King of the Ring Results 06/28/15

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King of the Ring Results 06/28/15

Post by Ashlee »


The Kickoff to King of the Ring was well underway when Roman Reigns’ music began to blare and the fans cheered loudly.

Jim Ross: Breakout title on the line here tonight, King.

Jerry Lawler: That’s right, JR! Reigns is going to be taking on the returning legend Mankind and the defending Breakout Champion, Tyler Breeze in a triple threat match. It should be great!

Minutes later and Mankind was joining Reigns in the ring, then Breeze made his presence known. The referee had words with all three men, then held the title belt high overhead, called for the bell, and the match was officially underway to a loud pop.

Jim Ross: So much talent in that ring right now! What a great way to start this evening!

For a moment no one in the ring moved, each man seeming to measure the other two, then Mankind shrugged and seemed to decide to make the first move as he lunged at the champion. Breeze hadn’t seen it coming and was knocked back into the corner, hitting the turnbuckle hard. Mankind looked to continue his onslaught but Reigns wanted in on the action and he called out Mankind’s name. When Foley turned he got a HUGE Superman punch to the face! Reigns went for the cover but had barely moved toward the fallen Mankind before Breeze was stopping him with a bicycle kick to the face!

Jerry Lawler: Bodies are flying everywhere, JR!

Jim Ross: This kind of action can only be seen in a triple threat match, King!

Breeze looked first at Mankind, then at Reigns, as if trying to figure out which one was more hurt. Then he went to cover Mankind.

One... two... kickout!

The arena erupted as the tough as nails Mankind threw his arm up and broke the count. Breeze reached down to yank Mankind up by his feet but the Hardcore Legend was ready for him with a series of right hands to the abdomen and then face. Breeze fought back and the two were going at it hard when Reigns once more jumped into the mix. He spun Breeze around and hoisted him up, preparing to powerbomb him but Breeze, so agile, leapfrogged over him and off his shoulders. When Reigns turned he caught a big standing dropkick to the neck that had him choking and coughing and then Breeze turned only to be taken down with a stiff clothesline by Mankind! The fans were going crazy at the fast pace as Mankind turned his attention to Reigns and began to drop elbow after elbow. Then he’d underestimated Reigns strength and fortitude because he gave one elbow too many and Reigns suddenly caught him off guard with a roll up!

One... two... thrKickout!

Mankind rolled out of the ring with wide eyes as Reigns sat up.

Jerry Lawler: That was so close!

Then Reigns was suddenly up and running off the back ropes to launch himself between the top and middle ropes onto Mankind, sending them both crashing to the ramp below! The fans were on their feet and the cheers were ear-splitting. Then, Breeze too was up and leaping onto the top turnbuckle to stare down at the two men trying to teach take his title from him. He waited patiently and then, when both Reigns and Mankind were almost to their feet and then he flew off the turnbuckle in a massive cross body! Now all three men were writhing in pain as their bodies made contact with the steel ramp and the referee, looking a little overwhelmed, began his count.

Jim Ross: WOW! Did you see that?!

Jerry Lawler: I couldn’t miss it, JR! These men are putting their bodies on the line!

The referee was at four when the men started to show signs of life.

He was at six when Breeze made it to the ring apron.

He was at seven when Breeze started to climb into the ring only to have Reigns start to pull him out and try to climb in himself and Mankind started to crawl up the apron a few feet away.

At eight Breeze booted Reigns right in the face and Reigns fell back, his skull bouncing off the corner of the ring step.

At nine Foley was standing on the ring apron but then Breeze charged, taking Foley’s head in his hand in a running bulldog to slam it onto the turnbuckle. Foley fell to the floor below.

Then, at ten, Breeze was left the only man in the ring! The bell rang and the referee raised his hand in victory!

Jim Ross: Tyler Breeze retains! Tyler Breeze retains! Tyler Breeze is STILL the EBWF Breakout Champion! What a match, King!

Jerry Lawler: A very hard fought match and an amazing effort by all three men, JR!

Breeze continued to celebrate in the ring as a final promotional video highlighting the history of the EBWF King of the Ring tournament began to play.


Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, we just finished our kick off show and that can only mean one thing.

Jerry Lawler: That's right JR, it's time for the King of the Ring to officially get underway! I gotta say JR, I am really excited about all of our matches here tonight, we've got championships on the line, we got careers on the line, and we are going to crown a brand new King of the Ring all in the same night!

Jim Ross: That's right King, and speaking of championships, we've got the Tag Team Championship on the line right off the bat!

Heels by Disasterpeace hit the sound system and Luke Harper emerged from the back along with his tag team partner Stardust. The two of them sauntered down to the ring, Stardust looking perhaps a bit more disturbed than his counterpart. They made it to the ring and entered, the official pointed them to the far side.

Jim Ross: Here they are, the challengers, Luke Harper and Stardust. I don't mind telling you King, these two give me the creeps.

Jerry Lawler: I heard they were going to be changing their names to Heebies and Geebies, JR!

Suddenly Rebel Son by COF$ hit and Ryback appeared with Wade Barrett, the Tag Titles around their waists.

Jim Ross: And our Tag Team Champions, Wade Barrett and Ryback, looking ready to get right down to some business here tonight!

Jerry Lawler: Well of course they are JR, they're champions! Champions that are going to prove to everyone out there why they are champions in the first place.

Ryback and Barrett got to the ring and Ryback entered first, the titles were handed over to the officials as Luke Harper looked ready to start things off for his team as well. The bell rang and Ryback moved forward, looking ready to tie up with Harper but instead was met with a standing big boot. It knocked Ryback into the ropes but he didn’t go down, shaking his head and rubbing his jaw. The two men stared at each other a moment, Barrett shouting some encouragement at Ryback. Harper lifted his arms out to the side, playing to the crowd a moment as he turned. Taking the opening, Ryback rushed in, clobbering heavy forearms against Harper's back.

Jerry Lawler: Oh! I don't know what Harper was thinking there, deciding to showboat to the crowd rather than follow up on the attack.

Jim Ross: I don't think anyone really knows what goes through the mind of that man.

Ryback continued the assault, hammering away at Harper, making him double over before grabbing an arm and sending him hard against the ropes. Harper came back, met with a shoulder block by Ryback, sending the big man to the mat. Pumping himself up, Ryback looked down at Harper before taking a run at the ropes himself. Coming off he dropped an elbow to Harper's gut. With a winded Harper down, Ryback grabbed an arm, dragging him to the corner to tag in Barrett. He held Harper's arm out, letting Barrett stomp down onto the ribs.

Jim Ross: Looks like Ryback and Barrett are isolating Harper in the ring early on.

Jerry Lawler: It's a great strategy, JR. This is how matches are won!

Ryback exited as the ref told him to, Barrett continuing to stomp down on Harper for a while. Finally he pulled him up again, throwing him into the corner of the ring. Taking a few steps back, he signaled to the crowd before running and giving Harper a hard clothesline in the corner. He moved back, delivering another one with an evil grin on his face.

Jim Ross: Barrett was just punishing Harper out there, he needs to find a way to mount some kind of defense here.

Jerry Lawler: By that far away look in Harper's eyes, I think the only thing he's thinking about mounting is a unicorn.

Wade moved back a third time, rushing forward and this time Harper got his foot up, catching Barrett in the chest and knocking him back. Staggering and angry, Barrett ran forward again but Harper ducked the clothesline, scooping him up onto his shoulders and falling backwards with a devastating Samoan Drop. Both men were down in the center of the ring, Ryback yelled at Barrett for the tag as Stardust was shouting and pounding the turnbuckle for Harper.

Jerry Lawler: Huge counter by Harper! Can he get to Stardust though?

Jim Ross: Both men down after that Samoan Drop by Harper, their partners itching to get in there.

Both Harper and Barrett started to move to their corners, reaching out, they tag at the same time. Ryback was climbing through the ropes as Stardust comes bounding over the top rope. He hammered down on Ryback as he was still halfway into the ring. Ryback pushed him back long enough to climb into the ring but Stardust was right back onto him, hammering away. Ryback threw a punch but Stardust ducked, picking Ryback up with a shoulder tackle and driving him into the corner.

Jim Ross: Stardust is on fire! Ryback is on the ropes, but Barrett is back up!

Indeed Barrett was back up and he grabbed Stardust from behind, pulling him off of Ryback and tossing him aside. As he turned back around he was greeted with a big boot from Harper, knocking Barrett over the top rope and to the outside. The ref was yelling at Harper to get out and he follows the instructions, climbing out of the ring to bring the fight to Wade on the outside.

Jerry Lawler: What a big boot by Harper! Barrett just flipped over the top rope and now the fight is spilling out of the ring!

Jim Ross: My god! This is certainly getting out of hand quickly!

Stardust and Ryback traded blows in the ring as Harper tossed Barrett around on the outside. The ref was trying to get things back into some kind of order, yelling at Harper while suddenly Stardust missed with a right hook, Ryback ducking and grabbing, rolled him up for a pin. The ref didn’t see it, it was easily more than a three count before Stardust kicked his way out of it, rolling out the other side of the ring. A frustrated Ryback got up, looking around before grabbing the ref, telling him to pay attention.

Jim Ross: Ryback not too happy with the ref trying to break up the outside action. He had Stardust down for the count and now he's giving the ref a few pointers.

Jerry Lawler: I don't know, I think Ryback better be thinking about doing his own job. LOOK OUT!

Ryback turned just as Stardust launched himself off the top rope with a shooting star press, connecting and going for the pin. 1...2...3!

Jim Ross: He did it! Stardust with the 1, 2, 3 and this one is all over folks!

Jerry Lawler: The first championship to change hands and what a match too! Hard to believe this is only the first of the night, JR.


“Fear Nothing” hit the PA as Justin Gabriel emerged from the back alongside Velvet Sky.

Jim Ross: And here we have it folks – our first semi-final match of the night. This is what tonight is all about, King!

Jerry Lawler: It sure is JR. And speaking as a King – I know how much the prize means to these four superstars competing tonight.

Gabriel flipped over the top rope as Velvet posed for the crowd. He got up to the top rope and took the crowd in for a moment until the opening riff of “Hey Hey, My My” replaced his music. The crowd cheered as Dean Ambrose appeared on the stage in a hurry, slapping himself in the head before pacing down the ramp, fully focused on the ring. He slid under the bottom rope and stood on the middle rope hard camera side, looking maniacally into the crowd.

The two men took their places in opposite corners as the ref called for the bell. They circled each other for a while before coming together in a collar-elbow tie-up, which Ambrose immediately turned into a side headlock. Gabriel reacted quickly and pushed him towards the ropes, launching him to the other side and greeting him with a sweet dropkick. They both got to their feet quickly and hit opposite ropes, with Gabriel greeting Ambrose with a cross body, resulting in a pin. 1…Ambrose kicked out quickly. Back on their feet Ambrose blocked an attempted kick by grabbing Gabriel’s leg. Justin went for an enziguri but Ambrose ducked it, opting to then sit out on Gabriel’s leg, taking him face first to the ground. He got hold of Gabriel’s leg around his own and used his other arm to pull Gabriel’s head back in a crossface, bending his body in a way it is not meant to be bent. After a few seconds of pressure, Ambrose released the hold, got to his feet and dropped an elbow onto his opponent’s back. He got back to his feet, ran to the rope and returned to attempt a running elbow drop, but Gabriel dodged it. Back on their feet, Gabriel ran at Ambrose with a spinning heel kick, which was ducked, and Ambrose returned with a clothesline, but ran into one from Gabriel also. Both men rolled into opposite corners once again – Gabriel up on one knee and Ambrose sat against the turnbuckle. The crowd cheered in appreciation.

Jim Ross: Neither man able to get the better of the other so far!

Ambrose’s smile of appreciation quickly turned to one of mania. He ran at Gabriel, who thought quickly and caught him with a drop-toehold which forced Dean headfirst into the middle turnbuckle. As Dean struggled on his feet and staggered, Gabriel rolled him up. 1…2… and a kick out.

Jerry Lawler: I thought Gabriel had him there!

While Ambrose was still dazed on his back, Gabriel looked down at him, raised his arms and hit him with a standing shooting star press! Another pin. 1…2…..and another kick out at the last millisecond.

Jim Ross: Justin Gabriel has a bag of tricks to match any other man I have seen step foot in the squared circle.

Looking a little irritated, Gabriel began to hit some uncharacteristic stomps on Ambrose’s sternum. Ambrose rolled onto his front to avoid more damage and Gabriel responded with a stiff kick to the ribs. Gabriel sized him up for a while, motioning for Ambrose to get to his feet. When he did, Gabriel ran from behind him, sprinboarded from the ropes and turned to hit Dean with a leaping hurricanrana. Crawling towards the grouned Ambrose, he covered him once again. 1…2…. And another kick out!

Jim Ross: What has Gabriel got to do to keep the resilient Ambrose down?

Jerry Lawler: I don’t think Dean was prepared for this high-paced onslaught!

Gabriel, seemingly frustrated yet again, picked Ambrose up to his feet. Ambrose responded by forcing Gabriel into the opposite corner, driving him into the turnbuckles with his shoulder. He drove the shoulder into Gabriel’s gut a couple of more times, then took a few steps back and ran at him with a clothesline, which connected in the corner. With Gabriel momentarily dazed, Dean kicked him in the abdomen and as Gabriel bent over, he hooked both arms and connected with a double arm-DDT. He went for a pin of his own. 1…2… and Gabriel kicked out. Ambrose picked him straight up and drove him into the corner again, meeting him with yet another clothesline. He then climbed up to the middle turnbuckle and began hitting Justin with punches, stopping at the traditional 10. Justin Gabriel fell to his knees, then fully to the ground, rolling onto his back. Ambrose seized the opportunity and climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Jerry Lawler: Ambrose is in Justin Gabriel territory right now!

Ambrose launched himself off of the top and connected with an elbow drop right to the heart of Gabriel. He didn’t go for the pin this time, however – instead climbing to the top rope once more. He landed yet another elbow drop to the chest, but yet again did not go for the pin. He dragged Gabriel closer to the corner, and climbed to the top once more. But instead of going for the elbow again, he hit Gabriel with a senton bomb, similar to the ‘rolling rock’ the Sandman once pulled out of the bag. Finally, Ambrose went for the pin. 1…2… and Gabriel kicked out again!

Jim Ross: What is it gonna take to keep either of these men down?!

Jerry Lawler: Probably a trainwreck. Or in Gabriel’s case – a planewreck!

Ambrose sat up and looked shocked that Gabriel had managed to kick out – and much to his horror, Gabriel swung his legs back and nipped up to his feet. They turned to each other – Ambrose looking amazed and Gabriel looking smug. The two ran at each other with fists ablaze, with a mixture of boos and yays for each punch. Eventually, the brawler Ambrose got the better of the two and once again they were in the corner.

Jim Ross: This is one of the scrappiest affairs I’ve ever seen, King!

After some forearms to the face, Ambrose took a second too long delivering a crushing blow and Gabriel ducked, turning the tables and connecting with forearms of his own to the now cornered Dean. He then hit Dean with a big martial arts kick to the head, leaving Dean dazed. Seeing this, he stepped back to the opposite corner and ran at Ambrose. Ambrose reacted instinctively and went between the legs of Gabriel, elevating him to the top turnbuckle. Not missing a beat, Gabriel moonsaulted from the top towards Dean, who had his back to Gabriel, and completed the rotation into a DDT to a big pop from the crowd.

Jim Ross: A spectacular moonsault transitioned into a DDT from Gabriel! Devastating!

Gabriel looked a little astounded by what he’d just done, turning his head to either side and then to Ambrose. Looking to capitalise quickly, Gabriel dragged his floored opponent to the corner and jumped to the top rope.

Jerry Lawler: Here it comes, JR!

Taking a moment to size Dean up – Gabriel leapt from the top turnbuckle and connected with the 450 splash! 1…2…..3!!

Jim Ross: Justin Gabriel has done it! He’s in the King of the Ring final!

Jerry Lawler: He just showed the world why he is in the reckoning for the crown! What a match, JR! I can’t believe my eyes! This kid is amazing!

The referee raised Gabriel’s arm in victory as he looked delighted, and the crowd cheered and applauded the performance of both men. Velvet Sky entered the ring and gave Gabriel a celebratory hug, and then raised his arm in victory herself.

Jim Ross: But who will he face in the final, King? Brian Kendrick or Sami Zayn? Bah gawd I can only imagine the carnage we are going to witness in the final!


Becky Lynch and Emma were out to the ring first to a nice reaction from the crowd. Stacy was out next, and the crowd showed their appreciation for the return of the leggy bombshell. Torrie was out next, and she made her way down to the ringside area to join her partner. Stacy and Emma started things out. Stacy didn’t allow the lock up as she stomped away at Emma instead before burying her knee in Emma's back. Emma hit a snap mare and followed it up with a couple of ridiculous stiff kicks before tagging in Lynch, and helping her get Stacy up for a huge stalling suplex.

Jim Ross: Becky and Emma are working well together.

After about 10 seconds, Lynch dropped her and she tried for the cover but Stacy kicked out. Lynch kicked Stacy to the outside, and Torrie joined her when Lynch back body dropped her to the outside. Lynch picked Emma up in a gorilla press and slammed her to the outside on top of Torrie and Stacy. Back in the ring Emma locked in a front chancery, but Stacy backed her into her own corner and tagged in Torrie who came in and immediately put Emma down. Emma was able to flip out of a back body drop and a combo of kicks put Torrie down. Double team action was good for a near fall on Torrie. Torrie was able to send Lynch to the outside, and she distracted the referee to allow Stacy to get in a cheap shot on Lynch on the outside. The crowd went wild for this tactic.

Jerry Lawler: There’s the girls we know and love!

Lynch rolled back into the ring where she was greeted by a belly to back suplex from Torrie. Torrie locked in a rear chinlock, but Lynch was able to fight back up to her feet. Torrie charged Lynch, but Lynch countered with a side slam. Both men went for their partners, but Stacy was the only one able to make the tag. Stacy brought Lynch back to her side of the ring where she went to work with big right and lefts to Lynch's face, before hitting a running kick. Stacy covered Lynch, but only got two. Stacy locked in a rear chin lock, and Lynch gets her onto her back. Lynch stood right up and took Stacy down with an electric chair drop. Both women make the tag, and Emma hit a flying elbow, and a beautiful dropkick, before following it up with a series of kicks. Emma hit a baseball slide to send Stacy off the apron before hitting a crazy roll up. Emma tried for the hurricarana, but Torrie countered into an impressive cloverleaf. Emma was able to drag herself into the ropes and forced Torrie to break the hold. She rolled out to the apron, where she hit a big kicks to Torrie's face. Emma came back in with a springboard splash, but Torrie countered right into the codebreaker. Torrie was able to crawl into a cover, but Emma kicked out at two. While Torrie argued with the ref, Emma used the opportunity to kick Torrie in the head and tag out to Lynch. Lynch came in as a house of fire and took it to both Stacy and Torrie, launching Torrie with a belly to belly suplex before hitting a great powerslam. Lynch got a near fall, then tried for a running powerslam. Torrie sent Lynch into the ropes and got a beautiful small package, but Lynch kicked out at two. Torrie went into the ropes where she ended up being tripped by Emma. Lynch caught Torrie with a big powerslam, but Torrie kicked out at two. Stacy made the blind tag and came in from behind, hitting a neckbreaker/backbreaker combo that was good for a near fall. Stacy went for a sharpshooter on Lynch, but Lynch turned it into a small package for two. Stacy tried for the Keibler Kick, but Lynch ducked, and got a roll up for the 1…2..3!

Jim Ross: Just like that! Emma and Becky Lynch are the number one contenders for the Women’s Tag Team Championships!


Jerry Lawler: Ladies and Gentlemen, now we determine who will face Justin Gabriel tonight in the King of the Ring Final.

Jim Ross: That’s right, King. Will it be Brian Kendrick or Sami Zayn?

Zayn’s music hit, and he hit the ring to a nice pop. Kendrick was out next to a bit of heat, but the crowd was all about him. The bell rang. Zayn came out with right hands and forearms, he ducked a clothesline and connected with a couple of low kicks and another big kick to the side of Kendrick's head, before sending him over the top rope with a big clothesline. Zayn followed Kendrick out to the floor with a suicide dive through the ropes. Kendrick fought back and made it into the ring, but Zayn came right back with a big jumping lariat. Kendrick rolled to the outside, but Zayn brought him back up to the ring apron, where Kendrick shoved Zayn into the ring post. Kendrick took Zayn back into the ring where he pounded on him in the corner for a little while before the ref broke it up. Kendrick hit a low knee to Zayn's midsection before hitting a modified gutbuster. Kendrick locked in a modified rear chin lock and grounded Zayn on the mat. Zayn fought out of it and up to his feet, taking Kendrick over with a big hip toss. Both men were up to their feet, and Zayn hit Kendrick with a couple of right hands before catching a boot to the stomach. Kendrick tried for a cover but only got two. Kendrick beat on Zayn's head for a bit before getting up and stomping down on Zayn’s head. Kendrick went to the middle rope and jumped off, but Zayn got his feet up and connected with Kendrick's face.

Jim Ross: A huge kick to Brian Kendrick’s face!

Both men were up and they slugged it out, with Zayn getting the advantage. Zayn splashed Kendrick up in the corner and rained down with left and right hands before hitting a nice European uppercut. Zayn ended up on the second rope and he kicked Kendrick before going up to the top. Zayn hit a leaping cross body for a near fall. Kendrick got Zayn up into a fireman's carry and hit a single knee gutbuster that was good for a two count. Zayn sent Kendrick shoulder first into the steel ring post before kicking straight into Kendrick's ribs and hitting the Helluva Kick in the corner. Zayn went for the cover, but Kendrick kicked out at two. Zayn tries for the Reverse STO but Kendrick wiggled out. Kendrick tries for a DDT, but Zayn counters with a second Helluva Kick. Zayn went for the pin and got the three count.

Jim Ross: Zayn! Sami Zayn has done it! He’s moving on to the King of the Ring finals! He’ll face Justin Gabriel tonight!


A video package recapping World Champion Dolph Ziggler’s recent run in’s with John Cena and the fallout between him and his girlfriend AJ Lee was played just before the scene opened up to the backstage area of the Scottrade Center. Specifically, the private locker room shared by both Ziggler and Lee. The fans popped big as they saw the couple, the words shared between the two momentarily drowned out by the cheers and applause. Dolph had both hands gently on AJ’s shoulders and they looked to be in the middle of a deep and serious discussion. He had a pained look on his face and she was staring up at him, blinking rapidly but otherwise her face was blank. As he spoke he leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips between words.

Dolph Ziggler: ... hate saying it, it physically hurts to say even, but maybe Cena was right. As long as I have this World Championship you are going to be a target. And after what happened last week, I think maybe it would be best, safest for you, if we just... cooled it for awhile. Went back to just being friends.

There was a long pause. Long enough he started to look decidedly uncomfortable.

AJ Lee: Seriously? You’re giving me the “let’s just be friends” speech?

Dolph Ziggler: Well, yeah. I mean, we were friends for a long time before we actually started dating. I just don’t want anything to happen to you, AJ. I care about you and after what Cena did last week...

AJ Lee: YOU... are breaking up with ME?!

Ziggler’s eyes widened a little at her shrill tone and he took a small step back, his hands dropping to his sides.

Dolph Ziggler: Well, if you want you could tell everyone you broke up with me if it’ll make you feel better.

Her eyes bulged from her head in outrage.

AJ Lee: So... I’m your “weak link?” Because Cena said that too.

Dolph Ziggler: He did, but I didn’t. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying...

AJ Lee: A real man could protect his woman!

That seemed to change something in Dolph and he frowned deeply.

Dolph Ziggler: Well a real woman wouldn’t need constant supervision and protection from her man.

The slap came out of nowhere. Her hand struck his face with a sharp whack and, much to her chagrin he had very little reaction other than to tongue the inside of his cheek, lower his head for a moment, nod once, and then look back at her with his hands on his hips.

Dolph Ziggler: Feel better?

AJ Lee: Not yet.

She slapped him again, and again he just stood there, his cheek slightly red but otherwise he appeared unaffected. The fans began to give AJ massive amounts of heat as they looked on. This time Dolph turned back to look at her and he gave an almost amused little smirk.

Dolph Ziggler: Ooookay, I get it. You’re a little pissed. But you just made this into a Jerry Springer episode. I was trying to be classy but you’re making me have to be trashy. Next thing ya know you’re gonna be kicking off your shoes and I’m gonna be raising my voice and we just can’t have that. So, munchkin, allow me to be a gentleman and show you to the door...

Then in one sudden and unexpected smooth movement he scooped her up over one shoulder and started carrying her with one arm holding her in place toward the locker room door. She screamed and yelled, kicked her feet, and pounded his back with her ineffectual little fists, but it seemed to have no effect. He carried her to the door, opened it, stepped into the doorway, and sat her down just outside it, in the hallway. She was cursing him and gave him an attempt at a push as soon as her feet touched the floor. The fact he barely moved an inch seemed to enrage her even more and she went to push him again but he saw it coming and he gently, but firmly, caught her at the wrists before leaning down and looking into her face with a firm voice, but kind eyes.

Dolph Ziggler: Stop. It’s over. I don’t know what has gotten into you lately, but you’re not my AJ anymore. So, just stop.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

AJ Lee: You’ll regret this.

He let go of her wrists and sighed, standing up and taking a step back into his locker room.

Dolph Ziggler: I doubt it.

AJ Lee: Well, what am I supposed to do now?

He gave her a long look and raised an eyebrow.

Dolph Ziggler: Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

And then he slammed the door right in her face as she seethed and the fans gave a huge pop at the famous line. Slowly the scene faded to black as AJ Lee gave a loud scream of outrage and turned to stomp down the hallway and out of sight.


After a video package of Miz vs. Rock- the fans seemed settled in and ready for the action. "Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeesomeeeee" followed by "I Came to Play" by Downstait was heard over the PA System and St. Louis erupted into boos as The Miz in his normal ring gear and Ted DiBiase made their way out from behind the curtain, they arrogantly walked down the ramp soaking in the heat. As they got to the ring, Miz entered between the ropes and Ted took his place on the outside.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the EBWF Path To Glory Championship! Making his way to the ring first, the challenger, from Cleveland, Ohio.. being accompanied to the ring by Ted DiBiase... THEEEEE MIZZZZ!

Miz jumped around at his introduction soaking in more boos from the crowd. Ted stood on the outside and clapped his hands aggressively urging Miz to get pumped up. Miz all of a sudden went from very cocky looking to now extremely focused as he awaited his opponent. Seconds after Miz' music cut, "IF YA SMELLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN" followed by Electrifying by Jim Johnston pounded the loud spear and The Rock exploded out of the back with the EBWF PTG Title in his hand. He made his way down to the ring, and as usual got into the ring and held his title up on the turnbuckle.

Lillian Garcia: His opponent, from Miami Florida, HE is the EBWF Path To Glory Champion, The Rock!

The crowd was going crazy and a "Rocky" chant broke out as The Rock's music cut. The camera cut to the crowd during this, and there as a fan with a sign that read "If Miz wins we riot" in the frame.

Jim Ross: Well here we go folks about to start this PTG Title match. These two men do not like each other one iota King.

Jerry Lawler: You got that right JR.

The bell rang and the match was underway. There was a pause before the two men aggressively locked up. The advantage going to the stronger Rock, he got Miz in a side head lock. Miz shoved Rock into the ropes, but when Rock rebounded he knocked Miz to the mat with a shoulder tackle. Miz quickly popped up and swung for a clothesline but The Rock ducked it and planted Miz in the middle of the ring with a DDT. The crowd was loving it as The Rock went for a cover and got a two count. On the outside Ted was slamming on the ring to try and get Miz back to his feet. Miz slowly got back up and The Rock was waiting for him. The Rock hit a punch and then went for another one but Miz blocked it and hit a left hand. This triggered a "boo" "yeahhh" exchange with back and forth punches between Rock and Miz. Finally Rock hit 3 in a row which ushered in 3 big "yeahhs" from the crowd, The Rock spit on his hand going for a fourth punch but this time Miz blocked it and hit a backbreaker on The Rock in the middle of the ring. The Miz went for a cover and earned a two count. As usual Miz disagreed and thought it was a three count.

Jim Ross: Tremendous back and forth action here King. Both men want to walk out of here with that Path To Glory Championship.

Jerry Lawler: Who's it going to be JR?

As Miz was arguing The Rock was back to his feet. However, he was near DiBiase so out of the refs view. Ted grabbed at The Rocks ankle, The Rock stumbled a bit and turn to look at DiBiase. Miz saw this and instantly sprinted over to Rock and rolled him up.

Jim Ross: A roll up! ONE.. TWO.. THRE.... NO The rock kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: That was close.

Jim Ross: That damn DiBiase almost cost The Rock this match.

Both men were back to a vertical base, and again Miz went for a clothesline with his left arm, but The Rock ducked it. He went for a samoan drop, but The Miz wriggled out and went behind The Rock, he tried to set him up for a skull crushing finale, but Rock got away and Miz momentum carried him right into a spine buster from The Rock. The crowd were going nuts, as The Rock kicked The Miz arm next to his side he then threw off his elbow pad, and went into running the ropes, the ref seemed focused on the middle of the ring, that he did not see The Rock get tripped by DiBiase, but when he saw The Rock down on the mat he began yelling at Ted. Ted put his hands up as if to say I didn't touch him. The Rock was quickly to his feet, as The Miz was beginning to stir. The Rock made a B line to the outside and planted Ted with two right hands sending Ted towards to the barricade. The Rock spit on his hand and knocked Ted into the first row with a third one. The crowd was loving this, but while this was all going on. Miz was to his feet in the ring. He went to the apron of the ring and just as Rock turned around on the outside the Miz flew off the ring apron with an axe handle right to the head of The Rock knocking him down.

Jim Ross: DiBiase again getting involved King, though The Rock was able to neutralize him for a minute, it cost him the People's Elbow that may have won this match.

Miz threw Rock back into the ring, as Ted was outside in the crowd holding his head.

Miz picked Rock up by the head, and the Rock broke the Miz hands apart, and hooked in The Rock Bottom, and he planted the Miz in the center of the ring.

Jim Ross: ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM! Out of nowhere. Here is the cover. ONE.. TWO...THREE... NO! The Miz kicked out! The Miz kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: WHAT!?

The crowd was stunned. Even The Rock got wide eyed in surprise thinking he had just retained his title. The Rock then went to the top rope.

Jim Ross: Rock going up top here, something we rarely see from him.

The Rock was perched on the top rope. As the ref checked on Miz. Ted DiBiase had climbed over the barricade and Rock turned his attention to him as the crowd cheered. This was the opening Miz needed. As just as The Rock was about to leap to the outside, The Miz sprung up and pushed Rock off of the turnbuckle and he went crashing to the floor below. The Miz followed him out, picked him up and smashed his head into the barricade with DiBiase cheering him on. Miz then went to go do the same thing on the ring apron, but Rock blocked it and slammed Miz head off the ring instead. He then threw Miz into the ring. The Rock quickly followed and when Miz turned around, he walked right into a clothesline that flipped Miz around.

Jim Ross: Good lord that clothesline turned Miz inside out. The Rock is perched here. Looking for another Rock Bottom.

Jerry Lawler: JR Look!

Ted DiBiase saw danger for The Miz and he got up on the ring apron, which caused the ref to go over to him. The Rock sprinted over, moved the ref out of the way and delivered a clothesline that knocked Ted off the ring apron to the floor below. The Rock was distracted however, and Miz capitalized, by hitting a Skull Crushing Finale right in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross: NO NOT LIKE THIS! That distraction from DiBiase allowed the Miz the chance to hit the Skull Crushing Finale. Here's the cover.. ONE.. TWO.. THRE... NO TWO TWO THE ROCK KICKED OUT!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god!

The crowd was going nuts at the kick out and a "This is Awesome" chant broke out. Miz was beside himself, he almost looked as though he was going to cry. He quickly picked The Rock up and hit another Skull Crushing Finale on him.

Jim Ross: Oh god King another one. We're going to have a new champion.. ONE... TWO.. THREE... NO.... HE KICKED OUT AGAIN! The Rock kicked out of a SECOND Skull Crushing Finale.

Jerry Lawler: I don't believe this!

The Miz was now throwing a full tantrum. Slamming the ring, and arguing with the ref. Miz was now right in the refs face. With the ref facing Miz and the crowd he had his back to The Rock.

Jim Ross: Miz is really carrying on here. Wait a minute! REF LOOK!

DiBiase had taken the PTG Title from the time keeper, and just as The Rock had risen to his feet. He was in the ring and he swung at The Rock with the title, The Rock ducked it and planted Ted in the center of the ring with The Rock Bottom!

Jim Ross: Rock BOTTOM! TO Ted.

The Rock kicked Ted out of the ring and Ted slumped to the floor below. However, Miz had saw the whole thing, and was behind The Rock again, he then hit a THIRD Skull Crushing Finale!

Jim Ross: ANOTHER ONE! Here is the cover.. ONE..TWO.. KICK OUT ROCK... THREE! Damnit!

Jerry Lawler: The Miz did it!

Jim Ross: With numerous distractions from Ted, it sickens me, but we have a new EBWF Path To Glory Champion! That god damn snake.

Ted had once again got up to his feet and grabbed the title.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the N..

Ted shoved Lillian Garcia to the ground with a forceful push to her head. She fell to the mat, and looked up at Ted in fear dropping the mic. The crowd was booing their brains out.

Jim Ross: HEY! What the hell is that about!?

Ted picked up the mic.

Ted DiBiase: I'll take it from here toots. Ladies and gentlemen your NEW EBWF PATH TO GLORY CHAMPION! THE MIZZZZZZZ!

The Miz smirked as The Rock had rolled out of the ring holding his head in pain. Ted raised Miz hand and handed him the PTG Title. After a couple of beats Miz started to walk away, but Ted held on to his hand. Ted had a very intense look on his face which caused some confusion from Miz.

Jim Ross: Whoa! What's this?

Ted's look turned to a smile as Ted let go of Miz hand and the two hugged briefly before Miz started to show off his new gold to the crowd. With Ted clapping in the center of the ring. "I Came to Play" was heard over the PA system as the crowd was booing them out of the building.

Jim Ross: For a second there it looked like Ted was going to do what we've seen Miz do to him in the past, but it looks like these two are on the same page, and as long as that's the case they could be a very dangerous duo over the upcoming weeks. A pathetic display of rule bending from these two tonight, but never the less The Miz is walking out of St. Louis the Path to Glory Champion.

Jerry Lawler: I can't believe it!

KOTR cut to a promo for the next match.


After The Miz vs The Rock came to an end, the fans in attendance gave a mixed reaction as EBWF Women’s champion and “BOSS”, Sasha Banks, could be seen standing next to Michael Cole. She was wearing her trademark shutter shades and done up fashionably with her hair in waves and #legit BOSS tee, and decided to appear sans Beats Headphones. She held the women’s title upon her shoulder and rolled her eyes behind her shades as Cole nodded to the camera.

Michael Cole: In just moments Summer Rae is set to take on Brie Bella in the Queen of the Ring finals. As you can see, I’m currently with EBWF Women’s Champion, Sasha Banks--

Sasha Banks: Excuse you, tuh. It’s BOSS Banks. This is why I don’t like you Cole. We’ve been over this before.

Michael Cole: ....Thank you for your input Sasha. As I was saying, Summer Rae and Brie Bella have the opportunity here to earn a shot at the women’s title at Summerslam, possibly getting a match with Sash---

Sasha sighed loudly and pushed her glasses up to the top of her head.

Sasha Banks: You’re annoying me Cole as usual. Just get to the questions already. Tuh.

She smacked her lips. It seemed she wasn’t in a good mood.

Michael Cole: Uhhh, ok. What many including myself have been wondering is what you have to say about both Summer and Brie, more importantly with regards to who picks up the victory tonight. If Brie Bella were to become Queen of the Ring for the second time, this may lead to a second match up between you two for your title, given you retain until Summerslam. However, if Summer Rae wins, then you’d possibly be facing your team mate and best friend for the title.

Sasha Banks: You talk too much. You’re like a broken expert or something.

Cole turned to look at Sasha but she continued as if she didn’t make a mistake. She spoke the next part in a high-pitched, whiny tone, before returning to her actual voice.

Sasha Banks: “OMG like Sasha what’s gonna happen when you face Summer Rae?! Aren’t you gonna ruin the friending ship!” Ummm, SWERVE--

Michael Cole: So you’re saying you hope Summer wins tonight?

Sasha Banks: Lemme finish boo boo. Anyway, NO.

Michael Cole: No you don’t hope Summer Rae wins?

Sasha Banks: Ughh, no. Just shut up and let me speak already! I’m saying that when I face Summer Rae at Summerslam, since she's winning tonight, NO it won’t ruin our friendship. We are besties for a reason, me, Summer, and Eva. It’ll be fun to go against someone who is actually on the same level as myself. Yes I know Trish thinks it’ll ruin us and she like says she knows eveyrthing. But what does she or anyone know about the Mean Girls?! Nothing! ‘Cuz they’re too busy hatin’ and tryna be us instead of listening to us. Like they should be listenin’ to Summer when she says she’s gonna win this whole turd-a-ment!

Sasha stopped herself short and motioned with her hand as she pretended to literally catch her breath, attempting to calm herself.

Sasha Banks: Lookie here Cole, I honestly don’t care who wins Queen of the Ring. If Summer wins I will be the first one to hug my bae. If Brie wins? Then I’m just gonna laugh. ‘Cuz ironededly we are gonna have a match again. But Brie is a loser, so of course she ain’t gonna win tonight. There’s no way she’ll beat Summer, and you can bank on that little skunky poo. Now if you’ll excuse me and yourself, I needa go support my boo like the BESTIE I am! BYEEEEEEE.

Sasha threw a hand in Cole’s face and with a flick of the wrist brought her shutter shades back to cover her eyes before walking off set. Cole stayed behind and watched on as Sasha exited, the scene fading out back to the action coming up in the arena.


"Rush of Power" brought a determined Summer Rae towards the ring as she looked focused on the task at hand: earning the crown.

Jim Ross: This match will determine our 2015 Queen of the Ring! With the winner earning themselves a Women's Title match opportunity.

Jerry Lawler: Summer Rae looks all business and it's easy to see why. If she picks up the win here tonight, she's got a match against fellow Mean Girl Sasha Banks!

Jim Ross: That could be very interesting. But she has to get past her opponent tonight first..

Brie Bella was next out and she looked equally as intent on having her arm raised in victory.

Jim Ross: Last years Queen of the Ring, Brie Bella. Can you she pull off back to back victories?

Jerry Lawler: With Summer looking as impressive she has these past few weeks, that's going to be no easy task!

As soon as Brie entered the ring, and before the bell even sounded, Summer stomped over with a purpose and slapped her opponent straight across the face! With Brie reeling, she was quickly dropped by a spinning heel kick from her taller opponent.

Jerry Lawler: Whoa! Summer's not wasting even a second here! She's already on the attack!

Summer stomped on her down opponent before whipping her into a corner where she used those long legs of hers to choke Brie with her foot, right across the throat. Summer tossed Brie to the mat and hit her with a discuss leg drop, still concentrating on the throat. Brie rolled out of the ring, grasping her neck.

Jim Ross: Brie trying to create some space here. Summer completely caught her off guard in these opening moments.

Summer rolled out of the ring and gripped Brie by her dark hair, tossing her in the ring apron. She then lifted her up and dropped her throat first across the barricade. Brie was rolled back into the ring and Summer went for a pin, securing a two count.

Jim Ross: Summer staying on the neck area of Brie. Sound strategy, as this set's up for her Summer Crush maneuver.

Summer locked in a modified camel clutch, rearing back and keeping the pressure on her opponents neck. She tossed in a clubbing blow or two as Brie tried to get to her feet. Eventually she dropped Brie and when her adversary got to her feet, Summer sized her up for another spinning heel kick. Brie managed to duck and rolled up Summer, getting herself a two count. When Summer kicked out, Brie snagged her in an inside cradle for another two count. Summer caught Brie with a kick to the stomach and whipped her into a turnbuckle. As the leggy blonde charged forward, Brie lifted a leg to catch her with a boot. Summer stumbled backwards and Brie dove off with a Missile Dropkick! Summer pulled herself to a sitting position in the ropes and Brie responded with a running knee to the face that sent Summer tumbling to the outside.

Jerry Lawler: Brie is taking the fight to Summer now! But how much did Summer take out of her earlier?

Summer stumbled to her feet and Brie climbed out onto the apron. She dove off with a crossbody but Summer side stepped and Brie wiped out onto the ground!

Jim Ross: Hellacious landing from Brie there!

Summer snatched Brie by her hair and tossed her into the ring. She kept a hold of her and set-up for the Summer Crush but Brie swiftly squirmed her way free and hit her with the Bella Buster!

Jim Ross: Summer just landed flat on her face! This could be it!

Brie, still a bit dazed, crawled over for the pin and hooked a leg. But Summer kicked out at two!

Jerry Lawler: How close was that?!

Brie looked a little frustrated and pulled Summer to her feet. She hit a pair of snap suplex's that kept Summer on the defensive. Brie looked to be sizing Summer up for a second running knee to the face but when she was close enough to attempt the move, Summer shifted out of the way. She caught Brie in a sudden guillotine choke that she transitioned into a DDT and spiked her opponent right on her head!

Jim Ross: Beautiful sequence by Summer and she's going for a pin!

Summer hooked the leg but Brie threw a shoulder up at two and a half. Summer was seeing red at this point and she began to stomp away at Brie until she was forced to crawl into a corner. The stomps only stopped when the referee had to physical separate Summer.

Jim Ross: Obviously no love loss between these two. I think Summer may need to focus herself, unless she wants a disqualification here.

Jerry Lawler: I think she busted Brie's lip open with those stomps!

Summer picked Brie up and shoved her into a corner. After a few kicks to the stomach she began placing her onto the top rope. She climbed up after her and Brie threw some punches which staggered the Mean Girl. Summer responded with punches of her own until Brie shoved her off. Summer landed on her feet and stumbled but climbed back. Brie had a brief moment to readjust herself and when she did, she dove off with a Face Buster!

Jim Ross: Bella Buster from the top rope! And both women are down!

Both contenders lay lifelessly on the mat as Brie began to crawl over. She inched over and hooked the leg and eventually managed to score a pinfall!

Jerry Lawler! Brie Bella's done it! Back to back Queen of the Ring victories! But not without it's cost!

Jim Ross: Summer Rae gave it everything she had and has nothing to be ashamed of. This match could have gone either way. And I think Brie is very well aware of this.

Brie sat up and held her jaw as the referee raised her arm. She wobbly got to her feet and looked down at her fallen opponent, who gave her drained but angry glare before rolling out of the ring.


Jim Ross: Brie Bella is the Queen of the Ring and now we find out which man will join her at Summerslam as King to take on the EBWF World Champion for the title!

Justin Gabriel returned to the Scottrade Center to more boos from the EBWF Crowd. Zayn got cheers as he entered the arena again and once both men were in the ring it was time for the match to get underway. The two men locked up. Zayn got the waist lock take down and then he slapped Gabriel in the head. Gabriel went after Zayn and Zayn went to the floor. Zayn returned to the ring and they locked up. Gabriel got a hammer lock and Zayn managed a reversal but Gabriel turned a fireman’s carry into an arm bar.

Zayn came back with kicks and punches. Zayn kicked Gabriel and Zayn followed up with an Irish whip. Gabriel floated over when Zayn charged. Zayn hit a drop kick followed by a side head lock take down. Then followed up with a shoulder tackle, landing on his feet after a hip toss. Gabriel blocked a drop kick and he catapulted Zayn into the turnbuckles. Gabriel hit a clothesline that sent Zayn over the top rope and then he hit a corkscrew plancha onto Zayn.

Jim Ross: Incredible move from Gabriel.

Zayn recovered and hit a neck breaker for a near fall. Zayn hit a kick to Gabriel’s arm followed by a punch. Zayn got an elbow drop and then he kipped up. Zayn dropped Gabriel from a fireman’s carry position and got a near fall.

Zayn followed up by locking on a reverse chin lock and then he tried for a crossface and then backed to the side head lock. Zayn pulled Gabriel down by the hair and then he kicked Gabriel while he seemed a bit nonchalant about kicking and punching him. Zayn punched Gabriel from the right and Gabriel took Zayn into the turnbuckle hard and he punched him with left and rights.

Gabriel missed a charge into the corner and Zayn with a reverse exploder suplex for a near fall. Zayn tried for a sleeper but Gabriel pushed him off. Gabriel charged with a clotheslines followed by a leg lariat and a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Zayn ran Gabriel into the turnbuckle and rolled up Gabriel for a near fall. Gabriel landed on his feet on a suplex attempt and then he hit a springboard round kick for a near fall. Zayn proceeded with a satellite move into a sleeper but Gabriel reversed into a sleeper of his own. Zayn escaped and then Gabriel hit a satellite DDT but Zayn kicked out at two. Gabriel was set for a suplex but Zayn blocked it and Zayn followed up with an inside cradle for a near fall. Zayn avoided a Shining Wizard and got a near fall with a rollup. Gabriel and Zayn exchanged near falls. Gabriel missed a springboard round kick but Zayn hit a reverse STO for a near fall. Gabriel got Zayn off him on a sleeper attempt and Gabriel hit the Corkscrew Plancha. He was going toward the turnbuckle for the 450 Splash, but as he crossed the ring, Zayn moved to his feet and hit a Helluva Kick from nowhere. The crowd went wild. Zayn went for the pin and got the three count!

Jerry Lawler: Sami Zayn!

Jim Ross: After a long, hard fought month, we have a King of the Ring and his name, is Sami Zayn!

Sami Zany celebrated his victory to the roar of the screaming fans as King of the Ring went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote