Booker-T's Debut

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Elmo (Booker-T)

Booker-T's Debut

Post by Elmo (Booker-T) »

( I hope you guys enjoy. I've been waiting for my account to be approved to post this :D )

The camera fades into a big white room with a stage, and a large amount of chairs inwhich fans and interviewers are seated in. On the stage, there is one long table on the left seating 2 men in suits, and one woman in a business attire. On the right is another long table, which seats a slim white male in a black and yellow checker-board suit, a buff black male with shades and no hair, wearing only a tucked in black shirt, black slacks, black boots, and an ear piece. On the very edge of the right table is The King of the World, Booker T. In between the two tables is a small podium, with one microphone. The man in the checkered suit approaches it as people in the audience watch.

" Hello all, and welcome to our breifing. My name is Ronnie Johnson, and you really won't be hearing much from me, unless it's during a press confrence for my client. Yeah, go ahead, sigh of relief "

Giggles and chuckles breifly wave across the audience, coming to a stop after 10 seconds or so.

" I am the agent of my client, Booker T. He wanted personally to address everyone all over the world, since rumors have been spreading. He will be answering any and all questions you ask. So, without further a due, my client, Booker T! "

Clapping begins as Booker scurries out of his seat and makes his way to the podium. As he approaches the podium, he shakes Ronnie's hand. Ronnie quickly hurries back to his seat. The clapping continues and some chants start up.

" Booker! Booker! Booker! Booker! "

A smile crosses Booker's face and he raises up his right hand.

" Calm down now, calm down. "

After about 20 more seconds, the chants die, and Booker is able to speak.

" I see you all already know who I am, so let's jump to the point. Questions. You, over there "

He points towards a man in the audience who is holding a pen and pad.

" Thank you. Booker, is it official yet? Have you closed and inked a deal with the EBWF "

Booker has a smirk on his face as he responds

" Yes. I'm extremely happy about it too. I can't wait to return to action! "

Booker points to young woman in the audience, who looks like a fan.

" Booker, let's face it, TNA and WWE could pay you a whole lot more than the EBWF. Why did you choose to sign to them? I mean, you have a HUGE history with the WWE! Fans would be psyched to see you back in the ring as WWE Champ! "

Booker delays about 5 seconds, then continues

" Well, it's not exactly about the money. There are plenty of reasons to join the EBWF. The competition seems great, the atmosphere is good, and they make great food backstage after the show "

More laughter floods the crowd, but quickly fades away

" Plus, I have seen a specific competetor, who I definetly need to stop. He's been way too dominant as of late. You, in the green "

A man with a journal speaks up

" Booker, what are your goals in the EBWF? "

" Well, what is everyone's goal? Doesn't everyone want to be top dog, world champion? The royal rumble winner, the main eventer? "

A man in the audience voluntarily stands up

" Yo, can you still do the spinnarooni? "

Fans smile

" Damn right I can! "

Fans start up another Booker chant

" Booker! Booker! Booker! Booker! "

Booker smiles and interupts

" Calm down now, I got time for about one more question before I got to go "

Fans quiet down so they can get one more question in.

" You. "

Booker points to a fan in the very back

" Earlier you said you returned to take someone down. Who is that guy? "

Booker chuckles

" Haha, I can't tell you that just yet "

A fan interrupts him


Fans join in and start yelling and booing. Booker smiles and speaks into the microphone.

" I think it's time for me to go.. "

The boos get much louder, and Booker steps back from the podium. All of the people on the stage stand. Ronnie gives Booker a pat on the back and they all go behind the curtains. They start going downstairs to the building parking lot. Ronnie breaks the silence as they enter the lot.

" It's okay man. Don't be phased. These people just don't understand. "

They approach the black limo, and enter the vehicle. Booker stares out of his window, as Ronnie enters the vehicle.

" By the way, who is the guy you're chasing anyway? "

A camera cut zooms in on Booker's face.

" You'll find out soon enough... "

The window rolls up as the car drives away. The screen fades black.


24 Hours Later, Booker arrives in St. Louis. He walks out into the airport, and fans bombard him, along with an interviewer,
who immediately bombarded him with questions

"BOOKER?! What are your plans for Wrestlemania?"

Booker's security helps break up the crowd, and quickly escorts him into his limo. In his limo, cameras are set up.
The cameraman gives him a signal and starts counting

"We're on in 5,4,3,2,..."

A&E is interupted by a Public Service Announcement

" Hi, most of you know I am Booker T.. At my last press confrence, the fans booed me, and I heard people calling me names.
Simply because I would not tell them who I am challenging at Wrestlemania. During that press confrence, someone called me something.."

Booker looks down, disgraced of himself

"Someone called me a sucka.."

You can clearly see the tension rise in the limo, as it gets quiet. Booker continues to look down, when suddenly he yells.


The cameraman obviously was frightened by the yell, as the camera shakes.

" So, I will issue my challenge. There has been someone overly dominant in the EBWF. I'm tired of it. He is capturing souls..
He has taken the souls of superstars from Alberto Del Rio, to Curt Hawkins.
I am tired of seeing fresh, talented, and young superstars being destroyed. I'll be damned if it happens again.
That's why, I am issuing a challenge for Wrestlemania. I am calling out Kane to a Buried Alive Soul vs Soul match.
I am tired of seeing this terror upon the EBWF, it must end. I may be the only one who is able to stop it.
And I'm going to do it, or be buried alive.. Thank you, and goodbye "

The camera fades as Booker is looking down, ending the promo.

Re: Booker-T's Debut

Post by Miles »

Good introduction, welcome aboard.