Dark Side.

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Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:46 pm

Dark Side.

Post by Sam »

He thought he was stable...


The scene opens up with a visibly panicked Jimmy rushing out of EBWF HQ, sweat dripping from his face, twitching akin to a person with an addiction. He swings the main door open, not caring about any damage that could ensue.
Renee Young notices him and before he shoots off she shouts to Jimmy,

"Jim, could we get a small piece for the website?"

"No, I have to.. I have to go. Please just, leave me alone."

Jimmy rushes into the car park to a previously called cab. He jumps in as the driver says.

"What's up bud, where we going?"

Jimmy hands him a business card and answers with

"Go there, now. Quick, please."

Jimmy sits back in the seat constantly twitching, shaking, pulling at his hair. He looks up into the rear view mirror to catch the driver staring back at him.

"Shouldn't you be looking at the road?"

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. What's wrong with you anyway? Drugs?"

"Quite the opposite actually, I've misplaced mine."

"Hmm. What is it? Heroin? Meth? Weed?"

"No! God No! None of that stuff. Something a bit more stronger than that. Just, shut up and drive man."

The scene fades away as Jimmy drops his head into his lap as the driver turns his eyes back onto the road.


The scene re-opens as the cab comes to a full stop.

"Hey buddy, we're here. That'll be $35.40"

Jimmy brings his head up suddenly, giving the driver a piercing stare through the rear view mirror.

"Huh, alright. Let me check my jacket."

Jimmy reaches towards his jacket which is located on the other back seat. He quickly lunges his arms around the headrest. Wrapping his arms around the drivers
neck, choking him. The driver tries to capture any breath he can but it is all for nothing as he slowly passes out. As he fades Jimmy says.

"I'm sorry, I need this."

The scene fades once more as Jimmy leaves the cab and opens the drivers door.


The scene starts back up with Havoc turning on a camera wearing nothing but an apron and boxer shorts. He sets the camera on a stand and backs away looking into it.

"It wasn't meant to be like this, I'm never this... sloppy. This is quite frankly stupid. However, the thirst must be quenched and I happened to have a nice victim fall right into my lap. Now, I don't have the usual tools that i'd use so this might get a little messy, so like put an MA rating on this or whatever, basically, kids, don't watch this, or do, I don't care honestly."

Jimmy moves the camera to the left to reveal the cab driver on a wooden table, wrapped in duct tape. He walks away and sits in a corner grabbing at his head and pulling his hair. He punches the wall behind him and stands up.

"As you can see, this is not how I usually prepare this sort of thing but, needs must. I've had to improvise, quite like I'm improvising this whole Tag Team thing.
I've mainly been a loner, for obvious reasons, but this is different. I see something in Seth that alot of you don't. I see the one man killing machine, He could end whatever he wanted if he just committed himself enough. I believe in him, that's why he picked up that victory last week, oh, and as for Miz. I hope you realised how stupid you are when Christy Hemme announced the winners as Seth Rollins and Jimmy HAVOC."

As he makes his way to his feet, he picks up a damaged Machete. He strokes the blade and as he runs his fingers along it he sighs.

"I usually bring my tools with me, but this is different, this is urgent; this happened way too fast and I was unprepared, something that... something that is an uncommon trait with myself. I pride myself on vetting, scouting and checking all of my victims weaknesses, vulnerabilites and whatever ways I can make sure I take my win. This time, however, my "other" self has these meds that keep me at bay but somehow those have gone astray and to be honest, that works for me."

He walks over to the head of the table and plays with the machete some more.

"Now, Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin, a man who beat me and continued to underestimate me, in Baron and Sami Zayn, a man who I know will NOT underestimate me. Sami is a smart man, he wouldn't be where he is if he underestimated his opponent. Sami knows what I can do, what I will do and what I could do... and that scares the shit out of him.
Sami, I know you. I've watched almost all of your matches, and know this, anything that you have planned can and will be countered. Quite frankly, normally i'd sit him and respect you and say, "What a match it will be". However, unfortunately for you, I am unpredictable in ways you can not even think about. Right now, I'm scared of myself...
5 minutes ago I was hopefully heading home to find my meds and now? I'm killing a guy because he was there. Why are you even in this tournament Sami? You've got your PTG Shot, you could have a World Title shot if you just asked for it. I might actually have an answer for that, Robbie Brookside begged the management to put you with Baron so he could be carried to victory and quite frankly, that pisses me off."

The man on the table begins to move, Jimmy reacts quickly and covers the mans face with one hand and punches him in the throat with the other.

"Shut up! Baron, I remember the last time we met. I believe I made a remark something along the lines of the fact that you call yourself the 'Lone Wolf' while knocking about with Brookside and now...it seems you're protecting yourself with Mummy Sami and Daddy Robbie. 'Lone Wolf', my arse. You constantly call yourself the greatest thing to touch this sport yet you fall short at the last hurdle. The Fatal 4 Way was a great example, you probably could've had the match won but you fucked yourself over when you got yourself involved with Shinsuke Nakamura before being the rightful #1 contender. You also got yourself involved again as a commentator in my title match, which I still dont understand why you were allowed, you lost the match. I won with an Acid Rainmaker and pinned Shinsuke 1, 2... 3. You get involved again and beat up Shinsuke for pretty much no reason. This, Baron, is the reason I will do it one more time, you let your anger control you and show your true fragility. My anger powers me, it drives me, it does NOT however 'control' me."

Jimmy grabs a sharpie out of his pocket and walks around to the side of the table. He proceeds to write on the mans stomach 'Lone Wolf' and 'Underdog'.

"I really don't care which one of you I finish, but it will be one of you. I need and want this victory because unlike Mr. Zayn, we can't all just fall back on a shot at the world title, can we? Baron, associate yourself with better people, I could always use one more at my side..."

Jimmy grabs his Breakout Championship

"You want this, right? Join me, I'll let you hold it."

Jimmy proceeds to cut the skin off the man on the table, cutting squares around the words he drew. Through all the screaming, wriggling and kicking he continues anyway.

"And just like this, I will cut you out of this Tag Team Classic."

Jimmy puts the cut pieces of skin in his apron pocket and walks to the head of the table. He puts the machete on the mans throat, looks up the camera, winks and brings the machete across his throat slicing it quite roughly. Blood spurts out as the man coughs, attempting to try and save himself. Blood begins boring onto the floor and all along the table. Jimmy places his finger on some blood, and 'tastes' it. Jimmy brings the knife up and puts the knife in the mans mmouth and as the scene fades away Jimmy can be heard saying "Here, bite down on this".


The scene opens back up in a yard of sorts. Jimmy is seen standing on top of the taxi with a can of gasoline, he empties it on top of the cab and throws it away. He looks into the camera and proclaims.

"You see! I am Wrestling's Nightmare! Unpredictable, Untouchable, you can't plan for me and even if you try, I don't even decide what moves i'm going to do until I have you where I want you. Sami Zayn, The Miz, Baron Corbin, Alex Riley... IT DOESN'T MATTER WHOEVER COMES INTO MINE AND SETH'S WAY. I WILL DESTROY THEM, IN THE RING OR OUT. TRY ME, PLEASE."

Jimmy jumps down, grabs a 2x4 and sets it on fire, points it up in the air and throws it onto the cab.

"And like these flames, I shall burn bright, and do away with anyone who opposes me.

Underestimate me, please.

Kill Havoc Kill."


...but he was never in control.
Jimmy Havoc
King of the Ring 2017
1x EBWF World Champion
1x EBWF Gateway Champion
1x EBWF PTG Champion
2x EBWF Intercontinental Champion
1x Breakout Champion
1x EBWF Tag Team Champion
EBWF 2016 Tag Team Classic Winner
CM Punk
1x EBWF World Champion
Noam Dar
1x EBWF Tag Team Champion
EBWF 2017 Tag Team Classic Winner