Warfare Results 05/23/2016

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Warfare Results 05/23/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Pyrotechnics went off inside of the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina. The fans were cheering for the beginning of Warfare. The camera panned the arena, highlighting the fans, then cut to the commentary table.

Joey Styles: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Warfare!

Corey Graves: Tonight we’ll see CM Punk take on Drew McIntyre and in the main event Randy Orton takes on the legend Mankind.

Joey Styles: Tonight’s matches are for the King of the Ring tournament and you can bet that this arena is full of competitors who want to win that moniker!

Corey Graves: Every superstar participating in the King of the Ring tournament will want to come out victorious!

Joey Styles: The first match of the night is Rob Van Dam vs. Finn Balor!

Christy Hemme: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is the first round of the King of the Ring tournament.

“One of a Kind” played throughout the arena, and the fans jumped to their feet for one of their favorite superstars.

Joey Styles: The fans love RVD, Corey!

Corey Graves: This is going to be one hell of a match!

Rob Van Dam stepped out onto the stage. He was wearing a black RVD T-shirt that read "Whole DAM Show" on the back. He walked down the ramp high fiving the fans as he went by. He stopped at the bottom of the ramp and pointed both his thumbs to his head and in sync with the fans he said, "ROB...VAN...DAM". Rob Van Dam then rolled into the ring and received a microphone from an official.

Corey Graves: Looks like RVD has something to say before the match.

Rob Van Dam then raised the microphone to his mouth as the fans cheers died down.

Rob Van Dam: Tonight is my night. Tonight, I get to shine. Tonight, I am participating in a King of the Ring tournament match. I look forward to defeating Finn Balor in this singles match. Two weeks ago, I made my debut and my opponent was Baron Corbin. He picked up the win. That was a tough loss for me, it was my return match and I wanted the victory. Just like tonight, I want the victory.

Joey Styles: It's going to be a great match.

Rob Van Dam: Two weeks ago I underestimated my opponent and it turned out bad for me, so this week I'm going to give it my all. I don't want to start my return with two losses. One loss was bad enough. Tonight will not be a repeat of what happened two weeks ago. I've got all these fans behind me as well.

They cheered in affirmation.

Joey Styles: The fans are loving RVD tonight!

Rob Van Dam: This match I'm about to participate in, is a King of the Ring tournament match. This is my first match of the tournament. This is the second match here in the EBWF. I may have lost my last match but I will not lose this one. There's more on the line this time. The winner of the King of the Ring tournament will go on to fight for the EBWF Championship which is currently being held by Chris Jericho.

The crowd cheered loudly for their EBWF World Champion.

Rob Van Dam: Let me tell you what's going to happen. First, I'm going to win this match tonight. Then I'm going to continue to win these King of the Ring matches, become the King Of The Ring, and takeover the EBWF Championship.

There was an appreciative cheer in response to that.

Rob Van Dam: Two weeks ago against Baron Corbin was a fluke. I wasn't properly prepared like I am this week. This week Finn Balor will be dealing with "The Whole DAM Show".

Joey Styles: Go for it RVD!

Corey Graves: Talk is Cheap Van Dam.

“Catch Your Breath” hit and brought out EBWF Newcomer Finn Balor. Hemme announced Balor, and the two were ready to kick things off.

Balor started with a shoulderblock and then RVD came back with a jumping heel kick to the face. Balor overpowered him with a knee lift, and sent him on the apron. RVD laid in a shoulder to the gut and then a followup headscissors sent Balor out of the ring. Balor sent RVD into the barricade, so RVD jumped off the barricade with a moonsault.

Joey Styles: The crowd is loving that!

Balor was back in the ring, and RVD climbed back up onto the ring. A running knee by Balor sent RVD off the apron and onto the floor. RVD got back into the ring. Balor followed up with a spinning powerslam and got two. RVD tried to fight back, but Balor came back with backbreaker and got two. RVD came back with a huge clothesline and a Michinoku Driver, but Balor kicked out at two. When RVD went for a move off the top rope, Balor kicked the rope to trip him up and RVD crashed to the mat. Balor missed an enzuguiri. RVD gave him a clothesline to the mat, and went to the top rope for the five star frog splash!

Corey Graves: That might have done it!

Indeed, RVD went for the pin and took the 1..2..3!

Christy Hemme: Your winner, moving forward in the King of the Ring tournament, Rob. Van. Dam!


oey Styles: Up next, we've got AJ Lee versus Eva Marie in a first round Queen of the Ring tournament match!

Corey Graves: The winner will take on either Sasha Banks or the debuting Charlotte, who face each other later on tonight!

"Out of My Mind" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Eva Marie made her way to the ring. AJ Lee came out next to cheers from the crowd. When both women were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Eva ran at AJ, going for a clothesline, but AJ reacted quickly, ducking out of the way then hitting Eva with a spin kick. Eva got to her feet and AJ whipped her against the ropes, then hit a dropkick. Eva and AJ both got to their feet, and AJ hit a swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! AJ dragged Eva to her feet, then went to whip her into the corner. Eva reversed the Irish whip, sending AJ into the turnbuckles. Eva ran at AJ and hit her with a running back elbow, then as AJ staggered out of the corner, Eva took her down with a big boot. She stomped on AJ several times, then pulled her to her feet, setting her up for a suplex. AJ blocked it, countering with a suplex of her own. Both women got to their feet, and AJ hit Eva with a kick to the midsection, then applied the Black Widow! Eva submitted and the referee called for the bell.

Joey Styles: It's over! AJ Lee gets the victory!

AJ celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac hit, and the crowd went wild as Charlotte made her way to the ring.

Joey Styles: Welcome back... listen to this reception for Charlotte as she makes her way to the ring for her EBWF debut!

Corey Graves: What do you expect, Joey? She was born right here in the Queen City!

Charlotte looked confident as she headed down the ramp. Upon entering the ring, she posed for the crowd, then moved to the corner, awaiting her opponent. "Sky's the Limit" by CFO$ hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as "The Boss", Sasha Banks, stepped out onto the stage.

Corey Graves: And here comes Sasha Banks, the former Women's Champion, who has made her intentions clear to become the 2016 Queen of the Ring!

Joey Styles: She's certainly one of the favorites to win the tournament, Corey... but how will she fare tonight against the hometown hero, Charlotte?

Upon entering the ring, Sasha immediately began taunting her opponent. The referee called for the bell and Sasha hit Charlotte with a kick to the midsection, then went to whip her against the ropes. Charlotte reversed the Irish whip, pulling Sasha towards her and taking her down with a Thesz press! Charlotte then punched Sasha repeatedly against the ring mat, before pulling her to her feet and dragging her towards the corner. Charlotte went to slam Sasha's head against the turnbuckle, but Sasha blocked it, then slammed Charlotte's head against the top turnbuckle. After trapping Charlotte in the corner, Sasha hit her with a backhand chop, then taunted her, shouting "Woooo!" Sasha hit Charlotte with some more chops, then set her up between the turnbuckles and went to the top rope, hitting a diving double knee drop. She pulled Charlotte away from the ropes, hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Strong start from Sasha Banks... she refuses to be intimidated by the daughter of the Nature Boy!

Sasha pulled Charlotte to her feet, and went to set her up for a snapmare, but Charlotte countered with a jawbreaker, then hit Sasha with a forearm smash. Charlotte set Sasha up for a suplex and lifted her up, but Sasha landed on her feet behind Charlotte, and went for a neckbreaker. Charlotte countered it, swinging Sasha around and hitting a neckbreaker of her own!

Corey Graves: Great counter by Charlotte!

Charlotte hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Charlotte pulled Sasha to her feet and went to whip her against the ropes, but Sasha blocked it, then threw Charlotte out of the ring. As Charlotte got to her feet, Sasha ran against the ropes, then caught Charlotte with a suicide dive through the ropes! Both women were down outside the ring, and the referee began counting – 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Sasha got to her feet and rolled back into the ring. The referee continued counting, but at the count of 8, Charlotte recovered and re-entered the ring. Sasha hit Charlotte with a series of right hands, then followed it up with a knee to the midsection. Sasha set Charlotte up for a bulldog, but Charlotte blocked it, pushing Sasha against the ropes. As Sasha hit the ropes, Charlotte ran towards her, taking her down with a spear! She hooked the leg once more, and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Charlotte was so close to a three count there!

The crowd sounded their approval, and a "let's go Charlotte" chant broke out. Charlotte went to set Sasha up in the Figure Eight Leglock, but Sasha kicked her away, then got to her feet. She hit Charlotte with a roundhouse kick, then followed it up with the Bankrupt! She hooked the leg, and the referee counted – 1... 2... No! Charlotte kicked out just before the count of 3!

Corey Graves: And just like that, Sasha turns the tables! That's why she's "The Boss", Joey!

Sasha couldn't believe that Charlotte had kicked out, and she pounded the mat in frustration. She pulled Charlotte to her feet, and whipped her into the corner, then ran at her and hit a high knee. Charlotte staggered out of the corner, and Sasha took her down with a drop toe hold, then applied an STF. Charlotte cried out in pain, but she was able to reach the ropes, and the referee forced Sasha to break the hold. Sasha pulled Charlotte to her feet, but Charlotte pushed her away, then took Sasha down with a big boot. Sasha got to her feet, and Charlotte hit a gut wrench suplex, then went to the top rope. Charlotte went for a moonsault... but Sasha rolled out of the way! Charlotte looked dazed as she got to her feet, and Sasha hit a double knee backbreaker, then locked in the Bank Statement! Charlotte was unable to reach the ropes, and after crying out in pain, she tapped out. The referee called for the bell, and the crowd booed as Sasha Banks celebrated her victory.

Joey Styles: Oh my god, Corey... what a match that was!

Corey Graves: Tremendous effort from both these women, Joey. Charlotte gave Sasha the fight of her life, but it wasn't enough to stop Sasha walking away with the win!

Sasha continued to celebrate, then made her way to the back as Charlotte watched on, disappointed.


DUN DUN! Baron Corbin walked down the ramp to a chorus of boos, followed by spotlights. Jay Briscoe followed next, the crowd cheering the returning face

The two lock up, and Corbin shoved Briscoe to the ground and flashed a smug look at the booing crowd. Briscoe shook it off and locked up a second time, with Corbin throwing him to the ground a second time. Jay was ready this time and rolled to his feet and nailed Baron with a jumping clothesline, catching him off-balance. Briscoe pressed it with kicks and chops.

Joey Styles: Redneck kung-fu!

Corbin teetered but didn't get taken off his feet. Briscoe leapt for another clothesline, and Corbin caught him with a right hand to the jaw. Baron followed that up with a big boot and whipped Jay into the corner. Corbin worked Briscoe over with punches and back elbows. He stepped back and let Jay stumble out of the corner, got him around the waist and slammed him with a belly to belly suplex. He went for the cover.



Joey Styles: Briscoe kicking out, and it looks like Corbin is amused.

Corey Graves: He just sees it as the opportunity to inflict more punishment.

Baron kept Briscoe grounded with a running knee strike, and dropped an elbow on the back of his neck. Rolling him over, Corbin only got another 2 count. He lifted Briscoe up, and Jay began to fight back with a flurry of punches to the midsection and face. Corbin covered up, using his boxing training, and began to fire back with his own punches, regaining the advantage and beating Briscoe to the mat. He lifted him up and fired him into the ropes.

Joey Styles: Briscoe in trouble here tonight.

Corey Graves: YAKUZA KICK! Corbin caught off guard, and stacked up with a schoolboy!




Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, JAY BRISCOE!

Joey Styles: Baron Corbin likes to look down on these indie veterans, but Jay Briscoe just showed him he still has some tricks to learn! And it is Jay Briscoe moving on in the King of the Ring tournament!


“Hallelujah” hit the PA and the crowd welcomed Damien Sandow to EBWF.

Joey Styles: We have two EBWF newcomers in this King of the Ring Qualifying Match.

Once Sandow got to the ring “How it Starts” by The Features filled the arena and suddenly “The Boys” were standing on the stage, holding up massive peacock feathers that they moved aside with a flourish. Dalton Castle let out a “Caw” sound and some savvy members of the audience returned the call.

Corey Graves: This man calls himself the Party Peacock. Are you ready for a 24-hour party, Joey?

Dalton Castle: Boys! Let’s go break some hearts!

The three men began their march down to the ring, the boys holding the feathers straight up in the air.

Joey Styles: Oh, give me a break!

Corey Graves: What? It’s about time someone came and made this world more colorful!

One of the Boys got down on all fours and Castle stepped up on his back to get into the ring. When all three men entered, Sandow looking on, The Boys covered Castle with the feathers once more, and dramatically pulled them back as Castle spread his arms to reveal a wing like cape attached to his wrestling attire. The crowd gave a captivated mixed reaction. The Boys removed his cape and then helped to remove Castle’s jumpsuit, revealing his wrestling trunks. He held out both arms and the mixed reaction grew louder.

Corey Graves: This crowd is trying to figure out if they like Dalton Castle.

Castle did a peacock strut around the ring.

Joey Styles: It’s probably going to take some time when he acts like that.

Sandow wasn’t sure what he was getting himself into, and was shaking his head when the bell rang. He was in control early on, and started out very aggressive. Castle turned things around with a boot to the face. He stomped away until the ref made Castle step back, allowing Sandow to make a comeback. Castle hit a DDT, and then lured Sandow back into the fight with hard forearm shots. Sandow followed up with an electric chair drop. When Castle got back to his feet, he hit a clothesline on Sandow, then hit a backbreaker-neckbreaker combo. Castle tried to kick Sandow low, but Sandow caught his foot. Castle avoided the kick, and hit a huge Bangarang that sent the crowd cheering. Castle went for the pin!




Joey Styles: He did it! Dalton Castle is moving on in the King of the ring tournament!


As we went backstage Baron Corbin was sat alone in the locker room. He has his head in his hands & was looking thoroughly dejected following his defeat earlier in the night. After a moment he shook his head in disbelief and stood. He picked up his bag and took a few steps nearer to the camera, which he still had not noticed. The opening bars of Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold sounded from in his bag. Corbin placed his bag on the seat and removed a smart phone. He looked unsure for a second but appeared to accept the call.

Corbin: Yes?

We were unable to hear the other side of the conversation. Corbin paced back and forth for the duration of the phone call.

Corbin: You know damn well this is Baron Corbin & FYI I don’t really like being referred to as Son. Anyway I’m about ready to get out of here for the night, it’s not been what I would call one of my finest moments. I lost to a guy who… Oh you were watching? Hardly supris... Yes, I lost… Yes, it is fair to say I am not at my most focused… I don’t agree… no… no, they call me the Lone Wolf for a reason… I don’t play well with others, it’s a well-known fact… teaming up? Not a chance! I’m not interested in a tag team or being a lackey to anyone… I care about one thing and one thing only and that is making cold hard cash…. Yes, I did get the losers end of the purse tonight… I think you know as well as I do that I don’t want to make a habit of it… who are you to question if I am fully match fit?... Okay, you make a good point… I need to think about this…. This is not a yes and it isn’t a no… stop trying to pressure me, I don’t react well under pressure… God damn it… okay I’ll give you your answer next week.

At that Corbin hung up the phone and put it back in his bag. He stood still, clearly thinking on what he had just discussed He then shook his head again, this time in a manner that seemed to suggest he must be crazy to be even be pondering the idea.


Joey Styles: The King of the Ring tournament continues, as CM Punk takes on Drew McIntyre.

Both men entered to boos. They offered each other a handshake to begin the match, but then each kicked the other in the “upper thigh.” After recovering, The Chosen One charged but Punk dodged and sent him into the ropes. Drew caught him with a lariat on the return trip. He picked Punk up but took a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Punk threw out some more Muai Thai strikes, ending with a Mongolian chop that the bigger man shrugged off and responded to with a big boot. He pulled Punk in and sent him flying with a release German suplex. Punk landed on his feet and caught Drew with a dropkick.

Joey Styles: Back and forth action in the early stages of this match!

Corey Graves: McIntyre has the size and strength advantage but Punk can hold his own with his striking prowess so it ends up cancelling each other out.

Drew reversed a Punk suplex attempt into his own and floated over for a pinfall that barely got a two count. He twisted Punk’s neck in a cravat hold, but Punk broke out with a jawbreaker and followed that with the Pepsi Twist. He covered for two. Punk tried to lift Drew up for his double armbreaker, but Drew broke his grip and planted him with a sitout spinebuster.

Joey Styles: Neither man able to hold the advantage for long.

Corey Graves: But this pace is going to wear on them, Joey, this may be one of those matches that comes down to being war by attrition.

Drew nailed Punk with another stiff lariat but could only get another two count. McIntyre teased climbing up to the top rope but Punk stopped him, pulling his leg out from underneath and causing him to crash head first into the top of the corner post. Punk kicked him to the ground and then climbed up on the rope himself. He launched into his Macho Man elbow, connecting but only scoring his own two count.

Joey Styles: Punk is signaling that it’s time for the Chosen One to Go To Sleep!

Corey Graves: But Wade Barrett has appeared on the apron! He’s come down here to cheer on his tag team partner.

Joey Styles: CM Punk knocking Barrett to the floor.

Corey Graves: Well that was uncalled for, Barrett didn’t even try to touch Punk!

The distraction paid off though, giving Drew time to get to his feet, and he nailed Punk with his Claymore running kick. Both men struggled to get up first when both were distracted by a commotion at ringside.

Joey Styles: Kevin Owens!

Corey Graves: KO has come down to even the odds for his own tag team partner, and now he and Wade Barrett are brawling all around ringside!

McIntyre hung on the top rope to watch the ensuing brawl, and turned around into the GTS!

Joey Styles: A huge finish from CM Punk!

Drew was on his back and Punk took the pin, securing his victory!


Joey Styles: Up next, our main event... Mankind takes on the returning Viper, Randy Orton!

"Wreck" by Jim Johnston hit, and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Mankind made his way to the ring. Once Mankind was in the ring, "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle hit and the crowd cheered as Randy Orton stepped out onto the stage. Orton walked slowly down the ramp, glaring at his opponent as he did so. As Orton entered the ring, the referee called for the bell. Orton wasted no time getting started, charging towards Mankind and pummelling him with a series of right hands. Orton whipped Mankind against the ropes, then took him down with a clothesline. Orton hit Mankind with the Garvin stomp, then followed it up with a leaping knee drop. He pulled Mankind to his feet and hit the swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start from Randy Orton! The two-time King of the Ring is determined to make an impact here tonight!

Orton pulled Mankind to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Orton then hit Mankind with a European uppercut, before whipping him against the ropes and taking him down with a Thesz press. He punched Miz repeatedly against the ring mat, then pulled him to his feet and set him up for an Olympic slam. Mankind blocked it, taking Orton down with a bulldog. He stomped on Orton several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him into the corner. Mankind ran at Orton and hit a bodypress, causing Orton to fall into a sitting position. Mankind stepped back, then ran at Orton once more, this time going for a running knee lift... but Orton moved out of the way, then hit an inverted headlock backbreaker! Both men got to their feet and Orton hit a side belly-to-belly suplex, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Mankind managed to get some offence in, but Randy Orton is still in control of this match.

Orton sat Mankind up and applied a chinlock, but Mankind broke out of it, and both men got to their feet. Orton and Mankind exchanged punches back and forth, and after gaining the upper hand, Orton whipped Mankind into the corner. After running at Mankind and hitting him with a corner clothesline, Orton lifted Mankind onto the top turnbuckle, setting him up for a superplex. Mankind fought back, kicking Orton away, and as Orton stepped down from the turnbuckle, Mankind hit him with a double axe handle. He followed it up with a leg drop, then pulled Orton to his feet and set him up for a double arm DDT. Orton blocked it, before countering with an exploder suplex. Both men got to their feet, and Orton hit an RKO out of nowhere! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! A dominant performance from Randy Orton, and he emerges to the next round of the tournament!

Orton celebrated his victory as Warfare went off the air.
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