Sacrifice Results

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Ben M
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Sacrifice Results

Post by Ben M »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Sacrifice! We are live from the Nationwide Arena in Colombus, Ohio, and as always I'm joined by my friend and broadcast colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: What a night this is going to be, JR! We have a huge main event as the EBWF Chairman, Wes Ikeda, teams up with the World Champion Dolph Ziggler to take on the brutal combination that is Brock Lesnar and John Cena!

Jim Ross: That's not the only tag team match we'll see tonight, King! We'll also see the EBWF Tag Team Titles on the line as Luke Harper and Stardust defend the gold against Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins!

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait to see that one, JR! Do you know what else I can't wait to see? An old rivalry renewed as Chris Jericho defends the Intercontinental Championship against CM Punk!

Jim Ross: That match will be a slobberknocker, King, no doubt about that. But first, we'll see two of the EBWF's newest superstars go head to head as the Million Dollar Man's protégé, Hideo Itami, takes on the Phenom, The Undertaker!

"Tokiwakita (Time Has Come)" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Hideo Itami made his way to the ring, accompanied by Ted DiBiase. After Itami had entered the ring, "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as the Undertaker headed to the ring. As he entered the ring, Taker glared at his opponent, who held up his fists and dared the Deadman to come at him. The referee called for the bell and Taker ran at Itami, going for a big boot. Itami ducked out of the way, and hit Undertaker with a series of kicks. After wearing Taker down, Itami whipped the Phenom against the ropes, then hit him with a dropkick. Taker staggered backwards, but stayed on his feet, and Itami took him down with a roundhouse kick. Itami hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: What a start from Hideo Itami, JR! He's taking it to The Undertaker!

As he kicked out, Undertaker sat up and glared at Itami once more. Taker slowly got to his feet, and Itami hit him with a kick to the midsection, then set him up for a DDT. The Phenom fought out of it and whipped Itami into the corner, then ran at him and hit a corner bodypress. Itami staggered out of the corner, and Taker grabbed him, then climbed to the top rope. Undertaker walked along the rope, and hit Itami with Old School! He then made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Undertaker gets a two count!

At ringside, DiBiase began shouting words of encouragement to Itami. Undertaker looked at DiBiase, pointed to Itami, then signalled for the Chokeslam! Itami got to his feet, and Taker grabbed him by the throat... but Itami fought out of it, hitting Undertaker with a knee to the midsection before hitting a standing tornado DDT. Itami followed it up with a leg drop, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet, and Undertaker went for a big boot, but Itami ducked out of the way and grabbed Taker from behind, hitting a tiger suplex. As Undertaker got to his feet, Itami ran at him, hitting a running single leg front dropkick!

Jerry Lawler: Shotgun Kick! This could be it, JR!

Itami hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and DiBiase entered the ring, raising Itami's arm in victory.


The crowd was sent into a frenzy as "Aphrodite" hit and Torrie Wilson emerged from the back. After Torrie entered the ring, Stacy Keibler's new theme, "Q.U.E.E.N." took over and the leggy Diva strutted out on the stage with The Mean Girls at both her sides. It seemed as though Stacy would be having their backup until assuring The Mean Girls that she was more than capable of going at it alone and sending them to the back. Stacy performed her signature entrance into the ring and stared Torrie down.

Jim Ross: I can't believe this match is about to take place. Torrie and Stacy have always been the best of friends.

Jerry Lawler: Well, you saw what's transpired Stacy and The Mean Girls these last few weeks, JR. At least Stacy made it a level playing field by coming out here by herself. Maybe she still cares about Torrie after all!

Jim Ross: If I've learned anything about The Mean Girls this past year, it's that you should never expect .

Torrie and Stacy exchanged a few words before engaging in a shoving battle. After being pushed a little too hard for her liking, Stacy slapped Torrie hard across the face. The bell rang and Torrie charged at Stacy, taking Stacy down with a spear. Both Divas struggled to stay on top of one another before Torrie eventually pulled Stacy to her feet and backed Stacy up against the ropes, sending multiple chops to Stacy's chest. Stacy held her chest in pain as Torrie attempted to Irish whip Stacy across the ring, which Stacy evaded with a cartwheel. Torrie stomped towards Stacy, but was met with a boot to the gut. Stacy snatched Torrie by the hair and pushed Torrie into the corner, keeping Torrie at bay with a few kicks to the stomach. Stacy smirked and shouted "You wanted this!" before putting a boot up to Torrie's neck, choking her up to a 4 count from the ref. Stacy backed up at the ref's command, but pushed him aside and choked Torrie with her foot once again. Once Stacy broke her hold for the second time, she grabbed Torrie by the hair and whipped her across the ring. Stacy sauntered over to Torrie, pandering to the audience who boo'd her in return.

Jim Ross: Stacy's showing off that mean streak of hers in full force!

Jerry Lawler: No wonder she aligned herself with The Mean Girls; she fits right in!

Stacy attempted to pick Torrie up, but Torrie countered with a jawbreaker. Stacy stumbled and was then met by a series of clotheslines from Torrie. Torrie hit a snap suplex on Stacy, followed by a low dropkick. With the crowd rallying behind her, Torrie waited for Stacy to get back to her feet before connecting with a few forearms to Stacy's face. Torrie went for another Irish whip, but Stacy countered with an Irish whip of her own. However, Torrie caught Stacy with a springboard elbow!

Jerry Lawler: What a move!

Torrie went for the pin, but only got a 2 count. Torrie quickly got to her feet climbed to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Stacy to stand up. Once Stacy rose, Torrie dove at Stacy for a diving crossbody, but Stacy jumped out of the way, causing Torrie to hit the mat hard. Stacy laughed mockingly at Torrie before rushing to a pin. Torrie kicked out at 2, but was still wincing in pain. Stacy stomped at Torrie, kicking Torrie repeatedly in the stomach to the point where Torrie was seated in the corner, using the ropes to slowly get back to her feet. Stacy turned her back to Torrie, gloating over being in the driver's seat once again. When Stacy turned back around, Torrie had gotten to her feet and ran at Stacy to connect with a swinging neckbreaker! Torrie went for a pin, but Stacy rolled out of the ring just in time. Torrie looked frustrated, and became more so when Sasha Banks, Summer Rae, and Eva Marie ran down to ringside.

Jim Ross: What did I tell you? That level playing field is out the window with these three out here! I hate to count Torrie Wilson out, but I bet I can tell you how this is about to go.

Jerry Lawler: I don't know about that. It looks like they're just making sure Stacy is okay!

Jim Ross: Oh, spare me.

The Mean Girls helped Stacy get to her feet, pumping Stacy up by verbally trashing Torrie and reassuring Stacy that she had the match in the bag. Torrie looked on, yelling at The Mean Girls to get out and expressing her concerns to the ref. The Mean Girls taunted Torrie as Stacy got back into the ring. Torrie was clearly flustered by the presence of all three reigning champions in the Diva's division, and Stacy was able to exploit that by side stepping Torrie's attempt to lock up. Stacy kicked Torrie in the stomach and pushed her back against the ropes where The Mean Girls stood below. Summer Rae reached into the ring and grabbed Torrie's ankle, taking Torrie's attention off of Stacy. Torrie instantly retaliated by stepping on Summer's hand, which fired up all three Mean Girls. Summer screamed in pain, and Eva Marie coddled her in distress. Sasha Banks climbed onto the apron, yelling at Torrie for having the audacity to fight back. Stacy was using the distraction to her advantage, preying on and waiting for Torrie to turn around. After exchanging words with Sasha, Torrie turned and Stacy went for the Keibler Kick. However, Torrie was able to duck, and the kick struck Sasha instead! Stacy gasped as Sasha fell off the apron and into Summer and Eva, causing the three of them to fall to the floor in a pile. Stacy turned around into a kick to the stomach from Torrie before being dropped with the Nose Job! Torrie scurried for the pin and got the three count!

Jim Ross: She did it! Torrie outsmarted The Mean Girls and picked up the win!

Jerry Lawler: That's why you don't underestimate Torrie Wilson!

"Aphrodite" hit and the crowd erupted for Torrie's win. The Mean Girls slid into the ring to get their hands on Torrie, but Torrie escaped just in time. The Mean Girls tended to Stacy, who was livid, as Torrie celebrated her win with the fans and taunted the four women in the ring.


Justin Gabriel's music "Fear Nothing" hit and he made his way to the ring alongside him was the always lovely Velvet Sky. The crowd gave a mixed reaction, mostly for Velvet who was playing to the crowd as Gabriel looked stone faced, but began to get irritated at the crowd cheering for Velvet. He tapped her on the shoulder and told her to stop posing to the crowd, and she quickly did, which led to the crowd booing him.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and the winner will become the #1 Contender to the Path To Glory Championship! Making his way to the ring accompanied by Velvet Sky- JUSTIN GABRIEL!

He entered the ring, and awaited his opponent. No sooner did Gabriel's music "Space Dementia" hit, than Solomon Crowe was on the way down to the ring. The crowd gave him a mixed/negative reaction as well, but it didn't look like he cared one bit.

Lillian Garcia: His opponent SOLOMON CROWE!

Crowe entered the ring and the two men scowled at each other. Both looked extremely focused for the match ahead.

Jim Ross: Well this should be a dandy folks. These two men are going to lock horns with the winner meeting the Miz at Summerslam for the Path To Glory Championship.

Jerry Lawler: This one's going to be gr..

All of a sudden the Instrumental to Skillet's "Awake and Alive" hit and the crowd erupted in Boo's as The Miz and Ted DiBiase made their way out from behind the curtain. Both men were in designer suits, they were dressed to the nines. Miz had the Path To Glory Championship over his shoulder as the two men made their way to the ring with a tremendous amount of swagger.

Jim Ross: Oh what's this now? It looks like these two sons of bitches are heading down here.

Miz and DiBiase to the surprise of the crowd entered the ring. DiBiase began talking trash to Gabriel who was giving it right back to him. Miz ignored both competitors and started to tell Lillian something, Lillian looked confused. To which Miz quickly ripped the mic out of her hand.

Jim Ross: HEY EASY!

The Miz: Ladies and gentlemen since this ditz is as big of a moron as all of you are. I'd like to officially announce that TONIGHT on COMMENTARY we have the LEADERS of VERTEX. Ted DiBiase and of course ME.. THE GREATEST OF THE GREAT.. CREAM OF THE CROP.. YOUR FAVORITE WRESTLER'S FAVORITE WRESTLER.. YOUR PATH TO GLORY CHAMPION.. THE MIZ! Thank you for attention.. try to stay awake during this snooze fest. Toots.. think fast.

Miz flipped the mic back to Lillian who barely caught it. She looked pissed off as Miz and Ted exited the ring and joined JR and King at the booth.

Jim Ross: Well it looks like we're being joined now as you just heard by the two men that are the leaders of Vertex, a group that has been causing quite a stir over the past couple of weeks.

The Miz: Yeah JR they know who we are, I just announced it.

Ted DiBiase: I need more nicknames I think..

The Miz: We'll work on that.

Jim Ross: Well in any event, we are about to get started here for the #1 contenders match for your PTG Title Miz.

The Miz: Duh JR, why else would we be here?

Ted DiBiase: Yeah we aren't fans you putz.

The Miz: I'm a fan of Velvet.. hey Velvet!!

Velvet looked at Miz and tried to ignore him.

The Miz: Must not have heard me.. I'm sure she'll call later.

Ted DiBiase: Always does..

Jerry Lawler: Well here we go!

The bell rang and the match was underway. Gabriel and Crowe locked up. Crowe gained the upper hand and he whipped Gabriel into the ropes and went for a kick to the midsection, but Gabriel caught the leg. He swung the leg which caused crowe to have his back to Gabriel. Gabriel then grabbed Crowe's head and hit a spring board bulldog. He went for a cover but Crowe powered out. Velvet clapped for Justin's great move.

The Miz: Velvet stop, no need to keep applauding, I am that good EVERY time so you better get used to it babe!

Jim Ross: I think she's clapping for Justin Gabriel there Miz.

The Miz: Why what'd he do?

Justin picked up Crowe by the head. Crowe slapped both of Justin's arms away and hit a DDT.

Ted DiBiase: Yeah JR, looks like he sucks to me.

The Miz: Who sucks, Velvet?

Jim Ross: Easy now Miz..

The Miz: What did I say?

Ted DiBiase: Sucks.. I don't think you can say sucks.

The Miz: Oh lighten up JR.

While this banter went on, Crowe had picked up Gabriel and rushed him by the head towards the corner. He slammed Gabriel's head into the turn buckle three times. He went for a fourth but Gabriel put his arms down to block it. He then elbowed Crowe in the midsection. Gabriel went up to the second rope. Jumped up and went for a hurricanrana, but Crowe countered it into a power bomb. He held the cover and the referee counted to two. Velvet pounded on the mat to try and get Justin back to his feet. Gabriel used the ropes to get back up to all fours. Crowe ran at him and kicked him square in the midsection. Which sent Gabriel right back down. Crowe went up to the second rope and went for an elbow drop, but Gabriel moved out of the way. Gabriel was to his feet, and went up to the top rope. CONNECTING on a flying moonsault. He went for a cover but only got a TWO count.

Jim Ross: Tremendous back and forth action here!

Jerry Lawler: You got to admit Miz, no matter which one of these guys wins it'll be a tough match for you at Summerslam.

The Miz: I don't have to admit that King, I only admit things that are true.

Ted DiBiase: Yeah King, what kind of a thing is that to say?

Jim Ross: Well both of these guys have had a lot of success in the EBWF.

The Miz made a fart noise and the announcers turned their attention to the match.

Gabriel again during the banter had hit a couple of stomps on Crowe and now had him back up to a vertical base. He went for a suplex, but Crowe blocked it, Crowe went for the headlock driver, but Gabriel countered it and rolled Crowe up. He once again earned a two count. Crowe was up first, but Gabriel was quickly behind. He charged Crowe who back body dropped Gabriel who landed on his feet on the ring Apron. Gabriel quickly then spring boarded into a cross body block, that Crowe wisely rolled through so it was now Crowe who had the pin.

Jim Ross: COULD HAVE HIM HERE ONE.. TWO.. THR.. no Gabriel kicked out! What a sequence there, King!

The Miz: It sure was..

Jerry Lawler: I think he was talking to me, Miz.

The Miz: Oh I thought he said King..

Jerry Lawler: He did.

Jim Ross: Not exactly in a position to be answering to King, are you Miz? Losing in the first round of the recent King of the Ring tournament?

The Miz: I think what we did to Sami Zayn.. the "King of The Ring" speaks for itself.. the only Kings of this castle are Vertex.

Ted DiBiase: Cool crown though Jerry..

Jerry Lawler: Ahh thanks.

Both men were back to their feet once again. Crowe tried to whip Gabriel, but Justin reversed it sending Crowe to the ring apron. Gabriel, quickly charged and knocked Crowe down to the floor, Crowe landed on his feet. Gabriel, then ran the ropes, and did a suicide dive right through the ropes and onto Crowe which got some Ooh's from the Crowd. Both men were down on the outside. Gabriel was up first and he rolled Crowe into the ring. He stomped on him a couple of times and went up to the top rope.

Jim Ross: Gabriel looking to end it here.. but OHH..

Crowe had quickly popped up and knocked Gabriel down groin first onto the top rope. Crowe climbed up and hit a superplex on Gabriel into the center of the ring. The ref counted ONE.. TWO.. but Gabriel kicked out at two. Crowe popped back up, and set Gabriel up for the Headlock Driver, but again Gabriel wriggled free he ran the ropes and hit a spinning wheel kick which caught Crowe on the chin. Gabriel earned another two count. Both men were back up and Crowe missed wildly on a clothesline, Gabriel ducked and hit a belly to back suplex. Gabriel went back to the top rope. He looked down to Miz and then called for the 450 splash.

The Miz: Hey Justin! Bravo man.. doing so good... great beard too.

Ted DiBiase: Peach Fuzz is really coming in!

Justin was talking trash to Miz and DiBiase.. He then turned back into the ring. He went for the 450 splash but Crowe moved and Gabriel hit face first, he popped up after hitting the mat and Crowe planted him with a headlock driver. He went for the cover and the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. THREE! "Space Dementia" hit again.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the #1 contender for the Path To Glory, SOLOMON CROWE!

The Miz and Ted took off their headsets.

Jim Ross: Well what a pleasure that always is..

Jerry Lawler: Certainly think quite highly of themselves.

Jim Ross: That's an understatement.

Gabriel rolled out of the ring, and he and Velvet made their way back up the ramp. Miz and Ted began yelling into the ring at Crowe. Crowe yelled back inviting them to come in. Miz and Ted both took off their suit coat jackets and Crowe was urging them to come into the ring. Just then "Awake and Alive" hit again and the remainder of Vertex, Kyle O'Reilly, Finn Balor, and Kevin Owens made their way to the ring all in ring gear and matching Vertex shirts. They walked down to the ring and they walked right in and circled around Crowe.

Jim Ross: My god King, business is about to pick up. Vertex is here and it looks like they are going to make Solomon Crowe their next victim. Somebody get out here!

Miz and Ted slid into the ring and the five men were around Solomon. Solomon with his head on a swivel was looking at all of the members of Vertex. His eyes caught Miz. Miz was smirking at Crowe. Crowe had a nervous but intense look on his face. Miz turned away from Crowe to the rest of Vertex and cocked his head towards to the curtain. On his command Vertex was hesitant at first never losing eye contact with Crowe as they exited the ring. DiBiase patted Miz on the back as he exited the ring after the other 3 men. Miz smiled at Crowe who looked really confused, as Miz exited the ring. "Awake and Alive" hit one more time as Vertex made their way back up the ramp. The smirk never leaving Miz face. Crowe looked very intense as he watched Vertex head back up the ramp and through the curtain.

Jim Ross: Interesting development there, King, looks like Miz is playing some mind games with the new number one contender for his PTG Title.

Jerry Lawler: Definitely did not expect that!


Jim Ross: Still to come, our main event, but first, Intercontinental Title on the line as Chris Jericho takes on CM Punk! Here's how this one came to be...

After a promotional video highlighting the events of Warfare that set up Jericho vs. Punk, "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as CM Punk headed to the ring, accompanied by Doc Gallows. Punk smirked as he stepped out onto the stage, and walked down the ramp with his usual cocky swagger. After Punk had entered the ring, "Break The Walls Down" hit and the crowd gave another mixed reaction as Chris Jericho, Lance Storm and Trent made their way to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, it looks like this Ohio crowd are divided in their support for Jericho and Punk!

Jim Ross: I think the attitude of both men puts off a lot of EBWF fans, King, but they're both legends in this business, no doubt about that!

Jericho entered the ring and held up the Intercontinental Title, taunting Punk with the gold. As the referee took the championship and held it in the air, Jericho got in Punk's face and began mouthing off at him, taunting him some more. Punk responded in kind and as the referee called for the bell, the two men began exchanging right hands back and forth furiously. Jericho gained the upper hand, and after hitting Punk with a series of backhand chops, he whipped him against the ropes, then took him down with a back elbow smash. Punk got to his feet and Jericho lifted him up for a suplex, before hitting a fist drop. Jericho hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Jericho went to whip Punk against the ropes, but Punk reversed it, sending Jericho into the ropes. As Jericho ran back towards them, Punk took him down with a spinning back kick, then stomped on him repeatedly. Punk pulled Jericho to his feet and set him up for a double underhook powerbomb, but Jericho fought back and pushed Punk into the ropes, then ran at him and hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope. Jericho followed Punk to the outside and grabbed him, he was about to toss him into the ring steps when Gallows walked around the ring, standing between Jericho, Punk and the ring steps. The distraction gave Punk time to recover and he threw Jericho into the ring post!

Jerry Lawler: Gallows distracted Jericho and Punk took full advantage!

Punk tossed Jericho back into the ring and hit him with a knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Punk pulled Jericho to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then hit a step-up high knee. As Jericho staggered out of the corner, Punk took him down with a bulldog. Punk hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... Jericho kicked out! Punk got to his feet and stomped on Jericho several times, then signalled for the GTS! Trent climbed onto the ring apron and yelled at Punk, distracting him. This time Jericho took advantage, and as Punk went to attack Trent, Jericho grabbed him and rolled him up. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Jericho almost stole one!

Both men got to their feet and Jericho hit Punk with a kick to the midsection, followed by a double underhook backbreaker. Jericho then went for the Walls of Jericho, but Punk fought back and kicked Jericho away. Punk got to his feet and ran at Jericho, going for a clothesline. Jericho ducked out of the way and Punk accidentally took the referee out! Jericho grabbed Punk and hit him with the Codebreaker, then tried to revive the referee. As he did so, Gallows entered the ring with the title!

Jerry Lawler: Gallows has the title belt, JR! He's going to take out Jericho!

Jim Ross: Not if Lance Storm and Trent can help it, King!

Before Gallows could attack Jericho, Trent and Lance Storm entered the ring and double-teamed Gallows, forcing him to drop the title. Gallows fought back, throwing Trent out of the ring, then Storm hit him with a Superkick! Punk then grabbed the Intercontinental Title and hit Storm with the belt! Punk then turned his attention to Jericho, but Jericho snatched the belt from him and hit Punk with the title! As Punk hit the mat, the referee recovered and saw Jericho with the title. The referee called for the bell, disqualifying Jericho!

Jerry Lawler: It's over, JR! Punk wins the match, but Jericho retains the title!

As the referee called for the bell, Jericho exited the ring with the championship and regrouped with Lance Storm and Trent at the bottom of the ramp. Despite his lost, Jericho held the title up proudly, then the three men made their way to the back.


The crowd was amped up for the main event as "Next Big Thing" blasted out of the speakers and Brock Lesnar came out from behind the curtain, flanked by his advocate Paul Heyman. He hopped up onto the apron and pyro exploded from the turnbuckles. His music was replaced by "Bad, Bad Man" and John Cena walked out to boos from the crowd. He was accompanied by Nicole Ikeda, who was wearing a stunning black dress. Cena walked down to the ring, arm intertwined with hers. He nodded to Paul Heyman, and the two shook hands as Cena got into the ring.

Jim Ross: John Cena so smug, thinking that he's really struck gold with this alliance with Brock Lesnar. I hope Wes gets the opportunity to tell him that It's Time to Go.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, thank you for that unbiased journalism.

Jim Ross: Just doing my job.

The music faded and was replaced by "Sound of Madness", and the crowd jumped to their feet immediately. Wes Ikeda appeared from behind the curtain, looking out at the crowd with a smirk. He waited up at the entranceway as his music was replaced by "Smackdown", and the crowd cheered loudly for the World Champion. Ziggler came out, with the belt around his waist. The team headed down to the ring together, but stopped halfway down. They looked at each other, shrugged, and sprinted the rest of the way down and slid into the ring, assaulting their opponents immediately. Wes went after Cena and Ziggler went after Lesnar. The two pairs of enemies exchanged blows and the referee, Mike Chioda, called for the bell.

Jim Ross: This match is barely underway and it's chaos here!

Chioda immediately drove himself in between Lesnar and Ziggler, forcing them apart and sending them to their corners. He did the same with Wes and Cena, though he had to shove Wes away and get in his face to maintain order. The match started with Ziggler and Lesnar, and the two immediately locked up. Lesnar quickly worked Ziggler into the corner, hitting him with multiple knees and shoulder thrusts. Ziggler hit Lesnar with an elbow, then a series of hard rights. The punches stumbled Lesnar back, and Ziggler pressed the advantage with a dropkick, then a snap vertical suplex.

Jim Ross: Great strength shown by the champ here! Tall order to get a man like Lesnar up for a suplex.

Ziggler went for a pin and got a two count. He got back up and hit multiple elbows, trying to keep the big man down. With Lesnar down, Ziggler tagged in Ikeda and the two laid in multiple stomps on the Beast as the crowd erupted in cheers. Ikeda picked Lesnar up and threw him towards the ropes. He sprinted forward and connected with a lariat in the corner, followed by a tornado DDT for a two count. Lesnar slowly got up, grabbed Ikeda and hit a pumphandle suplex for a two count. Lesnar whipped Ikeda into the opposing corner and Ziggler slapped Ikeda's shoulder, signaling a tag. He leapfrogged over the rope and went after Lesnar with a clothesline, but Lesnar ducked underneath it and hoisted Ziggler up for a release German suplex which sent Ziggler flying onto the back of his neck. He folded up like an accordion.

Jim Ross: This has got to be a tough matchup for Ziggler and Ikeda. They don't come much tougher than Brock Lesnar and John Cena.

Lesnar went for a pin and got a two count. He threw Ziggler into his corner and tagged in Cena, who slowly stepped into the ring and started hitting Ziggler in the gut with hard rights, driving the wind out of him. He hit a fallout vertical slam on Ziggler and got another two count. Quick pins by Cena and Lesnar, attempting to get the match won early. Ziggler fought up to a vertical base and hit a snap dropkick on Cena, sending the chaingang commander tumbling out of the ring. Ziggler ran off the other side of the ropes to attempt a suicide dive, but Heyman grabbed his ankle from outside. Ziggler turned around and pointed at Heyman who put his hands up in surrender. Heyman could be heard yelling "I'm just an advocate!" from ringside. Cena took advantage of the distraction and clobbered Ziggler with a hard shot to the back of the neck. Wes, violating the tag team rules, leapt up to the top rope and hit a flying forearm shot to Cena, who stumbled back. Wes made it back to his corner before the five count and it gave Ziggler enough time to tag him in. The crowd went nuts as Cena and Wes stared each other down from opposite corners.

Jim Ross: Awww, here we go, King! This is the matchup we've been waiting for! Finally Wes gets to get his hands on--

The elation was short-lived, as Brock Lesnar quickly slapped the back of Cena's shoulder and tagged himself in. Cena arrogantly smirked and shrugged, saying "Thems the rules!" to his rival before stepping back through the ropes. The crowd booed.

Jerry Lawler: Cena's not going to make it easy for Wes to get his revenge.

Brock and Wes exchanged blows and Wes went for a suplex, but Lesnar powered out of it, delivering a t-bone suplex. Wes got up and went into a flurry of offense, attempting to get Lesnar to tag in his partner. Lesnar kept getting back up, and giving the offense right back. Ringside, Nicole motioned Cena to talk to her, and Cena dropped off the apron. He smirked at whatever she had to say, and Cena immediately went underneath the ring and grabbed for himself a steel chair. The crowd booed vociferously. Before he could get into the ring, Wes Ikeda launched himself over the ropes and collided with Cena, which caused the crowd to explode. Lesnar went outside and fought Wes while Cena recovered. Lesnar grabbed the chair and took a wild swing at Ikeda while the Chioda admonished all three of them and yelled at them to get back in the ring. Wes grabbed the chair, looked at Chioda, and yelled "Don't you dare disqualify me!" before slamming the chair into Lesnar's back. The crowd roared with approval. Wes turned around and Cena flattened him with his patented chain. Wes hit the ground hard, and blood began pouring out of his forehead. Cena threw him into the ring, and Lesnar followed him. Cena wrapped the chain fully around his fist and returned to his corner, a satisfied smile on his face. Lesnar worked Wes over for the next few minutes, hitting him with suplexes and brutal shots to the head. Ziggler desperately attempted to tag in multiple times, but Wes waved him off, and wouldn't let the champion get involved.

Jerry Lawler: What is he doing?!

Jim Ross: Wes Ikeda is protecting his champion! That's what he's doing! He's taking this beatdown so Dolph Ziggler doesn't have to! Who's going to be able to stop the team of Lesnar and Cena?!

Nicole Ikeda, who watched on from ringside, whispered something into Heyman's ear, and Heyman nodded back to her. Ziggler was getting frustrated with Wes' refusal to tag in. Finally he put one foot through the ropes and tried to intervene. Heyman had circled the ring and he grabbed Ziggler's ankle, trying to pull him down from the apron. The move didn't work, and Mike Chioda noticed the interference. Heyman tried to back away but it was too late. The crowd cheered loudly as Chioda signaled that he was ejecting Heyman from the ringside area. Heyman had a tantrum and exited up the entranceway in a huff. The distraction was enough that Lesnar charged towards Ziggler and plowed into him at full speed, sending him headfirst into the barricade. Ziggler collapsed in a heap, and Wes Ikeda for the moment was on his own.

Jim Ross: Oh no. This is not good.

The crowd booed as Lesnar picked up the nearly lifeless Wes Ikeda and hit an F5. Wes hit the mat face first and collapsed in a heap. He casually walked over to Cena and outstretched his hand. Cena smirked and tagged in.

Jim Ross: NOW Cena wants in on the match.

Cena picked up Ikeda slowly, smiling as he paintbrushed Ikeda's face to make sure he was awake. Then he hoisted him up and hit the AA, casually pressing his palm on Ikeda's chest for the 1, 2, 3.

Jim Ross: Just an absolutely sickening display these two, but they come out with the victory.

Cena and Lesnar stood over Wes Ikeda's lifeless body, arms raised in victory. Nicole joined them in the ring and applauded both men. Sacrifice faded to black as medics rushed into the ring to check on Wes.