Warfare Results 09/19/2016

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 09/19/2016

Post by Ben M »


As Warfare returned from commercial, “Crushed” by Parkway Drive blasted through the PA system and Zahra Schreiber made her way down the ramp. The EBWF Universe booed Zahra as she soaked in the fans response. Zahra stood in the ring for a moment until “Do My Thing” by Estelle filled the arena. The fans popped when Blue Pants made her way out, making sure to interact with every fan on the rampway.

Joey Styles: There’s the Blue Pants we’re all more familiar with. Happy as can be.

Corey Graves: Blue Pants can flip like a switch. Kind of a “turn off” if you follow.

When Blue Pants got in the ring she signalled to the ref she was ready until she noticed Baron Corbin making his way out of the curtain to no music. Blue Pants began to get visibly upset, pacing back and forth on her side of the ring until she grabbed a mic from Christy Hemme.

Blue Pants: I thought I told you guys to leave me ALONE.

Baron looked directly at Blue Pants, shrugged off her remark and smirked as he continued down the ramp.

Blue Pants: Cut it out!

Baron stopped at the ring stairs, smirked to himself and walked past them and to the commentary table where he took a seat.

Joey Styles: It looks like Baron Corbin is joining us for this match. Want a headset, Baron?

Baron snarled at Styles and focused his attention back on Blue Pants. The referee motioned for Blue Pants to return the microphone to Hemme who then exited the ring. The bell rang and the match officially started. Blue Pants stayed in place in her corner, looking back and forth between Zahra and Corbin. Zahra took advantage of this and forced Blue Pants into the turnbuckle, where a short grappling exchange ensued. When no one gained control, the referee broke it up. Zahra backed off as Blue Pants walked out of her corner, looking more focused on her opponent this time. They locked up center ring, where Blue Pants applied a headlock on Zahra and took her to the mat with a hip toss. She kept Schreiber’s head in a hold and went for a quick pin. Kick out at 2. Blue Pants went back on the offensive again, locking in a chicken wing submission on Zahra’s arm. Blue Pants looked out to the ring at Corbin, who had stood up. Blue Pants’ grip loosened on Zahra and allowed her to roll out of the hold, pulling Blue Pants to her feet and sending her to the ropes. Zahra dropped to the mat for Blue Pants to hop over her to the opposite ropes. Instead of rebounding, she came to a halt and found Corbin still staring at her. She started taunting him and Zahra ran up behind her. Blue Pants ducked last second pulling the top rope down, causing Zahra to fall over to the outside of the ring. Blue Pants prepared for a springboard attack but faked out of it, instead landing on the apron, then went to hit Schreiber with a flying elbow, but she sidestepped and kicked Blue Pants in the gut. Schreiber grabbed Blue Pants by a fistful of hair and threw her into the apron. The crowd started booing after the move and Baron started laughing.

Corey Graves: Tough as nails, that one.

Joey Styles: Who, Zahra, or Blue Pants?

Corey Graves: Really Joey, really?

Blue Pants held at her back as she tried to get to her feet. The referee began the count out on both women. Zahra rolled into the ring in the earlier stages of the count, content with that victory, but after a painful recovery, Blue Pants somehow dragged herself under the bottom rope and into the ring at the count of 7. As soon as Zahra realized Blue Pants was back in the ring, she immediately attacked her ribs with a series of kicks. Zahra pulled Blue Pants into the corner, and sat her leaning against the bottom turnbuckle. After taunting the crowd, she walked towards her opponent to stomp her. However, Blue Pants took that time to recover and dodged out of the way at the first stomp. As Zahra turned around to face her, she was met with a sudden Roundhouse Kick. Blue Pants quickly went for the pin on Zahra, as the referee counted it.



Blue Pants suddenly broke up her own pin attempt as she noticed Baron Corbin getting up from his chair. She stood by the ropes yelling at him as Baron stared without saying a word. From behind, Zahra Schreiber rolled Blue Pants up, simultaneously grabbing her blue pants for leverage in a pin attempt.




Joey Styles: Zahra just stole that victory!

Corey Graves: Are you kidding Joey? She took advantage of Blue Pants being stupid!

Zahra rolled out of the ring, not wasting any time getting out of the way of Blue Pants, who had scrambled back to her feet right after Zahra broke the pin after the 3 count. The arena went dark and within seconds Jimmy Havoc appeared on the tron.

Jimmy Havoc: “Leva, Leva...Leva. You should’ve listened. I tried being nice. You turned me down. Seth tried to be nice, you turned him down. You turned us down... I could’ve sent Baron as well, but that’s a bit too much don’t you think? You see, I couldn’t trust Baron not to hurt you. We don’t want to hurt you Leva. The complete opposite actually, we just feel you would be better suited to join us. Don’t you think?”

Blue Pants eyes fixated on the tron as the camera panned to Seth Rollins walking down the arena stairs next to the crowd. He stopped for a moment and signaled to Baron to move to the other side of the ring. Seth jumped the barricade and let out his signature nasal laugh which prompted Blue Pants to turn around.

Jimmy Havoc - “I do, however, trust my boy Seth. Even when I don't ask him, he still delivers me what I want…”

Jimmy brandished a Horse Mask from his jacket and showed it up to the camera. Blue Pants put a hand to the back of her head, visibly beside herself when she realized it was hers.

Jimmy Havoc - “Pure coincidence that this landed in my lap, or was it fate? Now I know what it feels like to wear a mask, to hide yourself from the world. You wanna know what I did with that mask? I burned it! Let it melt away along with all those feelings of loneliness and regret. That’s just what I’m going to do to yours as well.”

Jimmy stood up and pushed away the chair he was sat on. Revealing a small room with a trashcan in it, he looked at the mask and dropped it in the can. Blue Pants had started shaking her head furiously and attempted to leave the ring, but was stopped by Seth and Corbin, who both convened at the bottom of the ramp. On the screen, Havoc then revealed a small container of lighter fluid and poured it into the can before dumping it in with the mask. He looked directly into the camera, lit a match and smiled. He dropped the match into the trashcan and watched it go ablaze before turning his back and leaving the scene. He left the camera on.

A moment of silence filled the arena as the tron faded to black. It was soon replaced by “The Broken” by Lit and Jimmy Havoc walked out of the curtain. He had a wide smile on his face and a microphone in his back pocket as the crowd booed him loudly. He made his way down the rampway and approached Rollins. He motioned to Seth who reached under the ring to grab a chair and handed it to Havoc. Jimmy smiled at Seth and they both laughed as Jimmy walked past and made his way into the ring. He stood inches away from Blue Pants, who had slowly started backing away, and retrieved the microphone. He began to talk.

Jimmy Havoc: “Look, I know you’re upset now but trust me, you will eventually thank me for it. You do realise that this whole charade was planned out from the start? The mask was just the final piece of the puzzle that put everything into place. From Bayley leaving to you losing the mask. Bit by bit, we did what we do best, we essentially...broke you. There is one last thing that needs to happen, I think you’re going to like this one too.”

Jimmy dropped the mic on the floor as Baron Corbin had rolled into the ring. He grabbed hold of Blue Pants’ arms. Jimmy held the chair with both hands, swung it backwards and mid-strike, inches away from the top of her skull. She was kicking furiously as he brought the chair back to his front and dropped it at Blue Pants’ feet. He looked at Baron, nodding to him, signalling for Baron let go of Blue Pants. Jimmy took off his jacket and threw it out of the ring, followed by his shirt. He picked up the microphone again.

Jimmy Havoc: “You see these scars, right? How about, you use my body as a fucking canvas. Give me a few more. You’ve already made an emotional mark on me, how about a physical one? Grab that chair and unleash every bit of anger you have. I know that Leva is in there. I know she wants to come out. “

Jimmy threw the microphone down and kneeled. He stared at Blue Pants, waiting. You could see her eyes welling up with tears, but somehow she managed to hold them in. She had balled up her fists and simply stood, unmoving. The crowd was egging her on. Corbin had stalked up beside her, and yelled loud enough for the cameras to pick up two words. “Do it.” Blue Pants went to shove him away from her, but his size caused her to stumble back into Rollins, who she then pushed away. She turned back to Havoc and shook her head, holding her hands up slightly in defiance.

Blue Pants: “No.”

Jimmy looked disappointed for a second, and picked up the microphone.

Jimmy Havoc: “You two, Seth, Baron. Out of the fucking ring now.”

Jimmy passed the mic to Seth as he walked by. Both men then exited the ring. Jimmy was still on his knees as he began to scream “DO IT!” Blue Pants tried to run for it past Havoc, but he quickly caught her by the arm and roughly yanked her down close to where he was nearly face to face. It looked as if he said something to her, but the words couldn’t be made out over the crowd. Out of nowhere, Blue Pants started throwing punches, left and right down on Jimmy.

Joey Styles: Oh my God, what’s happening here?!?!?

Corey Graves: I think it’s pretty simple Styles. Whatever Havoc said has set Blue Pants off like a firework!

In a matter of seconds Havoc was laid out on the mat, barely attempting to defend himself as Blue Pants laid into him. She got to her feet and started stomping a hole into Havoc, taking turns between kicking in the ribs and the side of his head. After one more harsh kick on the side of Jimmy’s face, Blue Pants stopped and brushed her hair out of her face, heaving each breath she took. Her arms and hands were shaking slightly as she looked over to the chair lying beside Havoc and picked it up. She walked a few paces away from his body, her back to him. By now, the crowd was going wild. Jimmy had returned back to his kneeling position, with a gash at the corner of his eye and bloody nose, along with a busted lip. He was smiling as he held a hand at the side of his head while also wincing at the pain. Blue Pants turned back to face him, and wasted no time approaching him. She held the chair with both hands, swung it back, and hit him in the head. One solid crack from when the chair connected was heard, and several more followed suit as Blue Pants kept hitting Havoc with the chair after he was down. Blue Pants stopped her attack as Seth got into the ring. She dropped the chair, afraid he was approaching her, but he instead got close to Havoc and dropped the mic to help his friend. He pushed Seth away and motioned him to help Blue Pants. Baron got into the ring next and helped Havoc to his feet, while Havoc motioned to Seth and Blue Pants to come to the back with him. Blue Pants was initially hesitant but allowed Seth to help her to the back. As all 4 made their way up the rampway, Warfare went to commercial.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "A House That's Not Quite Home" by Junior hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Mark Andrews made his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next Mark Andrews makes his EBWF debut... the Welsh professional wrestler will be competing in a fatal four way to determine the number one contender for the Breakout Championship!

When Andrews had entered the ring, "Spitfire" by The Prodigy hit and the Timothy Thatcher made his way to the ring. Sheamus came out next, and then finally Carlito headed to the ring. When all four superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Andrews went after Carlito, while Sheamus attacked Thatcher. Sheamus pummelled Thatcher with a series of punches, but Thatcher fought back, grabbing Sheamus by the arm and applying an arm twist, then flipping Sheamus onto the mat. Across the ring, Carlito set Andrews up for a reverse STO, but Andrews blocked it, then hit an inverted facelock backbreaker. With Carlito and Sheamus both down, Andrews and Thatcher locked eyes on one another. The two men locked up, and Thatcher applied a headlock on Andrews, but Andrews countered with a hammerlock, then grabbed Thatcher from behind, hitting a dragon suplex! Andrews bridged, both of Thatcher's shoulders were down, and the referee began counting – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Andrews making a good impression in his debut match!

As Andrews got to his feet, Sheamus attacked him, hitting a knee strike then throwing the Welsh superstar out of the ring. Sheamus then turned his attention to Carlito, who was back on his feet. Carlito and Sheamus exchanged punches back and forth, but Sheamus was able to gain the upper hand, and after whipping Carlito against the ropes, Sheamus hit a powerslam. Before Sheamus could make the cover, Thatcher got to his feet and grabbed Sheamus, hitting him with a European uppercut. Sheamus looked dazed, and Thatcher took him down to the mat, applying the Fujiwara armbar. Sheamus cried out in pain, but couldn’t get to the ropes. Just when it looked like Sheamus was about to submit, Andrews re-entered the ring and broke the hold. Thatcher got to his feet and went for a clothesline, but Andrews ducked out of the way, then hit a legsweep DDT. Carlito went after Thatcher, grabbing him from behind and going for the Back Stabber... but Andrews blocked it, then got behind Carlito and hit the 180 Degree Stunner!

Joey Styles: Great athleticism from Mark Andrews! This could be it!

Andrews hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Thatcher interrupted the count! He pulled Andrews to his feet and hit a gutwrench suplex, then grabbed Carlito and applied The Thatcher Stretch! Carlito tapped out and the referee called for the bell.

Corey Graves: It's over! Timothy Thatcher gets his third successive victory... one more win on Sunday and he'll be the new Breakout Champion!

Thatcher celebrated, then made his way to the back.


Joey Styles: Up next, women's action as Charlotte takes on EBWF's first Portuguese superstar, Shanna!

"Rosa Sangue" by Amor Electro hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as Shanna made her way to the ring. Once Shanna was in the ring, "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac hit and the crowd cheered as Charlotte headed to the ring. When Charlotte had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two women locked up. Charlotte took Shanna down with a snapmare, then as Shanna got to her feet, Charlotte whipped her against the ropes. As Shanna ran back towards her, Charlotte went for a big boot, but Shanna ducked out of the way, then rolled Charlotte up. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both women got to their feet and Shanna applied a headlock, but Charlotte broke out of it, applying a wristlock on Shanna before taking her down with a clothesline. Shanna got to her feet, and Charlotte whipped her into the corner, then ran at her, hitting a corner crossbody. Shanna staggered out of the corner, and Charlotte hit a neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: A strong start from Charlotte!

Charlotte pulled Shanna to her feet and hit her with a forearm smash, then went to whip her against the ropes. Shanna reversed the Irish whip, sending Charlotte against the ropes, then as Charlotte ran back towards her, Shanna hit a dropkick. Both women got to their feet and Shanna set Charlotte up for a DDT, but Charlotte blocked it, countering with a northern lights suplex. Charlotte bridged it, covering Shanna – 1... 2... Shanna kicked out!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! Great counter by Charlotte!

Charlotte pulled Shanna to her feet, and Shanna went for a clothesline, but Charlotte ducked out of the way and hit a backbreaker. Charlotte then applied the Figure Eight Leglock! Shanna tried to get to the ropes, and when she realised they were out of reach, she tapped out. Charlotte broke the hold and got to her feet as the referee raised her hand in victory.

Corey Graves: Another win for Charlotte, and I'm sure she'll want to continue building momentum in her quest to become the EBWF Women's Champion!

Charlotte celebrated as Warfare went to a commercial break.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, "Superhuman" by CFO$ hit and the crowd booed as Baron Corbin made his way to the ring.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Still to come, Kevin Owens takes on The Miz and AJ Styles and Chris Jericho will sign the contract for their World Title match... but first, Sami Zayn takes on The Broken's Baron Corbin!

When Corbin had entered the ring, "Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn stepped out onto the stage. Zayn was all smiles as he made his way down the ramp, but upon entering the ring, his expression turned serious as he locked eyes with Corbin. The referee called for the bell, and Corbin charged towards Zayn, forcing him into the corner then pummelling him with a series of punches. Zayn fought back with some right hands of his own, but Corbin hit him with a knee to the midsection, then applied a headlock. Zayn pushed Corbin against the ropes, forcing him to break the hold, then whipped Corbin against the ropes. As Corbin ran back towards him, Zayn hit a dropkick. Both men got to their feet, and Zayn went for a lariat, but Corbin ducked out of the way, then hit Zayn with a big boot. Corbin stomped on Zayn several times, then pulled him to his feet, and whipped him hard into the corner. Zayn collided with the turnbuckles, then fell to the mat, clutching his back in pain.

Corey Graves: Baron Corbin using his strength to wear down Sami Zayn! You can see why Zayn said Corbin was the biggest threat in The Broken, Joey!

Corbin picked Zayn up and whipped him into the opposing corner, then ran at him, going for a corner clothesline. Zayn got his feet up, kicking Corbin away. As Corbin staggered backwards, Zayn tried to move out of the corner, but Corbin ran at Zayn, going to send him over the top rope. Zayn reacted quickly and pulled down on the top rope, sending Corbin to the outside. As Corbin was getting to his feet, Zayn ran against the ropes, then jumped over the top rope, hitting Corbin with a suicide dive!

Joey Styles: Tope suicida!

Both men were down outside the ring, and the referee began counting them out. As he reached the count of five, Zayn got to his feet and grabbed Corbin, throwing him back into the ring. Corbin got to his feet and Zayn tried to hit the Blue Thunder Bomb, but he struggled to lift Corbin. Corbin countered, lifting Zayn up and hitting the Deep Six! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Corbin pulled Zayn to his feet and whipped him into the corner, then sat him on the top rope. Corbin climbed to the second rope, setting Zayn up for a superplex, but Zayn blocked it, punching Corbin several times before hitting a sunset flip powerbomb. Zayn hooked both legs and the referee counted – 1... 2... Corbin kicked out!

Corey Graves: So close to a three count!

Zayn pulled Corbin to his feet and hit him with some more right hands, then went to whip him against the ropes. Corbin blocked it, then pulled Zayn towards him and took him down with a stiff clothesline. Corbin dragged Zayn to his feet and whipped him into the corner, hitting him with repeated corner clotheslines before taking several steps back. Corbin charged towards Zayn, but as he got close Zayn moved out of the corner, grabbing Corbin and hitting an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles! Zayn moved over to the opposing corner, and as Corbin got to his feet, Zayn ran at him, hitting the Helluva Kick! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! A strong showing from Baron Corbin, but Sami Zayn emerges as the victor!

Corey Graves: Tremendous effort from both these superstars, Joey!

Zayn celebrated, then made his way back up the ramp as Corbin watched on, disappointed.


Joey Styles: Well, still to come we've got the contract signing between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho... first though, Kevin Owens takes on The Miz!

"Fight" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as Owens made his way to the ring. When Owens was in the ring, "I Came To Play" by Downstait hit and the cheers turned to jeers as The Miz headed to the ring, accompanied by Alex Riley. Once Miz was in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Owens charged towards Miz, pummelling him with a series of right hands, then whipped Miz against the ropes. As Miz ran back towards him, Owens went for a clothesline, but Miz ducked out of the way, then grabbed Owens from behind, taking him down with a reverse DDT. Miz stomped on Owens several times, but Owens rolled out of the way and got to his feet. Miz hit a kick to the midsection, then went to whip Owens into the corner, but Owens reversed it, sending Miz into the turnbuckles. Owens ran at Miz and hit a bodypress, causing Miz to fall into a sitting position. Owens ran at Miz once more, this time hitting the cannonball. Owens pulled Miz away from the ropes and made the cover, but Miz kicked out at two.

Corey Graves: Kevin Owens is starting this match strongly – he's taking the fight to the former World Champion!

Owens got to his feet and stomped on Miz several times, then pulled Miz to his feet and lifted him up for a scoop slam. Miz wriggled free, then hit Owens with a snapmare driver. Owens got to his feet and Miz whipped him against the ropes, before hitting a dropkick. Both men got to their feet and Miz hit Owens with a swinging neckbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time Miz gets the two count!

Miz pulled Owens to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, then went to slam Owens' head against the top turnbuckle. Owens fought back, grabbing Miz and slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Owens then lifted Miz up, hitting a German suplex. Both men got to their feet and Owens hit a superkick, then went to the top rope. Owens hit Miz with the frog splash! He made the cover and the referee counted – 1... 2... Miz kicked out just before the referee counted 3!

Corey Graves: Owens was so close to a three count!

At ringside, Alex Riley shouted words of encouragement to Miz. Owens pulled Miz to his feet and hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him against the ropes, going for the Pop Up Powerbomb. As Miz ran back towards him, Owens lifted Miz up... but Miz jumped over Owens, landing on his feet behind Owens then rolling him up. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Miz whipped Owens into the corner, before hitting a corner clothesline. Owens fell into a sitting position and Miz stomped on Owens several times, before pulling him out of the corner and applying a figure four leglock. Owens was able to get to the ropes, but Miz refused to break the hold! The referee threatened to disqualify Miz and began counting, but Miz broke the hold just before the count of five. He pulled Owens away from the ropes and hit a knee drop, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Miz then sat Owens up, going for a sleeper hold, but Owens fought out of it and both men got to their feet. Owens hit Miz with an enzuigiri, then went to lift him up for a back drop, but Miz blocked it and hit Owens with a kick to the midsection. Owens fell into a kneeling position, and Miz hit a snap DDT. As Owens was getting to his feet, Miz got behind Owens... then hit the Skull Crushing Finale! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! The Miz gets the victory!

The referee called for the bell, then raised Miz's arm in victory. Miz celebrated with Riley before making his way to the back.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, the ring had been set up for the contract signing between AJ Styles and Chris Jericho. There was a black carpet that covered the ring mat, and in the center of the ring was a mahogany table with a leather chair either side of it. Christy Hemme was stood next in the corner of the ring with a microphone in her hand.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the contract signing for the World Title match between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles. Introducing first, the man who will oversee the contract signing... he is the EBWF General Manager, Stone Cold Steve Austin!

"Glass Shatters" by Disturbed hit and the crowd cheered as Stone Cold Steve Austin made his way to the ring. Austin was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a retro "Austin 3:16" t-shirt. He had the contract under his left arm, and a microphone in his right hand. Upon entering the ring, Austin leaned against the ring ropes, waiting for Jericho and Styles. "Phenomenal" by AJ Styles hit, and the crowd cheered as AJ Styles stepped out onto the stage. Wearing Levi jeans and a plain white V-neck AJ Styles looked very comfortable as he made his way towards the ring. Upon entering he posed in his signature crucifix to the delight of the audience. Styles greeted Christy and then shook hands with Austin before he took a seat in the chair facing the entrance. "Break the Walls Down" hit, and the cheers quickly turned to boos as Chris Jericho walked out. Jericho had the EBWF World Title around his waist, and was wearing leather pants with a designer scarf. As he entered the ring, Jericho removed the World Title from around his waist, placing it on the table in front of him. He tapped the title, taunting AJ with it, then sat back in his chair, putting his feet on the table and smirking. Austin looked at Jericho and glared.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Get your feet down before I wipe that stupid smirk off your face.

Jericho's smirk was replaced with a scowl, and he took his feet down from the table.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now I know what tends to happen whenever there's a contract signing in a wrestling ring... after all, I've been in a few contract signings myself. But things are different now; I have to think of the bigger picture. And I'm not gonna let the history between you two spoil one of the biggest matches of the year. So in this contract is an added stipulation... once you've signed it, there will be no physical contact between the two of you until your match at Destiny. If you breach the contract, there will be repercussions.

Jericho smirked again, and picked one of the microphones up from the table.

Chris Jericho: What sort of repercussions, Austin? Are you going to fine us, huh? Or maybe suspend us for a month? What are the "repercussions", boss man?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: A month? Try six. Without pay. How's that for a fine, you yellow-bellied son of a bitch?

As Jericho sulked, Styles picked up the other microphone from the table.

AJ Styles: I don't think a suspension will go over well with the brass seeing as they just paid a nice amount of cash to bring me back. What's stopping me from kicking his ass and going back on a nice paid vacation?

Stone Cold Steve Austin: You obviously missed the part where I said the suspension would be without pay... maybe you should use that "nice amount of cash" the brass paid you to get your ears tested. I know you don't care about suspensions, AJ. You don't even care about the money. You care about this...

Austin picked up the World Title, which caused Jericho to glare at him. Austin grinned, then placed the title back on the table.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: So if you breach the contract and lay a finger on Jericho before this match, AJ, you won't just be suspended. You won't have a World Title match for as long as I'm in charge. Will that be enough to keep you in line, Mr. Phenomenal?

Styles nodded and looked at the EBWF World Championship.

AJ Styles: I only need one shot.

Styles looked up at Jericho with a sly smirk.

Chris Jericho: You had one shot last year, you stupid idiot. You lost. And you'll lose again on Sunday. Pass me that contract, Steve. Let's get this over with.

Jericho threw his microphone down on the table and held out his hand for the contract. Austin handed him the contract and a pen. After flicking through the contract, Jericho signed it, and passed it over to Styles. AJ signed the contract without a second's hesitation.

Chris Jericho: Aren't you going to read it? Can you even read?

AJ Styles: I don't give a damn about this contract signing. The only thing I care about is that Championship sitting in front of us and YOU should know better than anyone after all these years what it's like to sell your soul for a shot at that. Last year, the entire world witnessed me get screwed by Miz, only for you to go on beat him and boast about it like he's Shawn Michaels. He's not. He's just the Miz. And let me remind you that the shot you had at the Miz WOULDN'T have happened if I hadn't decided to prove myself as the number one entrant in the Royal Rumble match. Yeah, on that night you beat one man, but I beat twenty-seven, so don't think I won't kick your gift giving ass all the way to the North Pole come Destiny.

Chris Jericho: You beat twenty-seven guys, AJ, but you still lost. You lost and walked away. And at Destiny, you'll lose again.

AJ was about to respond, but before he could do so, Jericho cheap-shotted him with the microphone! Jericho then climbed over the table and began pummelling Styles with punches, before slamming his head against the table. Jericho then set Styles up for a powerbomb, slamming him against the table... but the table didn't break! Looking frustrated, Jericho pulled Styles off the table and hit him with a Codebreaker. As Jericho was about to continue the assault, Austin intervened.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Well Jericho, say goodbye to your World Title, because you just got yourself suspended for six months!

Jericho began laughing, and picked a microphone up from the table.

Chris Jericho: No I didn't, you stupid idiot... because I didn't sign the contract!

Jericho picked the contract up from the table and showed it to Austin, proving that he hadn't signed it. The camera zoomed in on the contract, showing a black space where Jericho's signature should have been. Jericho then signed the contract, handing it back to Austin, before picking up his World Title and exiting the ring.

Joey Styles: Chris Jericho just tricked AJ Styles and the EBWF General Manager, Stone Cold Steve Austin! He's beaten down Styles, and now Styles will have to wait until the bell rings on Sunday to retaliate! What a coward!

Corey Graves: It's not cowardice, Joey, it's cunning! Jericho is just reminding everyone how smart he is!

Austin checked on AJ and Jericho made his way up the ramp as Warfare went off the air.