Two Sides to Every Story.

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Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:46 pm

Two Sides to Every Story.

Post by Sam »

The scene opens up with Jimmy and Seth working out in Seth's Crossfit Gym, both men wearing workout gear, shorts, tank tops and both men had there hair tied back. Jimmy looks exhausted while Seth hasn't broke a sweat.

Jesus mate, you do this all the time?

Havoc tries to regain his breath as sits down on a bench and grabs his water bottle.

Come on Jim, you gotta put more into it. You can't quit now, I got you here and i'm gonna make sure you don't quit now

Jimmy puts his water bottle down and gives Seth a death stare

Put more into it?! Mate, im fucked!

Jimmy is interrupted by Rollins' phone ringing. Rollins answers and quickly puts everything in his bag and then hangs up.

You got lucky, I gotta go. They got my set all ready, gonna go do our promo.

Rollins darts out the room as he passes the big burly cameraman on the way out. Jimmy notices him and stands up.

They you are, look we're just gonna do the promo here because to be hoenst...I can't really move much

Alright, i'll get it set up.

The scene switches to the camera's perspective.


Jimmy stands in front of the camera with the Breakout Championship around his waist.

Alright then, time to spit some god damn truth. After my fantastic victory last Warfare over 1 half of the Tag Team Champions, the "powers that be" have put me and my buddy Seth into what 'they' call the Tag Team Classic! I thought my victory over Mr. Pretty should've gotten us a #1 Contenders spot but, I guess this will have to do. The first bump in the road however. Is a wannabe A-Lister and his pet puppy. The Miz and Alex Riley...Wait. Alex Riley is back? Huh.....I could've sworn he was a commentator and loved getting beat up by newer superstars. Well lets add 1 more New superstar to that list. Me! Jimmy Jacobs is my name! Apparently, see Miz, thats where my eyes lit up, the fact that you dont even know who or what my name is, means you have greatly underestimated me and I really like that. Ask Baron Corbin, Bray Wyatt, Raven and Nakamura how much they underestimated me and what happened afterwards...

Jimmy unfastens his title belt and shows it to the camera

This is what happened, My title victory was because of all my opponents stupidity and ignorance and the fact that you are looking like you'll do the same...well, lets just say the blood lust has set in. Now, a quick word about my partner...You already know who he is, "Crossfit Jesus", "Emo Lord", "The Man", whatever you call him. He's Seth "Freakin' Rollins. The rightful #1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship and one of the only people to welcome me into this company. I know he's got my back and he knows I've got his, you wanna know why I know he wont betray me like the rest? Because I can actually take a chairshot, I'd be offended if he used a chair in all honesty...enough of that anyway. The Man is the standout in this company and If I cant put you away, he sure will. Acid Rainmaker, Curb Stomp, Go Home Driver, Turnbuckle Powerbomb, Double Foot Stomp, Phoenix Splash. You name it, one of these will finish one of you for the 1, 2 3. See Sydal, that's how you name moves.

Jimmy bends down in pain as he holds his head and groans out in pain

Turn that camera off now, TURN IT FUCKING OFF.

Jimmy lunges out for the camera which sends the camera flying off the stand and across the room, the scene ends.


The camera turns back on and the scene is Jimmy with his mask and his workout clothes on holding the camera to point on himself.

You see, Miz and Riley. I know there is two sides to me, my "other" side however, doesn't know that this one exists. He will go on with his merry way thinking his talking can get him where he was...

Jimmy puts the camera back on the stand and reveals the big burly cameraman laid out on a table, covered in cling film in the middle of a wrestling ring which is also covered in cling film. The Breakout Championship is hanging over the cameramans face. Jimmy walks over to the top of the table where the man's head is at, he takes out a knife and plays with it for abit.

The thing is Miz, you lost your last match. I've won my last 3, which makes it so I have some momentum going forward but i'm not going to sit there and rest on that. I will rest on the fact that I am just plain and simply better than you, if I was in the King of the Ring tournament, i'd of went the whole way. Although, talk is cheap and i'm sure you'll find out what Jimmy "Jacobs" can really. I'm gonna re-use and old line of mine that I really like.

Jimmy puts the knife to the mans throat

If I can do this stuff for fun...What the fuck do you think I'm going to do to some prick that I fucking hate like you and that Labradoodle Riley?

Jimmy pulls the knife across the mans throat and slices it and the man starts to move about trying to recapture whatever life he has left, but it is all for nothing. The movement stopped.
Jimmy puts down the knife, walks over to the camera, picks it up...

It's a god damn shame you know, I liked him. He saw too much, however.

Jimmy takes a deep breath, looks into the camera one last time.

Kill Havoc Kill.

Jimmy Havoc
King of the Ring 2017
1x EBWF World Champion
1x EBWF Gateway Champion
1x EBWF PTG Champion
2x EBWF Intercontinental Champion
1x Breakout Champion
1x EBWF Tag Team Champion
EBWF 2016 Tag Team Classic Winner
CM Punk
1x EBWF World Champion
Noam Dar
1x EBWF Tag Team Champion
EBWF 2017 Tag Team Classic Winner