Warfare Results 07/13/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 07/13/15

Post by Ben M »


Jim Ross: In our first match of the night, we’ve got Mankind taking on the Undertaker!

Jerry Lawler: There’s a lot of history between these two. We’re sure we’ll witness some great action!

Mankind had already started his way to the ring as “Gunslinging Rambler” by Gangstagrass played within the arena, and once he arrived, a familiar gong hit as the lights dimmed and “Ain’t No Grave” by Johnny Cash began to play for the Undertaker’s entrance. Once he made it to the ring, both him and Mankind had a stare down that made the crowd go wild. The referee called for the bell and an immediate slugfest ensued.

Mankind appeared to get the upper hand as he clubbed Taker in the head with a series of elbows, until the power shifted to Taker, who threw several hooks to Mankind’s abdomen. He whipped Mankind behind him to the ropes and finessed a sidewalk slam off the rebound that made Mankind hit the mat with a hard impact. Taker went for a pin but Mankind began punching at his head, calling for another exchange of fists between the two. This time, Mankind forced Taker into a corner where the referee tried to separate them but with no success. He began a count as he watched both men make their way up the turnbuckle, still slowly punching at one another. As Taker was seated at the top he kicked Mankind down and followed up with a flying clothesline!

Jim Ross: Wow! What a move by the Undertaker!

1…...2….. Kickout! Mankind quickly sat up, catching his breath as Taker got back to his feet, and grabbed Mankind by the head. However, as he picked Mankind up, a hand immediately went for his face to lock in the Mandible Claw. Taker had a strong grip on Mankind’s wrist and wrenched it around, holding him in an arm lock momentarily before Mankind broke free and headbutted the Undertaker. He whipped him to the corner again and hit a big splash on the phenom, and went for another, but was punched in the head last minute. Mankind reeled and stumbled backwards before Taker came out of the corner and hit a big boot!

Again, the Undertaker went for the pin, but Mankind’s hand shot up seemingly on its own and clutched at Taker’s face. The Mandible Claw!

Jerry Lawler: Oh no! He’s got the claw locked in JR! This can’t be good!

The crowd went wild. Mankind had gone from the mat to his feet, with the Undertaker now on a knee, prying at the gloved hand of Mankind. After what must have been several excruciating seconds for the Undertaker, his gloved hand slapped a choke around Mankind’s neck. The crowd made even more noise at this.

Jim Ross: I can’t believe it! Is he going for a chokeslam while the Mandible Claw is locked in?!

The Undertaker made it back to his feet, pulling at Mankind’s hand with his opposite one as he secured his grip around his opponent’s neck. With a sharp yank he pulled away Mankind’s submission and taunted him with a cut throat motion before lifting him into the air and performing a chokeslam. The Undertaker pinned Mankind and the referee began his count. 1…..2…..3! Ding ding ding.

Jerry Lawler: What a match!

The crowd continued to cheer as Warfare went to a commercial break.


“The Beaten Path” hit the sound system as Bully Ray appeared alongside Brooke Tessmacher to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He climbed into the ring and raised his arms, then presented Brooke to the crowd as she posed for them. His music was replaced by “Death Camp” by Tyler, The Creator and Brian Kendrick emerged onto the ramp. His mixed reaction was heavier with cheers than Bully’s. After Kendrick had made his entrance, the two sized each other up from opposite corners of the ring. Bully looked focused, while Kendrick seemed a little more relaxed about the situation.

The bell rang and Kendrick approached Bully, who went to grab Kendrick but the smaller man rolled forward, dodging his opponent. Kendrick then initiated a collar-elbow tie-up of his own, trying to dictate the pace. Bully responded by overpowering Kendrick and moving him towards the ropes. He whipped him to the opposite rope, and upon Kendrick’s return he ran into the brick wall that was Bully’s large frame, hitting the canvas with a thud. Bully went to follow this up with an elbow drop, but Kendrick rolled out of the way. Bully got straight back to his feet but was greeted with a perfect dropkick, knocking him back into the corner. He slumped against the turnbuckle. Kendrick ran at him and connected with a clothesline into the corner. He ran to the opposite corner, and then back to hit another clothesline but this time Bully moved out of the way.

Jim Ross: Bully Ray showing he can be as quick as he is strong.

Kendrick staggered towards Bully, who bodyslammed him and quickly followed it up with a leg drop. Kendrick’s body was raised from the mat thanks to the impact of the leg drop. Bully went for a pin. 1…2.. and Kendrick kicked out. Bully picked Kendrick to his feet, and dropped him to the mat once again with a huge right hand. He dragged Kendrick to a corner and gave him a couple of stomps. Ray then climbed to the second turnbuckle and jumped towards Kendrick. Kendrick however dodged the splash attempt and got to his feet. Seeing Bully on his back, he quickly moved into position and hit a standing moonsault. 1..2…Bully kicked out. Kendrick then hit some stomps of his own out of frustration. He picked Bully up and went for a suplex. After 3 attempts, he couldn’t lift the 300plus pounder. Bully replied by showing him how it was done – lifting Kendrick up, delaying it for a few seconds and then hitting a suplex of his own. With Kendrick down on the mat, Bully started laying into him with punches. After hitting ten and going to hit more, the referee intervened and got between both men. Bully eventually backed off and the referee walked him towards the corner, giving him a lecture. Out of nowhere, Kendrick leapfrogged the referee and hit Bully with a hurricanrana to a huge pop from the crowd. He went for a pin, but only just managed a 2-count. The referee then lectured Kendrick, apparently about the stunt he pulled. He leant down to pick Bully up, who immediately grabbed hold of Kendrick by the hair and dropped him head first into the bottom turnbuckle. He quickly picked Kendrick up from behind by the waist and connected with a german suplex, launching Kendrick halfway across the ring.

Jerry Lawler: He may be a brawler, but Bully sure knows how to back that up with some good ol’ fashioned wrestling.

Kendrick’s body was left in a heap. Bully picked him back up, lifted him onto his shoulders and hit him with a samoan drop. Bully smiled.

Jim Ross: Bully knows he is in control now.

He went to go for the pin, but shook his head. He picked Kendrick up to his feet once again, holding him up as he was unable to stand. He turned him around, hooked him in the full-nelson and then hit the Bully Bomb.

Jim Ross: That’s gotta be it!

Bully went for the pin this time. 1…2…3!

Jerry Lawler: And Bully Ray gets the win over Brian Kendrick!

Bully’s music hit and Brooke entered the ring. She raised Bully’s arm in victory and the two celebrated. The crowd’s volume grew as they looked towards the ramp. Bully turned towards the stage to be greeted by Luke Harper and Stardust. The two began to lay into Bully Ray as Brooke backed off in shock. Harper threw Bully towards the ropes and met him with a Black Hole Slam. Stardust danced around the downed Bully Ray as Harper raised his arms to his side with a crazed look in his eyes. Brooke jumped onto Harper’s back and raked at his eyes. He struggled with her for a moment until he managed to gain control of her and tossed her over his shoulder and onto the prone body of Bully Ray. Bully took the blow with a shout of pain as Brooke rolled out of the ring. Stardust and Harper resumed their assault, battering Bully with stomps and kicks. Brian Kendrick had gotten to his feet and he got both men’s attention. He signalled for them to stop the beatdown. The Tag Team Champions stood either side of the limp Bully Ray as Kendrick took his place inbetween them at Bully’s head. He nodded and Harper and Stardust lifted the lifeless Bully to his feet. Kendrick smiled and grabbed him, running to the corner with Bully’s head on his shoulder and connecting with the Sliced Bread No.2. With Bully laid out in the middle of the ring, the three men took their place over his body and raised each other's arms.

Jim Ross: The Columbia crowd here in the Mizzou Arena have no idea what to make of this, King!

The crowd’s mixed reaction rang out as the three men’s arms remained raised in apparent victory.


Backstage, the cameras caught Stacy Keibler in a lonesome state. The leggy Diva was focused on her phone until she felt the presence of someone behind her. She exhaled and took her eyes from her phone.

Stacy Keibler: Can I help you?

Stacy whipped her long hair around to face the person behind her, who vigorously swatted the long locks out of her face. It was EBWF Women’s champion, Sasha Banks.

Sasha Banks: Umm, yes. I can help you help me actually.

Stacy Keibler: With what, exactly?

Sasha smiled, obviously pleased with herself for whatever reason. She put a hand to her chest, the other holding her title belt on her shoulder.

Sasha Banks: Oh my g, I’m so glad you asked! Well, see, I bet you’s mad you aren’t facing my boos for the tag team championships, right?

Stacy Keibler: I think I should have been, but what’s it to you?

Sasha Banks: More like what’s it to you.

Sasha pointed at Stacy with a manicured fingertip. Stacy just stared down at the much shorter Sasha in a condescending manner.

Sasha Banks: I am a big fan of you, Stacy. So I wanted to ask if you’d like to join our crew.

Stacy Keibler: Join your crew? As in join the Mean Girls?

Stacy chuckled to herself under her breath.

Stacy Keibler: Listen, I’m not going to sit here and act like the three of you haven’t been on top of things lately, but why would I want to play by your rules? Let’s be real here, everything you’ve said and done...I’ve been there and done that. So what on Earth would I get out of calling myself a Mean Girl? Especially when I’m already the queen of mean.

Sasha Banks: Duh, exactly! Look, we would both bendafit from this. One, like you said, you are the queen of mean. If you’re working with the Mean Girls, you’re only making our rep even better than it is now! Secondly, just look at us. You also just said that we are on top of this division, so why not be a part of it? Plus IDK if you’ve heard, but us girls are a year strong. It’s the mean girls birth week, so you needs to give us a present or something.

Sasha smacked her lips and sighed.

Sasha Banks: Just THINK too boo, the Mean Girls can have your back. Always. Torrie can't do that for you, obliviously. Look at what happened at King of the Ring. Y'all flopped. And now people are starting to think you, the queen of mean, are a flop! Tuh. Not cute.

Stacy Keibler: Hm...I suppose you have a point. And I refuse to have my name synonymous with failure like the rest of my era seems to. The saying “birds of a feather” comes to mind.

Sasha Banks: Right! They hawk together. And the Mean Girls have the best feathers for hawking. Everybody else’s are dusty.

Ignoring Sasha’s blunder, Stacy pursed her lips, appearing as if she was taking the time to think the offer over. After a moment, Stacy broke into a sly grin.

Stacy Keibler: Tell you what...let’s just say that if the three of you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.

Sasha Banks: What? This is about more than just scratching, Stacy. It’s about SNATCHING!

Sasha snapped her fingers. Stacy looked like she was about to roll her eyes, but instead kept it calm.

Stacy Keibler: Let’s go talk it over with the girls.

Sasha shrugged and walked off. In the moment where Stacy was left alone, the devilish grin on her face grew before heading off in the same direction as Sasha.


After the jumbotron faded back to the EBWF Warfare logo in the arena, it lit up again as Becky Lynch and Emma arrived for the next match. On stage it looked as if Becky wanted little to do with Emma. Both walked down the ramp to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: And now for some diva’s tag team action!

Jim Ross: At King of the Ring, Becky Lynch and Emma secured their spot as number one contender for the diva’s tag titles over Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson.

Jerry Lawler: There’s no telling what to expect after what we just witnessed between Stacy and Sasha Banks backstage moments ago. Hopefully Becky and Emma will get a fair fight here.

“Out of My Mind” by CFO$ hit the arena next as Mean Girls Summer Rae and Eva Marie stepped out with their titles in hand. Once they entered the ring they taunted their opponents by holding up the championships before handing them off to the referee who show to the crowd. Meanwhile, Emma had decided she would start off the match and was already in the ring in her respective corner as Eva and Summer appeared to still be discussing. Emma decided not to waste any more time and went on the attack, rushing at both divas as she pounced on Summer Rae and backed her into her corner! Several punches were thrown at Summer’s head as she yelled for help. The referee separated them as Emma stomped away, huffing in anger. She held up a fist at Summer Rae, who was nearly crying as she held her face. The referee called for the bell as Emma charged Summer up again. Emma took Summer down with a Lou Thesz press and continued to pummel her, and even slammed Summer’s head into the mat. Emma picked her opponent up with a fistful of hair and dragged her to her corner, where Becky Lynch slapped Emma on the back for a tag. The team executed a solid double suplex as Summer yelped out in pain, holding onto her back as she sat upright. Becky came up behind her and picked her up by the head.

Jerry Lawler: What an amazing suplex!

Becky kicked Summer Rae in the gut, causing her to double over. Becky then brought Summer back upright with a hard uppercut. Summer held her jaw as Becky this time punched Summer in the gut, causing her to double over again. Another uppercut set Summer straight, and Becky continued this combination of uppercuts and punches that forced Summer Rae to double over or stand, similar to the way one controls a barbie doll. The crowd cheered at this.

At last, Becky finished and held Summer straight, who was barely able to stand, said a few words, then hit a snap suplex. She went for the pin but Eva Marie had entered the ring and stomped Becky. Becky had quickly jumped to her feet and went after Eva Marie, chasing her out of the ring before Emma could even reach her. She yelled a few expletives to Eva Marie from the ropes before turning around and bringing her attention back to Summer Rae. Becky grabbed Summer by the hair, causing her to squeal. Summer started flailing open hands around and knocked Becky on the side of the head a couple of times, before snatching herself free from her grip. Then out of nowhere, Summer hit a hard slap across Becky’s face. Becky had to turn around as she held her face, seething. The slap seemed to have little effect on her, but it didn’t matter. Summer had jumped on her back and put Becky in a sleeper from behind.

Becky tried to muscle her way to the ropes, but ended up stumbling backwards into the Mean Girls corner. Summer was sandwiched in between Becky and the turnbuckle as Eva Marie made the tag. With the sleeper still locked in, Eva hit a couple of kicks on Becky’s exposed torso. Summer released the hold after the referee had reached a 4 count and returned to the apron. Eva dragged Becky to the center of the ring and hooked her leg for a quick pin. It was broken by a bodysplash from Emma, who toppled over both her partner and opponent. Emma rolled out of the ring just as quickly as she entered while Becky and Eva remained on the mat, holding whatever part of their selves ached at the moment. Both Eva and Becky got to their feet around the same time. They locked up and a struggle ensued for only a second as Becky easily took control. She maneuvered Eva into a headlock, but Eva pushed Becky off and sent her to the ropes. She bent over, meaning to go for an easy spinebuster, but Becky ended up securing Eva as she came running from the ropes and hit a DDT so forceful that Eva Marie had even flipped in the process. The crowd was loving the action. Becky took a few moments to collect herself as she held at her abdomen and eventually got up to make the tag to Emma.

Emma rushed into the ring and immediately crossed all the way to hit a dropkick on Summer Rae’s legs. She fell off the apron, her face connecting with it as she fell to the ground outside. Emma then ran to Eva Marie, who within that time had crawled to the corner Becky was standing in, and connected with an Emma body splash! Then with amazing agility, she had positioned Eva in the ropes and performed the dilEmma!

Jim Ross: Look at that! Eva has no escape!

The referee began his count and Emma released the submission at the 4-count. Eva had slumped under the ropes, only to have Emma drag her away to the middle of the ring and hit a sit out faceplant. Emma then followed up with the Emma lock center ring! The crowd went wild as Eva held her hand out in a vain attempt to reach the ropes. However, someone appeared at the top of the stage and took her time making her way to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: What? Stacy Keibler!? What’s going on here?

Summer was just now getting up from the floor and saw Stacy approaching the opposing corner where Becky Lynch stood. Stacy grabbed at Becky’s boot as Summer quickly hopped on the apron and into the ring. The referee’s attention had been focused on Becky and Stacy’s struggle while Eva Marie was tapping out! Summer kicked Emma in the face to break the submission and rolled out of the ring. As Eva held at her face she crawled over and hooked Emma’s leg for the pin. Still, the referee’s attention had been focused on Becky and Stacy until Summer Rae began pounding at the apron from the mean girls corner. He turned around to see Eva pinning Emma and counted. Stacy let go of Becky’s leg after vigorous shaking broke her free, and Becky practically tore through the ropes into the ring. But it was too late. 1…..2…..3! Becky had yanked Eva Marie off last second and went to dive and punch her, but Eva barely shuffled away. After the bell rang she was met by Summer Rae outside the ring who handed her her tag title.

Christy Hemme: Your winners and still EBWF diva’s tag team champions… Eva Marie and Summer Rae!

The duo met up with Stacy Keibler at the bottom of the ramp and hit a pose.

Jim Ross: Now this is just sickening. When will the nonsense stop?

Back in the ring, Emma had sat up, still holding her head as Becky stood dumbfounded.

Jerry Lawler: Looks like the Mean Girls are still up to no good, and now have a new ally.

The show went to a commercial break as the cameras captured a livid Becky Lynch and the mean girls taunting her.


When Brie Bella’s music hit the Peoria audience filling the iWireless Center erupted.

Jim Ross: An unexpected visit from our NEW 2015 Queen of the Ring, Brie Bella!

Jerry Lawler: I think you mean, RETURNING Queen, JR! With her victory over Summer Rae last Sunday Brie Bella went down in the history books as having won two Queen of the Ring titles in a row! Say what you want about Brie Bella, but you can’t deny the facts and this girl is on fire!

Brie stepped out, dressed in an appropriate royal purple bodycon bandage dress and nude pumps, with a confident smirk on her face. She remained at the top of the ramp, staring out at the audience while definitely still somehow looking down her nose at them all. Finally her music faded and she raised a hand held microphone to her lips, speaking with strength and confidence.

Brie Bella: I told you all at the King of the Ring kickoff show that you were looking at your Queen. I told you to bow before me. And now? Well, I hate to say I told you so but... I told you so.

She grinned a little.

Brie Bella: Yep. You guessed it. This is my official, very modest and humble, victory speech. Nikki’s back there trying to figure out how one best accessorizes with a crown as we speak. And Summer? Well, I shut her up didn’t I? Sure, sure she put up one hell of a fight. Took a cheap shot before the bell had even rung, being the coward that she is and all, but look at all the good it did her. Good for her though, for giving me a real fight. It was fun. We should do it again sometime. But I’m not out here to talk about Summer. I gave her the best match of her life last Sunday. And while she was the odds on favorite, having been on some kind of streak lately, I proved that sometimes odds mean absolutely nothing. I proved that all the trash talking in the world doesn’t mean a single damn thing if you can’t back it up in that ring. I proved that even though I’ve had some big losses, I’ve had even bigger victories. Victories the likes of which many of my haters can’t say they’ve ever had in their entire careers. So let this be a lesson to every woman in the back. Nikki and I have been saying it for weeks now. You should all be on notice: Prestige and honor is returning to the Women’s Division. I’m single handedly taking out the trash, one dumb bitch at a time, and I’ll be leaving this division a better place because of it. A place where talent, dedication, and hard work once again mean more than who’s sleeping with who and who’s the current fad. A place where women like myself, Trish Stratus, Natalya, and Torrie Wilson get what we REALLY deserve Now, you three Mean Girls can take your verbal cheap shots and digs in the weeks to come and try to get under my skin. I know it’s coming, and I’m fine with it. It just means I’m on your mind, and well, I’d be flattered but why shouldn’t I be all you think about? You can’t stop thinking or talking about what scares you. What intimidates you. It’s human nature. Survival. Kill or be killed. Darwinian Law. And no, Summer, Sasha, and Eva, that is not a clothing line. Or some kind of new makeup kit put out by Urban Decay. Personally? You three aren’t really worth any more of my breath. But if you think you want to do battle with me, just be prepared for the consequences. Summer wasn’t. She’s got any number of guys back there right now licking her wounds...

Brie gave a wicked smile, her eyes flashing.

Brie Bella: EBWF Universe, you now have yourself a Queen you can be proud of, and soon? You’ll have a Women’s Champion you can be proud of again too. I have been your reigning Queen now for TWO years! Not many women can say that. Nikki and I said we were going to take down the Mean Girls. This? This victory, was just the beginning. So, see you soon Sasha. If you can hold the title long enough that is.

With a devilish wink Brie lowered her microphone and shouted, just able to be picked up by the floor mics as her music hit and the audience responded with a mixture of heat and cheers as the scene faded to commercial.



“Feed. Me. More!”

The crowd gave a mixed reaction as Ryback emerged from the back. He powered down the ramp, exclaiming that it was ‘feeding time’ and climbed into the ring. He paced away from the hard camera, and then towards it whilst hitting his head, looking into the camera and shouting ‘stupid’. “Hey Hey, My My” by Neil Young replaced “Meat on the Table” on the PA and the crowd erupted in cheers as Dean Ambrose stormed out onto the stage. He didn’t pause in his movement as he walked down the ramp quickly, looking from side to side maniacally. Upon entering the ring he stood on the ropes and nodded to the crowd with a crazed look in his eyes.

The ref signalled for the bell as both men circled the ring. They met in the middle with a lock up and Ryback immediately shoved Ambrose to the ground. He called Ambrose stupid as Dean rushed back to his feet and ran at Ryback, greeting him with a flurry of punches. With Ryback on the ropes, he ran at the opposite ropes and back at his opponent, clotheslining him over the top and onto the outside. Dean psyched himself up to the delight of the crowd. He pointed towards Ryback on the outside and immediately ran at the opposite ropes again. He used the momentum to propel himself through the middle rope, connecting with Ryback. Getting straight back to his feet once again he walked up the ramp and back down with that look in his eyes.

Jim Ross: Ambrose is on fire tonight!

Jerry Lawler: He better watch out!

As he turned back towards Ryback, he hadn’t noticed his opponent was already back on his feet. Ryback delivered a massive clothesline.

Jim Ross: Much to Ambrose’s surprise, Ryback just almost beheaded him!

Ryback picked Ambrose up and quickly whipped him into the ring steps. Ambrose tumbled right over the top of them, rolling into the ringside barrier. Ryback wasted little time in continuing the assault, approaching Ambrose, getting him to his feet and this time whipping him into the ringpost. Dean’s head collided with the metal and his body went limp as he flopped in front of the announce table.

Jerry Lawler: Ryback! Get in the ring!

Lawler’s advice was logical, as the referee’s count was at 8…9….10! The ref called for the bell. Ryback turned suddenly to the official, his eyes widened in shock.

Jim Ross: These two have been counted out already! Only a couple of minutes in and they forgot what they were out here for!

The result was announced as a double count out, to some boos from the crowd. Ryback shrugged and went back for Ambrose. Dean struggled to his feet with assistance from Ryback, and immediately won the crowd over by delivering a barrage of lefts and rights to Ryback. Both men had backed towards the apron, and it was Dean’s turn to throw Ryback around as he whipped him towards the announce desk. Ryback collided with the table and the collision led to him rolling on top of it. Ambrose turned and slammed his hands on the ring apron in apparent fury as the crowd started chanting his name. He climbed onto the apron and pointed towards the turnbuckle to another pop. He slowly climbed to the top and sized up Ryback, who was still laid prone on the announce table. The crowd’s delight turned to boos however – just as Ambrose was about to launch himself towards his prone foe, a clubbing blow to the back resulted in him taking a forward tip onto the arena floor. The camera panned to reveal Wade Barrett as the cause of this. He pulled his elbow pad into position and then climbed out of the ring. He sized Dean up, and once Dean was on two feet, Barrett took him out with a bullhammer.

Jim Ross: And Wade Barrett has came out to save his partner, just in the nick of time!

Ryback rolled off of the table and Barrett helped him remain upright. Barrett slapped his partner in the face a couple of times to bring him round, and Ryback shook his head then patted his friend on the shoulder in thanks. Barrett pointed to a semi-conscious Ambrose on the floor, and Ryback smiled and nodded. Barrett picked Ambrose up and shoved him into the arms of his ally. Ryback’s smile grew as he placed Dean’s head between his legs. He motioned his arms for the finish and shouted “FINISH. AMBROSE!”. The boos from the crowd turned to cheers – just as Ryback hoisted Dean up for a powerbomb, he was halted by a knee to the head. Seth Rollins had catapulted himself off of the ring ropes, over Barrett’s head, and delivered a flying knee to Ryback. Rollins then went straight for Barrett, hitting him with forearms and then throwing him under the bottom rope into the ring. He joined Barrett in the ring, hit a spinning kick to the sternum, ran at the ropes and curbstomped the Preston native. Barrett’s head collided with the mat and he rolled out of the ring, ramp-side, and onto the floor. Rollins turned round to find Ryback had entered the ring and was charging towards him. He allowed Ryback to continue his run, followed alongside him and threw him right over the top rope where he landed beside Barrett. He went to run straight back into the ring, but saw that Ambrose had joined Rollins and was semi-upright next to him. Deciding against going 1-on-2, he opted instead to pick Wade up and keep him up with his arm round his shoulder. Seth Rollins signalled to the announcer for a microphone and was given one.

Seth Rollins: Well it looks like the FORMER tag team champions are running scared! Looks like you lost your balls when you lost your gold, huh?

Barrett had regained enough consciousness to keep himself upright, and Ryback almost fell for the taunt and went to go back to the ring. Barrett held him back, however, and the two took a few steps back up the ramp.

Seth Rollins: As you can see by who’s left standing in the ring – you two just aren’t at the top of the tag-team food chain anymore, are you? And since you’re looking pretty weak right now, it’s got me thinking… Maybe you two don’t deserve your rematch for the tag titles.

Barrett started shouting.

Wade Barrett: We bloody do!

Seth Rollins: Oh you do? Well you’re not proving it by heading to the back with your tails between your legs. How about you prove you’ve still got what it takes to be tag champions. Next week – Barrett and Ryback against me and Dean. Winner takes the match against Harper and Stardust. Beat us and you can show the world you’re not just a couple of pussies.

Ryback looked infuriated as Wade simply looked disgusted. It was Ryback who’s shouting could be heard this time.


Wade looked at his partner with a confused look on his face and pulled his shoulder, saying “what?”.

Ryback: They’re just a couple of STUPID IDIOTS. No problem!

Barrett considered this, then nodded.

Wade Barrett: You’ve got it!

Seth smiled. Dean took the microphone from him.


He slammed the microphone down as his music hit. The two teams stared each other down.

Jim Ross: Well it looks like we’ve got a match next week. Ryback and Wade Barrett against Rollins and Ambrose! Winner gets Harper and Stardust!

Jerry Lawler: If tonight is anything to go by – we’re in for a brawl when these two teams collide!


When Warfare came back from a commercial Edge was already in the ring, when the familiar sounds of Brock Lesnar's theme hit the PA System. He made his way out of the back flanked by Paul Heyman who had his usual confident smirk, as the two made their way down to the ring.

Jim Ross: Well here we go King, a tremendous match-up on the way between Edge and Brock Lesnar. Two of the more successful individuals in this companies recent history.

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait JR!

Lesnar got in the ring, and stared a hole through Edge, who didn't look the least bit intimidated. The referee rangt he bell and the match was underway. The two men locked up and right away Lesnar overpowered Edge and went for a german suplex. He threw Edge over head but Edge landed on his feet and hit Lesnar with a dropkick right on the chin that earned him an early two count. Both men were back up, and this time Lesnar went for another Lock up, but Edge went behind and went for a reverse DDT, but Lesnar broke out of it, and spun Edge towards him before dropping him with a vicious clothesline. This earned Lesnar a two count, and the fans were buzzing from the early intensity. Both men were back up to a vertical base Edge went for a right hand, but Lesnar blocked it and sent Edge to the outside with a vicious clothesline that almost beheaded the rated R superstar. Edge toppled to the floor as Heyman clapped obnoxiously in support of Brock.

Jim Ross: Early advantage seems to be going to Lesnar here. He is simply overpowering Edge.

Jerry Lawler: You can't count out Edge though JR, he has been here many times before.

Lesnar followed Edge to the floor and hit a couple of stomps on him. He picked Edge up by the hair and went to throw him into the barricade, but Edge blocked the attempt and instead, spun Lesnar around and sent him face first into the turnbuckle. Edge then took Lesnars hit and rolled him back into the ring. Edge followed Lesnar inside the ring and Lesnar missed wildly on a clothesline only to be dropped with an electric chair drop in the middle of the ring. The referee counted one.. two... thr. but Lesnar kicked out just in time. Edge popped back up and when Lensar stumbled to his feet. Edge went for a DDT but Lesnar countered and threw Edge over his shoulder with a back body drop. Lesnar then tried to get Edge up for an F5 but Edge wriggle away, he pushed Lesnar into the ropes and when Lesnar rebounded Edge hit a spear right in the center of the ring.

Jim Ross: SPEAR! What a counter by Edge.. could have him here.. ONE .. TWO.. THR... no Lesnar kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: WHAT!?

Heyman looked relieved on the outside. As he slammed the mat trying to urge Brock back to life. Edge got up and began taunting Lesnar and looked to set up for another spear. When Brock slowly made his way to his feet. Edge went for another spear. This time Brock moved out of the way which sent Edge shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Edge holding his shoulder turned around, and walked right into a belly to belly suplex. Edge popped up, and was again hit with a second belly to belly suplex. This time he stayed down, and Brock picked him up and hit him with a german suplex. Brock went for the cover, and the referee counted ONE.. TWO.. but Edge once again kicked out at two.

Jim Ross: What a match this has been King!

Jerry Lawler: You knew it would be, with these two competitors going head to head!

Brock seemed like he was ready to end things. He set Edge up for the F5 but Edge reversed it and rolled Lesnar up on the counter.. the ref counted ONE TWO... THR... but Lesnar barely got the shoulder up. Lesnar looked as though he couldn't believe just how close that count was. Edge was back up and when Lesnar turned around Edge went for a DDT, but again Brock blocked it he pushed Edge in the chest so Edge bounced off the ropes, on the rebound, Brock hit yet another belly to belly that sent Edge flying into the ropes on the opposite side. The crowd was going crazy and a "holy shit" chant broke out.

Jim Ross: Good god almighty, tremendous power from Brock there, King.

Brock went for a cover, but again Edge kicked out at two. Brock shook his head in disbelief, as Heyman yelled at the referee. All of a sudden the lights started to flicker, in the arena.

Jim Ross: What the hell? What is this?

The lights flickered several times, and the fans seemed confused. When the lights came all the way back on. The crowd had a mixed reaction as now, with one on each side of 3 sides of the ring, was Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Kyle O'Reilly.

Jim Ross: What is this King? Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Kyle O'Reilly what are they doing here?

All three men entered the ring. At the same time as both Brock and Edge didn't quite know what to make of it. All three men went right after Edge in a gang attack. This made the referee call for the bell and the match was thrown out. Lesnar, in no hurry to help Edge, slid out of the ring, and he and Paul Heyman simply made their way back up the ramp to boos from the crowd. Edge at first, fended off the attack, but the numbers game quickly caught up to him, and he was eventually slumped in the corner being stomped out by the three men. All of a sudden the crowd popped as Randy Orton sprinted down to the ring.

Jim Ross: RANDY ORTON is here! Business is about to pick up.

Orton was in the ring and he clotheslined Balor, he then planted O'Reilly with an RKO the crowd was going nuts!.. Owens approached him and Orton went for an RKO, but Owens instead pushed Orton into the ropes, and planted him with a pump up power bomb. Which caused the crowd to boo relentlessly.

Jim Ross: My God! A pump up power bomb to Orton, and now both Edge and Orton are down.

Balor was to his feet and O'Reilly shook off the RKO to rise to his feet as well. The three men began to lay waste to Edge and Orton and the crowd was booing their brains out. Owens went to the outside and got a steel chair. He threw it into the ring, and slid back inside. Balor and O'Reilly picked Edge up from the corner, and Owens hit him square in the face with a steel chair which busted Edge wide open. Orton staggered to his feet, as Owens then wheeled and struck Orton right in the skull with a chair shot as well. Owens put the chair down in the middle of the ring, as Balor and O'Reilly picked edge up and whipped him into Owens who planted Edge with a pump up power bomb right on the chair.

Jim Ross: Good god! A pump up power bomb right on the chair what is the meaning of this?!!

Jerry Lawler: Randy stay down!

Randy was back to his feet barely able to stand, and Balor and O'Reilly did the same thing as they had just down pushing Orton into Owens who planted Orton with a pump up power bomb on the same chair. Orton and Edge were both out in the ring, as the crowd could not stop booing Owens, Balor, and O'Reilly.. the boos intensified as a familiar sound was heard..


Followed by "I Came To Play" was heard over the PA System, as The Miz and Ted DiBiase walked onto the ramp. They were both dressed in custom made suits. Miz had the PTG Title over his shoulder and they both wore arrogant smirks. Balor, Owens, and O'Reilly all looked down towards Miz and DiBiase who stood on the stage and they all gave a nod and extended their fists towards Miz and DiBiase. Miz and DiBiase looked at each other and extended their fists towards the trio in the ring. The crowd was booing the 5 men out of the building.

Jim Ross: This can't be King! Could these 5 men all be in cahoots? Could they all be on the same page?

Jerry Lawler: I can't believe this JR!

Jim Ross: If Miz and DiBiase are behind this vicious assault of Rated RKO what is this going to mean for the rest of the EBWF!?

Miz and DiBiase nodded at Owens, Balor, and O'Reilly and they then made their way back through the curtain as the trio, looked at the fallen Edge and Orton before exiting the ring themselves. Warfare ended with Balor, Owens and O'Reilly backpedaling up the ramp with evil grins on their faces, and the crowd letting them know just how much they didn't appreciate their actions.

Jim Ross: What is the meaning of this?! Hopefully we will get some answers next week!

Warfare faded out.