The Survivor Series event was almost here. Tomorrow night Solomon Crowe was going to be involved in the traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series tag team match, going up against Chris Jericho, Wes Ikeda, Lance Storm and Rated RKO. Crowe was part of an interesting team as well, teaming with Ryback and Wade Barrett as well as two of the men he looked to have aligned himself with a few weeks ago; CM Punk and Brock Lesnar. Not a lot had been given away by any man in the group, including Crowe and fans were hoping for more answers in the build-up to the tag team match. Whether Crowe was going to provide any answers was a different question in itself.
The last the fans saw of Crowe was during the six pack challenge where he made it to the final three alongside AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy. Crowe wasn’t actually able to make it to Survivor Series as the number one contender to take on The Miz for the EBWF World Championship. Instead, fans were left shocked as Crowe and Styles looked to work together to take out Hardy and it was AJ Styles who managed to pick up the win and go ahead to Survivor Series as the number one contender.
Now the fans were confused, why was somebody as despicable as Solomon Crowe happy to work with others? Why was he able to watch somebody else take a number one contender spot he was fighting for himself? Nobody but Crowe knew that reason, and now he found himself in a strange situation. For the first time he wasn’t heading into battle on his own, looking out for himself. This time he was teaming up with four other guys, something that was very new to him in the EBWF but he wasn’t going to let affect him, he was still going to go out there and dominate.
The scene opened up inside of familiar territory, the cameras were set up inside of The Crowe’s Nest in a dark room but the set-up was visible, as usual. The cameras zoomed in towards the office chair where Crowe was swivelling around with a huge grin on his face. Eventually he stopped spinning and slammed his hands down on the desk before talking into the camera.
Exactly one year ago I was in this exact same seat, explaining to you all just HOW I would go on to become the EBWF World Champion, not an if, but a how. Fast forward one whole year and we’re back at the same event, Survivor Series, an event where careers are made and stars are born. I believe…that happened because I know just how much chaos I created. I know how much I had people talking about this company, I know how much I had fans talking about wrestling again. Tomorrow night I plan on doing the same.
I know, I am not in the championship match but I assure each and every single one of you that we have somebody more than capable of taking that championship from The Miz. Not just a simple win, but we have somebody who can give The Miz a beating like nobody else, because they have history. Tomorrow night we will all witness The Miz beaten inside of the ring and drop the EBWF World Championship.
Still…tomorrow night will be my night. I have done it before and I know I can do it again. I mean, are you all REALLY going to doubt me when you take a look what just what the hell I…and my…team…are going up against.
Crowe laughed to himself a little as it was clear he was still adjusting to life as as part of a team, but his attitude into making people’s lives a misery didn’t change, and he was as confident as ever heading into a historic match.
I mean I don’t even know where to start, my opponents are just as bad as each other. It makes me laugh though, a bunch of has-beens still trying to hang with people like me who can send them into retirement homes by the end of the night tomorrow. I thought one by one they would all disappear into the wilderness where we all forget they even existed, but it looks like the boss himself wants them all to go out with a bang! Hand in hand! And let people like me move this company forward.
Do you all genuinely believe you actually stand a chance at reigning supreme in this match? If you do, I want some of whatever you guys are on because as experienced as you may be, regardless of what you’ve all achieved in this company it will NOT matter tomorrow night because everything you stand for, everything you’ve done for wrestling will be worthless when I pin every single one of your old, frail shoulders to the mat.
First…I’m guessing it will probably be Edge because let’s face it…he’s always been the useless one in Rated RKO, so he’ll probably be the useless one in your little team as well. Now myself and Edge have already had a dance inside of the ring and even he knows that there is no way he could possibly eliminate the threat that is Solomon Crowe from the match, so I imagine Edge will tag one of the other has-beens and let them suffer the same inevitable fate he will suffer just minutes after they’ve been eliminated.
Crowe sat back, looking a little more relaxed as if he was going to have an easy night ahead of him, before turning his attention to the next target.
And then, we move on to Lance Storm and yet I still cannot believe that HE is the Path to Glory Champion which means…no…he can actually cash it in and challenge the EBWF World Champion. Well…not while I’m around. You see for too long Mr. Storm has been riding the coattails of Chis Jericho, and I’ve already kicked his ass before…so what makes you think I’d be worried about you, Mr. Storm? Sure, you’ve done something here and there…but you’ve never really been THE man have you? Even in your team you were probably the final name they could think of in your little retirement team, even then you’re not good enough and you CERTAINLY won’t be good enough if you and I meet in the ring tomorrow night.
Talking of Chris Jericho, I still find it hard how you have a championship around your waist and I don’t? I mean the last time I was even concerned about you was back at WrestleMania when you thought you could beat me, and you just continue to pop up but the fact is, the end result will always be the same. You can’t beat me, whether it’s at mind games or inside of the ring. You never have been able to beat me, and you never will be able to beat me.
You know after tomorrow once you’re long gone and you go on your tours and you release part 237648 of your autobiography and during one of your little question and answer sessions, some clever soul is going to be there and ask you that how come, in your career you were NEVER able to get the better of Solomon Crowe. And while all eyes are on you, awaiting your answer with sweat trickling down your forehead because you’re worried of admitting you’re not good enough…you’ll simply have to admit that Solomon Crowe was always…ALWAYS one step ahead of you. Tomorrow night will be no different, champion or no champion you’ll STILL be inferior to me.
Crowe smiled sadistically into the camera for a short while before suddenly leaning forward and talking once again.
Then we finally take it up a notch, because then we have probably the most sadistic member of your team who loves causing pain almost as much as I do. Randy Orton…and yes before you remind I know he has already gotten the better of me on one occasion but that was a mistake. Not the result, but the fact that he felt he deserved that win, all that has done is lit a fire inside of me because he’s my second big target, I’m going in there to make sure I snap his little neck, hopefully he can handle it better than Edge can.
And then…the boss himself. You know I think I’m quite fortunate, I mean how many crazy sons of bitches actually GET an opportunity to kick their bosses ass? To hurt the man you work for? To hurt the man who makes sure we have food on our table every single night. To be honest, I don’t even have anything against him, if anything he looks like a crazy bastard as well. I like that.
But, I’m not one to pass up on this opportunity. I mean you’re GIVING me Wes Ikeda on a plate, surely everyone would jump at the chance to take down and break the bones of the boss who thinks he has what it takes? It surely can’t be just me? You know what? It’s not just me. Because I know for a fact Ryback would love to break him as well, I know Wade Barrett would love to hit a Bullhammer right on his fucking jaw and snap it into pieces.
I know who would enjoy it more though, perhaps CM Punk. Maybe we should leave Wes Ikeda to him, or better yet hand his remains to the resident beast who will surely send every single one of you back home to your wives and on a permanent vacation. Survivor Series is a very special event for me, and there’s no way I can let any of you ruin this evening for me. It’s been a year since I made an impact and tonight I plan on doing much of the same, I don’t plan on letting any of you steal my limelight.
I know, you all think you can win and it’s good to have belief because if you didn’t the match would be over before it started. I just don’t know how to explain it to you, explain how you simply CANNOT win, you won’t win…we have a beast. What the hell do you have?
Crowe smiled into the camera as he explained to his opposition that regardless of how far they go, they won’t be able to get past the trump card his team possesses in the form of Brock Lesnar, an advantage anyone would love to have. Crowe sat back in the chair and continued to swivel around as the camera faded into black with Survivor Series taking place the following night and Crowe hoping he can make a similar impact to what he did a whole year ago.