Warfare Results 09/14/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 09/14/15

Post by Ben M »


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Jim Ross, joined by Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from the Legacy Arena in Birmingham, Alabama!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, we've got divas action as Barbie Blank, making her EBWF debut, takes on the former EBWF Women's Tag Team Champion, Eva Marie!

"Holla" hit and the crowd cheered, showing their excitement as Barbie Blank made her way to the ring for her debut. After Barbie had entered the ring, "Out of my Mind" hit and Eva Marie came out to a chorus of boos. When Eva was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Eva took Barbie down with a snapmare, then stomped on her several times, before pulling her to her feet and whipping her against the ropes. After Barbie had hit the ropes, Eva went for a clothesline, but Barbie ducked out of the way and grabbed Eva from behind, taking her down with a bulldog. Eva got to her feet and Barbie took her down once more, this time hitting a Thesz press, which she followed up with multiple punches. Barbie picked Eva up and hit a body slam, then made the cover. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Barbie Blank with a near fall!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from the blonde beauty, JR!

Barbie pulled Eva to her feet and hit a kick to the midsection, then went to whip her into the corner. Eva reversed it, sending Barbie into the corner, then ran at her and hit a dropkick. Barbie staggered out of the corner and Eva hit a snap suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Eva sat Barbie up and applied a headlock, but Barbie broke free, then both divas got to their feet. Eva swung a right hand at Barbie, but Barbie blocked it, before hitting a clothesline. Eva got to her feet and Barbie hit a sitout facebuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: So close to a three count!

Barbie tried to pull Eva to her feet, but Eva shoved her away, then got to her feet and ran at Barbie, taking her down with a spear. Eva punched Barbie against the mat several times, then dragged her to her feet and set her up for the Sliced Red #2. Eva ran towards the corner, but Barbie broke free, pushing Eva into the turnbuckles. She then hit Eva with a back drop, and as Eva got to her feet, Barbie hit a leg drop bulldog.

Jim Ross: There it is, King, the B2 – the Barbie Bulldog!

Barbie hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Barbie's arm in victory.


Jim Ross: Up next, we'll see the former World and PTG Champion Ted DiBiase take on Mankind!

"Wreck" hit and the crowd cheered as Mankind made his way to the ring. After Mankind had entered the ring, "Heroes" by Shinedown hit and the crowd booed as Ted DiBiase stepped out onto the stage.

Jim Ross: And here comes Ted DiBiase; you'll notice no members of Vertex are out her with him tonight.

Jerry Lawler: Well you heard him backstage, JR, he doesn't care about this match! And if DiBiase doesn't care, that means the rest of Vertex doesn't care either.

DiBiase walked slowly down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, he didn't even look at his opponent. The referee called for the bell and DiBiase stirred into life, running at Mankind and hitting him with a series of right hands. Mankind fought back, overpowering DiBiase and countering with some right hands of his own. After hitting DiBiase with a series of punches in quick succession, Mankind whipped the third generation superstar against the ropes, before taking him down with a clothesline. DiBiase got to his feet and Mankind lifted him up for a scoop slam, following it up with a leg drop. DiBiase got back to his feet once more and Mankind whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, hitting a bodypress. DiBiase fell into a sitting position and Mankind took three steps back, before charging towards DiBiase and hitting a running knee to the face! Mankind pulled DiBiase away from the ropes and hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Mankind with a near fall! A dominant start from the Hardcore Legend!

Mankind got to his feet and stomped on DiBiase several times. He then pulled him to his feet, setting him up for a piledriver, but DiBiase countered with a back toss. As Mankind got to his feet, DiBiase hit a knee to the midsection, then whipped him against the ropes. He followed it up with a sitout spinebuster, then hit Mankind with multiple elbow drops, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time Ted DiBiase gets a two count!

Jim Ross: The son of the Million Dollar Man is showing the EBWF that he does care after all!

After Mankind kicked out, DiBiase hit him with a fist drop, then as Mankind got to his feet, DiBiase applied the Million Dollar Dream. Mankind fought out of it, hitting DiBiase with a back elbow smash, then whipped DiBiase against the ropes, before hitting a running swinging neckbreaker. Mankind got to his feet and to the crowd's delight, he reached into his pants, pulling out Mr Socko!

Jerry Lawler: It's Mr Socko! This could be it, JR!

DiBiase got to his feet, and Mankind went for the Mandible Claw... but DiBiase ducked out of the way, then hit a low blow! The referee called for the bell, disqualifying DiBiase.

Jim Ross: I don’t believe it, King! What an act of cowardice from Ted DiBiase!

Jerry Lawler: Maybe he didn't think he was going to win, JR... he's taken the easy way out!

Jim Ross: It's despicable is what it is! I wonder what his father would think!

Justin Roberts announced Mankind as the victor and DiBiase rolled out of the ring, making his way back up the ramp as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Gun" by CHVRCHES hit and the crowd cheered as Alexa Bliss made her way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, we've got our second divas match of the night as Alexa Bliss takes on Summer Rae!

After Alexa had entered the ring, "Rush of Power" hit and the crowd booed as Summer Rae made her way down the ramp.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, we saw Summer's tag team partner Eva Marie in action earlier tonight... she lost to the debuting Barbie Blank. Let's see if Summer can make it a better night for the Mean Girls!

When Summer was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Summer applied a headlock but Alexa broke out of it, pushing Summer into the ropes before hitting a dropkick. Summer got to her feet and Alexa took her down with an arm drag, then as Summer got back up, Alexa hit a legsweep. She followed it up with the Glitz Flip, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Alexa pulled Summer to her feet and set her up for a back drop, but Summer blocked it, countering with a bulldog. As Alexa got to her feet, Summer whipped her into the corner, then put her foot up, applying a foot choke. The referee threatened to disqualify her and began counting – 1... 2... 3... at the count of 4, Summer broke the hold. Alexa looked groggy and Summer took full advantage, lifting her up for a vertical suplex, then hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Summer got to her feet and stomped on Alexa several times, then pulled her to her feet and applied a guillotine choke, which she transitioned into a DDT. Summer hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! Alexa Bliss started this match brightly, but Summer Rae is in full control now.

Jerry Lawler: I think Alexa's in trouble, JR!

After Alexa kicked out, Summer punched her against the mat repeatedly, then pulled her to her feet and whipped her into the corner. Summer ran at Alexa, going for the corner clothesline, but before she could hit it Alexa got her feet up and kicked Summer away. Summer staggered backwards and Alexa went to the top rope, then hit a diving crossbody. She made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both divas got to their feet and Summer went for a spinning heel kick, but Alexa ducked out of the way, then hit a tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. Alexa went to the top rope and signalled for the Sparkle Splash, causing the crowd to cheer in anticipation. Alexa went for it... but Summer rolled out of the way! Alexa was in pain and as she struggled to her feet, Summer hit an inverted leg drop bulldog!

Jim Ross: Summer Crush! This one's over.

Summer hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Summer's arm in victory. Summer celebrated, then made her way to the back as Alexa watched on, looking disappointed.


When Warfare returned from commercial Justin Gabriel was already in the ring. Just then "AWEEEESOME" followed by "I Came To Play" by Downstait was heard over the loud speaker. The Miz confidently emerged in his ring gear with the EBWF PTG Championship over his right shoulder. He was flanked as always by Kyle O'Reilly, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, and Ted DiBiase. The crowd was booing their brains out as this group made their way to the ring.

Jim Ross: Certainly not fan favorites by any stretch of the imagination.

Jerry Lawler: You got that right JR.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent being accompanied to the ring by Vertex, from Cleveland Ohio, he is the EBWF Path To Glory Champion, The MIZ!

Jim Ross: Of course Miz victorious over Solomon Crowe at Summerslam, and will cash in that very title this coming month at Destiny to face Sami Zayn for the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Jerry Lawler: What a match that's going to be!

The Miz entered the ring, and Gabriel was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Miz looked at him and confidently smirked mouthing "Really?" as he pointed to Gabriel. The bell rang and we were under way. Gabriel sprang into action right away as The Miz stayed put. He then began to mock Gabriel's energy by hoping around. He then turned to Vertex to get a laugh, when he turned back around he was met with a spinning kick by Gabriel which planted Miz to the mat. Miz held his chin as he got up and looked as though this flipped a switch. He immediately charged at Gabriel and hit a knee right to his mid-section. Miz then hit Gabriel over the back with 4 hard left hand blows. He picked Gabriel up by the head and went for a whip, Gabriel reversed the whip and sent Miz into the ropes. Miz rebounded and dropped Gabriel with a shoulder tackle. Gabriel popped up, and Miz went for a clothesline but Gabriel ducked it. When Miz turned around Gabriel planted him with a tornado DDT. Gabriel went for a cover and earned a two count.

Jim Ross: Great action thus far. What a big opportunity for Gabriel here to knock off the PTG Champion and number one contender for the World Championship.

Miz and Gabriel were both back to their feet. They locked up, Miz gained the advantage putting Gabriel in a side head lock. Gabriel slithered out and went for a right hand but Miz blocked it he kicked Gabriel in the gut, and then turned it right into a low DDT as Gabriel dropped to his knee. Miz went for the cover and got a two count. Miz started to argue right away that it should have been three, while this occurred, Gabriel rolled Miz up.. ONE.. TWO.. THR.. Miz kicked out. Miz was back to his feet and yelled to Gabriel "not going to get me like that" Gabriel nodded and the two aggressively locked up again. This time Gabriel gained the advantage with a hammerlock Miz reversed it and viciously rode Gabriel face first into the turnbuckle. Miz then hit a neck breaker on Gabriel. He went for another cover and earned a two count.

Jim Ross: Thought he may have him there, King.

Jerry Lawler: I did too!

Miz looked with disapproval at the ref, but learned his lesson from last time. Miz picked up Gabriel by the hair and began taunting the crowd. He went to set up Gabriel for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Gabriel reversed it, he wriggled free, ran the ropes and hit a flying clothesline which dropped the Miz. Miz popped up, and Gabriel hit a drop kick which sent him right back down. Miz popped up once more, only to go for a clothesline, miss, and be dropped with a running bulldog in the center of the ring. Gabriel went for a cover and got a two count. Miz was back up again, and Gabriel planted him with a scoop slam. Gabriel motioned to the crowd that he was going up top. He did so and flew off the ropes for a 450 Splash. Miz got his knees up and countered the move from Gabriel. Gabriel held his midsection in pain. Miz was back to his feet. He got in position to hit a Skull Crushing Finale, but again Gabriel countered and got out of it. He went to whip Miz but Miz whipped him to the outside. The second he hit the floor, Ted looked at Miz and Miz gave him a nod. Vertex just began to decimate him out of nowhere. The ref saw this and called for the bell.

Jim Ross: Just a blatant attack here by Vertex, no attempt to even be sneaky about it. Kevin Owens setting him up for a power bomb oh wait what a counter.

Gabriel hit a hurricanrana on Owens. O Reilly DiBiase and Balor were quick to jump on them. Miz was barking orders from the ring. DiBiase hit Dream Street on Gabriel and then rolled Gabriel into the ring. Miz set Gabriel up for a Skull Crushing Finale, but his attention turned away as through the crowd, came Sami Zayn. The crowd went nuts for Zayn as he hopped the ramp, steel chair in hand, he quickly dropped DiBiase, Balor, and O'Reilly with chair shots. Miz threw Gabriel aside, and Zayn was in the ring, quicker than a hiccup. Zayn went for a chair shot to Miz, but Miz kicked him and the chair fell to the ground. Zayn and Miz began to brawl in the ring blow for blow. It was much more a street fight than any wrestling moves. Zayn certainly got the better of Miz. And had Miz in the corner slouched down.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd Sami Zayn! He came through the crowd and took out Vertex. This kid is incredible!

Jerry Lawler: Looks like Vertex is heading for higher ground, JR.

Kevin Owens had pulled Miz out of the ring, and Sami Zayn had a big smile on his face as the crowd popped. Miz yelled and pointed back to the ring at Sami. DiBiase, Balor, and O'Reilly all holding their head joined the Vertex retreat back up the ramp.

Jim Ross: Well business has damn sure picked up with that steel chair being quite an equalizer!

Jerry Lawler: The champ has definitely "Come to Play!"

Warfare went to a commercial as Sami Zayn celebrated in the ring.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Rebellion" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as The Ascension headed to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, we've got tag team action as The Ascension, Konnor and Viktor, take on the former Tag Team Champions, Wade Barrett and Ryback.

After Konnor and Viktor had entered the ring, "We Are One" by 12 Stones hit and Barrett and Ryback also received a mixed reaction from the crowd. Upon entering the ring, Barrett and Ryback squared up to their opponents.

Jerry Lawler: No love lost between these four superstars, JR!

Jim Ross: Both teams are determined to prove themselves tonight, King!

The referee got between the four men, ordering both teams to their corners. Ryback and Viktor moved onto the ring apron, allowing Konnor and Barrett to start the match. The referee called for the bell and the two superstars exchanged right hands back and forth. Barrett overpowered Konnor, and after gaining the advantage he whipped Konnor against the ropes, before taking him down with a big boot. Konnor got to his feet and Barrett hit a stiff kick to the midsection, then dragged him towards the corner. Barrett tagged in Ryback, and as Ryback entered the ring, Barrett lifted Konnor up and passed him to Ryback, who hit a powerbomb. Barrett exited the ring and Ryback hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Ryback pulled Konnor to his feet and hit a series of punches, then lifted him up for a bearhug. After wearing Konnor down, Ryback broke the hold and whipped him against the ropes. As Konnor ran back towards him, Ryback hit a spinebuster, then tagged in Barrett. Barrett entered the ring and he and Ryback hit Konnor with a double suplex, then as Ryback exited the ring, Barrett hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! Barrett and Ryback are firmly in control right now, JR!

Jim Ross: They're working very effectively as a unit, King... no doubt about that!

Barrett got to his feet and stomped on Konnor several times, before pulling him to his feet and lifting him up for a pumphandle slam. Barrett then ran against the ropes and went for a knee drop, but Konnor rolled out of the way. Both men got to their feet and Barrett went for a clothesline, but Konnor ducked underneath it, then grabbed Barrett from behind and hit a Russian legsweep. Viktor held out his hand and Konnor crawled towards the corner, tagging his partner in. The crowd popped for the hot tag, and as Viktor entered the ring he ran at Barrett, taking him down with a running big boot. Barrett got to his feet and Viktor hit a European uppercut, which he followed up with an STO. Viktor hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Viktor pulled Barrett to his feet and whipped him towards the corner, where a recovering Konnor held him in place. Viktor pummelled Barrett in the corner with repeated punches, then pulled him out of the corner and hit a gut wrench powerbomb. Viktor went to the top rope and hit a leg drop, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: What a turnaround this is, JR! Now The Ascension are in control, and Wade Barrett is in trouble!

Viktor pulled Barrett to his feet and hit a forearm smash, which caused Barrett to stagger backwards. Viktor grabbed him and went to whip Barrett against the ropes, but Barrett reversed it, then pulled Viktor towards him and hit the Winds of Change!

Jim Ross: What a counter by Wade Barrett!

Both men were down and they crawled to their corners, tagging in Ryback and Konnor. As the two men entered the ring, they charged towards one another, but Ryback reacted quickest and he lifted Konnor over his shoulder, hitting a running powerslam. Viktor was still in the ring and Ryback hit the Meat Hook clothesline, sending him out of the ring. Looking groggy, Konnor got to his feet and Ryback took full advantage, hitting Shell Shocked! Ryback made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Great back and forth action, but Barrett and Ryback get the victory!

Jim Ross: Tremendous effort by all four of these men, King!

Barrett and Ryback celebrated together, then made their way to the back.


After the last match, the cameras headed right back to the ring for the main event. Zayn's theme music hit and he made his way down to the ring with the EBWF World Championship around his waist. The crowd was electric for him as he proceeded onto the ring apron to greet them. Michael Cole pointed out a huge section of Zayn supporters in the crowd.

Jim Ross: This is an impressive young man right here.

Jerry Lawler: He is thrilled to be EBWF World Champion!

Stardust’s music hit and the fans exploded inside the Legacy Arena. Once Stardust was in the ring, the bell sounded and these two fan favorites immediately went after each other. Zayn got Stardust down for the half and half suplex early on, but Stardust ended up fighting his way out. Stardust knocked Zayn out to the floor and hit a big somersault dive over the ropes, crashing onto Zayn on the floor. The fans erupted and started cheering for Stardust.

Jim Ross: Stardust is a man these fans love to hate!

Jerry Lawler: He is a show stealer in that ring!

Stardust turned around right into a suicide dive coming through the ropes and splashing onto Zayn. The action resumed back inside the ring with Zayn firmly in control at this point. Stardust ran out of the ring and tried to get a breather but Zayn came running after him. Stardust side-stepped Zayn so Zayn crashed into the barricade. Stardust hit a running cannonball on Zayn against the barricade.

Jim Ross: These two are going to get counted out if they don’t get back in the ring.

Stardust had Zayn where he wanted him and was taking it to him. The fans started chanting "Ole! Ole! Ole!" and Zayn started fighting back, repeatedly bitch-slapping the hell out of Stardust. Zayn demonstrated his strength again by manhandling Stardust for a unique slam. Stardust made it to his feet and played to the fan, but Zayn caught him distracted with a big European uppercut. Zayn got Stardust on the top rope and hit a crazy gut wrench suplex from the top rope for a close near fall.

Jerry Lawler: I don’t know how Stardust kicked out of that!

The action spilled out to the floor once more where Zayn hit a wicked running uppercut that launched Stardust. The two traded punches until they were back in the ring, Zayn got Stardust in the wrist lock and transitioned into the springboard tornado DDT. He immediately put him in a figure four. Stardust made it to the ropes forcing a break to the hold. Stardust hit mighty suplex, and went for Dark Matter. That got him the pin!

Jim Ross: Incredible! Stardust! Stardust has just defeated the EBWF World Champion!

At the matches conclusion. Stardust had his arm raised in victory.

Jim Ross: A hard fought match for Sami Za… wait a minute…

From under the ring, came The Miz, he had a steel chair in hand just as Zayn had earlier. Sami was staggering to his feet.

Jerry Lawler: What the hell? Has that little weasel been hiding under the ring this whole time?

Sami turned around unknowing and was hit right between the eyes by The Miz.

Jim Ross: My god what a chair shot, that busted him wide open!

Miz motioned to the back, and out came the rest of Vertex to a chorus of boos. Content with his victory, Stardust sized up Miz, but left the ring. Miz had a smirk on his face. The referee was pleading with The Miz to not do anymore. Miz picked Zayn up and planted him face first onto the chair with the Skull Crushing Finale. Vertex all entered the ring, Miz picked up a weak Sami Zayn and threw him off the ropes. Owens hit a Pop Up Powerbomb which caused the crowd to boo even more.

Jim Ross: For the love of god, somebody get out here and stop this.

Ted DiBiase picked up Zayn and looked to set him up for Dream Street. Miz stopped him. He put on a pair of brass knucks that he had in his tights. He then connected on 5 vicious left hands with the knucks. Sami was bleeding everywhere. As Ted dropped him on the mat. Vertex raised each other's hands with The Miz in the middle. Miz was now holding Zayn's EBWF World Heavyweight Title in his hand as "Awake and Alive" hit over the PA System. Vertex, all raising their hands, stood over Zayn's lifeless body in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross: Just a sickening display from Vertex here tonight, certainly sending a message to the Champ, that the strength just may be in the numbers, King.

Jerry Lawler: Can you imagine how it's going to be at Destiny when these two guys meet?

Jim Ross: Well I hope tonight is not a sign of things to come, goodnight folks!

Vertex finally left the ring and made their way back up the ramp admiring their handy work. Sami Zayn was seen struggling to get to his feet as Warfare went off the air.