Death Before Dishonor Results 05/31/2015

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Death Before Dishonor Results 05/31/2015

Post by Cory »


AJ Lee made her way to the ring first, followed by Summer Rae. When both divas were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. AJ and Summer locked up, and AJ applied a headlock, but Summer broke free and countered with a hammerlock. After breaking the hold, Summer turned AJ around and hit her with a clothesline. Summer stomped on AJ several times, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her against the ropes. As AJ ran back towards her, Summer hit a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Summer hit AJ with a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Summer pulled AJ to her feet and set her up for a suplex, but AJ blocked it and countered with a neckbreaker. The two divas got to their feet and AJ whipped Summer into the corner. AJ ran at Summer, but Summer got her feet up and kicked AJ away, then as AJ staggered backwards, Summer grabbed her and took her down with a bulldog. She followed it up with a discus leg drop and covered AJ. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall!

Jim Ross: A strong performance from Summer Rae thus far!

Summer grabbed AJ by the leg and went to apply the Indian deathlock, but AJ kicked her away and both divas got to their feet. Summer ran at AJ, and AJ took her down with an arm drag. Summer got back to her feet and AJ went for a spin kick, but Summer ducked out of the way and hit AJ with a back drop. AJ and Summer both got to their feet, and Summer hit AJ with a spinning heel kick!

Jerry Lawler: Summer Solstice!

Summer hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!


Jim Ross: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to EBWF Death Before Dishonor. I’m Jim Ross alongside my good friend and broadcast colleague, Jerry “The King” Lawler!

The chilly Piano intro of Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata filled the arena as the lights dimmed slowly, clad in his astral suit, complete with the cape that resembles Mr. Sinister, Stardust walked from behind the curtain, joining both of his palms to form a star with them to form a star. Music then bluntly changed to Disasterpeace’s Heels, out came Luke Harper, glaring into the camera.

Jerry Lawler: Good lord, that man scares the hell out of me!

Jim Ross: And he should, King. The team of Luker Harper and Stardust making way to the ring, should they win this match they would go on to face Wade Barrett and Ryback for the tag team titles!

Both men walked down the ramp and eventually got into the ring. "Double Barrel" by Yonosuke Kitamura blasted next and out came Nick and Matt Jackson. Clad in their "SUPERKICK PARTY” Tassled T-shirts they posed on top of the ramp to a mild reaction of the fans.

Jerry Lawler: Luke Harper has had bigger breakfast than these two!

Jim Ross: Here come the Young Bucks! These brothers have accomplished everything that can be accomplished in the independent circuit, now they are going to try their luck in the EBWF, this is some debut match!

The brothers walked down the ramp, giving ‘too sweet’ salutes to fans in the front row as they walked towards the ring, they rolled under it and flexed their biceps as a small “Young Bucks” chant broke up. Luke Harper and Nick Jackson were chosen to go first, the referee signalled for the bell… Nick stared at Harper mouthing out “You’re creepy, man!” followed by a crotch chop. The crowd cheered. Cheers suddenly turned to pops as Harper rampaged towards Nick, taking him down with a clothesline.

Jerry Lawler: He nearly took his damn neck off! Welcome to EBWF Nick Jackson!

Harper grabbed his smaller opponent by the ponytail and whipped him onto his corner, Harper then charged at his opponent with a full body attack! Nick collapsed, rolling down the turnbuckle to a seated position.

Jim Ross: WHAT A TRAINWRECK! Luke Harper has just macerated Nick Jackson’s humanity!

Harper mudhole stomped his downed opponent until the referee broke the 5 count. Harper helped his opponent up, positioned him on the corner and silenced the crowd… He then landed a huge open palm on Nick’s chest! The crowd WOOOOOOOOed.

Jerry Lawler: That’s gonna leave a mark!

Harper repeated the dose for another reaction of the crowd. He grabbed Nick by the arm and whipped him onto the nearest corner again, charing to hit him with another body avalanche, Nick was able to raise both of his legs in the nick of time and connect with Harper’s bearded Jaw, Nick then jumped onto the turnbuckle and connected a springboard cutter! Both men went down and the crowd roared! Nick slowly crawled towards his corner, slowly but surely… Harper on the other hand grabbed a hold of the ropes and was able to get up onto his feet first, dragging Nick by the Ankle and punishing him with an elbow drop. Harper locked his opponent in a headlock and went for a tag. Stardust tagged himself in and ran towards the apron as Harper whipped his opponent into the ropes, Harper raised Nick Jackson into a flapjack while Stardust caught him in midair with a Beautiful Disaster Kick!


The crowd popped and a “This is Awesome” chant broke out. Cody went for the pin 1…2… And Nick Jackson kicked out! Stardus’s red eyes glared at the downed Jackson as he proceeded to lift him up and nail him with a vertical suplex! Stardust went for another pin but this time Nick got his feet on the ropes, breaking the count. Stardust once again helped him up, connecting a couple of right hands, Nick fought back with right hands of his own, Stardust went for a clothesline but Nick ducked under it and hit a superkick on Stardust!


Both men knocked out cold in the ground, Nick was the first one to react, crawling slowly towards his corner, Stardust crawled onto his corner, the crowd cheered for both teams, this time Nick was able to tag in his brother at the same time as Stardust tagged in Harper… Both men charged at each other, Harper went for a big boot, but Matt ducked under and hit him with a rolling sweep, Matt crotch chopped him and then Stardust, the crowd chanted “SUCK IT” both times.

Jerry Lawler: Watch out for DMCA!

Jim Ross: Grow up, King.

Matt went to the apron and rocketed himself off the top rope, hitting Harper with a facebuster! He went for the cover but Stardust saved him before the ref could even make the count. Stardust and Harper pummeled on Matt. Stardust grabbed Matt and set him up for the Alabama Slam while Luke Harper climbed onto the top rope!

Jim Ross: Would you look at that! Luke Harper looking for height!

The crowd roared as Harper leapt off the top rope, nailing a picture perfect dropkick off the top rope as Stardust connected the Alabama Slam! A “Holy Shit” chant broke out as Harper went for the cover while Cody dropkicked Nick to the outside the referee made the three count. The mashup from both Harper and Stardust’s theme hit as both men stood over their downed opponent and got their hands raised in victory.

Jim Ross: BAHGAWD WHAT A MATCH! What will happen with this monster meets with the Ryback?


Jerry Lawler: What a great tag match that was, JR!

Jim Ross: No doubt about that, King! Up next, we've got singles action as the Breakout Champion, Tyler Breeze, defends the gold against Bully Ray!

Bully Ray made his way to the ring first to a mixed reaction from the crowd, accompanied by Brooke Tessmacher. After Bully Ray had entered the ring, "#mmmgorgeous" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Tyler Breeze made his way down the ramp. As he reached the bottom of the ramp, Breeze looked across at Brooke and winked at her. Brooke scowled and shook her head in disgust, which caused Breeze to smirk. Upon entering the ring, Breeze climbed the turnbuckle and posed with the Breakout Title, then stepped down and handed the title to the referee. The referee held the title in the air then called for the bell. Bully Ray went straight after Breeze, pummelling him with a series of right hands before whipping Breeze against the ropes. Bully Ray took Breeze down with a clothesline, then as Breeze got to his feet, Bully Ray hit him with a body slam. Breeze got to his feet once more and Bully Ray hit a German suplex, then made the pinfall attempt. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Bully Ray!

Bully Ray pulled Breeze to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. He then punched Breeze in the corner several times until the referee intervened, forcing Bully Ray to take a step back. After giving Breeze a few seconds to recover as per the referee's orders, Bully Ray grabbed Breeze and went to whip him against the ropes. Breeze reversed the Irish whip, sending Bully Ray into the ropes, then hit him with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Breeze hit an Enzuigiri, then followed it up with an inverted DDT. Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Breeze got to his feet and stomped on Bully Ray several times, then sat him up and applied a headlock. Bully Ray broke out of it, then as both men got to their feet, Bully Ray hit a side slam. He went to follow it up with a bionic elbow, but Breeze rolled out of the way. As Breeze got to his feet, Bully Ray ran towards him, but Breeze took him out with a superkick!

Jim Ross: Supermodel Kick!

Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Breeze looked frustrated and hooked the leg once more, but again Bully Ray kicked out at 2. Breeze stomped on Bully Ray some more then pulled him to his feet, but Bully Ray fought back, hitting Breeze with a huge right hand before whipping him into the corner. Bully Ray ran at Breeze and hit him with a bodypress, then as Breeze staggered out of the corner, Bully Ray lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall!

Jim Ross: Great back and forth action thus far!

Both men got to their feet and exchanged right hands back and forth. Bully Ray gained the upper hand, and after hitting Breeze with a series of punches in quick succession, he set Breeze up for a powerbomb. Breeze countered with a back toss, then as Bully Ray got to his feet, Breeze hit him with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men were down on the mat for several seconds before Breeze crawled over to Bully Ray, draping an arm over him. The referee counted - 1.... 2... kickout! Breeze got to his feet and went to the top rope, waiting for Bully Ray to get to his feet. When Bully Ray stood up, Breeze went for a crossbody... but Bully Ray caught him and hit a fallaway slam! Breeze got to his feet and Bully hit a belly-to-belly suplex, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Bully Ray got to his feet and stomped on Breeze several times, then ran against the ropes and went for a Senton... but again Breeze rolled out of the way. Both men got to their feet and Bully Ray went for a headlock, but Breeze ducked out of the way then hit an implant DDT. Breeze stood over Bully Ray, waiting for him to stand... and when Bully Ray got to his feet, Breeze hit him with the Beauty Shot! Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Tyler Breeze retains the Breakout Title!

Jerry Lawler: What a hard fought victory that was for Tyler Breeze, JR! That might have been his toughest match since he joined the EBWF!

Breeze looked out of breath as the referee raised his arm in victory and handed him the title. Smirking, Breeze rolled out of the ring and made his way to the back.


Jim Ross: Up next, Women’s Title on the line as Sasha Banks defends the gold against Torrie Wilson and Mighty Molly in a lumberjill triple threat match!

The EBWF divas came to the ring first, welcomed by cheers from the crowd.

Jerry Lawler: As you can see JR, there’s no sign of Summer Rae and Eva Marie among the lumberjills! After what happened at Aftermath, they’re banned from ringside!

As the lumberjills surrounded the ring, “I Need A Hero” by Bonnie Tyler hit and the crowd cheered once more as Mighty Molly flew to the ring. After Molly had entered the ring, “Aphrodite” by Kylie Minogue hit and the crowd continued to cheer as Torrie Wilson made her way down the ramp. There was obvious tension between Torrie and Molly as Torrie entered the ring, but both divas turned their attention to the stage as “Fastest Girl Alive” by David Ayers and Felix Tod hit and Sasha Banks headed to the ring. As Sasha reached the bottom of the ramp, the Lumberjills blocked her path to the ring! Sasha glared at the divas, then pushed through them and entered the ring. As she entered the ring, she taunted Torrie and Molly with the Women’s Title, then handed the title belt to the referee, who held the title up in the air before calling for the bell. Torrie and Molly wasted no time getting started, double-teaming Sasha and pummelling her with a series of punches, then tossing her out of the ring to the lumberjills! As the lumberjills went after Sasha, Molly and Torrie locked up. Torrie took Molly down with a snapmare, then as Molly got to her feet, Torrie whipped her against the ropes. Torrie hit an arm drag, and as Molly got to her feet once more, Torrie hit her with a DDT. Torrie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start from Torrie Wilson!

As Torrie got to her feet, the lumberjills tossed Sasha back into the ring. Torrie stood over Sasha, who struggled to get to her feet. When Sasha was on her feet, Torrie went for a clothesline, but Sasha reacted quickly and ducked out of the way, then rolled Torrie up. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Sasha hit a kick to the midsection, then whipped Torrie into the corner. Sasha ran at Torrie and hit her with a high knee, then as Torrie staggered out of the corner, Sasha lifted her up and trapped her between the turnbuckles. Sasha went to the top rope and hit a diving double knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Sasha Banks gets a two count!

As Torrie kicked out, Sasha turned her attention to Mighty Molly, who was back on her feet. Molly grabbed Sasha and went to whip her against the ropes, but Sasha reversed it, sending Molly into the ropes, then as Molly ran back towards her, Sasha took her down with a Japanese arm drag. Molly got back to her feet, and Sasha applied the camel clutch! As Molly cried out in pain, Torrie attacked Sasha, forcing her to break the hold. Torrie hit Sasha with a forearm smash, then whipped her against the ropes. Torrie hit Sasha with a dropkick, then as both divas got to their feet, Torrie hit a swinging neckbreaker. Torrie hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: So close to a three count!

As Torrie got to her feet, Mighty Molly ran at her and took her down with a lariat. Molly stomped on Torrie several times, then picked her up and whipped her against the ropes. As Torrie hit the ropes, she grabbed the ropes, stopping herself from running back towards Molly. Mighty Molly then ran at her and went to clothesline her over the top rope, but Torrie pulled down on the ropes, sending Molly over the top rope! Molly grabbed Torrie as she went over the top rope, taking Torrie over the ropes with her!

Jerry Lawler: Both Torrie and Molly are at the mercy of the lumberjills now, JR!

The crowd of divas parted momentarily as both Torrie and Molly crashed to the floor outside. However, two of them inched forward and went to help both Torrie and Molly to their feet.

Jim Ross: Is that who I think it is?

One of the divas held Torrie’s arm and tried to balance her on her feet. She had dark brown hair and her rear end stuck out abnormally. The other woman, with blonde hair, was wearing huge sunglasses that covered half of her face. All of the sudden, she slapped Torrie hard across the face. Molly, seeing the attack, quickly got to her feet and chopped the blonde woman across the chest, causing her sunglasses to fall off and reveal herself.

Jerry Lawler: Summer Rae?! But she’s banned from ringside!

Immediately the rest of the lumberjills went on the attack, gunning for Summer Rae, who was apparently channelling Paris Hilton. The brunette diva who had slapped Torrie covered her mouth with her free hand in shock, until she herself was smacked across the face by Torrie, knocking her brown locks crooked. It was a wig! She fell to the floor next to Summer Rae, and all lumberjills, Torrie, and Molly laid it on the two intruders.

Jim Ross: An all out brawl has ensued here!

Jerry Lawler: Look out!

Sasha, having recovered from the swinging neckbreaker earlier, in the mean time had gotten back up, and ran to dive through the ropes onto the all the lumberjills, Summer Rae, and Eva Marie! Her red locks were visible now as she tumbled out of the mass of lumberjills. A butt pad had fallen out from her dress in the midst of the commotion.

Jim Ross: She’s no Kim Kardashian, that’s for sure King.

Sasha, having the brunt of the dive absorbed by the lumberjills and Torrie and Molly, eased her way back up to her feet. Nearly all the divas were laid out, except for Mighty Molly, who already got to her knees. Sasha seized the opportunity and dragged her by the hair, dragging her to the ring. She threw her in and went for the pin. 1... 2... kickout! Sasha went for the pin again, and Molly kicked out at 2 once more. In frustration Sasha went for a pin one more time but failed as Molly kicked out at 1 this time. Both divas got to their feet and Molly hit Sasha with a surprise super uppercut that had Sasha reeling. She nearly lost her footing but remained on her feet as Molly approached her. Outside of the ring, Torrie had come to and slid into the ring. As Molly approached Sasha she was shoved away into Torrie, who locked up with Molly and hit her with a sit out jawbreaker. Molly hit the mat and Torrie attempted to get back to her feet in time, but was met with a dropkick by Sasha. All three divas were laid out in the ring. Torrie and Sasha both got to their feet, and Sasha lifted Torrie up for a body slam, but Torrie countered with a headscissors takedown. Both divas got to their feet once more, and Torrie went for the Nose Job... but Sasha countered with a spinebuster!

Jerry Lawler: Great counter by Sasha Banks!

As Sasha got to her feet, she was taken out by Mighty Molly, who ran at Sasha and took her down with a spear! After punching Sasha against the mat several times, Molly pulled her to her feet and set her up for a German suplex. Sasha blocked it, and after breaking free from Molly's grasp, she hit her with a hard slap! Sasha then hit Molly with a double knee backbreaker, before locking in the Bank Statement! Torrie got to her feet and went to break up the hold, but before she could get there, Molly tapped out! The referee called for the bell as Torrie jumped on Sasha and forced her to break the hold.

Jim Ross: Torrie Wilson breaks the hold, but she's too late! Sasha Banks has retained the title!

Sasha wasted no time rolling out of the ring and grabbing her Women's Championship. Perhaps fearing retribution from the lumberjills, Sasha quickly headed up the ramp, where she was joined by Summer and Eva on the stage. The Mean Girls celebrated together before walking through the curtain.


Jim Ross: Still to come, we've got Wes Ikeda versus Brock Lesnar and in our main event, Dolph Ziggler defends the EBWF World Title against Solomon Crowe. Up first though, we've got tag team action as CM Punk and Doc Gallows take on the combination of Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose!

"Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit, and the crowd booed as Punk and Gallows made their way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Punk grabbed a microphone and requested that his music be cut. As Punk was about to speak, "Constant Motion" by Dream Theater hit, and the crowd cheered as Seth Rollins stepped out onto the stage and cut Punk off.

Jerry Lawler: Seth Rollins doesn't want to hear what CM Punk has to say, JR! He wants to fight!

Rollins brought a finger to his lips, telling Punk to shush. "Hey Hey, My My" hit, and the crowd continued to cheer as Dean Ambrose joined Rollins at the top of the ramp. Ambrose and Rollins then made their way to the ring, and as they entered the ring they went straight after Punk and Gallows! The four men began brawling and the referee struggled to maintain order. Eventually, the referee forced the four men to separate and asked both teams to nominate someone to start the match. Gallows and Ambrose moved onto the ring apron, allowing Rollins and Punk to start the match. The referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Punk took Rollins to the mat with a headlock takedown, but Rollins broke free and both men got to their feet. Rollins hit Punk with a series of punches, then whipped Punk against the ropes. Rollins ran after Punk, and as Punk hit the ropes, Rollins hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope. Rollins followed Punk out of the ring, and threw him into the ring steps. Gallows then attacked Punk outside the ring, hitting him with a running big boot! Ambrose then went after Gallows, and once again the referee struggled to maintain order.

Jim Ross: By God, this is a war King!

As Ambrose and Gallows fought outside the ring, Punk grabbed Rollins and slammed his head against the ring post, then threw him back into the ring. Punk re-entered the ring and hit Rollins with a double-underhook powerbomb, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Outside the ring, Gallows took care of Ambrose by hitting a chokeslam onto the steel steps! Gallows then climbed back onto the ring apron and Punk tagged him in. Punk picked Rollins up and held him in place, allowing Gallows to pummel Rollins with a series of punches to the midsection. Punk then exited the ring as Gallows whipped Rollins into the corner and hit him with a body avalanche. As Rollins staggered out of the corner, Gallows lifted him up, hitting a fireman's carry flapjack. Gallows made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Rollins is struggling JR, he needs to make a tag... but Ambrose is out cold!

Gallows tagged in Punk, who stomped on Rollins repeatedly, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for a DDT. Rollins countered with a northern lights suplex, then as both men got to their feet, Rollins hit a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Outside the ring, Ambrose began to stir, and the crowd cheered, willing Ambrose to get to his feet. Back in the ring, Rollins whipped Punk into the corner and ran at him, hitting a corner forearm smash. Punk staggered out of the corner and Rollins hit a superkick, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! As Punk kicked out, Ambrose staggered to his feet and climbed onto the ring apron. Ambrose held out his hand, asking for the tag. To the delight of the crowd, Rollins obliged! Ambrose entered the ring and ran at Punk, hitting him with a series of punches in quick succession. Ambrose then went to whip Punk against the ropes, but Punk reversed the Irish whip, sending Ambrose into the ropes. Ambrose rebounded of the ropes, taking Punk down with a pendulum lariat! He then punched Punk against the ring mat several times, before pulling him to his feet and hitting a snap DDT. Ambrose hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! The momentum is with Rollins and Ambrose now, King!

Ambrose got to his feet and stomped on Punk several times, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for a piledriver. Punk dropped to his knees and hit Ambrose with a sneaky low blow. The crowd booed, but the referee didn't see it! Punk tagged in Gallows and the two men worked together, hitting Ambrose with a double suplex. Punk then exited the ring as Gallows covered Ambrose. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! As Gallows got to his feet, Punk began exposing the top turnbuckle. Punk shouted Gallows and pointed to the exposed turnbuckle, and Gallows nodded. He pulled Ambrose to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the exposed turnbuckle! Ambrose began to bleed and Gallows hit him with a headbutt, causing more blood to flow from Ambrose's forehead.

Jerry Lawler: Ambrose just got busted open, JR! He needs a medic!

One of the EBWF medics tried to enter the ring and tend to Ambrose, but Gallows pushed the medic away! Gallows went to continue the assault on Ambrose, but the referee intervened and threatened to disqualify Gallows and Punk! The crowd booed, and a "let them fight" chant broke out. Another EBWF medic entered the ring, and tended to Ambrose... but this time Ambrose pushed the medic away! He got to his feet and ran at Gallows, hitting a knee strike to the midsection. Ambrose then lifted Gallows over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. He hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Ambrose got to his feet and tagged in Rollins, who climbed to the top rope and leapt towards Gallows, hitting him with a diving high knee. Gallows got to his feet and Rollins lifted him up for a belly-to-back suplex, then ran against the ropes and hit a standing shooting star press!

Jim Ross: What a manoeuvre!

Rollins covered Gallows and the referee counted - 1... 2... Punk interrupted the count! Punk pummelled Rollins with a series of punches, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for the GTS. Before Punk could hit it, Ambrose entered the ring and hit Punk with a kick to the midsection, allowing Rollins to wriggle free. Ambrose then grabbed Punk and hit the headlock driver!

Jerry Lawler: FaceDeath!

As Punk's face collided with the mat, he rolled out of the ring and the referee ordered Ambrose to move back onto the ring apron. Back in the ring, Gallows was struggling to get to his feet, and to make sure he stayed down, Rollins hit him with the Curb Stomp! Rollins hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! A hellacious match is won by Rollins and Ambrose!

As the referee called for the bell, Ambrose entered the ring and raised his partner's arm in victory. Ambrose and Rollins celebrated, then made their way to the back.


"Heroes" by Shinedown hit and the crowd booed as Ted DiBiase made his way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Up next, Ted DiBiase challenges The Rock for the Path to Glory Championship!

As he entered the ring, DiBiase glared around at the crowd, then stared down the ramp, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "Electrifying" hit and the crowd went wild as The Rock strutted to the ring, the PTG Title draped over his shoulder. Upon entering the ring, Rock climbed the turnbuckle and held the title over his head, smelling the air as he did so. As Rock stepped down from the turnbuckle, he handed the title belt to the referee, and as the referee held the title up, Rock extended his arm, taunting DiBiase and telling him to "Just Bring It!" The referee called for the bell and DiBiase swung a right hand at Rock, but Rock blocked it and hit DiBiase with a right hand of his own, which he followed up with several more punches. Rock then whipped DiBiase against the ropes and took him down then a clothesline, and as DiBiase got back to his feet, The Rock hit a float-over DDT. DiBiase got to his feet once more and again Rock whipped him against the ropes, this time lifting him over his shoulder and hitting a Samoan drop. Rock hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Rocky with a near fall!

Jim Ross: A strong start from the Great One!

As DiBiase kicked out, Rock got to his feet and stomped on DiBiase several times. Rock then pulled DiBiase to his feet and went to whip him into the corner, but DiBiase reversed it, whipping Rock into the turnbuckle. DiBiase ran at Rock and hit him with a high knee, causing Rock to fall into a sitting position. DiBiase began stomping on Rock in the corner, before pulling him out of the corner and hitting him with a fist drop. DiBiase covered Rock and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! DiBiase pulled Rock to his feet and went for the Cobra Clutch, but Rock flipped DiBiase over, then as DiBiase got back to his feet, Rock hit a flowing snap DDT, followed by a kip-up. The crowd cheered, and Rock crouched down, stalking DiBiase and signalling for the Rock Bottom! DiBiase got to his feet, and Rock grabbed him... but before he could hit the Rock Bottom, DiBiase hit an elbow smash to the back of Rock's head, before taking him down with a neckbreaker. Both men got to their feet, and exchanged right hands back and forth. Again Rock gained the upper hand, and he whipped DiBiase against the ropes once more, this time hitting an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. DiBiase got to his feet and Rock took him down with a running thrust lariat, then applied the sharpshooter!

Jim Ross: Rock has the sharpshooter locked in! This could be it King!

DiBiase cried out in pain, but he was able to reach the ropes and The Rock broke the hold. Rock stepped back, allowing DiBiase time to get to his feet. DiBiase used the ropes to pull himself up, and Rock ran at him, but DiBiase pulled down on the ropes, sending Rock to the outside. DiBiase then jumped over the top rope, hitting Rock with a springboard crossbody! With both men down outside the ring, the referee began counting. 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, DiBiase got to his feet and he picked Rock up, tossing him back into the ring. DiBiase climbed to the top rope and hit a diving double foot stomp, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! Both of these superstars are giving it their all tonight, JR!

DiBiase got to his feet and hit Rock with multiple elbow drops, then lifted Rock up and hit a half nelson backbreaker. DiBiase hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... again Rock kicked out! DiBiase got back to his feet, and waited for Rock to stand. When Rock was on his feet, DiBiase applied the Million Dollar Dream! Just as it looked like Rock was losing consciousness, the Great One fought back and broke out of the hold! DiBiase went to whip Rock against the ropes, but Rock reversed the Irish whip, sending DiBiase into the ropes. Rock hit a spinebuster, then followed it up with the People's Elbow! The Rock hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! The Rock retains the PTG Title!

"Electrifying" by Jim Johnston hit as the referee called for the bell and handed the title to The Rock. The referee held Rock's arm up, and The Rock then climbed the turnbuckle, celebrating his victory before making his way to the back.


“Here Comes the Pain” hit the PA and the crowd came unhinged in anticipation of the big match between Brock Lesnar and Wes Ikeda. Lesnar came from behind the curtain to a chorus of boos. Lesnar was wearing his usual MMA Shorts with the sponsorship logos all over them.

Jim Ross: Brock Lesnar without Paul Heyman or John Cena tonight per the terms of the match agreement.

“Oh My Here We Go!” Sound of Madness hit the PA and send the fans cheering again. Wes Ikeda looked laser focused as he didn’t acknowledge the crowd. He wore blue jeans and a “Live With the Name” branded t-shirt. Lesnar gave a sick grin as Wes got into the ring.

Jerry Lawler: I’m not excited about whatever Lesnar has in store for Wes here tonight.

The bell sounded to make this one official. Ikeda charged right into Lesnar. Lesnar backed Ikeda right into the corner and buried his shoulder in Ikeda's stomach. Ikeda responded with a couple of forearms, but Lesnar was right back at it with the shoulders. Lesnar stomped away at Wes repeatedly before picking him up in the corner and choking him. Wes hit a couple of rights and kicks at Lesnar. Lesnar caught his leg, kicked him, then tossed him across the ring. Lesnar slammed Ikeda into the corner and stomped away at him before choking him with his boot.

Jim Ross: I think Wes might have come to this dance unprepared!

The ref forced Brock to break his illegal move, and Ikeda came back with a high kick, then a couple of huge, stiff knees to the face that sent Lesnar out of the ring. Ikeda hit the ropes and went for the suicide dive, wiping Lesnar out on the floor.

Jerry Lawler: There’s the Wes Ikeda we know and love!

Wes went for the ring steps, grabbing the top two, but Lesnar ran into the steps and knocked Ikeda back. Lesnar picked Ikeda up and hit him with a knee to the gut before shouldering him. Ikeda dropped back and pushed Lesnar into the ring post. Ikeda scrambled to the top rope and hits a double axe handle smash to the floor. The referee had already made a six count.

Jim Ross: They won’t actually count Wes out here, will they?

Ikeda wiped Lesnar out on the floor and turned around to tell the referee to stop counting or else! Lesnar attacked from behind. Lesnar stomped at Ikeda's head and ribs and then hit a giant hip toss into the Spanish announcer's table. Lesnar slung Ikeda onto the other announcer's table, and let him slide to the floor. Then he slammed the cover from the Spanish announce table down on Wes’ back, and jumps on it.

Jerry Lawler: Wes Ikeda has told the referee not to end this match via count out!

Jim Ross: He might be regretting that right now.

Lesnar pulled Wes up and hit a sick belly to belly suplex on the floor, sending Wes flying. Lesnar sendt Ikeda back into the ring and followed. Wes went right for the legs of Lesnar, kicking away, but Lesnar came up with a huge clothesline.

Jerry Lawler: Lights out, Wes!

Lesnar took Ikeda into the corner and goes back into the shoulders into Ikeda's midsection. Lesnar clamped on a bear hug, but Ikeda wouldn’t give up. Ikeda hit Lesnar with elbows to the face, forcing him to break the hold, but Ikeda ran right into a huge knee to the gut.

Jerry Lawler: Man, I’m beginning to think Wes ought to just stay down. He’s taking a beating.

Lesnar buried his knee in Ikeda's side, then leaned into it. Lesnar picked Wes up and clamped him in another bear hug. Wes got more elbows to the face breaking the hold again, and this time Wes hit a huge kick to Lesnar's chest. Ikeda headed to the top rope and leapt off, but he was caught, and Lesnar hit a giant fall away slam.

Jim Ross; Bah Gawd, King! Wes Ikeda is broken in half. No! No Brock!

Brock hoisted Wes up in the air and dropped him with a big backbreaker before slamming him to the mat. Lesnar went for a pin but Wes kicks out. Lesnar trapped Wes in a rear chin lock, but Ikeda fought up to his feet. Wes kicked Lesnar in the midsection and legs before hitting him with a series of forearms. Wes heads to the top and hit a flying knee from the top, dropping Lesnar into the corner. The crowd went nuts as Wes started toward the turnbuckle as if he was contemplating a Coast to Coast, but instead he backed up and waited for Lesnar to stand, hitting the running knee in the corner. Wes backed up and hit another running knee, but a third attempt and he was caught. Wes dropped down and hit a kick to the side of Lesnar's head. Wes headed to the top and dropped the elbow, but it was only good enough for two.
Wes called for ‘It’s Time to Go”. He shouldered Brock, but Brock dropped down and shouldered Ikeda. Wes dropped down and hit another wicked kick to the side of the head. He shouldered Brock and dropped him into the It’s Time to Go, but Lesnar countered, catching Ikeda in the kimura. Lesnar dropped to the mat and wrenched away, but Ikeda was able to counter into an arm bar, then a triangle choke. Lesnar stood, then powerbombed Wes to the mat, but Wes doesn't let go.

Jim Ross: These two men are going to kill each other!

Lesnar scooped Ikeda up once more, but Wes was slamming elbows into his face. Lesnar hit a running powerbomb out of the corner and both men were down after an amazing sequence. Lesnar covered Ikeda for two. The crowd went nuts.

Jerry Lawler: And Wes Ikeda won’t stay down!

Lesnar picked Ikeda up and suplexed him over, hanging on and hitting a second, then third. Lesnar pinned Ikeda for another two count. Brock looked stunned, but headed to the outside and grabbed a steel chair. The crowd was booing, but Ikeda popped up, moved to the top and leapt to the outside, crashing into Brock and the chair on the ground. The crowd was cheering loudly now. Wes grabbed the chair and glared back at the referee. The camera caught his words without a microphone.

Wes Ikeda: I dare you to disqualify me! I DARE YOU.

The referee was waving his hands wildly, telling Wes not to do it, but Ikeda turned and tattooed Lesnar with a shot across the back, then another. Lesnar struggled back under the bottom rope. Back in the ring, Ikeda wound up, but Lesnar blocked it, and kicked Ikeda in the gut. Lesnar wound up and Ikeda hit him with a elbow to the gut. Wes picked up the chair and headed to the apron. Wes went to the top rope.

Jim Ross: Somewhere, Brock Lesnar is having a conniption fit!

Wes stood on the top and dropped the chair across the face of Lesnar. Wes pinned Lesnar, but only got two. Wes held up three fingers to the referee, and walked right into the shoulder position for the F-5! Wes reversed it into a huge DDT and got another near fall. Wes helped Lesnar to his feet and started walking him into the corner. Wes hopped up to sit on the top turnbuckle but Lesnar started trading punches. Wes tried to pull Lesnar up, and moved to an upright position. Lesnar stepped onto the second rope and before the crowd knew what was happening, Wes was pulling Lesnar up.

Jim Ross: Oh my God! Oh my God. No Wes. No… No!

Jerry Lawler: Package Powerbomb from the second rope! Brock Lesnar is motionless, JR!

Wes crawled to Brock and went for the cover. 1…2…3!

Jim Ross: He did it!

The Minneapolis crowd was giving the match a standing ovation.

Jerry Lawler: Wes Ikeda gets to face John Cena! With the King of the Ring tournament looming, JR, the only question is when?

The referee raised Wes’ hand in victory as ringside officials checked on Brock.

Jim Ross: Wes is banged up, but what a victory here ton…

“I’m a bad, bad man.”

Boos erupted again.

Jerry Lawler: And here comes the man that Wes has earned the right to face, and… oh no. Look at this JR.

Cena indeed came onto the stage, but he was accompanied by Wes’ sister, Nicole Ikeda. John had her arms cinched behind her back and she was screaming for her brother as John moved one strong arm around her and slowly moved his hand up her body to her neck. He squeezed there. He used his free hand to move a microphone to his lips.

John Cena: I. warned. you. Didn’t I?

The crowd booed.

Jim Ross: That’s Nicole Ikeda. Heir to the Ikeda fortune and Wes Ikeda’s little sister. She hasn’t been on television for nearly a year, King!

Jerry Lawler: Well she’s on television now, and I can’t say I’m happy to see her, JR.

John Cena: I told you that I knew how to hurt you. I told you to leave this alone, but your pride got in the way. Didn’t it, Wes?

Nicole started screaming for Wes when John began to squeeze her neck a little harder. Her words became strangled.

John Cena: Shut. up. bitch. The men are talking.

Wes darted over the middle rope and started up the ramp, the crowd cheering.

John Cena: Now, now. Don’t do anything hasty big brother.

Wes yelled, camera miss picking up his voice.

Wes Ikeda: If you hurt a hair on her head! I swear to God…

John Cena: See, this… this is what I was looking for with Christy last week. This is how to get to you. Your perfect little sister… she is… perfect.

The hand with the mic in it reached up and John extended his index and middle fingers to trail down Nicole’s cheek.

Wes Ikeda: You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch, you let her go! Let her go. Right now!

John laughed, and then he let go of Nicole’s neck and shoved her forward. Nicole ran down the ramp to hide behind her brother. Wes met her halfway.

Wes Ikeda: I’ll kill you. Book this match! Book this match right now. I’ll kill you.

John Cena: Oh, no… no. You see, we can’t set this match right now, Wes. Because I am the first official entrant into the King of the Ring tournament and that means I’ll be busy this month, claiming my crowd and getting on my way to Summerslam to take the World Championship. So I don’t have time for the likes of you at the moment.

John smirked malevolently.

John Cena: I’m too busy looking forward to my reign Wes. And come to think of it. Every King needs a Queen.

Jerry Lawler: What?

Wes barely had time to wipe the look of confusion of his face when Nicole hit her knees and low blowed her brother from behind. The crowd erupted into a frenzy of boos as Wes doubled over, which gave John the perfect opportunity to load him up for the AA on the ramp. Wes writhed in pain and then went still as his back connected with the metal. Nicole rushed to John’s side, leaning into him. One hand rested against his abdomen as she hung her head back and laughed.

Jim Ross: This is… this is unbelievable.

Jerry Lawler: What fresh hell is this?

Jim Ross: A new reign of terror is what it is.

Nicole Ikeda was looking up at John Cena adoringly, and he lowered his face to give her a light kiss on the lips. When he pulled away to look at her, both looked absolutely overcome by blood lust and shared a much more inappropriate, sloppy kiss. The crowd booed with the most heat of the night. They turned together and walked up the ramp, stopping on stage for a moment to survey their damage. Nicole lifted John’s arm in victory and the crowd booed into the next video package.


Jim Ross: As we collect our thoughts from the shocking events that we just witnessed, ladies and gentlemen it’s time for the main event! Dolph Ziggler defends the EBWF World Championship against Solomon Crowe!

On cue, “Space Dementia” by Muse played out of the speakers as the enigmatic Solomon Crowe made his way out to the ring, the crowd less than pleased. Crowe was seemingly unaffected by the jeers however, and his face remained grimly determined as he made his way up the steps and into the squared circle. His music faded slowly as he got to his corner.

“Get ready for the Smackdown!”

The crowd got to their feet and cheered as the EBWF World Champion came out from behind the curtain, amping up the crowd and sliding his title belt around backwards, so the faceplate could be seen when he turned his back to the audience and raised his hands in the air.

Jim Ross: This is going to be a great fight, King. Both of these men represent the future of the EBWF.

Ziggler headed up to the ring and stepped through the ropes, but not before taking one look back at the audience and smirking confidently.

Jerry Lawler: Neither of these men seem too intimidated by their opponent.

Ziggler took a good long look at the World Championship before handing it to the referee. The referee raised the title in the air, showing it off to all four sides of the arena before calling for the bell.

Jim Ross: And here we go!

Ziggler and Crowe immediately met in the center of the ring and locked horns. Ziggler got the upper hand with a headlock, but Crowe drove his elbow into Dolph's gut. The champion doubled over briefly, but stepped right into another lock up. This time, Crowe got the headlock cinched in, but Ziggler gave him a hard shove towards the ropes. Crowe took a knee to stop his momentum and keep the headlock on tight.

Jim Ross: Smart move by Crowe.

Ziggler lifted Crowe up into a belly to back suplex, but Crowe rolled through and landed on his feet behind Ziggler. Crowe then connected with a hard lariat to the back of Ziggler's neck, and Ziggler hit the mat hard. Crowe then wrapped him up in another headlock.

Jim Ross: Solomon Crowe is trying to keep this match on the ground, where the flashy moveset of Dolph Ziggler becomes harder to execute.

Jerry Lawler: He'd better be careful, JR! Dolph Ziggler is also a championship amateur wrestler!

Jim Ross: ...Startlingly good point, King.

Ziggler wriggled around managed to get over onto his back. He kipped up and grabbed Crowe's arm, twisting it behind his back. Crowe reversed it and yanked on Ziggler's arm, but Ziggler somersaulted forward to relieve the pressure. Crowe kicked at Ziggler, but Ziggler caught his leg and turned it into a dragon screw takedown, which sent Crowe to the ground clutching his knee. The crowd cheered at the exchange. Ziggler went down for the pin and got a two count. He picked Crowe up who suddenly reached up and grabbed Ziggler's head, hitting a jawbreaker which sent Ziggler down to the mat. The crowd booed as Crowe quickly mounted Ziggler who was in the supine position and began furiously raining hard rights down on the champion.

Jerry Lawler: Oh, this isn't going to be pretty.

Crowe picked Ziggler up and whipped him as hard as he could into the ropes. Ziggler's back made a sickening noise when it slammed against the turnbuckle at full speed, and Ziggler dropped face first to the mat. Crowe pushed ziggler into the corner and drove his boot into Ziggler's chest multiple times, stomping the wind out of him. The referee admonished Crowe, but Crowe pressed his boot into Ziggler's throat, choking him out for several seconds as the referee made the mandatory five count. He got to four and a half before Crowe let go and backed away.

Jim Ross: Crowe is fired up here, King. He'd better be careful, or he's going to get disqualified.

Ziggler slowly got to his feet, stumbling out of the corner weakly. He took a swing at Crowe, but the challenger dodged it easily and put a thumb straight into Ziggler's eye. With Ziggler clutching his eye and unable to see, Crowe kicked him in the gut and hit a powerbomb in the corner. He dragged Ziggler into the center of the ring and pinned him, only getting a two count. Crowe argued with the ref about the speed of his counting before heading back over to Ziggler, who was trying to use the ropes to get himself up to a vertical base. Ziggler took a wild swing that struck Crowe in the face, and Crowe stumbled back. He rubbed his jaw angrily, then charged forward and speared Ziggler through the ropes, both men tumbling out of the ring and onto the mat outside.

Jim Ross: This is where the match gets dangerous, because Crowe is so unpredictable.

Crowe picked up his opponent and whipped him hard into the steel steps. Ziggler smashed into the steps and flipped over them, landing on his back on the other side. Crowe, showing no signs of hesitation, picked up the top half of the steps and lifted them over his head. He approached Ziggler with a maniacal look in his eyes.

Jim Ross: Oh, no. Crowe, don't do it!

Ziggler opened his eyes just long enough to see the steps and rolled out of the way, just as Crowe threw the steps onto the ground as hard as he could. The steps smashed against the floor, where Ziggler's head had been only seconds before. With a burst of adrenalin, Ziggler leapt up and hit a picture perfect drop kick onto Crowe. Crowe's back landed on the steps and he winced in pain. Ziggler hopped up onto the apron and mounted the turnbuckle. The crowd noise swelled as Ziggler zeroed his aim in on his opponent. Ziggler leapt off the turnbuckle and hit an elbow drop onto Crowe, who was still on the stairs. Both men crumpled in a heap as intermittent "Holy Shit!" chants permeated the entire arena.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd, King! These men are putting their entire body on the line in this match!

The referee wasn't even counting at this point as both men slowly stirred, trying to get up. Ziggler was up first, and he picked Crowe up and rolled him into the ring. Hooking the leg, Ziggler got a two count. Exasperated, Ziggler got to his feet and picked up Crowe. Ziggler whipped him into the ropes and went for a clothesline as Crowe charged at him. Crowe ducked underneath it, suddenly put on the brakes, and turned around, grabbing Ziggler's head and hitting the headlock driver!

Jim Ross: Crowe hit it! That's gotta be it!

Crowe dropped to the mat and hooked the leg, 1....2....3-NO!

Jim Ross: He kicked out! He kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my God! That was so close!

Crowe was incensed, and he slammed his hand on the mat multiple times in frustration. He grabbed Ziggler and picked him up again, putting him into another headlock. He yelled "Stay down!" at Ziggler and dove forward for the headlock driver again. Ziggler managed to free his head but Crowe's momentum took him down to the mat. Ziggler bounced himself off the rope and hit the Fameasser! He hooked the leg 1...2.....Crowe kicked out! Ziggler rolled away, exhausted. Ziggler finally got up and went to pick up Crowe, but Crowe grabbed him by the neck and fell back, hitting an Inverted Russian Legsweep on the champion. He then quickly climbed the turnbuckle and stood tall on the top rope.

Jim Ross: Crowe is giving it all he's got here!

Jerry Lawler: They both are!

Crowe fearlessly leapt off the turnbuckle into a guillotine legdrop, but Ziggler rolled out of the way and Crowe hit nothing but mat. Standing up and clutching his lower back in agonizing pain, Crowe didn't even notice Ziggler sneak up behind him and hit the Zig Zag from out of nowhere! Dolph hooked the leg. 1.....2......3!

Jim Ross: Dolph did it! Dolph has retained the EBWF World Championship! What a match! What an effort by both of these men!

"Smackdown" by Thousand Foot Crutch blasted out of the speakers as a visibly exhausted Dolph Ziggler was handed the EBWF World Title belt. He struggled to get up via the ring ropes, using them as leverage as he held the championship up in the air.

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, we've seen the future of EBWF here in these two men, and I believe with all my heart that the future is in good hands. Goodnight, everybody!

Death Before Dishonor went off the air with the last image of Ziggler mounting the turnbuckle and holding up the World Championship.