Royal Rumble Results - 1/31/2016

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Royal Rumble Results - 1/31/2016

Post by Ashlee »


After a video promoting the night's matches and an impressive pyrotechnic display to open the show, the camera cut to JR and The King at ringside.

Jim Ross: Good evening and welcome to the 2016 Royal Rumble! We are live from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, and with me at ringside is my good friend and broadcast colleague, Jerry "The King" Lawler!

Jerry Lawler: What a night this is going to be, JR! The road to Wrestlemania begins here tonight!

Jim Ross: Up first tonight, we'll determine the number one contender for the EBWF Breakout Championship in a fatal four way match!

"Radio" by Watt White hit and the crowd cheered as Zack Ryder headed to the ring. "Here to Show the World" hit and Dolph Ziggler came out next to a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Ziggler was in the ring, "#mmmgorgeous" hit and the crowd booed as Tyler Breeze strutted to the ring, admiring himself as he walked down the ramp. "Written in My Face" by Sean Jenness hit and the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus, was the last superstar to head to the ring. When all four men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell.

Jim Ross: Here we go King!

The four men circled each other and the match was underway. Sheamus and Ryder locked up as did Ziggler and Breeze. Sheamus quickly overpowered Ryder sending him to the outside. Breeze got Ziggler in a hammerlock, but Ziggler wriggled free and put a hammerlock of his own on Breeze. Dolph then shoved Breeze into Sheamus who hit him with a ferocious hip toss. As Sheamus turned around Dolph hit him with a picture perfect drop kick. Ziggler went for the cover and earned a two count. Ryder was back into the ring and began to stomp on Tyler Breeze. Tyler made his way slowly to his feet and Zack went for a clothesline but Breeze ducked it and hit him with a reverse DDT. As Breeze turned around he walked right into a brogue kick from Sheamus.

Jim Ross: BROGUE KICK! He could win it right here early.

The ref counted ONE.. TWO.. but Ziggler broke the count. As Ziggler got to his feet Zack Ryder hit him with a flying lariat. Sheamus went for a punch on Ryder, but Zack blocked it and clotheslined him to the floor. Breeze was now making his way slowly to his feet. Ziggler locked up with him and put him in a side headlock. Breeze snuck away and hit Dolph with a spinning heel kick. Dolph rolled outside of the ring. Breeze turned around and Zack Ryder hit him with A DDT. Ryder went for the cover 1..2.. but Breeze kicked out.

Jim Ross: Nearfall there!

Jerry Lawler: What a match so far!

Sheamus was back into the ring. Before Ryder could get up Sheamus stomped him on the head 3 times. Ryder slowly made his way to his feet and Sheamus planted him with a belly to belly suplex. Ziggler was in the ring quickly behind him. Sheamus turned around and hit Sheamus with the Zig Zag. Dolph went for the cover the ref counted ONE.. TWO.. THR.. but Breeze broke up the cover. Sheamus rolled back out of the ring and Ziggler stood back up and he and Breeze started exchanging vicious right hands and the crowd was loving it.

Jim Ross: Bah Gawd! These men are going at it. They want to be number one contender for the Breakout Title in a bad way King!

Jerry Lawler: Oh my god!

Ziegler got the better of Breeze and hit a right hand that sent Tyler crashing to the floor below. As Ziggler turned around he was planted by a Rough Ryder from Zack!


Sheamus interrupted the count by sliding in and making the save.

Jim Ross: Zack had that won!

Ryder was back to his feet and Sheamus clotheslined him down to the outside. Sheamus talked trash to him and Tyler Breeze had slid into the ring behind him. Sheamus must have seen him out of the corner of his eye. He went for a brogue kick but Breeze ducked it and rolled Sheamus up.. the ref counted.. ONE.. TWO... THREE! Ziggler had tried to make the save but it was too late. Breeze was the winner!

Jim Ross: THAT'S IT! Tyler Breeze has done it! He's the number one contender for the Breakout Championship!

Jerry Lawler: I can't believe it!

Jim Ross: It looked like Zack Ryder was going to take the W there, but Breeze came in and stole it King!

Jerry Lawler: What a way to start the Royal Rumble!


Christy Hemme: The following contest is the Women's Royal Rumble match!

The Detroit crowd cheered with excitement as Christy Hemme explained the rules of the Rumble. "Up from the Ashes" by The Letter Black hit and Paige came out first to a mixed reaction from the crowd. "Rush of Power" by CFO$ hit and Summer Rae came out to a chorus of boos. The referee called for the bell, and the two divas locked up.

Jim Ross: Here we go King, the Women's Royal Rumble is officially underway!

Paige applied a headlock, but Summer fought out of it and whipped Paige into the ropes, then took her down with an arm drag. She stomped on Summer several times, before pulling her to her feet and whipping her into the corner. Summer applied a corner foot choke, then tried to throw Paige over the top rope, but Paige held on and hit Summer with a back elbow smash. She followed it up with a side kick, then applied an STF. The countdown clock hit zero, and Sasha Banks came out next to a mixed reaction.

Jerry Lawler: It looks like this crowd are pleased to see Sasha Banks back, JR! Well, some of them at least...

As Sasha entered the ring, Paige broke the hold and get to her feet. Paige went to hit Sasha with a forearm smash, but Sasha blocked it and took Paige down with a clothesline. Sasha stomped on Paige several times, then she and Summer double-teamed Paige. Despite wearing down Paige, the two Mean Girls were unable to eliminate her. After another 90 seconds had passed, "Out of My Mind" by CFO$ hit and Eva Marie came out.

Jim Ross: Oh my, King... business is about to pick up!

Eva entered the ring and greeted her fellow Mean Girls with a hug. The three divas then began to triple-team Paige. Sasha and Eva whipped Paige towards Summer Rae, who hit her with the Summer Solstice. Eva then hit the Sliced Red #2, before Sasha hit Paige with Bankrupt. Sasha dragged Paige to her feet, and threw her over the top rope. The ten second countdown began moments after Paige had been eliminated, and as the clock hit zero, "Crushed" by Parkway Drive hit. The crowd cheered as Alexa Bliss stepped out onto the stage.

Jerry Lawler: Here comes Alexa Bliss, making her EBWF return... talk about being thrown in at the deep end, JR!

Alexa seemed apprehensive as she made her way down the ramp, but there was a look of determination on her face as she headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Eva went after Alexa, but Alexa ducked out of the way, then hit Eva with a dropkick. As Alexa got to her feet, Summer lifted her up for a body slam, but Alexa countered with a headscissors takedown. Alexa got to feet once more and Sasha hit her with a kick to the midsection, then whipped her into the corner. Sasha ran at Alexa, going for a corner clothesline, but Alexa got her knees up and blocked it, then as Sasha staggered backwards, Alexa climbed the turnbuckle and hit a diving crossbody. Alexa tried to eliminate Sasha, but Summer and Eva came to her aid. As the Mean Girls triple-teamed Alexa, the countdown clock hit zero and Kharma came out at number six.

Jim Ross: Well King, it could be four on one here... so much for every woman for herself!

Jerry Lawler: Look how fierce Kharma looks, JR! She looks like she'd get angry just sharing a locker room with Alexa Bliss!

As Kharma entered the ring, the rest of the Mean Girls stepped aside, allowing Kharma to take care of Alexa Bliss. Kharma smiled demonically, then grabbed Alexa and whipped her into the corner. Kharma hit Alexa with a body avalanche, then lifted Alexa up for a powerbomb. Kharma went to powerbomb Alexa over the top rope, but Alexa held onto the ropes and hit Kharma with a hurricanrana, sending her over the top rope!

Jim Ross: I don't believe it, King! Alexa Bliss has eliminated Kharma less than a minute after she entered the Rumble!

Jerry Lawler: I don't think the rest of the Mean Girls can believe it either, JR!

Eva, Summer and Sasha all looked stunned. Alexa rolled under the bottom rope, and the three Mean Girls all stomped on her repeatedly, trying to wear her down. "Turn It Up" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Bayley came in at number 7. As Bayley entered the ring, Summer went for the Summer Solstice, but Bayley ducked out of the way, then hit the Bayley-to-Belly Suplex!

Jim Ross: Bayley-to-Belly out of nowhere!

Bayley got to her feet, and Eva ran at her, but Bayley was ready for her, and she took Eva down with a Japanese arm drag. Sasha then went after Bayley, hitting her with multiple forehand chops before taking her down with a roundhouse kick. As Sasha continued to battle Bayley, Alexa Bliss went after Eva Marie. Alexa hit a neckbreaker, then went to throw Eva over the top rope, but Summer Rae came to Eva's aid. Natalya came in at number 8, and upon entering the ring she went after Summer Rae. Natalya hit Summer with a double underhook suplex, then as she got to her feet, Alexa ran at her, going for the tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown. Natalya countered it, hitting a Michinoku driver! Eva then went after Natalya, but Natalya took her down with a double-leg takedown, before applying the Sharpshooter! Meanwhile, across the ring, Sasha went to hit the Bankrupt on Bayley, but Bayley blocked it, then took Sasha down with a one-handed bulldog. The countdown clock hit zero again, and AJ Lee came in at number 9.

Jerry Lawler: We now have seven divas in the ring, and three more divas still to come!

AJ went after Summer Rae, whipping her into the corner then trying to lift her over the top rope. Eva made the save, then she hit AJ with a DDT. Summer and Eva eliminated AJ, then regrouped with Sasha Banks. Across the ring, Bayley, Natalya and Alexa Bliss all looked at one another, seemingly reaching an understanding. Natalya went after Sasha, Alexa went for Summer Rae, and Bayley ran at Eva Marie. Eva took Bayley down with a spear, punching her against the ring mat several times. She pulled Bayley to the feet and set her up for the Sliced Red #2, but Bayley blocked it, then hit a German suplex. Eva got to her feet and Bayley ran at her once more, clotheslining her over the top rope!

Jim Ross: Eva Marie has been eliminated!

"Aphrodite" by Kylie Minogue hit, and the crowd cheered as Torrie Wilson made her way to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: And here comes the tenth entrant, the ten-time Women's Champion!

Upon entering the ring, Torrie locked up with Bayley. Meanwhile, across the ring, Alexa hit Summer with an inverted DDT, then went to the top rope and hit her with the Sparkle Splash! Alexa eliminated Summer Rae, then turned her attention to Sasha Banks, who had just taken Natalya down with a suplex. Alexa went to throw Sasha over the top rope, but Sasha held onto the bottom rope and rolled back into the ring. No more divas were eliminated before Stacy Keibler came in at number 11. Stacy went after Natalya, but Nattie was ready for her and she hit Stacy with a sitout powerbomb. Across the ring, Torrie set Bayley up for the Nose Job, but Bayley blocked it, then countered with a spinebuster. Meanwhile, Alexa went to hit Sasha with a discus punch, but Sasha ducked out of the way and got behind Alexa. She hit a double-knee backbreaker, then followed it up with the Bank Statement! The countdown clock hit zero for the final time, and Brooke Tessmacher came in at number 12.

Jim Ross: Well King, that's it! One of these seven divas is going to Wrestlemania!

Moments after Brooke had entered the ring, Stacy Keibler hit Natalya with the Keibler Kick, then turned her attention to Brooke. Stacy went to hit Brooke with a forearm smash, but Brooke blocked it and took Stacy down with a snapmare. Stacy sat up, and Brooke hit her with a shoot kick to the back of the head. Brooke pulled Stacy to her feet and threw her towards the ropes, but Stacy held onto the top rope. Brooke grabbed her by the legs and managed to get her over the top rope, but Stacy refused to let go of the top rope! As she stood on the ring apron, Brooke hit her with a series of punches, trying to break Stacy's resistance. Brooke was so focused on Stacy, she didn't notice Sasha Banks sneak up behind her... Sasha threw Brooke over the top rope, then hit Stacy with a dropkick, eliminating both divas in quick succession!

Jerry Lawler: Sasha has now eliminated three divas, and we're down to five!

Alexa was still down on the mat, recovering from the Bank Statement, and Bayley was battling Torrie in the corner, so Sasha turned her attention to Natalya, who had just gotten to her feet. Sasha whipped Natalya into the corner, then ran at her and hit a high knee. As Natalya staggered out of the corner, Sasha went to clothesline her over the top rope, but Natalya ducked underneath it and hit Sasha with a belly-to-back suplex. At this point, Torrie ran at Natalya, taking her down with a spear. Torrie punched Natalya against the mat several times, then pulled her to her feet and set her up for a swinging neckbreaker. Natalya blocked it, countering with a jawbreaker, then lifted Torrie onto her shoulders and applied the Canadian backbreaker rack! After wearing Torrie down, Natalya threw Torrie over the top rope, leaving just four divas remaining.

Jim Ross: We're down to the final four now King!

Alexa was now on her feet, as were Bayley and Sasha, and the four divas looked at one another, unsure what to do next. Sasha looked confident, and she dared all three of her opponents to come at her. Alexa went after Sasha, leaving Bayley to do battle with Natalya. Bayley ran at Natalya, but Natalya reacted quickly and took Bayley down with the Nattie-By-Nature. Bayley got to her feet, and Natalya went to whip her into the corner, but Bayley reversed it, whipping Natalya into the turnbuckle. As Bayley hit Natalya with multiple back elbows in the corner, across the ring, Alexa had Sasha locked in the keylock.

Jerry Lawler: Sasha has been in this match for more than 20 minutes now, but if Alexa Bliss has her way, she won't be in it for much longer!

Sasha managed to fight her way out of the keylock, and put Alexa in a reverse chinlock with bodyscissors. Meanwhile, Natalya had fought her way out of the corner and she had a dragon sleeper locked in on Bayley. Just when it seemed like Bayley was losing consciousness, she broke out of the hold and hit Natalya with the Bayley-to-Belly Suplex! Natalya struggled to her feet, looking dazed, and Bayley grabbed her, throwing her over the top rope.

Jim Ross: Natalya has been eliminated! We're down to three!

Bayley turned her attention to Sasha, who broke the hold on Alexa and got to her feet, smirking cockily at Bayley. Bayley hit Sasha with a kick to the midsection, then set her up for an exploder suplex. Sasha blocked it and whipped Bayley into the corner, before running at Bayley and hitting a dropkick. As Bayley staggered forwards, Sasha lifted her up, trapping her between the ropes then going to the top rope and hitting a double knee drop! Bayley looked in pain, and Sasha tried to take advantage, grabbing Bayley by the hair and pulling her to her feet, then trying to throw her over the top rope. Bayley grabbed the ropes to block it, then hit Sasha with a back elbow smash. Sasha was momentarily dazed and Bayley turned to face her, hitting an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle! Sasha got to her feet and Bayley ran at her, going to clothesline Sasha over the top rope. Sasha reacted quickly, ducking underneath it and hitting Bayley with a back body drop, sending her over the ropes!

Jerry Lawler: Bayley is gone! Great reflexes from "The Boss"!

Jim Ross: Sasha Banks or Alexa Bliss is going to Wrestlemania, King!

Alexa was now on her feet, and she and Sasha stared one another down. Sasha ran at Alexa and went for a leg lariat, but Alexa ducked out of the way, then took Sasha down with a legsweep. Alexa followed it up with the Glitz Flip, then picked Sasha up and threw her towards the ropes. Sasha managed to run against the ropes rather than go over them, and she took Alexa down with a flying forearm smash. Both divas got to their feet and Sasha hit Alexa with a suplex, then when the two divas got to their feet once more, Sasha went to whip Alexa into the corner. Alexa managed to grab the ropes before she hit the turnbuckle, and as Sasha ran towards her, Alexa jumped over Sasha, hitting a sunset flip powerbomb.

Jerry Lawler: Glitter Blizzard!

Both divas got to their feet and Alexa slammed Sasha's head off the turnbuckle, dazing her, then threw her over the top rope! The referee called for the bell and raised Alexa's arm in victory.

Jim Ross: It's over! Alexa Bliss is the 2016 Women's Royal Rumble winner! What a night she's had on her return to the EBWF!

Alexa celebrated, then made her way to the back as a commercial for Fallout aired.


“Angel On My Shoulder” sounded off and out came Velvet Sky, slapping a few of her fans hands as she proceeded down the ramp to the ring.

Jim Ross: We’ve seen a big change in Velvet Sky these last few weeks.

Jerry Lawler: New look, new attitude. Definitely a new fire in this woman, JR.

Jim Ross: She looks as focused as ever here tonight, and that’s because she’s about to compete for the women’s title ladies and gentlemen.

As Velvet went to her corner, “Bossy” by Kelis began to play as Trish Stratus came out to the top of the ramp. She held up the women’s title before heading to the squared circle.

Jim Ross: Trish Stratus is still the longest reigning EBWF women’s champion with a reign at 274 days. She maintained the record after defeating Sasha Banks back in November at Fanniversary.

Jerry Lawler: There’s no doubt these two women are gonna put on a show for us!

Once Trish entered the ring and the cheering died down a bit, the referee held up the title on display before handing it off the the timekeeper. He called for the bell and it was time to begin!

Stratus and Sky started off slow, taking their time to circle the ring a bit and size each other up before locking up. A struggle ensued as each diva tried to gain the upper hand. They both broke free and took a couple of steps back before trying again. Neither lady backed down and once more, they called it even, took a step back, and stood staring each other down as the crowd cheered. Velvet began to hype up the crowd, followed by Trish, and a half and half chant broke out over the two divas. Velvet beckoned for Trish to lock up in a test of strength, which was boldly accepted, and the two locked wrists and pushed to gain control. Velvet managed to get Trish down to one knee and applied a hammerlock. Trish got to her feet and flipped, unraveling her arm while keeping a hold of Velvet. Trish applied an armbar, which Velvet twisted out of quickly and to Trish away. Velvet went for a clothesline, which Trish ducked, and countered into a backdrop, which was countered as Velvet shifted her weight to land on her feet. The women’s champion turned around to have an elbow to the face as Sky went on the offensive. A couple of more kept Stratus at bay while Sky hit the ropes and then brought Trish to the mat with a bulldog. Sky got to her feet and connected with an elbow drop for good measure before going for the pin.

1……….2.. Kickout!

Sky grabbed Stratus and brought her to her feet and applied a headlock. Stratus got a couple of strikes to Velvet’s torso and broke free. She hit a chop before whipping Velvet to the ropes and connecting with an elbow that leveled her. She grabbed Velvet by the head and dragged her to the corner, where she began a series of kicks that got the crowd counting. At the tenth one she stopped to do her signature finger in the air and connected with the last one. She followed up with a corner clothesline, then dropkick after Sky had slumped down. She dragged her away from the ropes and went for the pin, but Velvet kicked out at 1 and a half. Both ladies got to their feet by the ropes, and Trish pulled Velvet towards them. Velvet was now on the apron and Trish grappled her around the head to set up a DDT into the ring, but her opponent wouldn’t have it. She landed a few precise punches to the ribs to loosen the women’s champion’s grip and fought free, bringing her into a headlock of her own. She called for the crowd to get louder.

Jim Ross; This is a precarious position for the champ to be in folks!

Jerry Lawler: Precarious? It’s the perfect position! Look at that view!

Velvet did a leg drop to guillotine Stratus on the ropes. Stratus fell back into the ring as Velvet went to the corner and climbed up. She motioned for more from the crowd as she hit a diving dropkick to Stratus!

Jerry Lawler: Wow! What a hit!

Velvet went for the pin. 1…..2……… Kickout!

The crowd continued cheering as Velvet got to her feet, bringing Trish with her. Stratus seemed a little out of it as Velvet locked her in a sleeperhold. The referee asked if Stratus wanted to tap, and she nodded no. She slowly began to gain stamina as she threw an elbow to either side of Velvet. After another hit to the side, Velvet let go and attempted a suplex, which was blocked. She tried again and was reversed by Stratus into a suplex of her own. Velvet took less time getting to her feet than Trish. Velvet charged at Trish, who slipped under the arm and secured a backslide pin. 1….2…! A quick kickout by Sky. Sky rolled to her feet and was whipped to the ropes by Stratus, who ran to the opposite side to meet Sky half way. Both divas collided with a double clothesline!

The referee began a count and around the 4th count, Stratus used the ropes to get to her feet as Velvet stirred, slowly coming to. Sky got to her feet and stumbled towards Stratus. In a split second she was hit with the Chick Kick! The crowd went wild. Stratus hooked Sky’s leg. 1….

Jim Ross: ---By gawd what a kick! Could this be it!

Jerry Lawler: Maybe, just maybe JR---

2………….. Kickout!

Even more cheering from the crowd. Stratus looked a little frustrated as Velvet rolled to her side, holding her face. Stratus asked the ref for the count and was reassured it was only 2. Several seconds had passed before she approached her downed opponent with a little more fire. She grabbed Velvet by the hair and dragged her to her feet. Velvet tried to snatch her way out but Trish wouldn’t let go. The referee motioned for the women’s champion to loosen her grip. Stratus held Sky steady, preparing to run at the turnbuckle and go for a springboard bulldog. She ran for it but as she stepped up the first to the second buckle Sky lurched forward, securing Stratus on the turnbuckle in reverse! The crowd popped. She spun around and brought Stratus down with a neckbreaker.

Jerry Lawler: Holy moly!

Sky took some time to gather herself, then got to her feet as Stratus held at her head and neck, trying to her to hers as well. As Velvet approached Trish she was shoved her off, but she kicked Trish in the gut and got her with an In Yo Face! She hooked Trish’s leg to pin. 1……….2……….3! Ding ding ding.

Jim Ross: We have a new women’s champion!

The announcement was made and it was official. Sky hopped to her feet with excitement as the belt was handed to her. Once she exited the ring she made sure to pose for a few fan pictures and give hugs and high fives as the show cut to commercial break.


Jim Ross: Still to come, we have the 2016 Royal Rumble! Right now, we've got the co-main event of the evening. The Miz defends his EBWF World Championship against Chris Jericho!

"Break the walls down!"

The crowd got to their feet with raucous applause as Chris Jericho appeared on the entrance ramp, back face the crowd and arms outstretched. His light-up jacket blinked rapidly as he spun around and headed to the ramp. The lights came back on and Jericho walked up the ramp and got into the ring, mounting the turnbuckle and raising his arms to the crowd.

Jim Ross: Chris Jericho has been in this business for many years, folks. A bona fide veteran of professional wrestling, and a man that has shed blood, sweat, and tears in EBWF for over a decade. You may love him or hate him, glorify or vilify him, but one thing you cannot do is underestimate him, and it is incredibly important that the Miz understand that when he gets into the ring.

Jericho put his jacket outside and waited for his opponent.


The crowd turned to boos as EBWF World Champion The Miz walked through the curtain. He ignored the jeers from the crowd, a smirk on his face as he adjusted the World Championship that was draped over his shoulder.

Jim Ross: The Miz has etched his name in the walls of EBWF with an incredibly decorated career. He has accomplished so many things that were not meant for him, simply because he had the intelligence and the guile to take it. That's what Chris Jericho faces tonight.

The Miz smirked as he walked up the steps, title belt in hand. He stepped through the ropes and his arrogant smile widened as he handed the world title to the referee, who raised it up in the air. The Miz took his jacket off and threw it outside the ring. The referee called for the bell.

Jerry Lawler: Here we go, JR! This one's for all the marbles!

The Miz and Jericho performed a collar and elbow tie-up. The Miz kicked Jericho instead of participating in the wrestling maneuver, and used the advantage to tackle Jericho to the ground and lay in multiple hard rights. Jericho put his arms up to block, shifted his weight and managed to roll Miz over onto his back. He then laid in a few hard shots of his own before dragging the Miz to his feet and whipping him into the ropes. The Miz bounced off the ropes and ran right into Jericho's shoulder. The Miz landed on his back from the force of Jericho's shoulder check. Miz growled and stood up, running off the ropes again. Jericho ducked underneath a clothesline attempt, and the two collided in the middle of the ring, both hitting cross-bodies on each other.

Jerry Lawler: Man, what a train wreck!

Miz and Jericho were a little slow to get up at that point, but they both got back up. The two traded multiple shots, and exchanged a series of wrestling chain holds in order to get the advantage. Jericho locked up with the Miz and the two of them struggled for positioning. Jericho got the upper hand, but the Miz got a foot stomp in to force Jericho to lose his footing. Miz pressed the advantage and lifted Jericho back with a belly to back suplex. He picked Jericho up, and Jericho exploded into a german suplex. The two traded power moves until Miz got the upper hand with an exploder suplex in the corner. Miz picked Y2J up and threw him into the opposite corner, following up with multiple stomps into Jericho's chest. The referee pushed the Miz away, and Jericho exploded out of the corner with a clothesline that the Miz barely dodged. Jericho stumbled forward having missed his offensive move, and The Miz capitalized by hitting a chop-block on Jericho's knee. Jericho collapsed to the ground, clutching his leg.

Jim Ross: Jericho looks hurt here, this looks like something the Miz is going to take advantage of.

The Miz grabbed Jericho's leg and began kicking it repeatedly. He dropped multiple elbow drops on his opponents injured knee. Without even hesitating a moment, the Miz then dropped down and grapevine'd Jericho's leg in a painful leg bar.

Jim Ross: This one might be over right here! The Miz created an opening and is exploiting it to the fullest!

The crowd booed as Jericho wrenched back on the legvine. Jericho was writhing in agony, reaching back behind him for the ropes, which were only inches away. Jericho reared his free leg back and kicked at the Miz, scoring a couple hard hits to Miz's forehead. The Miz loosened up his grip a little, and Jericho managed to lurch backward and grab the ropes. There was a cheer from the fans as the referee forced the Miz to break the hold. Miz begrudgingly breaks the hold after the referee gets to a four count. Jericho slowly gets up with the assistance of the ropes. The Miz charged at him, aiming to clothesline him over the ropes, but Jericho grabes the ropes and drops down, causing the Miz to spill out of the ring and onto the floor. Jericho limped the edge of the ring on the side closest to the Miz. He stepped through the ropes onto the apron, and springboarded off the second rope into a moonsault onto the World Champion.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD! Jericho is putting life and limb on the line here!

Jerry Lawler: He's crazy!

The crowd chanted Y2J! Y2J! as Jericho clutched his knee outside the ring, both men down on the ground. The referee began a mandatory ten count as Jericho and the Miz struggled to get to a vertical base. Jericho was up first, and he grabbed the rope and started to lift himself back in the ring, when the Miz got up and chopped the back of his knee again, causing him to spill back down to the ground. The Miz then rolled back into the ring and slowly stood up as Jericho moved get to a vertical base.

Jim Ross: The Miz is trying to end this one by count out!

Jerry Lawler: Any means necessary JR!

Jericho stirred as the referee got to the count of 7. The crowd was chanting his name as he slowly and painfully endeavored to get back up. The referee counted 8 as Jericho got up but collapsed back down. The Miz was yelling at him to stay outside. The referee got to nine and a half and Jericho used the strength in his good leg to hoist himself up and into the ring. The Miz cursed and yelled at Jericho, laying into him with multiple stomps.

Jim Ross: Miz wanted it to end there.

Jerry Lawler: Jericho looks like he's hurt. You've got to think that as this match progresses, the longer it lasts the more it favors the Miz.

The Miz, furious, picked up Jericho and threw him into the ropes, Jericho collapsed on his bad leg, suffering from Miz's assault. Miz forcefully locked him into a headlock and hit the skull-crushing finale!

Jim Ross: The MIz hit it! He hit the Skull Crushing Finale!

Jerry Lawler: That's it, it's over.

Jericho was motionless on the mat. Miz smirked and rolled Jericho over. He casually hooked Jericho's leg and got the 1.....2....

Jim Ross: JERICHO KICKED OUT! Jericho kicked out of the Skull Crushing Finale! I can't believe the heart of this man!

The Miz looked incredulous. He looked at the ref like he had three heads. He picked Jericho up, angrily telling him it was over before hooking him up for another Skull Crushing Finale. Jericho broke free and spun around, jumping up and hitting a Codebreaker. The crowd erupted when the Miz hit the mat on his back.

Jerry Lawler: Jericho got it! He hit the Codebreaker!

Jim Ross: Cover him, Jericho!

Jericho was spent, barely able to stand up. He finally got up and went to grab the Miz, but Miz rolled him up into a small package! 1...2.....Jericho rolled through, getting his shoulder up and grabbing his legs, tucking them under his arms and turning the Miz over into the Walls of Jericho!

Jim Ross: Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho! He's leaning back on it!

The Miz screamed in agony, reaching wildly for the ropes. He crawled army-style over to the ropes and reached for them as hard as he could.

Jim Ross: The Miz trying to keep this match going! He's almost got it!

The Miz was within fingertips of the rope when Jericho shifted his weight and stepped forward several times. Miz watched the ropes get smaller as he was dragged to the center of the ring. He fought as hard as he could. With the pressure being applied to his lower back and his legs, the Miz finally tapped the mat furiously. The crowd erupted in ovations.


The bell rang as Jericho dropped the Miz and fell to his knees as the referee handed him the EBWF World Championship.

Jerry Lawler: I don't believe it, JR! I never thought I'd see the day!

Jericho weakly raised the title in the air as the referee raised his free hand, signaling him as the victor. The crowd was raucous with cheers.

Jim Ross: Chris Jericho has proven that after all this time, he's still the man!

Chris Jericho continued to celebrate as the camera faded to a video package for the Royal Rumble.


Jim Ross: And now it's time for our main event... the 2016 Royal Rumble match!

"Get Ready to Fly" by GRITS hit and the crowd booed as AJ Styles made his way to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: And here comes the man who chose to enter the Royal Rumble at number one, AJ Styles... why would he do that, JR?

Jim Ross: He wants to prove himself, King. If he can outlast 29 other superstars, he'll certainly do that.

When Styles was in the ring, "RPG Vice" by [Q]Brick hit and the crowd cheered as Trent stepped out onto the stage, making his EBWF return.

Jerry Lawler: Last time Trent was here in the EBWF, AJ Styles gave him a concussion... I think it's safe to say he'll be looking for revenge here tonight!

Upon entering the ring, Trent didn't wait for the bell. He went straight for Styles, hitting him with a flurry of punches. Styles fought back with some punches of his own, then hit Trent with a shoot kick. Trent staggered backwards, and Styles hit a spinning backfist, before taking Trent down with a lariat. Styles stomped on Trent repeatedly, then pulled him to his feet and hit a brainbuster. Styles pulled Trent to his feet once more, and tried to throw him over the top rope, but Trent held onto the ropes. The countdown clock hit zero, and Dolph Ziggler came out at number 3.

Jim Ross: Here comes last year's Royal Rumble winner; how will "The Show Off" fare tonight?

Upon entering the ring, Ziggler ran at Styles, taking him down with a flying forearm smash. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler whipped Styles into the corner, then went for the Stinger splash. As Ziggler ran towards Styles, Styles moved out of the way, causing Ziggler to collide with the turnbuckle. Styles then grabbed Ziggler from behind, hitting a German suplex and following it up with a belly-to-back wheelbarrow facebuster.

Jerry Lawler: The Styles Suplex Special!

As Styles got to his feet, Trent hit him with a springboard dropkick, then tried to get him over the top rope. Styles held on, and the clock hit zero once again. Bully Ray came out at number 4, and as he entered the ring, he attacked Trent, hitting him with a bionic elbow. Ziggler got to his feet and Bully Ray lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a Samoan drop.

Jim Ross: A strong start from Bully Ray as he enters this match!

Styles and Bully Ray then stared one another down, before exchanging punches back and forth. Bully Ray gained the upper hand, and went to take Styles down with a clothesline, but Styles ducked out of the way, before hitting the Pelé Kick. As Styles got to his feet, Trent went after him once again, this time hitting a leg lariat. Styles and Trent continued to battle it out, while Ziggler went after Bully Ray. Ziggler set Bully Ray up for a swinging neckbreaker, but Bully Ray blocked it, then hit Ziggler with a side slam. Ziggler got to his feet, and Bully Ray hit the Bully Bomb! Ziggler was out cold, and Bully Ray threw him over the top rope.

Jerry Lawler: I don't believe it! The two-time Royal Rumble winner, Dolph Ziggler, is the first man eliminated!

Jim Ross: It just goes to show, King... anything can happen in the Royal Rumble!

"Hey Hey, My My" by Neil Young hit and the crowd cheered as Dean Ambrose headed to the ring. As Ambrose battled Bully Ray, Styles hit Trent with the Styles Clash, then eliminated him. Styles then went after Ambrose, and he and Bully Ray began to double-team the Lunatic Fringe. After pummelling Ambrose repeatedly, Bully Ray and Styles whipped Ambrose into the ropes, but Ambrose bounced back, taking both men down with a double pendulum lariat! Styles got to his feet, and Ambrose set him up for the FaceDeath, but Styles blocked it and lifted Ambrose over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. As the clock hit zero, "99 Problems" by Jay-Z hit, and the crowd cheered once more as Lance Storm headed to the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Here comes another man that has suffered at the hands of AJ Styles, JR! You can bet Lance Storm will be looking for vengeance here tonight.

Upon entering the ring, Storm went after Styles, hitting him with a jawbreaker and following it up with the northern lights suplex. Storm then tried to set Styles up in the Canadian Mapleleaf, but Styles fought out of it, then got to his feet and hit Storm with an enzuigiri. Storm fell backwards, landing on the ropes, and Styles hit a superkick, sending Storm over the top rope.

Jim Ross: Bah gawd, AJ Styles just eliminated Lance Storm with his own finishing manoeuvre!

Across the ring, Bully Ray took Ambrose out with a cutter, then went after Styles. Bret Hart came out at number 7 to a huge reaction from the crowd.

Jerry Lawler: The Hitman is back, JR! And the fans in attendance here tonight could not be happier!

After hitting Styles with a powerbomb, Bully Ray confronted Bret Hart. He mouthed some obscenities at the Hitman, then swung a right hand at him, but Hart blocked it and countered with some right hands of his own. Hart hit Bully Ray with an inverted atomic drop, following it up with a clothesline. Across the ring, Ambrose got to his feet and went after AJ Styles. No more eliminations occurred before Ryback came out at number 8. Ryback started the match strongly, taking Styles down with a lariat before pummelling Bully Ray with a series of punches. Ambrose then attacked Ryback, but Ryback lifted him up and hit a military press slam. Ryback turned to Bret Hart and ran at him, going for a big boot. Hart ducked out of the way, then took Ryback down to the mat and applied a Sharpshooter!

Jerry Lawler: That's one way to take down the Big Guy, JR!

As Hart released Ryback, Bully Ray went after him, hitting a knee to the midsection, then following it up with a bionic elbow. Hart looked dazed, and Bully Ray had him on the ropes. After hitting Hart with a series of punches, Bully Ray ran against the opposing set of ropes, then went to clothesline Hart over the top rope. Hart ducked out of the way, and lifted Bully Ray over the top rope! The crowd cheered with delight, while Bully Ray looked furious at being eliminated. The crowd chanted "You've still got it!", causing Hart to smile. The countdown clock hit zero, and Jeff Hardy made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Hardy went after Hart. Meanwhile, across the ring, Ryback and AJ Styles were working together to double-team Dean Ambrose. Ambrose fought back, hitting Ryback with a knee to the midsection, then taking Styles out with a double-arm DDT. Ambrose turned his attention back to Ryback, but the Big Guy was ready for him, and he lifted Ambrose over his shoulders. Ryback went to throw Ambrose over the top rope, but Ambrose grabbed onto the second rope and hit Ryback with a headscissors takedown, taking Ryback over the top rope! Ryback appeared to land awkwardly on his shoulder as he hit the outside. Ambrose kept hold of the ropes, but as he tried to lift himself back into the ring, Styles hit Ambrose with a dropkick, eliminating him.

Jim Ross: Ryback and Dean Ambrose have both been eliminated, and I think Ryback might be hurt!

After Styles had eliminated Ambrose, he crouched in the corner, taking a breather for a moment. On the other side of the ring, Hart whipped Hardy into the corner, then ran at him and hit an elbow smash. Hardy staggered out of the corner, looking dazed, and Hart clotheslined him over the top rope. The countdown clock hit zero, and "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour hit. The crowd gave a mixed reaction as CM Punk stepped out onto the stage.

Jim Ross: Business is about to pick up!

Hart watched Punk as the Straight Edge Superstar headed to the ring. Styles tried to take advantage of the distraction and went to throw Hart over the top rope, but Hart held on, then hit Styles with a series of punches. Upon entering the ring, Punk went after Hart, and he and Styles began to double-team the veteran superstar. Despite wearing Hart down, neither Punk nor Styles was able to eliminate The Hitman. Another 90 seconds passed, and Shane Helms came out at number 11.

Jerry Lawler: Stand back, JR... there's a Hurricane coming through!

Upon entering the ring, Helms went after Styles and Punk, taking Punk down with a flying forearm smash before getting to his feet and exchanging right hands with AJ Styles. Helms was able to gain the advantage and he lifted Styles onto his shoulders, hitting a top spin facebuster. Helms got back to his feet and Punk attacked him from behind, hitting a low blow then lifting him onto his shoulders for the GTS... Helms wriggled free, then hit Punk with the Nightmare on Helms Street! He picked Punk up, and threw him over the top rope.

Jim Ross: CM Punk has been eliminated!

Helms turned his attention to Bret Hart, and the two men nodded respectfully at one another before locking up. Neither man was able to eliminate the other before Ted DiBiase came out at number 12. DiBiase went after Styles, but another 90 seconds passed without any eliminations. "Obtuse" by Peroxwhy?gen and the PTG Champion, PJ Black, headed to the ring as the 13th entrant. Black was energetic as he entered the ring, hitting Helms with a spin kick, then taking DiBiase down with a jumping back kick. Styles went to hit Black with a gut wrench powerbomb, but Black countered with a hurricanrana, then hit Bret Hart with an enzuigiri.

Jerry Lawler: A very spirited start from PJ Black!

Helms was back on his feet, and he went after Black, grabbing the PTG Champion from behind and hitting him with the X-Plex. Both men got to their feet, and Helms whipped Black towards the ropes, but Black grabbed the ropes and springboarded, hitting Helms with a crossbody! Black got to his feet, and DiBiase grabbed him, hitting a half-nelson backbreaker. DiBiase stomped on Black several times, trying to keep him grounded. Across the ring, Styles hit Hart with a lifting underhook single DDT, then followed it up with a knee drop. He pulled Hart to his feet, and tried to throw him over the top rope, but once again the Hitman held on. The countdown clock it zero, and former World Champion Solomon Crowe made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Crowe went after Shane Helms, hitting him with an exploder suplex. Both men got to their feet, and Crowe went for a lariat, but Helms ducked out of the way, then hit Crowe with a neckbreaker. At this point, DiBiase grabbed Helms and tried to lock in the Million Dollar Dream, but Helms blocked it and hit DiBiase with a reverse STO. Both men got to their feet, and Helms lifted DiBiase over his shoulders, throwing him over the top rope.

Jim Ross: Ted DiBiase has been eliminated! Shane Helms with his second elimination of the night.

Helms turned his attention to AJ Styles, while PJ Black was battling Solomon Crowe. Bret Hart was down but not out. "Next Big Thing" hit, and there was a mixed reaction as Brock Lesnar stepped out onto the stage, accompanied by his advocate, Paul Heyman.

Jerry Lawler: We're halfway through the match now, JR, and it's time to be taken to Suplex City!

Having just taken Black out with a sitout powerbomb, Solomon Crowe turned his attention to "The Beast". Crowe ran at Lesnar, but Lesnar was ready for him, and he lifted Crowe up with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, suplexing Crowe over the top rope! Lesnar got to his feet and grabbed Helms, hitting him with a fisherman suplex. Styles went after Lesnar, but Lesnar hit a snap suplex on Styles, then grabbed Bret Hart and hit him with a German suplex. At this point, PJ Black got to his feet, and Lesnar lifted him over his shoulders, hitting an F-5 over the top rope.

Jim Ross: PJ Black has been eliminated! Brock Lesnar has been in this match less than a minute, and he's already eliminated two superstars!

Lesnar stood alone for a moment, before Styles attacked him from behind, grabbing the former MMA fighter and slamming his head against the turnbuckle, before hitting multiple punches and kicks in the corner. JBL came in at number 16, and upon entering the ring, he went after Bret Hart. There were no eliminations in the next 90 seconds, and Zack Ryder was revealed as the 17th Rumble entrant. Upon entering the ring, Ryder hit Helms with a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes and hit a flapjack. Meanwhile, Lesnar had fought his way out of the corner, and he took Styles down to the mat, hitting him with multiple punches. Across the ring, JBL tried to lift Bret Hart up for a powerbomb, but Hart countered with a back toss, eliminating him in the process. Jay Briscoe came out next, and he went straight for Bret Hart. Hart took Briscoe down with a clothesline, then applied the Sharpshooter! Lesnar was now going after Shane Helms, and he had Helms on the ropes, but Helms was holding on for dear life. Styles tried to help Lesnar eliminate Helms, but Helms fought back, kicking both men away. As Helms moved away from the ropes, Ryder ran at him, going for the Rough Ryder, but Helms ducked out of the way, then grabbed Ryder from behind and hit a reverse DDT. Hart had released Briscoe from the sharpshooter and tried to throw him over the top rope, but Briscoe held onto the bottom rope and rolled back into the ring. Helms went after Hart, whipping him into the corner and hitting a corner clothesline, then trying to lift him up over the top rope. Again, Hart showed resilience and was able to stop Helms from throwing him over the top rope.

Jerry Lawler: I have to say, JR, I've been impressed by Bret Hart tonight! No matter how many times his fellow superstars try to eliminate him, the Hitman continues to hold on!

Jim Ross: Hart's experience is definitely showing tonight, King, no doubt about that.

Briscoe was back on his feet, and Styles grabbed him, hitting the Styles Clash! Styles threw Briscoe over the top rope, before turning his attention to Zack Ryder. The countdown clock hit zero, and Sheamus came in at number 19. Upon entering the ring, Sheamus squared up to Lesnar, and the two men eyeballed one another before exchanging right hands back and forth furiously. Lesnar quickly overpowered Sheamus, then hit an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Across the ring, Hart hit Helms with a DDT, then went after AJ Styles. Meanwhile, Sheamus was fighting back against Lesnar, and after hitting the Irish Curse backbreaker, he signalled for the Brogue Kick! Lesnar got to his feet, and Sheamus charged towards him... but Lesnar countered it, dodging the boot of Sheamus and lifting him up for a spinebuster. Sheamus got back to his feet, and Lesnar grabbed him, throwing him out of the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Sheamus has been eliminated!

"SAWFT is a Sin" hit, and the crowd cheered as Enzo Amore strutted to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Enzo went after Ryder, hitting him with a series of punches before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet, and Enzo took Ryder down with a DDT. Enzo then went to the turnbuckle and climbed onto the second rope, signalling for a crossbody. Before he could hit it, Ryder got to his feet and ran at Enzo, knocking him off the turnbuckle and sending him to the outside. Ryder looked pleased with himself, but the feeling was short-lived as Lesnar grabbed him, lifting him over his shoulders and throwing him out of the ring.

Jim Ross: We are two thirds of the way through this match, and the number one entrant, AJ Styles, is still in the mix. Styles has been in the ring for over thirty minutes now!

"F.E." by 40 Below Summer hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Syxx made his way to the ring. As he entered the ring, Syxx went after Bret Hart, while Styles and Helms were working together against Brock Lesnar. There were no eliminations before "Wreck" hit and Mankind came out as the 22nd entrant in the match. Mankind went after Helms, taking him down with the Cactus clothesline before stomping on him several times. Styles was still battling Lesnar, while Syxx had just hit the X-Factor on Hart! Hart looked dazed, but he had enough ring awareness to roll towards the edge of the ring and grab the bottom rope, making it difficult for anyone to eliminate him. Syxx shrugged, and turned his attention to Mankind. Syxx went for a spinning heel kick on Mankind, but Mankind ducked out of the way, before applying the Mandible Claw! Syxx was in a lot of pain due to the Mandible Claw and Mankind took full advantage, throwing Syxx over the top rope and eliminating him. There were no more eliminations before Roman Reigns came in at number 23. Reigns was dominant as he entered the ring, running at Mankind and taking him down with a leaping clothesline, then lifting Helms over his shoulders and hitting a Samoan drop. Styles ran at Reigns, and Reigns hit him with the Superman punch! Bret Hart was next, and Reigns hit him with the tilt-a-whirl slam, before turning his attention to Brock Lesnar. Lesnar grabbed Reigns, hitting him with multiple knee lifts to the midsection, then went to whip him against the ropes. Reigns reversed the Irish whip, sending Lesnar into the ropes, then hit Lesnar with the Spear!

Jerry Lawler: Reigns is in control right now, JR! Now he just needs to make some eliminations...

Reigns went after Helms, lifting him up over his shoulders once more, this time to throw him out of the ring. Helms wriggled free, then hit the Nightmare on Helms Street! The countdown clock hit zero once again and to the delight of the crowd, Randy Orton made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Mankind charged towards Orton, but Orton took him down with a Thesz press and punched him against the ring mat several times. There were no more eliminations in the next 90 seconds, and when "Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hit, the crowd cheered again, excited for a Rated RKO reunion. Upon entering the ring, Edge went straight towards Orton so they could discuss strategy. Styles was still recovering from the Superman Punch, Lesnar was down from Roman's spear, and Hart and Helms were fighting each other once again. Edge pointed to Roman Reigns, who still seemed to be feeling the effects of the Nightmare on Helms Street. Orton nodded, and Edge grabbed Reigns, hitting him with a kick to the midsection before whipping him towards Randy Orton. Orton hit a snap scoop powerslam, then began pounding the mat, signalling for the RKO. Reigns got to his feet, and Orton hit it! Edge and Orton then picked Reigns up, throwing him over the top rope.

Jim Ross: Roman Reigns has been eliminated by Rated RKO!

As Edge and Orton turned around, they were attacked by Styles and Mankind respectively. Styles pulled Edge into the corner and hit him with repeated kicks, while Mankind grabbed Orton and took him down to the mat with a two-handed bulldog. Wade Barrett came in at number 26, and he went after Helms, taking him down with a big boot then stomping on him several times.

Jerry Lawler: Just four more superstars to enter the match, JR!

Lesnar got to his feet, and he looked around the ring, as if choosing his next victim. Mankind ran at Lesnar, but the Beast was ready for him, and he pummelled Mankind with a series of punches. Lesnar lifted Mankind up, hitting a delayed fisherman suplex. He then pulled Mankind to his feet and threw him against the ropes, before hitting a clothesline, sending Mankind over the top rope. Orton then grabbed Lesnar from behind, hitting an inverted headlock backbreaker. Across the ring, Barrett lifted Helms onto his shoulders, preparing to hit the Wasteland and throw him over the top rope. Helms wriggled free, landing behind Barrett, and hit a dropkick to the back of the head. Barrett fell onto the ropes and Helms grabbed him, lifting him up and tossing him over the top rope.

Jim Ross: Wade Barrett is gone!

"#mmmgorgeous" hit and Tyler Breeze headed to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Breeze went after Bret Hart, taking him down with an enzuigiri then applying a single leg Boston crab.

Jerry Lawler: Bret Hart has been in this match for more than 30 minutes now, JR... what a return he's having!

Jim Ross: The Hitman has been impressive tonight King, no doubt about that. What about AJ Styles though? He's been in the match for over 40 minutes!

Styles was still attacking Edge, and he set him up for the Styles Clash, but Edge countered with a back toss. Helms then went after Edge, hitting him with a shining wizard. Helms hit Edge with the Nightmare on Helms Street, then threw him over the top rope. Across the ring, Lesnar hit the F-5 on Orton, then tossed him out of the ring.

Jerry Lawler: Rated RKO are gone!

As Edge and Orton made their way to the back, "Electrifying" hit and the crowd cheered as The Rock made his way to the ring. Upon entering the ring, Rock went after AJ Styles, hitting him with a series of right hands. Lesnar and Helms were exchanging punches, and Lesnar overpowered Helms, then hit a snap suplex. Meanwhile, Tyler Breeze had Hart in the corner, and he tried to lift Hart over the top rope, but Hart kicked him away then hit a swinging neckbreaker. The Rock set Styles up for a DDT, but Styles countered it, lifting him over his shoulder and hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. Styles pulled Rock to his feet and threw him over the top rope, eliminating him. Bret Hart then attacked Styles from behind, lifting him up for a back drop. Seth Rollins came in at number 29, and as he entered the ring he went after Tyler Breeze.

Jim Ross: Just Wes Ikeda left to enter the fray now... one of these six men could be going to Wrestlemania!

Jerry Lawler: Not if Ikeda gets his way they won't!

No eliminations occurred in the next 90 seconds, and then the crowd went wild as "Sound of Madness" hit, and Wes Ikeda headed to the ring. As soon as Ikeda entered the ring, Styles charged towards them and the two men began to exchange punches. Lesnar then went after Ikeda, hitting him with a German suplex, then hitting Styles with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.

Jerry Lawler: I've lost count of how many suplexes Lesnar has hit in this match, JR!

Jim Ross: Me too King, but I can tell you Lesnar has eliminated seven superstars thus far.

Across the ring, Rollins went to hit Breeze with a superkick, but Breeze ducked out of the way, before hitting the Beauty Shot! Rollins looked dazed and Breeze pulled him to his feet, clotheslining him over the top rope. Breeze then turned his attention to Wes Ikeda, and pulled Ikeda to his feet, whipping him into the corner. Breeze ran at Ikeda, going for the corner clothesline, but Ikeda moved out of the corner and hit Breeze with a drop toe hold, causing Breeze to headbutt the turnbuckle. Ikeda hit Breeze with It Came From Detroit, then threw him out of the ring. Meanwhile, Shane Helms had Bret Hart on the ropes, and he managed to get Hart over the top rope... but Hart held onto the ropes, landing on the ring apron. Helms went to clothesline Hart, but Hart ducked underneath it, hitting Helms with a body shot. Helms was winded, and Hart took full advantage, pulling Helms over the top rope and throwing him to the outside. Hart then re-entered the ring and locked eyes with Wes Ikeda.

Jerry Lawler: We're down to the final four! Bret Hart, Wes Ikeda, Brock Lesnar or AJ Styles will be in the main event of Wrestlemania!

Styles had Lesnar on the ropes and was trying to eliminate him, while Hart and Ikeda were exchanging right hands. Hart hit Ikeda with a punch to the abdomen, then took him down with a Russian legsweep. He then tried to lock in the Sharpshooter, but Ikeda pushed him away and got to his feet. As Hart ran towards Ikeda, Ikeda hit a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Ikeda hit a snap DDT. He pulled Hart to his feet and whipped him into the corner, running towards him and hitting a step-up high knee. Hart staggered forwards, and Ikeda lifted him up over the ropes, eliminating him after the match. The crowd applauded the efforts of Hart as he made his way to the back. Meanwhile, Lesnar hit Styles with a double powerbomb, and turned his attention to Wes Ikeda. Ikeda smirked, then dared Lesnar to come at him. Lesnar obliged and the two men exchanged punches furiously. Lesnar gained the upper hand, and after hitting Ikeda with a vertical suplex, he dragged him towards the ropes. Lesnar was able to lift Ikeda over the top rope, but Ikeda held onto the ropes and fought back, hitting Lesnar with a series of punches. Styles then got to his feet and attacked Lesnar from behind, trying to eliminate both men. He pulled Lesnar into Ikeda, and Ikeda lost his balance, but he managed to keep hold of the ropes. Meanwhile, Lesnar hit Styles with a back elbow smash, then turned around and hit Styles with a series of knee lifts to the midsection. Having worn Styles down, Lesnar whipped him towards the ropes, throwing him at Wes Ikeda... but Ikeda reacted quickly, pulling down on the ropes and causing Styles to go over the top rope.

Jerry Lawler: Wes Ikeda just eliminated AJ Styles!

Jim Ross: No he didn't, King... he didn't touch him!

Jerry Lawler: Well either way, we're down to the final two!

Ikeda re-entered the ring, and both men looked up at the Wrestlemania sign hanging from the rafters. Ikeda and Lesnar then charged towards one another, exchanging right hands back and forth. Lesnar gained the upper hand and whipped Ikeda into the corner, then ran at him, going for a bodypress. Ikeda blocked it with his knees, then as Lesnar staggered backwards, he went to the top rope and hit a flying high knee. Ikeda pulled Lesnar to his feet, setting him up for It Came From Detroit, but Lesnar blocked it, then lifted Ikeda up and hit a backbreaker. After stomping on Ikeda several times, Lesnar pulled him to his feet and set him up for the F-5... but Ikeda wriggled free and landed in his feet, then hit Lesnar with a reverse STO into the turnbuckle. Lesnar fell into a sitting position, and the crowd cheered in anticipation as Ikeda headed towards the opposite turnbuckle.

Jerry Lawler: Could it be, JR?

Jim Ross: The Coast to Coast! Bah gawd!

Ikeda hit the Coast to Coast, but the move seemed to take a lot out of both men, and it was several seconds before Ikeda got to his feet. He pulled Lesnar to his feet and tried to throw him over the top rope, but Lesnar still had some fight left in him. After hitting Ikeda with a stiff kick to the midsection, Lesnar lifted him up for a powerbomb... but Ikeda countered with a hurricanrana, sending Lesnar over the top rope! Lesnar held onto the ropes, and Ikeda ran at him, hitting a high knee and knocking him off the ring apron.

Jim Ross: It's over! Wes Ikeda is going to Wrestlemania!

Jerry Lawler: Detroit has come unhinged!

Jim Ross: Will Wes Ikeda face Chris Jericho?!

Jerry Lawler: I can't believe this, JR!

"Sound of Madness" blasted over the PA, and Ikeda celebrated his victory as the Royal Rumble went off the air.
Writers aren't exactly people. They're a whole bunch of people. Trying to be one person.
The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
"You can't blame a writer for what the characters say." - Truman Capote