Warfare Results 04/25/16

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 04/25/16

Post by Ben M »


Warfare began with a cold open as the cameras panned the stage area, each and every EBWF Superstar was standing on the stage. They were all wearing black t-shirts that read “Joanie” on the front, with an image of a green remembrance ribbon where the O in her name was. Standing in the from row were Wes Ikeda and Natalie Neidhart, Randy and Nicole Orton, Jessica Rushing and CM Punk, as well as Velvet Sky, Trish Stratus & Chris Jericho.

At the conclusion of the video package the crowd was standing on their feet and chants of “Thank You Chyna” went up.

Are You Ready?!

The chants turned to loud cheers as the DX Theme Song took over the Scottrade Center. Those gathered on the stage had begun to move to the side as the theme picked up. The entrance curtain moved and then they were joined by those most important to the 9th Wonder of the World’s career, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Billy Gunn, The Road Dogg and Syxx all joined the talent on stage, each wearing the “Joanie” t-shirt. The DX theme continued to play and the fan’s cheers became unhinged when HBK Shawn Michaels and Triple H both came onto the stage. They were both looking sharp in suits, but Hunter’s eyes were hidden by a pair of sunglasses. Shawn played to the crowd a little bit which caused his colleagues on the stage to applaud him. Hunter finally stepped forward, and the crowd roared when they saw the pyro gun he carried in his hands. Affectionately referred to as the “Chyna 9000”, it was a prop Joanie had used during her EBWF ring entrances. Shawn threw his arm around Hunter’s shoulders and pointed up into the nosebleed seats, causing Hunter to rear back on the gun and let the fireworks fly. They did that four times, showcasing a magnificent display of green, purple and pink pyro. One more in memoriam photo lit up the tron as EBWF went to commercial.



Corey Graves: And welcome ladies and gentlemen to EBWF Warfare!

Joey Styles: Tonight we crown a new number one contender for PJ Black’s Path to Glory Championship!

Corey Graves: We also expect to see former World Champion, Chris Jericho!

Joey Styles: But first, we see the former breakout champion, Mankind, take on the EBWF’s newest acquisition, The Keeper of the Ambrose Asylum…

“Retaliation” by CFO$ blared through the arena.

Corey Graves: It’s Dean Ambrose!

Mankind made his entrance next, and the crowd was ready for this match to kick off! The bell rang.

Joey Styles: Here we go!

Mankind was aggressive early by taking down Ambrose by going after the knee. Ambrose bailed out, and Mankind went after. Mankind punched him in the knee and drove Ambrose into the steel steps. Ambrose made his way back into the ring where they had a physical exchange and Mankind nailed him with a knee to the face that sent Ambrose to the floor. Ambrose rolled out to prevent a pinfall attempt.

Joey Styles: Good thinking on Ambrose part!

Mankind went out after Ambrose, and helped him back into the ring. Ambrose tried some offense going until Mankind clipped the knee again. Ambrose nailed a neckbreaker as he started a comeback that also included a bulldog. Mankind came back with a big splash and then locked on a submission to work on the knee.

Corey Graves: Mankind really exposing the knee here.

Ambrose got to the ropes to force the break. Mankind nailed Ambrose with forearm shots and got mad that the crowd was counting along. Ambrose hit some forearms of his own followed by a neckbreaker. Ambrose hit the flying elbow attack on Mankind for a two count. Mankind kicked him in the leg, hit a high knee and Ambrose came back with a big clothesline. Mankind tried to roll out of the way, but couldn’t avoid Dirty Deeds! Ambrose got the pin!

Corey Graves: And there it is! A big win for Dean Ambrose!


Christy Hemme: The following contest is schedule for one fall! Introducing first, from New York City, weighing 298 pounds, he is both halves of the World Tag Champions, BULLY RAY!

Dale Oliver’s “Dead Man’s Hand” signaled Bully Ray, who joylessly trudged down the ramp with both tag team belts hanging on either shoulder. He jawed with fans, provoking them as he made his way to ringside.

Corey Graves: Here comes the tag team champion, Joey, and by this time next week, he will have a new partner forced upon him!

Joey Styles:Indeed! At Aftermath, we will see Dolph Ziggler, Mankind, Kevin Owens, and Tyler Breeze in a fatal fourway to determine the second half of the tag team champions.

Corey Graves: Steve Austin just loves playing these sick games with the EBWF talent.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 165 pounds, MATT SYDAL!

“Basket Case” by Green Day called out Matt Sydal, who threw up peace signs to the cheering crowd and ran to the ring.

Joey Styles: Matt Sydal, proving to be a real crowd-pleaser in his short time at EBWF, and a dangerous competitor.

Corey Graves: He may be the smallest male athlete on the active roster right now, but he has not been a pushover. A few more high-profile victories and he may be in contention for the Breakout Title very soon.


Sydal used his quickness to avoid Bully Ray’s attempts to lock up. The increasingly flustered Dudley Boy changed tactics from grabbing to throwing haymakers. Sydal rolled under or swung over his arms and jumped up onto the turnbuckle to play to the crowd. Bully Ray charged the corner, Sydal backflipped off and posed upon landing.

Joey Style: The crowd loving this display from Matt Sydal. He was always a great high-flyer and technician, but ever since he became Rebourne, as he likes to say, he has really unlocked his sense of showmanship.

Corey Graves: The crowd may appreciate it but Bully Ray most definitely does not. And that is not a man you want to make angrier at you.

Joey Style: Angrier?

Corey Graves: He’s always angry. You can only make him angrier.

Matt finally locked up with Bully and twisted him into an arm wringer. Bully took a swing, Matt caught his hand, and executed a standing switch to put his arm wringer on that side instead, then transitioned that into a hammerlock. Bully Ray pushed himself backwards to push Sydal against the ropes and cause the ref to count. Matt released at three and Bully Ray let off a back elbow that caught him in the face. He hoisted Sydal over his shoulder, walked him away from the ropes and dropped him in an inverted atomic drop, then grounded him with a lariat.

Joey Styles: Bully Ray countering the speed and technique of Sydal with roughhouse brawling.

Corey Graves: There is nothing fancy about Bully Ray, but he gets the job done. Whoever wins the fatal four-way at Aftermath will be lucky to have him as a partner.

Joey Styles: Yeah, Sheamus was certainly blessed.

Bully Ray hit Sydal with a series of quick right jabs. He rolled his arms up to signal for the bionic elbow, and Sydal leapt up to knee him in the jaw, followed up with a roundhouse kick to the gut that doubled Ray over. Sydal hit the ropes, Ray recovered and attempted to cut him off with another lariat. Sydal ducked, rebounding off the other side, and pushed off Ray’s knee to get up and slam the double knees into his face, driving him back into the mat. Sydal looked to the crowd and jumped up onto the turnbuckle.

Joey Styles: The crowd on their feet, they know what that look means, Sydal is ready to fly!

Before Sydal can leap off, Bully Ray hopped back to his feet and rushed into the ropes, knocking Sydal off balance and causing him to slip down onto the corner post. Ray reached up and grabbed hold of Sydal’s head, then pulled him off into the mat.

Corey Graves: Bubba Cutter! In avalanche form!

Joey Styles: Bully Ray going for the pinfall.



Sydal kicked out! Bully Ray began to berate the youngster as he struggled on the mat, picked up by the ring mics.

Bully Ray: Do you know who I am? I’m a one man wrecking crew! I don’t need nobody else. You’re not as good as me. Nobody is as good as me! I’m the greatest tag team wrestler of all time!

Joey Styles: Bully Ray, incensed at Sydal for kicking out of the Cutter.

Corey Graves: This tag team title situation is really getting under Ray’s skin, Joseph.

Joey Styles: Bully Ray locking Sydal into a full nelson, he’s going for the Bully Bomb. No! Sydal hooking his legs backwards and rolling through, he’s caught Bully in a pinning predicament!





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, MATT SYDAL!

Corey Graves: Matt Sydal beating a hasty retreat to ringside after scoring that flash pin on a distracted Bully Ray. I hope Steve Austin is proud of himself.

Joey Styles: I know that Reborn Matt Sydal is, as the EBWF universe’s favorite underdog gets another mark in the win column here tonight!


“I’m here to the show the world!” Dolph Ziggler gyrates at the top of the stage and marches down the ramp, full of spirit.

Joey Styles: Singles action here on Warfare, as Dolph Ziggler prepares to do battle with Wade Barrett. Ziggler, going to be taking part in the fatal fourway at Aftermath to earn the second half of the Tag Team Championships.

Corey Graves: And Wade Barrett, unfairly stripped of those very titles. He will be watching that match very closely.

“God Save Our Queen!” Wade Barrett throws off his cloak and makes his way to the ring.

Corey Graves: That’s if he even allows Ziggler to make it to that match. He is not looking like a happy camper tonight.


Ziggler was all fired up to start this match and charged straight at Barrett to throw wild punches. The larger man lifted him up and tossed him to the side, then caught him with a big boot as he got back to his feet. Barrett used his bareknuckle brawling style, throwing unanswered punches into the midsection and a left hook to the jaw. Ziggler fell back against the ropes and bounced off to catch Barrett by surprise with his leaping DDT.

Joey Styles: Both men coming into the ring tonight looking to build momentum going into the pay per view!

Corey Graves: Ziggler drops an elbow, and then another, and then another!

Dolph went through his Heartstopper routine, hitting nine elbows in quick succession. He stopped to run his hands through his hair and then leapt to deliver the tenth but Barrett rolled out of the way. Both men got up and Barrett hit the mule kick to the gut, knocking Dolph back to the ropes again. Wade trapped Dolph’s arms in the ropes and hit knee lifts to the face. He backed up and charged with a big boot, sending Dolph out of the ropes and to the floor.

Corey Graves: Barrett is bad news on his own, see what I did there, Styles? But now that Drew McIntyre is here in the EBWF, they are a two-man gang and no one is safe.

Barrett followed Dolph to the outside. Ziggler tried to fire up and rush him.

Joey Styles: Winds of Change! The swinging side slam onto the hard arena floor!

Corey Graves: This is what I am talking about Joey, Barrett doesn’t care about wins and losses, he is here to hurt people.

Joey Styles: Barrett rolling Ziggler back into the ring and pulling down his elbow pad, signaling for the Bullhammer!

Corey Graves: Ziggler struggling to his feet, he has no idea what is in store for him. Barrett rushing forward!

Joey Styles: Right into a superkick! Ziggler catches Barrett square on the jaw! Barrett spun around, Ziggler sees an opening. ZIG ZAG!

Corey Graves: The Show Off with the lateral press.





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Dolph Ziggler!

Joey Styles: Ziggler managing to pull one out over Wade Barrett here tonight, and he may just be the favorite to win that fatal four way for the vacant tag title!


Corey Graves: Time for some Women’s Action tonight!

“Turn it Up” brought out Bayley, who got a huge ovation from the crowd in her lime green tights with “9th Wonder” printed down the sides. The crowd did the “Hey Bayley” song as she came into the ring.

Joey Styles: And here comes the Women’s Champion.

“Crushed” brought out Alexa Bliss who pointed out to the crowd, showcasing the Women’s Championship before getting into the ring. Forearm shot by Bliss early on. Bayley came back with a hip toss and then she avoided a running kick by Bliss. The crowd applauded that sequence. Bliss laid in with a flying hip attack followed by a kick. She missed a running attack against the ropes as Bayley came back with a clothesline and back elbow off the middle ropes for a two count. Bayley went high risk with a cross body block off the top rope. Which was good for a two count!

Joey Styles: Bayley almost got a pin on the Women’s Champion!

Bliss took down Bayley with an armbar, but Bayley got to the ropes. With Bliss tied up in the ropes, Bayle hit an elbow drop for a two count. Bayley came back with a hurricanrana off the top and got another two count!

Corey Graves: They’re giving it their all here!

Bliss came back with an ankle lock submission in the middle of the ring, but Bayley was able to send her out of the ring to counter it. Bayley did a headscissors attack on the floor. Back in the ring, Bliss kicked out at two. Bliss hit a running dropkick and then she nailed a missile dropkick off the middle ropes. Bayley hit a forearm smash, but Bliss came back with two knee strikes in a row for a two count.

Joey Styles: Our women’s champion almost had it.

Bayley with a back suplex. Bayley ducked another Bliss attack, but Bliss was able to connect with an enziguri kick to the head to knock Bayley down. There was a hard slap by Bliss. When Bliss went for a kick, Bayley caught the foot and applied a knee bar on her. Bliss broke free. Bayley got some more offense in and looked confident, but Bliss applied an armbar takedown. They got back to their feet, Bayley ducked two kicks and Bayley got an inside cradle for two. From nowhere, Bayley got the Bayley to Belly! The crowd was on their feet.

Corey Graves: Could it be?


Joey Styles: Yes! Bayley just got a win over the EBWF Women’s Champion, Alexa Bliss!


When the show returned from commercial, both Carlito and Shinsuke Nakamura were already in the ring. The bell rang, and they bumped heads early on. Nakamura tossed Carlito out of the ring and nailed a dive out to the floor. Carlito came back with a hip toss over the guard rail in a move that took out a security guy nearby. The crowd was all about this match.

Joey Styles: This is already an impressive matchup, Corey!

Nakamura came back with a forearm smash. Back in the ring, Carlito overpowered him with fists and then a hard kick to the head that sent Nakamura to the floor. Carlito did a suicide dive into a forearm smash that sent Nakamura into the barricade at ringside. Crowd chanted “holy shit” for that.

Corey Graves: The EBWF Universe liked that one.

Carlito rolled Nakamura back in. Carlito nailed a one armed slam as fans chanted. Carlito worked on the back of Nakamura with a knee to the back. Carlito nailed an enziguri kick for a two count. Carlito took down Nakamura with a forearm smash followed by a boot to the face against the turnbuckle.

Joey Styles: Strong style in action!

Carlito chopped Nakamura while on the top rope, then an atomic drop, big boot, kicks and a knee drop got a two count. Nakamura made a comeback with a dropkick. Nakamura laid in some huge chops on Carlito. With Carlito seated on the top rope, Nakamura nailed a kick to the head to knock him down, then a dropkick to the floor and a running kick on the apron.

Corey Graves: This crowd is loving this showdown!

Back in the ring, Carlito nailed an overhead belly to belly suplex. Nakamura with the comeback, but then Carlito avoided an attack and nailed a senton splash for two. Carlito hit a power bomb, and went for the pin. Nakamura was able to roll out of it and nailed a double foot stomp. They exchanged strikes as they got to their feet and then Nakamura won that battle with the Kinshasa running knee strike and went for the pin. 1..2…3!

Joey Styles: Another win for Shinsuke Nakamura!

Corey Graves: Can he be stopped? What a match!


When Warfare returned from a commercial break, the arena lights went out and a five second countdown appeared on the tron. The crowd cheered in anticipation, and as the clock hit zero, “Break the Walls Down” hit. The former EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho, stepped out onto the stage. Jericho was wearing a pair of grey designer jeans, a “Light It Up” Authentic EBWF t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. He walked down the ramp, taking a microphone from ring announcer Christy Hemme as he entered the ring. When Jericho’s music was cut, the crowd chanted “Y2J”. Jericho smiled, but his smile seemed strained. He waited for the noise of the crowd to die down, then began to speak.

Chris Jericho: I’m going to get right to the point. Last week, I opened up about how I was feeling after what happened at Wrestlemania. I talked about my son, Ash, and admitted that I haven’t been at the last couple of Warfares because my family needed me. I’ve always tried to keep my family life private, but thanks to Wes Ikeda, that’s no longer possible. There is a video on the EBWF YouTube channel that shows Wes wiping his blood on my son’s face; that video has over three million views. Almost every time I’ve spoken to someone since Wrestlemania, the first thing they’ve asked me is “How’s Ash doing?” I made a decision to put my family first, and our esteemed World Champion had the audacity to call me a coward. How dare you, Wes? You know better than anyone how important family is to me. You know how important it is, because after everything we’ve been through, I’ve grown to think of you and your family as part of my family. But you changed all that at Wrestlemania, when you betrayed me.

Jericho looked tense with anger. His emotions were starting to get the better of him, so he took a moment to calm himself before continuing to speak.

Chris Jericho: You misunderstood what I said last week, Wes. You accused me of saying that I didn’t care that you attacked me, or that you beat me. I never said I didn’t care, I just said I wasn’t angry about those things. And whether you believe me or not, that’s the truth. I’m disappointed that I lost, obviously - the biggest crowd of my career, arguably the biggest match of my career, and I lost. How could I not be upset about that? As for you attacking me, I already admitted that I’m hurt and confused. You haven’t even explained why you turned on me, you’re too busy kissing your own ass because you’re the World Champion. But you know what, Wes? It’s fine, actually. I don’t need you to explain what you did to me, because it’s done. You explaining yourself doesn’t change anything. Do you know who does need an explanation though, Wes? Do you know who needs one? My son. You crossed a line at Wrestlemania when you brought Ash into it, and like I said last week, I’ll make sure you pay for that. So how about--

Wes Ikeda: It’s amazing to me what a damn fool you are sometimes.

There was no music, no entrance, just the sound of Wes’ voice as he interrupted Jericho and came from behind the curtain. He stood on the stage for a moment, and cocked his head, looking down to the ring. He had the world championship on his shoulder, over a t-shirt that featured a baseball bat on the front, and the words “Heel by Nature”. He wiped his palm on his dark wash blue jeans and chuckled a little before raising the microphone back to his lips.

Wes Ikeda: We aren’t going to talk about Ash anymore. This is about me and you. He doesn’t need an explanation. That child doesn’t need an explanation. He’s a kid. See, as adults we complicated things. We want explanations. We want to know “why?”

Wes pointed down at Jericho in the ring, and started making his way down the ramp.

Wes Ikeda: He knows why. I told him why. That night. I leaned in, I touched his face, and I told him why. And maybe he hasn’t shared that with you because his faith in humanity was shaken. Maybe he hasn’t told you because he’s grateful I did it. So he could be disappointed in me for what I’d done, rather than disappointed in you for being a loser.

The crowd had an audible reaction to that, and then began to boo louder.

Wes Ikeda: Ash doesn’t need an explanation, because he’s a kid, and knows why. I’m a bad guy, and that’s all the explanation he needs. So let’s all stop pretending this is about him.

Wes was on the stairs now.

Wes Ikeda: Let’s stop even talking about him. For the sake of your family, Chris, let’s go ahead and do what you always wanted. Leave him out of it.

Jericho shrugged, as if reluctantly admitting that Wes was right. Wes entered the ring, and Jericho walked towards him, looking at him with fury in his eyes.

Chris Jericho: Alright, let’s leave him out of it… because it’s not about him, not really. We both know you just used him to get to me. And I guess the reason I wanted to know why is because I thought I knew you. Maybe I just underestimated what a sack of shit you really are.

Wes nodded.

Wes Ikeda: So, you have your answers. And we both know Steve Austin has granted you a rematch next week at Aftermath. I know it’s not worth much, coming from me, but nothing like what happened at Wrestlemania will happen again. So if there’s nothing else you want, Chris…

Chris Jericho: Well you’re right about one thing, Wes. Nothing like what happened at Wrestlemania will happen again. Because this time, you’ll be the bloody mess, and I’ll be the one walking out as champion…

Wes Ikeda: I’m beginning to think you’ve lured me out here because you miss me. The master of the microphone, so hurt and confused, that the only new thing he’s said is that I’m a sack of shit, and everyone already knew that. Wasn’t that your first mistake, Chris? You trusted me. You had faith in me. Now you know how I’ve felt for the better part of five years.

There was a tense silence as Jericho digested Wes’ words.

Chris Jericho: So what… you’ve spent the better part of five years biding your time, waiting for revenge? What the hell, Wes?

Just when it looked as though Jericho and Wes were going to come to blows, a blonde woman hopped over the guardrail and grabbed a microphone from ringside. Initially, security tried to stop her, but upon realising who she was, they stepped back.

Corey Graves: Joey… that’s Chris Jericho’s wife, Jessica!

Joey Styles: I think she’s trying to ease the tension between these two former best friends, Corey!

Jessica Jericho: Stop! Both of you… this needs to stop.

Jessica walked up the steps, to enter the ring. Jericho held open the ropes, helping his wife inside. As Jessica entered the ring, Jericho was heard asking her, “What are you doing?” Jessica responded by telling her husband, “I need to do this”, then walked past him, approaching Wes.

Jessica Jericho: You know, Chris wasn’t the only one that trusted you, Wes. I trusted you too. Did I make a mistake too? We spent Christmases together, you asked Chris and I to be CJ’s godparents… either you’re the best liar I’ve ever met, or something has changed. And I really, really hope it’s the latter.

Wes Ikeda: It is the latter, Jessica. It is. You don’t need to be here. I love you. Okay, we’re family. And I’m sorry. What happened at Wrestlemania? You didn’t deserve that. I mean that. From the bottom of my heart. But you need to remember, all of this, this brotherhood. This was before you. This was before all four of my wives, all four of my kids. All three of yours. This thing between me and him, it’s a deep, long, chasm. He knows what he did.

Chris Jericho: That’s the thing, Wes. I don’t know what I did. You’re being ridiculous.

Wes Ikeda: Ridiculous? I’m being ridiculous? You don’t know?

Wes stepped up in Jericho’s face, and the two of them started jawing off to one another.

Wes Ikeda: You do know what you did. You know what you tried to take from me. I know exactly who you are, and you’d like to think you’ve forgotten who I am.

Chris Jericho: Oh, I’m beginning to be reminded of exactly who you are.

They were pushing each other a bit and Jessica tried to step between them just as Wes threw all of his weight behind a shove, catching Jess on the shoulder and sending her down hard. Jericho had been rocked on his feet, and caught himself on the top rope. As Jessica hit the mat, Wes took a step back, his eyes wide with surprise. Jericho shot Wes a look of disgust, then dropped to the mat, checking on his wife. Jessica appeared to have hurt her neck in the fall. Wes stepped towards Jessica, as if meaning to help her up… as Jericho noticed Wes approaching, he got to his feet, standing protectively between Wes and his wife.

Chris Jericho: Stay away from her!

Although Jericho had dropped his microphone before tending to Jessica, his shout was loud enough to be picked up by the cameras. An EMT entered the ring to aid Jessica, while a couple of referees approached Wes, asking him to leave the ring. Wes went between the ropes, hopping down off of the apron. He turned back to look into the ring, shaking his head, before exiting up the ramp.


Joey Styles - Coming up now Corey we have the triple threat match up for the number one contenders spot for the Pathway To Glory championship. Sami Zayn, AJ Styles and The Miz are three guys who I personally can’t pick a winner from.

Corey Graves - Absolutely Joey. All three of these men are deserving of a shot at the title and I’m expecting this to be a pretty special main event.

Joey Styles - Well here we go Corey, out first is Sami Zayn.

The crowd went wild as Sami Zayn came out to his music. Bouncing on his toes, throwing his arms into the air to the delight of the fans.

Corey Graves - Sami has been making the most of winning his retirement match at Wrestlemania. The EBWF Universe has been blowing up with Twitter about how amazing his match up with Dolph Ziggler was on Warfa……

Joey Styles - What is this?!

The cheers turned to boos as no sooner had Zayn started to walk down the aisle than from behind The Last of Us member Kevin Owens had nailed him with a steel chair. As Zayn laid prone on the floor the sickening sound of another crushing blow with the chair could be heard over the boos.

Joey Styles - Why Corey? Why Sami Zayn again? Kevin Owens isn’t even scheduled to be here tonight!

Corey Graves - Joey I don’t know why, but from what I can see it it looks like he isn’t finished with Zayn yet. We need security out here now!

Kevin Owens lifted Sami to his feet, as he could barely stand, Owens planted him on the steel chair with a vicious DDT. At this point several EBWF referees came down forcing themselves between Owens and Zayn, trying to stop the attacked. With his arms outstretched the fans booed even louder as Owens slowly backed up the ramp. The cameraman focused on him he was shouting Zayn’s old “ole” catchphrase to the annoyance of the fans at ringside. As Owens away walked he carried on trash talking.

Kevin Owens - Sami you’ve just become the number one contender for the pathway to kissing my ass title. This isn’t the end boy, this is just the start of The Last of Us.

Zayn was still not moving, as he was laid out on the steel chair which was now sporting a large dent in the middle of it, shaped around Sami’s head.

Joey Styles - I’m sorry we’re going to need to get some medical attention out here for Sami Zayn after that unprovoked attacked. Needless to say it looks like our main event is going to be a one on one match now. We’re going to take an unscheduled commercial break and will have more information when we come back.


After a commercial for Aftermath, the camera cut to Joey Styles and Corey Graves at ringside.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Moments ago, we saw Kevin Owens attack Sami Zayn, and unfortunately Sami is no longer able to compete tonight. Which means our main event is now a one on one match between The Miz and AJ Styles.

Corey Graves: It's unfortunate for Sami Zayn, but it gives Miz and Styles a greater chance of a shot at the PTG Title this Sunday at Aftermath!

"Get Ready to Fly" by GRITS hit AJ Styles headed to the ring. When Styles was in the ring, "I Came to Play" by Downstait hit and The Miz came out. Both superstars received a mixed reaction, the crowd unsure who to get behind. As Miz entered the ring, he smirked at Styles, who nodded, then challenged Miz to come at him.

Joey Styles: A lot of history between these two men, Corey!

The referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Miz applied a headlock, then punched Styles in the head several times. Styles fought out of it, pushing Miz into the ropes, but as Miz ran back towards Styles, he took the Phenomenal One down with a shoulder block. Styles got to his feet and Miz lifted him up, hitting a scoop slam. Miz stomped on Styles several times, trying to keep him grounded. He pulled Styles to his feet and went to whip him against the ropes, but Styles reversed it, sending Miz into the ropes before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Styles went for a forearm smash, but Miz ducked out of the way then hit a clothesline. As Styles hit the mat, Miz kneeled over him, hitting him with repeated punches. Miz then sat Styles up and applied a chinlock, but Styles fought out of it and both men got to their feet. Styles hit Miz with a spinning heel kick, and Miz rolled out of the ring. Styles exited the ring, going after Miz, but Miz was ready for him and hit a knee to the midsection, before throwing him into the ring steps. Miz re-entered the ring as the referee began counting Styles out. At the count of five, Styles got to his feet and re-entered the ring. Miz whipped Styles into the corner, then ran at him and hit a corner clothesline.

Corey Graves: Awesome Clothesline by The Miz! He's dominated these early stages thus far.

Styles fell into a sitting position, and Miz stomped on him repeatedly in the corner. He pulled Styles to his feet and hit a snapmare driver, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Miz hit Styles with more mounted punches against the mat, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the ropes. As Styles ran back towards him, Miz went for a big boot, but Styles ducked out of the way, then grabbed Miz from behind and hit a German suplex. Both men got to their feet and Styles whipped Miz into the corner, before running at him and hitting a forearm smash. Miz staggered out of the corner, and Styles hit a pumphandle gutbuster. Styles hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time AJ Styles gets a two count.

Styles pulled Miz to his feet and set him up for a brainbuster, but Miz blocked it, countering with a jawbreaker. Miz then applied the figure four leglock! Styles cried out in pain, but he was able to get to the ropes, and the referee forced Miz to break the hold. Miz got to his feet and pulled Styles away from the ropes, then went to reapply the figure four, but Styles kicked him away and got to his feet. Miz ran at Styles, but Styles reacted quickly, hitting a superkick! Styles then moved onto the ring apron and waited for Miz to get to his feet. When Miz was up, Styles springboarded, going for a forearm smash... but Miz rolled out of the way! Styles landed on his feet, but Miz grabbed him from behind and hit the Skull Crushing Finale! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: Great counter by The Miz there, and he's earned himself a shot at PJ Black this Sunday!

Joey Styles: Another performance like that, Corey, and we could be looking at a new PTG Champion!

Miz celebrated his victory as Warfare went off the air.