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Juan Ramirez
Posts: 591
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:10 am


Post by Juan Ramirez »


"Hey Big brother! I was just calling to check on you before your big match, but I guess you're busy now. I wanted to wish you luck, and to remind you how happy I feel for you right now, its as if my brother had returned from a long trip. Love you!"

The scene faded from black in what looked like a talk show television set. A couple of leather chairs standing in front of each other, a small tea table in between. The EBWF logo in gorgeous led lighting adorned the background. Dressed in a crisp black suit and a black shirt,collar popped and everything, Corey Graves crossed his legs as he sat on one of the leather chairs. Sittin across him, sat the inaugural Path to Glory Champion, his eyes covered by a Chicago Cubs blue baseball cap, a white T shirt with the Cobra Logo and the words 'PUNK' printed underneath, denim pants and Chuck Taylors.

Corey Graves: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to this EBWF exclusive... This week there'd be no Culture Shock but...

CM Punk: Sorry to barge in right during your intro ... Culture Shock from Tampa? What are you covering, Hulk Hogan's restaurant? Let's just say you have better things to to than shooting a video from "Hogan's beach". Things like addressing the current state of emergency the EBWF is in.

Corey Graves: Would you care to elaborate?

CM Punk: Corey, I'm sure you haven't been interviewing people for long enough to realize certain trend that goes on during September. Everyone, from the doorman to the owner of the company is talking about Destiny... And don't get me wrong... Wes Ikeda's biggest choice nowadays is on which wrist he wraps his rolex on, he's worked hard for that and I respect the hell out of it... However, something I won't tolerate is having subpar under contract EBWF talent wasting on air time to talk about their Destiny. If your Destiny is to become EBWF Breakout champion, let me tell you: You have a very crappy destiny... Let me tell you Corey, it is more boring than the Rumble. And don't get me wrong, I love the Royal Rumble, but I am not a fan of listening to every single EBWF superstar talking about the other 29 in the match.

Graves smiled, nodding slowly.

Corey Graves: Thanks for the heads up. Now, at Destiny you will get the chance to compete for a title that you're closely tied to, the Path to Glor...

CM Punk: We all know the story Corey, we all know I wanted to leave a mark in EBWF, a mark of superiority, a mark of what hard work, discipline and relentlessness can get you in life... Fast forward a couple of years and it turns out I became Willie fucking Wonka... The PTG title became a golden ticket, the fastlane for losers like the Miz, Justin Gabriel and the Rock to feast on. If I can be honest for a moment Corey, I have grown to hate the Path to Glory title. Everytime someone cashes in... I feel they are riding on the wave of my success. The PTG title is tarnished... And the fact I am facing one superstar who has fallen from grace and two others who will never be in grace at a Pay Per View Called Destiny makes it look like God has a very bad sense of humor.

Corey Graves: So you'd say you regret creating the Path to Glory title?

CM Punk: I feel there is a misconception there... And I am glad you asked that question, I hope everyone backstage is listening to this: There is no Path To Glory. You can't walk the Path to Glory... Unless your name is CM Punk. The Path to Glory is wherever CM Punk walks... Those who follow me through said path, might, MIGHT get a little taste of Glory, if they are lucky enough.

Corey Graves: This match you're partaking in, it has nostalgia written all over it! Not only you're competing for a title you're associated with, but you're also going to see many familiar faces between the ropes that night.

CM Punk: Well, it is not my rivals' fault they want to ride in on CM Punk's wave of success like everyone else before them... Who knows, maybe I was able to knock some sense into their useless, intoxicated heads, maybe they have realised the only way to make something out of their lifes is to try and be a little more like me.

Corey Graves: That didn't go well for Ted DiBiase, being like you I mean.

CM Punk: Well, the thing with Ted is you don't have a lot to work with to begin with. Ted's a sick and lost puppy just wandering aimlessly, looking for someone to put him out of his misery... I believe today he is wound up with the Miz on the prequel or whatever they call themselves these days. But just like a D-list movie series, no one is watching.

Corey Graves: That is a little harsh, considering Ted Holds the record as longest...

CM Punk: Longest CM Punk wannabe in the history of EBWF? Damn, Graves... Why didn't they hire you earlier? Ted unknowingly takes every step with me as his guide. He knows I am the path, deep down he knows I am the way... But he refuses to acknowledge it to the world. He will continue playing Lackey to the Miz or whoever promises him booze and weaker people to push around.

Corey Graves: Well, another man you'll be facing is Justin Gabriel... You're no stranger to his moves and his agile wrestling style.

CM Punk: Gabriel knows his way around the ropes, I'll give him that... But the fact he expects us all to bow down because he takes a lot of dives and flips from the ropes is just... Laughable and miserable. What has he done lately? Besides beating me in a match where Wade Barrett interfered? He's got something in common with Ted, he's been following my footsteps for a while now... But he tried and failed miserably to cling on to that title. Jumping and flipping can only get you so far around these parts... So if he wanted my wholehearted advice, I would recommend he flew down to Mexico where he can be The Mexican Ric Flair.

Corey Graves: Last, but not least... Randy Orton. A man you haven't seen eye to eye in a while. I bet he's expecting to make this his return to the top. What are your thoughts of him?

CM Punk: Randy Orton might be the man I respect most out of the three. Vicious, voracious, clinical, thirsty for blood, machiavellian in his ways. How old is his kid anyway? a couple of months probably? As much as I respect the way he works... We haven't seen too much of him lately. Waking up in the middle of the night to change diapers and take care of baby gases has to take a toll on you... You nailed it when you said he will be looking forward to capitalize this opportunity, but can him? Can Randy Orton surpass CM Punk? Can the Killer stop changing diapers and babysitting to come and beat the EBWF universe to a bloody pulp? If you ask me, I would graciously thank him if he puntef Ted DiBiase in the head so hard he thought he was from New Zealand.

Corey Graves: You are sound confident about this match going your way.

CM Punk: I am just laying out the facts, Corey. Out of the four of us... I am the only one who needs this title the most... Not to make it some golden ticket to a chocolate factory, but to undone what has been done by the EBWF superstars. For months, people have been shorcutting their way to success via MY legacy, and that is something I won't have. The EBWF deserves a fighting, worthy champion, the EBWF deserves someone to PUNISH every single one of those freeloaders who dare to think of the PTG title as a stepping stone. The Path To Glory title was meant to be a gift I bestowed upon the human race to remind them of how they could follow my footsteps to live in prosperity... Not for them to ride the bandwagon of my success... At Destiny, these three bandwagoners will end up having a nasty, nasty trainwreck. Randy, Justin, Teddy... Make no mistake... There is no Destiny in you winning the PTG title, there is MISFORTUNE that your path has crossed again with C M PUNK. I will make sure the three of you remember that for the rest of your life...

Corey Graves: Hard words from a hard hitting man. Unfortunately we are out of time, thank for your time Punk.

Punk simply rose from his seat as the scene faded to black.