This is where you post your RPs for Warfare, Pay Per Views, and for character development! The deadline for RPs for the current card will be posted in a countdown timer at the top of the forum.
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Ben M
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:12 pm
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Post by Ben M »

OOC: So Kamden and I wrote something for Warfare, then forgot to send it to Ashlee. Oops! Here it is for your enjoyment :)

Backstage, cameras followed Sasha Banks closely immediately after her match. A voice could be heard calling after her.

Justin Roberts: Sasha! Sasha, a word please?

Sasha stopped and turned around to catch the interviewer with a mic in his hand.

Sasha Banks: Umm, what do you want?

Justin Roberts: I just wanted to know how you’re feeling going into the semifinals of the queen of the ring tournament. You’ll be up against Bayley in the near future.

Sasha smirked and shook her head and almost laughed to herself, but the smirk disappeared from her face in a heartbeat. She looked past Justin Roberts, and the camera followed her line of sight. There was a mixed reaction from the crowd as Charlotte came into view. Charlotte walked towards Sasha, then stopped and applauded her.

Charlotte: Congratulations, Sasha. Another hard fought victory, and you’re now just two wins away from being the Queen. I bet you’re feeling pretty good about yourself?

Sasha Banks: I’m gucci, Charlotte, but now I’m feeling some type of way now that you’ve popped up. What brought you back? Daddy make some calls for you?

The crowd gave another mixed reaction to Sasha’s comment. Her smirk came right back as she stared at Charlotte. Charlotte tilted her head back, laughing.

Charlotte: Oh, Sasha. I’d almost forgotten how much of a bitch you are! Dad didn’t make any calls; quite the opposite, in fact. I came here to get out on my own. And I’m pretty sure in my match with you, I showed everyone that I’m more than capable of holding my own.

Banks sucked on her teeth at Charlotte’s response, the amount of tension growing.

Sasha Banks: And look at how that ended for you, boo.

Charlotte: I lost. You were the better woman. But let’s be honest, Sasha… you know that I took you to the limit. On another night, it could easily have been me advancing to the next round.

Sasha Banks: That’s the thing… You didn’t. I did. And I’ll go on through the next one, too. And when it’s all said and done, I won’t just be the Boss, I’ll be the Queen.

Charlotte: You know what, Sasha? I really hope you do become the Queen. I hope you go on to win the Women’s Title at Summerslam.

Not sure what Charlotte was thinking, Sasha gave her a squint of her eyes before speaking.

Sasha Banks: And then what?

Charlotte: And then we’ll meet in the ring again, and I’ll beat you for the title.

Charlotte grinned confidently, patted Sasha patronisingly on the shoulder, then walked away. Justin Roberts had stepped back into the shot, hesitantly holding the microphone towards Sasha. She burned a hole through the back of Charlotte’s head, before turning her attention back to Justin.

Sasha Banks: Tuh.

She flicked the microphone out of her way before making her way past Justin, leaving him behind as the show faded out to the next segment.