Warfare Results 10/10/2016

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Ben M
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Warfare Results 10/10/2016

Post by Ben M »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare!

Corey Graves: We are live from Salt Lake City, Utah!

Joey Styles: Up first tonight, we've got the former World Champion Sami Zayn in action as he takes on the Breakout Champion, Jimmy Havoc!

"The Broken" by Lit hit and the crowd booed as Jimmy Havoc made his way to the ring. Once Havoc was in the ring, "Worlds Apart" by CFO$ hit, and the crowd cheered as Sami Zayn headed to the ring. When Zayn had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two superstars exchanged right hands back and forth. Zayn gained the upper hand, and after hitting Havoc with a series of punches in quick succession, he went to whip Havoc against the ropes. Havoc reversed the Irish whip, sending Zayn against the ropes, then as Zayn ran back towards him, Havoc hit a discus elbow smash. As Zayn got to his feet, Havoc applied a wrist lock, but Zayn countered by rolling across the ring mat, then applying an arm twist to Havoc. Havoc managed to pull his arm free and he lifted Zayn up, hitting a scoop slam. Zayn got to his feet and Havoc hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him into the corner. Havoc ran at Zayn, attempting a clothesline, but Zayn got his feet up and kicked Havoc away, before climbing to the top rope. Zayn hit a crossbody and made the cover. The referee counted - 1... 2... kickout! Both men got to their feet and Zayn set Havoc up for a brainbuster, but Havoc blocked it and countered with a suplex. Both superstars got to their feet once more and Havoc applied a headlock. Zayn broke free and pushed Havoc into the ropes, then hit Havoc with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn hooked the leg and the referee counted - 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall for Sami Zayn! The Underdog from the Underground is taking the fight to Jimmy Havoc!

Both men got to their feet and Zayn whipped Havoc against the ropes, then went for a leg lariat. Havoc ducked out of the way, then as Zayn landed on his feet, Havoc grabbed him from behind, applying a sleeper hold. Zayn was able to fight his way out of it, but Havoc lifted Zayn over his shoulders, hitting a back-to-belly piledriver! Havoc hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Corey Graves: Another near fall! This time Havoc gets a two count!

Havoc stomped on Zayn several times, then pulled him to his feet, setting him up for the Death Valley Driver. He lifted Zayn up, but Zayn countered with a headscissors takedown, then as both men got to their feet, Zayn hit an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle. Zayn stepped back, then ran at Havoc, going for the Helluva Kick! At the last second, Havoc moved out of the way, causing Zayn to collide with the turnbuckle! Zayn staggered out of the corner and Havoc grabbed him, hitting the Acid Rainmaker! He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! A huge victory for Jimmy Havoc!

Havoc celebrated, then made his way back up the ramp as Zayn watched on, looking disappointed.


When Warfare returned back from a commercial Baron Corbin was already in the ring looking extremely intense and focused on his upcoming match with The Miz.

Joey Styles: Welcome back to Warfare folks and up next we have The Miz versus Baron Corbin.

Corey Graves: This should be a great one!

As Corbin's music came to a halt, people were anticipating hearing the Miz's music kick in, but heard nothing. Suddenly on the Tron the scene cut to back stage where The Miz and Alex Riley, who were both in ring gear, were seen still in the locker room.

The Miz: Look Alex, I'm going to be honest with you. The fact that I didn't win the PTG Championship at Destiny - I'm not pointing any fingers as to whose fault it was... but...

The Miz pointed right at Riley who looked a little bit offended.

Alex Riley: How was it my fault?!

The Miz: Well if you hadn't been yammering at ringside like a caged baboon I would have never lost my focus and I'd be standing here the PTG Champion right now. So the bottom line is... you owe me... and tonight I want you to take on Baron Corbin. Remind me why the hell I keep you around in the first place.

Alex Riley: Cause we are bros!

The Miz: Alright "bro" go beat Corbin - and then we will talk after.

Alex Riley: You mean you're not even gonna come?

The Miz: Go.

Alex Riley: Alright...

The scene cut back to the arena, where Corbin and the official looked confused. All of a sudden "Awesome" followed by "I Came to Play" by Downstait was heard, and as expected Alex Riley made his way to the ring looking very nervous and uncomfortable.

Joey Styles: Looks like Riley is going to take the place of Miz here.

Corey Graves: Probably a good idea, the A-lister needs his rest.

Joey Styles: Or he's scared...

Riley entered the ring and begin to try and psych himself up, and the referee shrugged and rang the bell. Riley and Corbin circled each other and came together on a hard lock up. The early advantage going to Corbin who put Riley in a side headlock. He pushed Riley into the ropes and on the rebound dropped him with a knee to the mid-section causing Riley to flip and land on his back. When Riley popped up, Corbin planted him again with a vicious clothesline. Corbin went for the cover and got an early two count.

Joey Styles: Not a good start for Mr. Riley.

Corey Graves: Something tells me this whole match is going to be tough sledding for Miz's right hand man.

Corbin lifted Riley up, and surprisingly Riley caught Corbin with a roll up, but only earned a one count, both men were quickly to their feet, and Riley had his arms raised for an Axe Handle but Corbin kicked him in the gut and planted him with a DDT. He went for another cover but again got just 2. Corbin lifted Riley up and tossed him like a rag doll into the corner. He went to the other side of the ring and ran full force hitting riley with a clothesline in which he straddled the ropes, mocking The Miz. The camera right before that move had cut to The Miz in the back watching on a TV screen. He had seen enough when he saw that, and left the scene, as it cut off of the tron.

Joey Styles: Not smart to mock The Miz.

Corey Graves: Is he coming out here?

The crowd erupted in boos as Miz was making his way down the ramp.

Joey Styles: There's your answer.

Corbin had a smirk on his face as he began yelling at The Miz and Miz was yelling trash talk back to Corbin. All of a sudden again Riley tried to take advantage with a roll up, the referee counted 1... 2... but Corbin just barely kicked out. Miz began to yell instructions to Riley. Riley got up, and put a couple of kicks to the back of Corbin's head. Corbin was slow to his feet, and Riley tried to give him a scoop slam, but Corbin went to the other side of Riley when Riley turned around, he was planted by a vicious back breaker. Corbin went for a cover, but Miz went up on the ring and the referee told him to get down, which prevented him from counting. Corbin charged at the Miz and knocked him off the ring apron with a vicious right hand, which caused the crowd to cheer. Miz was furious on the outside, but the distraction once again bought Riley some time. As Corbin turned around and Alex Riley hit the TKO. Miz had a smirk on his face as the referee counted.

Joey Styles: Oh my God the TKO! Riley's gonna win it!

Corey Graves: Here is the cover... ONE... TWO... OH man Corbin kicked out!

The crowd cheered and both Miz and Riley couldn't believe it. Alex got up and began pleading his case that it was three. Miz got up on the ring apron again and began talking to Riley. Riley was nodding listening to The Miz. As the referee was down not paying attention checking on Corbin. Corbin slowly was making his way to his feet, as Riley started back towards Corbin. As he was doing this, The Miz grabbed Riley by the shoulder, and dropped down to the floor hanging Riley's neck off of the top rope. This caused Riley to stumble right into an End of Days from Corbin!

Joey Styles: WHAT!? WHY DID HE?!

Corey Graves: END OF DAYS! Corbin with the cover, this one is over... ONE... TWO... THREE!

The Miz had an evil look on his face, as Riley was out cold in the middle of the ring. Corbin got out of the ring after having his hand raised in victory. He walked by the Miz bumping him on the way by, but Miz was fixated on Riley. Who was in a great deal of pain. The crowd booed as The Miz entered the ring, and stood over the lifeless body of Riley. Miz went down and began yelling... the ring mic picked it up..


The Miz hit three hard left hands right to the face of Riley which busted him open.

Joey Styles: This is hard to watch...

Corey Graves: Say what you want about Alex Riley he doesn't deserve this... no come on Miz...

The Miz picked a lifeless Riley up, and planted with a vicious Skull Crushing Finale. He then picked him up again, and dropped him with a second Skull Crushing Finale. The crowd was echoing the arena with boos as Miz had an evil smirk on his face. He got up, and yelled down. "Look at you now... you're pathetic!" "I Came to Play" by Downstait was heard again as the Miz left the ring with a beaten down Alex Riley still inhabiting it. Doctors were into the ring to check on Riley. The Miz left the ring proud of his handy work.

Joey Styles: The Miz has just lost it here Corey.

Corey Graves: Unfortunately Alex Riley has become The Miz's scapegoat, and that's clearly not a good place to be!

Joey Styles: Clearly.

Miz got to the top of the ramp, and changed from an intense expression, to an arrogant smirk, as Warfare went to a commercial.


Joey Styles: Up next, our main event... it's champion versus champion as the PTG Champion, PJ Black, takes on the new EBWF World Champion, AJ Styles!

“Obtuse” by PeroxWhy?Gen hit and the crowd booed as the PTG Champion, PJ Black, stepped out onto the stage. Black headed to the ring, and upon entering the ring he climbed the turnbuckle, holding the PTG Title up proudly. Black mouthed the words "292 days", then stepped down from the turnbuckle and stood in the corner, awaiting the arrival of his opponent. "Phenomenal" by CFO$ hit and the crowd cheered as AJ Styles headed to the ring, the EBWF World Title around his waist.

Corey Graves: Styles is competing for the first time since beating Chris Jericho for the World Title, and I'm sure he'll want to walk out of Salt Lake City victorious!

As he entered the ring, Styles held up the World Title, then held up four fingers, reminding Black that he's a four-time EBWF World Champion. The referee took both championships out of the ring then called for the bell, and Black ran at Styles, going for a clothesline. Styles ducked out of the way, then turned to face Black and hit a series of punches, before whipping him into the corner. Styles ran at Black, but Black got his feet up and kicked Styles away. Styles staggered backwards and Black went to the top rope, hitting Styles with a crossbody. Both men got to their feet and Black whipped Styles against the ropes, before hitting a jumping back kick. As Styles got back to his feet, Black hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, then hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: PJ Black with a near fall!

Corey Graves: What a huge victory it would be for the Darewolf if he was able to beat the World Champion here tonight!

Black got to his feet and stomped on Styles several times, then pulled him to his feet and lifted him up for a back drop. Styles landed on his feet behind Black, then hit him with a reverse DDT. Styles stomped on Black several times, then pulled him to his feet, lifting him up for a vertical suplex before transitioning it into a neckbreaker slam. Styles hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: Another near fall! This time Styles gets a two count!

Styles got to his feet and went for the Calf Crusher, but Black kicked him away, then got to his feet. Black exchanged right hands with Styles, and he was able to gain the upper hand. He hit Styles with an enzuigiri, following it up with a Russian legsweep. Black then went for a springboard moonsault... but Styles got hit knees up and blocked it! Both men got to their feet and Black went for a spin kick, but Styles ducked out of the way, before hitting the Pelé Kick! Styles signalled for the Styles Clash, and the crowd cheered in anticipation... suddenly, "Break the Walls Down" hit, and the crowd booed as Chris Jericho stepped out onto the stage.

Corey Graves: Here comes the former World Champion, Chris Jericho, no doubt seeking retribution!

Joey Styles: Retribution for what, Corey? Styles beat him fair and square!

As Jericho made his way down the ramp, Styles challenged Jericho to come in the ring and fight him. Jericho stopped at the bottom of the ramp, smirking. Styles was about to exit the ring and go after Jericho, but before he could do so, PJ Black grabbed him from behind, lifting Styles up and hitting a spin-out powerbomb. Black went to the top rope and hit the 450 Splash, then covered Styles. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: He did it! PJ Black just defeated the EBWF World Champion!

Joey Styles: Thanks to the distraction from Chris Jericho!

Corey Graves: Jericho didn’t do anything, Joey! AJ Styles is the EBWF World Champion, he should have stayed focused!

As Black celebrated his victory, Jericho entered the ring and attacked Styles, pummelling him with a series of right hands against the mat. Jericho then applied the Lion Tamer on Styles, but the referee forced Jericho to break the hold. Jericho was about to continue the assault on Styles, but he noticed PJ Black walking past the ring, the PTG Title over his shoulder. Jericho then looked across at the timekeeper's table, where the World Title was. Jericho rolled out of the ring and grabbed the World Title from ringside, clutching it to his chest and shouting "it's mine!" Jericho made his way back up the ramp, continuing to clutch the World Title as Warfare went off the air.