Time And Time Again I told you you are going to fail

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Time And Time Again I told you you are going to fail

Post by Jon »

The End result from last weeks match replays constantly through AJ's head of her and Paige losing to the Mean Girls. It's like an old school VCR tape with the finish constantly being rewound and replayed in her head.

AJ Lee: That should not have happened last week myself and Paige dropped the ball.

AJ looks in the mirror on the wall in the girls locker room. The face of a girl who is annoyed and frustrated is staring back at her as she thinks about the fact she gets a chance at retribution on Warfare.

AJ Lee: This is my chance for retribution when I rip all of that fake weave out of Eva Marie's head. Which can't speak for anyone else but for me that's going to be fun making the gentlemen's club reject squeal like a stuck pig. Ripping all that fake red hair out of her face and choking her with it on live tv is going to be fun.

AJ sticks her finger to her hair and starts twirling it around her finger and she laughs.

AJ Lee: Eva tonight your future is going to end in flames. You want to be a big time diva well let me inform you now you are never going to be AJ Lee and on Warfare I'm going to prove that your future is dead Let me inform you though Eva I'm going to be the one who killed your career. Not that you ever had much of a career in the begin with. It's been said that chaos begins with a whisper but on Warfare its going to begin with a roar. So many people have wanted to see me fail but despite road bumps I'm still here and still proving why I am one of the best and that Eva is something you can't take away from me by any means. I have scratched and clawed to revitalize women's wrestling and opened doors for girls like you to just pounce in and think you are the big dog with your two little friends but unfortunately for you in time you both are going to be forgotten..

AJ grabs her phone and flips it to the sound State of my head by Shinedown as an analogy of where her head is going into this match.