Warfare Results 05/18/15

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Warfare Results 05/18/15

Post by Ashlee »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to EBWF Warfare! We are live from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada!

Jerry Lawler: What a night this is going to be, JR!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, we've got divas action as Becky Lynch takes on AJ Lee!

Becky headed to the ring first, followed by AJ Lee. Both divas received a mixed reaction from the crowd. After AJ had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. AJ applied a headlock, but Becky broke free and pushed AJ into the ropes, then took her down with a clothesline. Becky hit AJ with multiple leg drops, keeping her grounded, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Becky pulled AJ to her feet and whipped her into the corner, then kicked AJ repeatedly, causing her to fall into a sitting position. Becky applied a foot choke, but the referee forced her to take a step back, allowing AJ time to get to her feet. As AJ moved out of the corner, Becky hit her with a forearm smash, then lifted her up for a body slam. AJ countered, rolling Becky up! The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: AJ almost stole one!

Both divas got to their feet and AJ went for the Black Widow, but Becky fought out of it, then took AJ down with a DDT. Becky went for the Four-Leg Clover, but before she could lock it in, AJ kicked her away and got back to her feet. The two divas locked up, and Becky applied an arm twist, then hit AJ with a stiff kick. Becky whipped AJ against the ropes and took her down with a hip toss, then as AJ got back to her feet, Becky hit the exploder suplex!

Jim Ross: Exploder suplex! This could be it King!

Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Becky looked frustrated as she got to her feet, and she stomped on AJ several times, then pulled her to her feet and hit a second exploder suplex. AJ struggled to her feet, and Becky grabbed her, dragging her down to the mat and applying the Fujiwara armbar! As AJ tried to reach for the ropes, Becky applied more pressure, and after realising she was unable to reach the ropes, she tapped out. Becky broke the hold and got to her feet as the referee called for the bell.

Jerry Lawler: It's over! An impressive victory for Becky Lynch!

Becky celebrated as the referee raised her arm in victory, then made her way to the back.


After EBWF returned from commercial, we shoot back live inside the arena. Stardust's theme hit and he went out to the to the ring. The crowd was only behind Stardust as they awaited the arrival of his opponent. Next out was Reigns. The referee checked both men over, and the bell rang.

The two men started exchanging punches. Reigns was in control early on. A crowd chant of "Cody" starts to get to Stardust. Reigns brings Cody back with a backslide and a quick two count.

The two locked up and continued to go to work. Reigns dominated Cody for a bit and then Stardust turned the tide. Stardust was in firm control at this point, as the action slowed down a bit. The fans started chanting "Cody" at Stardust again. Stardust began yelling back at the crowd. He gave Roman a big uppercut. He continued to punish Reigns, which shuts the crowd up.

Reigns hit a DDT on Stardust, and went to the corner preparing for the spear. Stardust was quick on his feet as Reigns came charging, and he moved out of the way, sending Reigns into the ring post. Reigns stumbled out which gave Stardust the opportunity to hit Beautiful Disaster and go for the 1..2..3!

Jim Ross: Stardust has slain the giant!

Jerry Lawler: What a huge win over Roman Reigns!


The camera caught up with Paul Heyman and John Cena backstage, who were talking amongst themselves. Renee Young walked up from the other side of the camera view, with a mic in hand. Heyman completely ignored her and continued talking.

Renee Young: Paul, last week we saw the--

She fell silent the moment a pair of irritated eyes trained on her.

Paul Heyman: Why. Are you. Here.

Renee Young: Well, I am trying to--

Paul Heyman: Trying to what? Score yourself some points with your boss? Bet you'd love to get the inside scoop on what our "thoughts are". This man...

Heyman gestured to John Cena without taking his eyes off Renee.

Paul Heyman: ... is quite possibly the one person everyone in the world is DYING to hear from. His courage to finally stand up and reveal Wes Ikeda for the control freak he really is has the entire world buzzing. And you, what? You thought you could just mosey on over and get the story? No, no. John Cena is too big for you. He is too big for Michael Cole, or Byron Saxton, or any of the other half-grade pseudo "reporters" running around here that couldn't hack it on Fox News, much less real journalism.

Cena folded his arms silently, an arrogant smirk on his features as Heyman continued to berate the female reporter.

Paul Heyman: Now, I know you think you're pretty important, now that everyone seems to be requesting you for their interviews, instead of Cole or Grisham. But let me be the first to tell you that it will be a coooooold day in hell before I let you write up the biggest headline that EBWF has ever seen.

Heyman looked up, reaching out with his hand as if he were pointing towards a giant banner in the sky.

Paul Heyman: The Fall of Wes Ikeda: A John Cena story.

This brought a full on grin to Cena's face. Renee fidgeted in her place for a moment before regaining her composure.

Renee Young: Actually... that's not exactly what I was here about. I'm just here to get your response to the events of last week, when Brock Lesnar was attacked and Wes Ikeda all but claimed responsibility for it.

Paul Heyman opened up his mouth to speak, pointing aggressively at Renee, but the words failed to come out. He adjusted his posture, seemingly trying to get himself under control. He folded his hands together.

Paul Heyman: Well, then Renee. Perhaps I do have a quote for you. Wes Ikeda is probably awful proud of himself. He probably thinks that he's fired off his first salvo in this war. He is a thug, Renee. A thug, desperate to cling to the last remaining vestiges of power that are slipping away from him, minute by minute, day by day. And so what happens when you make a thug like Wes Ikeda desperate? He lashes out in a futile bid to stop the inevitable. That is all that happened, Renee. You want to hear my thoughts on Wes Ikeda attacking Brock Lesnar from behind? Here are my thoughts. It was the pitiful plight of a man out of options. The end is coming. There isn't a nook, a cranny, a crack, or a crevice that Wes Ikeda can crawl into that will shield him from the coming maelstrom. That maelstrom's name?

Heyman leaned in close to Renee, a fiery intensity in his beady eyes.

Paul Heyman: Bawwwwwrrrroooocccckkkk... Lesnar.

Cena nodded his head silently as Paul's dagger-like stare remained fixated on Renee. The two men turned and walked away as the show went to commercial.


Jim Ross: Well folks, still to come we've got Montreal's own Sami Zayn versus Matt Sydal, but up next, the number one contender for the PTG Title, Ted DiBiase, takes on the Man of 1,000 Holds, Dean Malenko.

Jerry Lawler: He's not the Man of 1,000 Holds any more, JR... he's the Birdman!

"Immortals" by Fall Out Boy hit and the crowd cheered as Dean Malenko made his way to the ring, dressed as the Birdman. As Malenko entered the ring, he climbed to the top rope and held out his arms, posing for the fans. Malenko then climbed down from the turnbuckle and awaited the arrival of his opponent. "Heroes" by Shinedown hit and the crowd booed as Ted DiBiase made his way down the ramp.

Jim Ross: Well King, in two weeks time, Ted DiBiase will challenge The Rock for the Path to Glory Championship at Death Before Dishonor. Do you think he'll be using his match tonight to send a message to The Rock?

Jerry Lawler: You've seen the mean streak DiBiase has been on recently, JR... I don't know if he'll want to use Malenko to send a message to The Rock, but I'm sure he'll want to hurt him!

As DiBiase entered the ring, he glared across the ring at his opponent. The referee called for the bell and DiBiase wasted no time getting started, charging towards Malenko and hitting him with a series of punches. DiBiase then whipped Malenko against the ropes, before taking him down with a high knee. Malenko got to his feet and DiBiase grabbed him, dragging him towards the corner and slamming his head against the turnbuckle. DiBiase punched Malenko in the corner several times, then pulled him out of the corner and whipped him against the ropes once more, this time hitting a snap scoop powerslam. DiBiase hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start from Ted DiBiase!

As Malenko sat up, DiBiase applied a headlock, but Malenko broke free and both men got to their feet. The two superstars exchanged right hands back and forth, but DiBiase overpowered Malenko, then hit him with an inverted atomic drop. DiBiase went to follow it up with a suplex, but Malenko blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. Both men got to their feet and Malenko hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet once more and Malenko hit DiBiase with a kick to the midsection, before setting him up for a double underhook powerbomb. DiBiase countered with a back toss, then as Malenko got to his feet, DiBiase hit him with a half-nelson backbreaker, then followed it up with a fist drop. He hooked the leg once more, and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall!

DiBiase got to his feet and stomped on Malenko several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit a swinging neckbreaker. Malenko got back to his feet and DiBiase got behind him, applying the cobra clutch!

Jim Ross: Million Dollar Dream!

Malenko tried to fight out of it but DiBiase refused to break the hold. Malenko refused to submit, but DiBiase kept the hold locked in, and after a minute or so, Malenko passed out! The referee called for the bell and as DiBiase released Malenko, the man known as Birdman slumped to the mat. DiBiase celebrated his victory as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Jim Ross: Welcome back folks, we've just gotten word, that Renee Young is backstage, Renee.

Renee Young was back stage, as the scene cut to her.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time. EBWF Path To Glory Champion, The Rock.

The crowd cheered as the camera panned to The Rock. He had an "I Bring It" shirt on and the PTG Title over his shoulder. He also wore his signature sunglasses.

Renee Young: Rock what are your thoughts o..

The Rock cut her off with strictly the raising of his hand. The crowd cheered and a "Rocky" chant broke out.


The crowd erupted with cheers and another Rocky chant busted out.

The Rock: Renee, The Rock knows what you are about to ask him. You are about to ask him, what his thoughts are on tonight's main event match with Edge, is The Rock correct?

Renee Young: Well yes!

The Rock: I know what you're thinking Renee, you're thinking wow The Rock knows me so well, The Rock gets me, it's like he's reading my mind.

The Rock smiled at her, which caused Renee to smile back and she brushed her hair back behind her ear.

Renee Young: Well actually Rock.. ye..

The Rock quickly went from a smile to serious.

The Rock: WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA, Renee, be a little professional. Look at you looking at The Rock, gawking at The Rock, you have an interview to do, and all you can think about is how you want to go ONE.. on ONE.. with The Great One.

Renee looked horrified, as the crowd cheered.

Renee Young: Rock I..

The Rock: Na na na, shhh, it's OK Renee, you aren't alone. The Rock can't blame ya, but what do you say we focus back on tonight..

She nodded.

The Rock: You see tonight.. The Rock vs. Edge. Another dream battle for the ages. Two of the biggest stars this business has ever seen.. and you see Renee just like last week when The Rock kicked that bald headed piece of monkey crap, Stone Cold Steve Austin's candy ass all around the ring, so to will The Rock do EXACTLY the same thing tonight. You see what that horse tooth jabroni Edge is failing to realize is that..

Suddenly Ted DiBiase walked into the scene which brought boos from the capacity crowd in Canada.

Ted DiBiase: Is what Rock? That you're the Great One? That you're the chosen one? That you're the most electrifying man in sports entertainment? Is that what you were going to say? Or were you going to go to another catch phrase? Were you going to tell him to Just Bring It? Or to k..

The Rock: You'll have to excuse The Rock.. he's been gone for awhile.. doing movies.. but who in the blue hell are you?

Ted smirked.

Ted DiBiase: Rock you know who I a..


The crowd cheered, and Ted looked pissed that he walked right into that.

Ted DiBiase: ENOUGH ENOUGH! You know exactly who I am.. I'm Ted DiBiase and unfortunately for you.. I'm the number one contender for that.

He tapped The Rock's PTG Title, which The Rock looked down to watch him do.

Ted DiBiase: Which means your days of being champion.. are numbered.

The Rock: Is that so?

Ted DiBiase: Yes.. that's so.

The Rock: Well we'll just have to see about that.. because you see you're right The Rock does know how you are. You're Ted DiBiase the guy who not too long ago shared the ring with the People's Champ, which as I'm sure you remember made you the guy whom The Rock shared his size 15 boot with your rich boy, spoiled brat, candy ass.

The crowd cheered again and a Rocky chant broke out. Ted got an intense look on his face and got face to face with The Rock. Ted finally broke the tension by smiling and nodding. He then looked as though he was going to turn away. He then hit Rock with a sucker punch, knocking The Rock's sunglasses off, and the brawl was on.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD, DiBiase and The Rock going toe to toe here.

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god!

After a vicious street fight like brawl. A group of officials pulled the two men off of each other.

Ted DiBiase: You're mine ROCK! I'm going to END YOU!

The Rock had a very intense look on his face as the scene cut back to the ring for the next match.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "I Need A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler hit and the crowd cheered as Mighty Molly and Alexa Bliss made their way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, we've got our second divas match of the night as Mighty Molly, Alexa Bliss and Torrie Wilson take on the Mean Girls in a six diva tag!

After Alexa and Molly had entered the ring, "Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit and the crowd continued to cheer as Torrie Wilson headed to the ring. There appeared to be some tension between Torrie and Molly as Torrie entered the ring. "Fastest Girl Alive" by David Ayers and Felix Tod hit and the three divas looked towards the ramp as Sasha Banks, Summer Rae and Eva Marie stepped out onto the stage. The three divas posed at the top of the stage with their championships, then made their way down the ramp.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, Sasha, Summer and Eva are working in unison tonight, but in two weeks at Death Before Dishonor, the Women's Tag Team Champions will be banned from ringside as Sasha defends the Women's Title against Torrie and Mighty Molly!

Jim Ross: That's right King, and that triple threat match will be a lumberjill match! With the exception of Summer and Eva, every other EBWF diva will be at ringside! The odds will be against Sasha, but I'm sure Ms Banks is determined to prove she's a worthy champion.

As Sasha, Summer and Eva entered the ring, they held up their championships once more, taunting their opponents with the gold. The referee then took the title belts out of the ring before calling for the bell. Torrie and Alexa moved onto the ring apron, allowing Mighty Molly to start the match as the Mean Girls decided who would start the match for them. Molly pointed at Sasha, wanting to get her hands on the champion. Sasha looked at Molly, laughed, then moved onto the apron. Summer Rae then moved onto the apron, and Eva Marie ran at Mighty Molly, taking her down with a clothesline. Eva stomped on Molly several times, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the ropes. Eva went for an arm drag, but Molly blocked it, then took Eva down with a one-handed bulldog. Eva got to her feet and Molly went for a northern lights suplex, but Eva countered with a DDT, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Eva pulled Molly to her feet and dragged her to the corner, then tagged in Sasha Banks. As Sasha entered the ring, Eva held Molly in place, allowing Sasha to hit Molly with a hard slap! The crowd reacted with an "oooh!" sound as Sasha's hand connected with Molly's face.

Jerry Lawler: I think that's going to leave a mark, JR!

As Molly held her face, Eva exited the ring, and Sasha whipped Molly into the corner. Sasha ran at Molly and hit her with a high knee, then set Molly up between the ropes and hit a diving double knee drop! Sasha made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall, but Mighty Molly kicks out again!

Jerry Lawler: The Mean Girls are wearing her down, JR... if she doesn't make a tag soon, she could be in trouble!

Sasha got to her feet and stomped on Molly several times, then picked her up and hit a neckbreaker. Sasha hooked the leg and the referee counted, but again Mighty Molly kicked out at two. Sasha then tagged in Summer Rae, and the two divas worked together, lifting Molly up for a double suplex. As Sasha exited the ring, Summer made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Such resilience from Mighty Molly!

Jerry Lawler: I don't know how she's got any fight left in her, JR!

The crowd began chanting for Mighty Molly, which caused the Mean Girls to laugh. As Molly got to her feet, Summer Rae went for the Solstice... but Molly ducked out of the way, then hit a belly-to-back suplex! The crowd cheered as Molly crawled to the corner, tagging in Alexa Bliss. Alexa climbed to the top rope, and as Summer got to her feet, Alexa hit her with a crossbody. Alexa made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Alexa Bliss with a two count!

Both divas got to their feet and Alexa went to whip Summer against the ropes, but Summer reversed it, sending Alexa into the ropes. Summer hit Alexa with a dropkick, then tagged in Eva Marie. As Eva entered the ring, her and Alexa locked up. Eva took Alexa down with a snapmare, then hit her with a leg drop and hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Eva pulled Alexa to her feet, and set her up for Seeing Red... but Alexa countered with a legsweep! As Alexa got to her feet, Torrie held out her arm, wanting the tag. To the delight of the crowd, Alexa obliged. As she entered the ring, Torrie ran at Eva and took her down with a spear, then punched her against the ring mat several times. Torrie then pulled Eva to her feet and hit her with a snap suplex. Torrie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Torrie Wilson gets a two count!

Jerry Lawler: The momentum seems to be against the Mean Girls now, JR!

Torrie and Eva got to their feet, and Torrie whipped Eva into the corner. Torrie ran at Eva, but Eva got her feet up and kicked Torrie away. As Torrie staggered backwards, Eva ran at her and went for a clothesline, but Torrie countered with a clothesline of her own and the two divas collided!

Jim Ross: Double clothesline! Both divas are down!

Torrie and Eva were both hurting as a result of their collision, and both divas crawled towards their respective corners. Torrie tagged in Mighty Molly as Eva tagged in Sasha Banks. As Sasha entered the ring, Molly ran towards her. Sasha went to lift Molly up for a body slam, but Molly countered with a headscissors takedown! Both divas got to their feet, and Molly hit Sasha with a gutwrench suplex. Molly then signalled for the Molly-Go-Round, but as she moved towards the corner, Summer and Eva entered the ring and attacked her! The crowd booed, but their boos turned to cheers as Torrie and Alexa entered the ring to even the odds. With all six divas in the ring, the referee struggled to maintain order. Torrie went after Eva again, sending her over the top rope with a clothesline, then following her out of the ring and brawling with her on the outside. Across the ring, Alexa went to hit Summer with a bulldog, but Summer countered with the Summer Crush! As Alexa hit the mat, she rolled to the outside, and the referee ordered Summer to leave the ring as Molly and Sasha both got to their feet. Molly ran at Sasha once more, but Sasha took her down with a drop toe hold. The two divas got to their feet once more, and Sasha hit Molly with Bankrupt! Sasha hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Sasha gets the victory!

Jerry Lawler: What a match, JR!

As the referee called for the bell, Sasha regrouped with Summer and Eva at the bottom of the ramp. A ringside official handed the Mean Girls their championships, and the three divas celebrated as they made their way to the back.


We return from commercial to Matt Sydal and Sami Zayn already in the ring. The bell rang to make this one official. The fans went ballistic with "Ole! Ole! Ole!" chants as Zayn worked over Sydal early on. Sydal took control now and held Zayn in a headlock on the ground. The fans rallied behind Zayn as he made his way back to his feet.

Sydal suplexed Zayn and cut him off, remaining in control of the offense here. Sydal dominated the action for a while. Zayn caught Sydal in one of his finishing submission moves but Sydal survived. Zayn hit a wicked DDT move on Sydal landing all the way on the floor.

Jim Ross: That had to hurt!

Jerry Lawler: Bit action here tonight, JR!

Zayn took a while to get Sydal back in the ring. As soon as they get in the ring, Sydal surprises Zayn by popping up with an inzuigiri. He immediately covered Zayn and Zayn somehow kicks out. Sydal yelled and complained to the referee, as he thought it should have been a three count.

Jim Ross: Not tonight, Matt. Not yet!

Zayn was firing up now and was starting to make a comeback. He hit a Blue Thunderbomb on Sydal for a close nearfall. Zayn and Sydal started trading shots. Sydal threw a kick instead of a punch, so the fans boo. Sydal started slugging Zayn now but Zayn stopped and his face turned mean. He ran at Sydal but Sydal caught him with the aftershock, and went for the pin. Zayn stayed down for the three count and Sydal picked up the victory.

The EBWF Universe hadn’t seen their fallen World Champion since Aftermath due to the brutal attack imparted on him by John Cena; but that time away from television was about to end. The Bell Centre absolutely erupted as the massive Titantron at the forefront of the Warfare stage came to life and Dolph Ziggler, dressed in dark wash jeans, boots, and a form-fitting charcoal Affliction v-neck t-shirt, was seen stomping down the hall toward the cameras. His hair was slicked back and the World championship belt was wrapped around his waist. Dolph’s girlfriend, AJ Lee, was in tow and she looked worried.

AJ Lee: Dolphie-Poo, I don’t think this is a good idea. I mean, can’t you just let this one go?

Dolph Ziggler: The man put me through a table, FROM INSIDE THE RING, babe. He single handedly made me into a human slingshot and, yes, while it may have looked cool... I was the only one feeling the pain of skull meeting table. HE MESSED UP MY FACE! And for that? John Cena must pay.

Ziggler stopped in front of a door bearing a the name placard for Cena and began to pound on the door, hard.

Dolph Ziggler: Cena! Open up! I wanna teach you a sixth move! I call it, “Dolph Ziggler’s kicking my ass!”

There came no answer. Ziggler kept pounding away as AJ looked around nervously. Still no answer. Ziggler tried the door but found it locked. He punched it out of frustration then turned back to AJ as he muttered under his breath.

Dolph Ziggler: Coward...

AJ looked relieved as she looked up at her boyfriend, his eyes blazing with ill intent.

Dolph Ziggler: He didn’t do a good enough job. I’m back, the champion is back, and that means some people are gonna pay, and some shows are going to be stolen.

He took her hand and together they disappeared back down the hallway in the direction in which they’d come.


When Warfare returned from commercial Edge was in the ring with a smile on his face as he bounced from foot to foot getting ready for the upcoming main event match. His music played in the background and he looked extremely excited to get the match underway.

Jim Ross: Welcome back to Warfare folks, there you see Edge in the ring, getting ready for our Main Event contest.

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait JR this is going to be great!

"IF YA SMELLLLL WHAT THE ROCK.. IS COOKIN" Blared from the PA System, and the place exploded as The Rock emerged from behind the curtain. He had the EBWF PTG Title over his shoulder and he confidently made his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Making his way to the ring, from Miami Florida, weighing in at 275 pounds, HE is the EBWF Path To Glory Champion... THE ROCK!

The Rock made his way to each turn buckle, holding his belt high at each one in his right hand. The crowd was showing The Rock a lot of love.

Jim Ross: Well there you see him King. The new Path To Glory Champion after beating CM Punk in their match-up at Aftermath. This is going to be a great one tonight.

Edge and The Rock exchanged some back and forth trash talk, as The Rock handed his title to the time keeper. The ref rang the bell and the match was underway.

Jim Ross: HERE we go!

The Rock and Edge circled each other, and then locked up strong. It was a struggle as neither man could gain an advantage and then finally there was a break. The Rock and Edge again started to talk trash to one another and then locked up again. Once again there was struggling back and forth, but no advantage gained, which led to yet another break. Edge had a smile on his face, The Rock remained very intense. Finally it looked as though there'd be a third lock up, but instead Edge snuck a kick quick into The Rock's mid section, and followed it up with 2 right hands, he attempted a third but The Rock blocked it and hit a flurry of rights that culminated with a spin on the hand right hand that sent Edge into the corner. The Rock went to try and put Edge on the top turnbuckle, but Edge countered with a knee to The Rock's mid section, and then knocked him down with a clothesline. Edge went for a cover, but The Rock powered out at 1.

Jim Ross: Tremendous back and forth action here in the early going.

Jerry Lawler: This is great, JR.

Edge and The Rock were both back up to a vertical base. Edge bounced off the ropes and went for another clothesline, but The Rock ducked it and when Edge went off the other rope, The Rock turned around and went for a spine buster, but Edge blocked it and hit a DDT on the PTG Champion. He then bounced off the ropes, and went for a double knee to the grounded Rock. Rock moved out of the way, and Edge caught nothing but the mat. The Rock was up and Edge held his knees in pain, he stumbled right into a samoan drop which the Rock followed with a pin attempt, Edge powered out at 2. The Rock stayed on the attack, hitting a couple of stomps. He brought Edge to his feet. He then tried to whip him off the ropes, but Edge reversed it and sent The Rock into the ropes. When the Rock rebounded Edge caught him square in the jaw with a spinning wheel kick. Edge covered The Rock and earned a 2 count.

Jim Ross: Thought Edge may have had him there.

Jerry Lawler: What a kick!

Edge picked the rock up and went to toss him to the outside, but The Rock blocked it and instead tossed Edge to the outside. The crowd cheered as The Rock seemingly was getting fired up. He quickly followed Edge to the outside of the ring. The ref started a count. The Rock picked Edge up and grabbed his head slamming it into the barricade, he then went for another whip, but again Edge reversed it and sent The Rock shoulder first into the steel steps.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD what impact! Edge just sent Rock shoulder first into those steps, Steel beats flesh every time, King!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god! Owww!

Edge slid The Rock back into the ring, and he followed suit. Edge then went to the corner, and looked to be preparing for the Spear. He was pleading with The Rock to get up. The Rock did, and Edge charged. Rock saw it coming and moved to the side. Unfortunately for the official, he just happened to be standing right behind The Rock, and Edge hit him with a vicious spear. Edge was distracted by the fact he had an unexpected victim. When he turned around he went for a clothesline but The Rock ducked it and turned it into a vicious Rock Bottom in the middle of the ring, but The Rock did not have the strength to make the cover, nor was there a referee awake to make the count.

Jim Ross: ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! Cover him Rock!

Finally, The Rock got a weak cover and a leg hooked, but there was no referee. Rock broke the cover and went to go check on the ref. A chorus of boos rang down when Ted DiBiase sprinted out from the back. The Rock saw Ted and immediately turned his attention from the Ref to Ted.

Jim Ross: What the hell what is DiBiase doing out here!

Jerry Lawler: Well The Rock and Ted did have that confrontation earlier tonight, he probably wants to get a good look at the man he will face at the end of the month for the PTG Title.

The Rock was talking trash to Ted, and Ted right back to The Rock. Edge was stirring while this was going on, as was the Ref. Ted finally after several seconds of back and forth banter. Jumped up on the ring apron. Only to be stung with a vicious right hand from The Rock which sent Ted crashing back to the mat. Unfortunately for the People's Champ, he turned around and was hit with an explosive spear from Edge. Edge managed to make the cover and the ref counted 1.. 2... 3! The bell rang.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner.. Edge!

The crowd booed unhappy with what had just transpired. Edge slid out of the ring and made his way back up the ramp with a smile on his face. Ted was now up on his feet. He went to the time keeper and grabbed The PTG Title.

Jim Ross: Damnit! That distraction from DiBiase just cost The Rock this match, and it doesn't look like Ted is done. Somebody stop him!

Jerry Lawler: What's he going to do!

Jim Ross: I think it's pretty damn clear what he's got in mind, King.

DiBiase slid into the ring title belt in hand, and waited for The Rock to get up. The Rock did and groggily turned right into a vicious head shot from the PTG Title. The shot busted The Rock wide open.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD KING! Ted DiBiase just hit the Rock right between the eyes, with the PTG Title. The Rock is busted wide open!

Jerry Lawler: Oh man!

The crowd booed as Ted held the PTG Title right over the face of The Rock. He yelled, "THIS IS MINE" loud enough for the mic to pick it up. Ted's music hit, and he left WITH THE PTG TITLE over his shoulder.

Jim Ross: Hey wait a minute! That's The Rock's title!

Jerry Lawler: What's he doing!?

Jim Ross: Ted DiBiase has just knocked The Rock into next week, and now he seems to be leaving with The Rock's Path To Glory Championship.

Jerry Lawler: The Rock isn't going to be happy about this.

The show went off the air with Ted DiBiase standing at the top of the ramp holding The Rock's title high in the air, and mocking The Rock by smelling the air, as The Rock, a bloody mess, was out in the middle of the ring.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote