Summerslam Results 8/30/2015

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Summerslam Results 8/30/2015

Post by Ashlee »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to EBWF Summerslam! We are live from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey!

Jerry Lawler: What a night this is going to be, JR! Two months after they were crowned King and Queen of the Ring, we'll see Sami Zayn and Brie Bella go one on one with the World and Women's Champions!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight though, we'll see two veteran superstars go head to head as Bully Ray takes on Mankind!

"The Beaten Path" hit and the crowd booed as Bully Ray headed to the ring. After Bully Ray had entered the ring, "Wreck" hit and Mankind came out to a mixed reaction. When Mankind was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men began exchanging right hands back and forth. Mankind gained the upper hand, and after hitting Bully Ray with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped him against the ropes, before taking him down with a clothesline. Bully Ray got to his feet and Mankind hit him with a knee to the midsection, before taking him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Mankind hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Mankind pulled Bully Ray to his feet and set him up for a piledriver, but Bully Ray countered with a back toss. Mankind got to his feet and Bully Ray went to whip him into the corner, but Mankind reversed it, sending Bully Ray into the turnbuckle. Mankind ran at Bully Ray and hit him with a bodypress, which caused Bully Ray to fall into a sitting position. Mankind ran at Bully Ray once more, this time hitting him with a running knee. Mankind pulled Bully Ray away from the ropes, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! Mankind has dominated this match so far, JR!

Mankind pulled Bully Ray to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then dragged him towards the corner. Mankind went to slam Bully Ray's head against the turnbuckle, but Bully Ray blocked it, then hit Mankind with an elbow smash. Mankind staggered backwards and Bully Ray hit a series of punches, then followed it up with a bionic elbow. He then stomped on Mankind several times, before pulling him to his feet and whipping him against the ropes. As Mankind hit the ropes, Bully Ray lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop. Bully Ray hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Bully Ray got back to his feet and stomped on Mankind some more, before picking him up and setting him up for a German suplex. Mankind fought out of it and got behind Bully Ray, lifting him up for a back drop. Mankind crouched over Bully Ray and punched him against the ring mat, then ran against the ropes and hit a leg drop. Bully Ray struggled to his feet, and Mankind hit a stiff kick to the midsection, before hitting a Double Arm DDT! Mankind hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Mankind gets the victory!

Mankind celebrated his win, then made his way to the back.


We could see Summer Rae and Eva Marie walking together backstage, tag titles on their shoulders, worried looks on their faces. Sasha Banks had been MIA the entire week, ever since The original three Mean Girls their ‘incident’ with Stacy Keibler. They approached a lockerroom door with Sasha’s nameplate on it, and Summer Rae knocked. The door swung open a few seconds later to reveal Sasha, who initially had a look of distaste on her face. But it was wiped away when she found her besties instead of who she expected.

Sasha Banks: Oh, it’s you two. Good.

She stepped outside, wearing her BOSS t-shirt and her ring attire. Sasha wasn’t acting like her usual self. She would’ve been much more excited to see her boo’s. Summer and Eva noticed this and were not pleased.

Summer Rae: Umm… Hi to you too. What’s wrong? You haven’t shown yourself since… You know…

Eva Marie: Since Stacy slapped her?

The crowd cheered and Summer turned to Eva.

Summer Rae: Really? Way to be discreet, Eva. We were supposed to keep it on the down low.

Eva went to defend herself, but was cut off by Sasha, who interrupted.

Sasha Banks: There was nothing discreet about what Stacy did to me. Tuh. She slapped me in front of all those people, including you two. But I’m not letting it get to me. A BOSS has bigger things to worry about. Obviously.

Summer and Eva turned to look at each other again, surprised by Sasha’s response.

Eva Marie: Obviously?

Summer Rae: Did you just say obviously?

Sasha stood with her arms folded impatiently, and shook her head. Before she could inquire further, she rolled her eyes and all three groaned at the arrival of Michael Cole.

Michael Cole: Ladies.

None of the Mean Girls acknowledged Cole.

Michael Cole: I’d like to ask a few questions Sasha, if you don’t mind. Particularly about last week.

Sasha stepped forward with a confident smirk on her face. Summer and Eva looked on confused.

Sasha Banks: I don’t need you to ask me anything, Cole. But thanks for bringing my mic. You can back up, boo boo.

She plucked the mic from Cole’s hand and held it up, looking into the camera.

Sasha Banks: I’m sure all of you’s want to know how I feel about last week. I feel… different. Maybe Stacy slapped some sense into me, ‘cuz I’m not even mad at her. I can’t even tell you what I did for her to do that, but I bet I was bein’ a little extra. No worries. The BOSS will continue to be the professional she always is. I’ve been lookin’ at all the wrong things lately but now I’ma be focused. Determined. A true Head BOSS In Charge. I hope you’re ready Brie Brie, because when a BOSS works at maximum capacity there’s no stoppin’ the work that’s to be done. It’s like some switch has been flipped and now I see things clearly. Nothing’s complicated, it’s simple!
I am the best example of what success is in the women’s division. And if you wanna try me? We can talk about that in the ring. Nothin’ will stop me from schoolin’ you again, boo boo. And I hope you cry about it just so the B-O-S-S can whoop your A-S-S again. And you can Bank. On. That.

Sasha stepped to the side and pushed Cole out of her way, allowing the three divas to occupy the camera. She held the microphone up so Summer and Eva could speak. But they seemed speechless.

Sasha Banks: Well boo’s, anything you want to add?

Eva nodded her head but was smirking herself, along with Summer Rae.

Summer Rae: You know what, Sash? I think you said everything there is to say. You used your words. Maybe Stacy is good for us after all.

Michael Cole: Wait a minute, Summer, Eva, I want to get a comment from you about the women’s tag match tonight--

Eva Marie shook her head.

Eva Marie: No, Michael Cole. We don’t waste our words on losers.

Eva, Summer and Sasha shrugged and smiled to each other, before turning back to Cole with a dead look and handing him back his microphone. All three walked off, leaving Cole behind as the screen faded out to black.


"Real Deal" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Becky Lynch and Emma made their way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Up next, Women's Tag Titles on the line as Becky Lynch and Emma take on Summer Rae and Eva Marie.

Jerry Lawler: Last time these four divas faced off, Stacy Keibler cost Becky and Emma the match... let's hope we see a fairer fight tonight, JR!

After Becky and Emma had entered the ring, "Out of My Mind" hit and the crowd booed as Summer and Eva headed down the ramp. As they entered the ring, the Women's Tag Champions posed together with their titles, before handing them to the referee. The referee held the championships in the air before calling for the bell. Emma and Eva moved onto the ring apron, allowing Becky and Summer to start the match. The referee called the bell and Summer went for a clothesline, but Becky ducked out of the way, then took Summer down with a hip toss. Becky then went for an armbar, but Summer broke out of it and got to her feet. Summer whipped Becky against the ropes, then hit her with a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Summer whipped Becky into the corner, then tagged in Eva Marie. Eva entered the ring and she and Summer kicked Becky in the corner repeatedly, before Summer exited the ring. Eva pulled Becky out of the corner and took her down with a snapmare, following it up with a spinning leg drop. Eva hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Eva Marie gets a two count!

Jim Ross: Summer and Eva have started this match strongly, King. They’re showing why they’ve held those Tag Titles since WrestleMania!

Eva got to her feet and stomped on Becky several times, then pulled her to her feet and set her up for a suplex. Becky blocked it, countering with a suplex of her own. Both divas got to their feet and Becky took Eva down with a shoulder block, then tagged in Emma. Upon entering the ring, Emma lifted Eva onto her shoulders, spinning her around with the Emmaplane! After releasing a very dizzy Eva, Emma hit her opponent with a discus elbow smash, then made the cover. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Emma gets a two count!

Jim Ross: The Australian diva is bringing her A-game tonight, King!

Emma got to her feet and tagged in Becky Lynch. Becky and Emma then worked in tandem, whipping Eva against the ropes before taking her down with a double arm drag. As Emma exited the ring, Becky applied a leglock. Eva cried out in pain, but she was able to get to the ropes and Becky broke the hold. Becky got to her feet and pulled Eva away from the ropes, then signalled for a leg drop. She ran against the ropes, but as she hit the ropes, Summer kicked her in the back! Becky turned around and hit Summer with a forearm smash, knocking her off the ring apron. Eva took advantage of the distraction, rolling Becky up with a schoolgirl! The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Eva Marie almost stole one!

Both divas got to their feet and Becky hit Eva with a kick to the midsection, then lifted her up for a pumphandle suplex. Becky tagged in Emma, and as Emma entered the ring, Eva crawled to the corner, tagging in Summer Rae. Summer entered the ring and ran at Emma, spearing her to the ground before punching her against the mat repeatedly. Summer pulled Emma to her feet and hit her with a DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Summer dragged Emma to her feet once more and hit her with a hard slap, then set her up for the Summer Solstice. Emma blocked it and whipped Summer into the corner, then ran at her and hit a corner clothesline. Summer fell into a sitting position and Emma stepped back, running at Summer once more and hitting her with a crossbody.

Jerry Lawler: Emmamite Sandwich!

Summer looked dazed as she got to her feet and Emma took her down with a drop toe hold, then applied the Emma Lock! Summer cried out in pain, trying to reach the ropes. Eva entered the ring and tried to break the hold, but Becky ran in and took Eva out with a flying forearm smash! Unable to reach the ropes, Summer tapped out!

Jim Ross: It's over King! We have new Women's Tag Team Champions!

The referee called for the bell and Emma broke the hold, then got to her feet. Becky gave her partner a celebratory hug, then the referee handed them the championships and raised their arms in victory.


Jim Ross: And now it's time for a match that I'm personally looking forward to, King. The Miz defends his Path to Glory Championship against Solomon Crowe!

Jerry Lawler: It's the battle of the unlikeables, JR! I think the fans will just be cheering to watch these two tear each other apart!

Space Dementia by Muse played out of the Izod Center speakers as Solomon Crowe walked out from behind the curtain, looking out to the crowd who was less than warm to his presence.

Jim Ross: Solomon Crowe, a former World Champion is looking to peel the Path to Glory Championship away from the Miz, and in so doing possibly earn another shot at the big one.

Jerry Lawler: For Crowe, there is no other outcome. He knows he is going to win this match!

Crowe slid into the ring, largely ignoring the crowd. He went to his corner and took his jacket off as his music faded.


The song from Downstait blasted out of the speakers as the Miz walked out from behind the AWESOME inflatable. The Miz, wearing the Path to Glory Championship, confidently walked down the ramp and headed toward the ring.

Jim Ross: Conspicuous by their absence are the members of Vertex, the group that has run roughshod over the EBWF in recent weeks. The Miz perhaps feeling confident that he can defeat Solomon Crowe on his own.

The Miz handed the PTG championship over to the referee who called for the bell. The Miz and Solomon Crowe circled each other for a moment before stepping in and locking up in the center of the ring. Crowe found himself locking in a headlock on the Miz, wrenching back on the hold and gaining a significant foothold while the Miz struggled for leverage. The Miz put his arms underneath Crowe and lifted him up for a belly to back suplex, but Crowe rolled through and landed on his feet behind the Miz, and clubbed him from behind with an axhandle smash. The Miz hit the mat, clutching his back. Crowe stood over him victoriously, raising his arm and showboating a little. The crowd booed in response.

Jerry Lawler: The challenger shouldn't be too overconfident. He's still got to pin the champion to win the title.

Crowe picked Miz up. He went for a hard shot to the forehead, but Miz blocked it. The Miz quickly advanced on Solomon and they started exchanging blows. The champion got the upper hand and began laying in hard rights. Solomon Crowe stumbled back until his back hit the corner turnbuckle. The referee pulled Miz off and got between him and Crowe. Miz put his hands up and backed away as requested, but then quickly charged in and kicked Crowe in the gut. He grabbed Solomon's arm and yanked him out of the corner. Solomon put the brakes on and hit Miz's arm away, following up with a clothesline that leveled the Path to Glory Champion.

Jim Ross: Crowe is deceptively strong. A talented, bright young star, and his world championship run is a testament to that.

Miz was slow to get up, but Solomon didn't wait. He picked the Miz up and hoisted him up into a snap vertical suplex. He rolled into the pin and got a two count for his troubles. Miz kicked out and rolled away, attempting to regroup. Crowe didn't give him the chance. He began some hard stomps onto The Miz's shoulder. Miz put his arm on the ropes and the referee got in the way, allowing Miz to get back up to a vertical base. Crowe charged at Miz and Miz sidestepped him, sending him tumbling outside of the ring. Miz pursued, stepping outside the ring and pressing the attack. He grabbed Crowe by the back of the head and slammed him into the barricade. Miz threw the challenger back into the ring and slid in after him. Crowe took a wild swing at Miz, but Miz ducked it and grabbed Crowe by the neck, hitting an inverted neckbreaker. The crowd roared in approval as Miz quickly grabbed Crowe and lifted him to his feet. He hooked his arms around Crowe's head.

Jerry Lawler: Miz's setting up Solomon Crowe for the Skull Crushing Finale!

Crowe wriggled out of his grip enough to land a couple rear elbow shots to Miz's gut. The Miz stumbled back and Crowe grabbed him by the back of the head and threw him over the top rope, tumbling Miz out to the floor. Miz smacked the mat outside awkwardly and was slow to get up. He finally got up to vertical base, just in time to see Crowe charge forward and tope through the ropes, hitting the Miz squarely. Both men crashed to the ground and the crowd voiced their approval of the spectacular move.

Jim Ross: Crowe leaving it all on the line here!

The referee began the mandatory ten count, but Crowe was fairly quick to pick Miz up and throw him into the ring. Sensing a victory pending, Crowe got into the ring and laid some stomps into the back of Miz's neck. He picked up the Champion and hit a suplex, getting a two count. Crowe went to pick Miz up, but Miz drove a thumb into his eye, sending him stumbling back and gripping his face. Miz went outside and grabbed a chair, sliding it into the ring, a look of frustration on his face.

Jim Ross: This isn't the way to win, Miz! Is this how Vertex does its business?

Crowe met the Miz with a hard right as he got into the ring, sending him to the mat. He picked Miz up and stuffed him in between his legs, positioning him over the chair. He signaled for a piledriver and the fans roared in approval. The referee, wanting to keep the match clean, grabbed the chair and walked over to the opposite side of the ring to dispose of it. With is eyes away from the match, the Miz dropped to one knee and drove his arm between Crowe's legs, hitting a sickening low blow. Crowe immediately doubled over in agonizing pain. The ref turned around in time to witness the Miz get behind the challenger and lock him in to the Skull Crushing Finale, dropping him on his face. He rolled him over onto his back and got the 1...2....3! The ref called for the bell to end the match.

Jim Ross: Well, there you have it. The Miz is victorious, using dubious tactics to win his match against Solomon Crowe.

Jerry Lawler: Winning is winning, JR! The record book doesn't show anything else!

The Miz celebrated with the Path to Glory Championship as the camera faded to a video package for the next match.


After a commercial for Destiny, the camera cut to the arena, where Kevin Owens and Kyle O'Reilly were making their way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Up next, Tag Titles on the line as Stardust and Luke Harper defend the gold in a triple threat match!

After Owens and O'Reilly had entered the ring, "Hey Hey, My My" by Neil Young hit and the crowd cheered as Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins headed to the ring. As they entered the ring, they glared across at Owens and O'Reilly.

Jerry Lawler: No love lost between these two teams, JR!

Jim Ross: Who can blame them, King. Vertex cost Rollins and Ambrose the Tag Titles four weeks ago on Warfare!

"Brand New Name" by 30 Seconds to Mars hit, and the crowd booed as Stardust and Luke Harper made their way down the ramp. As they entered the ring, they climbed opposing turnbuckles and held the Tag Titles up proudly. They climbed down and handed the championships to the referee, who held them in the air. As the referee called for the bell, Stardust and Harper exchanged a look with Ambrose and Rollins. The four men then turned to Owens and O'Reilly, attacking them!

Jerry Lawler: I guess they're putting their differences aside to seek revenge on Vertex, JR!

Ambrose and Rollins went after O'Reilly, and after wearing him down with several punches, Ambrose lifted O'Reilly up, handing him to Rollins, who powerbombed him into the turnbuckle! Across the ring, Stardust whipped Owens towards Harper, who hit a big boot. With Owens and O'Reilly taken care of, the Tag Champions looked across at the number one contenders, Ambrose and Rollins. Just as the four men were about to brawl, the referee intervened, ordering two of the superstars to move onto the ring apron.

Jim Ross: Don't forget King, there might be three teams in this match, but only two men are legal at any time!

Jerry Lawler: Well after what's happened to Owens and O'Reilly, I'm not sure they'll be involved at all!

Stardust and Rollins moved to the ring apron, allowing Harper and Ambrose to start the match. Harper and Ambrose exchanged right hands, and Ambrose was able to overpower Harper. After hitting him with a series of punches in quick succession, he hit Harper with a knee to the midsection, before hitting a snap DDT. Ambrose ran against the ropes and hit a knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2.. kickout! Ambrose got to his feet and tagged in Rollins, who upon entering the ring, picked Harper up and whipped him into the corner. Rollins ran towards Harper and hit a corner forearm smash, then as Harper staggered out of the corner, Rollins hit him with a superkick. Rollins was about to make the cover when Owens grabbed him, pulling him out of the ring! Owens and O'Reilly then began to double team Rollins, but Ambrose came to his aid, running around the ring taking out O'Reilly with a lariat. Rollins then fought off Owens, hitting a knee smash, before re-entering the ring. By this point, Harper had recovered, and as Rollins re-entered the ring, Harper grabbed him, lifting him up and hitting a spinning side slam. Harper hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Harper with a near fall!

Harper pulled Rollins to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, tagging in Stardust. Harper held Rollins in place, and Stardust hit him with a kick to the midsection. As Harper exited the ring, Stardust whipped Rollins against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Stardust set Rollins up for a DDT, but Rollins countered with a northern lights suplex. Rollins got to his feet and stomped on Stardust several times, then ran against the ropes. As Rollins hit the ropes, Owens reached across and tagged himself in. Owens brushed past Rollins as he entered the ring, then he pulled Stardust to his feet and hit him with a headbutt. Stardust staggered backwards and Owens lifted him over his shoulder, setting him up for a bodyslam. Stardust countered it, hitting a falling inverted DDT. Stardust hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Stardust gets a two count.

Stardust sat Owens up and applied a sleeper hold, but Owens broke out of it and both men got to their feet. Stardust went for a right hand, but Owens blocked it, and countered with a right hand of his own. Owens hit some more right hands, then whipped Stardust against the ropes and went for a back body drop. Stardust countered it, dropping down and hitting a kick to the head. Owens looked dazed and Stardust took full advantage, running against the ropes and hitting the Beautiful Disaster! Stardust hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout! Stardust got to his feet and Ambrose tagged himself in. Stardust glared at Ambrose as the Lunatic Fringe entered the ring, but Ambrose merely smirked at Stardust, then turned his attention to Owens. Ambrose pulled Owens to his feet and hit him with a series of right hands, then set him up for a double underhook suplex. Owens blocked it, and countered with a sitout scoop slam piledriver. Owens then tagged in O'Reilly, who hit Ambrose with a brainbuster, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! As Ambrose kicked out, O'Reilly went for an Ankle Lock, but Ambrose kicked him away and got to his feet. O'Reilly whipped Ambrose against the ropes, but Ambrose bounced back, hitting a pendulum lariat. O'Reilly got to his feet and Ambrose hit an over-the-shoulder back-to-belly piledriver. Ambrose then signalled for the Face Death, but Owens re-entered the ring and attacked him. Rollins came to his partner's aid, running at Owens and hitting him with a high knee. Stardust and Harper then entered the ring and went to double-team Rollins, but Ambrose intervened, attacking Stardust to even the odds. Ambrose took Stardust out with a double-arm DDT, and Rollins hit Harper with a single underhook front facelock drop. O'Reilly got to his feet and Rollins grabbed him, hitting a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Ambrose then hit him with the Face Death, and hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! We have new Tag Champions, King!

The referee called for the bell and raised Ambrose and Rollins' arms in victory, then handed them the titles. The two men celebrated together, then made their way to the back.


“Cult of Personality” hit over the PA system and the crowd got a mixed reaction for CM Punk, who had a determined look on his face as he walked down the ramp. He skipped the theatrics and rolled into the ring waiting for his opponent. “Break the Walls” was next and the crowd got booed for Chris Jericho, who walked down with the intercontinental championship belt strapped around his waist. He handed it over to the referee and mocked Punk, who clenched his bandaged fists and waited in his corner.

The bell rang and both men locked up in the middle of the ring. Chris Jericho went for the first offense as he grabbed Punk into a headlock, followed by a knee strike, he turned Punk’s arm over his shoulder and went for a snap suplex, Punk rolled on his feet before Jericho could continue and clotheslined him, getting a one count after pinning his shoulders to the mat.

Jim Ross: Punk not wasting any time here!

Both men got back onto their feet and locked arms, this time it was CM Punk who arm dragged Jericho, who rolled around the mat and jutted from the canvas almost immediately to down Punk with an armdrag! Jericho charged at Punk who went for a roundhouse kick, but Jericho ducked under, bounced off the ropes and connected a forearm smash that sent CM Punk staggering onto the ropes. Jericho bounced on the ropes again, this time connecting punk with a clothesline that sent him to the outside! Jericho ran towards the ropes as if he were to take a suicide dive outside but stopped at last minute, chocking the cheers of the audience. Jericho mocked the crowd and even got into an exchange of words with a fan, allowing Punk to return to the ring and roll him onto a schoolboy pin for a two count!

Jerry Lawler: Wow! Punk almost stole one here! Jericho has got to be more careful!

Once stood up, Jericho and Punk began trading blows, it was Jericho who drove CM Punk onto the corner where both men continued to trade blows until Jericho connected a knee to the gut… He followed up with his trademark Bulldog and went for the Lionsault! He soared through the air and connected right on Punk’s knees! Jericho clutched his arms around his midsection, allowing Punk to roll onto his feet and connect a series of kicks to his shoulders and gut… He helped Jericho up and went for his trademark swinging neckbreaker! Punk covered Jericho and barely got a two count!

Jim Ross: CM Punk has to do a lot more if he wants to beat Jericho!

Back in the ring it was Jericho in control, this time going for a gutwrench powerbomb! Punk laid motionless on the center of the ring Jericho smirked and went for the Lion Tamer! Bending CM Punks humanity and applying even more pressure onto his neck “ASK HIM!” He demanded to the referee, but CM Punk shook his head over and over again. Punk tried as hard as he could to reach for the ropes, but Jericho prevented him from doing so a couple of times.

Jim Ross: Punk isn’t going to be able to get to the ropes anytime soon! He has to consider giving up!

Punk valiantly stretched out as much as he could and grabbed a hold of the ropes! The referee called for the break, but Jericho refused to let go! The ref Began counting 1..2…3…4 and Jericho gave away, immediately getting in Punk’s face, mocking him and even slapping him around. Punk grabbed Jericho’s head and locked him on the Anaconda Vice!

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD! Anaconda Vice locked in! Could this be it?

Both men tangled around the mat, Punk refused to let go of his opponent’s neck and attempted to connect a bridge by raising his midsection, but Jericho swiftly rolled himself around. Still locked in an unorthodox choke hold, Jericho was able to grab a hold of the ropes for the break. He wasted no time retaliating to the attack by CM Punk with an Enzuguri as he stood up… Jericho grabbed a hold of Punk by the hair and put his skull between his legs, going for a massive double powerbomb into a pinning attempt! The referee counted 1…2…3!

“Break the walls” hit the PA system as Jericho got the Intercontinental title handed to him, he wasted no time dropping to his knees, scrubbing the gold against Punk’s face, he would drop the belt and pummel hard on a downed CM Punk, who had blood trickling down his forehead at the moment. Jericho had to be separated by the referee and two additional officials as CM Punk was checked on by EMTs.


Jim Ross: Still to come, we'll see the King of the Ring Sami Zayn challenge Dolph Ziggler for the World Title... but first, in a WrestleMania rematch, we'll see the Queen of the Ring, Brie Bella, take on Sasha Banks for the Women's Championship!

"You Can Look" hit and the crowd booed as Brie Bella headed to the ring, accompanied by her sister Nikki. Brie strutted to the ring, looking confident as she made her way down the ramp. After Brie had entered the ring, "Sky's the Limit" hit the crowd booed as Sasha Banks stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by Summer Rae and Eva Marie.

Jerry Lawler: Hey, Sasha has a new theme, JR!

Jim Ross: Well she says things are different now, King! Maybe she wants to reflect that.

Sasha had her usual swagger as she made her way to the ring, and as she entered the ring she held up the Women's Title, taunting Brie with the gold. The referee then took the title belt from Sasha and held it in the air, before calling for the bell. Brie and Sasha wasted no time getting started, charging towards each other and exchanging right hands back and forth. Brie gained the upper hand, and after whipping Sasha against the ropes, she took her down with a clothesline. Sasha got to her feet and Brie hit a snapmare, before kicking her in the back of the head. She then pulled Sasha to her feet and set her up for a suplex, but Sasha countered it, hitting Brie with a sitout jawbreaker. Brie staggered backwards, and Sasha took her down with a spear, before punching her against the ring mat repeatedly. Sasha pulled Brie to her feet and hit her with a forearm smash, then whipped her against the ropes. As Brie ran back towards her, Sasha took her down with a Japanese arm drag. Both divas got to their feet and Sasha hit a double knee backbreaker. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Sasha pulled Brie to her feet and went to put her in a headlock, but Brie countered with a hammerlock, before taking her down with a bulldog. Brie then stomped on Sasha several times, before putting her in an abdominal stretch. Sasha cried out in pain but refused to submit, and Brie broke the hold. She hit Brie with a kick to the midsection, then followed it up with a neckbreaker. Brie hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall!

Jerry Lawler: Great back and forth action so far, JR!

Brie pulled Sasha to her feet and whipped her into the corner, then went to sit her on the turnbuckle. Sasha fought back, kicking Brie away, then hit her with a double axe handle. Sasha put Brie in a reverse chinlock, but Brie was able to reach the ropes. Sasha broke the hold and pulled Brie away from the ropes, but Brie pulled her away and got to her feet. Brie grabbed Sasha and hit her with a hair-pull mat slam, then as Sasha sat up, Brie hit her with repeated shoot kicks to the chest. She followed it up with a dropkick, then covered Sasha. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Brie pulled Sasha to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then ran at her and went for a high knee. Sasha ducked out of the way, then hit a roundhouse kick. Brie got to her feet and Sasha whipped her into the corner, then set her up between the ropes. Sasha hit Brie with a diving double knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: So close to a 3 count!

Sasha looked frustrated at only getting a two count, and she pulled Brie to her feet, then slammed her head against the turnbuckle. She punched and kicked Brie repeatedly in the corner, causing her to fall into a sitting position. Sasha then applied a foot choke! The referee threatened to disqualify Sasha and began counting – 1... 2... 3... 4... Sasha broke the hold before the count of 5.

Jerry Lawler: I don't get it, JR... if Sasha had been disqualified there, she would have retained the title.

Jim Ross: She doesn't want to retain the title like that, King! She wants to win the match!

Sasha pulled Brie to her feet and set her up for the Bankrupt, but Brie blocked it, then hit Sasha with a suplex. Both divas got to their feet and Brie whipped Sasha against the ropes, then went for an arm drag. Sasha blocked it, and countered with a reverse DDT. Sasha then locked Brie in the Bank Statement! Brie cried out in pain, then tapped out! Sasha broke the hold and got to her feet, screaming with delight as the referee called for the bell and raised her arm in victory.


“Worlds Apart” by CF$O hit over the PA System and out came Sami Zayn, dancing like he usually did for a moment on top of the ramp, before dancing down and slapping some of his fans’ hands on the way to the ring.

Jim Ross: And the time has come for our main event! And what a match we have ahead of us, King!

Jerry Lawler: Sami Zayn versus Dolph Ziggler!

Jim Ross: There have been crosses of words, signs of disrespect towards this young superstar, who right before his match has still time to dance and say hello to his fans, what a heart of gold this young athlete has!

Jerry Lawler: We know you need more than a heart of gold to win the big one, JR!

Sami rolled under the ring, removed his T-shirt and waited for “Smack Down” to his over the PA system, out came the EBWF World Champion Dolph Ziggler, looking determined and smirking at Sami, as if he knew he had him. Both men in the ring, the referee raised the EBWF title belt over his shoulders for the roaring of the people in attendance to blow the roof off. After the proper Lillian García introduction, both men locked up in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross: Here we go. EBWF world title on the line! Two young men come in, only one comes out with the title!

Both men exchanged headlocks, arm wrenches and arm drags in the center of the ring, it was Ziggler who dropkicked Zayn out of the blue and sent him onto the corner. Ziggler charged and went for a body splash, but Zayn moved out of the way in the nick of time! Zayn nailed a chop across his chest to cause a thunderous “WOOOO” from the capacity crowd! Ziggler retaliated with a chop of his own, the crowd woo’d again. Zayn took a few steps back and signalled for the Helluva kick. However, Ziggler charged at him first and nailed a swinging neckbreaker to debunk Zayn’s momentum! Grabbing his downed opponent by the neck, he continued with a snap neckbreaker and transitioned onto a sleeper hold in the center of the ring. Zayn struggled to get Ziggler off his back and chose to nail Ziggler’s back against a nearby turnbuckle! Sami went for the first cover of the night to no avail, as Ziggler had kicked out at 1.

Jim Ross: Something tells me we have a huge night ahead of us tonight! None of these men will budge!

Both men rolled onto their feet and interlocked their hands in the middle of the canvas, this time Ziggler followed up with a toe kick to the gut, he went for the fameasser, followed by one of his trademark elbow drops! He covered Zayn, who kicked out at 1. Ziggler got back onto his feet first and whipped his opponent onto the ropes, Zayn bounced back and ducked under the clothesline Ziggler had prepared for him, Ziggler turned around for Zayn to hit a rolling sunset flip on the World Champion! The ref got down to one knee and counted 1…2… Kickout by Ziggler!

Jerry Lawler: That was mighty close, King!

Jim Ross: Even Ziggler can’t believe it! Zayn almost stole one from him!

Ziggler was eager to continue his offense, and got onto his feet faster than Zayn, he went for a jumping DDT, but Zayn was able to turn it into a flapjack! Both men cold on the mat now the ref began counting 1…2…3… Sami slowly rolled over his back and tried to stand up 4…5… Ziggler was using the ropes to reasume a vertical base… 6…7 Both men slowly stumbled onto their feet, Ziggler ran both hands over his head and went for a Superkick right across Zayn’s jaw! Ziggler went for the cover.

Jim Ross: What a superkick by Ziggler! Is it enough to put Zayn down? One…Two… Three!

Jerry Lawler: He did it?

Jim Ross: Look at Sami Zayn’s leg!

The ref noticed Zayn’s leg resting on the bottom rope before his counted to three. Ziggler grew impatient, this time dragging Zayn onto the turnbuckle helping him onto the third rope.

Jim Ross: What is he doing! He is going for the Zig Zag from the top rope?

Jerry Lawler: I don’t want to look!

Ziggler tried to nail a top rope Zig Zag, but found Sami clinging tightly to the ropes. Both men began exchanging rights and left hands on top of the turnbuckle, with Sami slowly gaining the upper hand, standing over the top rope and raising Ziggler over his shoulders in a vertical position…

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD! Zayn here taking a page from his old text book! Would you look at that!

The crowd roared as Ziggler stood in a vertical suplex position for a few moments before Zayn dropped him head first onto the turnbuckle padding, the EBWF Cameras caught him mouthing out “BRAAAAAIN BUSTAAAAAAAAAAAH”. Completely fired up, Sami Zayn took a picture perfect 450º Splash on Dolph Ziggler and with whatever strength he had left, he hooked his leg. The entire arena counted along with the referee 1…2…3!

Jim Ross: He did it! Sami Zayn is the new World Champion!

The crowd cheered loudly as the referee presented Sami Zayn with his brand new World title! A thunderous “OLE” chant broke out throughout the arena. Sami raised the World Title over his shoulders tears of joy streaming down his cheeks as Summerslam went off air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote