Warfare Results 9/21/2015

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Warfare Results 9/21/2015

Post by Ashlee »


EBWF Warfare opened to pyro, and a cold open when "Rest in Peace" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as The Undertaker made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Undertaker rmoved his hat and trenchcoat, then turned his attention to the stage as "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down hit and Roman Reigns made his way to the ring. The crowd cheered as Reigns walked down the ramp, and as Reigns entered the ring he squared up to The Undertaker. The referee called for the bell and both men exchanged right hands back and forth furiously.

Jerry Lawler: Undertaker and Reigns wasting no time getting started here, JR!

Undertaker overpowered Reigns, and after hitting him with a series of punches, he whipped Reigns into the ropes. As Reigns ran back towards him, Undertaker took him down with a big boot, then as Reigns got back to his feet, Undertaker whipped him into the corner. Taker ran at Reigns, going for a bodypress, but Reigns got his foot up and kicked Undertaker away. Moving out of the corner, Reigns hit Undertaker with the Superman punch, then lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop. Reigns hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Reigns with a near fall!

Both men got to their feet and Reigns hit Taker with some more right hands, then lifted him up and hit a body slam. Reigns went for a knee drop, but Undertaker sat up, then got to his feet and hit Reigns with the ballistic punching combination, followed by a throat thrust. Reigns staggered backwards, falling onto the ropes. Undertaker charged towards him, hitting a clothesline and sending Reigns over the top rope. Undertaker then ran against the ropes, before jumping over the top rope and hitting the Tope Suicida!

Jim Ross: Incredible athleticism by the Deadman!

Both men were down and the referee began counting – 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... at the count of seven, Undertaker got to his feet and pulled Reigns to his feet, before tossing him back into the ring. Undertaker re-entered the ring and hit Reigns with the Chokeslam, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: So close to a three count, JR!

Undertaker pulled Reigns to his feet and set him up for the Last Ride, but Reigns countered with a back body drop. As Taker got to his feet, Reigns whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit the corner clothesline. Reigns hit Undertaker with a second corner clothesline, then as the Deadman staggered out of the corner, Reigns got behind him and hit a back suplex side slam. Undertaker got to his feet and Reigns hit a powerbomb, then signalled for the Spear! Taker got to his feet, and Reigns speared him down to the mat, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Roman Reigns gets the victory!

Reigns celebrated, then made his way to the back.


Jim Ross: Up next, the Breakout Champion Tyler Breeze takes on the Extreme Enigma, Jeff Hardy!

"#Mmmgorgeous" hit and the crowd gave a booed as Tyler Breeze made his way to the ring. After Breeze had entered the ring, "Similar Creatures" by Peroxwhy?gen hit and the crowd went wild as Jeff Hardy stepped out onto the stage. Hardy looked excited as he made his way down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, he climbed the turnbuckle and posed for the fans. As Hardy climbed down from the turnbuckle, the referee called for the bell, signalling the start of the match. Breeze ran at Hardy, attempting a clothesline, but Hardy ducked out of the way, then turned to face Breeze and hit him with a series of punches. Hardy whipped Breeze against the ropes, before taking hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Hardy hit a sitout jawbreaker, followed by a double leg dropkick to the midsection of Breeze. Hardy hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Hardy!

Hardy pulled Breeze to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then went to whip Breeze into the corner. Breeze reversed it, sending Hardy into the turnbuckles, then ran at him and hit a knee to the midsection. After pulling Hardy out of the corner, Breeze hit an implant DDT, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Tyler Breeze gets a two count!

Breeze got to his feet and stomped on Hardy several times, then pulled him to his feet and hit a suplex. Both men got to their feet and Breeze whipped Hardy against the ropes, before hitting a spinning heel kick. Breeze hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Breeze pulled Hardy to his feet once more, but Hardy fought back, hitting Breeze with some right hands. Hardy whipped Breeze into the corner, then ran at him and hit the Whisper in the Wind. As Breeze staggered out of the corner, Hardy hit the Twist of Fate. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Hardy pulled Breeze to his feet and hit an inverted suplex slam, then went to the top rope and signalled for the Swanton Bomb. Hardy jumped... but Breeze moved out of the way! Breeze got to his feet, and as Hardy sat up, Breeze hit a Supermodel Kick to the face. Hardy looked dazed as he got to his feet, and Breeze took full advantage, hitting the Beauty Shot! Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over!

Jim Ross: An impressive performance from Jeff Hardy in his EBWF return match, but in the end it's Tyler Breeze that gets the victory.

Breeze celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Stardust and Luke Harper headed out to the ring, ready for their match against O’Reilly and Balor.

Jim Ross: We’re ready for some Tag Team Action here tonight.

Kyle O’Reilly and Finn Balor headed to the ring with The Miz and Ted DiBiase in tow.

Jerry Lawler: How is this fair! Harper and Stardust are extremely out numbered here.

The bell sounded and the match kicked off with Harper and Balor. Early on, the two went at it, with Balor talking trash, which led to Harper shoving Balor on his ass. Stardust tagged in and took over, but quickly tagged Harper back into the match. Harper hit a superplex on Balor off the top rope for a near fall.

Jim Ross: Luke Harper almost had it there.

Now, as O'Reilly and Balor double-teamed Harper in their corner, Harper struggles into his own corner, after a couple of headbutts. Stardust finally got the hot-tag and he came in cleaning house. Several tag-ins and tag-outs occured until finally Stardust was left getting beaten on for a prolonged period of time, as O’Reilly and Balor utilized quick-tags to keep fresh against Stardust at all-times.

Finally, Harper got another hot tag and helped turn the momentum into his teams favor. Stardust went for Dark Matter on O’Reilly but O’Reilly used his strength to reverse it into a Brainbuster. The crowd was shocked as Miz put his hands up in the air in celebration as O’Reilly went for the pin, and secured the victory!

Jim Ross: They’ve done it! Vertex has won this match against Stardust and Luke Harper.


Jim Ross: Up next, our main event - Torrie Wilson versus Trish Stratus versus Velvet Sky in a triple threat match!

Jerry Lawler: The winner challenges Sasha Banks for the Women's Title this Sunday at Destiny!

"Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Torrie Wilson made her way to the ring. After Torrie had entered the ring, "Angel On My Shoulder" hit and the crowd cheered as Velvet Sky headed down the ramp. Finally, "Bossy" by Kelis hit and the crowd continued to cheer as Trish Stratus stepped out onto the stage. When all three divas were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the three women looked between each other, waiting for one another to make the first move. Torrie went after Trish, hitting her with a clothesline. As Trish got to her feet, Torrie hit her with some punches then whipped her into the ropes, before taking her down with an arm drag. Torrie then turned her attention to Velvet, who was ready for her, and the two divas locked up. Torrie applied a headlock but Velvet countered with a hammerlock, then pushed Torrie away. As Torrie came back towards her, Velvet hit a snapmare, followed by a shoot kick to the back of Torrie's head. At this point, Trish got back to her feet and Velvet went for a northern lights suplex, but Trish blocked it, countering with a DDT. Trish made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Trish got to her feet and turned her attention to Torrie Wilson. The two veteran divas locked up Torrie went for a body slam, but Trish countered with a headscissors takedown. Trish then got to her feet and Velvet tried to take her down with a clothesline, but Trish ducked underneath it, then hit a forearm smash. At this point, Torrie recovered and she grabbed Trish from behind, rolling her up for a schoolgirl. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Torrie almost stole one!

Both divas got to their feet and Trish hit Torrie with a heel kick, then tossed her out of the ring. She turned her attention to Velvet and the two divas locked up. After applying an arm twist on Trish, Velvet hit a Russian legsweep, then as Trish got to her feet, Velvet went to whip her into the corner. Trish reversed it, sending Velvet into the turnbuckles, before hitting a handspring back elbow smash. As Velvet staggered out of the corner, Trish took her down with a bulldog. At this point, Torrie re-entered the ring and she ran at Trish, taking her down with a spear then punching her against the mat repeatedly. Velvet got to her feet and pulled Torrie off Trish, setting her up for the Beauty-T. Torrie blocked it and countered with a neckbreaker, then as both divas got to their feet, Torrie hit the Nose Job. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Trish broke up the count!

Jerry Lawler: That could have been it, JR!

Trish pulled Torrie to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, then took her down with a Thesz press. After punching Torrie against the mat repeatedly, she pulled her to her feet and hit a suplex. Both divas got to their feet and Trish pushed Torrie against the ropes, then hit a roundhouse kick, sending her over the top rope. Velvet began to stir and Trish grabbed her, then hit the Stratusfaction! She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over King! Trish Stratus is the new number one contender for the EBWF Women's Title!

Jerry Lawler: Could she be the next Women's Champion, JR? We'll find out this Sunday!

The referee called for the bell and raised Trish's arm in victory. Trish celebrated as Warfare went off the air.
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