CEOD Results 12/24/15

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Ben M
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CEOD Results 12/24/15

Post by Ben M »


Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring first, followed by Roman Reigns. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Reigns went after Hardy, pummelling him with a series of right hands. Reigns then went to whip Hardy against the ropes, but Hardy reversed the Irish whip, sending Reigns into the ropes. As Reigns ran back towards him, Hardy hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Hardy hit a sitout jawbreaker, then set Reigns up for a suplex. Reigns blocked it and lifted Hardy over his shoulder, hitting a Samoan drop. Hardy got back to his feet and Reigns hit him with a clothesline, sending him over the top rope. Reigns then ran against the ropes and hit Hardy with an over the top rope suicide dive! Both men were down outside the ring, and Reigns got to his feet first. He grabbed Hardy and went to pull him to his feet, but Hardy fought back, hitting a right hand then following it up with a kick to the face. Hardy then got to his feet and threw Reigns into the ringside barrier, before running at him and hitting the Poetry in Motion! As Reigns staggered forwards, Hardy hit a Twist of Fate and hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Hardy pulled Reigns to his feet and dragged him towards the ring steps, then went to slam his head against the ring steps. Reigns blocked it and grabbed Hardy, slamming his head against the steel. Reigns then threw Hardy back into the ring and re-entered the ring, stomping on Hardy before picking him up and throwing him into the corner. Hardy reacted quickly, climbing the turnbuckle before hitting the Whisper in the Wind! Hardy went back to the top rope and hit the Swanton Bomb, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!


Jim Ross: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the final EBWF Show of 2015. This is Christmas Eve of Destruction.

The set was decorated with Christmas trees, wrapped gifts, barbed wire, ladders and cheers also made ominous appearances in the set design.

Jerry Lawler: This is our big finale of the year! And we’re ready to kick things off!

After green and red pyro exploded around the set Mankind’s theme hit the PA. He made his way to the ring. Enzo Amore's music hit and out he came for the kick off match. Mankind vs. Amore in a "Miracle on 34th Street Fight." The bell sounded.

Jim Ross: Here we go!

The two exchanged punches early on, until finally Amore started gaining the upper-hand. Amore got jabs to Mankind followed by a few head butts.

Jerry Lawler: Going to take a little more than that to get that man down!

Amore ran his forearm across the face of Mankind. Mankind hit an Irish whip but Amore came back with a clothesline out of the corner. Mankind hit a head butt and then he choked Amore in the ropes. Amore followed through with a clothesline and he punched Mankind. Amore laid a few knees to Mankind’s mid-section, and then gave his chest a chop followed by a drop kick which landed Mankind against the ropes. He fell to the floor in front of the announce table, and the crowd was fired up. Presents and Christmas trees were set up on either side of the announce table, and Amore sent Mankind into some presents and then Amore Irish whipped Mankind into a Christmas tree.

Jim Ross: Tis the season!

Amore decided to open a present to see what was inside. It was full of Newspaper, so he threw the box at King.

Jerry Lawler: Hey!

Amore hit a quick snapmare and then he grabbed the Christmas tree, and threw it down across Mankind’s body for added emphasis before hitting an elbow drop. Amore Irish whipped Mankind into the other tree and then he hit Mankind a few times with the tree. The announcers were having fun, laughing as they called this match. Amore opened a present and inside was a television monitor that wasn’t plugged in. Amore put it down and he sent Mankind into the ringside barrier. Amore went under the ring and he pulled out a gift wrapped table, but Mankind hit Amore. Enzo was sent back into the ring and Mankind put the table under the ring, being a Grinch for the fans.

Jim Ross: The fans wanted to see that table in the ring!

Amore went for a suicide dive that sent Mankind into a stack of presents. Both men were down until Mankind went under the ring, and came up with an unwrapped table. Mankind set up the table and the two exchanged punches. Mankind brought Amore to the table with a front face lock. Mankind hit a punch and Enzo fell onto the table. Mankind put a large wreath around his neck, which made the crowd laugh. Mankind went to the top rope, but Amore recovered before Mankind could come off the turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Better come down, Mick!

Mankind took the wreath off and smacked Enzo with it, before dropping it on his head and punching him. The two men traded punches up the ramp, until they were fighting on the staging area. Mankind hit Amore with a present and then he opened another present to reveal a chair. Mankind waited for Amore to turn around and Mankind kicked Amore and then he sent Amore off the stage and through a conveniently placed table on the concrete floor. They battled back down the ramp, Amore sliding back into the ring. Mankind went under the ring again, and came up with a curved metal decoration that was painted to look like a Candy Cane. Mankind slammed Amore face-first with it, and went for the pin! He took the 1-2-3.

Jerry Lawler: That’s a win for Mick Foley! He is the #1 Contender for the Breakout Championship!


Jim Ross: Up next, we've got a triple threat ladder match for the vacant Women's Tag Titles!

Jerry Lawler: What a match this is going to be, JR!

"Can You Feel My Heart" by Bring Me The Horizon hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as AJ and Paige headed to the ring. After AJ and Paige had entered the ring, "Rush of Power" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Summer and Eva stepped out onto the stage. The two Mean Girls strutted down the ramp, paying no attention to the jeers from the crowd. When they were in the ring, "Bossy" by Kelis hit and the crowd cheered as the Women's Champion, Trish Stratus, and Natalya headed to the ring. When Beautiful Dangerous were in the ring, they looked up at the Women's Tag Titles hanging above the ring. The referee called for the bell, and the six divas charged towards one another and exchanged punches. Trish went after Paige, Natalya fought Summer, and Paige battled with Eva Marie. Trish took Paige down with a clothesline, then threw her over the top rope. Natalya clotheslined Summer Rae over the top rope, then followed her out of the ring. Meanwhile, across the ring, AJ took Eva out with a spin kick, then turned her attention to Trish.

Jim Ross: I think we're about to witness a Survivor Series rematch, King!

AJ and Trish locked up, and Trish applied a headlock. AJ fought out of it and pushed Trish against the ropes, then went for an arm drag, but Trish countered it and took her down with a shoulder block. AJ got back to her feet, and Trish hit a spinebuster, then followed it up with a knee drop. At this point, Natalya re-entered the ring with a ladder, and after setting it up under the title belts, she and Trish began climbing the ladder. As they reached the halfway point, Summer and Paige entered the ring and pushed the ladder over, causing Trish and Natalya to fall onto the ring mat!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my, JR! I hope Trish and Natalya are okay!

With Trish and Natalya out of action, Summer and Eva turned their attention to AJ, who was back on her feet. The Mean Girls began to double team AJ, but Paige re-entered the ring and came to her partner's aid, grabbing Summer Rae by the hair and tossing her across the ring. Eva then went after Paige, hitting a DDT, and as Eva got back to her feet, AJ hit her with a dropkick. AJ then checked on Paige, and after helping her partner to her feet, the two divas set the ladder back up underneath the Tag Titles. AJ and Paige then began climbing the ladder, but Trish and Natalya recovered and grabbed the two divas, pulling them off the ladder. Trish then whipped Paige into the corner and hit her with the Stratus Splash; meanwhile, Natalya took AJ out with the Michinoku driver. Before Trish and Natalya could attempt to climb the ladder again, Summer and Eva went after them, and the four divas exchanged right hands back and forth. Natalya was exchanging punches with Summer, and just as she looked to have gained the upper hand, she went for a clothesline. Summer ducked out of the way, then hit Natalya with a spinning heel kick. Summer then helped Eva double-team Trish, and the two Mean Girls hit Trish with a double suplex. Summer and Eva went after Paige, hitting her with a double clothesline, then turned their attention to AJ, who was getting to her feet. The Mean Girls grabbed the ladder and ran at AJ with it, hitting her full force with the ladder!

Jim Ross: By God, King! AJ might be out cold!

As AJ lay motionless on the ring mat, Summer and Eva set the ladder back up and began to climb it. Paige began to stir and she pulled Eva off the ladder, then hit her with a side kick. She then tried to pull Summer off the ladder, but Summer kicked her away. As Summer neared the top of the ladder, Trish came back into the fray. She climbed the ladder and grabbed Summer, but Summer fought back, slamming Trish's head off the ladder. Trish looked as though she was going to lose her balance, but she held on and grabbed Summer once more. She applied a headlock and jumped off the ladder with Summer, hitting her with a bulldog!

Jerry Lawler: Stratusfaction off the top of the ladder!

Both Trish and Summer were laid out on the ring mat. Meanwhile, Natalya and Eva got to their feet and stared one another down. The two divas locked up and Eva went for a snapmare, but Natalya blocked it and countered with a reverse DDT. Natalya then grabbed Eva by the legs, and applied a Sharpshooter! Eva cried out on pain, but Paige got to her feet and hit Natalya with a big boot to the back of the head. She then hit Natalya with the Paige Turner! All five divas were down, and Paige sensed that this was her moment. She went towards the ladder, and began climbing!

Jim Ross: This could be it, King! Paige might win the Titles for her and AJ!

As Paige neared the top of the ladder, Trish got to her feet and climbed up after her. The two divas brawled on the ladder, and Trish gained the upper hand, hitting Paige with the Chick Kick! Paige fell from the ladder, and Trish reached for the title belts. Trish stretched out her arm, but AJ grabbed her by the leg! As AJ tried to pull Trish off the ladder, Natalya came to her partner's aid, hitting AJ with a kick to the midsection and following it up with a sit-out powerbomb! Trish then retrieved the belts and the referee called for the bell.

Jerry Lawler: It's over, JR! Trish and Natalya are the new Women's Tag Champions!

Trish and Natalya celebrated, then made their way to the back as the referee and ringside officials tended to the other divas.


"99 Problems" by Jay-Z hit and the crowd cheered loudly as Lance Storm headed to the ring, PTG title around his waist. As usual, Lance looked around at the audience with disdain as he made his way down the ramp. After Lance had entered the ring, PJ Black stepped out onto the stage to boos.

Jerry Lawler: I love this new attitude!

Jim Ross: Well King, if PJ Black wins tonight you may be seeing more of it, because he will be eligible to cash the championship in at the Royal Rumble for a shot at the World Championship!

Black and Storm locked up and Storm hit a headlock takedown, then hit a series of right hands as Black got back to his feet. Storm then whipped Black into the ropes, before hitting an arm drag. Black got back to his feet and the two men locked up once more. Black got behind Storm and hit him with a belly-to-back suplex, then applied a backbreaker submission. The referee asked Storm if he wanted to submit, but Storm shook his head and Black broke the hold. The two men got back to their feet and Black went for a clothesline, but Storm ducked out of the way and hit another series of punches, before slamming his head against the turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Remember, this is a sadistic madness match. Meaning the only way to win is to make your opponent bleed before making the pinfall or submission.

With Black cornered, Storm hit a series of backhand chops, then went to whipped him into the opposite corner. Black reversed the Irish whip, sending Storm into the corner, then as Storm staggered out of the corner, Black hit him with a dropkick to the face. As Storm got back to his feet, Black ran against the ropes and charged towards Storm, but Storm ducked and pulled down on the top rope, sending Black over the ropes! As Black hit the outside. Black re-entered the ring. Storm whipped him into the ropes then hit a dropkick to the face. Both men got back to their feet and Storm hit a delayed vertical suplex, then made the cover. The referee wouldn't count! Storm superkicked the referee! Black caught him with a low blow and applied a sleeper hold. Black kept the hold locked in, but Storm hit him with a few elbows to the ribs, forcing him to break the hold. Black followed it up with some more right hands, then hit Storm with an Enzuigiri. Black then hit a tiger suplex, complete with a bridging pin and the second referee was in the ring but refused to count!

Jerry Lawler: What a match this has been so far, JR!

Jim Ross: Both men are giving it their all tonight, King! But they have to make their opponent bleed before they can win!

Both men got to their feet and Black hit Storm with some right hands, then lifted him up for a body slam. Storm wriggled free and hit Black with a clothesline, then set him up for a piledriver, but Black countered with a back toss! As Storm got to his feet, Black ran towards him, but Storm was ready for him and he hit a Superkick! Storm hooked the leg and the referee refused to count again! Storm superkicked the second referee!

Jim Ross: I can't believe it, King!

Jerry Lawler: Look at the way Lance is protesting! He took out his second referee!

Storm argued with the third referee who entered, insisting it was a three count and the match rules were stupid. The referee insisted he make his opponent bleed first. Storm turned his attention to Black who was back on his feet. He whipped Black into the turnbuckle then sat him on the top rope, but as Storm tried to climb onto the turnbuckle, Black kicked him away. As Storm staggered backwards, Black jumped from the top rope, hitting Storm with a missile dropkick. Black pulled Storm to his feet and hit a series of backhand chops, then went to whip Storm into the ropes. Storm reversed the Irish whip, sending Black into the ropes, then slid underneath Black and locked in the Canadian Maple Leaf! Black cried out in pain and after trying and failing to reach the ropes, he tapped out!

Jim Ross: PJ Black is tapping out, but Storm can't win that way!

Storm looked furious at the third referee and before he could make a move the ref bailed from the ring. Black crawled towards the ropes, but just as he was about to reach them, Storm pulled him away! Storm tried to apply the submission once more, but Black hit another low blow! Storm crashed to the mat and the referee ignored it as it was legal. PJ Black went outside and then returned to the ring with a cheese grater! As Storm struggled to stand Black struck him in the face with the grater! Storm held his forehead in pain as the referee tried to see. Before the ref could confirm that Storm was indeed bleeding Black crashed on top of him with a 450 splash! The referee finally counted the first legal pinfall- 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised PJ Black's arm in victory!

Jerry Lawler: It's over, JR! PJ Black is the new Path to Glory Champion!

As Black celebrated, Storm got to his feet and began yelling at the referee. Black didn't care as he blasted Storm with another cheap shot, this time using the newly awarded title to strike his opponents bloody forehead. Storm was out in the center of the ring as PJ Black held the PTG Championship high in the air.


Jim Ross: Later tonight, we've got The Miz defending the EBWF World Title inside the Electrified Steel Cage, and we are going to see two former World Champions clash in a barbed wire glass tables match. Where the only way to win is to drive your opponent through a glass table!

"Get Ready to Fly" hit and the crowd booed as AJ Styles made his way to the ring. The former EBWF World Champion didn't seem to care, and he paid no attention to the crowd as he headed down the ramp. Upon entering the ring he avoided the barbed wire ropes, Styles began taunting the crowd as he awaited his opponent. "World's Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered loudly as Sami Zayn stepped out onto the stage. Zayn was all smiles as he made his way down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, Zayn also avoided the barbed wire. Styles and Zayn wasted no time as they locked up and the referee rang the bell. Styles applied a headlock before taking Zayn down to the mat. As Zayn hit the mat, Styles tried to keep the hold locked in, but Zayn broke free and both men got to their feet. Styles and Zayn locked up once more and this time Zayn applied an arm lock, before whipping Styles into the barbed wire ropes. Styles stopped before making contact and as he ran back towards Zayn he was hit with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet once more, Zayn went to whip Styles into the corner, but Styles blocked it, then pulled Zayn towards him and took him down with a clothesline. As Zayn got to his feet, Styles was taunting him. He charged Zayn but he took him down with a drop hold over the bottom barbed wire rope!

Jim Ross: Dear God that must hurt!

Styles was rolling around in pain. His chest was bleeding from the puncture wounds. Zayn pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the barbed wire ropes, Styles reversed then ran after him and clotheslined Zayn as he hit the ropes, sending Zayn to the outside. Zayn's back was bleeding after contact with the ropes. As Zayn got to his feet outside the ring, Styles ran towards the barbed wire ropes and flew over them, crashing onto Zayn with a corkscrew splash! As Zayn got to his feet, Styles hit a snap suplex, and Zayn cried out in pain as his back slammed against the lightly padded concrete. Styles got one of the glass tables into the ring and began setting it up. Zayn used the apron to stand and re-entered the ring. Styles charged him and Zayn took him down with an arm drag. Styles got to his feet and Zayn hit a spin-out powerbomb!

Jerry Lawler: That was so close to that glass table!

Zayn pulled Styles to his feet and hit a series of punches, then whipped him into the corner. Zayn then ran at Styles, going for a corner clothesline, but Styles got his feet up and kicked Zayn away. As Zayn staggered backwards, Styles climbed to the top rope, but Zayn charged him and hit a huge kick to the head of Styles! Styles crashed to the outside of the ring and as he quickly tried to recover Zayn flew between the barbed wire ropes, taking him out with a suicide dive tornado DDT!

Jim Ross: What a move! Wow!

Styles was out like a light as Zayn used all his strength to push him into the ring. Zayn got Styles on top of the glass table. Zayn quickly climbed the rope rope and the crowed got behind him. He jumped off with a double foot stomp, but Styles moved at the last second. Zayn destroyed the glass table and looked a bit frustrated. Glass shards covered most of the ring as Styles got to his feet, Zayn went for a suplex into the glass but Styles whipped him into the barbed wire aggressively, before running towards him and hitting a huge hurricanrana into the glass! As Zayn staggered to his feet and his back and chest were a bloody mess, Styles went for a northern lights suplex, but Zayn blocked it and hit a DDT into the glass shards! Styles got to his feet quickly holding his face as blood began pouring out and Zayn hit a spinning heel kick, before lifting him up for a double pumphandle vertical suplex powerbomb into the glass! Styles was screaming in agony as he rolled out the ring.

Jerry Lawler: This is becoming hard to watch!

Zayn went out to bring another table in and as he got it set up, Styles was back into the ring with a barbed wire baseball bat. Styles struck Zayn in the face with the bat and blood quickly covered the red head Canadians face. Styles went for the brainbuster through the table but Zayn broke free and landed on his feet behind Styles and the table. Styles looked confused as Zayn jumped into the table and jumped onto him with another tornado DDT! Zayn got to his feet and was fired up. Zayn hit an enzuigiri, then ran against the ropes and the crowd chanted "ole" as Zayn went for the Helluva Kick... but Styles moved out of the way at the last second! Zayn collided with the barbed wire rope and his leg was hooked. Styles then lifted him over his shoulders and tried to hit a cradle back-to-belly piledriver into the glass shards but Zayn reversed at the last second and shoved Styles into the referee!

Jim Ross: This is a freaking blood bath and the ref is down!

Styles staggered back and Zayn hit a German suplex into the corner. Styles used the barbed wire to stand and once he did Zayn caught him with a Helluva Kick! Styles was still in the corner as Zayn sat him on the turnbuckle, climbed up, and drilled Styles with a super brainbuster through the glass table!

Jerry Lawler: It's over! Sami Zayn just destroyed AJ Styles through that glass table!

Jim Ross: What a barbaric match! Wait a minute, King!

Zayn looked thrilled but the referee was still down. Styles was a wreck and Zayn contemplated his next move, but before he could do anything he was attacked from behind by an outsider.

Jim Ross: What the hell is Solomon Crowe doing out here!

Crowe beat on Zayn viciously with the barbed wire baseball bat before finishing him off with a headlock driver into the glass shards! Crowe proceeded to pull Styles from the table wreckage and drag Zayn into the spot instead. Crowe helped Styles to his feet as the referee stirred. The referee was on his feet and all he seen was Styles barely standing with the help of Crowe and Zayn laying in the middle of a broken glass table. Styles told the ref he put him through the table and the referee hesitated before believing him and calling for the bell. The referee raised Styles hand as the victor.

Jim Ross: What kind of screwjob is this!

The crowd was booing like crazy as Crowe helped Styles out of the ring. Zayn was still in the ring a bloody mess.

Jerry Lawler: We all seen Sami Zayn out AJ Styles through that table but the referee didn't! He thinks it was the other way around and has awarded the win to AJ Styles!

Jim Ross: Talk about getting coal for Christmas. This was complete BS!


As Christmas Eve of Destruction returned "Awake and Alive Instrumental" hit and Kevin Owens made his way to the ring to a chorus of boos. He was flanked by Kyle O'Reilly and Finn Balor. He looked extremely confident as the crowd greeted him with a chorus of boos. He walked by a couple of the tables and ladders strewn about as well as the sticks of C4. He stopped to peek at them before shaking his head with delight as if to say "ohhh this is going to be fun." He entered the ring and Balor and O'Reilly cemented their place on the outside.

Christy Hemme: The following is a TLC4 match set for one fall introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Kyle O'Reilly and Finn Balor. Representing Vertex- KEVIN OWENS!

Jim Ross: Well Kevin Owens with a big chance today to make a name for himself and pick up a win over the EBWF Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho.

Jerry Lawler: TLC4 my god JR. This is going to be crazy.

The boos quickly turned to cheers as "Break The Walls Down" was heard over the PA System- Chris Jericho with the IC Title over his shoulder made his way to the ring. He looked at the accessories en route and had a similar reaction to Owens. He entered the ring and stared at Owens and Balor and O'Reilly on the outside.

Christy Hemme: His opponent- he is the EBWF Intercontinental Champion- Chris Jericho!

Jim Ross: Well Jericho looking to get one over on Vertex here tonight.

Jerry Lawler: If anyone can do it, it's Chris!

The bell rang and the match was underway. The crowd was buzzing with anticipation. The two men locked up and the early advantage went to Owens. He had Chris in a side headlock. Chris then pushed Kevin off into the ropes. On Owens rebound he dropped Jericho with a shoulder tackle. Jericho popped right back up and the two men locked up again, this time the crafty veteran Jericho went behind with a hammerlock. Owens used his momentum to run towards the ropes, and dump Jericho to the outside. O'Reilly and Balor were quickly over to Chris but Owens yelled for them to stop. He followed Chris to the floor. He picked Jericho up and went to whip him into the barricade but Jericho reversed the whip and sent Owens shoulder first into the barricade. The crowd cheered as Chris, picked up a ladder that was lying on the ground about 5 feet away from him. Chris climbed the ladder about halfway, he was eyeing Owens and then came flying off and connected on a leg drop on the outside which brought cheers from the crowd. Owens held his sternum in pain. Jericho slid the ladder into the ring. He also quickly grabbed a table and set it up. He put a slumped over Owens onto the table. While Kevin was lying there, Jericho hit him with three hard forearm shots to the head. Owens was securely on the table. Jericho went back into the ring. He went into the ring and set up the ladder in the ring. He climbed all the way to the top of the ladder. The crowd was on their feet.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd King, so early in this match! Don't do it Chris!

Jerry Lawler: AH!!

Jericho flew from the ladder down towards Owens with an elbow, but Owens moved out of the way and Jericho came crashing through nothing but table. The crowd OHHHHed and a "Holy Shit" chant started.


Owens was slowly to his feet he rolled Jericho into the ring and went for a cover the referee counted 1... 2... but Jericho got the shoulder up at 2 which brought cheers from the capacity crowd in Chicago. Owens looked upset and he went for the C4 on the outside. He yelled to Balor who out of his trunks had duct tape. Owens decided to duct tape the C4 to the turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Some bad intentions here King.

Owens had a sick smirk on his face as he picked up as he picked Jericho up. He pushed a weak Jericho into the ropes and went for a pop up powerbomb but Jericho miraculously reversed it into a hurricanrana which sent Owens crashing into the turnbuckle and set off the explosion the crowd was on their feet in awe of what they had just seen. A louder "Holy Shit" chant broke from the fans.

Jim Ross: Good god in heaven- that killed him!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god JR!

Jericho rolled into a cover and the referee counted 1... 2... but Owens was somehow able to kick out at two. The crowd started chanting "This Is Awesome." Jericho had a wry smile on his face as he couldn't believe Owens had kicked out. He rolled a weak Owens to the center of the ring and locked in the Walls of Jericho, after several seconds of resisting Owens was finally able to use his tremendous leg strength to throw Jericho off of him. Owens was quick to the outside throwing two smaller ladders into the ring while Jericho got back to his feet. Owens set one up in the corner, and Jericho was fully to his feet. The two men locked up and Owens overpowered Jericho by his head and slammed him face first into the ladder he had set up in the corner. Jericho was now standing back to the ladder in the corner. Owens grabbed the other small ladder and swung it like a baseball bat but Jericho was able to move out of the way which caused Owens to hit ladder on ladder and drop the smaller ladder out of pain in his hands. Jericho picked up the small light ladder and threw it to Owens who caught it instinctively, Jericho then quickly hit a spinning heel kick knocking the ladder right into the face of Owens, which brought another OHHH from the crowd. The ladder fell to the side and Owens was down. Jericho went for another cover and the referee counted 1... 2... THR... but Owens again kicked out at two.

Jim Ross: Two and a half!

Jerry Lawler: This is amazing JR!

Jericho was to his feet again. He put the bigger of the two ladders on top of a flat on his back, Owens. Jericho seemed to have the wheels turning. He ran to the ropes and went for a Lionsault but Owens did a bench press of the ladder and Jericho caught nothing but ladder as Owens moved his body on impact and Chris and the ladder came crashing to the mat together. Owens went for a cover and the referee counted... 1... 2... THRE... but Jericho kicked out just in time! The crowd was going absolutely nuts.

Jim Ross: What is it going to take here King?

Jerry Lawler: I have no idea!

Owens went back to the outside and entered some more C4 into the equation. He threw it into the ring, as Jericho stirred. Owens said loud enough for the ring mic to pick it up... "this shit is over" He looked down at the C4 and when Jericho was to his feet. He pushed him into the ropes and went for another pop up powerbomb, this time Jericho countered again hitting the code breaker and Owens fell right into the C4 which caused ANOTHER explosion! The crowd started another "holy shit" chant as Jericho managed to slump one arm over Owens as he had caught some of the explosion himself. The referee counted along with the fans... 1... 2... 3! The match was mercifully over.

Christy Hemme: The winner of this match, The EBWF Intercontinental Champion- Chris Jericho!

Jim Ross: Good god almighty! What a vile match that was King! Both of these men put their personal wellbeing on the line, and bah gawd was it fun to watch.

Jerry Lawler: I'm just happy they both made it out of here alive JR!

O'Reilly and Balor were in the ring and helped Owens to his feet as Jericho weakly celebrated his victory- his body had been through the ringer just as much as Owens, but he was handed his IC Title- and managed to make his way back up the ramp and through the curtain. Owens and Vertex were not too far behind as the fans tried to catch their breath before CEOD cut to a promo for the next match.


Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event... The Miz defends the EBWF World Title against Chicago's own CM Punk inside an electrified steel cage!

Jerry Lawler: Not only that, JR – the cage will have barbed wire on top to make sure Vertex can't interfere!

Jim Ross: It's sure to be a hellacious match, King... no doubt about that!

"I Came To Play" by Downstait hit, and the crowd booed as The Miz made his way to the ring, the World Title draped over his shoulder. Miz strutted down the ramp, looking around the crowd smugly as he headed to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Well, JR, Miz doesn't have the Vertex out here with him tonight, but he looks like he's confident of victory!

Jim Ross: The Miz has proved to be a resourceful champion, King... he'll need to be at his best tonight to beat CM Punk in his hometown!

As Miz entered the cage, he posed with the championship, then moved to the corner of the ring and awaited his opponent. You could almost feel the excitement inside the Allstate Arena, and as "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit, the Chicago crowd went wild. CM Punk stepped out onto the stage, wearing a special "Christmas in Chicago" limited edition shirt. Punk pounded his chest, and the crowd chanted in unison with him, "It's Clobbering Time!" Punk then headed to the ring, a determined expression on his face as he made his way down the ramp. As Punk entered the ring, he stared across the ring at his opponent. His music was cut, and Christy Hemme began the introductions.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is an electrified cage match, and it is for the EBWF World Championship! Introducing first, the challenger. From Chicago, Illinois... weighing in at 220 pounds... CM Punk!

The crowd went wild once again, and a CM Punk chant echoed through the arena.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio... weighing in at 231 pounds... he is the reigning EBWF World Champion, The Miz!

Christy's announcement could barely be heard over the boos from the crowd. Miz posed with the title once more, taunting the fans in attendance. Miz then handed the championship to the referee, who held the title up once more before taking it out of the ring. The referee then locked the cage door, and called for the bell. The arena lights went dark as the cage was electrified. As the lights came back up, Punk wasted no time getting started, charging towards Miz and pummelling him with a series of right hands. Miz fought back with some punches of his own, then took Punk down with a snapmare driver. Miz stomped on Punk several times, before pulling him to his feet and throwing him into the steel cage. Sparks flew from the cage as Punk was electrocuted, then as Punk staggered back towards Miz, the World Champion hit a low dropkick. Punk fell to his knees and Miz hit a snap DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: A strong start from The Miz!

Miz got to his feet and stomped on Punk some more times, before pulling him to his feet and whipping him into the corner. Miz went for the Awesome Clothesline, but Punk got his knees up and blocked it. As Miz staggered backwards, Punk went to the top rope, then hit Miz with a diving crossbody! Both men got to their feet and Punk slapped Miz twice, followed it up with a spinning back kick to the gut, and finished it off with a roundhouse kick. Miz got back to his feet and Punk hit a double underhook backbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jerry Lawler: Another near fall! This time CM Punk gets the two count!

Punk pulled Miz to his feet, then pointed towards the cage. The crowd cheered in anticipation... and Punk threw Miz full force into the cage! A loud zapping noise could be heard as Miz collided with the cage. Miz looked dazed as he staggered away from the cage, and Punk hit a step-up enzuigiri, followed by a tiger suplex. Miz's shoulders hit the mat, and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Punk rolled Miz over and applied the Koji clutch, but Miz fought out of it and both men got to their feet. The two men exchanged right hands back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Punk went for a Muay Thai kick. Miz ducked out of the way, then hit an inverted facelock backbreaker, followed by a neckbreaker slam. Both men got to their feet, and Miz hit the Mizard of Oz! He hooked the leg once more, and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Jim Ross: So close to a three count!

Miz got to his feet and grabbed Punk by the legs, applying a figure four leglock! Punk cried out in pain, but he refused to submit and Miz broke the hold. He pulled Punk to his feet and threw him into the cage once more, then hit a half-nelson facebuster. Miz hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... again Punk kicked out! Miz looked frustrated at getting another two count, and he punched Punk against the ring mat several times before sitting him up and applying a sleeper hold. Just as it seemed like Punk was losing consciousness, he fought out of it and both men got to their feet. Punk grabbed Miz and dragged him towards the cage, slamming his head against the electrified cage wall! Punk then whipped Miz towards the corner and hit a step-up high knee, followed by a bulldog. Punk then signalled for the GTS!

Jerry Lawler: We could have a new champion here, JR!

The crowd cheered and began chanting Punk's name. Miz got to his feet and Punk lifted him onto his shoulders... but Miz wriggled free, then hit Punk with a low blow! The crowd booed, and laughing, Miz hit a swinging neckbreaker. Miz got to his feet and began removing the turnbuckle pad. Punk got to his feet, and Miz grabbed him, slamming his head against the exposed turnbuckle! Blood trickled down Punk's forehead, and adding insult to injury, Miz threw Punk into the cage again. Punk seemed to be fading, and The Miz took full advantage, grabbing the Second City Saint and hitting the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Jim Ross: It's over! The Miz retains the title once more!

The referee called for the bell and raised Miz's arm in victory. Miz celebrated with the championship, taunting the Chicago crowd as he did so. The "Awake and Alive" instrumental hit and the rest of Vertex came out to celebrate with The Miz. Vertex continued to celebrate as the show went off the air.