the corner several times. DiBiase then hit an inverted atomic drop, and followed it up by clotheslining Syxx over the top rope. At this point, Gabriel grabbed DiBiase and set him up for an STO, but DiBiase countered with a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: What a start by Ted DiBiase, JR!

Jim Ross: Before this match King, DiBiase made it clear how much the PTG Title means to him, and he's determined to win this match to earn a shot at the gold!

DiBiase sat Gabriel up and applied a sleeper hold, but Gabriel broke free and both men got to their feet. The two men exchanged right hands back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, DiBiase set Gabriel up for a half-nelson backbreaker. Gabriel blocked it and countered with an elbow smash, then took DiBiase down with a Russian legsweep. At this point, Syxx re-entered the ring and went to hit him with a spinning kick, but Syxx ducked out of the way, then grabbed Gabriel and lifted him up for a back drop. Syxx picked Gabriel up and tossed him out of the ring, then turned his attention to DiBiase. Syxx grabbed DiBiase and whipped him against the ropes, then went for the Syxx Kick. DiBiase ducked underneath it, ran against the opposing set of ropes, then ran back towards Syxx and hit him with a high knee. DiBiase followed it up with a fist drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! Again DiBiase gets a two count!

As DiBiase got to his feet, Justin Gabriel re-entered the ring and he lifted DiBiase up for a spin-out powerbomb. Gabriel climbed to the top rope and went for the 450 Splash... but DiBiase got his knees up and blocked it! Gabriel clutched his ribs in pain and as both men got to their feet, DiBiase hit the Dream Crusher! He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... Syxx interrupted the count! He pulled DiBiase to his feet and hit a snap suplex, then as DiBiase got back up, Syxx went for the Syxx-Factor... but DiBiase countered with a sitout spinebuster. Syxx struggled to get back to his feet, and DiBiase grabbed him, hitting Dream Street! DiBiase hooked the leg, and again the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Ted DiBiase Jr. wins!

Jim Ross: A dominant performance and a deserved victory for the third generation superstar!

DiBiase celebrated, then made his way to the back as Syxx and Gabriel recovered in the ring.


“Hey Hey, My My’ by Neil Young & Crazy Horse hit the PA as the crowd rose to their feet.

Jim Ross: Well it seems like we’re going to be joined by the eccentric Dean Ambrose.

Jerry Lawler: Does he have a match tonight?

The crowd continued to cheer, but the noise then began to dwindle as nobody appeared on the ramp for some time. However, the crowd returned to their loud cheering as Dean Ambrose finally emerged from the back at a very fast pace. He stopped suddenly at the top of the ramp and looked out to the crowd, seeming taken aback by the sheer amount of people there. His wide eyes then focused on the ring and he pointed at it, causing the fans to cheer even louder. He then headed towards the ring at a pace, which resulted in a brief stumble, but he got there and slid in through the bottom rope. He bounced off of either rope, and the crowd noise lost some volume through apparent confusion after the music stopped, as Dean signalled towards the stage, apparently beckoning an opponent out.

Jim Ross: Dean Ambrose is not scheduled to compete tonight folks. Perhaps this is a last minute change to proceedings?

But nobody came out. There was a faint ‘Ambrose’ chant, but apparently the rest of the crowd were unsure as to what was happening. After an awkward 30 seconds, Dean signalled for a microphone.

Dean Ambrose: Well come on! Surely I’m fighting SOMEBODY tonight!

He hiccupped.

Dean Ambrose: Two wins in a row… Surely an Intercontinental Championship match?! Right?!

The crowd cheered.

“99 Problems” by Jay-Z hit the PA as the cheers turned to boos. Lance Storm and Trent emerged from the back and the boos intensified. Trent smirked at the crowd and shrugged, as Lance put a microphone to his lips.

Lance Storm: Cut the music. I was sitting with Trent backstage watching this awkward mess unfold, and I couldn’t help but come out here and intervene. Dean, I must ask - have you been drinking?

In the ring, Dean placed a hand on his chest and looked shocked, asif to say ‘me?!’.

Lance Storm: Yes, Dean. You’re not scheduled to compete tonight. Were you not aware of that?

Dean had been focusing so intently on listening to Lance that he lost his footing and stumbled. He maneuvered forwards to lean on the ropes, facing Lance and Trent.

Dean Ambrose: Malenko - when you’re as awesome as I am you just kind of assume you’re going to be showcased on pay-per-view. And you all wanna see me right?!

He gestured to the crowd, who roared in approval.

Lance Storm: Malenko? Well, that answers my initial question. But since we’re here - you want some competition Dean?

Dean nodded and waved for them to come in the ring, sitting on the middle rope.

Lance Storm: Trent? I believe this is what’s known as ‘easy pickings’.

Trent nodded and looked towards the ring in delighted approval. He and Lance headed for the ring, entering from either side of Dean, who backed into the middle.

Lance Storm: Unfortunately for you, Ambrose - this isn’t sanctioned. But I suppose since we’re not scheduled to perform tonight either, we might as well leave a mark on proceedings. I said I felt the need to intervene - consider this an intervention, you drunken embarrassment.

And Trent took down Dean from behind to a chorus of boos. Dean staggered to his feet, and was met by a Lance Storm superkick. Unable to make it to his feet this time, Trent picked Ambrose up, and promptly hit him with the Crunchy Driver. Lance and Trent circled Dean’s twitching body as the arena was drowned by booing..

“Cult of Personality” Blasted over the PA System and the crowd erupted.. Lance and Trent looked horrified towards the stage as CM Punk and Luke Gallows emerged from the back.

Jim Ross: CM Punk! The man who brought Dean Ambrose to the EBWF!

Jerry Lawler: Here comes the cavalry!

Punk walked down the ramp at a pace with a puzzled look in his face, a microphone in his hand. Doc Gallows followed behind him, piercing a hole through Dean Ambrose, who was coming to in the middle of the ring. Although Punk and Gallows seemed to be paying them little attention, Lance and Trent exited the ring to the side, and Trent could be heard saying “we’ve done what needed to be done”.

Punk reached the ring, slid under the bottom rope and walked right up to Dean Ambrose. Dean was clinging from the ropes, having a hard time standing up, he waved at Punk and looked relieved. Punk put the microphone close to his lips.

CM Punk: Dean…

Before Punk could say anything, Dean was turned around and raised by his neck by two monstrous hands.


Doc’s arms held Dean Ambrose high in the air for a few brief moments, before slamming him right back onto the mat.


The crowd booed loudly as Gallows stood up next to Dean Ambrose’s downed body. Punk just looked at the motionless man who laid flat out in the center of the canvas.

Jerry Lawler: What has he done? Wasn’t he out here to help?

Punk turned around and proceeded to leave the ring, as he walked through the ropes and stood on the apron, a burst of cheers were heard as Seth Rollins hopped over the barricade at ringside and stepped up to the ring apron. In a matter of seconds Rollins launched himself over the ropes and hit Gallows with a flying knee. He then swiftly hopped to his feet and began pummeling Gallows with a barrage of fists. Rollins stood and began stomping Gallows until he suddenly stopped his attack. With heaving breaths his focused shifted to Punk, who was still outside the ring. Punk looked over at Rollins, smirking slightly. Rollins wasted little time when he looked back to Gallows who was still on the mat at his feet. Seth ran to the ropes and returned to meet Gallows with the Curb Stomp next to Ambrose’s body.

Following the attack Rollins helped Dean to his feet and half held him up, seething as he looked to Punk and shouted inaudibly . Punk spread his arms out, his smirk not fading out for a single moment Gallows slowly rolled over his belly, both of his hands holding his skull as he rolled out of the ring and stumbled next to Punk, who didn’t even acknowledge him.

Jim Ross: We’ve went from sickening to shocking in 60 seconds! Two men on a mission to be noticed and a man we thought was here to save his friend have decimated Dean Ambrose, who was then saved by Seth Rollins!

Jerry Lawler: I didn’t even know Seth Rollins worked here, J.R.!

Punk and Gallows made for the exit as Ambrose recovered in the ring, being held up by Rollins.


The strobe lights went off in the arena, and ominous music played as the steel cage lowered from its suspended position in the rafters. The crowd cheered as this signified the start of the Intercontinental Championship match.

Jim Ross: Up next we've got a real exciting match for you. Sami Zayn and Chris Jericho have been on a collision course for some time now, and finally we get to see the match we've all been waiting for. Sami Zayn puts his title on the line against Chris Jericho!


The lights went out and a solitary spotlight shined down on Chris Jericho, who's back was to the audience. The crowd's response was less than welcoming for the former authority figure of the EBWF. Jericho whipped around and looked out at the booing crowd, an arrogant smirk on his face as he headed down to the ring, largely unaffected by their response. The referee opened the cage door as Jericho stepped into the ring. His music faded as he got to the corner. The upbeat sound of "Worlds Apart" by CFO$ rocked out of the speakers as Sami Zayn exploded out from behind the curtain, the Intercontinental Championship title around his waist. The crowd cheered loudly for the cruiserweight as he slapped hands with the fans on the railing.

Jim Ross: Sami Zayn is one of the most impressive young athletes that I've ever seen here, King.

Jerry Lawler: I'll say, JR. This guy makes it look easy, but it is anything but.

Jim Ross: Well, he's got a tall order ahead of him. Chris Jericho is no stranger to Intercontinental gold, not to mention a former world champion.

Zayn stepped into the ring as the referee closed the cage door behind them. The referee called for the bell.

Jim Ross: And here we go! For everyone watching, this match can end via pinball, submission, or escaping the cage.

Zayn applied a headlock takedown, then applied a sleeper hold on the ring mat. As Jericho started to fade, Zayn released him, then got to his feet and stomped on Jericho repeatedly. Zayn pulled Jericho to his feet and hit him with a series of kicks, eventually taking Jericho down with a jumping roundhouse kick. Zayn then applied a cobra clutch, but Jericho broke free and countered with an elbow smash. Zayn staggered backwards and Jericho hit him with a series of right hands, then kicked him in the stomach and hit a snap suplex. Both men got to their feet and Jericho whipped Zayn into the corner, then ran at him and attempted a clothesline. Zayn dodged out of the way and Jericho collided with the turnbuckle. Zayn got behind Jericho and lifted him up for a German suplex, bridging and making the pinfall attempt. The referee counted but Zayn only got a two count.

Jerry Lawler: Great back and forth action!

Zayn pulled Jericho to his feet and hit a series of backhand chops, then whipped him against the ropes leapt up for a dropkick. Jericho swatted it away and Zayn hit the mat. Zayn got to his feet just in time to be kicked in the gut. Jericho then followed up with an impressive double underhook suplex. Jericho then applied an armbar.

Jim Ross: Vintage Jericho!

Jerry Lawler: ...What?

Jim Ross: Uh, never mind.

Zayn cried out in pain, but he was able to reach the ropes and the referee broke the hold. Jericho pulled Zayn to his feet once more and set him up for a northern lights suplex, but Zayn blocked it and countered with a tornado DDT. Zayn quickly leapt onto the cage and scrambled up to the top.

Jerry Lawler: Zayn trying to end it here!

Jericho quickly got up and climbed up the cage, grabbing Zayn's leg. Zayn tried to fight Jericho off. Jericho held on tight, pulling Zayn back onto the inside area of the cage. Both men balanced precariously on the ropes, next to each other. Zayn clocked Jericho with his elbow, and Jericho teetered. Zayn went for a final punch, but Jericho blocked it and thumbed Zayn in the eye, eliciting boos from the crowd. Jericho grabbed Zayn and threw him down to the mat. Zayn tumbled and landed on his back, and Jericho followed up with a Lionsault off the top rope!

Jim Ross: What a move by Chris Jericho! You may not like him, but you have to be impressed with that!

Jericho followed up with a cover and got a long two count. He picked up Zayn and whipped him towards the ropes. Zayn reversed the whip and sent Jericho instead. Jericho ran against the ropes, and attempted a clothesline on Zayn. Zayn ducked underneath it, and as Jericho came off the other end, Zayn hit him with a big boot. He then crouched over Jericho and punched him against the ring mat repeatedly, before picking him up and hitting a muscle buster. Zayn hooked the leg and the referee counted, getting a two count before Jericho kicked out. Zayn pulled Jericho to his feet and set him up for a piledriver, but Jericho countered with a shoulder back toss, then took Zayn down with the Codebreaker!! Jericho went for the cover, 1....2....Zayn kicked out at the last possible millisecond.

Jim Ross: I thought that was it right there!

Jericho had a frustrated look on his face. He angrily argued with the referee on the speed of the count. The referee didn't back down an inch as Jericho got in his face, giving it right back to him. Jericho sneered and turned around into a Blue Thunder Bomb by Sami Zayn! Both men were down after the desperation move by Zayn!

Jim Ross: This kid has got a lot of heart, I'll tell you that.

Zayn slowly got to his feet and picked Jericho up, whipping him into the corner. He backed up into the opposite corner, signaling for the Helluva Kick! The crowd went crazy as he charged at Jericho. Jericho dove out of the way at the last minute, and Zayn hung himself up on the top turnbuckle, effectively crotching himself in the corner. He stumbled back, clutching his leg as Jericho grabbed him by the ankles and sent him to his back, flipping him over into the Walls of Jericho! Jericho locked it in tight, rearing back as far as he could. With nowhere to go, Zayn had no choice but to tap out. The referee called for the bell.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, and the NEWWWWW Intercontinental Champion, CHRIS JERICHO!

The crowd's reaction was mixed, considering the great match they had just witnessed had resulted in an outcome they did not prefer.

Jim Ross: Like him or not, Chris Jericho is one of the best this company has ever seen, and he just demonstrated what he's capable of.

Jericho was handed the Intercontinental Championship title as his music played in the background. He celebrated in the ring as the camera went on to a video package for the next match.


Jim Ross: Still to come, CM Punk defends the PTG Title against The Rock, and Solomon Crowe takes on AJ Styles in our main event. First though, more divas action as Mighty Molly challenges Sasha Backs for the Women's Championship!

"I Need A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler hit, and the crowd cheered as Mighty Molly headed to the ring, accompanied by Alexa Bliss. Molly and Alexa wore matching pink and blue capes, and as they entered the ring together, they climbed opposing turnbuckles and posed for the fans. Alexa then exited the ring as Mighty Molly awaited the arrival of her opponent. "Fastest Girl Alive" by David W. Ayers and Felix R. Tod hit, and the crowd booed as Sasha Banks stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by Summer Rae and Eva Marie.

Jerry Lawler: And here comes Sasha and the Mean Girls!

The three divas swaggered down the ramp, and upon entering the ring they held up their championship belts simultaneously, taunting Molly with the gold. Summer and Eva then exited the ring as the referee took the Women's Title, holding it above his head and reminding Sasha and Molly what was on the line. The referee then called for the bell as Sasha ran at Molly, taking her down with a clothesline. Sasha stomped on Molly several times, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, before taking her down with a Japanese arm drag. Both divas got to their feet and Sasha hit Molly with a kick to the midsection, before lifting her up for a suplex. Sasha then ran against the ropes and hit Molly with an elbow drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start from Sasha Banks!

Sasha pulled Molly to her feet and applied a headlock, but Molly broke free and pushed Sasha into the ropes, then hit her with a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Molly whipped Sasha against the ropes once more, this time hitting Sasha with a lariat. Sasha got back to her feet and Molly applied a double-wrist lock, this time lifting Sasha up for a bridging northern lights suplex. Molly made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Mighty Molly gets a two count!

As Molly got to her feet, Alexa Bliss applauded her tag team partner's efforts, causing Summer and Eva to glare at her. Molly pulled Sasha to her feet and whipped her into the corner, then ran at her, going for a corner clothesline. Sasha got her knees up and blocked Molly, causing her to stagger backwards. Sasha grabbed Molly and lifted her up, trapping her in between the turnbuckles. Sasha then went to the top rope and hit a diving double-knee drop, before hooking the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! This time, Summer and Eva applauded. Sasha got to her feet, looking pleased with herself. The crowd rallied behind Mighty Molly, and began chanting her name. Looking angry, Sasha grabbed Molly and applied a chinlock. Molly cried out in pain, but she refused to submit, and Sasha broke the hold. She then pulled Molly to her feet and whipped her into the corner, before running at her and going for a high knee. Molly ducked out of the way, then grabbed Sasha and lifted her up, hitting a bridging German suplex. The referee counted - 1... 2... Sasha kicked out! Both divas got to their feet and Molly hit an arm wringer, slamming Sasha Banks onto the mat. Molly then climbed to the top rope and as Sasha got to her feet, she signalled for the Molly Go Round! Before she could hit it, Eva Marie and Summer Rae snuck up behind her and grabbed her by the legs, causing her to lose her balance!

Jim Ross: That could have been it right there if it wasn't for Eva and Summer's interference!

Jerry Lawler: The referee didn't even see it, JR!

Outside the ring, Alexa attacked Eva, grabbing her and hitting a legsweep. She then went after Summer, but Summer was ready and grabbed her, throwing her into the ring steps!

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd, Alexa Bliss might be out cold!

Back in the ring, Molly was still sat on the turnbuckle. Sasha got to her feet and climbed the turnbuckle, hitting Molly with a superplex. Molly struggled to her feet, and Sasha hit her with the Bankrupt! Sasha hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Sasha retains the title!

Jim Ross: But if it wasn't for Summer and Eva, it could have been a different story King!

Jerry Lawler: I know, JR! I just hope Alexa Bliss is okay!

The referee called for the bell and raised Sasha's arm in victory. The referee then handed Sasha the Women's Title and Sasha exited the ring, regrouping with Summer and Eva on the outside. The Mean Girls celebrated at the bottom of the ramp, then made their way to the back.


The Rock was the first man into the arena being announced by Christy Hemme. After he entered the ring, the Path to Glory Champion CM Punk entered the arena to huge crowd reaction. The bell rang and the two men were set to go.

Jim Ross: This match is for the Path to Glory Chaampionship!

Jerry Lawler: CM Punk could have vacated his title for a shot at EBWF World Champion Dolph Ziggler tonight, but instead, he put the title on the line here against Rock. The next time this title can be forfeited for a shot at the title is in July at Sacrifice.

The bell rang and they tied up and fought over a rear waistlock, Punk took Rock down and tried to go behind, Rock escaped but Punk sat out and went behind, then fired forearms into Rock's face. Punk sent Rock to the ropes and landed a knee to the midsection, then drilled Rock in the face with knees and stomps in the corner. The referee backed Punk off, and Rock stood up and slapped Punk in the face, so Punk went back to stomping Rock's face out in the corner. Rock hit another pair of slaps and then he backed off to the corner, and Punk again went after him with right hands and knees before the referee backed him off yet again. Punk trapped Rock's arms and rammed elbowsmashes into his face. Punk got a slam and then he went up top, but Rock rolled out to the floor, so Punk adjusted and hit a clothesline to the floor. Punk chased Rock back into the ring, but Punk was slow getting in under the bottom rope and Rock was able to hit an elbow drop from the second.

Now Rock had the advantage and rammed knee strikes into Punk and then caught him with a running back elbow. They went out to the apron and Punk went for a GTS on the outside, but Rock slipped out and clotheslines Punk into the ring, then picked him up and suplexed him out to the floor, and Punk took it full on in a cringe-inducing moment. Rock hit a running punt to Punk's ribs, then quickly rolled him inside and covered him for 2. Rock hit The People’s Elbow to Punk's ribs. Rock gets a rear chinlock and Punk fought his way out, but Rock caught him in the Rock Bottom and went for the quick pin! 1..2..3!

Jim Ross: Unbelievable! The Rock with the upset here tonight. CM Punk is no longer the Path to Glory Champion!

Jerry Lawler: Can the Rock defend it through July is the question, JR!

The Rock celebrated in the ring as a promo hyping the main event began.


When “Bad, Bad Man” began to echo off the walls of the TD Garden there was still a slight mixed reaction from the hometown faithfuls as Boston’s own, John Cena, slowly began to walk out of the back. John wasn’t wearing his usual bright colors. Far from it. In fact, he looked very, very different. He wore a body hugging black v-neck t-shirt, dark wash blue jeans, and black motorcycle boots. There was also the slightest shadow of facial hair along his normally completely clean shaven jawline.

Jim Ross:Last week we witnessed that man there display a remarkable feat of strength when he sent a message to the EBWF Universe and, most likely, Wes Ikeda.

Jerry Lawler: That’s right, JR! The world watched John Cena brutally attack our EBWF World Champion, Dolph Ziggler, and THROW HIM from the ring all the way through our announce table! I’ve never seen anything like it, JR!

Jim Ross: Me neither, King. It was a truly scary moment, that’s for sure.

Mere weeks before John would have made a bigger deal of being back in his home, hyping the crowd, taking more time to get to the ring, etc. But not today. Today John Cena looked all business and he didn’t even turn his face right or left so much as once. He just kept staring ahead, at the ring, and ignoring all the fans around him. He climbed up the steps and into the ring, finally looking out at the fans but his face remained blank. Then, as his music faded, he pulled a handheld mic out of his back pocket and brought it to his lips.

John Cena: You know, “Never Give Up” works a hell of a lot better on a coffee mug than in real life. That was one of the many realizations I have come to recently. I’ve also learned who my real friends are, who really has my best interest at heart, and that I don’t give a damn about what any of you stupid people think, say, or believe.

There came a round of boos and heat but still, mixed in there, were a few small cheers and applause. John shook his head and shouted acidly into the mic.

John Cena: And stop cheerin’ me like I’m one of yous guys! I’m not from Bawston you stupid Chowdaheads! I’m from West Newbury! I’m not one of you! I’m BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!

Now it was just 100% heat, the home-front fans feeling truly betrayed, and John continued, ignoring them all.

John Cena: Wes Ikeda came out here last week, acting like he’s got everything all figured out. Like, just because this is his company he actually knows everything that is going on in it, and just because he thought we were friends, he knows me so well. Well Wes, I know you’re listening, being the EBWF God that you are and all...

He rolled his eyes.

John Cena: ... but you need to know that, everything you think you know? Is wrong. You have no idea, what is really happening here, Wes. None.. But you will, soon enough. You can come out here, hide from me up there on your proverbial high horse or in the literal balcony, and run your mouth with your psychological bull, but the truth is: for a man that lives so large, you really think so small. You came out last week and said I was going to blame the fans, blame you, said that you guys all forced my hand because you were all holding me to some kind of unreachable standard...

He gave a dark chuckle and shook his head.

John Cena: Oh Wesley, for someone who was supposed to know me, you knew so very, very little. Give me some credit! Do you actually think my reasons are the same as any other guy that’s walked out from the back and had the “oh so shocking” heel turn? At least your son is smarter than you are. He proved that when he stayed put in that corner of the ring while I was busy kicking your ass. No Wes, I’m nothing if not, creative, and you sir, are dead wrong. I didn’t do this for any of those reasons. You want to think Heyman is the guy pulling my strings? That I’m some pawn in his “Let’s Bring Wes Ikeda Down” chess game? Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. But give me some credit, Wes. I know exactly who Paul Heyman is and I know who you are too, and with all that said? At least Heyman owns up to who he really is, and I’d rather take my chances with that, any day. The great Wes Ikeda, the man who is capable of anything, the man that defied the odds and built himself an empire, the man that is both a dad and a dictator, the man that talks a big game but would throw his friends under the bus if they should dare to want something he doesn’t ALLOW them to have for themselves. If they dared to try and do something, anything, beyond his control.

Something about the way John said that seemed to strike a nerve in him and, for the briefest moment, he looked like his old self. Then he was stoic and blank once more and his words more biting.

John Cena: An arrogant, self-absorbed, asshole who is a control freak and thinks people NEED matches with him. Nope. Not me. Not Lesnar. We’re not CM Punk or AJ Styles. We do need ANYTHING from Wes Ikeda. A match is huge just because one of us is in it. And maybe it’s his name on the paychecks but it’s names like ours that build this company. CM Punk and AJ Styles think we’re all stupid enough to believe they really have any beef with Ikeda but the truth is they are just trying to use his name because this IS his company, and a match with Wes Ikeda ensures you a main event slot on any card. Because Wes Ikeda, the pompous jackass himself, would NEVER dain to do something like be in any match other than a main event. He would never DARE to get down in the mid-card trenches like everyone else that works for him has had to do, over and over again, sometimes for years. You are the worst kind of hypocrite, Wes. You lie to yourself, and you lie to the world. And in case all you idiots haven’t realized yet, for all the bullshit Ikeda came out here and spouted off last week on Warfare, he did say one thing that was actually accurate about me. I don’t need a mouthpiece. I don’t need anyone to speak for me, or fight my battles, and yes Wes, this thing between you and I? It’s personal. It’s more personal than you even realize. But you’ll see the light soon. Very, very soon. The only thing different now, than before, is I’m listening to someone that’s not you. I may have been a walking, talking Fruity Pebble for years but that’s only because that’s the monkey suit YOU and your merchandising team put me in! And I made more money for you than you ever dreamed anyone could in just t-shirt sales alone. I was your good little soldier. Heyman showed me what was already right in front of me, the entire time. What I’d turned a blind eye to out of a friendship that, when I really thought about it, wasn’t a friendship at all. You can’t come out here and say Heyman is just using me, when you’ve been doing it for years. And again, that’s not why I did what I did. That’s not even close to why I did what I did. You’ll know why I did what I did when I WANT you to know, and not a second sooner. Heyman is telling you all you need to know, Wes. And so am I. But you just. aren’t. listening. Your armour is already cracked and yet you still think I’m gonna be the one, dying to get my hands on you before all this is over. Just like you think everyone else’s world somehow revolved around you? Just like you think Brock Lesnar has no other vendetta than just to hurt you. No, no Wes. I think before all this is over it’s going to be YOU that can’t wait to meet ME in this ring. And I think you have no idea what’s really coming. Because I’ve already delivered another blow, and you don’t even know it yet. You will though. You will. You will.

John nodded, a strange little smirk on his face as his music hit.

Jerry Lawler: What’s THAT mean, JR?

Jim Ross: I don’t know, King; but it didn’t sound good.

John was climbing out of the ring and stalking up the ramp, purposely staying just far enough away that none of the fans’ hands could reach him as the program slowly faded to black for a commercial break.


Jim Ross: And ladies and gentlemen it’s time for our main event of the evening! A match between Solomon Crowe and AJ Styles to determine just who is the new number one contender and who will next face Dolph Ziggler for the World Championship.

Suddenly “Smack Down” by Thousand Foot Krutch hit and the Boston fans were on their feet in a huge pop.

Jerry Lawler: What?! He’s here?! Dolph Ziggler is in the building?!

Indeed, moving a little slower than normal, the World Champion suddenly stepped out from behind the black curtains with one hand in girlfriend AJ Lee’s. Around his waist sat the World Championship. There was a large bruise and a black eye on his face, he had a noticeable limp, and he seemed to be favoring his ribcage as he made his way down the ramp. A clip from the surprising beatdown John Cena had given Dolph Ziggler the week before on Warfare was shown, culminating in Cena throwing Dolph from the ring through the announce table.

Jim Ross: That attack left Ziggler unable to compete tonight and he has yet to be released by doctors but it looks as if that won’t keep the Show Stealer from joining us. Hi, Dolph! Great to see ya! Welcome to Aftermath!

Dolph greeted both commentators warmly, shook their hands, and then pulled on a headset as he sat down. AJ sat beside him, her hand still holding his.

Dolph Ziggler: A very appropriately named show, indeed. Of course I had to get a first row seat to see who will be losing to me next, JR!

Jerry Lawler: We didn’t know we’d be seeing you anytime soon after what John Cena did to you last Monday.

Dolph Ziggler: That wasn’t about me. That was about Cena and Wes. He wanted to send a message and what better way to send a message than via the world Champion? It’s okay though because obviously the main thing is that he didn’t get the job done. I’m still here, I’ll get my revenge, and Crowe and Styles are gonna see it takes a lot more than a human slingshot “I can see my house from here” maneuver to take me out of the game.

Then, Solomon Crowe’s music hit and the world watched as the foreboding man stepped out from the back and made his way down to the ring. He moved to the far corner of the ring and eyed the ramp, waiting for his opponent. He didn’t have to wait long and AJ Styles’ music began to play and the arrogant man stepped out from the curtains. The camera’s cut to Dolph’s face as he watched the man he’d taken the World title off of enter the ring. Ziggler’s face was one of only amusement. Inside the ring both Crowe and Styles were sneaking glances at Ziggler. Then the music faded and both men began to turn their attention only to each other. A few words shared by the referee and then the bell rang and the match was officially underway. The two men circled one another and every so often one would lunge at the other in a false start, each looking for that moment where they could gain the upper hand. Finally Crowe found it and made as if going for a lock up but then, when Styles moved in, caught him in a hard forearm smash. The move made Styles stumble back and into the ropes. Crowe threw Styles off the ropes and then took him down with a big clothesline before beginning to drop knee after knee and elbow after elbow down onto Styles.

Jim Ross: Crowe wisely trying to wear Styles down early on here.

Jerry Lawler: So, Dolph, who would you like to see win tonight?

Dolph Ziggler: I’m not sure it really matters to be honest with ya, King. I guess though that since I’ve already defeated AJ Styles, many times now might I add, I’d be up for a new challenge in Crowe.

Inside the ring Crowe momentarily used the ropes to choke Styles and the referee began his count. When he reached three Crowe let go to keep himself from behind disqualified then he yanked a winded Styles to his feet and immediately brought him back down to the mat in an exploder suplex before going for the cover.

One... two... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: An impressive showing by Crowe so far.

Dolph Ziggler: But that hair! What’s with that hair?!

Jim Ross: I hardly think that has anything to do with his in-ring performance Dolph.

Dolph Ziggler: Says the man who probably wears a cowboy hat in the shower. You don’t understand, JR. It’s all about cutting down on wind resistance.

Inside the ring Crowe went to climb to his feet but Styles suddenly surprised him with an inside cradle!

One... two... kickout!

Styles was the faster man in returning to his feet and immediately he began to punish Crowe for his early manhandling, raining rights and lefts down on his opponent before quickly locking in a figure four leglock. Crowe cried out in pain and tried to grab the ropes but they were just out of his reach.

Jim Ross: Crowe could tap out any second now!

Dolph Ziggler: Oh come on, it doesn’t hurt THAT bad!

Jerry Lawler: AJ’s got it locked in!

Dolph Ziggler: I never understood that phrase. Can you lock OUT a submission hold?

Crowe’s fingertips found the bottom ring rope and he managed to grab them, finally. The referee forced Styles to break the hold and, for a moment, Styles yelled at him. Then he stepped back and waited for Crowe to get to his feet, using the ring ropes for assistance.

Jim Ross: Uh oh, Styles stalking Crowe!

Jerry Lawler: Crowe’s back is to Styles! He can’t see him!

Dolph Ziggler: The anticipation is killing me.

Then Crowe turned around and Styles caught him with a huge powerbomb!

One... two... thrKickout!

Jim Ross: Crowe barely getting his arm up!

Styles looked frustrated and he roughly began to pummel Crowe again, having to be warned by the referee before he finally stopped. Styles stood again and was so busy arguing with the referee he didn’t see Crowe stand up, wobbling a little on his feet. Then Styles turned around and got a big standing dropkick right to the face! Crowe went for the cover.

One... two... three!

The bell rang and Crowe’s arm was raised as his music hit.

Jim Ross: And just like that Solomon Crowe is the new number one contender for the EBWF World Championship!

Jerry Lawler: What do you think about that, Dolph?

Dolph Ziggler: I think I’m looking forward to my first title defense!

Ziggler smirked, his watchful eyes on Crowe as he continued to celebrate in the ring as Aftermath came to its triumphant conclusion.
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Ben M
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Re: Aftermath Results 05/03/2015

Post by Ben M »

Sorry for the delay, Skyler, Nick and Jayme! This was one of the first matches I wrote, but for some reason the PM didn't send. Hope the match was worth the wait!