Warfare Results 03/21/2016

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Warfare Results 03/21/2016

Post by Cory »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! I'm Joey Styles, and tonight we are live from Houston, Texas!

Corey Graves: This is the final stop on the road to Wrestlemania... what a night it promises to be! Up first, we'll see two of the best high fliers in the world go head to head as Matt Sydal takes on Jeff Hardy!

"Basket Case" by Green Day hit and Matt Sydal made his way to the ring. "Similar Creatures" by Peroxwhy?gen hit and Jeff Hardy came out next. When both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two superstars locked up. Sydal applied a headlock, then took Hardy down to the mat. Hardy fought out of it, then both men got to their feet. Hardy went to whip Sydal against the ropes, but Sydal reversed the Irish whip, sending Hardy into the ropes then taking him down with an arm drag. Both men got to their feet, and Sydal hit a hurricanrana. The two men get to their feet once more, and Sydal whipped Hardy into the corner. Sydal ran at Hardy, but Hardy got his feet up and kicked him away. As Sydal staggered backwards, Hardy ran at him, but Sydal reacted quickly and hit Hardy with a spinning heel kick!

Joey Styles: Great reflexes by Matt Sydal!

Hardy and Sydal both got to their feet, and Sydal hit Hardy with a backhand chop, then whipped him against the ropes. Sydal hit a dropkick, then applied a leglock on Hardy. Hardy cried out in pain, but he was able to reach the ropes, and the referee forced Sydal to break the hold. Both men got to their feet, and Sydal set Hardy up for a suplex, but Hardy blocked it, then countered with a sitout jawbreaker. Hardy followed it up with a double leg drop to the midsection, then pulled Sydal to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Hardy went for the Poetry in Motion, but Sydal moved out of the way, causing Hardy to collide with the turnbuckle! Sydal grabbed Hardy's legs, trapping him in the ropes, then hit him with repeated kicks. Hardy fell to the mat, and Sydal moved him away from the ropes, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Matt Sydal has dominated this match so far, but Jeff Hardy isn't done just yet!

Joey Styles: Sydal has lost his last three matches, Corey... he's determined to end that losing streak here tonight!

Sydal got to his feet and stomped on Hardy several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Sydal ran at Hardy, hitting a shining wizard, then as Hardy staggered out of the corner, Sydal lifted him up, hitting a pumphandle half nelson driver. Sydal went to the top rope, and hit the Shooting Sydal Press! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Sydal gets the victory!

Corey Graves: And a well-earned victory it was too, Joey!

Sydal celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


When Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Radio" by Watt White hit and the crowd cheered as Zack Ryder made his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, we've got Zack Ryder versus Kevin Owens.

Once Ryder had entered the ring, "Fight" by CFO$ hit and the crowd's cheers turned to boos as Kevin Owens headed to the ring.

Corey Graves: Kevin Owens has made a lot of enemies by speaking his mind on Twitter in recent weeks... it will be interesting to see if he can back up those words in the ring here tonight!

When Owens had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Owens hit Ryder with a stiff kick to the midsection, then pummelled him with a series of punches. Owens whipped Ryder against the ropes, then went for a back body drop, but Ryder blocked it and countered with a facebuster. Both men got to their feet and Ryder dragged Owens towards the corner, then went to slam his head against the turnbuckle. Owens blocked it, slamming Ryder's head against the turnbuckle, then hit a clothesline, sending Ryder over the top rope. Owens followed Ryder out of the ring and threw him into the ringside barrier, then hit a knee to the face. Owens re-entered the ring as the referee began counting Ryder out. As the referee reached the count of 5, Ryder got to his feet and re-entered the ring. Owens hit a superkick, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start from Kevin Owens! He's showing the EBWF Universe that he is a prizefighter!

Owens pulled Ryder to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Owens hit a corner enzuigiri, causing Ryder to fall into a sitting position. Owens then stepped back, before charging towards Ryder and hitting him with the cannonball! Ryder looked dazed as he got to his feet, and Owens lifted him into his shoulders for a fireman's carry facebuster, but Ryder broke free and landed on his feet behind Owens, before hitting a reverse DDT. He followed it up with a leg drop, then hooked the leg, but Owens kicked out as the referee counted 2. Ryder pulled Owens to his feet and set him up for a neckbreaker, but Owens broke free and got behind Ryder, lifting him up for a German suplex. Both men got to their feet and Owens hit a back-to-belly piledriver, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: So close to a three count!

Owens got to his feet and stomped on Ryder several times, then picked him up and set him up for a DDT. Ryder fought out of it, pushing Owens into the ropes, then hit him with a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Ryder whipped Owens into the corner, before hitting a corner forearm smash. Owens looked dazed as he staggered out of the corner, and Ryder went for the Rough Ryder... but Owens ducked out of the way, then hit a pumphandle neckbreaker. Owens dragged Ryder to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a Pop Up Powerbomb! Owens hooked the leg once more and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Kevin Owens gets the victory.

Joey Styles: A dominant performance from the Canadian superstar.

Owens celebrated, then made his way to the back as Ryder recovered in the ring.


SAWFT is a Sin got some respectable cheers as Enzo Amore made his way to the ring.

Christy Hemme: This match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Hackensack, New Jersey, weighing in at 200 pounds, Enzo Amore!

“Here to Show the World” excited the crowd as the introductions continued.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, residing in Hollywood, Florida, weighing in at 229 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!

The ref checked both men over, and started the match. The two men had a long headlock spot for before Ziggler got a dropkick. Amore came back with a back elbow to take him down. Amore took control of the match as he worked on the left shoulder of Ziggler. When Ziggler did a comeback, Amore hit him with a high knee to knock him down. Amore slammed him down. When Ziggler tried to come back, Amore threw him out of the ring.

Joey Styles: We’re seeing some unusual aggression from Enzo here tonight.

Amore sent Ziggler shoulder first into the steps. He slammed Ziggler’s arm into the steps. He took too long to do an attack off the middle ropes as Ziggler got his foot up to the jaw of Amore. Ziggler came back with running forearms, and a Splash in the corner followed up with a neckbreaker. He grabbed his left arm. Amore blocked a superkick, Ziggler avoided the Certified G, and got a jackknife cover for two.

Corey Graves: Enzo almost didn’t get the shoulder up.

Ziggler hit a Fameasser for another two. The crowd started chanting for Ziggler who nailed a leaping DDT for two that was pretty close to being the finish. Ziggler came back with Superkick, covered with one arm across the chest and Amore got only his right shoulder up at the count of two.

Joey Styles: A lot of near falls in this matchup!

With Amore outside the ring, Ziggler nailed him with a clothesline to the back. Ziggler was on the apron, Amore shoved him off and Ziggler went into the barricade. Ziggler countered the tornado DDT with a back body drop. Ziggler connected the Zig Zag and went for another pin.

Corey Graves: There it is!


Joey Styles: Ziggler does it! There’s another win for Dolph Ziggler!


Joey Styles: Welcome back to Warfare, where a match weeks in the making finally comes to pass.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And is for the EBWF Tag Team Championship!

“Deadman’s Hand” by Dale Oliver signals the slow approach of Bully Ray, with Sheamus marching right behind him.

Christy Hemme: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 565 pounds, the team of BULLY RAY, and SHEAMUS!

Corey Graves: Bully Ray and Sheamus earned their number one contendership over a month ago, but an injured Ryback put the match on hold.

Joey Styles: But with Wrestlemania looming, we can’t have any lingering doubts on who belongs with the belts at the biggest show of them all, so it has to be settled.

“Rebel Son” by CFO$ brings out Wade Barrette and Drew McIntyre, posing with the belts at the top of the ramp.

Christy Hemme: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 500 pounds, they are the EBWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, DREW MCINTYRE, AND WADE BARRETT!

Joey Styles: And as you may have noticed, THAT is NOT the Ryback!

Corey Graves: We’ve been waiting for the debut of Drew McIntyre for quite some time, Joey, and what better way to debut than as the replacement partner for Wade Barrett? He’s been called the Chosen One, and indeed, Wade Barrett chose him to be his fellow tag team champion!

Sheamus and Barrett started the match off for their teams, and the two brawlers decided to forego the locking up process and went straight into trading hard forearm blows in the middle of the ring. Sheamus started to gain the advantage but Wade came back with a big boot that staggered the Irishman. A European uppercut knocked Sheamus back into the ropes, but he bounced back with a running axehandle knocking Barrett to the mat. Sheamus grabbed Wade by the shoulder, in position for his Irish Curse backbreaker, but Barrett elbowed his way out and mule kicked Sheamus in the gut. He teased a powerbomb but was backdropped instead, giving Sheamus the chance to make a tag.

Bully Ray snapped off some quick left jabs but Barrett ducked the right hook follow-up and dumped Ray on his head with a backdrop driver. He focused his attack on the head and neck with a cravat-style chinlock. Bully pushed up to his feet and fought out with shots to the stomach, then gave Barrett the Manhattan Drop. The ring mics picked up Ray taunting him before delivering the move a second time on his other knee.

Ray: You hurt my neck? I hurt your balls!

Corey Graves: I don’t see how that move is sanctioned, Joseph.

Joey Styles: Bully Ray with two attacks on the lower extremities, so that clothesline might have actually come as a relief to Barrett.

Wade tried to fight his way up to his feet but Ray still managed to lift him in a front suplex, but dropped him back face first on the mat. Ray stomped Barrett as he rolled under the ropes to the outside. Catching his breath, Wade saw a charging Sheamus coming around the corner and pulled himself back up onto the apron, where Bully Ray was waiting to toss him into the ring.

Joey Styles: Wade Barrett is desperate for a tag, Corey.

Corey Graves: He’s taken a lot of abuse, especially to his Little Brawler.

Bully Ray cut off Barrett and whipped him into a neutral corner where he unloaded on him with nine punches, then replaced the tenth with a hard slap. He dragged Wade over to the other corner and tagged Sheamus. Ray gestured Sheamus to go up on top and slammed Wade on the mat, holding his legs wide.

Joey Styles: Oh, we have seen this before, old school Dudley Boys! Sheamus is going to launch himself straight into the nethers of Wade Barrett.

Corey Graves: But Drew McIntyre has had enough!

Drew tackled Bully Ray from behind and sent him into the post, knocking Sheamus onto the floor. He pulled Ray out of the corner and slammed his face into the mat with a snap STO. The referee told Drew to leave the ring, but Drew mounted Ray with heavy punches. When Barrett recovered, Drew stood Ray up and whipped him into Barrett’s waiting arms for the Winds of Change. Sheamus slid back into the ring but both men were immediately on him, beating him into the ground. Drew lifted him up and drove him with the Future Shock. The referee began calling for the bell, but it didn’t seem to deter Barrett or McIntyre from continuing to stomp their fallen opponents.

Joey Styles: I think it is safe to say that this match is being awarded to Bully Ray and Sheamus, but they do not look like winners at this point.

Corey Graves: This is all about sending a message, Joey. The tag division is never going to be the same.

Wade slapped Drew on the chest.

Wade Barrett: Drew! Get the bloody tables!

Joey Styles: And speaking of old school Dudley Boys, Bully Ray may be about to get a taste of his own medicine as Drew McIntyre pulls a table out from under the ring!

The table was set up in the middle of the ring, and the two men began to drag Bully Ray towards it. The ring veteran resisted and pushed his way out of their grasp before beating a hasty retreat. He reached in and pulled Sheamus out to save him from a similar fate and the contenders recovered on the ramp while the champions smirked from inside the ring.

Corey Graves: Bully Ray and Sheamus getting the DQ win and surviving to fight another day, but it is the tag champions standing tall one week out from Wrestlemania.

Joey Styles: Folks, still to come tonight, we have that blockbuster main event. Ikeda and Jericho are enemies next week, but they will have to be on the same page tonight as they face The Miz and Brock Lesnar. But up next, two men who will be looking to gain some momentum on their way to their own Wrestlemania matches, it is Solomon Crowe and Shinsuke Nakamura, and it’s coming up, next!


Joey Styles: Coming up now Corey we have two men in the ring waiting to go at it, Shinsuke Nakamura and Solomon Crowe.

Corey Graves: That’s right Joey. With Wrestlemania around the corner both of these guys are going to be looking for a win. The one thing you want going into the biggest show of the year is momentum, and this is the perfect opportunity for just that.

Both men stood in the ring having carried out their trademark entrances. As soon as the bell rang Crowe and Nakamura began exchanging various amateur wrestling moves, seamlessly transitioning from one move to the next with several pin attempts for good measure.

Corey Graves: WOW Joey, this wasn’t the start I was expecting from either of these guys. It just goes to show how much this means to them both by stepping their game out and coming out of their comfort zone.

Joey Styles: That’s right Corey, you said it yourself, Wrestlemania is so close now, both men know how much a big victory could give them a real springboard going forward.

The chain wrestling finally came to an end as Solomon Crowe had an arm bar locked in, however with a sharp move, and using Crowe’s momentum against him Shinsuke managed to toss his opponent through the middle rope and to the outside. Wasting no time at all Shinsuke followed the fallen Crowe outside and began stomping on him, before finally tossing him back into the ring.

Joey Styles: Nakamura making a real statement here today with this aggressive showing.

Corey Graves: You know what Styles, Shinsuke has been pretty unorthodox and off the wall since he arrived in the EBWF. But one thing you cannot deny is the King of Strong Style can get the job done in the ring.

Nakamura planted a big elbow drop, before going for a cover. 1….2… Crowe barely managed to get his shoulder up. Shinsuke irish whipped Solomon into the corner and immediately charged after him with an attempted high knee, however Crowe moved at the last moment leaving Nakamura to smash into the turn buckle knee first.

Joey Styles: Ducking out just in time there Corey. If Nakamura had hit that knee this one would be over, but it looks like Solomon has the upper hand now.

With Nakamura writhing in pain Crowe took the upper hand. Delivering several of his own moves now. Slowing the match pace down, Crowe rarely allowed Nakamura to his feet before crashing heavy blows to his back.

Corey Graves: Smart move Joey. If Nakamura is on the mat he can’t beat you. It’s a methodical approach Crowe is taking, but one I’d do if I was in there too.

Crowe posed to the crowd with a real mixed response as he carried on pounding the Japanese star to the canvas. Finally he pulled his opponent to his feet and hit one of his trademark lariat.

Corey Graves: Pin him! This one is over!

But rather than going for a pin, Crowe lifted Nakamura to his feet and went for another lariat, however this time Shinsuke moved out of the way. Spinning behind his opponent, he lifted Solomon and slammed him to the floor with a German suplex. Lightening fast the King of Strong Style was on his feet and using the ropes for his trademark springboard moonsault and going for a cover, 1...2...3!

Joey Styles: And this one is over! What a great backwards and forwards battle, but Shinsuke took his chance when it came round and heads to Wrestlemania with the W under his belt.

Corey Graves: That’s exactly right Joey. He took every Crowe could throw at him, but ultimately used his experience to pick up the win! What a match!


Solomon Crowe was still in the ring on his knees after his match with Shinsuke Nakamura, Nakamura’s music continued to play with Crowe looking agitated in the ring, his hands on the middle rope staring at the Japanese star walking back up the ramp. As his music stopped, Crowe got to his feet and held his neck in pain as he smiled at the fans booing him as they did on a weekly basis, he leaned over the ropes and smiled at them to piss them off a little more. Suddenly, Nakamura’s music stopped playing, and fans erupted into cheers when “World’s Apart” by CFO$ blasted the PA system, and the lights started to flash red, blue and yellow.

Joey Styles: And here comes Sami Zayn! Last week he told Solomon Crowe to meet him face to face in the ring!

Corey Graves: Now we finally get to hear the condition Sami is offering, let’s hope it’s a good one Joey.

Sami eventually emerged on stage in his black bomber jacket over his wrestling tights with his flat cap on his head. However, attention turned to his left hand though where he was holding a steel chair, clearly prepared on this occasion as Crowe fell into the corner turnbuckle, in pain and out of breath.

Joey Styles: It looks like Sami came prepared this time!

Corey Graves: Yeah but the Solomon Crowe we all know…he’d probably still find a way to have Sami lying in his own pool of blood if he’s not careful.

Sami cautiously walked up the steel steps; his eyes fixed on Crowe, who laughed in the corner, almost wanting Sami to walk in and crush his skull with that chair. Sami looked at the chair and over at Solomon a few times, tempted to run over and hit him on the skull. Instead, he calmed down and opened it. He sat on the chair and faced Solomon who was sat in the opposite corner, the music stopped, but the ‘Ole!’ chants continued but this time, Sami was determined to put things right as Crowe stared right back at him.

Sami Zayn: Y’know Crowe…I know I’m good. Not in an obnoxious way or a cocky way, but I know I worked hard and continued to work harder than anybody in the room to get to where I am today. But there comes a point where you’re getting so much deserved success, so much success so quickly that bitter people will want to sabotage that. I’ve had it with Vertex, I’ve had it with Lance Storm and Trent and once again, I’ve had it with you, Crowe.

Sami was agitated, wanting to say so much as he turned red, infuriated with Crowe and his actions.

Sami Zayn: Then you reach your limit, there’s only so much one man can take before you snap, and last week was my limit. Now all week I’ve been thinking about what I said, what was on my mind about my one condition and I didn’t want to make an impulsive decision…but I feel like I’ve made the right choice. It could come back to bite me in the ass, but right now I have absolutely nothing to lose.

Crowe got to his knees, slowly standing up in pain but still leaning in the corner, he too grabbed a microphone to speak.

Solomon Crowe: What…what do you want, Sami? Huh? You want a cage match instead of Falls Count Anywhere? You want the ropes on fire? You want a hair vs. hair match instead to cut off this hair that Nakamura freak was obsessed with?

Sami smiled as he got up off the chair, he didn’t approach Crowe, but he circled the chair while replying.

Sami Zayn: It’s so easy for you isn’t it? Look I don't want to waste your time or be standing here for too long. You want to finish the job as you said? Wipe me out of the company like you intended to do? Well, Solomon, I'm giving you the chance. I'm giving it to you on a plate at the grandest stage of them all on Sunday. It's your big moment, and all you have to do is say yes. I accepted your Falls Count Anywhere match because I always put my body on the line whether or not that match is my speciality. I don't care how much more brutal you want to make it but as a man, as a wrestler I accepted your one condition, and now you need to accept mine.

Crowe laughed at Sami’s attempt at taking control; he tried playing along, but he thought he could see right through Sami.

Solomon Crowe: You think I'm a little coward like you or anybody at the back? You can throw any condition my way, and I'll still be walking out of WrestleMania the winner. You simply, won't be walking again, Sami.

Sami Zayn: Good. GOOD! I'm glad we're on the same page here because at WrestleMania it all ends for good. No more cheap shots, no more attacks or attempts to wipe me out of the picture. At WrestleMania in our Falls Count Anywhere match....the winner will enjoy the spoils of picking up a second WrestleMania win. The loser? Well....the loser leaves the company, Solomon.

Joey Styles: Oh my God! Can he? Can Sami do that?

Corey Graves: I think he can Joey, but why would he be so stupid? We all know how dangerous Crowe can be!

Crowe looked shaken for a second or two, taking in what Sami had said as the let out huge cheers, but he couldn’t seem to get a word out.

Sami Zayn: What's the matter? What's the word you used? Coward? I thought you were this mighty, heartless son of a bitch who will never back down? You have the chance to end me and my EBWF career for good and now…

Solomon Crowe: You really want this?

Sami thought about it for a second, the two men circling the ring slowly knowing that at any second one of them could go on the attack.

Sami Zayn: I do. This needs to stop; YOU need to be stopped. If that means risking my own career, then so be it.

Solomon Crowe: Sami, I know how much the wrestling business means to you. Only a handful of people like myself and Kevin Owens know how hard you worked to get here. We know you don't do this for a paycheck; you do it because you love it. I want you to remember John Cena; that's a man who did it for the paycheck and the fame, and when he thought he had it all I took it away from him and his life spiralled out of control. I was happy with that...but he still has all of that. He still has the huge name and he money and everything he wanted. You, on the other hand, I can take your career, the legacy you want to build and your livelihood away from you. You want to take that risk? Be my guest. You have it all to lose, I accept. I will beat you black and blue; I will drag you around the AT&T Stadium and parade the head of the failure that is Sami Zayn and I will erase you from the memory of every single fan. Your achievements, your glory, everything you built I will break down...brick by brick...and then I'll smash that brick over your head until even you forget you were an EBWF superstar. At WrestleMania this Sunday. I WILL end your career here, Sami.

Crowe threw the microphone out of the ring as he stumbled through the middle rope and exited it, slowly walking up the ramp not showing any emotion.

Joey Styles: Well there we have it! The expressions on both of these men’s faces say it all! This Sunday at WrestleMania, Sami Zayn vs. Solomon Crowe, Falls Count Anywhere….and the loser must leave the company!

Corey Graves: I expected this stupidity from Sami Zayn, but Solomon? Sami needs to start saying his goodbyes; there’s no way he can take Crowe when there are no rules!

Sami looked around the arena as they cheered his name, knowing the magnitude of the situation he had got himself in and understanding that this could be the last time the EBWF fans are chanting his name.


Warfare returned from commercial and headed to ringside.

Joey Styles: And now it's time for our main event! I'm so excited for this match, Corey! How about you?

Corey Graves: Are you kidding? I couldn't look forward to this match more, Joey. On one of the final pit stops before Wrestlemania, we get to see the Wes Ikeda and Chris Jericho team up one more time before they tear each other a part for the EBWF World Championship. Let's see how well they can keep their egos in check tonight.

The crowd erupted as "Next Big Thing" blasted out of the speakers and Brock Lesnar came out, flanked by his advocate, Paul Heyman. They headed down to the ring and Lesnar hopped onto the apron and got in.

"I Came to Play!"

The Miz was out next, completely no-selling the jeers from the crowd. He headed down the ramp and got into the ring, keeping an eye on Lesnar as he took off his jacket and threw it out of the ring.

Joey Styles: The Miz and Brock Lesnar are strange bedfellows, indeed. It will be interesting to see if they can be a cohesive unit up against Wes Ikeda and Chris Jericho.

Miz's music faded and it was replaced by "Sound of Madness" by Shinedown. The crowd erupted loudly and cheered as Wes Ikeda came out the entranceway. He stepped into the ring, waiting for his tag team partner.

"Break the Walls Down!"

Wes' sustained pop carried over as the lights went out and a jacket lit up in the darkness, lights flickering on and off as Jericho outstretched his arms. The lights came on and Jericho spun around, looking out at the crowd with a smile. The EBWF World Championship was clasped around his waist.

Joey Styles: Here he is, the EBWF World Champion Chris Jericho!

Jericho slapped hands with a couple fans on the way to the ring. He took his jacket off and handed it to a technician then got into the ring. He handed his championship belt to the timekeeper and shook hands with Ikeda in their corner.

Corey Graves: A mutual show of respect from champion and challenger. These guys have had their ups and downs in this business, but they have always had a strong sense of kinship since the early days of this company. A great example that in this cutthroat industry, friendships can still last.

Jericho agreed to get into the ring first, as did the Miz. The two men grappled up in the center of the ring, jockeying for position. Jericho shifted his weight into a headlock and tried to cinch it in. Miz tried to dig his finger into Jericho's eye to break the hold and the ref admonished him for it. Miz grabbed Jericho and went for a belly to back suplex, but Jericho rolled through and landed behind the Miz. He whipped Miz around and jumped up for a Codebreaker, but the Miz stumbled backwards frantically, a wide eyed expression on his face.

Corey Graves: This match almost ended early!

Jericho smirked and the two locked up again. The Miz got the upper hand this time, tucking Y2J's head underneath his arm and lifting Jericho up for a vertical suplex. He nailed the move and then rolled into a side headlock on the ground. Jericho shifted and wiggled out of the hold, getting back to a vertical base. He went for a clothesline on the Miz, but Miz hit him with a drop toe hold and got back into the headlock, tightening his grip on the champion.

Joey Styles: Some solid chain wrestling on display by the Miz.

Jericho struggled, but was having a harder time getting back to a standing position. He squirmed forward and got his hand on the ropes. The ref broke the hold and Jericho got up. He tagged in Ikeda who quickly went at the Miz with some hard punches. The Miz stumbled back in retreat and tagged in Lesnar. The crowd made an audible gasp as Lesnar smirked and stepped through the ropes. Wes stiffened, but went in anyway. The two grappled up, and Lesnar immediately used his overpowering strength to push Wes into the corner, and start driving his shoulder into Wes' abdomen with multiple shoulder blocks. Wes tried to strike Brock with multiple hard elbow shots to the back of Brock's head. he connected with one and Brock stumbled back. Wes charged forward and hit Brock with a Lou Thesz press, landing Brock on his back. He landed a couple hard rights and some elbow shots to Lesnar's head before jumping up to a vertical base. Lesnar stood up and Wes knocked him back down with a high drop kick.

Joey Styles: Wes has got a plan to counter Lesnar's offense, it seems.

Wes mounted the second turnbuckle and waited for Lesnar to get up. Lesnar stood up and Ikeda leapt off the corner and hooked Lesnar's head for a tornado DDT. Lesnar caught Wes in mid-air before Wes could fully execute the move, and dropped back, dropping Ikeda on his back. He rolled over and went for a kimura lock, but Wes brought his knee up and clocked Lesnar in the back of the skull. Wes scrambled away and Lesnar got up, going after him. Wes dropped down and grabbed the top rope, causing Lesnar to spill out over, landing outside.

Corey Graves: Lesnar hasn't been able to get out of the gate with offense. Wes and Jericho had a game plan coming into this match!

Miz looked on helplessly as Ikeda stepped through the ropes out on the apron, and jumped off, hitting a axehandle smash on Lesnar's back. He then grabbed Lesnar and threw him into the barricade. Lesnar smashed into the unforgiving wall, wincing and gripping his back in pain. Ikeda then lifted Lesnar up and suplexed him onto the barricade. Wes then got into the ring, waiting for Brock to get back in. Lesnar growled and rolled into the ring, quickly tackling Wes back down to the mat.

Joey Styles: My God! What does it take to put Brock Lesnar down?! It's like he didn't even phase him.

Lesnar grabbed Wes and lifted him up onto his shoulder. He hit a running powerslam on Ikeda, then picked him up and rolled him into a release German suplex. Wes scooched back, wincing in pain, reaching out for a tag. Jericho reached out as far as he could strain, but Lesnar clubbed Wes in the back of the head, stopping him from making the tag. He dragged Wes into the center of the ring and lifted him up onto his shoulders.

Corey Graves: Looks like Wes is going to ride an F5!

Wes shifted his weight and landed behind Lesnar. He whipped Lesnar around and lifted him up, hitting It's Time to Go. The fans erupted in cheers as Wes' signature move. Wes dragged him into the corner and backed up to the next turnbuckle over, which was in his corner. The crowd cheered as he mounted the turnbuckle.

Joey Styles: We're gonna go Coast to Coast!

He launched off the top rope and nailed the Coast to Coast perfectly on Lesnar. Lesnar folded over, and Wes dragged him into the middle of the ring, going for the pin. To Wes' surprise, the referee stopped the pin and forced him into the corner.

Corey Graves: Wait, what just happened?

Jericho stepped in, measured up Lesnar, and hit the Codebreaker!

Joey Styles: Jericho tagged himself in! He's going to get the win for his team!

Jericho rolled up Lesnar and got the 1...2..3!!! "Break the Walls Down" hit the speakers and Jericho celebrated in the middle of the ring. Wes looked on, slightly dumbfounded. He stood up and poked Jericho in the shoulder. The two exchanged brief words, but Jericho raised Wes' arm in the air, and the two wound up celebrating the victory together.

Corey Graves: Well, Jericho may have snuck in at the end there, but they still seem to be on the same page!

The Miz and Lesnar rolled out of the ring as the two victors taunted the crowd and Warfare went off the air.