You'll Recognize Me

This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:53 pm

You'll Recognize Me

Post by D.J »

OOC: Here's my RP for Fanniversary. Good luck Raza! Been fun working with you the past couple of months.

It's a rarity in the business of professional wrestling that two men, over the course of a mere two months could build such a bitter rivalry. That two men who were all but strangers to each other prior to clashing, that such a bitter and intense hatred and disdain for each other forming so quickly, would seem unlikely. This is exactly what has taken place between Sami Zayn and the reigning EBWF Champion The Miz. There has been a back and forth over the course of two months, that have left the fans wanting more, wanting to see who would get the apprehend next. The whole situation started last month, when Miz announced he would be cashing in his Path To Glory Championship at the EBWF PPV, Destiny. Then World Champion Sami Zayn, should have known that this would mean he would be the target of numerous heinous attacks from Miz' group The Vertex. Zayn became a marked man, not just because he had the gold that all superstars (The Miz especially) pined after, but also because The Vertex rarely did anything without each other. The numbers game is what has made them so devastating since the day they formed up with the common mission of putting the EBWF on notice. At Destiny, to the chagrin of many, especially the newly appointed EBWF GM Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Vertex, and Miz in particular earned a controversial victory, leading to the leader of the Vertex returning to the top of the EBWF mountain for the second time in his career. It was a victory that's celebration was short lived, however, because Stone Cold Steve Austin quickly announced the same night that Miz and Zayn would meet again at EBWF's Fanniversary in a ladder match. It would be there that Zayn would have the chance to regain his title from the man he hated so much. Quickly making his presence felt, the next night on EBWF Warfare, Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupted a Vertex segment, announcing that they would be banned from ring side for this match, to avoid any controversy such as what took place at Destiny. This seemed to annoy all members of Vertex except for the champ, who stood strong, unfazed and seemingly not worried in the slightest. This event at Warfare would be the first of a series of events that would transpire over the coming weeks. First with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Sami Zayn standing tall, after Austin's stunning spree that cleared the ring of Vertex members after a Zayn victory over Ted DiBiase. Not to be outdone, the following week The Miz and company would get even, out scheming Stone Cold Steve Austin barricading him in his office in order for Vertex to come out and lay waste to Zayn. In the latest Warfare, the situation would culminate with a bloody brawl between the champion and challenger that took countless officials and security guards to break up. It was clear, in just a couple of short months Sami Zayn and The Miz have developed a feud, a hatred, a blind disdain for each other that usually takes years to build. One would have to wonder if Fanniversary would be the final chapter, or if this rivalry was just beginning.

The scene opened on Wednesday, October 28th at around 4 PM. It was mid week, hump day as many people call it. EBWF superstars were checking into their hotels in Phoenix, Arizona the site of EBWF's Fanniversary. This particular Pay-Per-View was a big one for the EBWF, because it celebrated another year of dominance in the world of Sports Entertainment. Similar to events like Wrestlemania, it was an all week affair where there were numerous celebrations and events that took place to celebrate another year of competition, but more importantly the celebrations were done a lot of times in honor of all the wonderful fans that the EBWF was lucky enough to have. Wednesday was a transition day, a day to get settled into the digs of the hotel. A day to kick back before the hectic Thursday-Sunday hit the superstars fast and hard. Mike Mizanin, Fergal Devitt, Ted DiBiase Jr. , Kyle Greenwood, and Kevin Steen better known to the world as The Miz, Finn Balor, Ted Jr., Kyle O'Reilly, and Kevin Owens were no different than the rest. The difference between them was that one of the guys in their midst, Mizanin, was on top of the wrestling business for the time being. He was the reigning EBWF World Heavyweight Champion, on top of the card on a consistent basis. This came with it's perks. Mike, unlike his buddies in the stable "The Vertex" would be staying at The Palomar Phoenix Cityscape. A beautiful hotel, Mike would be a skyline studio and when the scene picked up he was just wrapping up his check in. Devitt, Steen, DiBiase, and Greenwood were right behind them. At their feet was a cooler, that Steen and Devitt picked up together as they made their way to the hotel elevator. All of the men were dressed in similar attire. Jeans and a t-shirt seemed to be the memo for all Vertex members, as off camera these men were a little bit more laid back than the lavish lifestyles that they portrayed on TV. The group of guys got on the elevator and headed to Mizanin's room. When they arrived at it, Mike swiped his card and the group entered the room. Mike was the first to speak.

Mike Mizanin: Pretty nice digs.

Kyle Greenwood: Doesn't suck to be the champ.

Mike Mizanin: It does not!

Steen, as was his way, plopped himself down on the white couch in the common room, after he and Devitt slammed the cooler to the ground. DiBiase opened the cooler and pulled out 5 Coors Lights and threw one to each guy in the suite. Mike sat on a big chair that was to the right of the couch, while DiBiase, Greenwood, and Devitt all sat at the bar area. All five men cracked their beers one right after the other.

Kevin Steen: You would think being the biggest thing in wrestling right now that you pansies would drink something better than Coors Light.

Ted smiled.

Ted DiBiase Jr.: It's clear that you haven't you and anything "light" haven't been synonymous in quite sometime bro.

Mike laughed mid sip of beer.

Mike Mizanin: Yeah man, you think we were just born with these bodies.. you gotta have good healthy habits.. now Kyle throw me the Doritos.

All the men laughed as Greenwood went back into the cooler and tossed Mike a bag of doritos.

Mike Mizanin: I love this week- I love Fanniversary. It's honestly one of my favorite events on the calendar.

Kevin Steen: Why, so you can get all dressed up and try and lay the pipe on Danielle and then tell her after you still want to keep it casual even though you guys hook up all the time?

Mike Mizanin: Does anyone still say "lay the pipe?"

Kevin Steen: Fuck you.. I do.

Mike Mizanin: That settles it then- one person still does-but yeah Dinner with the Divas is not the reason I love this week. Though I'm VERY much looking forward to seeing all our lovely ladies. It's just a week that always reminds me how good it is to work in the EBWF. How good it is that we are all here and living the dream. So cheers to a year of success, and cheers to you guys, I've loved working with you guys so far and I hope we get to do it for a long long time.

The men held up their beers and took a sip.

Kevin Steen: Soft Tweet.

Mike smiled

Mike Mizanin: I mean it though, we've really made a big impact over the past few months. Going into the match with Rami on Sunday Night, it's some of the most fun I've had in the business.

Ted DiBiase Jr.: Yeah and we don't have to babysit Allen anymore when we party.

There was laughter from the room.

Mike Mizanin: I wonder if he's chilling with Phil right now.. now that would be something fun to see. "So bro what do you have to drink?" ... "ahhhh water.." "Scotch and Water?" ..... "No water water.".... "Water with Molly in it?" .... "No.. water.".... "I don't get it."

More laughter at the thought of Allen Jones and Phil Brooks hanging together.

Kevin Steen: And they say we are a weird group.

Mike Mizanin: All jokes aside though, the build up with Rami has been great. It's not since I worked with Allen post Trilogy.. one.. I guess I'll call it.. the first time we did Trilogy, that the fans have been buzzing over something this much, at least something I was involved in. Rami is a good kid, he's done a good job getting over as fast as he has. I just hope they don't decide to have him get the strap back on Sunday, I'm not ready to part with it yet.

Kevin Steen: Or the perks..

Mike Mizanin: Or the perks. It's just one of those things, being champion means a lot to me, it just signifies how hard we've all worked on putting Vertex together and it signifies that the fans have responded to us. I love that we've made such a splash and that people fucking hate us so much.. it's awesome.

Kyle Greenwood: How could they not, we've been leaving poor Rami in a pool of his own blood for the last two months, and they love him to death.

Mike Mizanin : Selfishly I hope I can do that to him at least one more time on Sunday. I'm not ready for Rami to be a two time champ, and I'm not ready for anybody but Vertex to be running the show.

Ted DiBiase Jr: I'll drink to that.

All the men had finished their first Coors Light. This time Kyle Greenwood was the one to throw out the next round.

Mike Mizanin: Can't drink too many of these bad boys, gotta play in the celeb softball game in a bit... I don't think anyone has ever played softball with a buzz on.

There was laughter.

Mike Mizanin : Plus Jamie is going to be there, and even though she's with Paul.. I still always want to look cool around her if anyway possible. Doesn't it seem like Paul is just going to suck at softball? Like this is my big chance.

Kevin Steen: What about Danielle?

Mike Mizanin: Well yeah but.. dude Jamie...

Kevin Steen: Good point.

Ted DiBiase Jr: I feel like Paul is gonna like hit a grounder and then parkour off like the dug out to get to first base.

Kevin Steen: Why the fuck would he do that, he'd be way out of the base path?

Ted looked at Kevin. As the other guys held back laughter.

Ted DiBiase Jr.: What's up man you OK?

Kevin Steen: I'm good, just seems like a ridiculous thing to do.. plus I'm with Mike.. I bet he fucking sucks, probably won't even hit a grounder.

More laughter from the room.

Mike Mizanin: I'd say if anyone could parkour off the dugout it'd be him though.

Fergal Devitt: I wish we could play, I used to crush beer league softball.

Mike Mizanin: Don't worry- I'll represent this weekend for all of us. One the softball field.. at breakfast, at the dances, after the dances.. can I get one?

Mike held out a fist bump to Steen who looked at it, then at Mike, and finally obliged Mike with a fist bump back.

Mike Mizanin: And in the ring on Sunday Night with Rami. Vertex is going to steal this wonderful wonderful week!

Mike chugged the rest of his beer and the other guys did the same.

Ted DiBiase Jr.: One more?

Group: Definitely.

Ted threw some beers to the rest of the group as the scene faded out to black.

The scene reopened at EBWF Access on Friday October 30th at around Noon. Group D was well a couple of hours into their shift. The group included some of the biggest names in the company. Wes Ikeda, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, and CM Punk to name a few. However, there was one man who always seemed to make an extra big splash at these events. One man who the fans could always seem to get under his skin, and that one man was the EBWF Champion, The Miz. The Miz had a way of making the EBWF fans feel like they were able to become a part of the show at these access events, and this one was surely going to be no different. The Miz sat at his table next to The Rock. Who was signing autographs and smiling for pictures. The Rock's line was long, whereas The Miz line didn't have as many people. After awhile people started coming over from The Rock's line into Miz' for an autograph. Miz, who was dressed in a grey suit and a pair of sunglasses for the outdoor event. He also had the EBWF Championship over his right shoulder. Miz dropped the glasses to the edge of his nose. He stared a whole threw a heavy set man named Rick.

The Miz: Really? You're just going to come over from The Rock's line and get into my line? REALLY? The fact that you'd even be in The Rock's line over mine to begin says pretty much everything you need to know. Why? Why is it that you'd be in The Rock's line? Huh? Is it your common passion for body building?

Rick looked down at his gut, and looked a little ashamed.

Rick: Seem a little tense Miz, is it because you know you're about to lose the title to Sami Zayn tomorrow night?

The Rock smiled at this, and the fans in line cheered and started OLE chants in the line, Miz smirked.

The Miz: No it's not bec...

Fans: OLE!

The Miz: I'm not ten..

Fans: OLE!

The Miz: Shut u..

Fans: OLE!

The Miz: Honestly it's not even fun..

The Rock: OLE!

The Miz: Don't you start!

The Rock smiled and the crowd was getting a kick out of it.

The Miz: I'm not tense.. that's for god damn sure.. Steve is it..

Rick: It's R..

The Miz: It doesn't matter what it is..

The Rock looked up

The Rock: Hey that's my line.

The Miz smirked.

The Miz: You can have it back when you actually wrestle for more than a month at a time.

The Rock mouthed "yikes he's tense" to the girl at the front of his line who smiled.

The Miz: The fact is Rick- and the rest of you- I'm not tense. Being tense is for people who are nervous. Being tense is for people that are worried about something. When you're The Miz- you do worry about some things. You worry that your personal assistant gets your dry cleaning on time so that you can give the people the total package they expect to see. You worry that you may run out of wax to shine up your EBWF World Heavyweight Championship belt. You may worry that the hot chick from Wednesday, might find out about the hot chick from Tuesday, but one thing you don't ever.. AND THE MIZ means EVER.

The Rock: Ok you better stop that now..

The Miz ignored him.

The Miz: Worry about is going up against someone like Sami Zayn. If I haven't already made it crystal clear, Sami Zayn would be lucky at this point to even call himself second best. The fact that he's even been granted yet another opportunity to share the ring with the greatest of the great, the cream of the crop, your favorite wrestler's favorite wrestler, The Miz.. is beyond anything that even makes sense. So Rob..

Rick: Rick.

The Miz: I'm not tense- or nervous- or worried- what I am is annoyed. I'm annoyed that Sami Zayn has been hit in the head too many times with either a hockey puck or a bottle of maple syrup or other Canadian things that I don't want to think of because that would require me thinking of Canada.. and who wants to do that? But he's been hit in the head so many times by those things.. or my fists.. or a steel chair.. or whatever else.. that he still just doesn't seem to get it. He doesn't seem to get that he's Sami Zayn.. and I'm the Miz. He still seems to think that I should care about who he is, and what he's capable of. Why? I don't know.. and when I don't know something.. I get annoyed. So that's what I am Cal..I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed that Sami Zayn is still around like a little ginger mosquito.. and I'm annoyed that he wants me to care. The fact of matter is this.. I've never liked mosquitos and I'm going to squash him underneath my boot like that annoying little insect that he is on Sunday Night.

In the crowd a very homely middle aged woman, Beth, yelled out.

Beth: You should care because he's going to be the new EBWF CHAMPION!

The crowd cheered. The Miz, who was now standing, smirked and let out a "pfft" sound.


The Miz laughed getting a kick out of himself as the crowd around booed, the line even got a smirk from The Rock who tried not to show it, despite the boos it was clear the people were still having a good time, this was the true fan experience.

The Miz: The new EBWF Champion, that's rich. You see the NEW EBWF CHAMPION.. is something that you aren't going to hear anytime soon. Or ever again even. Until I retire, and even when I'm retired I still might use my walker to get down to the ring and beat the hell out of some 22 year old with it. Even 80 year old Miz, would be a force to be reckoned with. Even 80 year old Miz could beat Sami Zayn right now.. and I'm not talking about in Bridge.. but make no mistake about it.. The Miz would kick Sami Zayn's ass in Bridge too. I'm superior to this kid in every SINGLE way.. but I'm not singling him out.. I'm the EBWF Champion which means I'm superior to EVERYONE that steps in the EBWF ring. I know Fanniversary technically is for you guys, it's an event to THANK you for all the great support you give us.

You could feel the sarcasm in Miz' voice.

The Miz: But the last thing I need to celebrate right now, is you guys. The last thing I need to celebrate are our so called "GREAT" fans. Sami Zayn though, he'd be glad to celebrate you. He'd be glad to get your continued support. Believe me, he's going to need the support after Sunday. He's going to need all of you "little" people to make him feel big and strong again. He's going to need all of you to pat him on the back and tell him "its OK" to tell him that even though he got humiliated by the best wrestler on planet earth in front of the entire world.. that he's still special.. because right now Sami Zayn is trying to convince himself that he matters. He's trying to convince himself and wade through the self doubt that is starting to creep in, that he still can be special in this business. After Sunday- he's going to be pretty down in the dumps.. at a real low point.. so I'm sure he'll really appreciate the letters and the love from you guys since you are one in the same... you know... you're all losers.

The crowd booed some more. Through the crowd came a family of 4. It was a short blonde mom, Paige. A strong build 6'2 dad, Kevin.. and their two kids 9 year old Ryan and 11 year old Cady. They all had matching Vertex shirts on. They went to the front of The Miz line because well.. there wasn't anyone in it at the moment. The crowd booed them and Miz clapped his hands together.

The Miz: You see this.. this is a family with some sense. What are your names.. I love the shirts.. these are the fans that if only they were the majority- what a world that would be.

Kevin: I'm Kevin and this is my wife Paige and our kids Ryan and Cady.

The rest of the family waved at Miz and they seemed very nervous to meet him.

The Miz: What do you guys want me to sign, how about your shirts?

They all turned around and Miz signed an autograph on the white with blue lettered Vertex t-shirts (available on

Kevin: Thank you so much man. Don't listen to these guys.. MIZ IS GOING TO STAY CHAMPION TOMORROW NIGHT!

The crowd booed and were smiling at the brashness of the dad to really get involved in this interaction.

The Miz: Thanks Kevin, but trust me.. these fans may look dumb.. and trust me.. they are.. but they aren't SO dumb that deep down they don't know what you said is a god damn certainty. They may cheer for Sami Zayn and chant OLE! At me or whatever stupid crap he says, but deep down they know what they are about to witness, because they've already witnessed it quite a bit over the last 2 months. They know they are about to see their little fireball nip, get absolutely man handled, beaten to the point where he can't move and isn't able to do a damn thing, but watch the EBWF Champion, yours truly, THE MIZ, climb UP the ladder unhook MY title and secure yet another victory. I like it though, keep playing along, keep acting like you guys believe it's going to go any other way. I know Sami appreciates it, I know it gets him all fired up, and that's what I want. I want him fired up, I want him flying around on Sunday Night, As Pat Benatar once said.. I want him to hit me with his best shot.. because there is nothing better in this world then deflating someone in the sense that they realize that their BEST isn't even CLOSE to GOOD ENOUGH. I thought last month would have done the trick, but apparently Sami and everyone else needs to see me do it SOLO and without Vertex in my corner. The fact is.. I'll do it without Vertex in my corner. Shit.. I could do it with one hand tied behind my back.. no both hands.. both legs too..

Paige: But how would you move.

The Miz: I'm The Miz.. my talent.. defies logical questions Paige. I not only don't need Vertex on Sunday.. I don't even need my limbs.. that's how underwhelming this Sami Zayn kid is to me. It's been cute even seeing him think he's gaining a mental advantage on me this month. Cute that he even thinks he has a punchers chance in this match on Sunday Night.. but it's going to be down right ADORABLE the moment he realizes that with or without Vertex.. The MIZ is someone whom he will never gain a mental, physical, or any other advantage over.. and that THE MIZ is someone whom he will never ever.. BEAT. Hashtag Fact.

A guy in a hat a 32 year old named Frank yelled out.

Frank: Hashtag False!

The Miz laughed.

The Miz: Hashtag Virgin!

The Rock smiled again. He looked over at The Miz, and said quietly out of ear shot of the fans.

The Rock: You are blossoming Mike.

The Miz quietly said back out of the fans ear shot.

The Miz: Thanks dude.

The Miz yelled back to the crowd.

The Miz: Say what you want, cheer for who you want.. but TRUST THIS.. after Sunday.. HASH TAG.. CHAMPION.. because I'm The Miz.. and I'm HASHTAG AWESOME!

The scene reopened to a video montage of some of the early events of Fanniversary. There was clips of the Celeb softball game, with the Phoenix Suns. Also there were some shots of all the EBWF Champions interacting with Make-A-Wish kids at the Breakfast with the Champions that was held on Thursday Morning. Shots from EBWF Fan Access were seen as well as from the mixer event from Friday Night. It was now Saturday Evening around 6:30 PM and EBWF All-Access was set to begin. Behind the desk sat Todd Grisham and Jonathan Coachman. Both in gray suits. Todd Grisham broke the silence.

Todd Grisham: Good Afternoon folks and welcome to another addition of EBWF All-Access I'm Todd Grisham and with me as always is my good friend and colleague Jonathan Coachman.

Jonathan Coachman: But you can call me The Coach!

Todd Grisham: That's right! So it's finally here the week EBWF fans have been anticipating and that is the week of EBWF's Fanniversary in which we are going to see numerous high profile bouts between the best of the best in the EBWF. It's been a tremendous week thus far celebrating another year of EBWF programming, and it's only going to get better and better as we head towards the big show on Sunday!

Jonathan Coachman: That's right Todd, and headlining those great bouts that you just spoke off will be the LADDER match between Sami Zayn and The Miz- a rematch from Destiny for the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Todd Grisham: It has certainly been a tumultuous month for this rivalry, let's take a look at how these two came together for this match.

A video package was shown that highlighted the match at Destiny as well as the events that transpired over the course of the last month.

Jonathan Coachman: As if that wasn't enough, we've gotten word before we came on the air, that The Miz is already throwing even more fuel on the fire this week.. as if this rivalry needed it! Here's what we mean..

The scene cut away from the studio. We reopened to a zoom in of the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship Belt. The belt sat on a table. In the background we could hear the sound of the wrestling mat being crashed into by wayward bodies taking bumps. As the scene panned out from the belt, we could see that we were in a wrestling training facility. Impact Zone Pro Wrestling School to be exact. Standing behind the table was The Miz. He wore a dark blue suit, and his hair was slicked with gel all the way around. His face had a significant amount of scruff on it, as it was clear was there on purpose. He put his hand on top of the belt that was sitting in an upright position. He didn't even pay attention to the wrestlers in the background.

The Miz: At one point or another we all start in a place like this. We all take the bumps, we take the hits, we deal with the pain, the bruises, the nights where we are so sore that we can't even move, and the mornings where it's even worse. In hopes of one day making it big. In hopes of one day having it all be worth it. All of the hours, all of the sleepless nights, the self doubt, one day turning into a feeling of triumph, a feeling of having made it in one of the most difficult business to make it in. Everybody in this business is a little bit crazy for even having tried to get in it in the first place. Only the craziest ones are the ones who have any type of sustained success.. because when you want it bad enough you don't care what you have to do, what you have to put your body through, who you have to screw over, attack, step on, to get to the top.. you will do whatever it takes. My name is Mike Mizanin.. you can call me the Miz.. better yet.. you can call me the champ. After Sunday.. guess what.. you'll still call me the champ. The reason is simple, I started out in places like this. Being yelled at, belittled, told that I shouldn't be there.. that I didn't belong.. but I'm one of the crazies. I didn't even hear the negative things that I was being told, all I cared about, all I wanted.. no all I needed was to get an opportunity. All I needed was to have a chance to get in the ring with the lights on and show what I was all about.. to show what I could do. Some people in that moment, they fold. The moment is too big for them, and they can't handle it. People like me though, we thrive in these moments, the bigger the better.. and that is why the second they let me get my foot through the tiniest crack of the door.. I kicked that shit off of it's hinges. Since day one, I have proven that I am one of the crazy people in our business, because I've never cared from the first day I got in this business what it took, I was going to be the best. I was going to win the belts, I was going to be in the limelight, because I've known even when I was just learning in places like this.. that I wouldn't be able to sleep at night- that I wouldn't have been able to look back at my life and be happy about it- unless I made that dream MY reality. I've known since the first time I laced up a pair of boots that I didn't belong in flea bag dumps like this one.. that I belonged EXACTLY where I am right now, and that is on the top of the biggest and best company in our business, the EBWF.

The Miz smirked as he patted the main plate of his championship.

The Miz: I bet a lot of you are surprised to see me here today NOT flanked by my brothers, The Vertex. The reason is simple, since I earned this championship last month at Destiny, that's all anyone has said. That's all any of my HATERS have said, that I couldn't do it without them, that Vertex is my crutch.. what I need to be successful.. well guess what? When I was back in places like this, trying to fight my way through stereotypes and nay sayers, there was no Vertex. There was just me.. and I proved EVERYONE wrong.. by even making it into the business at all, and I proved MORE people wrong when I showed them that I wasn't just there to come out and be a gimmick, that I could actually bring it, that I could go. I have since over the past several years proven MORE PEOPLE STILL wrong, when I have become one of the most successful, decorated superstars in the entire Company. I'm a 2 time World Champion, a multi time Intercontinental Champion, a multi time Path To Glory Champion, a former Tag Champion, I've OWNED this company, ME.. I DID THAT. It's not because anyone handed it to me.. I went out and took it. Has Vertex been by my side in my recent run of dominance, your damn straight they have been, but if you are one of the people that doesn't think I can win without them in my corner.. be ready to be added to that LONG list of people that I've proven wrong over my entire career in this business.

The Miz paused for a minute before he grabbed the EBWF Championship unhooked it and threw it over his right shoulder.

The Miz: Which brings me to you Sami Zayn. Feeling a little off balanced aren't you kid? Feeling just a little bit unsure of yourself in this moment, aren't you I know.. believe me I KNOW. I could see it in your eyes as Warfare went off the air earlier this week, that your little bravado, that your quiet confidence that makes all the idiots that watch EBWF programming love you, it was gone wasn't it? You thought you had me pegged Zayn, you probably will still come out this week and claim that you have me figured out. That without Vertex in my corner, I surely can't beat you. Well guess what.. I'm going to beat you.. and don't call me Shirley.

Fans of the movie Airplane laughed.

The Miz: Because you see when I looked at Sami Zayn on Monday Night. When I looked at him after the two of us had just been pulled apart, after brawling and fighting ONE on ONE- no Vertex- no mind games just the two of us ripping each other to shreds. I saw a look in Sami Zayn's eyes that said to me that in that moment.. he KNEW.. he had underestimated me. Sami Zayn may come off like a little goody two shoes that gets by with all out effort and all that after school special bullshit- but he's as brash and cocky as I've ever thought of being. He honestly thought, that without Vertex- him and I would not be a fair fight.. that he would easily dispose of me on Sunday Night and become the EBWF Champion once again.. he thought that.. UNTIL THAT MOMENT on Monday Night. It was in that moment where Sami Zayn figured out that he was dealing with a man that didn't need a crutch- that didn't need a support system to fight his battles- though kicking the shit out of you as a group has been fun- I'm perfectly capable of doing it all by myself.. but you know that now.. don't you Sami? You know that I'm not only capable of it- but that I'm going to- without question- do just that to you at Fanniversary. Just one look can say a lot, it can say everything. Sami Zayn's look on Monday Night, was the look of a man that was realizing that he, just one short month ago, had everything he ever wanted. That he, just one short month ago, had what he bled for, what he worked for, what he took all the bumps in places like this for, what he suffered for... one short month ago Sami Zayn was on top of the world. The look that he gave me on Monday Night, however, was the look of a man that KNEW that he would NEVER be there again. That all the hours, all the time, all the pain, all the sacrifices, that he's made to be as good as he is- are going to all be for ONE fleeing moment in time where it all seemed worth it.. but for as good as he is- despite the level that he's reached- the look that he gave me on Monday Night was him acknowledging that I was BETTER- that I was on a level that NO amount of time, NO amount of sacrifice, would put him on. It takes a crazy person to get to the top of this business, someone who would do anything to get there, it takes someone EVEN CRAZIER to stay there.. to continue to grind, to continue to want to progress even though you feel like you've already reached the pinnacle, THE VERTEX if I may..Sami Zayn you may have been crazy enough to get to the top once, but as you NOW know.. you will NEVER be crazy enough to get back there.. because getting back there means knocking me down, and that's something you'll NEVER BE CRAZY enough to do.. and if you think I'm wrong.. well then you're a different kind of crazy my man. A crazy that isn't going to ultimately make you successful, it's a crazy that's going to ultimately get you hurt.. bad.

The Miz walked over to a ring where two guys were battling working on some of their moves.

The Miz: You see Sami- as you come out and consistently talk like a 6th grader at recess who doesn't really know how to talk trash to someone yet- you are just showing that you are ALL the things you say I am. You are showing that you are in fact the one who is afraid, the one who is insecure- you've said this month that my win at Destiny was a fluke. Really? Really? It was a fluke- kid- I'm not sure you know what the definition of the word fluke is. Do they teach you vocabulary in Canada? A fluke is something that happens that defies the odds- that would be very unlikely to happen again. SO with that said- if you find a way to even make it out of Fanniversary on your own two feet.. THAT would be a fluke. At Destiny- I just disliked you because you had what I wanted, now that I've taken it from you, I thought I was going to be done with you.. but this month Sami you've brought it to a whole new level. You're like a kindergartener kicking and screaming that I took your favorite toy and you want it back.. and because of that it's made me hate you..throw in the fact that you just can't seem to come to grips with the fact that I'm OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE.. and it's made me really hate you.. let that sink in for a minute. I've tortured you- I've left you in the ring lifeless, staining the ring red, and that was before I even really hated you. Imagine what I'm going to do to you now? Imagine what's going to be in store for the one and only Sami Zayn.. now that you're dealing with a man who not only is a mismatch for you- but a man who genuinely wants to destroy you because he hates your freaking guts.

The Miz looked up as if he was picturing it. He then shook his head with disgust.

The Miz: You may not want to hear this- and you might even call me a liar liar pants on fire- because that is what people of your trash talking abilities might retort here- but it's NOT going to be pretty. Think of it like any chick you've ever dated- but even uglier. Look at these two guys in the ring. Why else would they put themselves through this hell day in and day out unless there was some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. It's not in the pursuit Sami- because anybody can be hungry then. It's what happens when you actually get to that light.. and see I feel like you've let me do something to you in these past two months that's changed you Zayn. Over these past two months, you've gotten away from being like these guys, and to be honest I think that's what made you successful. You've started to believe your own hype, to read your own newspaper clippings, who do you think you are? What have you really done? You beat Dolph Ziggler- whoopee freaking doo- everyone in this company has beaten Dolph Ziggler- he's wrestling for the god damn Breakout Title on Sunday.. and he's not going to win because Kyle O'Reilly is... that's your big claim to fame? You've lost yourself Sami- you've lost yourself- you're trying to convince your little moron fans who chant OLE- that you aren't intimidated- that's all that's seemed to matter to you. You've tried to puff your chest out a little bit, and stand up to the big bad bullies that you claim we are.. and you've been so consumed with that, that you've forgotten who you are. You've forgotten what's made you, you. The old Sami Zayn would have taken the group attacks, he would have smiled shrugged them off, and tried to let his in ring ability do the talking.. but that's not what you've done.. you're mad now.. aren't you bro? The little tomato has been in the microwave for a bit too long- couldn't take the heat and now he's exploded... but being mad isn't going to help you beat me on Sunday Sami. It's just going to make it that much funnier when I embarrass you in front of all your little cult followers. OLE! Will you beat me on Sunday..

In the same tone of voice and cadence that he said OLE! Miz went with..

The Miz: NO WAY.. you'd do well to come back to a place like this every once and awhile Zayn. It may help you regain some perspective as to what made you a great story. It may also help you see into your future if you keep showing up in my god damn way.

The Miz tone went much darker.

The Miz: TRUST me when I tell you this Zayn.. it's NOT CUTE anymore.. the whole underdog story only is fun when the underdog can actually win. The Miz is a Goliath in this business- but he's a Goliath that no red headed version of the bible's David could take down. Trust me DAVID- you aint got the STONES to beat me..

The Miz smirked at his play on words.

The Miz: Masterful biblical word play aside. This place- being back here- it's what's ahead for you Sami. It's what's next for you- if you continue down the path of trying to dethrone me. If you continue down the path of trying to single handedly knock Vertex off of our pedestal.. and I'm not talking about being one of these guys in the ring. I'm talking about cleaning shit off the walls of the bathroom in a place like this.. because Zayn I'm to the point where I'm just about ready to see to it, that you not only aren't wrestling to become the EBWF World Champion, but that you aren't wrestling at all. The Miz is the standard- The Miz is the benchmark- That cue ball drunken idiot Stone Cold Steve Austin may have faith in you Sami, but that's because he's drank away all the brain cells in his head.. all four of them. This doesn't end well for you Sami.. and I know on the surface you may claim that you don't believe me.. but for as bad of a guy as you say I am.. for all the unspeakable things I have done over the years in this business.. my conscious will be clean on this one.. because when it all shakes down the way it is GOING to. When I.. on my own..without AID.. leave you ONCE AGAIN catching your breath pouring out blood.. looking up at the lights.. trying to figure out how you could have lost AGAIN to a man that you claim to not respect.. you won't be able to say I didn't warn you. Sleep tight kid.. see you Sunday.. I'll be the guy beating you- you'll recognize me.. I've done it before.

The Miz winked into the camera as he turned his attention back into the ring and the scene faded to black.

EBWF World Champion (x7- Current) EBWF Intercontinental Champion (x3) EBWF Tag Team Champion (x2) EBWF PTG Champion (x2 ) EBWF Gateway Champion (1x)