Loose Ends.

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.

Loose Ends.

Post by Jack »

There hasn't been much flash from Brian Kendrick as of late. Someone who formerly relied on a lot of imagery and theatrics to get his point across had become surprisingly bare bones. The evening had begun to arise..wherever the location he had selected actually was. It was difficult to tell. There was a wall behind him. Perhaps in an alley way. It was difficult to tell. But his haggard features remained. Unshaved, dark rings, under his eyes, unkempt hair. He pressed his back against the wall and pushed some locks aside as gust of wind blew them about

| Brian Kendrick | Lately, nothing has really been..connecting with me. I've just felt this overwhelming sense of tedium. I haven't had the same sort of spark that I use to. Hurting people used to be fun! It was a big game!

The hints of life and energy seemed to come a bit more frequently now as opposed to before. But they seemed to be just as short lived. However, flashes of the old Brian Kendrick were appearing.

| Brian Kendrick | ..But I haven't been feeling it. It hasn't resonated. Until recently. I don't think a higher power is at work because if there's an angel on my side, after everything I've done, then this world is one huge joke and I almost feel bad for all the people who go to church every week and still have shitty lives. Almost. I don't know what it is but the stars began to align during the King of the Ring tournament. It's been therapeutic. I got to conquer, dismantle and otherwise annihilate The Miz and Ted DiBiase and it actually felt kind of good.

He sighed happily and a big, warm, smile appeared on his face. Of course, an expression like this only came when he thought about harming multiple people.

| Brian Kendrick | And then I looked at who I thought my next opponent was going to be and I was all primed and ready for John Cena. John Cena.

Kendrick folded his arms over his chest and gave a firm nod when bringing up his former rival who he had quite a history with.

| Brian Kendrick | Sometime ago, John Cena excited me. Not in the pants or anything. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I may have no restrictions or guidelines but do you think I want GLAAD on my case? NO THANK YOU.

He shook his head back and forth and waved his palms about. Near murder and rape was a-ok but committing hate crimes? Something he would prefer to avoid.

| Brian Kendrick | Back to the point. I've never lost a match to John Cena. Ever. I thought that beating him again would be the kick start I so desperately needed! Because, honestly, he's a MUCH bigger monster than I'll ever be! What you see with me is what you get with me. Way back when, I made it my goal to corrupt John Cena. But, to my disappointment, the man was already completely and entirely corrupted. All it ever took was one little push or budge and he was ready to murder me, everyone I knew, everyone I loved and everyone who had ever met me. Look at John Cena the wrong way? "I'LL BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN AND SKIN YOUR GRANDMOTHER ALIVE, JACK!"

Kendrick did his best to take on Cena's fiery and courageous speech pattern from his more heroic days. He was quite proficient at mimicking his voice, oddly enough.

| Brian Kendrick | I was quite good at pushing John Cena to full on, righteous "Jack mode."

He motioned to himself and stated his claim in a very matter of fact kind of way.

| Brian Kendrick | I'm sure, one day, in the future, John Cena will give a heartfelt apology about how he let stress get to him and how he let all of his fans down and blah blah blah. And everyone will fall for it. Except people like me. Who always knew he was dick to begin with.

A shrug. Then his shoulders slumped in disappointment. Again, going full throttle in a contest to see who could rip one another apart was not something a normal human being looked forward to.

| Brian Kendrick | But it was fun! Dealing with this stark raving mad lunatic! Someone who would stoop to my level! Even if he wasn't the paragon of justice and hope I wanted, I don't mind settling for the constellation prize. ..But..then..

Quickly, his mood began to grow increasingly dark.

| Brian Kendrick | ..John Cena..does what he does best..AND HE RUINED EVERYTHING!

A venom filled scream. He didn't have outbursts like this terribly often, even in his heyday, so when it did occur it was very attention grabbing.

| Brian Kendrick | Same ol' John Cena bullshit. He always, without fail, underestimates his opponents. It's always his undoing. That's precisely what happened with Bully Ray. He was too busy trying to degrade him and disrespect him to focus on the bigger picture. He was too busy worrying about how dumb his name is, or his calves or where he used to work instead of advancing in this tournament. So my The Brian Kendrick 2015 Revenge Tour has hit a speed bump and now I'm stuck with BULLY RAY. Someone I have no history with. Someone who just wants to beat me up for shallow reasons and not because of years of torment. Someone who is NOT going to make me feel alive again.

He wasn't happy. Not one bit. And his expression showed this very clearly.

| Brian Kendrick | So, thank you, John, you arrogant, stupid, worthless bastard. YOU HAD ONE JOB. Thank you for taking my sunshine away. Though, it wasn't ALL your fault..

Kendrick got closer to the camera and his teeth could be seen gritting together tightly from behind strands of dark brown colored hair.

| Brian Kendrick | Wes Ikeda. You blind, out of touch, piece of trash. Did you HAVE to stick your nose where it doesn't belong? Of course you did. Because that's what you do. One day I'm going to sneak into your mansion and set it on fire and I swear to God--

He relented. Stepping away from the camera, his mood appeared to level itself.

| Brian Kendrick | No, no, I'm getting off track here. Bully Ray. You are my new focus. I'm going to take out my frustrations out on you. You are TRULY in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not going to underestimate you like Cena did. Because you now own a victory over him, help or otherwise, and that's not something many people can say. You, my friend, are not a bitch. You may look like a hairless ape but I know there's a brain in that head of yours. You've left a trail of broken bodies during your career and I can respect something like that. You're just a swell guy, Bully. You used to cause riots in ECW and you used to go into an orgasmic trance when you put people through tables. ..That's kind of weird even for me but I like it! And..hey! We both like women with big asses! Except, ya know, the one you got tagging along with you..uh..well..there's such a thing as too big. And that's TOO big. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would totally wreck that but still..

He trailed off momentarily before his eyes suddenly got a sort of glazed over look to them. Empty and blank but wide. His voice even became monotone as if he had suddenly been possessed.

| Brian Kendrick | Also? Bully? It's a little dangerous to go flaunt your relationship around. Because there are people like me who would take advantage of that kind of thing. You can't always watch her. You can't always be near her. Just..food for thought..

The tiniest of smirks crept along the corner of his mouth

| Brian Kendrick | You pride yourself on being a Bully. But bully's pick on people weaker than them. And a bully will step down if you stare them in the eyes and tell them..

Kendrick's voice dropped down a low, whispering hiss

| Brian Kendrick | "..I'm not afraid". Because I'm the kid in class that nobody messes with. Not because I'm some kind of bad ass. Because I'm the kid who comes to school with a bomb and blows up the entire student body. I'm the one who leaves you brains all over the walls. But a bully just talks a lot of shit and isn't able to back it up. No one is really afraid of a bully..

The smirk became a little wider and his eyes still had that crazed look to them.

| Brian Kendrick | So, Bully Ray, bring all your years of experience. Bring all the tables you want. Bring that devious mastermind that was behind the Aces and Eights. Bring your woman. Bring all that joy and confidence that came along with you inching and sniveling your way past Cena. Because if I don't past you I'm going to have to do something drastic. And I don't want to have to do that. So why don't you just lay down for everyone's sake? You got this far, no one thought you would, not even yourself. Congrats. All the fans can still chant "YOU STILL GOT IT!" You get your little moment in the sun. But now it's over. I don't expect to walk out of this without a fight or without a black eye or whatever you've got. You're a tough bastard. But it's not enough. I've got more of a purpose than you. I'm literally fighting for my life and your fighting so Brooke won't be all pouty and give you rear access. They don't add up. Just like you being this far in the tournament. Allow me to do what John Cena should have done, his dirty work. Not just send you out of this tournament, but kick you straight out of this stratus-sphere you've reached and watch you burn to ash as you plummet back to reality.

He gave the camera a long, chilling stare before an abrupt cut took place.


New Orleans. A nice. moderate sized home in a quiet location. A blonde in silk, violet colored pajamas had a wide smile on her face as she made her way towards her bed room. Someone who may have been familiar to EBWF audiences. Tiffany. Or, as she was more commonly known as these days: Taryn Terrell. Still quite gorgeous, she wasn't quite as eye-catching from her days as Brian Kendrick's valet. She wasn't covered in glitter and she wasn't dressed in outlandish fashion. Beautiful but normal in comparison. As she entered her bed room, the camera caught a vague figure standing outside a wide, glass, set of double doors. A lifeless, unmoving male in a dark colored ski mask with holes cut out for the eyes and mouth. It was pouring down rain and it disappeared after a quick flash.

| Taryn | Honey, you almost ready?

She took a seat on the edge of a plush, queen sized bed and grinned towards the bath room door. Speaking to someone inside. Presumably a boyfriend or fiance. After no response came she bit down on her bottom lip, mischievously and rose to her feet

| Taryn | Is that an invitation to come in?

Hopping to her feet, she stepped over to the door and opened it. She could see a male shadow behind the curtains. Snickering playfully, she stepped over and pushed the curtains aside. Her boyfriend was inside. But in a state she had expected. His arms were bound above his head, and his face was covered in blood which was dripping onto his chest. She wanted to scream but nothing could come out. Slowly, she backed her way into the bed room. Everything was deathly quiet. The figure in the ski mask was now standing behind her. A hoodie covered his frame. She slowly turned around and stared for a few moments in silence before beginning to glare. She could recognize the eyes. The man she was linked to for entire EBWF career. Her leader in the Midnight Gang. Frequent sex partner.

| Taryn | You..bastard..

| Brian Kendrick | Hi Tiffany.

She yanked the mask off and wasn't surprised by who was behind it. Brian Kendrick. He looked at lifelessly and unmoving.

| Taryn | My NAME is Taryn. I'm not your junkie valet anymore! Why are you here?!

| Brian Kendrick | You're a loose end. And loose ends..should be tied up.

| Taryn | Couldn't you just stay out of my life?! Why are y--

She froze up and placed her hands over her mouth, looking suddenly terrified

| Taryn | Did you..find out?

| Brian Kendrick | I'm here because..well..I was going to torture you. And for sex. I'm trying to feel like my old self again.

| Taryn | So you do THIS?! You piece of shit! I have my own life now! A family! I'm acting! I'm HAPPY! I don't have you feeding me drugs and making me miserable! I hope Bully Ray beats the ever loving HELL out of you! Someone needs to you MONSTER! I hope he breaks your back in two! He's a big, tough son of a bitch and--

He interrupted her and drew closer with a little grin

| Brian Kendrick | Still watch the product? Aww. You miss me?

| Taryn | NO! I watch because I keep hoping someone will cripple you!

| Brian Kendrick | Hasn't happened yet. Bully Ray isn't going to be able to do it. Bully Ray doesn't have what it takes. I'm going to hurt him. Just like I'm going to hurt you.

Sensing that this was becoming more and more dangerous with each passing moment, Taryn quickly opened a dresser behind her and produced a very large meat cleaver. It would appear as though she had expected a scenario like this to happen eventually. Kendrick held up his palms

| Brian Kendrick | Tiffany. Babe. I need all my fingers for my match. King of the Ring. Kind of important. I need my vital organs too. So why don't you just--


That one stung. He turned his head away and looked as though he had just been punched right in the throat

| Brian Kendrick | ..Really? Tyler Reks?

| Taryn | Get out! If you wake up my daughter--

| Brian Kendrick | Do you think I care about your daug--

| Taryn | IT'S YOURS!

Silence again. Long passing silence.

| Brian Kendrick | ..What?

| Taryn | We. Have. A daughter. You and me. Her name is Emerson. OBVIOUSLY, I didn't want you to ever find out! I didn't want her to find out that her dad is lunatic piece of garbage with no morals! You're barely even human!

He shook a little and it was obvious that the revelation had struck him.

| Brian Kendrick | ..WHAT?! I've got a kid?! And you didn't tell me?! What if someone tried to use it against me, huh?! Someone like Bully Ray! He could pop up on the 'Tron and try and mess with my head and..GAH! YOU STUPID--

Frantically he began to pace and gripped the side of his head tightly. Taryn shook her head in disbelief.

| Taryn | That's..why your upset? ..Not because..she's yours..but because..someone could use her against you?

| Brian Kendrick | YES! Why else would I care?!

| Taryn | ..I'm calling the cops.

| Brian Kendrick | Let me see her.

| Taryn | NO! Hell no! She doesn't need to know you exist! NEVER!

An intense stare off took place and neither seemed to budge.

| Brian Kendrick | We're going to compromise. I'm not in the mood to have any fun now. I'm going to see her. I'm not going to do anything to her. I just need to know that you aren't lying.

| Taryn | NO! I SAID N--

| Brian Kendrick | Or I bring her down here and let her see your new boy toy strung up. Bleeding like a pig. I'll tell her "your daddy did this". Traumatized. Therapy. What do you say?

Taryn breathed deeply and intensely. Tears of pure anger appeared in the corners of her eyes. She stepped aside but followed Kendrick very closely as he exited the bed room and stepped into another. A little girl was sleeping underneath an Inside Out blanket. She looked like she might have been three years old. Blonde. Kendrick lowered down over the sleeping child. He just stared. After a lump formed in his throat he began to speak in a whisper.

| Brian Kendrick | Hello. You don't know me. You're never going to know me. EVER. But knowing you exist is going to help. It's going to help me beat up a big, angry man in a day or two. I'm going to make him bleed because of you. So be happy. I also would have given you a cooler name.

He placed a soft kiss on her cheek. It was difficult to tell why. A very, VERY rare tender moment of humanity or just to mess with the mother? No one would ever know. He rose back up and slipped the ski mask back on. He slipped past Taryn and left without incident.
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Re: Loose Ends.

Post by Kamden »

I'm gonna second what a lot of people last week said and say Kendrick is utterly amazing, as well as Stardust. It's scary realistic the way you write, especially with Kendrick. All the psychopathic tendencies. It's enjoyable, definitely.

*Sasha Banks: Member of the Mean Girls, 2016/2017 QOTR, 2016 Alliance of the Year, 2015 Female WOTY, 2x Women's Champion, 2x Women's Tag Champion

Michelle McCool: 2014 Newcomer of the Year, 2014 Women's Royal Rumble Winner, 1x Women's Champion

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Ben M
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Re: Loose Ends.

Post by Ben M »

Tiffany! That was an unexpected surprise :) That Reks comment... I'm dying.

Great RP, Jack. I'm really enjoying what you're doing with Kendrick.