Warfare Results 06/06/2016

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Warfare Results 06/06/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Corey Graves: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Warfare!

Joey Styles: I’m Joey Styles, here with Cory Graves and were ready to kick off women’s action in the ring!

Indeed AJ Lee and Rosa Mendes were in the ring. The bell rang.

Joey Styles: And we’re going to get this started!

AJ wasted no time getting started, charging at Rosa and taking her down with a clothesline. AJ stomped on Rosa several times, then pulled her to her feet, throwing her into the corner. AJ punched Rosa in the corner several times, then stepped back, before charging at AJ once more and hitting an elbow smash. Rosa staggered out of the corner, and AJ lifted her up over her shoulder, before slamming her down onto the mat. AJ hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: AJ Lee is owning Rosa Mendes here.

AJ pulled Rosa to her feet and hit her with a series of right hands, then whipped her against the ropes. As Rosa ran back towards her, AJ took Rosa down with a boot. Rosa got to her feet once more, and AJ applied a headlock, but Rosa fought out of it, countering with a Russian legsweep. Rosa followed it up with a knee drop, then punched AJ against the mat several times, before pulling her to her feet and setting AJ up for a neckbreaker. AJ fought out of it, hitting Rosa with an uppercut. Rosa staggered backwards and AJ whipped him against the ropes, then she locked on the Black Widow!

Joey Styles: AJ Lee has the submission locked on!

Rosa was sent tapping and AJ took the victory.


“You gotta keep ‘em separated.” A wave of nostalgia filled the arena as Raven stepped out to the tune of Offspring’s “Come Out and Play.” Older, wider, but still recognizable in his jean shorts and leather jacket, Raven posed on the turnbuckle to a pop and a light “ECW’ chant.

He hopped down as the opening strains of Baron Corbin’s theme hit. He marched down the ramp with a scowl.

Corey Graves: I’m sure you are happy to see your old friend Raven here, Joey, but that man is not.

Joey Styles: Baron Corbin has made his disdain for the veterans of this industry well-known.

Corey Graves: And one of those veterans served him his first loss, as Jay Briscoe upset him in the King of the Ring tournament. So you know he is in an even worse mood than usual tonight.


Raven stepped out on to the apron, in an attempt to stall for the psychological advantage. Corbin had none of it, yanking Raven by the collar and tossing him back into the ring. He mounted Raven and rained down right hands to the face. He picked up the veteran and threw him into the corner to lay into him with back elbows. Raven tried to fight out with punches, but Corbin booted him in the gut, lifted him up and gave him Snake Eyes on the corner post.

Joey Styles: You were right, Corey, Baron Corbin is driven to prove a point here tonight!

Corey Graves: And here is his final statement. END OF DAYS!





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, BARON CORBIN!

Joey Styles: A dominating victory for the young man from Kansas.

Corey Graves: Baron Corbin has hinted at someone watching over his career, I’ll bet that mysterious advisor liked what he saw here tonight.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a first round qualifier for the King of the Ring!

“Rebel Son” by CFO$ encourages a loud jeer from the crowd as Wade Barrett steps out onto the ramp. He throws his robe off and struts down to the ring.

Joey Styles: We haven’t seen much of Wade Barrett since he and Drew McIntyre were stripped of the tag titles at Wrestlemania, winning the King of the Ring would go a long way towards reinvigorating his career.

“It’s Tyler!” Tyler Breeze walks the runway to the sound of his own voice, mouthing along with the words to his selfie stick.

Corey Graves: And here comes one half of the current tag team champions, but they have not seemed to be exactly growing fonder of one another since being stuck together. He would be over the moon to score a spot in the next round after Bully Ray fell to Roman Reigns.


The two locked up, Wade Barrett pushed off Breeze into the ropes. Tyler rebounded and caught Barrett with a dropkick. Barrett rolled back to his feet but got taken down again by a flying forearm from Breeze. Tyler tried to press his advantage by climbing up to the top rope. Barrett was back to his feet and press slammed Tyler back to the mat. Tyler got back up and charged at Barrett but this time Wade was ready and caught him with the spinning side slam.

Corey Graves: Winds of Change!

Joey Styles: And now Barrett is pulling down that elbow pad, signaling for the Bullhammer!

Corey Graves: Breeze to his feet, the Bullhammer connects! Barrett with the cover!





Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, WADE BARRETT!

Joey Styles: The Englishman moving forward in the tournament, and later tonight we will learn our final two qualifiers!


It was time for a Queen of the Ring Tournament match as Zahra Schreiber made her way out to the ring receiving very loud boos from the crowd. “Closer” hit and Natalya, despite receiving mostly boos, still seemed like the least hated of the two. These competitors wasted no time going after each other, as Zahra was taken down with a shoulder block as soon as the match started.

Corey Graves: This match will not be pretty, these are two women chomping at the bit, they all want the same, to win the Queen of the Ring Tournament.

Joey Styles: Well, if you’re in the tournament, of course you want to win it, it is an opportunity, after all. It’s not just a crown and sceptre, it means something, you get the shot to rule the division.

As the commentators spoke, Natalya picked Zahra up by the hair, and hit a snapmare on her, sending her back down. Natalya then began working over the legs and back of Zahra, possibly to prepare her for the Sharpshooter.

Corey Graves: Natalya is being very methodical here, there is no wasted movement from her. Delivering on her promise to put Zahra Schreiber on her back with her legs in the air…

Joey Styles: I have to agree that there was a very fierce war of words between these two before this match. Zahra implied Natalya’s best days are behind her, while Natalya called Zahra out, saying she didn’t even belong in this match.

As Natalya prepared to drop an elbow on Zahra Schreiber’s leg, Zahra rolled out of the way and got back on her feet, she charged at Natalya with a clothesline, and repeated the move. She was starting to build up momentum, as she dropped Natalya down to all fours. Zahra limps to the corner, her legs somewhat damaged from Natalya’s onslaught earlier.

Corey Graves: Could she be on the verge of victory?!

Joey Styles: She’s setting up for a very dangerous move, if she hits it, it’s almost guaranteed game over for Natalya.

Zahra charged at Natalya, and jumped up, aiming her foot at the back of Natalya’s head. Natalya, realized what was going to happen and at the last minute suddenly stood up and grabbed Schreiber’s legs sending her down to the canvas. Without missing a beat, Natalya locked in the Sharpshooter, forcing Schreiber to tap out.

Joey Styles: Natalya delivers on her promise she made earlier and makes Zahra Schreiber tap out to move on in the Queen of the Ring Tournament!

Corey Graves: Are you surprised, Styles?! Natalya’s a veteran, she wasn’t going to be caught off-guard that easily.


As Warfare came back from a commercial break, Matt Sydal was finishing his entrance. He stood in the ring waiting as “How it Starts” by The Features filled the arena. “The Boys” were standing on the stage, holding up massive peacock feathers that they moved aside to reveal Dalton Castle standing fabulously behind them. Dalton Castle let out a “Caw” sound which was returned by some members of the audience.

Corey Graves: Could this guy put on more of a show? Look at this, it’s amazing.

Joey Styles: If he cared more about the match than he does about flamboyance, maybe I’d agree with you.

After all the customary pre-match entrance ritual. Dalton and Sydal met eye to eye in the ring. Sydal turned around to hit the ropes and ran towards Castle, however, he suddenly stopped as he realized that Castle was doing his Peacock Walk. Not knowing what to make of the situation, Sydal looked at the crowd, perhaps looking for an answer. He didn’t have much time to engage the audience though as he was suddenly blasted with a strong forearm strike in the face, which knocked him down. They then locked up, and the match looked pretty one-sided towards Dalton Castle, the final moments of the match came when Sydal tried to dive to the outside but was hit with yet another forearm strike on his way down, bringing all the momentum back to Dalton Castle’s side

Corey Graves: Does that suit more your style, Joey?

Joey Styles: As long as he doesn’t do that walk again, I’m alright.

Dalton picked Matt Sydal up, and put him in position for a DDT, but Sydal ran towards the corner, sending Dalton into it back first. Sydal placed Dalton on the top rope, calling out for the Frankensteiner.

Joey Styles: See, that’s what happens when you strut too much.

Sydal placed his legs on his opponent’s shoulders and tried to swing back, but he was suddenly blocked by Dalton, who lifted him back onto his shoulders and power bombed him to the mat. Sydal looked to be in a world of trouble, as Dalton Castle set himself up on the corner, and let out another “Caw” sound.

Corey Graves: You ready for this, Styles?

Joey Styles: Dalton Castle is going high risk here!

Corey Graves: ANCHORS AWAY!

As called by Corey Graves, Dalton Castle his his diving headbutt he calls the Anchors Away and pinned Matt Sydal.




Corey Graves: The Peacock moves on in the King of the Ring tournament!


As the show went on, Renee Young appeared on the jumbotron, greeting the fans in the arena with a lovely smile.

Renee Young: Last week, we watched the underdog in Enzo Amore come out victorious over Kevin Owens to become the new Intercontinental Champion. I’d actually like to welcome him at this time. Enzo…

Enzo Amore stepped into the screen, with the title around his waist.

Enzo Amore: Bada BOOM. Realest guy in the room. How you doin’?

The crowd cheered for Enzo as he appeared.

Renee Young: I’m great Enzo, thank you. It was a pretty big week for you last week, wasn’t it? Some highs and some lows.

Enzo Amore: Life is all about gettin’ high and stayin’ high Renee. On life that is. I’m about that punch punch blow you know. Not that… Other activity. Gotta do what I gotta do no matter what. That’s why I’m back here tonight.

Renee Young: It’s a little surprising you’re back so soon, considering what happened last week. Let’s take a quick look.

The scene changed to show Enzo celebrating briefly before Owens beatdown commenced. The crowd could be heard booing as the screen returned to Renee and Enzo.

Renee Young: How does that make you feel, looking back on the event that transpired?

Enzo was visibly angry, his breathing heavy and his chest starting to rise more and more with madness. He wiped his face with a free hand and started shaking his head vigorously.

Enzo Amore: It’s nuts. This man threw a full-on brat baby tantrum. Maybe mommy forgot to give him his bottle that morning. I stole his binky and he WAILS on me! I guess it’s gonna take more than stealing his favorite toy to shut him up. And that’s ok. I came and did what I was born into this world doing: fight. Your boy still got a lot ahead of him in this King of the Ring Tournament, and even though I am 5’11 I don’t plan on comin’ up short. This guy right here is 200 pounds of premium G! Lean, mean, and cut like a beast. I’ma keep on truckin’ like I ain’t lost nothin’ and I’d like to see who will try and stop me. This train is gonna keep on truckin’ to the TOP! Kevin Owens cain’t put me down, and you know what, I got some words for him too.

Turning to face the camera, the new intercontinental champion wiped under his nose and made sure to flex. Renee held the microphone up for him.

Enzo Amore: K.O. Pretty soon those initials ain’t gonna stand for Kevin Owens. They’re gonna stand for KNOCK. OUT! You’ll get yours before you know it. Kevin, you think you’re tough as nails, but catch one of these fists here and I will one two BOOM BOOM... Bring you down in two hits, drop you on the floor til you’re yellow and brown like a bruised banana. And in the end, do you know what that will make you? Let me spell it out for you………..

The crowd was ready.

Enzo Amore: S-A-W-F-T…. SaaaAAAAAWFT!

He flipped his white leather jacket out for dramatic effect, turned to Renee and gave her an intense bug-eyed stare, before making an exit. Now the cameras returned back to the arena, and the announce table.

Joey Styles: I hope Enzo gets his revenge soon. What Owens did last week was absolutely uncalled for and unprofessional.

Corey Graves: Owens unprofessional? The man is one of the best, if not the best in this company. Enzo deserved what he got after saying such rude, terrible things about Kevin Owens. And frankly, I would watch your back now if I were you. Talk like that gets you a beat down. Enzo was just one of the examples.

Joey Styles: We all have our opinions, Corey...

The crowd picked things back up with more cheers as the show went on.


Stacy Keibler had made her way to the ring during commercial break. Up next was Trish Stratus, earning a loud pop from the crowd.

Joey Styles: Here she comes! Our women’s wrestler of the year!

“Bossy” by Kelis played through the arena as Stratus walked to the ring. Upon entering she hopped on to the turnbuckle and put a hand up for the crowd. Once her and Stacy were in their respective corners, the referee called for the bell and the match began.

Both locked up in the center of the ring, Trish applying a headlock. She pushed Keibler away and hit her with kick to the gut before whipping her to the ropes. She sent her to the mat with an arm toss, and went for a second and third. Keeping Keibler on the mat, Trish locked in an armbar. Stacy broke free and rolled to her feet, but took a clothesline from Trish. Trish went for the cover, but Keibler kicked out at two.

Keibler went for a snap suplex, but Trish countered into one of her own, transitioning into a mount where she slammed Stacy’s head into the mat by the hair. Stratus rolled off Keibler and stomped her, then ran to the ropes and hit a dropkick, followed by a leg drop. Another two count.

Corey Graves: Trish Stratus showing us why she’s women’s wrestler of the year.

Stacy got to her feet with Trish and slapped her in the face. Trish returned the slap but followed with a flurry of elbows before sending STacy to the corner. When she bounced out from the turnbuckle holding her back, Trish connected with the Chick Kick. She pinned Stacy. 1…..2…..3!


The cameras returned from a commercial break for the penultimate match of the evening; the crowd were settling down but suddenly erupted into cheers as “World’s Apart” by CFO$ hit the PA system and Sami Zayn danced his way onto the stage.

Joey Styles: Well Corey, look who’s going to be joining us commentary for the next match!

Corey Graves: Sami Zayn! No doubt he’s here to keep an eye on PJ Black and the Path to Glory Championship!

Sami danced his way down the ramp and around the ring, shaking hands with Joey and Corey before putting on a headset and listening to the loud ‘Ole!’ chants echoing around the arena. Eventually, he sat down as his music continued to play, talking to Corey and Joey.

Corey Graves: Best seat in the house tonight, Sami! Thanks for joining us.

Sami Zayn: Thank you for having me, you know I had to be out here for this one.

As the three of them continued to talk, “Here to show the World” by Downstait started to play with Dolph Ziggler confidently entering the arena in his usual cocky fashion.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a King of the Ring match scheduled for one fall, introducing first, residing in Hollywood, Florida weighing in at 215 pounds…Dolph Ziggler!

Ziggler walked around the ring smiling, confident of leaving the arena as the winner as he glanced at Sami at ringside before PJ Black’s music hit and he too made his way out to the ring.

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Cape Town, South Africa weighing in at 213 pounds…he is the Path to Glory Champion…PJ BLACK!

Joey Styles: There’s the man you’ll be facing soon for that championship, tonight he’s in the King of the Ring again. He came close last year until you beat him in the final so there’s a lot of history here between the pair of you, isn’t there?

Sami Zayn: He’s the only reason I’m out here. I’m not buddies with Dolph but what I do know is that PJ has what I want, and I’m going to take it from him when we meet in the ring, just like I have almost every single time we’ve shared a ring.

PJ and Sami also shared a look as he raised his championship in the air as the referee called for the bell. The two men circled the ring trying to gain an advantage as they locked up and traded various holds, with Dolph taking control by applying a tight headlock to weaken the champion. Black hit a few elbows into Dolph, forcing him to let go and followed it up with an impressive kick to the head to take Dolph down.

Corey Graves: An impressive kick from the champion! A great start by both men too!

Sami Zayn: Just what we all expected, they’re both incredible in that ring, I still can’t pick a winner, Corey.

Joey Styles: Assuming you advance in the tournament, which one of these guys would you rather face?

Sami Zayn: Honestly Joey, it doesn’t concern me. We’ve all faced off before, and we’re definitely going to meet again. The beauty of the tournament is you can face somebody like me, or bag yourself a star attraction like Brock Lesnar. Right now my focus is on this match, and THAT championship.

The two men continued to battle inside the ring, with Ziggler beginning to get the upper hand with stiff kicks to Black’s legs. Black tossed Ziggler into the corner and started to lay into him with lefts and rights before Ziggler slumped to the ground, and the referee was forced to step in with Black refusing to stop the kicks.

Joey Styles: Sings of frustrations from the champion!

Corey Graves: Wouldn’t you be frustrated, Joey? Having come so close to winning this tournament on numerous occasions?

Ziggler managed to get to his feet, but Black grabbed him and threw him into the ropes, but Ziggler countered with a spinning head scissors as Black rolled to the outside. Ziggler followed, but Black tried to throw him into the barricade as Ziggler showed off his athleticism by landing on top of the barricade and connecting with a sweet dropkick to send Black flying.

Joey Styles: Incredible athleticism on display from Dolph Ziggler!

Sami Zayn: I think PJ needs to get his head in the game, this doesn’t look too good for him.

Black rolled into the ring as Dolph followed, going for the cover but only for a two count. He then worked a rear chin lock on Black, trying to keep him down but Black matches his athleticism by fighting out and taking over with a high crossbody. Black went for a slam, but Ziggler scrambled out of it and hit a Famouser to a loud reaction which came from nowhere.

Corey Graves: That has got to be it, Famouser!

1…2…kickout! Black kicked out just in the nick of time as Ziggler stared at the referee in frustration. Ziggler grabbed Black’s head and forced him to get to his feet; he attempted a suplex in the middle of the ring which was quickly countered by Black into a suplex of his own as Ziggler winced in pain. Black crawled to the turnbuckle as he started to climb, as he sat on the top he was quickly met by a huge enzuigiri which knocked him back down. Another cover by Ziggler only managed a two count, but he was surprised by Black grabbing his tights and attempting a roll-up, again, only for a two count.

Joey Styles: Black almost stole that one, Ziggler needs to stay focused!

Ziggler looked shocked, looking relieved that it wasn’t a three count. Ziggler was attempting another suplex, but Black found an opportunity to recover by hitting a dropkick onto Ziggler he fell to the outside. Black dropped to his knee but quickly got back up and left the fans in awe as he ran and hit a picture perfect corkscrew plancha on Dolph. He threw him back in the ring and went for another cover, 1…2…kickout by Dolph!

Sami Zayn: I thought he had it then, so close.

Black picked up Dolph and went for an Irish whip, only for Dolph to leapfrog Black and somehow connect with a Zig Zag!

Joey Styles: That’s got to be it! Zig Zag! Zig Zag!

One! Two! Th-NO! PJ Black managed to kick out of the Zig Zag to the fans disbelief. Ziggler continued to grow frustrated and started to lay into Black with fists before standing him up and trying another Zig Zag. This time, Black was one step ahead and manage to fight out of it and hit a vicious spinning elbow which knocked Dolph out. Black slowly climbed to the top rope and signalled for it, connecting with the 450 Splash and this one is over. One…two…three!

Black slumped off Ziggler and fell onto his back, before being helped up by the referee and his championship in his hand.

Corey Graves: And PJ Black advances to the next round, maybe this could be his year, what a match!

Sami Zayn: I don’t think so, while I’m in this tournament he’s not going to win, and that title won’t be with him for much longer either.

Christy Hemme: The winner of this match…PJ BLACK!

PJ raised his championship as he looked over at Dolph and smirked, before looking over at Sami and tried to goad him by raising his title on the top rope. The cameras focused on Sami, who applauded PJ and smiled back as PJ Black celebrated in the ring.


"Metalingus" by Alter Bridge hit and the crowd cheered as Edge stepped out onto the stage.

Joey Styles: Up next, our main event! The Rated R Superstar, Edge, takes on the three time EBWF World Champion, AJ Styles in our final first round King of the Ring match.

Corey Graves: What a match up this should be, Joey!

Edge wore a long black trenchcoat, which he removed upon entering the ring. After posing for the fans, Edge moved into the corner, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "Get Ready to Fly" by GRITS hit and the cheers quickly turned to boos as AJ Styles made his way to the ring. Styles had a scowl on his face, and Edge smirked at the Phenomenal One as he entered the ring. After AJ's music was cut, the referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Edge took Styles down with a hip toss, then as Styles got to his feet, Edge whipped him into the corner. After punching Styles in the corner several times, Edge whipped Styles into the opposing corner, then ran at him, going for a corner clothesline. Styles got his feet up to kick Edge away, but Edge reacted quickly, ducking out of the way and sliding underneath the bottom rope. Edge then grabbed Styles by the legs, taking him down, before re-entering the ring.

Corey Graves: Great reflexes there by Edge, Joey... the Canadian superstar is showing why people call him the "Ultimate Opportunist"!

Edge re-entered the ring and as Styles got to his feet, Edge hit him with a series of right hands. He then whipped Styles against the ropes, before hitting a spinning heel kick. Both men got to their feet and Edge lifted Styles up with an electric chair, which he transitioned into a facebuster. Edge hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Edge pulled Styles to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then whipped him against the ropes. As Styles ran back towards him, Edge went for a clothesline. Styles ducked out of the way, then hit the Pele Kick! Both men got to their feet and Styles hit a brainbuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time AJ Styles gets a two count!

Styles got to his feet and stomped on Edge several times, then hit a knee drop. He pulled Edge to his feet, whipping him into the corner. Styles ran at Edge and hit a corner forearm smash, then as Edge staggered out of the corner, Styles went for a superkick. Edge ducked out of the way, then grabbed Styles from behind and hit a half nelson bulldog. Edge went to the top rope, waiting for Styles to get to his feet. When Styles was on his feet, Edge hit a diving crossbody, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... Styles kicked out! Edge got to his feet and grabbed Styles by the legs, applying the Edgecator! Styles cried out in pain, but he was able to reach the ropes.

Corey Graves: What a versatile superstar Edge is, Joey. He went to the top rope and hit a high risk move to try and beat AJ, then when that didn't work, he switches straight to a submission hold. I'm impressed!

Joey Styles: Edge is one of the longest serving superstars in EBWF, Corey, and he's certainly impressive... No doubt about that. But I wouldn't count Styles out yet!

Edge stepped back, allowing Styles time to get to his feet. Styles used the ropes to pull himself up, and Edge ran towards him, going for a clothesline. Styles ducked out of the way and pulled down on the ropes, sending Edge over the top rope. As Edge got to his feet, Styles ran against the ropes, then hit a suicide dive! Both men were down outside the ring, and the referee began counting them out. As he reached the count of five, Styles got to his feet and he grabbed Edge, throwing him back into the ring. Styles climbed onto the ring apron, going for the springboard 450 splash... But Edge got his knees up and blocked it! Styles rolled over, clutching his ribs in pain.

Joey Styles: Great block there by Edge... Styles is in a lot of pain. Can the Rated R Superstar use it to his advantage?

Edge got to his feet and stalked Styles, waiting for the Phenomenal One to get to his feet. When Styles was up, Edge hit him with the Spear! He hooked both legs, and the referee counted - 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Edge gets the victory! A few more performances like that, and come July 3rd, he could be the 2016 King of the Ring!

"Metalingus" hit and Edge celebrated as Warfare went off the air.
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The only living, breathing, Queen of Efeds in captivity
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