Warfare Results 06/08/2015

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Warfare Results 06/08/2015

Post by Cory »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and tonight we'll see the start of the King and Queen of the Ring tournaments!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, we've got divas action as Velvet Sky takes on Mighty Molly!

Velvet came to the ring first, followed by Mighty Molly. When both divas were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Velvet took Molly down with a snapmare, followed by a shoot kick to the back of the head. Molly got to her feet and Velvet whipped her against the ropes, then hit her with a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Velvet hit a vertical suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Velvet pulled Molly to her feet and hit her with a kick to the midsection, then whipped her into the corner. Velvet ran at Molly and hit her with a corner clothesline, then as Molly staggered out of the corner, Velvet set her up for a northern lights suplex. Molly blocked it and countered with a DDT, then climbed to the top rope. As Velvet got to her feet, Molly hit her with a crossbody! Molly made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Molly whipped Velvet against the ropes, then went for a lariat. Velvet ducked out of the way, ran against the opposing set of ropes and took Molly down with a shoulder block. Molly got to her feet and Velvet hit a facebreaker knee smash, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Velvet got to her feet and stomped on Molly several times, then pulled her to her feet and applied an octopus stretch. Molly cried out in pain, but refused to tap out, and Velvet broke the hold. Molly looked dazed and Velvet took full advantage, hitting Molly with In Yo' Face! Velvet covered Molly and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!


Jim Ross: Up next, more divas action as Trish Stratus takes on Becky Lynch!

Becky Lynch came to the ring first, the Irish diva looking determined as she made her way down the ramp. After Becky had entered the ring, "Bossy" by Kelis hit and the Canadian crowd went while as one of their own, Trish Stratus, headed to the ring. As she entered the ring, Trish and Becky glared at one another. The referee called for the bell and Trish went for a clothesline, but Becky ducked out of the way, then hit Trish with a series of punches. Becky then whipped Trish against the ropes, before taking her down with an arm drag. Becky stomped on Trish several times, then hit her with multiple leg drops. She hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Becky Lynch!

Becky pulled Trish to her feet and applied a headlock, but Trish broke free and pushed Becky into the ropes, then took her down with a Thesz press. Trish punched Becky several times against the ring mat, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the corner. Trish ran at Becky and hit her with the Stratus Splash, before taking her down with a bulldog. Trish hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Trish went for the Chick Kick, but Becky ducked out of the way, then grabbed Trish from behind and lifted her up, hitting a German suplex. Becky then applied a leglock, but Trish was able to get to the ropes. Becky broke the hold but continued to work the leg, stomping on Trish's leg, then hit a knee drop to the leg. Becky pulled Trish away from the ropes and went to reapply the leglock, but Trish kicked her away and got to her feet. Trish went after Becky, but the Irish diva was ready for her, and she hit a kick to the injured leg, causing Trish to lose her balance. Becky then lifted Trish up, hitting an exploder suplex!

Jim Ross: Bex-Plex! This could be it King!

Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... no! Trish kicked out at the last second, causing Becky to cry out in frustration. She got to her feet and went for the Four-Leg Clover, but again Trish fought back and kicked Becky away. As Trish got to her feet, Becky ran at her, but Trish reacted quickly and took Becky out with a spear! Both divas got to their feet and Trish grabbed Becky in a headlock, then ran towards the ropes, hitting the Strausfaction! Trish made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Tremendous effort from Becky Lynch, but the experienced Trish Stratus gets the victory.

The referee called for the bell and raised Trish's arm in victory. Trish celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Paige was on her way to the ring ready for the next match. After Paige had entered the ring, "#Emmalution" by Brian Randazzo hit and Emma came out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Emma was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Emma ran at Paige and took her down with a clothesline, then stomped on her several times. Emma pulled Paige to her feet and whipped her into the corner, before hitting a discus elbow smash. Paige fell into a sitting position and Emma stepped back, then ran at her, hitting a running crossbody.

Jerry Lawler: Emma-mite Sandwich!

Emma pulled Paige away from the ropes and made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Emma pulled Paige to her feet and went to whip her against the ropes, but Paige reversed the Irish whip, sending Emma into the ropes. As Emma ran back towards her, Paige took her down with a hip toss, then as Emma got back to her feet, Paige hit her with a headbutt. Paige went to follow it up with a body slam, but Emma countered with a headscissors takedown. Paige got to her feet and Emma hit a running big boot, then made the cover once more. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall!

Both divas got to their feet and Emma lifted Paige onto her shoulders, spinning her round with the Emmaplane. Paige looked dazed as Emma released her, and she staggered towards the ropes, grabbing the top rope to help her balance. Emma climbed through the ropes and applied the Dil-Emma! Paige cried out in pain but refused to submit, and Emma broke the hold. Emma then went for a DDT, but Paige blocked it, then countered with a fisherman suplex. Both divas were down for several seconds then as they got to their feet, the two divas locked up. Paige applied a headlock, but Emma countered with a hammerlock, before releasing Paige and lifting her up for a back drop. As Paige hit the mat, Emma grabbed her by the legs and turned her over, applying the Emma Lock! Paige tried to reach the ropes but was unable to do so, and she tapped out. The referee called for the bell as Emma broke the hold and began celebrating.

Jim Ross: It's over! An impressive victory for Emma and she advances to the next round!


When Warfare returned from a commercial the crowd booed loudly as the scene cut backstage and Ted DiBiase was seen. He was wearing a black t-shirt and gray jeans. He spoke on a cell phone and only his end of the call could be heard.

Ted DiBiase: Yeah- I mean it all sounds good, but to be honest I've heard it before. Yeah- well I know, but you're going to have to show me that you aren't full of crap. Yeah- I've heard it all, I've been around here long enough, and I wasn't born yesterday. I'd definitely be down for it- but you're going to have to prove that you're in it for the long haul. Alright- well then I'll see you then. Alright, later.

Ted hung up the call and had an evil smile on his face.

Jim Ross: What was that about? Who was that on the phone?

Jerry Lawler: I don't know JR, but it sounds like we might find out soon!


Summer Rae came to the ring first, followed by Natalya. Natalya received a warm welcome from the Canadian crowd as she made her way down the ramp. After Natalya had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and Summer ran at Natalya, taking her down with a clothesline. As Natalya sat up, Summer grabbed her and applied a headlock. After a struggle, Natalya fought out of it, getting to her feet and hitting Summer with an elbow, forcing her to break the hold. Natalya took Summer down with a snapmare and ran against the ropes, then as Summer sat up, Natalya hit a low dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Natalya hit a suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! The two divas got to their feet once more and Natalya went to whip Summer against the ropes, but Summer blocked it, then hit Natalya with a hard slap! As Natalya clutched her face, Summer took her down to the mat and punched her several times, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the corner. Summer then applied a corner foot choke, before taking Natalya down to the mat with a bulldog. Summer hit a discus leg drop, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Summer hit Natalya with a hair-pull mat slam, then applied a figure four leglock. Natalya cried out in pain and tried to get to the ropes, but they were out of reach. Summer then increased the pressure, but Natalya managed to roll over, applying the pressure on Summer Rae! This time Summer cried out in pain, but she was able to reach the ropes and Natalya broke the hold. Both divas got to their feet and Natalya whipped Summer against the ropes, then bent over for a back toss, but Summer hit Natalya with a kick to the face! As Natalya staggered backwards, Summer ran at her and took her down with a flying forearm smash. Natalya got back to her feet and Summer hit the Solstice, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... 3!


Jim Ross: Up next, we kick off the King of the Ring tournament with Stardust versus Tyler Breeze!

Jerry Lawler: Tyler Breeze beat Stardust for the Breakout Title at Aftermath, so Stardust will be looking for revenge tonight!

Stardust came to the ring first, followed by Breeze. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd and when both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Stardust and Breeze exchanged right hands back and forth. Stardust gained the upper hand, and after hitting Breeze with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped Breeze against the ropes. As Breeze ran back towards him, Stardust hit a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Stardust got behind Breeze, hitting a falling inverted DDT. Stardust hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Stardust hit Breeze with a kick to the midsection, then whipped him into the corner. Stardust ran towards Breeze, but Breeze moved out of the corner and hit Stardust with the Supermodel Kick! Breeze made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Stardust got to his feet and Breeze grabbed him, then went to slam his head against the turnbuckle. Stardust blocked it, then slammed Breeze's head against the turnbuckle, before punching him in the corner several times. Stardust took Breeze down with a bulldog, then followed it up with a springboard bionic elbow. Stardust hooked the leg once more - 1... 2... Breeze kicked out! Stardust got to his feet and stomped on Breeze several times, then pulled Breeze to his feet and set him up for a suplex. Breeze blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own, then as Stardust got to his feet, Breeze went for the Beauty Shot... but Stardust rolled out of the way! Breeze got to his feet and Stardust grabbed him, hitting the Dark Matter! Stardust hooked the leg once more and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3! Stardust celebrated his victory as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Doc Gallows was on his way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, we'll see the EBWF Chairman Wes Ikeda in action against Doc Gallows!

After Gallows had entered the ring, "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown hit and the crowd went wild as Ikeda made his way to the ring. As Ikeda entered the ring, Gallows glared at him. The EBWF Chairman responded with a cocky smirk, then as the referee called for the bell, Ikeda went after Gallows with some right hands. Ikeda whipped Gallows against the ropes, then took him down with a high knee. As Gallows hit the mat, Ikeda stomped on him several times, before pulling him to his feet and taking him down with a DDT. Ikeda hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Ikeda!

Ikeda got to his feet and stomped on Gallows some more, then picked him up and whipped him into the corner. Ikeda ran at Gallows at went for a corner clothesline, but Gallows got his knees up and blocked it, then as Ikeda staggered backwards, Gallows took him down with a big boot. Ikeda got to his feet and Gallows set him up for a powerbomb, but Ikeda countered with a back toss, then hit It's Time To Go. Ikeda hooked the leg once more - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall!

Ikeda pulled Gallows to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then dragged him to the corner and slammed his head against the turnbuckle. Ikeda punched Gallows several more times in the corner, but Gallows fought back, hitting Ikeda with some right hands of his own. Gallows followed the right hands up with a headbutt, then grabbed Ikeda by the throat for a Chokebomb... Ikeda fought out of it, hitting Gallows with a kick to the midsection then hitting a forearm smash. Gallows staggered backwards, then as he moved back towards Ikeda, the EBWF Chairman hit a drop toe hold, causing Gallows to collide head-first with the second turnbuckle. Gallows looked dazed and Ikeda set him up in a sitting position, then ran to the opposing corner. Ikeda climbed to the top rope and jumped, hitting the Coast to Coast! After pulling Gallows away from the ropes, Ikeda covered him and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Ikeda wins!

Ikeda celebrated his victory then made his way to the back as Gallows recovered in the ring.


Edge came down to the ring to "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge, followed by Viktor, who came out in his full Ascension gear. Viktor walked up to Edge and bumped chests with him brazenly, growling like a feral animal. Edge blinked at him, shrugged, then open hand slapped him in the face, and the match was on.

Jim Ross: And we're off to the races with a little classic disrespect by the veteran Edge.

Edge and Viktor traded blows in the center of the ring, and Edge got the upper hand, forcing Viktor to retreat to the corner. The referee pulled Edge off after a count of four, and Edge put his hands up and backed away. Viktor took the opportunity to lunge at Edge, but Edge sidestepped him and put him on the mat face first with a drop toe hold. Viktor clutched his nose in pain. Edge grabbed the back of Viktor's head and went for the Edge-O-Matic, but Viktor mercilessly reared back with his elbow, connecting with the side of Edge's head, which sent him down to the mat instantly.

Jim Ross: Oh my, it looks like he might of knocked Edge senseless there.

Edge was visibly slow to get up, and Viktor measured him, waiting for him to get to a vertical base, though it was clear that Edge was wobbly.

Jerry Lawler: Viktor is in control! He may be looking to end it here!

Viktor went for a low sweep of his foot to send Edge back to the mat, but Edge telegraphed it and hopped over his foot. Edge shoved Viktor into the ropes, and on the bounce back he speared Viktor out of his boots! The crowd cheered loudly as Edge rolled onto Viktor for the 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: What a victory for Edge! The Rated R Superstar advances in the tournament.


CM Punk was first to the ring. Dean Ambrose was out next, and the and the crowd booed as the bell rang and the match was to get started. Ambrose hit CM Punk with a couple of right hands. CM Punk tried for the GTS, but Ambrose shook it off. Ambrose kicked CM Punk in the gut and tried for the FaceDeath, but CM Punk bailed to the outside. CM Punk headed back into the ring and took Ambrose into the corner. Ambrose came right back, taking CM Punk down to the mat before tossing him over the top rope to the outside. Ambrose headed out after CM Punk and tried to whip him into the ring steps, but it was reversed and Ambrose smashed into the unforgiving steel.

Jim Ross: Turnabout is fair play here. This match could get ugly.

CM Punk brought things back into the ring where he put on a rear chin lock, wearing Ambrose down to the mat. Ambrose was able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold, but CM Punk pulled him down to the mat by his hair before catching him with a running boot to the face for a two count. CM Punk hit a running corner clothesline, then headed to the top, hitting a double axe handle smash for another near fall. Ambrose was able to connect with a giant clothesline on a charging CM Punk. Ambrose hit a couple of clotheslines and a big dropkick before hitting a standing moonsault splash. Ambrose called for the curbstomp again. CM Punk bailed to the outside again but Ambrose was quick to follow. CM Punk headed back inside and so did Ambrose, where he rolled CM Punk up for a two count. Ambrose connected with a big cross body for another two count, but then he ran into a boot from CM Punk. CM Punk hit a backbreaker, but a series of reversals lead to a big dropkick from Ambrose. CM Punk rolled to the apron, but avoided a suplex on his way in. CM Punk dropped down with Ambrose’s leg on his shoulder and Ambrose grabbed at his knee. CM Punk wrapped Ambrose’s leg around the middle rope and wrenched away before taking off his knee pad and anything else covering Ambrose’s knee. CM Punk stompped away at Ambrose’s knee before wrapping his leg around the middle rope again. Ambrose hit CM Punk with a back elbow before heading to the top. CM Punk pulled Ambrose off of the ropes before locking in a single leg Boston crab. Ambrose screamed in pain, but was able to fight over to the ropes. CM Punk pulled him back to the center of the ring. Ambrose tried for a power bomb, but CM Punk avoided it and tried for the Go to Sleep. Ambrose wiggled out and clotheslined CM Punk to the outside. CM Punk headed back into the ring and walked into a huge knee to the gut from Ambrose. Dean followed up off the ropes and hit the FaceDeath! Ambrose pinned Punk, 1...2...3!

Jim Ross: And a huge win for Dean Ambrose! He advances in the tournament! What a match by these two guys!


When Warfare got back from commercial Justin Gabriel was standing in the ring ready to go. He bounced back and forth from foot to foot. The crowd came unglued when "Electrifying" by Jim Johnston hit the PA System. The Rock exploded from the back and onto the ramp. He had the Path To Glory Championship over his shoulder. He went down into the ring and went through his trademark entrance.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent from Miami, Florida. Weighing in at 265 pounds from Miami, Florida. HE is the EBWF Path To Glory Champion- THE ROCK!

Jim Ross: Well here we go first round of the King of the Ring Tournament. The Rock fresh off his victory at Death Before Dishonor looking to continue his hot streak tonight.

Jerry Lawler: He's been on fire JR!

The bell rang and the match began. The Rock and Gabriel locked up and the early advantage went to the stronger Rock. He put Gabriel in a side head lock. He shoved Justin into the ropes and went for a clothesline on the rebound. Gabriel ducked it and rebounded off the ropes again striking the rock with a spinning wheel kick. He went for an early cover but only earned a one count. Both men were back to their feet and locked up again, this time The Rock went behind for a hammerlock. Gabriel ran forward and bounced chest first off the ropes, on the rebound he caught Rock right in the chin with an elbow. He then turned around and went for a tornado DDT, The Rock used the momentum and threw Gabriel to the mat face first. Justin popped right back up, but walked into a thunderous clothesline. The Rock went for a cover and earned a two count.

Jim Ross: Tremendous back and forth action here in the early going.

The Rock picked Gabriel up by the head and went for an Irish Whip into the corner. Gabriel reversed it and sent The Rock into the corner. Gabriel went for a sprinting body splash but The Rock moved out of the way and Gabriel went face first into the corner. He turned around dazed, and THe Rock planted him with A DDT. The Rock went for another cover but earned another 2 count. The Rock stayed on the attack hitting a couple of stomps. He went for a third, but Gabriel caught his leg and tripped him up. Gabriel nipped up and Rock was up as well, Gabriel sprinted to the ropes and hit a spring board cross body block on The Rock which brought some oooh's from the crowd. He covered Rock and earned a two count.

Jim Ross: What a move there by Gabriel, King!

Jerry Lawler: What a match this has been!

Gabriel looked at the ref like he thought he had a three count. He went up to the top rope and the ref walked over towards the rope as well. Gabriel went to jump off the ropes, but The Rock sprang to life and jumped up and hit Gabriel but at the same time hit the ref who crashed to the mat right along with Justin. It was incidental, and this definitely distracted The Rock for a moment. He looked at the ref and began to shake him. While he did this Gabriel was up. He went for a clothesline but The Rock ducked it and planted Gabriel with a Rock Bottom in the middle of the ring!

Jim Ross: ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! But the referee is down!

Jerry Lawler: Get up ref!

The crowd booed as Ted DiBiase sprinted down to the ring.

Jim Ross: What the hell it's Ted DiBiase!

Jerry Lawler: WHAT!

The Rock nodded and waved Ted into the ring, just as Ted was sliding in. The two started going blow for blow. The referee was still down. Ted went for a clothesline but similar to Gabriel, The Rock locked in a Rock Bottom, but Ted elbowed The Rocks head and went for Dream Street, The Rock countered this to wriggle away. All of a sudden from behind the announcers table came another man.

Jim Ross: Wait a minute is that!?

Jerry Lawler: It's The Miz JR!

Jim Ross: What's he doing?

The Rock saw this just as Miz was getting into the ring. He turned around and went for a punch, but Miz blocked it and locked The Rock up and hit a Skull Crushing Finale right in the center of the ring. The crowd was booing hysterically. Miz and DiBiase shared a quick evil smile. The ref was beginning to come to, as was Gabriel. Miz and DiBiase both exited the ring and remained on the outside.

Jim Ross: What the hell! This can't be happening! Ref you just missed everything!

Jerry Lawler: JR look!

Gabriel was going to the top rope, as the ref was almost completely back to his feet, he still looked groggy. Gabriel was at the top rope, and he came flying down connecting on a 450 splash. He went for the cover, and the ref counted.

Jim Ross: COME ON! NO! Not like this! ONE.. TWO.. THREE.. Damnit!

Jerry Lawler: I can't believe this.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner, Justin Gabriel.

Gabriel slid out of the ring and raised his arm in victory. He looked at both DiBiase and the Miz and kept moving back up the ramp. Miz went under the ring apron and grabbed a steel chair. He threw it into the ring. He then followed suit entering the ring himself. Ted went in with him. The Miz picked up the chair, as The Rock slowly made his way to his feet. The Miz planted the rock between the eyes with a vicious chair shot that sent The Rock back to the mat and busted him open. Miz smiled with a wicked grin, as did DiBiase. Miz said loud enough for the mic to pick up.. "you believe me now?" Ted shrugged shook his head.. and said.. "maybe one more". Miz nodded with a smirk, and Ted picked up The Rock who was a bloody mess. The Miz obliged Ted and hit The Rock right in the face once again with a chair shot. The Rock was back flat on the mat.

Jim Ross: Somebody stop this god damnit! The Miz is back and it appears that he has aligned himself with former Trilogy teammate Ted DiBiase. As a result they laid waste to the Path To Glory Champion tonight.

Jerry Lawler: Unbelievable JR!

Miz and Ted stood over The Rock's lifeless body. Ted finally shook his head in approval and raised The Miz' arm. The crowd was booing their brains out.

Jim Ross: Ted DiBiase lost last night to The Rock, but he damn sure is getting the last laugh right now, thanks to the help of the returning Miz. This is a damn travesty!

Jerry Lawler: Somebody get out here The Rock is out!

"I Came To Play" was heard over the loud speaker as Miz and DiBiase pleased with their handy work exited the ring to a chorus of boos. As officials came out to attend to The Rock as Warfare went to a commercial.


“Constant Motion” by Dream Theater called for Seth Rollins to the ring. Shortly after his entrance, “40 Below Summer” by F.E. signaled Syxx’s entrance, and once he entered the ring the referee called for the bell. A few seconds went by as both circled the ring to size one another up, before they locked up center ring. Syxx released his grip from Rollins and hit him with a series of chops to the chest, followed by a spinning kick that leveled him. Syxx ran the ropes, and Rollins rolled onto his belly forcing Syxx to jump over him. Rollins sprang to his feet and leap frogged Syxx, and on the rebound Rollins nailed Syxx with a pele kick to the head. Rollins brought Syxx to his feet and took him down again with a snap armdrag, and followed up with a DDT. He pinned Syxx for a two count. As both men got to their feet, Rollins grabbed Syxx again and attempted a quick spinebuster, but Syxx shifted his weight allowing him to transition into a sunset flip maneuver. Seth pushed his way to the ropes, barely grabbing on in an attempt to stall the pin, but ultimately failed to get a strong grip fell back into it.

After a brief 1 count Rollins somersaulted backwards out of the pin, and hit Syxx with a knee in the face. Rollins picked Syxx up by the head, aiming to drag him away from the ropes. However, Syxx caught a hold of them, reeling Seth back towards him. In a split second Seth was back down on the mat after a hard guillotine against the top rope from Syxx. The referee chastised him, but was returned with a crotch chop. Syxx pulled Rollins to his feet and hit him with an uppercut, before whipping him to the corner. Syxx connected with a body splash, which made Rollins slump down further into the corner. With his remaining momentum from the splash, Syxx did a roundabout and went for the bronco buster. In the final fateful seconds before Syxx landed on Rollins, Rollins had used the ropes to pull himself upward and used his knees as a shield against Syxx. Syxx stumbled backwards holding his groin from Rollins unintentional low blow, only to be snatched by Rollins and sent head first into the turnbuckle with a reverse STO. Rollins capitalised by dragging Syxx to the center of the ring before running the ropes and hitting the Curb Stomp. Rollins hooked a leg for the pin. 1…..2…..3! The bell rang and Seth celebrated as the referee held his arm up, and the show cut to a commercial break.


The referee called for the bell and Luke Harper squared up with Solomon Crowe in the center of the ring. They locked up and jockeyed for position, each man attempting to test the others strength. Harper eventually drove his knee into Solomon’s gut and forced him to lose his balance. Harper hit a vertical suplex and rolled it into a headlock. He alligator rolled Crowe a few times and then leaned back, tightening in the headlock as hard as he could.

Jim Ross: Luke Harper is a deceptively skilled mat wrestler, but you’d never know it too look at him!

Crowe, summoning his strength, fought to a vertical base and hit a belly to back suplex to counter Harper’s hold. Harper bounced off the mat and rolled out of the ring, opting to take a breather. Solomon Crowe ran off the opposite end of the ropes, then performed a topé between the top and second ropes, colliding with the big man and both of them went down.

Jim Ross: Solomon Crowe is leaving nothing to chance here!

Crowe grabbed Luke Harper and rolled him into the ring, mounting the top turnbuckle from the outside. He leapt off and hit an axehandle smash onto Harper, who clutched his back, and turned around into a headlock driver! Crowe nailed his finisher! He rolled him over into the pin. 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: Crowe advances into the next round of the King of the Ring Tournament!

Crowe mounted the turnbuckle and raised his arms in the air as EBWF Warfare went to commercial.


The match started with Matt Jackson immediately going on the offensive, attempting to go blow for blow with the much larger Orton. Randy grabbed Jackson by the arm and whipped him into the ropes, going for a powerslam on the return, but Jackson somersaulted over Orton and bounced off the other end. He ran back at higher velocity and walked into a massive lariat by Orton. Orton covered and got a two count. He picked up Jackson and threw him into the corner, mounting the turnbuckle and hitting 10 hard rights. The referee started counting and Randy broke away. He walked away from the corner, and when he turned around, Matt Jackson hit him with a superkick, which sent him stumbling back. Jackson went for a second superkick, but Randy caught his leg. He spun Jackson around, and leapt up in the air, hitting an RKO! Jackson hit the mat face first, and Randy rolled him over for the pin. 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: Just like that, Randy Orton is one step closer to the King of the Ring pay per view event!

Randy stood up, smirked, and flashed three fingers to the camera as the referee raised his other arm in the air. The cameras faded on Warfare as Randy celebrated in the ring.