Warfare Results 08/10/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 08/10/15

Post by Ben M »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland!

"Wreck" hit and the crowd cheered as Mankind headed to the ring. After Mankind had entered the ring, "Heroes" by Shinedown hit and the crowd booed as Ted DiBiase stepped out onto the stage.

Jim Ross: And here comes Ted DiBiase Jr... no members of the Vertex with him tonight King!

Jerry Lawler: That's good, JR! It means we might actually get to see a fair fight!

As he entered the ring, DiBiase looked across the ring at Mankind, who stared right back at him. The referee called for the bell and DiBiase and Mankind charged towards one another, exchanging right hands back and forth. Mankind gained the upper hand and after hitting DiBiase with a series of punches in quick succession, he dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Mankind continued to pummel DiBiase in the corner, but DiBiase fought back, hitting Mankind with a kick to the midsection. Mankind staggered backwards and DiBiase whipped him against the ropes, then as Mankind ran back towards him, DiBiase took him down with a high knee. DiBiase stomped on Mankind several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit a DDT. He followed it up with a fist drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: DiBiase with a near fall!

DiBiase sat Mankind up and applied a sleeper hold, but Mankind fought back, hitting DiBiase with a back elbow smash and forcing him to break the hold. Both men got to their feet and Mankind grabbed DiBiase, lifting him up for a body slam. As DiBiase was getting to his feet, Mankind ran against the ropes, then grabbed DiBiase once more, taking him down with a running swinging neckbreaker. Mankind hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Mankind gets a two count!

Mankind pulled DiBiase to his feet and set him up for a piledriver, but DiBiase countered with a back toss. DiBiase then hit Mankind with multiple elbow drops, trying to keep him grounded, before pulling him to his feet and hitting an inverted atomic drop. He then went for the Million Dollar Dream... but before he could lock it in, Mankind applied the Mandible Claw!

Jim Ross: Mandible Claw! This could be it King!

DiBiase fought out of it, but the effect of the Mandible Claw had worn him down. Mankind took full advantage, hitting a Double Arm DDT! Mankind hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!


When Warfare returned from it’s scheduled commercial break the Baltimore fans immediately were letting loose immense heat as the Titantron came to life and the EBWF Universe found themselves backstage, and in the presence of John Cena and Nicole Ikeda. She stood pressed to his chest as if seeking comfort and he had his arms around her and was rubbing her back. She spoke softly, her bottom lip poking out in a pout.

Nicole Ikeda: He... He called me a... a... I can’t say it!

She scrunched her pretty face up in disgust.

John Cena: A bootlicker. Ziggler called you a bootlicker.

She gave an angry wail and buried her face in his black t-shirt. He wrapped his arms around her a little more and let her fume. Then she pulled away enough just to look up at him.

Nicole Ikeda: I want you to squish him.

John Cena: Okay, I will. Maybe.

Nicole Ikeda: Maybe? MAYBE?! What do you mean “MAYBE?!” Are you going to let him talk to me like that?!

He hushed her and leaned down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

John Cena: Don’t worry, I’m going to take care of everything. I’ll fix this, and I’ll fix him. I’m working on a different kind of plan.

She instantly looked both excited and intrigued.

Nicole Ikeda: Oooo, I like your plans, baby. What are you going to do?

John leaned down and whispered something in her ear for a few moments and her eyes went wide as a huge smile crossed her face. When he pulled away she turned to look at him, gave a gleeful little squeal, an excited jump of excitement, and planted a peck on his lips before walking out of view. The camera zoomed in on John’s face and he gave a sinister little smirk, his eyes still following her, as the scene faded to black.


"#mmmgorgeous" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Tyler Breeze made his way to the ring for the next match. As usual, Breeze carried his selfie stick and admired himself as he made his way down the ramp.

Jim Ross: Well here comes Tyler Breeze, King... and considering he's about to go up against the Undertaker, he doesn't seem fazed!

Jerry Lawler: I know, JR! He's acting as cocky as ever!

After Breeze had entered the ring, "Ain't No Grave" by Johnny Cash hit and the crowd cheered as Undertaker walked to the ring. After slowly making his way down the ramp, Taker entered the ring and removed his hat and trenchcoat, glaring across at his opponent. The referee called for the bell and Taker wasted no time getting started, charging towards Breeze and hitting him with a series of punches. Undertaker then whipped Breeze against the ropes, before taking him down with a big boot. Breeze got to his feet and Taker hit him with a knee lift to the midsection, then hit a reverse STO. Taker ran against the ropes and hit a leg drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start from The Undertaker!

Undertaker pulled Breeze to his feet and lifted him up, applying a bearhug. He then ran to the corner, slamming Breeze against the turnbuckles with a thrust spinebuster. Breeze looked dazed, and Taker hit a forearm smash, then climbed to the top rope, going for Old School. As Taker walked along the ropes, Breeze ran into the ropes, causing the Deadman to lose his balance! As Undertaker landed on the ropes, Breeze hit the Supermodel Kick, sending the Phenom to the outside. Breeze remained in the ring, and the referee began counting Taker out. 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Taker sat up outside the ring. As the referee counted 6, Taker got to his feet, and re-entered the ring before the referee could count to 7. As Taker got back into the ring, Breeze hit an Enzuigiri, then as Undertaker staggered backwards, Breeze grabbed him and hit an inverted DDT. Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Breeze got to his feet and stomped on the mat, willing Taker to stand. Undertaker got to his feet and Breeze went for the Beauty Shot... but Taker ducked out of the way! Breeze got to his feet and Undertaker hit the ballistic punching combination, finishing it up with a throat thrust. As Breeze clutched his throat, Taker lifted him over his shoulder, hitting the Tombstone Piledriver! Undertaker crossed Breeze's arms across his chest with the crucifix pin as the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over, JR! The Undertaker gets the victory!

Taker celebrated his win as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Q.U.E.E.N." by Janelle Monáe hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Stacy Keibler made her way to the ring, accompanied by Sasha Banks, Eva Marie and Summer Rae.

Jerry Lawler: Welcome back! JR, here comes the newest Mean Girl, Stacy Keibler!

Jim Ross: Stacy turned her back on one of her oldest friends, Torrie Wilson, last month to join forces with the Mean Girls, and then went on to cost her opponent, Becky Lynch, the Women's Tag Team Titles. The EBWF fans are voicing their disapproval for Stacy's actions here tonight!

Jerry Lawler: Well some of them are, JR... the rest of the crowd are staying loyal to one of their own!

As she entered the ring, Stacy looked around at the crowd, smirking arrogantly as she awaited the arrival of her opponent. "Celtic Invasion" by CFO$ hit and Becky Lynch also received a mixed reaction as she stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by Emma and Paige.

Jim Ross: And here comes Becky Lynch, with reinforcements!

Becky at a fiery expression on her face as she made her way down the ramp, and not just because of her hair. As she entered the ring, she snarled at her opponent. The referee called for the bell and Becky wasted no time getting started, charging at Stacy and spearing her down to the mat, then punching her against the mat repeatedly. Becky pulled Stacy to her feet and hit a pumphandle suplex, then followed it up with multiple running leg drops. Becky hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Becky!

Jim Ross: She's taking it to Stacy, King!

As Becky got to her feet, Sasha reached under the ropes, grabbing Becky's foot and trying to trip her. Becky reached over the ropes to grab Sasha, but Stacy took advantage of the distraction, attacking Becky from behind. She grabbed Becky by the hair and pulled her away from the ropes, then took her down with a snapmare. Becky got to her feet and Stacy whipped her into the corner, then put her foot to Becky's throat, choking her! As Becky tried to break free, the referee threatened to disqualify her and began counting – 1... 2... 3... 4... Stacy broke the hold before the count of 5. Becky clutched her throat and Stacy grabbed her, pulling her out of the corner before hitting a bulldog. She followed it up with a leg drop and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Stacy Keibler gets a two count!

The Mean Girls applauded Stacy's efforts, much to Ms Keibler's delight. She pulled Becky to her feet and set her up for a DDT, but Becky blocked it, then countered with a northern lights suplex. Both divas got to their feet and Becky whipped Stacy against the ropes, then as Stacy ran back towards her, Becky took her down with an arm drag. Becky applied a leglock, and Stacy cried out in pain, but was able to reach the ropes. Becky broke the hold and pulled Stacy away from the ropes, then went to apply the Four-Leg Clover. Stacy fought back, hitting Becky with a kick to the face, then rolled her up with a small package! The referee counted – 1... 2... Becky kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: Stacy almost stole one!

Both divas got to their feet and Stacy went for the Keibler Kick, but Becky ducked out of the way. She grabbed Stacy, taking her down to the mat with the Dis-arm-her! Stacy cried out in pain once more and tried to reach the ropes. She wasn't able to do so, so as Becky increased the pressure, Stacy tapped out. Becky broke the hold and got to her feet as the referee raised her arm in victory. As Becky celebrated, the rest of the Mean Girls went to enter the ring and attack her. Seeing what was about to happen, Emma and Paige entered the ring and stood side by side with Becky, daring Sasha, Eva and Summer to come at them. The Mean Girls decided against it, pulling Stacy out of the ring then making their way up the ramp.


The Royal Farms Arena was filled with a deafening pop as the backstage area was shown yet again and this time the world was looking at Dolph Ziggler. He was standing in front of a long table full of various cold cuts and refreshments and was dressed in a stylish black collared dress shirt, dark wash jeans, and polished black shoes. The EBWF World Championship was around his waist. He grabbed a Naked Green Machine juice off the table and turned but was abruptly stopped in his tracks when he ran into Brie Bella. There came some heat at the sight of her but it was mild as all tried to listen to the two superstars.

Brie Bella: Oh!

Dolph Ziggler: I’m sorry!

They both stepped back a little awkwardly and she spoke first, adjusting the figure-hugging dark purple Bodycon dress she wore.

Brie Bella: That was a great match by the way, you and Wes, at Sacrifice. Very impressive.

Dolph Ziggler: Thanks, but I think the wrong team won.

She chuckled and nodded.

Brie Bella: You nervous about Sami Zayn?

Dolph Ziggler: You nervous about Sasha Banks?

Brie Bella: Ah, but see you have something to lose, I don’t.

Dolph Ziggler: Don’t you?

Brie Bella: Touche, Mr. Ziggler. Touche.

They exchanged another smile and respectful nod and parted ways. It was only then that everyone saw the shadowy figure standing in the background and down the narrow hallway that had been watching them the whole time. And then, just as soon as people saw the indiscernible figure, it was gone.


Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event. In a rematch from King of the Ring, the former World Champion Brian Kendrick takes on the 2015 King of the Ring, Sami Zayn!

"World's Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn made his way down the ramp.

Jerry Lawler: And here comes Sami Zayn, who looks like he's still feeling the effects of that assault at the hands of Vertex a few weeks ago.

Jim Ross: Will Brian Kendrick be able to take advantage tonight, King?

After Zayn had entered the ring, "Death Camp" by Tyler, The Creator hit and the crowd booed as Brian Kendrick headed to the ring. Kendrick walked slowly down the ramp, a sadistic smile on his face as he entered the ring and looked across at his opponent. The referee called for the bell and Kendrick went after Zayn, taking him down with a clothesline then stomping on him repeatedly. Kendrick pulled Zayn to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a corner dropkick. As Zayn staggered out of the corner, Kendrick took him down with a DDT, then hit a knee drop. Zayn sat up and Kendrick put him in a sleeper hold.

Jerry Lawler: Kendrick is wearing Zayn down quickly, JR!

Just as it seemed like Zayn was losing consciousness, he fought out of it and both men got to their feet. Kendrick hit Zayn with a kick to the midsection, then set him up for a suplex, but Zayn blocked it and countered with a suplex of his own. Both superstars got to their feet once more, and Zayn whipped Kendrick against the ropes, before taking him down with a leg lariat. Kendrick got to his feet and Zayn hit an arm drag, then when Kendrick got back to his feet, Zayn hit the Blue Thunder Bomb! Zayn hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Zayn pulled Kendrick to his feet and went to whip him against the ropes, but Kendrick reversed the Irish whip, sending Zayn into the ropes. As Zayn ran back towards him, Kendrick hit a spinning heel kick. Both men got to their feet and Kendrick grabbed Zayn, throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. Zayn clutched his shoulder in pain and Kendrick grabbed him once more, lifting him up for a back drop. Zayn got back to his feet and Kendrick applied the cobra clutch! Zayn cried out in pain, but he was able to break out of it and he shoved Kendrick into the ropes, then hit him with a clothesline, sending Kendrick over the top rope. As Kendrick hit the outside, Zayn ran against the ropes, then suicide dived through the ropes, grabbing Kendrick and hitting a tornado DDT!

Jim Ross: What a move by Sami Zayn!

Both men were down outside the ring and the referee began counting – 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Zayn got to his feet. He grabbed Kendrick and went to throw him back into the ring, but Kendrick hit him with a low blow, then threw him into the ring steps! Kendrick re-entered the ring and the referee continued counting – 6... 7... 8... Zayn staggered to his feet and rolled under the bottom rope. Kendrick grabbed Zayn and hit a facebreaker knee smash, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Zayn still seemed groggy, and Kendrick pulled him to his feet, then went for the Sliced Bread #2. Kendrick ran towards the corner... but Zayn fought back and pushed Kendrick into the turnbuckle! Kendrick clutched his chest and staggered out of the corner, and Zayn hit the half-and-half suplex. Both men got to their feet and Zayn hit another suplex, this time hitting Kendrick with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle. Zayn then stepped back from the corner, signalling for the Helluva Kick!

Jerry Lawler: Helluva Kick! This could be it, JR!

Zayn ran towards Kendrick... and hit it! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Zayn gets the victory!

Zayn celebrated his win as Warfare went off the air.