Warfare Results 10/05/15

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 10/05/15

Post by Ben M »


The pyrotechnics went off and Warfare was underway from Jacksonville, Florida. The camera panned around the arena at the sold out capacity crowd before it made its way to the announcer booth where we saw Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Jim Ross: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to EBWF Warfare. Where we are fresh on the heels of an incredible night that was EBWF Destiny.

Jerry Lawler: My god JR, it was shocking.

Jim Ross: Stone Cold Steve Austin the new GM of Warfare is here tonight, as well as the ne...


Followed by the instrumental of "Awake and Alive" by Skillet was heard over the PA System, and the crowd immediately erupted in boos. Out through the curtain first dressed in Vertex- "You Wish You Were Us" t-shirts and black jeans were Kevin Owens, Kyle O'Reilly, and Finn Balor. Out fourth came Ted DiBiase dressed to the nines in an expensive suit, finally out last which brought the boos to another decibel level was the new EBWF World Heavyweight Champion- The Miz. He, like DiBiase also wore an expensive suit with his hair slicked all the way around with gel. He had the EBWF Title over his right shoulder as the group confidently made their way down the ramp and into the ring. When they entered Christy Hemme- obliged Ted DiBiase- knowing what they had done to Lillian Garcia on past broadcasts. Hemme gave DiBiase the microphone. The boos were deafening, as DiBiase spoke.

Ted DiBiase: Shut up! Shut your damn mouths!

The crowd booed even louder.

Ted DiBiase: Show some respect, or we'll come out there and kick the crap out of each and every one of you.

The crowd booed more.

Ted DiBiase: Jacksonville- today is your lucky day- we know you aren't used to being in the presence of anyone who achieves any type of success.. or you know is under the age of 85.. but tonight feast your eyes on the Vertex. The most dominant faction in the history of the EBWF. Feast your eyes on Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Kyle O'Reilly, Ted DiBiase... and of course the NEW EBWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.... THE MIZ!

The crowd booed as Ted gave the microphone to The Miz.

The Miz: Nice dude..

Ted gave him a closed fist bump. The Miz had a smile on his face from ear to ear as he adjusted the championship on his shoulder.

The Miz: You know before Destiny people looked at this group- and they didn't believe that we would rise to power. They didn't think we'd fully assert our dominance on the rest of this company. They questioned if we would soon fizzle out, like The Midnight Gang.. The Shield.. or yes even The Trilogy.. They questioned whether or not any of us would succeed in the ring to the level that would even require anyone to care about The Vertex at all. Then DESTINY happened.. and Vertex made it's point loud and clear that WE would be running the show for a long long time.. and as far as that in ring success.. get a good look at that personified.. because right before you as Ted has already mentioned.. you have the NEW EBWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.. yours truly.. the greatest of the great, the cream of the crop, your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler... THE MIZ!

The crowd booed as Miz was really enjoying himself. He had a smirk on his face from ear to ear. Balor and O'Reilly exited the ring just as Miz was about to say his next words.

The Miz: What are you guys doing?

They both held up one finger as they went under the ring and pulled out a picture shaped object that was on a stand. The actual picture was covered in a black tarp. They slid it into the ring and stood the picture up. Miz gave his microphone to O'Reilly.

Kyle O'Reilly: We wanted it to be a surprise.. but we got you something champ.

The crowd was booing, as Miz smiled and looked touched.

The Miz: You guys didn't have to do that... what is it?

Balor took the cover off the picture to reveal a picture of the Miz hoisting the EBWF Title for the second time in his career.

The crowd booed even louder when the picture was seen.

Jim Ross: Oh for god sakes.

Miz put his hand over his mouth and looked as though he was getting emotional.

The Miz: I love it.. I mean how handsome is that guy? I mean REALLY.. he's gotta be the best looking, most must see, most captivating champion to ever wear that belt. Guys from the bottom of my heart.. thank yo...

GLASS SHATTERED and Austin's theme music filled the arena which caused the crowd to come unglued with cheers. The New GM of Warfare exploded through the curtain in a pair of jean cutoffs black boots, and an Austin 3:16 shirt. He had a microphone in his hand. He began to pace back and forth on the stage.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: If you want The Miz.. and The Vertex to shut their god damn mouths.. gimme a hell ya..

Crowd: HELL YA!!!!!!

The Miz squinted at Stone Cold.

The Miz: Really? Really? That's what you're going to come out here with? You see Austin, I don't need to shut my m..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?

The Miz: I said I don't need to shut my m..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?!

The Miz started to give visually frustrated.

Stone Cold laughed.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Nah nah.. I won't be starting that again but it is so funny to annoy this little piece of crap.

The Miz: That's real cute Aus..

Stone Cold Steve Austin: WHAT!???

The crowd erupted in cheers and laughter. This time Miz gathered himself and didn't let it phase him.

The Miz: This little "piece of crap" is the man now Steve. I bet that kills you doesn't it? That's why you came back.. you came back because are flat out plain ass.. jealous of all the superstars today.. who on TWO good knees are doing what you used to love to do. It eats at you doesn't it Austin? That you'll never again wear this or any other title belt. That you'll never again get to hear your name called as the victor of a match, you're old, you're washed up, and the fact that you're back for one last stint in the limelight.. is as pathetic as you are. The Vertex.. is running THIS show.. the next SHOW.. the show after that.. and every other show until we're as old and tired as you are Steve. So you can go back stage sit at your little desk.. and stay the hell out of our way.. and that STEVE is the bottom line.. because The Champ.. said so..

Stone Cold Steve Austin smirked as the crowd booed.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: First of all, let me make one thing perfectly clear.. there is only one man here running the show.. and that man.. is named Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The crowd cheered.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Secondly, I announced last night that you'd be facing Sami Zayn in a rematch at Fanniversary for that EBWF Championship- which means your days of being able to say you are the champ.. are going to be short lived. Now we all know that ladder matches are no DQ- no holds barred- anything goes.

The Miz smirked and looked at all his friends who had the same confident smiles on their face.

The Miz: What's your point?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: I'm going to get to it.. you mealy mouth son of a bitch.. the point is.. Ole Stone Cold knows exactly what's going through that little weasel brain of yours. He knows that you are planning on a repeat of last night when Vertex single handedly helped you become the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion. You are thinking in a match with no DQ that they will be there to help you again.. well I regret to inform you.. "CHAMP" that the Vertex will be hear-by BANNED from ring side for any and all matches that you, The Miz, compete in.. and THAT'S ALL I GOT TO SAY ABOUT THAT!

The crowd went crazy as Vertex flipped out behind The Miz who stood strong, squinting at Austin.

The Miz: Is that supposed to worry me, Austin? Huh? Is it, because all I know is, I'm the EBWF World Heavyweight Champion, which means I'm the best that this company has to offer. I would have won last night with or without these guys.. and if that's how you are going to try and get to me.. if that's how you are going to try and rattle me.. then you are even drunker right now than I even thought.

Fans then suddenly erupted in cheers as “World’s Apart” by CFO$ blasted the PA system and the former World Champion slowly emerged on to the stage.

Jim Ross: Here comes Sami!

Jerry Lawler: Let's see what he thinks about all of this!

He didn’t look too angry whilst staring down at Vertex, and gave a smile to Stone Cold as he stopped on the stage. Looking around and nodding towards the fans as a thank you. The ‘Ole’ chants eventually died down and he swivelled the microphone in his right hand, still looking down at the ring.

Sami Zayn: I’m sorry, I really wanted to stay at the back and watch you and Steve go at it all night, then I realised that somebody with the size of your mouth could go on all night and we have a show to get on with. Miz…I’m not even going to say I’m disappointed with what happened at Destiny. In fact, I’m not even surprised. There’s a reason you’re standing there, in the middle of that ring as the number one man in this company. It isn’t because of you, it isn’t because of me either…it’s because of those weasels you’ve surrounded yourself with. Everybody here, and watching at home knows that the ONLY reason you’re the one with the championship…is because of that son of a bitch standing next to you, Kevin Owens. You take his role out of our match and the likelihood you’d be out here trying to prove to us all AGAIN how important Vertex are.

Fans cheered as Sami walked around on the stage, staring at each member of Vertex – staring for a long while at Kevin Owens – before directing his attention to the champion once more.

Sami Zayn: All of us are used to your nonsense Miz. But there are a few things that did get my attention. Vertex banned from ringside…definitely an interesting stipulation and that’s one of the many reasons why the company hired Steve because of his great decision making skills. The fact is Miz, you DO need to be worried. Alone you are worthless and useless and not even a championship title will stop me from treating you as scum. Without your boys at ringside we’ll see just how impressive you really are, and if you still somehow manage to unhook that championship after climbing the ladder then bravo…maybe I was wrong all along. Maybe you did have something I overlooked. But what I see happening is me standing on top of the ladder, looking down at you with a frightened look on your face because within seconds I’d unhook that championship and your two-minute stint at the top will come crashing down and the hold Vertex has on the main roster will be over quicker than it started. I enjoyed my short title reign, for me it was an ambition that I fulfilled. You NEED that championship, don’t you? Well you better enjoy your few weeks with that title, because at Fanniversary I’m planning on bringing it back where it belongs.

The fans cheered as The Miz laid down some inaudible trash talk at Sami who flashed a big smile. Austin looked back up at The Miz as well. He then patted Sami on the shoulder and made his way back through the curtain first. Sami was quickly behind him as well. Sami was defiant that regardless of what The Miz had achieved, Sami was going to spoil his party one way or another. Warfare went to a commercial.


Roman Reigns' music hit and out came the big boy through the crowd. Once Reigns was standing in the ring waiting for his opponent for this singles match, Bray Wyatt’s music hit. Once they had both entered, the bell rang and we were ready to go. Reigns walked to the middle of the ring and waited for Bray. Bray circled around Roman and the two traded a punch. Bray didn’t like the looks of things so he rolled out to the floor briefly. He came back in the ring and the two locked up. Neither guy seemed to be able to budge the other. Bray finally hit Reigns with a big knee to the gut and headbutted him down to the mat. Reigns knocked Bray down with a big shoulder tackle. Reigns seemed to be in control of the offense now. Reigns launched Bray out to the floor. Bray came back in and the two traded punches. Bray seemed to be getting the better of Reigns now and he was now in control of the offense.

Jim Ross: Bray Wyatt is showing off a little bit here.

Bray continued to dominate Reigns in the middle of the ring. The fight spilled out to the floor. Reigns nailed Bray with a huge clothesline. The guys got back in the ring duking it out. Reigns was firing up on offense. He hit a big sidewalk-slam style move. Reigns called for his finisher and Wyatt turned around into a Superman Punch.

Jerry Lawler: And that might do it!

Reigns went for the pin and got the 1… 2… 3!

Jim Ross: Roman Reigns has defeated Bray Wyatt here tonight!


Jim Ross: Up next, divas action as Velvet Sky takes on Becky Lynch!

"Celtic Invasion" hit and the crowd cheered as Becky Lynch made her way to the ring. When the Irish diva had entered the ring, "Angel on my Shoulder" hit and the crowd continued to cheer as Velvet Sky headed to the ring. When both divas were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two divas locked up. Velvet took Becky down with a snapmare, then hit her with a kick to the back of the head. She pulled Becky to her feet and whipped her against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both divas got to their feet and Velvet took Becky down with a Russian legsweep, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Velvet with a near fall!

Velvet pulled Becky to her feet and set her up for a rolling cutter, but Becky blocked it, then hit a leg-hook Saito suplex. As the two divas got to their feet, Becky whipped Velvet into the corner, then ran at her and hit a springboard side kick. Velvet staggered out of the corner and Becky pulled her down to the mat, applying an armbar. Velvet managed to get to the ropes, and Becky broke the hold. Becky pulled Velvet away from the ropes, then went for a running leg drop, but Velvet rolled out of the way. Both divas got to their feet once more and Velvet hit a facebreaker knee smash, followed by a vertical suplex. Velvet made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: So close to a three count!

Velvet pulled Becky to her feet and went to whip her against the ropes, but Becky reversed it, sending Velvet into the ropes. Becky took Velvet down with a clothesline, then as Velvet got to her feet, she set her up for a pumphandle suplex. Velvet blocked it, then countered with a stunner. Becky looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Velvet took full advantage, hitting the Beauty T!

Jerry Lawler: This could be it, JR!

Velvet hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! As the referee called for the bell, Velvet headed straight to the back, not even celebrating as she made her way up the ramp.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Similar Creatures" by Peroxwhy?gen hit and the crowd cheered as Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring for the next match.

Jim Ross: Welcome back! Up next, the new Breakout Champion Jeff Hardy is in action. He takes on the "Bare Knuckle Brawler", Wade Barrett!

Hardy wore the Breakout Championship proudly around his waist as he made his way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Hardy climbed the turnbuckle and posed for the crowd. He then climbed down, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "Rebel Son" by CFO$ hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as Wade Barrett stepped out onto the stage. Barrett walked down the ramp with a confident swagger, then glared at Hardy as he entered the ring. The referee called for the bell and Hardy challenged Barrett to come at him. Barrett obliged, charging towards the new Breakout Champion and going for a clothesline. Hardy was ready for him and he ducked out of the way, then turned to face Barrett and hit him with a series of right hands. Hardy then whipped Barrett against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Hardy set Barrett up for a suplex, but Barrett blocked it, then lifted Hardy up and hit him with a body slam. Barrett stomped on Hardy several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Barrett ran at Hardy, hitting a big boot, the momentum of which sent Hardy over the top rope. With Hardy down on the outside, the referee began counting him out. 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Hardy stumbled to his feet and rolled back into the ring. Barrett grabbed him and set him up for a powerbomb, but Hardy countered with a hurricanrana!

Jerry Lawler: What a counter by Jeff Hardy!

Hardy hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Hardy hit Barrett with a forearm smash, then whipped him into the corner. Hardy ran at Barrett and hit the Whisper in the Wind, then as Barrett staggered out of the corner, Hardy hit a sitout inverted suplex slam. Hardy hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! After a strong start by Wade Barrett, Jeff Hardy has taken control of the match!

Hardy got to his feet and stomped on Barrett repeatedly, before pulling him to his feet and setting him up for the Twist of Fate. Barrett blocked it, then whipped Hardy against the ropes and hit the Winds of Change. He followed it up with a knee drop, then pulled Hardy to his feet and lifted him over his shoulders, hitting the Wasteland. Barrett hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Barrett pulled Hardy to his feet once more and set him up for a pumphandle slam, but Hardy wriggled free, then hit a reverse DDT. Both men got to their feet and Hardy hit a mule kick, then hit Barrett with a sitout jawbreaker. Hardy went to the top rope, and hit the Swanton Bomb! Hardy made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Jeff Hardy gets the victory!

Hardy celebrated, then made his way to the back as Barrett watched on, disappointed.


Jim Ross: Well folks, last week at Destiny, Chris Jericho defended the Intercontinental Title against his best friend and tag team partner, Lance Storm. Jericho and Storm were celebrating 25 years since they made their pro wrestling debuts, in a ten minute draw at the Moose Hall in Alberta, Canada. However their celebration was spoiled by Jericho's rival, CM Punk, and an unlikely ally...

After a video package showing Punk and AJ Styles attacking Jericho and Storm at Destiny, "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit and the crowd booed as CM Punk and AJ Styles made their way to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Tonight, we'll see AJ Styles return to the ring as he and CM Punk team up to take on Lance Storm and Trent!

After Punk and Styles had entered the ring, "99 Problems" by Jay Z hit and the crowd cheered as Storm and Trent headed to the ring, accompanied by the Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho. There was obvious tension between the trio and Punk and Styles, and as they reached the bottom of the ramp, Jericho glared at Punk and Styles. Jericho then headed to the announce table as Storm and Trent entered the ring.

Jim Ross: Well folks, we're being joined at ringside by Chris Jericho! Great to have you hear, Chris.

Chris Jericho: Thanks, JR. I look forward to seeing Lance and Trent beat the living hell out of CM Punk and the most hated man in EBWF, AJ Styles, tonight.

As the referee called for the bell, Styles and Trent moved onto the ring apron, allowing Storm and Punk to start the match. The referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Storm applied a headlock but Punk broke out of it and pushed Storm into the ropes, then hit a clothesline. Storm got to his feet and Punk hit a Muay Thai kick, followed by a sitout suplex slam. Punk then tagged in AJ Styles, and the crowd booed as "The Phenomenal One" entered the ring. Styles leaned over Storm, punching him repeatedly, then hit a fireman's carry neckbreaker. Styles then stomped on Storm several times, before pulling him to his feet and whipping Storm into the corner. Styles ran at Storm, going for a corner clothesline, but Storm blocked it, getting his foot up and hitting Styles with a boot to the face. As Styles staggered backwards, Storm moved out of the corner, grabbing Styles from behind and hitting a German suplex. Both men got to their feet and Storm hit a brainbuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Lance Storm with a near fall!

Chris Jericho: It's only the early stages of this match, King, but you can already see Lance Storm is a veteran of the squared circle. Styles and Punk aren't going to know what's hit them.

Lance Storm tagged in Trent, who went to the top rope and waited for Styles to stand. When Styles was on his feet, Trent hit a crossbody. Both men got to their feet and Trent whipped Styles against the ropes, then hit a dropkick. The two men got to their feet once more and Trent hit Styles with some right hands, before hitting a northern lights suplex. Trent made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Trent gets a two count!

Chris Jericho: Lance Storm and Trent are in control, JR. AJ Styles and CM Punk's volatile alliance is going to be over before it even began!

Trent got to his feet and stomped on Styles several times, then ran against the ropes. As he hit the ropes, Punk kicked him in the back. Trent turned to face Punk, and Styles took advantage of the distraction, hitting Trent in the back of the head then lifting him over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. Styles tagged Punk in, then hit Trent with an atomic drop, before pushing him towards CM Punk, who hit Trent with a roundhouse kick. As Styles exited the ring, Punk pulled Trent to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then hit a step-up high knee. Trent staggered out of the corner and Punk took him down with a short-arm clothesline, before going to the top rope. Punk hit a diving elbow drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Punk pulled Trent to his feet and hit a series of Mongolian chops, before whipping him against the ropes. As Trent ran back towards him, Punk hit a spinning back kick, then signalled for the GTS! Trent got to his feet and Punk lifted him up, but Trent countered with a headscissors takedown. Trent then crawled towards the corner and tagged in Lance Storm. Meanwhile, across the ring, CM Punk tagged AJ Styles back into the match. Styles and Storm both ran towards one another as they entered the ring, and Styles went for a forearm smash. Storm ducked out of the way, then turned to face Styles and hit a series of right hands. Storm hit a jawbreaker, then set him up for a powerbomb, but Styles countered with a back toss, then hit Storm with the Pelé kick. Both men got to their feet and Styles hit Storm with the Bloody Sunday DDT, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: This time AJ Styles gets a near fall... Styles and Punk seem to have taken control of this match now!

Chris Jericho: Maybe so, King... but I wouldn’t count Lance and Trent out yet!

Styles pulled Storm to his feet and hit him with a forearm smash, then dragged him towards the corner and slammed his head against the turnbuckle. After punching and kicking Storm in the corner repeatedly, Styles sat the 25-year veteran on the top turnbuckle, then set him up for a superplex. Storm blocked it, and pushed Styles down to the mat. Styles got to his feet, and Storm jumped from the top rope, hitting a dropkick.

Jim Ross: Incredible athleticism from Lance Storm!

Chris Jericho: I told you not to count him and Trent out!

As Lance Storm got to his feet, he signalled for the Superkick! The crowd cheered in anticipation, but as Storm waited for Styles to get up, CM Punk climbed down from the ring apron and grabbed a microphone. Punk then began to speak as Storm looked at him, perplexed.

CM Punk: Congratulations, Lance! You're putting on a great show tonight. I'm sure Christopher has been telling the EBWF fans watching around the world how incredible you are... but what about the other, Chris? I wonder how he's doing? I know you've been doing this for 25 years Lance, but I'm sure even you'd admit that there are more important things than wrestling, wouldn't you? So before you hit AJ with a Superkick, you might want to turn around and look at the Tron...

Storm looked concerned as he turned to face the Tron. The words "earlier today..." appeared on the screen, then footage played of Styles and Punk backstage in their locker room. Styles and Punk were crouched over something, but the camera couldn't see what it was. They could be heard talking.

CM Punk: You know, I don't normally like cats, but there's something about him...

AJ Styles: Meh. There's only one sort of pussy I like.

CM Punk: Do you have to be so vulgar, all the time? We talked about this.

As if only just noticing the cameraman, Punk turned around and gave a face smile, waving directly into the camera.

CM Punk: Oh, hey! Didn't see you there. Have you met Lance's cat? Isn't he adorable?

Punk moved aside, revealing Chris the cat. Styles was stroking him.

AJ Styles: I just hope nothing happens to him during our match tonight. There won't be anyone to watch him...

Punk nodded, feigning concern.

CM Punk: Good point, AJ. I can think of a way to keep him safe...

Punk then picked up the cat and put him in a brown bag, then tied a rope around the top of the bag.

CM Punk: There, now he can't go wandering off.

AJ Styles: He can still breathe in there, can't he?

CM Punk: Sure he can...

There was something in Punk's voice that didn't seem sure though. The scene faded as Punk and Styles exited the locker room, and the camera cut back to the ring. Lance's eyes had widened with fear, and he ran out of the ring and towards the backstage area. Punk looked extremely smug.

Chris Jericho: That’s just... lowest of the low. JR, King, excuse me.

Jericho left the announce table and jumped Punk, taking him down outside the ring and pummelling him with a series of punches. The referee called for the bell, disqualifying Storm and Trent. In the ring, Trent went after AJ Styles, but Styles low blowed him then hit the Rack Bomb. Styles exited the ring came to Punk's aid, pulling Jericho off of him and throwing him into the ring steps. Styles then sat Jericho up against the steps and Punk ran at him, hitting him with a knee to the face against the steps.

Jim Ross: Bah gawd, Jericho might be out cold!

Trent then suicide dived through the ropes, taking out CM Punk. As Trent got to his feet, AJ Styles hit him in the back with a steel chair! Styles then threw Trent back into the ring and slid under the bottom rope. Styles brought the chair with him, and after placing the chair on the mat, he set Trent up for the Styles Clash.

Jerry Lawler: He's not going to do this JR, is he?

Jim Ross: Somebody stop this!

The referee pleaded with Styles, but Styles didn't listen. He hit the Styles Clash, driving Trent's head straight into the steel chair! Styles and Punk then made their way backstage as EMTs rushed to the ring to tend to Trent and Jericho.


Jim Ross: Still to come, our main event, but first we'll see "The Prince of Dark Matter", Stardust, take on the former World Champion, Solomon Crowe!

"Brand New Name" by 30 Seconds to Mars hit and Stardust came to the ring first. After the artist formerly known as Cody Rhodes had entered the ring, "Space Dementia" by Muse hit and Solomon Crowe came out. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Crowe was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men charged towards one another, exchanging right hands back and forth. After gaining the upper hand, Crowe hit Stardust with a kick to the midsection and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. After kicking Stardust in the corner several times, Crowe pulled him out of the corner and hitting an exploder suplex. Crowe hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: A strong start from Solomon Crowe!

Crowe got to his feet and stomped on Stardust several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the ropes. Crowe went for a back body drop, but Stardust countered, dropping to his knees and hitting an uppercut. Crowe staggered backwards and Stardust ran to the ropes, springboarding and hitting the Disaster Kick! Stardust hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Another near fall! This time Stardust gets a two count!

Stardust sat Crowe up and applied a sleeper hold, but Crowe fought out of it, then both men got to their feet. Stardust went for a right hand, but Crowe blocked it, before taking Stardust down with a clothesline. Stardust got to his feet and Crowe whipped him against the ropes, then hit a bicycle kick. Crowe applied the Koji clutch and Stardust cried out in pain, but he was able to get to the ropes and the referee forced Crowe to break the hold. After breaking the hold, Crowe pulled Stardust away from the ropes, then hit a leg drop. Stardust got to his feet and Crowe hit a sitout powerbomb, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Crowe dragged Stardust to his feet and set him up for the headlock driver, but Stardust fought out of it, pushing Crowe against the ropes before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Stardust got behind Crowe, hitting a falling inverted DDT. Stardust hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... Crowe kicked out!

Jerry Lawler: Great back and forth action here, JR!

Jim Ross: Both of these men are giving it their all tonight, King!

Stardust pulled Crowe to his feet and whipped him into the corner. He ran at Crowe and hit a corner clothesline, then followed it up with a bulldog. Crowe got to his feet, and Stardust went for the Dark Matter... but Crowe blocked it, then hit a Saito suplex. Both men got to their feet and Crowe hit Stardust with a lariat, then applied the Stretch Muffler! Stardust cried out in pain, but again he was able to reach the ropes. Crowe broke the hold and stomped on Stardust several times, then stalked him, waiting for the second generation superstar to get to his feet. When Stardust was on his feet, Crowe grabbed him and hit the headlock driver, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! Solomon Crowe gets the victory.

Crowe celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event – the first EBWF main event booked by our new General Manager, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. The former Breakout Champion, Tyler Breeze, takes on "The Beast", Brock Lesnar!

"#MMMGORGEOUS" by CFO$ hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Tyler Breeze made his way to the ring. Breeze had a serious look on his face as he headed down the ramp; there wasn't a selfie stick in sight. For once, Breeze seemed more focused on the match than himself.

Jerry Lawler: I wouldn't want to be Tyler Breeze right now, JR!

Jim Ross: Credit where credit is due to this blue chipper, King... he wasn't happy about this match, but he told Stone Cold that he's going to beat Lesnar!

Jerry Lawler: JR, if he can pull that off, it would be one of the most impressive victories I've ever seen in the EBWF... Brock Lesnar is an animal!

After Breeze had entered the ring, "Next Big Thing" hit and the crowd booed as Brock Lesnar stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by his advocate, Paul Heyman. Lesnar bounced at the top of the ramp, then walked to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Lesnar glared across at his opponent, a look of ferocity in his eyes. Breeze, to his credit, stared back at Lesnar, refusing to be intimidated by "The Beast". The referee called for the bell and Breeze wasted no time getting started, running at Lesnar and going for a clothesline. Lesnar ducked out of the way and grabbed Breeze from behind, lifting him up for a belly-to-back suplex. Breeze got to his feet and Lesnar grabbed him once more, hitting an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Again Breeze got to his feet and this time Lesnar hit a pumphandle suplex.

Jerry Lawler: Brock Lesnar is taking Tyler Breeze to Suplex City, JR!

Lesnar hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Lesnar smiled, grinning evilly as he pulled Breeze to his feet. He whipped "Prince Pretty" into the corner then ran at him, but Breeze got his feet up and kicked Lesnar away. As Lesnar staggered backwards, Breeze went to the top rope and hit a missile dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Breeze hit an Enzuigiri, followed by the Supermodel Kick! Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: Breeze with a near fall! "The King of Cuteville" is putting up a fight, King!

Jerry Lawler: How can you call him that with a straight face, JR?

Jim Ross: That's what he calls himself, King... I'm not here to pass judgement, I'm here to call the match!

Breeze got to his feet and stomped on Lesnar several times, trying to keep the former MMA fighter grounded. Breeze then hit a knee drop and hooked the leg, but Lesnar kicked out at the count of 1 and got to his feet. He hit Breeze with a headbutt, then pummelled him with a series of punches. Lesnar then whipped Breeze against the ropes, before hitting a powerslam. Lesnar hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall!

Lesnar pulled Breeze to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him and hit a shoulder block. As Breeze staggered out of the corner, Lesnar hit a fisherman suplex. Both men got to their feet and Lesnar hit Breeze with a kick to the midsection, before setting him up for a powerbomb. Breeze countered with a hurricanrana, then as both men got back to their feet, Breeze hit Lesnar with the Beauty Shot!

Jim Ross: Beauty Shot! This could be it King!

Breeze hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Breeze couldn't believe it, and as he got to his feet he began arguing with the referee, accusing him of counting too slowly. As Breeze argued with the ref, Lesnar got to his feet and grabbed Breeze from behind, hitting a dragon suplex. After pulling Breeze to his feet, Lesnar hit "Prince Pretty" with multiple knee lifts, then hit a pendulum backbreaker. Breeze looked to be in a lot of pain as he got to his feet, and Lesnar went to finish him off, lifting him up for the F-5. Breeze wriggled free and rolled Lesnar up! The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Breeze almost stole one!

Jim Ross: Tremendous effort from the former Breakout Champion, King! He's refusing to let Lesnar dominate him!

Both men got to their feet and Breeze kicked Lesnar in the gut, then set him up for a suplex. Lesnar blocked it, countering with a snap suplex, then as both men got to their feet, Lesnar applied the Kimura Lock! Breeze tried to reach for the ropes, and when he realised he was unable to get to them, he tapped out. The referee called for the bell and Lesnar broke the hold, picking Breeze up and hitting an F-5 for good measure.

Jerry Lawler: Well JR, despite Tyler Breeze's best efforts, it's Brock Lesnar that gets the victory!

Jim Ross: Both of these superstars were impressive tonight, King.

Lesnar and Heyman celebrated over the fallen Tyler Breeze as Warfare went off the air.