Destiny Results - 9/27/2015

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Destiny Results - 9/27/2015

Post by Ashlee »


“Holla” hit the PA and the crowd cheered as Barbie Blank emerged excitedly from the back. She made her way down the ramp, slapping hands with fans en route, and got into the ring. She posed for a while until some eery music replaced hers. The arena darkened and the crowd were silenced, until a mix of roars, cheers and boos accompanied the arrival of Kharma.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd – look at this specimen.

Jerry Lawler: This is one woman I would not scream puppies at. She’s probably murdered several.

Kharma slowly made her way down the ramp, not taking her eyes off of Barbie Blank. Her gaze was menacing. Barbie maintained confidence and was warming up in the corner of the ring. Kharma got into the ring and still her gaze remained in Blank’s direction. She did not acknowledge anything else in the arena until the ref called for the bell. Barbie sized Kharma up for a few seconds, and then went for a grapple. She struggled for a bit, until Kharma simply pushed her away. Barbie ended up back in her corner, having almost rolled back into the turnbuckle. She looked horrified – Kharma simply laughed maniacally.

Jim Ross: She is truly terrifying, King.

Blank got back to her feet and went straight for Kharma with speed this time, but the collision was one-sided as Barbie simply bounced off of her. Kharma let out a scream and held her arms out wide. She quickly picked Barbie up, grabbed her by the throat and lifted her above her head. She screamed “into the fire!” and threw Barbie over the top rope towards the ramp. Blank came crashing down hard as Kharma let out another roar. “NO – MORE – BARBIES!”. She stood peering over the top rope, waiting for Barbie to return to the ring – which she did at the count of 8 from the referee.

Jim Ross: We’re only a couple of minutes into this match and Barbie Blank looks like she’s been through hell already.

Barbie was struggling – Kharma got her to her feet and once again lifted her straight above her head almost effortlessly. She gorilla pressed her and dropped her behind her. Wasting no time Kharma ran to the ropes and came back towards Blank and hit her with a running senton.

Jerry Lawler: Ahh! She’s killed her! Barbie Blank is no more!

Kharma smiled evilly and went for the pin. 1…2…. Barbie kicked out!

Jim Ross: How on EARTH did Barbie kick out of that!

Kharma got to her feet and went straight for the referee. She was taller than him and almost twice his width. He backed into the corner as she loomed over him with an insane look in her eyes. She clapped three times with her hands in his face.

Jerry Lawler: He’s gonna need a change of pants!

Out of nowhere, Barbie Blank managed to roll Kharma up. 1…2….and Kharma kicked out. Barbie looked horrified, having come so close. Kharma sat up and looked a little shocked. She turned her head to Barbie with that crazed look. Barbie shuffled back into the corner and slowly pulled herself up using the ropes. Kharma got to her feet and whipped her hair back, then clicked her neck. Barbie went to run at her once more but Kharma saw it coming, running towards Barbie and taking her back into the turnbuckle, ramming her back hard. Kharma ran with remarkable pace for a woman her size and hit the opposite turnbuckle, returning to stinger splash Blank in the corner. She proceeded to do this twice more until Barbie couldn’t stand anymore. Kharma laughed once more and picked Barbie up. She placed her head between her legs, got the double underhook, lifted her up and slammed her right on her front – Barbie’s face came crashing to the mat. Kharma turned her over. 1…2…..3. She knelt over the lifeless body of Barbie Blank as she lifted her head to smile an eerie smile at the crowd and lifted her own hand in victory – the referee didn’t dare to do so.

Jim Ross: A truly dominant debut from Kharma tonight.

Jerry Lawler: I’m petrified, JR. If she ever comes over here you’re on your own!

Kharma made her way to the back, laughing to herself and looking delighted with her work.


Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to EBWF Destiny!

Jerry Lawler: We are live from the Amalie Arena in Tampa, Florida!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, divas action! In a rematch from Summerslam, the new Women's Tag Team Champions, Becky Lynch and Emma, defend the gold against the former champions, Summer Rae and Eva.

Jerry Lawler: I can't wait for this one, JR!

"Rush of Power" hit and the crowd booed as Summer and Eva made their way to the ring. After the two Men Girls had entered the ring, "Real Deal" hit and the crowd cheered as Becky and Emma stepped out onto the stage. The Lass Kicker and the Dancing Queen posed with their championships at the top of the ramp, then headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring they handed their titles to the referee, who held them in the air then called for the bell. Summer and Emma moved onto the ring apron, allowing Eva and Becky to start the match. The two divas locked up and Becky hit a headlock takedown, then stomped on Eva several times. She pulled Eva to her feet and whipped her to her feet, then went for an arm drag. Eva blocked it and countered with a reverse DDT, before tagging in Summer Rae. Upon entering the ring, Summer went for a spinning heel kick, but Becky ducked out of the way, then hit a pumphandle suplex. Becky tagged in Emma, and as she entered the ring Emma lifted Summer onto her shoulders, hitting the Emma-plane. After releasing a dizzy Summer Rae, Emma hit a big boot, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start by Becky and Emma!

Emma got to her feet and went to whip Summer against the ropes, but Summer reversed it, sending Emma into the ropes. As Emma ran back towards her, Summer hit a clothesline, then followed it up with a leg drop. Summer hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Summer got to her feet and dragged Emma towards the corner, before tagging in Eva Marie. Summer held Emma in place, allowing Eva Marie to hit her with a series of punches. Summer released Emma and exited the ring as Eva hit a snapmare. She hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: What a turnaround, JR! Eva and Summer are in control now!

Eva pulled Emma to her feet and set her up for a suplex, but Emma blocked it, countering with a suplex of her own. Both divas got to their feet and Emma hit a discus elbow smash, followed by a hair pull snapmare. Emma tagged in Becky, who went to the top rope and hit Eva with a diving leg drop. Becky made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Becky pulled Eva to her feet and set her up for the exploder suplex, but Eva blocked it and countered with a jawbreaker. Becky staggered backwards and Eva went for a shoulder block, but Becky countered with a drop toe hold, then applied the Dis-arm-her! Eva quickly tapped out and the referee called for the bell as Becky broke the hold.

Jim Ross: It's over King! Becky and Emma retain the gold!

Becky and Emma exited the ring and celebrated at the bottom of the ramp, then made their way to the back as Eva and Summer watched on disappointed.


“Oh My. Here We Go!”

Jim Ross: This is unexpected! The Principle Owner of EBWF, Mr. Wes Ikeda is on his way to the ring, and it looks like he has something to say.

Jerry Lawler: Well, he is holding a microphone, JR.

Wes came to the ring, and got inside without playing too much to the crowd. As his theme faded out, he began to speak.

Wes Ikeda: As many of you know, last year I was removed by the EBWF Board of Directors as the Chairman of EBWF. Since then, Warfare has lacked leadership. It has lacked, in my opinion, vision. While I am no longer EBWF Chairman, I am the Principle Owner of EBWF, meaning that I have a vested interest in how each and every superstar in that locker room performs and how much the EBWF Fans enjoy Warfare.

The fans gave a small smattering of a pop in agreement.

Wes Ikeda: Because I am still Principle Owner, when EBWF’s Board found it prudent to search for a General Manager, they enlisted me to get the job done. So here, tonight, live in Tampa. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found someone who will run Warfare with the kind of leadership that it deserves. I have found a person who will allow me and the board to rest easy in knowing that they will make the right decisions for EBWF. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you, the new General Manger of EBWF Warfare…

Jim Ross: Are you kidding me?! Are you kidding me, King?!

Jerry Lawler: This is amazing.

And then the man himself came from behind the curtain to a raucous ovation.

Jim Ross: Stone Cold! Stone Cold!

Austin did not proceed to the ring, instead he stood on the ramp and applauded the EBWF fans in the arena, before being thrown a couple of beers. He tossed both of the beers back and proceeded to celebrate with the crowd.

Jerry Lawler: We have a new Warfare General Manager!

Jim Ross: And his name is Stone Cold Steve Austin!

The crowd continued to cheer as a promo video for the next match began.


After a promo for next month's Pay Per View, we are back in Tampa with the Breakout Championship match about to begin. Tyler Breeze was in the ring, and Jeff Hardy was making his way down the ramp to a huge pop from the capacity crowd.

Jim Ross: Welcome back Jeff Hardy, and he's got a chance to regain some gold here as he attempts to win the Breakout Championship from Tyler Breeze.

Jerry Lawler: This is gonna be great JR.

Hardy slid into the ring and Lillian Garcia stood in there as well with a microphone.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is set for one fall, and it is for the EBWF Breakout Championship. Introducing first the challenger from Cameron, North Carolina... JEFF HARDY!

The crowd popped once more for Hardy.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent with seasonal residence in Milan, Italy.. HE is the EBWF Breakout Champion, TYLER BREEZE!

The crowd had a mixed reaction to Breeze. Lillian exited the ring and the referee held up the Breakout Championship, and gave it to the time keeper. He then rang the bell and the match was underway.

Jim Ross: Here we go!

The two men circled each other before coming in for an aggressive lock up. There was a struggle for leverage before Jeff Hardy got Breeze in a side headlock. Breeze threw Hardy off of him into the ropes on the rebound Hardy connected with a low dropkick. He then ran the ropes again and hit another low drop kick, this time right to the chin of Breeze. He popped up to ignite the crowd who got behind him with more of a pop. Breeze was back to his feet and Hardy dropped him again with a clothesline. When Breeze popped up, Hardy went for the twist of fate, but Breeze shoved him off into the ropes. On the rebound Breeze hit a high impact hip toss, that sent Hardy crashing to the mat. Breeze rolled into a cover and earned a two count.

Jim Ross: Tremendous action here thus far, King.

The two men were back up to their feet and locked up again. This time Breeze didn't go for leverage but instead kneed Hardy in the mid section. Tyler then went for a tornado DDT in the middle of the ring and connected. He went to the top rope, and came flying off with a moonsault, but Hardy rolled out of the way. Hardy was back to his feet, and Breeze was too but he was extremely groggy allowing Hardy to plant him with a scoop slam. Hardy then grabbed Breeze two legs and split them open. He then dropped a leg right to the lower midsection. He went for a cover, the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. and Breeze kicked out.

Jim Ross: Two count there for Hardy.

Jerry Lawler: Who's going to win this, JR?

Both men were back up once again. Hardy whipped Breeze into the ropes on the rebound Hardy went for a back body drop and he sent Breeze overhead. However, Tyler had the athleticism to land on the right apron. He then grabbed Jeff's shoulders and threw him down with force to the mat. He then spring boarded off the rope into a splash. He landed in a cover and the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. TH.. but Hardy kicked out. Breeze was up and complaining to the ref. This went on for several moments until Hardy rolled Breeze up from behind.. the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. THR.. and Breeze kicked out. Both men were back up and they both had the same idea connecting on a clothesline in unison and both men were down on the mat.

Jim Ross: Great minds think alike there King.

After about 5 seconds both men began to stir. They were both back to their feet. Hardy hit a right hand which got a "YAA" from the crowd Breeze came back with a "BOO" from the crowd.. this exchange went on until Hardy blocked a Breeze attempt and hit 3 rights. Breeze then went for a clothesline and missed. Hardy went for the twist of fate again, but Breeze wriggled away, Hardy then missed on a clothesline before getting planted by Breeze with a tornado DDT. Breeze went for the cover and once again earned a two count. He looked at the ref as if to say "what do I have to do." He was back to his feet and stomped Hardy. He went for a second stomp, but Hardy grabbed his foot and tripped him up. When Breeze popped back up, Hardy nailed him with the twist of fate!

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd! Twist of fate, out of nowhere. Now Hardy going up top.


Jeff had flown off the ropes and connected with a Swanton Bomb in the middle of the ring. The crowd was going crazy! He hooked the leg and the referee counted along with the fans ONE... TWOOO.. THREEE!

The bell rang.


Jim Ross: What a return for Jeff Hardy! He is the new Breakout Champion, what a match that was.

Jerry Lawler: It sure was, JR!

Hardy celebrated in the ring and then on all 4 turnbuckles with his newly won Breakout Championship. Breeze was in pain on the ground, but was starting to come to. He looked extremely disheartened that a new champion had just been crowned.


The bell rang and Lillian Garcia stood in the middle of the ring.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a fatal four-way match set for one fall, and it is for the EBWF Path To Glory Championship!

*Static* was heard and "Cult of Personality" blared through the PA System as CM Punk made his way to the ring to his normal entrance. The crowd popped as Punk made his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois... C-M PUNK!!

Punk was in the ring and did some foot to foot jumps to get loose.

"Heroes" by Shinedown hit next and Ted DiBiase made his way to the ring. He was flanked by Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Kyle O'Reilly

Lillian Garcia: Making his way to the ring, being accompanied by Finn Balor, Kevin Owens, and Kyle O'Reilly.. representing Vertex.. from West Palm Beach, Florida, TED DIBIASE!

The crowd was really letting Ted have it with some serious heat. He didn't seem to care at all as he entered the ring diagonally opposite Punk.

"Counting Bodies Like a Sheep" was heard next as Randy Orton made a slow methodical jaunt down the ramp.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing next, from St. Louis, Missouri THE APEX PREDATOR, RANDY ORTON!

Orton entered the ring and stared down the other two men that occupied it.

"Fear Nothing" by Jim Johnston was heard last over the PA System as Justin Gabriel exploded from the back and made his way to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Their opponent from Cape Town, South Africa.. JUSTIN GABRIEL!

Gabriel was in the ring now and this match was set to begin.

Jim Ross: What an absolute war this is going to be King. Four men will clash for the now vacant Path To Glory Championship.

Jerry Lawler: Yeah with Miz cashing the belt in tonight for a chance at Sami Zayn, this is going to be a big match for these four men looking to get back on top of this business!

Jim Ross: Right you are King. It's going to be an absolute slobber knocker.

The referee held up The Path To Glory Championship for the crowd to see, and then handed it to the time keeper and rang the bell.

Jim Ross: Here we go!

All four men were hesitant at first, but quickly paired off. Randy Orton began a flurry of right hands on CM Punk while DiBiase did the same to Gabriel. Quickly Orton and Punk locked up, and Orton threw Punk by his head to the outside. Orton was quickly out after him. In the ring, DiBiase had hit three right hands, but a fourth was blocked and Gabriel hit a leg sweep to trip Ted up and send him to the mat. When DiBiase popped up Gabriel planted him with a neck breaker went for the cover and got a one count. On the outside Orton had Punk by the head again and went to send him into the steel steps, but Punk reversed it and sent Orton to that very same fate. Punk went back into the ring where DiBiase and Gabriel had locked up. When the saw Punk they both turned towards him just in time to be hit a double clothesline from Punk. Both men were back up and Ted missed wildly on a clothesline and then was hit with a knee to the chin from Punk. Punk then turned around and was dropped with a standing drop kick from Justin Gabriel. He went for a cover on Punk, but as the ref was getting to two Randy Orton was now back in the ring to break up the fall with an axe handle.

Jim Ross: Early intensity from these men here King.

Gabriel was back to his feet and was quickly dropped with a clothesline from Orton. Orton turned around right into a kick to the gut from DiBiase that was followed by a DDT. Ted went for a cover, but Punk broke it up. Ted and Punk were to their feet and Ted went for a whip on Punk, but Punk reversed it sending Ted into the turnbuckle, Punk charged Ted but from the outside Kevin Owens grabbed Ted's leg which dropped him out of harms way and Punk hit his knee on the turnbuckle. Owens pulled Ted to the outside as the crowd booed.

Jim Ross: Already getting involved in this match are those no good Vertex members.

The ref yelled for Owens to get Ted back in the ring. Owens spit at the official, who promptly ejected Owens and the rest of the Vertex members from ring side. The crowd was going nuts.

Jim Ross: Well ALRIGHT! JUSTICE. Vertex has just been ejected!

Ted DiBiase was yelling in protest, but finally gave Vertex the nod, and Vertex made their way back up the ramp and to the back much to the delight of the crowd in Tampa. They sang "NA NA NA NA NA NA NA HEY HEY HEY GOODBYE" as Vertex left. While this was going on Punk and Gabriel were exchanging blows in the ring, and Ted was extremely distracted by the ejection. His eyes were still towards his fellow members leaving as he got on the ring apron, and that was the only opening Orton needed. He quickly struck kneeing Ted in the mid section as he dropped to his knees on the ring apron. Orton then grabbed Ted around the neck and hit his famous DDT bringing Ted from the outside in. He then coiled and was setting up the RKO. As Ted slowly rose to his feet, Orton was interrupted by a bulldog from CM Punk who had beaten Gabriel into the corner. Punk went for a cover on Orton, and Orton kicked out at two.

Jim Ross: I thought Punk had it there, King!

Jerry Lawler: So did I JR!

Punk was back to his feet and Ted DiBiase had come to. DiBiase went for Dream Street, but Punk wriggled free and sent both Ted and himself over the ropes with a vicious clothesline. Orton was getting to his feet in the ring, and was groggy Justin Gabriel took advantage exploding out of the corner with a spinning heel kick, when Orton popped up Gabriel hit him with a scoop slam, and looked at the turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Gabriel can sense it here King. We may be looking at the next PTG Champion!

Gabriel went up to the top rope and looked to be setting up the 450 Splash. Instead Punk hopped on the ring apron and grabbed Gabriels back sending him into the ring facing forward. This was all Orton needed as he sprung to life and hit the crashing Gabriel with an RKO OUT OF MID AIR!

Jim Ross: RKO! RKO! RKO! We're gonna have a new PTG Champion!

Jerry Lawler: AHH!

Orton went for the cover quickly and the referee counted ONE.. TWO.. THRE... BUT PUNK broke the fall up at the very last moment.


Jerry Lawler: So close!

Orton was back to his feet, and Punk looked to set him up for The GTS but Orton went behind and hit him with an inverted back breaker. Orton looked to be setting Punk up for an RKO, as this was happening DiBIase snuck in behind Orton and rolled him up grabbing the tights as he covered him.

Jim Ross: He's got the tights! NOT LIKE THIS! ONE... TWO.. THRE... NO TWO.. ORTON KICKED OUT!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god.

Ted turned around and was promptly hit with the GTS from CM Punk. Punk went for the cover and the referee counted.. ONE.. TWO.. but Orton broke it up at 2. Gabriel was slowly back to his feet, and he charged at Orton, Orton countered with a back body drop that sent Gabriel to the outside. Punk, took that opportunity to then send Randy Orton to the outside with a clothesline. Punk in exhaustion, turned around and DiBiase set Punk up for Dream Street, but Punk again wriggled free and planted DiBiase with ANOTHER GTS in the center of the ring.


Jerry Lawler: We have a new Path To Glory Champion!

"Cult of Personality" hit over the PA System once more as Punk's hand was raised in victory and he was awarded his title.

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and the NEW EBWF PATH TO GLORY CHAMPION, CM PUNK!

Punk looked exhausted as he celebrated his victory.

Jim Ross: Well a title, that was once referred to as CM Punk's title, has come home to the BEST in the World!

Jerry Lawler: What a match that was, JR!


Jim Ross: Up next, we'll see the EBWF Tag Team Champions, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, in action as they take on the men they defeated for the gold, Luke Harper and Stardust!

"Brand New Name" by 30 Seconds to Mars hit and the crowd booed as Harper and Stardust headed to the ring. When the strange duo were in the ring, "Hey Hey, My My" by Neil Young hit and the crowd cheered as Ambrose and Rollins made their way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Ambrose and Rollins climbed opposing turnbuckles and held up their Tag Titles proudly, before climbing down and handing their belts to the referee, who held them up once more, then called for the bell. As the referee passed the titles to the official at ringside, Ambrose and Harper moved onto the ring apron and Stardust went after Rollins, taking him down with a clothesline. Stardust stomped on Rollins several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Stardust got behind Rollins, hitting a falling inverted DDT, then tagged in Luke Harper. Upon entering the ring, Harper hit a European uppercut, then went for a big boot. Rollins ducked out of the way, then whipped Harper against the ropes, before hitting a high knee. Rollins tagged in Ambrose, who climbed to the top rope and hit Harper with a diving bionic elbow, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Ambrose with a near fall!

As Ambrose pulled Harper to his feet and whipped him into the corner, the camera cut to the stage, where Wade Barrett and Ryback began making their way to the ring.

Jim Ross: What are they doing out here, King?

Jerry Lawler: I have no idea, JR... but I'm sure they've got their eye on the Tag Titles!

Back in the ring, Ambrose had hit Harper with a corner clothesline, followed by a bulldog, but he was momentarily distracted by the presence of Barrett and Ryback. Harper took full advantage, hitting Ambrose full force with a blow to the head then following it up with a sitout powerbomb. Harper hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Outside the ring, Barrett and Ryback were stood at the bottom of the ramp, watching the action closely. Barrett was seen mouthing something to Ryback, who nodded. Barrett then attacked Rollins from behind, pulling him off the ring apron and throwing him into the ringside barrier. Meanwhile Ryback entered the ring and charged at Harper, taking him down with a spear! The crowd booed as the referee called for the bell and ruled the match a no contest.

Jim Ross: Well King, there's no doubt that Barrett and Ryback have their eye on the Tag Titles... they're trying to send a message to the current and former champions!

As Barrett entered the ring and attacked Ambrose, Stardust ran in and went after Ryback. Rollins then entered the ring and all six men began fighting one another! Referees and road agents rushed to the ring and tried to break up the brawl as the show cut to a commercial for EBWF 2K16.


Jerry Lawler: Up next, Chris Jericho defends the Intercontinental Title against Lance Storm!

Jim Ross: This is a match that Chris Jericho requested, King, to mark 25 years since he and Lance Storm made their pro wrestling debuts against one another! What a slobberknocker this promises to be!

"99 Problems" by Jay Z hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Lance Storm headed to the ring. After Storm had entered the ring, "Break The Walls Down" hit and the crowd cheered as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage, wearing his Intercontinental Championship around his waist. Jericho walked down the ramp, and upon entering the ring, posed for the crowd. He then handed his title belt to the referee and as the referee held the title in the air, Jericho held out his hand to Storm. The two superstars shook hands, then as the referee called for the bell, they locked up. Storm applied a headlock, but Jericho broke out of it, then took Storm down with a hip toss. Storm got to his feet Jericho whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Jericho set Storm up for a German suplex, but Storm blocked it, countering with a jawbreaker. Storm grabbed Jericho and whipped him into the corner, then hit a series of backhand chops. After pulling Jericho out of the corner, Storm hit a delayed vertical suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Lance Storm with a near fall!

Storm pulled Jericho to his feet and Jericho hit him with an enzuigiri, then turned Storm around and hit a tiger suplex. Jericho bridged, and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Jericho whipped Storm into the corner, then sat him on the turnbuckle and hit a hurricanrana from the top rope.

Jim Ross: Incredible athleticism from Chris Jericho, King! Y2J is rolling back the years!

Jericho hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Jericho pulled Storm to his feet and hit a kick to the midsection, then went to whip Storm against the ropes. Storm reversed the Irish whip, sending Jericho into the ropes, then took him down with a legmare and applied the Canadian Maple Leaf!

Jerry Lawler: Canadian Maple Leaf locked in! We could have a new Intercontinental Champion, JR!

Jericho cried out in pain, but refused to submit. After trying in vain to reach the ropes, Jericho was able to roll over and with his left leg, he kicked Storm away, forcing him to break the hold. Jericho got to his feet and hit Storm with a double underhook backbreaker, then applied the Walls of Jericho! Storm was able to reach the ropes, and Jericho broke the hold. Then, as Storm job to his feet, Jericho took him down with a one handed bulldog and signalled for the Lionsault! Jericho ran to the ropes and springboarded... but Storm blocked the Lionsault with his knees. As Jericho clutched his ribs, Storm got to his feet and signalled for a Superkick. Jericho got to his feet and Storm went for it... but Jericho ducked out of the way and hit him with the Codebreaker! Jericho hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Jericho retains the gold!

The referee called for the bell and raised Jericho's arm in victory. Storm rolled out of the ring and grabbed the Intercontinental Title, then re-entered the ring and handed it to Jericho. The two men hugged, then raised each other's arms in a show of unity. As the two men celebrated together, "Cult of Personality" hit and CM Punk stepped out onto the stage.

Jerry Lawler: It's CM Punk? What is he doing out here, JR?

Jim Ross: Well King, he challenged Jericho for the Intercontinental Title at Summerslam and Jericho attacked him after the match... maybe he's looking for retribution?

As always, Punk had a smug expression on his face as he made his way down the ramp. Jericho and Storm watched him, unsure of his intentions. As Punk reached the bottom of the ramp, he stopped. Moments later, Jericho and Storm were attacked from behind by someone who had jumped the ringside barrier...

Jim Ross: What the hell?! It's AJ Styles!

Styles hit Storm in the back of the head, then as Jericho turned around, Styles hit him with a kick to the gut, followed by a series of punches. As Jericho fought back, Punk entered the ring and he hit Jericho with a low blow! Storm tried to get to his feet and Punk hit him with a knee to the face, then stomped on him repeatedly. Punk then turned his attention back to Jericho, smashing him in the face with the Intercontinental Title! Styles then hit the Styles Clash on Storm as Punk hit Jericho with the GTS. Punk and Styles then left the ring together and walked up the ramp, leaving Storm and Jericho laid out in the ring.

Jerry Lawler: We haven’t seen AJ Styles in months, JR, and now it looks like he's working with CM Punk? I don't understand!

Jim Ross: Me neither King! And it doesn't look like we're going to get any answers tonight, that's for sure!


The crowd cheered as they saw Trish Stratus making her way down the hallway in her ring gear. As she walked, she stretched her arms over her head. She appeared to be approaching the gorilla position when she was stopped by the new General Manager.

Steve Austin: Trish.

Trish Stratus: Steve. Great to see you. Congrats on the new gig.

Steve Austin: Thank you. That’s exactly what I wanted to speak to you about. My first act as the General Manager.

Trish Stratus: That’s great, can it wait until after my match?

Steve Austin: There isn’t going to be a match.

The two were interrupted by an incensed voice.

Sasha Banks: Tuh… what’d you say? I know you wouldn’t try to try me like that, Mr. General Manager. The whole world knows that Trish Stratus has been on the hot mess express since she lost sight of her career over a couple of worthless boys in the back, and I plan to take advantage of that tonight.

Steve Austin: Sasha, Trish just became the number one contender, last week…

Sasha Banks: Lookit, BOO BOO. No, no. I am not the one.

Steve Austin: You are the one. The one to co-main event at the fourteen year celebration of EBWF. Trish, Sasha this match is too anticipated, to great to be tonight.

Tampa fans were booing the decision, but Austin continued.

Steve Austin: I have postponed this match until next month at Fanniversary.

Sasha seemed to fuming, but eased a little when hearing she’d co-main event at arguably the second largest PPV of the year.

Trish Stratus: Aww…what’s wrong, Sasha? You mad, boo boo?

Sasha’s mouth fell open.

Sasha Banks: Oh, I’m not mad, Trish. I’m just sorry you’re going to have to torture yourself for four more weeks actually thinking you might be able to beat me. for this.

She readjusted the championship on her shoulder.

Sasha Banks: Tuh. See you at Fanniversary. Sorry you’re going to F-L-O-P.

Sasha threw up her hand as if to dismiss Trish, and then she turned and walked away. Trish looked up at Austin, unsure if this was a blessing or a curse.


Sami Zayn was the first man to make his way out to the ring, and the announcers played up that as the EBWF World Champion Zayn's was becoming a huge fan favorite. To highlight that point he was getting a MONSTER pop from the crowd. The Miz was out next, and the crowd was booking, punctuated further by Kyle O’Reilly, Finn Balor and Kevin Owens moving closely behind him. They assured this referee that this would not be a repeat of Ted DiBiase’s match, so they were allowed to stay. After formal ring introductions from Christy Hemme the matchh was ready to begin.

Jim Ross: I think the entire EBWF Universe is pulling for Sami Zayn tonight.

Jerry Lawler: As much as Miz has been running his mouth, I’d have to agree.

The bell rang, and Zayn and the Miz began circling before the Miz tried for a quick punch. Zayn avoided it and came up with a right hand, European uppercut, and a series of right hands in the corner before hip tossing the Miz to the outside. The crowd cheered.

Jerry Lawler: Sami Zayn making short work of Miz here.

Zayn followed and he slammed Miz from one barricade into another before rolling him back into the ring for a two count. Zayn stomped Miz's forehead before picking him up by the arm and laying in with a couple of nasty kicks. Zayn continued to stomp at Miz's chest before picking him up by the legs and slingshotting him into the bottom rope, throat first. Zayn went for another pin but he only got two.

Jim Ross: Miz won’t stay down early here.

Zayn caught Miz with a nasty uppercut in the corner, but when he charged Miz he ate an elbow, only to come back with another series of big right hands before being pulled off by the referee. Zayn choked Miz on the middle rope before continuing the beating.

Jerry Lawler: After the last couple of weeks, I can’t help but think this is a little justified, JR.

Baylor was able to catch Zayn by surprise, bringing him down throat first across the top rope while the ref was distracted, and this allowed Miz to sneak in a bit of offense. The crowd was unhinged as they booed this act. Miz went to slam Zayn's head into the turnbuckle only to have it turned around on him. Zayn hit a big clothesline, but when he charged Miz in the corner Miz was able to make his way out, and Zayn crashed into the corner. Miz was able to hit a corner clothesline and it was good for a two count. Miz choked Zayn on the second rope, and Owens used another distraction to sneak in a right hand. Miz went for a pin but he was only able to get a two count.

Jim Ross: There’s no way Sami Zayn can win a four on one attack like this. I can’t believe he’s still kicking out.

Miz was able to lock in a rear chin lock, but Zayn quickly fought up to his feet and out of the hold. Zayn scored a good head butt, but Miz caught Zayn with a knee to the gut. Miz caught Zayn with a big right hand and a boot to the gut, but Zayn got back to his feet and came up with a couple of rights of his own, only to fall victim to a high elbow for a one count. Miz distracted the ref again, but the ref caught Balor before he was able to do anything. Miz went to the outside and beat on Zayn for a little bit before kicking up into Zayn's face, square in the nose.

Jerry Lawler: That’s got to sting!

Back in the ring Miz locked in another rear chin lock, and even though Zayn fought up to his feet he quickly fell back down. Zayn fought up again and he laid a couple of elbows into Miz's gut before turning things around with a sleeper. Miz fought out of it, but Zayn blocked a suplex and took Miz down. Both men were slow to get up, and when they did Miz hit a big boot to Zayn's face that was good for another near fall. Miz went to the apron and climbed the ropes but Zayn caught, and stopped him. Zayn hit Miz with a big right hand before climbing up and hitting a big superplex.

Jim Ross: Sami Zayn is back in this thing!

Zayn went for the pin, but the Miz was able to kick out. Both men got back up to their feet and traded blows in the ring, neither gave ground until Zayn kicked Miz square in the chest, hit a couple of clotheslines, and then a backbreaker. Miz was able to suplex Zayn over the ropes to the outside. Miz distracted the ref while Kyle O’Reilly went to work on Zayn on the outside.
Miz went to the outside where he rammed Zayn back first into the barricade, then the ring apron, before rolling Zayn back into the ring and going for the cover, only to get a two count. Miz went back up to the top rope, and leaped off with a double axe handle smash that was good for another near fall on Zayn. Miz went for another pin, and got another two count, before mounting Zayn, kicking him a couple of times, and going for another pin, getting another two count. Miz locked in a mounted reverse chin lock, but Zayn refused to quit.

Jim Ross: The tenacity of Sami Zayn!

Zayn fought up to his feet, but Miz quickly tossed him to the outside. Zayn tried to go for something, but Miz caught him by the feet, and slingshoted him head first into the ring post. Miz rolled back into the ring and the referee began the count. Zayn made it back into the ring at 8, and he launched himself into the Miz with a series of punches, and another series of punches when both men got to their feet. Miz was able to score a couple of punches of his own, but he walked into a couple of big clotheslines, and a big powerslam. Zayn stomped on Miz's joints, wearing him down further with a big knee drop to the forehead that was good for a two count. Zayn went for what looked like a powerbomb, but Owens was up on the apron to distract him. This allowed Miz to hit the backbreaker/neckbreaker combo, but Zayn kicked out of a pin attempt. Zayn went for the Helluva Kick, but Miz dodged it and tried for the SCF. Zayn fought that off and hit what looked to be a scoop slam for another two count.

Jerry Lawler: What an amazing match up this has been!

Miz went for a kick, but Zayn was able to avoid it and rolled him up for a quick two count. Miz went to the apron and Zayn pulled him back in with a DDT. Zayn geared up for the Helluva Kick, but Vertex created a distraction outside of the ring. The ref attempted to stop them, and this allowed Kevin Owens to to sneak in. He hit a pop-up power bomb on Zayn and then slid out o the ring. Miz went for the pin as Kyle O’Reilly and Finn Balor urged the ref to turn around. The referee made the count 1…2…3!

Jim Ross: You have to be kidding me!

Christy Hemme: Your winner, and NEW EBWF WORLD CHAMPION, THE MIZ!

“I Came to Play” was playing as Miz was awarded the World Championship. He held it high above his head as Zayn made it to his feet and began to leave the arena.

Jerry Lawler: Nice guys finish last, JR. This is awful. Head for the exits folks. This one is over.

Zayn was shaking his head, watching as Balor, O’Reilly and Owens joined Miz in the ring to celebrated. The celebration was interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and the crowd coming unglued.

Jim Ross: Stone Cold Steve Austin has been named the new General Manager, and he is on a tear tonight.

Austin came out onto the stage holding a microphone.

Steve Austin: Miz… Miz… you mealy mouthed son of a bitch. Ol’ Stone Cold just watched you cheat your way to an EBWF World Championship, didn’t he son?

The crowd began chanting, “yes! yes! yes!”

Steve Austin: But that ain’t the way we’re going to do things in the EBWF! That ain’t the way this is going down, eh-eh!

Miz started to mouth off to Austin from his spot in the ring as he put the championship around his waist.

Steve Austin: You can jack your jaws all you want, Mikey. But I’m the sheriff in these parts, and while you may be the EBWF World Champion tonight, you won’t be come Fanniversary.

Mis was visibly angry and began shaking the ropes as he yelled down at Austin.

Steve Austin: Hold that belt real tight tonight, Miz. Because I just made the second match in my co-main event at Fanniversary. The Miz versus Sami Zayn, a ladder match, and a rematch for the EBWF World Championship.

Mis was yelling that Austin couldn’t do that as the crowd popped huge.

Steve Austin: And that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold, said so!

Austin’s music hit again, and the crowd gave him a huge ovation.

Jim Ross: Steve Austin is taking his role as General Manager very seriously.

Jerry Lawler: We’ll see Sasha Banks versus Trish Stratus for the Women’s Championship and a ladder match, between the newly crowned EBWF World Champion The Miz and Sami Zayn for that title at Fanniversary!

Jim Ross: What a night this has been! We’ll see you next week for Warfare!

Austin had a couple more beers on the stage as the EBWF logo flashed across the screen and Destiny went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote