Survivor Series Results 11/29/15

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Survivor Series Results 11/29/15

Post by Ashlee »


A Survivor Series preview video played in the arena and to the fans at home as the show kicked off.

Jim Ross: Welcome ladies and Gentlemen to EBWF Survivor Series. I’m Jim Ross.

Jerry Lawler: I’m Jerry “The King” Lawler, and tonight it’s yet another clash of the titans as The Miz will take on AJ Styles for the EBWF World Heavyweight Championship!

Jim Ross: Trish Stratus will take on AJ Lee for her new EBWF Women’s Championship and of course Styles’ new pals in CM Punk and Brock Lesnar will team up with Solomon Crowe, Ryback and Wade Barrett in a traditional Survivor Series match against the formidable team of Rated RKO, The Thrillseekers and Wes Ikeda.

The sound of glass shattering cut through the cheers, and the crowd popped louder at the arrival of Stone Cold Steve Austin. He stopped on the stage, microphone already in hand.

Steve Austin: I dragged my ass out here to tell you that I’ve decided to make the first match of tonight a Christmas Eve of Destruction Preview! This match between Mick Mankind and Bully Ray is now a no holds barred match. And that’s the bottom line…

Crowd: Because Stone Cold Said So!

Mankind came to the ring first, to a large ovation from the crowd.

Jim Ross: These fans are cheering Mankind’s strong words toward the EBWF and his opponent earlier this week.

Bully Ray entered the arena next, and he proceeded to the ring. The referee checked both men over and rang the bell. Mankind and Bully locked up to start things out with Bully using his power to back Mankind into the corner. Bully hit Mankind with a couple of big right hands and tried for a clothesline, but Mankind ducked and connects with a series of right hands of his own.

Jim Ross: Mankind not giving up here.

Mankind sent Bully into the corner and was actually able to send the big man down to one knee. Mankind set up for the double arm DDT, but Bully fought it and pushed Mankind to the outside. Mankind tried to pull Bully to the outside, but Bully kicked Mankind back into the guardrail.

Jerry Lawler: Stone Cold has made that all legal here tonight!

Bully hit Mankind with a big right hand as soon as Mankind got back up onto the apron, and Bully sent Mankind back to the floor with a big clubbing blow across the chest. Bully went for a chair and he tried to hit Mankind, but Mankind ducked and Bully connected with the ring post. Mankind picked up the chair, hit Bully in the stomach and across the back, and then sent Bully chest first into the guardrail.

Jim Ross: That looks like it hurt.

Mankind picked up the chair again, and hit Bully in the arm. Mankind went up top for the elbow drop, but when he jumped, Bully blocked using the chair and Mankind was busted open around the eye.

Jerry Lawler: We’ve got blood! Oh man, that’s a lot of blood!

Bully went to work on the eye with a series of rights and lefts and the blood was pouring out of Mankind's eye. Bully hit Mankind with a couple of big elbows in the corner, but Mankind amazingly started to fight back. Mankind even took Bully down with a running forearm. Mankind and Bully rolled back to the outside and Mankind sent Bully headfirst into the steel ring steps. Mankind's face was a crimson mask and now Bully was bleeding as well. Mankind worked over Bully with a series of right hands opening the cut even more.
Mankind hit Bully with a running knee in the corner, but Bully was able to pull the referee in the middle of it all, and the ref went down.

Jim Ross: That’s cheating!

Jerry Lawler: But it’s legal! All legal!

Bully stumbled up, and walked right into the Double Arm DDT from Mankind, who went for the pin.


Jim Ross: I think Mankind has done it here!


Jerry Lawler: Watch a match!


Jim Ross: That was indeed a Christmas Eve of Destruction Preview!


The cameras centered in on the ring, after a video package hyping up the match ended. Jeff Hardy's music blasted out the speakers and the fans cheered as the former Breakout Champion came out and headed toward the ring, slapping hands with fans in the audience.

Jim Ross: Jeff Hardy is looking to prove that Kyle O'Reilly's title win was a fluke, here!

Jerry Lawler: With Vertex in the house, who knows how this could end up!

Hardy's music was replaced by "Shipping Up to Boston" by Dropkick Murphys. Kyle O'Reilly appeared from behind the curtain, the Breakout Championship around his waist.

Jim Ross: Kyle O'Reilly has got an opportunity to prove that his championship reign has staying power here in EBWF.

He ignored the boos of the crowd and headed down to the ring, stepping in and raising the championship in the air, taunting the crowd with it. The referee took the title from his hands and showed it to Jeff Hardy. He then raised it in the air and called for the bell.

Jim Ross: Here we go! Breakout Championship on the line!

Hardy and O'Reilly squared up in the center of the ring. The two jockeyed for position in a lockup. O'Reilly powered Hardy into the corner the the referee stepped in and broke the hold. O'Reilly backed away voluntarily. Hardy stepped in for another lockup but O'Reilly had other ideas. He clocked Hardy in the jaw with a hard right, sending Hardy to the mat. O'Reilly then kicked the downed Hardy in the ribs with a hard roundhouse. Kyle then grabbed Hardy's arm and attempted to drop into a cross arm breaker. Hardy rolled forward and prevented O'Reilly from gaining leverage on his arm. Hardy kicked O'Reilly in the gut and irish whipped him into the ropes. Kyle O'Reilly bounced off the ropes and charged at Hardy full speed. He went for a clothesline, but Hardy ducked underneath it. Kyle bounced off the opposite ropes and ducked as Hardy leapfrogged over him. On the final return, Hardy connected with a dropkick to O'Reilly's chest.

Jerry Lawler: What speed by these two!

Hardy picked up O'Reilly and went for the Twist of Fate, but Kyle stopped him just as he turned around. Kyle wrapped his arms around Hardy's midsection and threw him over his head in a release german suplex. Hardy's neck bounced off the mat and he folded up like an accordion. O'Reilly picked up Hardy and went hit a vertical suplex, and Hardy winced, landing on his back. O'Reilly went for a pin and got a two count. Kyle picked Hardy up again, but this time Hardy fought back and landed a hard right, sending Kyle stumbling back. Hardy charged at Kyle and Kyle dodged, sending Hardy into the corner. Hardy launched off the corner and hit a corkscrew kick.

Jim Ross: Whisper in the Wind!

Jeff mounted the turnbuckle and taunted the crowd. They roared with delight as he signaled for the Swanton Bomb. He launched off the corner and Kyle rolled out of the way. Hardy landed hard on the mat, rolling over to his stomach and grabbing his back in pain. Kyle saw an opportunity and grabbed Hardy's leg, dropping down into a grapevine ankle lock! Hardy screamed in pain and struggled wildly to escape, but there was no way to break the hold and he finally tapped out.

Jerry Lawler: Kyle O'Reilly defended his Breakout Championship! What a win for the youngster!

Jim Ross: Kyle O'Reilly making a statement tonight.

O'Reilly was awarded the championship and celebrated in the middle the ring as the cameras faded to a video package for the next match.


After the last match had come to an end, the cameras took us backstage at the Toyota Center in Houston, TX where Survivor Series was taking place. The crowd cheered as Velvet Sky came into view, standing backstage watching one of the TV monitors. The beauty from Connecticut sported a new look. She had ditched her blonde highlights and now had bleach blonde hair with black underneath. Velvet Sky completed her new look with tight ripped jeans, leather wrestling boots, black leather biker gloves with the finger tips cut off, and a cut up T-shirt that read "Let's cuddle and listen to metal" across the front. Velvet shook her head, unenthused, as she watched Trish Stratus' promo from earlier before her match against AJ Lee.

Velvet: Still full of herself, I see. Some things never change.

Velvet muttered this to herself but it was loud enough to be caught on camera. Out of nowhere, behind her, Bully Ray came into the picture. He immediately did a double take at the Divas new look and nodded his head in approval.

Bully: I dig the new look, toots.

Velvet jumped slightly in place and spun around to see him standing behind her.

Velvet: Oh. Thanks. I - uhh, didn't know you were back there...

Bully: Well I wasn't until about 30 seconds ago.

Velvet: Oh.

Bully noticed Velvet Sky had been watching Trish's promo on the TV monitor.

Bully: Ya know, you should challenge Trish for the title. Either that or I know my girl will.

Velvet: Brooke? She still works here? I haven't seen her on TV in quite some time..

Bully nodded his head a little and paused before he spoke again.

Bully: Yeah, well, the same can be said about you too. Sure, you've had a match here or there but nothing to pull the spotlight on you.

Velvet: True.

Bully: All I'm sayin', challenge her for the strap. Get noticed, kid.

Velvet nodded in agreement, he wasn't wrong about this.

Bully: Stop worrying about that dingle berry, Justin Gabriel, and worry about your own career for once. Do somethin' for ya'self, toots.

Velvet: Don't call me toots.

Bully let out a half laughed and patted her on the shoulder.

Bully: Just my advice to you. Otherwise you might as well hang up your boots and call it a day. Your choice.

Bully walked away without another word. Velvet watched him walk off for a moment before pressing her lips together in contemplation. The scene faded out to black.


"Bossy" hit the sound system and the Texans in attendance stood on their feet cheering as the EBWF Women's Champion made her way on to the stage. Dressed in a custom jacket and cowboy hat, Trish Stratus showed off her gold with pride as she approached the ring.

Jim Ross: It's time for the divas to take center stage. Tonight will mark the very first title defense of the new champion Trish Stratus since she won the championship last month at Fannivesary in what some people are calling Match of the Year.

Jerry Lawler: A classic match that was, JR. That's for sure.

Trish stood in the ring awaiting her opponent. It didn't take long before AJ Lee was on her way through the curtain. She made her way to the ring, well received by the fans in attendance. Skipping and happy as usual, AJ entered the ring and didn't once take her eyes off the championship belt.

Jim Ross: Trish will be looking to use that momentum here tonight facing the returning AJ Lee. It seems her partner Paige decided to stay backstage tonight.

Jerry Lawler: You know I was very excited to see AJ Lee return alongside her friend Paige. But was it just me or did I sense a bit of jealousy coming from Paige?

The bell rang and match got underway.

AJ hit Trish with a few punches and the champion returned fire with kicks. Trish began getting the best of the brawl and AJ fled to the outside. Trish chased her outside and threw AJ headfirst into the barricade. She rolled AJ in and kicked her a few times, then she taunted her but AJ came back quickly with a clothesline followed by a neckbreaker. Trish got to her feet and caught her with a forearm shot. She tried for the Chick Kick but AJ ducked it, and hit a tornado DDT. She went for a pin and only got a two count. AJ began taunting Trish and Trish responded but hitting a fallaway slam. AJ rolled outside to avoid a pin, but Trish was already on her, slinging her into the barricade!

Jim Ross: Trish is showing everyone why she's champion.

She appeared to be in control and tried to take AJ out with a Stratusfaction using the barricade. AJ fought out and slammed Trish's head on the barricade. AJ rolled her into the ring and wasted no time applying he signature Black Widow submission!

Jerry Lawler: She has it locked in tight! I think we are about to have a new champion.

Trish powered out of AJ's Black Widow submission! Trish was furious. AJ crawled away and Trish grabbed her by the legs. AJ pulled the ring apron back as Trish dragged her back. As the referee was fixing the ring apron, AJ cracked Trish with some kind of an object! AJ remained down when the referee returned. AJ crawled over and covered her only to gets another two count. AJ screamed in frustration.

Jim Ross: I think AJ Lee is willing to win this match by any means!

AJ climbed to the top turnbuckle. She jumped and Trish caught her. AJ swung around her body got her Black Widow submission applied again! Trish dropped to one knee and then powered out again! Trish backed into the corner and took out AJ viciously with a huge spear! Trish then picked AJ up, blew her a kiss and knocked her out cold with a wicked Chick Kick! Trish went for the pin and the fans counted along with the referee- 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: Trish Stratus retains her championship here tonight with a sick head kick!

Jerry Lawler: Doesn't remind me of anything.

After the match, Trish clutched the EBWF Women's Championship with her head down. She then got up on the corner and held up the title. We see a shot of AJ Lee being attended to by the ringside doctor as Trish celebrated heading to the back. Paige finally came out to check on her friend as the show went to highlights of the match.


Jim Ross: It’s time now for the traditional Survivor Series matchup!

Wade Barrett and Ryback were the first men out to the ring, followed by Solomon Crowe. Then “Next Big Thing” hit and Brock Lesnar made his way to the ring with Paul Heyman who was poised to stand in their corner. The crowd popped for “Cult of Personality” and CM Punk entered the ring.

The crowd was ready for Chris Jericho’s team, and met them with cheers as “Break the Walls Down” hit and Randy Orton, Edge, Lance Storm, Wes Ikeda and Chris Jericho all made their way to the stage together.

They decided to have Ryback get things started with Edge. The crowd went crazy when Edge elbowed Ryback hard in the face, seemingly KO'ing him as soon as he turns around. Boom. Just that quick. Ryback had been eliminated. Leaving the teams at 5-4.


Edge took it to Barrett, who came in next to represent his team. Edge beat up on Barrett a bit and then tagged in Ikeda. Ikeda picked up where Edge left off, taking it to the barer of bad news. Barrett tagged in Crowe, so Ikeda tagged in Storm.

The crowd was hot to see Crowe and Storm, but before either could touch, Punk forcibly tagged himself in on Crowe. So, Punk was in now and Storm was beating him up in the middle of the ring. Storm tags in Jericho and now the crowd was definitely hot for Jericho. They pop big for his tag and broke out immediately. Crowe tagged in and Jericho was now manhandling him as well. Now, Barrett tagged in, but Jericho went right after him. Barrett ended up getting in a few shots, but Jericho hit a massive kick to his head and beat on him some more.

Finally, Lesnar tagged in. The crowd liked the sight of Jericho and Lesnar standing across from one another. Lesnar finally got in the first bit of real offense on Jericho, but it isn't long before Jericho blasted Lesnar as well. Jericho hit DDT on Lesnar, and then helped him up to set up for a Shellshock, but due to interference from Barrett, doesn't get all of it. Jericho turned to tag in Edge, and then everyone hit the ring. The match turned to chaos. In the midst of all of this, Punk blasted Edge with a GTS, which the ref didn't see. Lesnar pinned him. Edge was eliminated.


Jerry Lawler: That evens things up 4-4.

Jericho came back in to face Lesnar, but Lesnar tagged in Crowe. Jericho beat up on Crowe for a while but a big clothesline Solomon took Jericho down to one knee. Punk tagged in and picked up where Crowe left off, taking it to Jericho in the middle of the ring. Now Barrett tagged in and now he was beating up on Edge. The action continued as Jericho finally tagged in Randy Orton. Orton came in with a flurry of offense.

Lesnar tagged in and after some quick double-team offense from Lesnar and Punk, Lesnar was left alone with Orton. He put the boots to him for a while before tagging Barrett in. The fans chanted "let's go Orton” as Barrett hit a big sidewalk slam on “The Silent Assassin”.

Lesnar’s team was managing to bring all the offense as they took turns tagging each other in, keeping fresh men on a beaten and battered Orton, who had become nothing more than a punching bag for all of the men on Lesnar’s team. After throwing Orton onto a group of guys outside the ring, Lesnar lost his cool and was tearnig apart all of the ring announce tables. He grabbed Orton by his arm and laid him across the announce table. He climbed up on the other table himself. He ran, jumped and dove from one announce table to the other, but Orton moved. Lesnar went crashing through the table himself. The ref started his count. Orton made it to the ring, but Lesnar doesn't. Lesnar was counted out and was now eliminated.


Wade Barrett, CM Punk and Solomon Crowe were left on one team while Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Randy Orton and Wes Ikeda were left on the other.
In the ring now was Jericho and Barrett, however Jericho finally made the tag to Ikeda. Wes hit a monstrous drop kick on Barrett but Punk ran in and hit a Go to Sleep on Ikeda out of nowhere. That put Wes face down, and both he and Punk worked toward their own corners. The announcers question how that GTS was legal. Ikeda tagged in Storm, and after a hot tag to Crowe, Punk helped him blast Storm with a huge clothesline followed by Crowe’s headlock driver to eliminate him.


Jim Ross: It’s down to Jericho, Orton and Ikeda!

Orton had gone in to replace Storm, and got blasted with the Stretch Muffler!

Jerry Lawler: There goes Orton!


Jim Ross: Wes Ikeda and Chris Jericho left here to take on Barrett, Punk and Crowe.

Wes went in and Crowe tagged Barrett. Wes charged at Barrett, and the two men began trading right hands. Barrett threw Wes into the ropes and he came flying into a backbreaker. Barrett went for the pin, but only got a two count. Wes pulled himself up to his feet, and Barrett spun around trying to go for a clothesline. Wes ducked, and countered into the It’s Time to Go! Wes went for the pin. 1..2..3!


Jerry Lawler: Here comes Crowe and Punk!

Wes tagged in Jericho, and Punk immediately came into the ring going to work on him. He hit him with power move after power move, but can't seem to score the three-count. Jericho took a running leap, as Punk charged toward him.

Jim Ross: Lionsault!

Jericho took the pin.

CM Punk Eliminated

Jim Ross: It’s two on one, and I do not envy Solomon Crowe right now.

Jericho tagged in Ikeda to a huge pop. Immediately, Crowe took Ikeda out to the floor and went to work on him. Crowe threw Wes into the barrier, and then moved back into the ring. Wes slid back in at the five count, and got a cheap roll up that was only good for a two count. Crowe kicked out. Wes tried again, 1-2....nope, again. Crowe kicks out again. Wes tried to regroup, but fell victim to a headlock driver, Crowe went for the cover, but Wes kicked out at two. Crowe made to pummel Wes, but Wes lifted his lower half up to kick Crowe in the side of the head. This gave Wes enough time to scramble to tag Jericho.

Jericho came in on fire, and grabbed Crowe. The two men climbed to the top rope but Crowe pushed Jericho off. Crowe came off the top but missed, right into a…

Jim Ross: CODEBREAKER! A mid-air Codebreaker from Chris Jericho! That’s…


Jerry Lawler: That does it! Chris Jericho and Wes Ikeda have survived this matchup.

The referee raised the arm of each man to signify their win, but before Jericho’s music completely faded out, Wes was moving toward Christy Hemme to take a microphone. The crowd cheered.

Wes Ikeda: I just had something I had to say… to AJ Styles.

The crowd gave a mixed reaction, booing AJ, but cheering Wes’ mention of him.

Wes Ikeda: I saw your little performance last week. Congratulations, it was uncanny really. Now I understand, that even mentioning you, even acknowledging you, legitimizes you and this petty, sad little play for attention that you’re going for when you try to get a rise out of me, but I felt this needed to be said. While I very seriously doubt that you’re going to leave tonight with the EBWF World Championship, I just wanted you to know that I don’t intend to get involved. I intend to let the chips fall wherever they may, because it doesn’t matter if you have the world championship or not, AJ. It doesn’t matter because I would rather sit through a 24 hour Best of Braden Walker marathon than face you in a match. I have nothing to prove. I already beat you. Been there. Done that. Won the Slammy. So in case you don’t get it, you can keep calling me out, mocking me, goading me… but I’m never going to get in that ring with you. Never. There’s a better chance of you having a clean piss test.

That made Jericho chuckle and the fans cheered as “Sound of Madness” hit and the two men left the ring.


Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s now time for our Main Event!

The crowd got to their feet and went wild. “Get Ready to Fly” by GRITS brought out AJ Styles, looking rough and rowdy as usual. As he proceeded to the ring he appeared laser-focused, not reacting to the audience.

Christy Hemme: Making his way to the ring at 5ft 11 inches, from Gainesville Georgia, your challenger, AJ Styles!

The crowd popped loudly again once he made it to the ring. Shortly after, the fanfare was interrupted by an “Aweeeeeeeesooooooome.” I Came to Play hit and the Miz waltzed out onto the stage, posing with his championship. He made much more of a scene as he traveled down the ramp and to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: The Miz looooves to gloat!

He leaped onto the apron and went to strike another pose, but before he could show off any more, Styles charged him. He knocked him off the apron and Miz crashed to the ground. The referee went to grab Styles but he shoved him off. Lillian looked shocked as she hurried out of the ring. Miz attempted to reach for his world title as Styles slapped him hard, mocking him. He then picked Miz up by the back of the head and threw him into the barricade, and proceeded to stomp him. Several officials ran out to break up the two. Miz kicked his way free and got to his feet, throwing a fit behind a few of the referees who broke up the fight. Styles was being held back by two. Styles and Miz were separately guided back into the ring by their “guards”. Just as the bell rang both men charged at each other again and another brawl ensued. Left and rights were exchanged as Miz ducked out and in between the ropes. The ref had to get between Styles and Miz to discontinue the punches. While the referee went to push Styles back, Miz snuck a fast one and yanked the ref out of the way to kick Styles in the gut. Styles doubled over as Miz took the advantage and clubbed Styles on the back several times. Miz grabbed Styles by the head and dragged him to the turnbuckle, slamming his head into it twice before swinging him around and chopping him in the chest. After the third “woooo” from the crowd Miz whipped Styles into the opposite corner and ran and hit a clothesline. Styles fell out of the corner before stumbling to his feet after the hit, and Miz connected with a flying club hit to Styles. He went for the pin. 1…..2…… Kickout from Styles.

Miz wasted no time trying to wear Styles down more as he attempted to lock in an armbar, but Styles elbowed Miz in the gut to break free, and countered, wrenching the champions arm into an armbar of his own. He then flipped and performed an armbar takedown on Miz, who tried wriggling free. Styles yanked on Miz arm forcefully, locking in the chicken wing. Styles broke the hold before swinging Miz around and kicking him in the gut and hitting a DDT. Styles rained down the fists on Miz to the back of the head and put him in a chinlock, occasionally hitting Miz on the chest with another closed fist. Miz made it to his feet and staggered to the ropes, where the referee began a count for Styles to break the hold. Styles released the hold but immediately gave Miz a neckbreaker. He dragged him to the center of the ring and pinned. 1…..2…… Kickout! Miz seemed out for the moment as Styles got to his feet. He went and grabbed one of Miz’s legs, which prompted Miz to kick at him. A few hits and Styles backed off, allowing Miz to quickly get to his feet. Styles went for a clothesline but Miz ducked and secured Styles for a backbreaker into a reverse DDT combo. On the mat, Miz locked in a figure four. After several seconds of being in the submission, Styles managed to roll and reverse the hold. Miz rolled himself and turned the move back on Styles, slapping him in the face whenever he was close enough. Styles turned the tables again, but Miz used the momentum to roll himself close enough to the ropes for a ropebreak, and the lock was released. Both men took a bit of time to recuperate as the crowd clapped and cheered. Styles was the first to get to his feet shakily as Miz was still hanging on to the ropes. Styles approached Miz who went to charge him, but Styles grappled him and hit a snap suplex. Miz stumbled to his feet and Styles whipped out a gutbuster, leaving Miz struggling just to get back to his knees. Styles hit a stiff kick to the Miz’ head that leveled him. Styles grabbed Miz by the head and dragged him to the center of the ring, setting up him for the Styles Clash. As he went to get him in position, Miz flipped Styles to the mat. Styles went to shove Miz into the ropes from behind. Styles made contact, but Miz went out of the way to fall into the referee. He was down. Styles looked to the ref, then to Miz, then the ref again and immediately went outside to the announce table where Lillian Garcia sat. He yelled her to get up and yanked her from the metal chair she sat on. He folded it up and rolled back into the ring, where Miz was slowly getting back to his feet on the ropes. Styles went to hit Miz with the chair, but Miz tripped him up right as he approached, into the ropes. The chair fell out of the ring as he punched Styles repeatedly on the back. Styles tried to move out from between the ropes, but wasn’t fast enough as Miz slingshotted himself over and caught Styles neck on the ropes. Hotshot!

Jim Ross: Looks like Miz may have saved himself here.

Jerry Lawler: Barely. Styles was about to do some damage—oh no, look out!

A sharp metallic clang was heard as Miz used the chai Styles brought our and got in a headshot while Styles was still hung within the ropes. Styles rolled back into the ring, holding his head and writhing. The referee began to stir as Miz kicked the chair back under the ring. He rolled in and forcefully shook the referee back to his senses. The referee was sluggish, but seemed to be coming to. Miz hurried to Styles, picking him up, and secured him for the Skull Crushing Finale. Once Styles hit the mat, the Miz went for the pin.

1…….2…………3! Ding ding ding.

Jim Ross: By gawd King, what just happened here!

I Came to Play sounded off once again as Miz held his arms up in victory.

Jerry Lawler: I think we just saw the Miz “beat” AJ Styles, JR!

Jim Ross: It’s not like Styles was gonna use that chair for good himself either.

Miz was handed the title and he snatched it away, holding it up and trash talking Styles, who was still down on the mat.

Jim Ross: The Miz is still champion after tonight. But that doesn’t mean he’s safe.

Jerry Lawler: I wonder what’ll happen next!

The show ended with all focus on the Miz as he continued to celebrate.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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