Warfare Results 08/08/2016

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Warfare Results 08/08/2016

Post by Cory »


After the opening credits of Warfare, "Scorched Ops" by Scott Reinward hit, and Jay Lethal headed to the ring for the first match of the night. When Lethal had entered the ring, "Basket Case" by Green Day hit and Matt Sydal made his way to the ring. Once Sydal was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Lethal ran at Sydal, going for a clothesline, but Sydal ducked out of the way, then turned around and hit Lethal with a roundhouse kick. Lethal staggered backwards, and Sydal grabbed him, whipping him against the ropes. As Lethal ran back towards him, Sydal hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Sydal hit a cradle suplex, hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start from Matt Sydal!

Sydal pulled Lethal to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, hitting a shining wizard. Lethal staggered out of the corner and Sydal went to the top rope, going for a dragonrana. Lethal caught him, and countered with a powerbomb!

Corey Graves: Great counter by Jay Lethal!

Lethal hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Lethal got to his feet and stomped on Sydal several times, then pulled Sydal to his feet and set him up for a snap suplex. Sydal blocked it, countering with a suplex of his own. Both men got to their feet and Sydal hit the Here We Go Driver, then went to the top rope. He hit the Shooting Sydal Press and hooked the leg – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Matt Sydal gets the victory!


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got Dolph Ziggler versus Cesaro!

Cesaro came to the ring first, followed by Dolph Zigger. When both men were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. The two men locked up, and Cesaro went for a headlock, but Ziggler broke out of it, then whipped Cesaro against the ropes. As Cesaro ran back towards Ziggler, he went for a clothesline, but Ziggler ducked out of the way and hit a neckbreaker, then followed it up with a jumping elbow drop. Ziggler made the cover, but Cesaro kicked out at the count of 2. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler went to whip Cesaro into the corner, but Cesaro reversed it, sending Ziggler into the corner. Cesaro ran at Ziggler, going for a clothesline, but Ziggler hit Cesaro with an elbow smash and as Cesaro staggered backwards, Ziggler went to the top rope. He hit Cesaro with a crossbody, then made the cover once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start by Dolph Ziggler... he's taking the fight to the Swiss Superman!

Ziggler pulled Cesaro to his feet and hit him with a series of right hands, then set him up for a suplex. Cesaro blocked it, then hit Ziggler with an uppercut. Cesaro grabbed Ziggler, setting him up for a belly-to-belly, but Ziggler countered with a shoulder jawbreaker, then hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Ziggler hit a sitout facebuster, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Ziggler got to his feet and stomped on Cesaro several times, then pulled him to his feet and applied a sleeper hold. Cesaro fought out of it, then turned around, hitting a discus European uppercut. Ziggler fell to the mat and Cesaro hit a double foot stomp, then grabbed Ziggler by the legs, setting him up for the Cesaro Swing!

Joey Styles: Cesaro is going to show Wisconsin why people call him the King of Swing!

As Cesaro swung Ziggler round, the crowd began counting. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10! Cesaro released Ziggler, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Cesaro pulled Ziggler to his feet and hit a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes. As Ziggler ran back towards him, Cesaro went for a spinebuster... but Ziggler countered with a jumping DDT! He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: So close to a three count!

Ziggler pulled Cesaro to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then ran at him, hitting the Stinger splash. Ziggler punched Cesaro in the corner several times, then as Cesaro staggered out of the corner, Ziggler went for a superkick. Cesaro ducked out of the way, then lifted Ziggler onto his shoulders, hitting the Swissblade. Cesaro then set Ziggler up for the Neutralizer... but Ziggler countered with a back body drop! As Cesaro got to his feet, Ziggler got behind him, hitting the Zig Zag! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Dolph Ziggler gets the victory!

Corey Graves: Ziggler is on a hot streak right now, Joey!

Ziggler celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


"Second Coming" by CF0$ hit as Seth Rollins made his way out from the back with a microphone in hand. He stood on the ramp way and raised the microphone to his mouth.

Seth: "Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 214 pounds...yeah, i lost a few. Standing at 6 feet and 1 inch, From Davenport Iowa. The Number One contender to both the Tag Team Championships and the Intercontinental. The Man Seth Rollins! Me! Hahahaha!"
"I Hope You Suffer" by AFI hits as Seth brings the mic up back to his mouth.

Seth: "Also, making his way to the ring, Weight in at 175 pounds and standing at 5 feet and 10 inches. Hailing from Margate in Kent, England. The EBWF Breakout Champion, the Number 1 contender for the Tag Team Championships! My Psycho partner! Jimmy Havoc!"
Jimmy made his way to the ramp way also clutching a microphone, he paused for a second, pointed to Seth and brought his mic up to his face.

Jimmy: "Now, that was a damn good announcing job Seth, well done. There is one thing you missed though but don’t worry every announcer in this company misses it. From Margate, blah blah blah. Champion and blah blah blah. JIMMY....FUCKING.... HAVOC! See, that's much better!"
Seth laughed and signaled to Jimmy to walk to the ring, which Jimmy acknowledged and they made their way down the ramp and into the ring. Once in the ring Jimmy raised his championship high to a chorus of boos.

Jimmy: "That's just the point isn't it, I show you my rewards for my hard work and you fuckers boo me. You've never wanted me to succeed, none of you. I beat Corbin, Raven and Bray Wyatt to earn my shot and then I pinned Shinsuke to claim this as my own, a feat I may add, quite similar to mine and Seth's path to the Tag Team Classic. We came up against Miz and Riley, Naka and Kruger, Sami Zayn and Baron Corbin and we dispelled them all. Cast them aside because I know and Seth knows, it doesn't matter what ANY of you lot think, we are the best in this company right now."

Seth: "One by one, they all stepped up to us. From your beloved underdog, Sami Zayn to a psychotic Havoc wannabe, everybody wanted to beat us. Yet, one by one, we crushed them all. We took out the entire competition, if you can even call it that. Nobody believed we could do it, they said I’d betray Jimmy, they said Jimmy would kill and we proved everybody wrong. Now, look at us. Look at what we’ve accomplished, look at the upcoming Summerslam card."

Jimmy: "Summerslam, the biggest PPV of the summer. I can't wait to see what the poster looks like, If the higher ups had any sense it would be simply be… SUMMERSLAM, SETH ROLLINS AND JIMMY HAVOC CARRY EBWF. I mean, that's money right there. You got Seth’s beautiful face and my beautiful face. It would work, or even better why not change the whole company to base around us? We are pretty much carrying this whole company, I wouldn’t be surprised if I have to pull out of a few dates because, to be honest Seth, my back hurts a little bit from all the carrying"

Jimmy started to hold his back and arched over, Seth went over and mockingly examined Jimmy's back.

Seth: “You gotta be careful with that, man, it’s also getting to me. It’s more of a knee thing for me, though. Fact of the matter is, you got in the ring right now the people holding EBWF together, we are the damn backbone of this company! We are going to hold together the entire company and carry Summerslam as the future tag team champions, and apart as I win the Intercontinental Championship from that street rat Enzo Amore and Jimmy continues his great EBWF Breakout championship reign by beating…”

Familiar motorcycle revs filled the arena followed by a chorus of boos. Baron Corbin appears interrupting the duo. Corbin did not take his eyes from Jimmy Havoc as he slowly makes his way to the ring as he got closer Havoc sat on the second rope to make it easier for Corbin to get in the ring. Corbin walked to the other side of the ring and stepped over the top rope. An amused looking Jimmy held out his mic to Corbin at arm’s length, Corbin snatched it.

Corbin: Rollins, Havoc, I think you've both been spouting crap for long enough. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's sick of hearing you drone on. Unlike you, I intend to get straight to business. When I say business Seth, I have no business with you. No offense but at this moment I don't have the time of day for you. You on the other hand.

Baron pointed at Jimmy Havoc, took a few steps forward and got in Jimmy's face.

Corbin: You are a fly in the ointment Jimmy, one that is overdue to be swatted and crushed. You've done a lot in your short time and I'm not taking that away from you. Our record stands at 2 to 1, I think you will find that when it was one on one it was the me who walked away with the victory. To be clear, I don't want a title shot, I'm not doing this to prove myself worthy of the title. I just want one more chance to beat the hell out you, to mess you up, a chance for us to leave each other more bruised, battered and bloody than ever before. I want to see which one of us is truly the more sadistic. How about it? Next week on Warfare - me and you?

Jimmy: Hi Baron, nice of you to interrupt us...Where’s Robbie? Is he sat waiting for you in the back hoping you don’t get yourself hurt?

Jimmy looked straight in the camera

Jimmy: Hi Rob! Hope you've got your slippers on, wouldn’t want you to die, now, would we? I know how old age has taken a toll on you.

Havoc then pointed to Baron.

Jimmy: I mean; I'd love to face you one more time but as you proved last week at Sacrifice...You're not up to the task. However, I'm interested because of one thing I remember saying Baron. I specifically remember calling you out for a 1v1 and the stipulation being that if I beat you...You drop Brookside and join me and allow me to show you the real way. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is.... Sure, let's do it, but those are the fucking conditions mate.

Baron looked Havoc dead in the eye.

“I don’t care what the conditions are, you’re on.”

Baron threw the mic at Jimmy and Jimmy went for a swing at Baron but Baron dodged it and jumped off the apron. Jimmy held up the Breakout Championship as Seth dropped his microphone and threw his arm around Jimmy and laughed, the two pointed at Corbin as the scene faded away.


Joey Styles: Still to come, the Viper Randy Orton takes on the Intercontinental Champion, Enzo Amore, in our main event. Up first though, Rob Van Dam takes on Dalton Castle!

Dalton Castle made his way to the ring first, followed by Rob Van Dam. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Castle ran at RVD, but Van Dam reacted quickly, hitting a spinning heel kick. Castle got to his feet and Van Dam applied a wrist lock, then hit Castle with a roundhouse kick. Castle staggered backwards and Van Dam grabbed him, whipping him against the ropes. As Castle ran back towards him, Van Dam hit a dropkick, then followed it up with a discus leg drop. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Van Dam starting this match strongly, showing this Green Bay crowd his impressive array of kicks!

Both men got to their feet and Van Dam whipped Castle into the corner, then ran at him, hitting a crossbody in the corner. Castle staggered out of the corner, and Van Dam set him up for a northern lights suplex, but Castle blocked it, countering with a DDT. Castle stomped on Van Dam several times, then pulled him to his feet, hitting a pumphandle drop. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time Dalton Castle gets a two count!

Castle pulled Van Dam to his feet and hit a series of right hands, then whipped him into the corner. Castle ran at Van Dam, going for a high knee in the corner, but Van Dam rolled out of the way, causing Castle to collide with the turnbuckles. Van Dam then grabbed Castle from behind, lifting him up for a German suplex. Van Dam cartwheeled over Dalton Castle, then hit a standing moonsault!

Corey Graves: Impressive technique by Rob Van Dam!

Joey Styles: That's why we called him the whole f'n show in ECW, Corey! He hasn’t lost a step!

Van Dam hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! RVD pulled Castle to his feet, setting him up for a double underhook facebuster, but Castle broke free, then lifted Van Dam over his shoulder, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver. Castle went to the top rope, going for a diving headbutt... but Van Dam rolled out of the way! Castle looked dazed as he got to his feet, and Van Dam hit a spin-out powerbomb, then went to the top rope. Van Dam went for the Five Star Frog Splash... and hit it! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Rob Van Dam gets the victory!

The referee called for the bell and raised RVD's arm in victory. Van Dam celebrated, then made his way to the back.


Joey Styles: And now, we're on to our main event for the night!

Corey Graves: I'm super excited, Joey. I can't wait to see that spotted mess of a man Enzo Amore get his clock cleaned by the Silent Assassin. I'v been giddy all week about this.

The crowd erupted as "Sawft is a Sin" by CFO$ hit the speakers and IC Champion Enzo Amore strutted out from behind the curtain, introducing himself to the crowd on the mic. Once he got the ring his music faded as it was replaced by "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle. Randy Orton walked down to the ring, offering up a few fist bumps to fans along the way.

Joey Styles: Randy Orton recently earned himself a shot at the Path to Glory Championship, and he will face PJ Black at Summerslam. Randy will..

Joey was interrupted as "Obtuse" by Peroxywhy?gen hit the PA system and PJ Black appeared from behind the curtain. He smirked confidently as a mixed reaction from the crowd greeted him. PJ pointed at the PTG Championship around his waist as he headed around the ring, locking eyes with Orton. Black pointed at Orton as he grabbed a steel chair and parked it ringside, having a seat on it and draping the Path to Glory championship belt across his lap.

Corey Graves: Looks like PJ Black is going to join us tonight. Well, not us, he doesn't want to be anywhere near you, Joey. And now I have to suffer because of it. I hope you're happy.

Randy turned his attention to Enzo Amore. The referee called for the bell and Amore and Orton moved towards each other. Amore got the first punch in, catching Orton off guard with a right hand and causing the former World Champion to stagger backwards. Amore followed up with some more right hands, then whipped Orton against the ropes before taking him down with a huracanrana. Orton got to his feet and Amore kicked him in the stomach, then lifted him up for a suplex. Amore hit a leg drop then hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Strong start from the Certified G!

Corey Graves: Don't ever say that again. Ever.

Amore pulled Orton to his feet and put him in a headlock, but Orton broke free and countered with a hammerlock. He kept the hold locked in for several seconds, then pushed Amore away. Amore turned around and Orton picked him up into a snap powerslam. .

Corey Graves: Randy Orton showing that strength! Enzo is seeing stars!

The crowd cheered Orton' actions, which made the Silent Assassin shrug slightly. He stood over Amore, stomping on him several times, in targeted places. Orton then pulled Amore to his feet and whipped him into the corner. He grabbed Amore and pulled him away from the corner, then hit a reverse STO, smashing Amore's head against the middle turnbuckle. He pulled Amore away from the ropes and hooked the leg. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Orton pulled Amore to his feet and set him up for a rope-hung DDT, but Amore countered with a shoulder back toss. Orton tumbled over the top rope and out to the floor. Enzo stood up and measured up the Viper. Orton got to his feet and Amore bounced himself off the rope and leapt through the ropes and shoved Orton into the announce desk. Orton's back hit the desk with a sickening crack, and Orton slumped down as PJ Black looked on with amusement. Amore picked Orton up and hit him with some more right hands, then kicked him in the stomach and hit a neckbreaker on the outside. Amore climbed to the top rope and went for the body splash on the outside... but Orton caught Amore in mid air! Amore struggled in Orton's grip, but Orton looked back at PJ Black with a smirk. Orton threw Amore backwards in a fall away slam, and Amore crashed into PJ Black and the two crumpled on the ground. Black was slow to stir. As Amore rolled around on the floor, clutching his ribs in pain. Orton said something that the mics didn't pick up to Black, then rolled Amore into the ring. He slid back in and starting pounding the mat with his fists.

Corey Graves: Randy Orton is sizing up Enzo for the RKO! I've been waiting all night for this!

Randy waited for Amore to get back up, then went to grab Enzo for the RKO. Enzo pushed him off and went for the Tornado DDT he called the Certified G. Orton threw Enzo off of him and Enzo landed on his back. While the ref was checking on Enzo, Orton turned around into a Pele kick by PJ Black, which stunned his Summerslam opponent. Orton stumbled back and Enzo saw his opportunity, grabbing Orton's head and hitting the Certified G dead center in the middle of the ring!

Corey Graves: No! PJ Black has robbed me!

Joey Styles: Enzo caught him!

Enzo rolled up Orton after hitting his move and got the 1...2...3!

Joey Styles: PJ Black gets the last laugh tonight after Orton fires the first salvo in our build up to Summerslam for the Path to Glory Championship!

Enzo headed up the ramp celebrating his victory. PJ Black hopped up onto the top turnbuckle and leapt off fluidly, hitting the 450 splash on an already supine Randy Orton. Orton folded up, clutching his ribs as PJ Black held up the PTG Championship, and Warfare went off the air.