Brookside: Bloody hell lad, you have some worked up aggression. If you smack any of your opponents like that you might well cave their face in. Is that what you want?
Corbin laughs and stops working the mannequin. Brookside steps into shot and into the ring. He is wearing a navy track suit top and grey sweatpants.
Corbin: I collect skulls, I don't want to break rare specimen like that.
Brookside: I know what you mean. Right, down to brass tacks. I know what I think based on what I just saw but how are you feeling about Warfare? Fatal four ways are different from one on one or even three way dances you know. You've got to have eyes in the back of your head, think you're ready for that?
Corbin: Are you joking? I am ready for anything. I have more raw talent than any of those guys put together. Raven is a washed up has been, no offense.
Brookside shakes his head but allows Corbin continue.
Corbin: Wyatt is out of shape, Havoc is a hazard to himself. How can there be any doubt Robbie?
Brookside: Don't underestimate any of them.
Corbin: I'm not, but let's be honest, I've beaten two out of three.
Brookside: Okay, lesson time. Wrestling mentality, everyone is a threat. It only takes a three count for somebody to steal a victory and letting that happen in this match is not an option, understand?
Corbin: I know what the stakes are. I also know they're all a threat.
Brookside: Really? Or are you just trying to appease me?
Corbin: Appease? Good word! But no, I'm not kidding, I'm incredibly focused.
Brookside: Okay then, prove it to me. Tell me why Bray Wyatt is a threat
Corbin: Are you serious with this? Bray Wyatt has wrestling in his blood. Much like the other two he has years of experience over me but none of that matters. I've yet to step in the ring with him so... wait! You're joking with me. Is this a rib?
Brookside: Well, no but you need to cut a proper promo, I saw that weird lone wolf in a dark room nonsense you want to put out. All well and good if you're into that sort of thing but I somehow doubt you're going to intimidate those guys with the dark side nonsense. I did enjoy the photo montage bit though, creepy.
Corbin: So what do you suggest oh wise one?
Brookside: Look into the camera and tell each of them how you're going to kick their arse. Then go out this week and make good on your promises.
Corbin does as he is asked, he turns unnaturally and faces the camera directly.
Corbin: I guess the first person I should talk about is Jimmy Havoc. I have gone on record to say I respect this guy on a level. He owes me a drink though and I am not a patient man. Also, he is on a losing streak which is not going to end on this occasion. I wish him the best. Once this event is out the way hopefully he can dust himself off and give it another go. Perhaps start with some smaller pickings before you get in the ring with the big boys. I suggest Matt Sydel, that guy virtually beats himself with that high flying nonsense or maybe Ziggler, I softened him up last week, maybe you'd enjoy that? Anyway, not my responsibility.
Brookside: Next, topic - Raven, hardcore legend, one of the godfather's of extreme wrestling. Also he's a former world champ
Corbin: At Warfare the only extreme that Raven is going to experience is an extreme case of deja vu, I will destroy him, just like last time. Your only saving grace Raven? I have two other men to beat the living hell out of beside you.Unlike Havoc you won last week. What happened the week before though? Oh, I remember, you ate the canvas thanks to my End of Days. Also, Havoc is my age, he has time to grow, you're old and have limited life left in you. You are a former champion and I suppose that is something I am meant to respect but that was 14 years ago. 14 years ago I was a teenager. Same with Jimmy and Bray!
Brookside: Will you stop with this old man crap? You're making me feel ancient. 14 years ago I had already been wrestling 10 years.
Corbin: Difference is you retired with grace. You're backing a young dog now, raven is still trying to step in the ring.
Brookside: Okay, this is making me uncomfortable. How about you talk about Bray Wyatt and wrap things up?
Corbin: You getting tired old boy? Need your slippers and cuppa tea?
Brookside: Stop being cheeky. I'm not too old to give you a slap... bollocks! I sound like my Dad. Just talk about Bray Wyatt and we can go to the bar.
Corbin: Now you're talking my language. Bray Wyatt. The eater of worlds. The eater of most anything. The only man in this match that has gone untested. Well, Bray, at Warfare I will show you how the lone wolf cuts his teeth. If I was you I would follow your own advise - follow the buzzards. Fly away, maybe take Raven with you? There may be flesh to devour but you won't find any around these parts. The corpse of my victims will be devoured by a very hungry lone wolf...
Corbin turns to Brookside: Satisfied?
Brookside: Hardly! Now we hit the bar. If you can't out drink me I'm leaking your terrible darkness crap online.
=========The following was released on Youtube by Robbie Brookside with short introduction explaining that Corbin lost the bet=========
We open on a wide shot of a badly lit, claustrophobic room. Baron Corbin is sat crossed legged dressed in his ring gear, his head is bowed and his long hair covers his face. Underneath him and all around are thousands of black feathers, the occasional small bird skull is scattered. In his lap, a ram's skull. the camera pans in slowly, eventually when Baron dominates the frame he looks up. Anger and frustration are written all over his face, there is a look of determination in his eyes that we have yet not seen in his EBWF days.
Corbin: For those of you who are still somehow unaware, my name is Baron Corbin and I am a very violent, very sick man. I hurt people for fun, make quick work of it and I get paid generously to do it. In the short time that I've been here in the EBWF I have found myself with the victory more often than not. Mostly because when my opponents are in the ring with me they don't get a look in. So, a couple of weeks ago I decide it's time I get a shot at the breakout title. I am not a patient man and I don't do things the traditional way. I could not care less about waiting in line, paying my dues or any of the other nonsense that this business seems to require. I went out and I requested, or rather, demanded my opportunity, my number one contender spot. That opportunity was granted. Now I it appears this opportunity has been stripped away. Well, sort of. Instead of the road to my title shot being straight forward it appears I have hoops I need to jump through. I hated that idea at first but now, I can't lie. Now, it rather appeals to me.
Corbin's expression changes, his frustration turns into a sick sort of pleasure. A smile crosses his face. Corbin picks up the rams skull and seemingly fixates on it. Almost like Corbin is addressing the skull rather than the camera.
Corbin: The path to Shinsuke and the breakout title looks like is going to be a dark one, a somewhat twisted one. I like this idea. Three men stand in the way of what I want this week. Jimmy Havoc, I've beaten him. Raven, beat him too and lastly Bray Wyatt, not beaten him yet but there's no doubt in my mind that I have his number. This will not be an easy match, it won't be pretty but it will be violent on a level rarely witnessed. When I came here I was looking for an easy payday and there will be plenty of those in my future. At warfare I will not be having an easy ride, there is going to be absolute carnage, I don't know for certain that the ring is going to be able to contain the insanity. Padded walls might be a more appropriate setting for this battle. No, I am in for a tough night and yet somehow this pleases my. Why do you think that is? Well, my change in outlook is in part down to Robbie Brookside but in truth that isn't it. As much as he has imparted wisdom on me it isn't his wise words that drives me. Jimmy Havoc and Raven, you brought this on yourselves. This Lone Wolf has gotten a taste of blood and he likes it. Bray, Raven, Jimmy. Each of you boys like to clothe yourself in darkness and I'm down with that, I now dwell in the same places you do. Sort of, I have one thing that none of you idiots have though...
Corbin stands up tall and stretches his arms out wide, the skull is in his right hand. He places the ram skull on the floor at his feet. The camera pans out to get Corbin in shot. The scene is suddenly bathed in light and is apparent that under the dark feathers there is a collage of various pictures of Shinsuke Nakamura.
Corbin: I have approval. Not from the EBWF fans, their opinion is of no worth, I have the approval of the man that matters, the champ himself. Nakamura has already named me number one contender so this match is irrelevant, filler, a way of passing time til King of the Ring. Three men who are just insane enough to warm me up for Nakamura who, let's face it is just a tapped as any of the men in this match. In case it isn't apparent, I am a man with a goal, with an obsession. To be clear, I don't really care about the gold, the glory or the fans. I have nothing to prove by beating Shinsuke, my sole purpose is getting the belt so I can crush dreams. I want to destroy the hopes and dreams of upcoming stars, I want to destroy the dreams of the same wrestling fans who have nothing pleasant to say about me. What better way to cause chaos than that? But I'm getting ahead of myself. This week is not me versus Nakamura, This week is not King of the Ring, this week is Warfare and the four way. Now if you'll excuse me, I have preparations to make.
Corbin walks away crushing bird skulls on his way, when he gets to the wall he pushes on it and exits through a previously hidden door. The door closes as the scene fades