“As you all know I am Jay Jones and I’ve gathered you all here today because my two favourite clients have just signed contracts to become the newest superstars in the EBWF! Give a big round of applause to Matt and Pam. Or as you may know them, TYLER BREEZE AND BAYLEY!”
In a private area of a small bar she stepped forward with Matt. Both of them waving to the 75 or so people gathered there. She knew a few faces, but this was a JJ event so was clearly a whole host of people he wanted to smooze with for the evening. But she did not care. She owed JJ so much so let him do what he wanted when it came to things like this. If it was not for him she would probably would have agreed a 25 year deal working 360 days a year for 10 bucks a week knowing her. She was terrible at those sort of things.
As she stood alongside Matt the first thing that struck her was her absolute inability to gauge what “wear something nice” meant when JJ said it. There was Matt in his trousers and waistcoat, a gorgeous navy blue, perfectly complimented by the powder blue shirt he was wearing with it. His hair scraped back in that trademark Breeze style. He looked a star. A superstar. So it made her wonder why she had decided “nice” meant picking out her tight black jeans and just a plain black t-shirt that made her stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone had made an effort and there she was looking like she was going to buy groceries. She continued to sheepishly wave to the crowd until final Matt raised his hands signalling those there to stop their applause and mercifully Pam could stop waving.
Matt - I just want to say a big thank you to JJ for sorting all this. He might look like a nice guy, but he’s a hard task master! There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t hear from him and I don’t think an hour goes by without him moaning at me!
The crowd broke into a brief chuckle.
Matt - But one thing he’s always been there doing everything he can and I cannot thank him enough for everything he’s done not just for the EBWF deal, but everything over the years. Without him there wouldn’t be a Tyler Breeze, and you’d be stuck watching boring wannabes like Dolph Ziggler and the Miz!
At this comment he flashed that pout that everyone knew so well and raised an eyebrow. Pam was blown away how he could so effortlessly flick between sincere and his Tyler Breeze character.
Matt - I’d also like to say a thank you to someone special, Laura.
Matt pointed to tall blonde in the crowd. Naturally beautiful, she raised her champagne glass to Matt coyly, but it was obviously she was enjoying the attention. She was wearing a tight black cocktail dress, simple yet elegant. Immediately upon seeing this Pam cursed under her breath, and muttered to herself “now THATS what wearing something nice means.”
Matt - Without her constant support, help and love I wouldn’t be here today. She puts up the rough and the smooth, and I cant put into words how much she means to me. So I just want to say a big thank you to the Queen of Cuteville. Love you baby!
The crowd clapped as Matt theatrically blew a kiss to her. Laura rolled her eyes at his over the top gesture.
Matt - Now I know you didn’t come just to hear me talk all night, although I wouldn’t blame you if you did. But JJ has kindly laid on a free bar and some snacks. So everyone please go enjoy yourself and the next time you see Prince PrettyI will have the EBWF title around my waist!”
The crowd burst into cheers and whooping. Matt started doing his trademark Tyler Breeze duck face pout to the delight of everyone. Switching between a variety of his model esque poses, everyone was lapping up every second of it. As the crowd began to die down Pam was desperate to slip away. Put her in a wrestling ring and everything is fine, but this was so far from being her scene it made her too uncomfortable.
Matt - Ah Pam, do you want to say a few words?
She froze, this was not part of the deal. JJ said turn up, have a few drinks and that is it. He did not say anything about speaking! It was all so easy and natural for Matt, but her. Not at all. Stick her with a bunch of 10 year olds and she was in her element. But all this public speaking felt like it was too much like being a proper grown up, and she really was not very good at that. As the eyes all focused on her she became even more aware of just how underdressed she was for the event. She was going to kill Jay when she spoke to him about this. As she looked around she could feel it coming, building inside her and without warning just came out.
Pam - Hehehe
Oh no! It was her nervous laugh she had. She had it since school and any presentations she done it would come out. A silly little girl laugh that would not go away. Pam pushed her shoulder length hair behind her ear and focused on the back of the room making a decision it would need to be something short and to the point, or she risked breaking down in a fit of giggles.
Pam - Ummm, thanks everyone for coming. Hehehe.
With that she strode to the side, trying to get out of the spotlight as quickly as possible, without it turning into a run! The onlooking crowd were taken back by the shortness, but ever the professional Matt started a round of applause that everyone joined in with. His gesture towards the bar seemed to neatly signal the end of the speeches.
Matt - Thanks Pam.
With that everyone carried on with the celebrations. Matt moved into the crowd like a snake slithering through the grass. She never understood how people could be so good at holding an audience captive like that, but he was just one of those guys. At that point Jay walked over and gave Pam a huge hug.
Jay - Pammy baby, I'm going to call that your Chris Jericho, because it was short and sweet!
He always called her Pammy baby. It was just what he did. Jay’s hilarious British accent made him sound just like Austin Powers, and whenever he said Pammy baby it made her smile. “Find your USP Pammy baby.” He always said that to her and she was pretty sure his unique selling point was his over the top British accent. He was in many ways a walking talking International stereotype. He looked Italian, with his Mediterranean skin and jet black hair which was always slicked back whenever she saw him. Also whenever she saw him it would start flopping in front of his faces within minutes and he would be tossing his head around like he was in a shampoo commercial. He also always wore the most amazing tailored black suits, and tonight was no exception, which reminded her…
Pam - Yeah thanks for sending me the memo about wearing something nice actually meaning wear something fancy.
She jokingly punched his arm as he looked her up and down with a disbelieving look on his face.
Jay - Pammy baby you look gorgeous. The belle of the ball.
She pulled a quizzical look at him and they both laughed.
Jay - Anyway why is you hand empty? GET THIS LADY A COCKTAIL.
He clicked his fingers at one of the waiting staff.
Jay - Garson, a glass of bubbles for the lady me thinks.
Pam - Ha it’s fine. I’ve got the gym in the morning then that children’s hospital meet and greet remember? You should do, you booked it for me.
Jay - Of course I do. Well make sure you speak to some people, they are all here for you Pammy baby. Garson, I’ll have a dry Martini sssshaken not shtired.
Jay had just done the worst Sean Connery James Bond impression of all time. It made Pam smile. This was one of the reason she liked Jay so much, he was such a geek it made her feel a little bit cool, and she never felt cool. Whether people were laughing at him, or with him he did not care. “The only thing worse than people talking about you Pammy baby is people not talking about you.” He was always telling her that. As he walked away he turned and flashed his winning smile and gave her a wink.
Jay - Thank you mish Moneypenny.
He walked away having completed one of the worst impressions Pam had ever heard.
The rest of the evening went well. She enjoyed the small talk. It was all about telling her how lucky she was and how hard she had worked to get here. It was small talk like this she did not mind, she could sail through these questions on auto pilot. As the evening drew to a close she found herself leaning against the bar, twirling a cocktail stick in her fingers that had just been used to spear an olive when Matt caught her eye. They knew each, other sort of. They shared the same agent so had seen him a few times at JJ’s office and obviously they had worked in the same promotion at times, but never really got to know each other. He was talking to a crowd of people, all of whom seemed to be hanging on his every word. She didn’t know how he managed it. She was just in awe of how he was working the crowd. It was almost like he enjoyed it, when she was jolted from her thoughts by someone leaning in speaking to her.
Laura - He’s telling the lion roar joke.
Pam - Ermmmm, sorry, what?
Laura - Matt, he’s gone full Tyler Breeze now. He always does after one too many drinks. He’s telling this joke he always tells. The punchline is a lions……..
Just as she was about to finish her sentence Matt let out an almighty lions roar to the absolute delight of those he was speaking to. The entire group was in fits of laughter.
Laura - See I told you. Next he’ll get his stick out.
Pam - Pardon?
No sooner had she spoke than Matt spun on his toes like a pirouetting ballerina and in one fluid motion had his fur covered selfie stick in the air. Light was flashing where he was taking pictures of himself with the laughing group behind him.
Pam - Oh you really do know him well don’t you! Haha. You’re Laura arent you? What he said about you before was so sweet. I’m Bayley, well Pam.
She stuck her hand out to shake. But Laura moved her eyes in the opposite direction, doing her best to avoid noticing it. Pam pulled her hand back, but it had made her feel like an idiot. It was only now she realised just how pretty Laura was close up. Her skin was flawless. He blonde shoulder length hair hung in loose curls. Her simple black dress seemed to accentuate her amazingly toned body. Pamela was already seriously thinking about asking her what her gym routine was to look as good as she did. Before she did Laura began to speak again. Pam could not quite place her accent, it sounded European, but with an American twang to it.
Laura - He can be sweet when he wants. I think I’ve seen you wrestling before. I don’t follow it much I’m afraid. You do the cute stuff, say your prayers, take your vitamins don’t you? Congratulations on the new contract by the way. I’m sure you’ll do incredibly well. Has your significant other come along tonight.
Although Laura was firing questions at Pam she never took her eyes off Matt, constantly watching his next move within the crowd of people.
Pam - Oh no. I’m single. Single and ready to mingle.
Urgh, the phrase slipped out of her mouth like a bad oyster and she had immediately regretted it. People are single because they use the phrase “I’m single and ready to mingle”.
Laura - Well thats just lovely. I’m sure someone will come along and mingle with you soon. Just make sure they dont bring a furry selfie stick with them wherever they go. Its a nightmare to clean up after.
At which point to Pam’s utter relief Matt staggered over and clearly had been enjoying Jay’s free bar.
Matt - Hey Princess pretty how are you doing?
He slid his arm around Laura’s waist and kissed her cheek.
Matt - You been talking to the next Women’s champion Bayley have you?
Laura - Yes and watching you entertain the masses.
Matt - Yeah, hash tag working the room sweetheart. I’m putting this one on Instagram.
He flung his selfie stick in the air and started taking pictures of himself and Laura, planting kisses all over her face. She playfully tried to pull away laughing
Laura - NO YOU ARE NOT. Not with me in them. I think its about time we got you home. Plus you know any pictures of me on your Instagram and someone like the Miz will end up liking them, I think he has a soft spot for me……
It was a tongue in cheek comment, but Laura knew this would annoy him. And it did. Putting her arm around him she began walking away with him, over her shoulder she called back to Pam.
Laura - It was a pleasure meeting you Barbara.
Barbara!? Was she that instantly forgettable? Anyway it did not matter now. She wanted to get to her hotel room. She had a long day ahead of her tomorrow and needed to get some sleep. She moved through the room like a silent assassin avoiding as many people as possible so she could get home as early a possible. Even Jay, he would not mind. She knew if she spoke to him he would spend the next half an hour trying to convince her to not leave. And by now the only bit of effort she did make, her heels, were telling her feet it was time to get home.
As she made her way out, hugging the bouncer as she left she saw Matt and Laura. She was just about to call out to them to say goodbye when she saw Matt look to the sky as Laura pushed him hard in the chest. Pam was not sure what was going on, but she certainly did not want to stick around to find out. She stepped into the evening drizzle and hailed a cab. Gym, meet and greet then the real hard work in the EBWF would begin!