Warfare Results 09/12/2016

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 09/12/2016

Post by Ben M »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! We are live from the sold out Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia!

Corey Graves: What a night we have in store, Joey! Later on tonight, the EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho, will respond to AJ Styles' challenge.

Joey Styles: Given that AJ was born and raised right here in Georgia, it will be interesting to see what kind of reception Jericho gets from this crowd! We've also got tag team action as Enzo and Cass take on Rob Van Dam and Matt Sydal!

Corey Graves: All that and more to look forward to later on tonight, but first we've got the Celtic Warrior Sheamus in action as he takes on Timothy Thatcher! Both superstars impressed in their debut matches last week, and I'm sure we'll see a hard hitting contest.

Sheamus came to the ring first, followed by Timothy Thatcher. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. Once Thatcher and Sheamus were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Sheamus charged towards Thatcher, going at him with a series of punches, but Thatcher ducked out of the way and took Sheamus down with a double leg takedown. Thatcher punched Sheamus against the mat several times, then applied a chinlock. Sheamus fought out of it and pulled Thatcher to his feet, then whipped him into the corner. Sheamus ran at Thatcher, hitting a running knee strike to the midsection, then lifted Thatcher over his shoulders, hitting a rolling fireman's carry slam. Sheamus hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Sheamus with a near fall!

Sheamus got to his feet and stomped on Thatcher several times, then pulled him to his feet and whipped him against the ropes. As Thatcher hit the ropes, Sheamus went for a back body drop, but Thatcher countered with a kick to the face. Thatcher locked up with Sheamus and applied a hammerlock, then lifted him up, hitting a Saito suplex. Thatcher then applied an armbar, but Sheamus got his foot on the ropes and the referee forced Thatcher to break the hold. Thatcher pulled Sheamus to his feet and lifted him up for a back drop, transitioning it into a European uppercut.

Corey Graves: London Bridge Falling Down!

Thatcher hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! As Sheamus kicked out, Thatcher tried to turn him over and apply the Fujiwara armbar, but Sheamus rolled out of it and got to his feet. Thatcher locked up with Sheamus once more, but this time Sheamus overpowered him, hitting a gut wrench suplex. Both men got to their feet and Sheamus whipped Thatcher against the ropes, before going for a Brogue Kick. Thatcher ducked out of the way, then as Sheamus turned to face him, Thatcher hit him with a headbutt. Sheamus looked dazed and Thatcher took him down to the mat, applying the Thatcher Stretch! Sheamus tried to reach the ropes, but he wasn’t able to do so, and he reluctantly tapped out. The referee called for the bell, then raised Thatcher's arm in victory.

Joey Styles: Another win for Timothy Thatcher!

Thatcher celebrated, then exited the ring. As Sheamus got to his feet, he took his frustration out on the referee, hitting him with a Brogue Kick! Sheamus then followed Thatcher up the ramp, shaking his head as he made his way to the back.


Joey Styles: Up next, we've got women's action as Alexa Bliss takes on Eva Marie!

Corey Graves: This is Alexa's first match since losing the Women's Title to Sasha Banks at Summerslam... she'll be looking to take her frustration out on Eva I'm sure!

"Out of My Mind" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Eva Marie headed to the ring. Once Eva was in the ring, "Crushed" by Parkway Drive hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Alexa stepped out onto the stage. Alexa glared intently at Eva as she entered the ring, and as the referee called for the bell, she charged at Eva, taking her down with a clothesline then stomping on her several times. Alexa pulled Eva to her feet and whipped her into the corner, then ran at her, hitting a corner dropkick. Eva staggered out of the corner and Alexa took her down with an arm drag, then applied a keylock. Eva got to the ropes, but Alexa refused to break the hold! The referee threatened to disqualify her and began counting – 1... 2... 3... at the count of 4, Alexa broke the hold. She got to her feet and pulled Eva away from the ropes, stomping on her several times before hitting the Glitz Flip. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: You were right, Corey... an aggressive start by Alexa Bliss!

Corey Graves: She's been dominant so far, Joey!

Alexa got to her feet and stomped on Eva several more times, but Eva rolled out of the way and exited the ring. Alexa followed Eva out of the ring and went to grab Eva, but Eva fought back, pushing Alexa into the ring apron. Eva hit Alexa with a hard slap, then threw her back into the ring. Eva re-entered the ring and picked Alexa up, whipping her against the ropes then going for a big boot. Alexa ducked out of the way and grabbed Eva from behind, hitting a neckbreaker. Eva got to her feet and Alexa applied a chokehold, before hitting an STO. She hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall!

Corey Graves: Alexa so close to a three count!

Alexa got to her feet and stomped on Eva some more, before pulling her to her feet and hitting a snap suplex. Alexa then went to the top rope, and hit Eva with the Twisted Bliss! She hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: That's it! Alexa gets the win!

Alexa celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Carlito was on his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, Carlito is in action against the newest member of The Broken, Baron Corbin!

Corey Graves: Carlito returned last week with a victory over Sheamus, and I'm sure he'll be hoping to get another win here tonight!

When Carlito was in the ring, "Superhuman" hit and the crowd booed as Baron Corbin headed to the ring. Once Corbin had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and Corbin hit Carlito with a series of punches. Corbin then went to whip Carlito against the ropes, but Carlito reversed the Irish whip, sending Corbin into the ropes. As Corbin ran back towards him, Carlito hit a dropkick. Corbin staggered backwards, but remained on his feet. Carlito went for a clothesline, but Corbin ducked out of the way, then took Carlito down with a big boot. Carlito got to his feet and Corbin whipped him into the corner, then charged towards Carlito, hitting a corner clothesline. As Carlito staggered out of the corner, Corbin lifted him up, hitting a front suplex slam. Corbin hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start from Baron Corbin... he's taking the fight to Carlito!

Carlito rolled out of the ring, and Corbin followed him to the outside. Corbin grabbed Carlito and hit a knee to the midsection, then went to slam his head against the ring steps. Carlito blocked it and hit Corbin with an elbow smash, then threw him into the ring post! Corbin looked dazed, and Carlito hit a DDT on the outside, then rolled back into the ring. As the referee reached the count of 6, Corbin got to his feet and re-entered the ring. As Corbin moved towards Carlito, Carlito went for a hurricanrana... but Corbin countered with a powerbomb! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Carlito kicked out! Corbin got to his feet and stomped on Carlito several times, then pulled him to his feet, whipping him against the ropes. As Carlito ran back towards him, Corbin lifted him up, hitting the Deep Six. Carlito struggled to his feet, and Corbin lifted him up once more, this time hitting the End of Days! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: A dominant victory by the Lone Wolf, Baron Corbin... Rollins and Havoc will be pleased!

"Superhuman" by CFO$ hit and Corbin stood over the fallen Carlito, then made his way to the back.


"Basket Case (Instrumental)" by Green Day hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Matt Sydal headed to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Up next, we've got tag team action as Matt Sydal teams up with Rob Van Dam to take on Enzo Amore and Big Cass!

Corey Graves: Two very different teams competing tonight, Joey... this is sure to be an interesting match!

As Sydal reached the bottom of the ramp, "One of a Kind" hit and Van Dam also received a mixed reaction as he stepped out onto the stage. Van Dam joined Sydal at the bottom of the ramp, then the two men entered the ring. "Party Up" by DMX hit and the crowd cheered as Enzo and Cass made their way to the ring. Enzo was energetic as always upon entering the ring, while Cass stood back, maintaining an intimidating presence from afar. The referee called for the bell and Big Cass moved onto the ring apron, allowing Enzo to start the match. Across the ring, Van Dam moved onto the apron and Sydal ran at Enzo, taking him down with a leg lariat. Enzo got to his feet and Sydal whipped him against the ropes, then went for a dropkick. Enzo held onto the ropes, ensuring the dropkick didn’t connect, then went at Sydal with a series of punches. Enzo hit Sydal with a kick to the midsection, then took him down with a DDT. Enzo stomped Sydal several times, then pulled him to his feet, hitting a suplex. Enzo hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Enzo pulled Sydal to his feet once more and went to whip him against the ropes, but Sydal reversed the Irish whip, sending Enzo into the ropes. Sydal took Enzo down with a hip toss, then hit a standing moonsault. Sydal made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Great back and forth action so far!

Sydal tagged in Van Dam, who applied a wrist lock on Enzo then hit a series of roundhouse kicks, following it up with a jumping spin kick. Enzo fell to the mat and Van Damn hit a discus leg drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Van Dam pulled Enzo to his feet and set him up for a northern lights suplex, but Enzo blocked it, countering with a knee smash. Big Cass held out his hand, and Enzo made the tag.

Corey Graves: Van Dam is about to be introduced to the seven footer from Queens!

Big Cass climbed over the top rope and charged towards Van Dam, hitting him with a series of punches. He then whipped Van Dam against the ropes, before taking him down with a boot. Sydal tried to intervene, climbing to the top rope and going for a crossbody... but Big Cass caught him, then hit a fallaway slam. As Sydal rolled out of the ring, Van Dam got to his feet, and Cass lifted him up, hitting the East River Crossing! Big Cass tagged in Enzo, who went to the top rope. Enzo and Cass worked together, hitting the Rocket Launcher on Van Dam! Enzo hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Enzo and Cass get the victory!

"Party Up" hit and Enzo and Cass celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


Joey Styles: Still to come, Chris Jericho will respond to AJ Styles' challenge... but first, the Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins is in action against the Underdog from the Underground, Sami Zayn!

Corey Graves: This might be a non-title match, Joey, but after losing two successive title matches on pay per view, Zayn will be determined to return to winning ways here tonight!

"Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn made his way to the ring. Zayn was all smiles as he made his way down the ramp, and upon entering the ring he posed for the crowd, then moved to the corner, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "The Broken" by Lit hit, and the cheers quickly turned to boos as Seth Rollins made his way to the ring. Rollins had the Intercontinental Title over his shoulder and upon entering the ring he held the title up, taunting Zayn with the gold. The referee took the title from Rollins, and Rollins smirked smugly at Zayn as the referee called for the bell. Zayn and Rollins locked up and Zayn applied a headlock, but Rollins broke free and pushed Zayn into the ropes, then took him down with a high knee. Zayn got to his feet and Rollins hit a kick to the midsection, then whipped Zayn into the corner. Rollins kicked Zayn in the corner several times, then sat him on the top turnbuckle, setting him up for a superplex. Zayn fought back, knocking Rollins off the ropes, then hit Rollins with a diving crossbody. Zayn made the cover and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Zayn pulled Rollins to his feet and hit a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes, before taking him down with an arm drag. Rollins got to his feet and Zayn went for another arm drag, but Rollins blocked it and hit a reverse DDT. Zayn got to his feet and Rollins lifted him up for a powerbomb, slamming Zayn against the turnbuckle. Rollins hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Look at Zayn clutching that shoulder, Corey... I think he might be hurt!

Rollins pulled Zayn to his feet and hit an arm wrench, then followed it up with a neckbreaker. Rollins stomped on Zayn's shoulder several times, then applied an armbar, but Zayn was able to get to the ropes. The referee forced Rollins to break the hold and Rollins pulled Zayn away from the ropes, then dragged him to his feet and set him up for a reverse STO. Zayn blocked it, countering with an exploder suplex. Both men got to their feet and Zayn whipped Rollins against the ropes, then as Rollins hit the ropes, Zayn hit a clothesline, sending Rollins over the top rope. As Rollins got to his feet, Zayn rolled out of the ring and ran from the floor, before performing a suicide dive through the ropes and hitting Rollins with a tornado DDT!

Corey Graves: High risk from Sami Zayn there, Joey! He might have done more damage to his shoulder!

Both Zayn and Rollins were down, and the referee began counting them out. 1... 2... 3... 4... at the count of 5, Zayn got to his feet and pulled Rollins to his feet, throwing him back into the ring. Zayn re-entered the ring and hit Rollins with the half and half suplex, then covered Rollins. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Zayn pulled Rollins to his feet and went for an exploder suplex into the corner, but Rollins blocked it, then lifted Zayn up, hitting the Falcon Arrow. Rollins went to the top rope and hit a frog splash, then made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... Zayn kicked out! Rollins pulled Zayn to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, then went for a high knee. Zayn ducked out of the way and got behind Rollins, hitting a spin-out powerbomb!

Corey Graves: Blue Thunder Bomb!

Zayn hooked the legs and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Zayn went for a Michinoku driver, but Rollins blocked it, then hit a knee smash. Zayn staggered backwards, and Rollins took him down with a sling blade, then signalled for the Curb Stomp. Rollins went for the stomp... but Zayn rolled out of the way, then got to his feet and hit Rollins with an enzuigiri. Rollins looked dazed and Zayn grabbed him once more, hitting an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle. As Rollins struggled to his feet, Zayn moved to the opposite corner, readying himself for the Helluva Kick. Rollins got to his feet and Zayn charged towards him, booting Rollins full force in the face!

Joey Styles: Helluva Kick! This one is over.

Zayn hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3! The referee called for the bell and raised Zayn's arm in victory, but as Zayn began to celebrate, Baron Corbin and Jimmy Havoc headed to the ring. Zayn stood in the center of the ring, bravely challenging Corbin and Havoc to come at him. As Corbin and Havoc reached the bottom of the ramp, Rollins hit him with a low blow! Rollins then hit the Curb Stomp on Zayn, before rolling out of the ring and joining his compatriots at ringside.

Corey Graves: Well Joey, Sami Zayn might have got the victory... but The Broken get the last laugh!

Rollins, Havoc and Corbin made their way up the ramp as Warfare went to a commercial break.


"Break the Walls Down" hit and the crowd booed as the EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho, stepped out onto the stage. Jericho was wearing black leather pants and his new "The Gift of Jericho" shirt. He had the EBWF World Title over his shoulder, and a cocky smirk on his face. As Jericho strutted to the ring, the crowd booed.

Joey Styles: And here comes the EBWF World Champion, Chris Jericho.

Corey Graves: AJ Styles called Jericho out last week, challenging him to a title match... what will Jericho have to say in response?

Jericho grabbed a microphone from ringside, then entered the ring. As his music was cut, Jericho went to speak, but he was drowned out by the crowd chanting for AJ Styles. Jericho tried to talk over the crowd, which only caused the crowd's chants to increase in volume.

Chris Jericho: Quiet. Quiet. QUIET! If you stupid idiots don't stop talking, I will walk out of Georgia without saying another word... and your beloved AJ Styles will have to wait for me to respond to his challenge. And it will be all your fault...

The crowd stopped chanting for Styles, and began booing Jericho again. Jericho laughed, then as the noise of the crowd died down, he began to speak.

Chris Jericho: Last week, AJ Styles had the nerve to call me a coward. Me, the man who has held this title nine times, the greatest World Champion that the EBWF has ever seen, a coward? You're even stupider than the idiots in this crowd, AJ. Let me get one thing straight, AJ... I've never tried to avoid you. I don't know what you've been smoking, but I think you owe $1500. You left the EBWF after the Royal Rumble, the night I beat The Miz for the World Title. Didn't The Miz defend the title against you and beat you, AJ, before he lost to me? And then you failed to win the Royal Rumble, took your ball and went home. So maybe you've been dodging me. And now, you think you can just walk back in and demand a shot? If you want a shot, AJ, you're going to have to earn it. And right now, you're at the back of the line. So how about you...


"Phenomenal" blasted through the speakers and the EBWF fans went nuts. A hooded AJ Styles emerged from behind the curtain and looked out to the EBWF universe, before throwing his arms out into his signature crucifix pose. He removed his hood to reveal a smile and proceeded to slapped hands with a few fans as he approached the ring. Fully dressed for competition, Styles entered the ring and hit the ropes running right past Chris Jericho and posing again to the delight of the crowd. Styles was given a microphone from the ring announcer and began to stare down the World Champion.

AJ Styles: Chris... Let's get something straight. The line... It starts right here with me. Anybody in the back got a problem with that, I'm not hard to find. I'll be here this week, next week, and the week after that.

The crowd cheered at the statement. Styles kept a nice distance between himself and Jericho as he spoke.

AJ Styles: You can go on and on about who did what, when, where, and why. But here I am TODAY, standing across the ring from you challenging you to face me like a man. Let's find out who the best wrestler in the world really... Unless you're afraid?

Jericho scoffed.

Chris Jericho: Afraid? Afraid? Of course I'm not afraid of you, you stupid idiot! I just don't like you. I never have. And besides, you don't get to call the shots around here. Win a few matches, and then maybe we can talk about you getting a title match...

Jericho walked past Styles, giving him a patronising tap on the shoulder as he did so. Just as Jericho was about to exit the ring, "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed hit and the crowd cheered as Stone Cold Steve Austin stepped out onto the stage. Austin had a microphone with him, and Jericho hesitated, wondering what EBWF's General Manager had to say.

Steve Austin: Oh hey Chris. Nice of you to join us. AJ, good to see you again. Now Chris is right, AJ. You don't get to call the shots around here. But lucky for you, I do. And I think AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho sounds like one hell of a match. So at Destiny, we're going to see the Phenomenal One challenge the Best in the World... for the EBWF World Title! And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!

"Glass Shatters" hit and Austin walked back through the curtain. AJ smiled confident at Jericho, who shrugged... then went to cheap shot AJ with the title! Styles was ready for it, and he ducked out of the way, before turning to face Jericho and kicking him hard in the midsection. Styles set Jericho up for the Styles Clash... and hit it! AJ then picked up the World Title, holding it high above his head. The crowd cheered, and "Phenomenal" by CFO$ hit as Warfare went off the air.