Warfare Results 11/14/2016

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Warfare Results 11/14/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Joey Styles: Good evening and welcome to Warfare! We are live from Green Bay, Wisconsin!

Corey Graves: Kicking things off tonight, we've got the Certified G, Enzo Amore in action as he takes on Slyck Wagner Brown!

"SAWFT is a Sin" hit and the crowd cheered as Enzo Amore made his way to the ring. Once Enzo was in the ring, "Heartz of Men" by 2Pac and the crowd booed as Slyck Wagner Brown headed to the ring. When both superstars were in the ring, the referee called for the bell. Enzo went after Brown, hitting him with a series of punches, but Brown fought back with some right hands of his own, then whipped Enzo against the ropes. As Enzo ran back towards him, Brown took Enzo down with a leg lariat. Both men got to their feet and Brown hit a kick to the midsection, then lifted Enzo up, hitting a suplex. Brown hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: A strong start by Slyck Wagner Brown!

Brown got to his feet and stomped on Enzo several times, then pulled him to his feet. Brown went to whip Enzo against the ropes again, but Enzo reversed the Irish whip, sending Brown into the ropes. Enzo then hit Brown with a dropkick, and as both men got to their feet, Enzo set Brown up for a DDT. Brown blocked the move, breaking out of it and hitting Enzo with a neckbreaker. As Enzo got to his feet, Brown hit the Haterbreaker and covered Enzo. The referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Corey Graves: It's over! Another victory for Slyck Wagner Brown!


Joey Styles: Well ladies and gentlemen, we want to take you back to last week when the EBWF’s newest acquisition, Bobby Roode, revealed that he’d be here tonight in Green Bay. Apparently there was a big announcement, or reveal of some kind. Unfortunately, he’s not here right now, but he was here before the doors opened…and left as soon as they opened.

Corey Graves: That’s right everyone, he’s making us all wait in anticipation, but, he didn’t leave us all without sending us a message and telling us all what his big announcement was, this is incredible, I can’t wait!

Attention then turned to the screen, with a small video package that was taped earlier in the night, backstage in the Resch Center. Fans started to cheers as they saw a smiling Bobby Rood standing in front of an office door, looking into the camera before speaking.

Bobby Roode: Green Bay, I can only apologise for not being able to get in that ring tonight like I said to tell you all what is going on with my arrival. Plans changed, and I’m going to need to leave in just a few minutes, but I couldn’t leave without leaving you all a little message. I know, I said that this was my opportunity to right the wrongs and bring the much-needed changes this company so desperately needs. I mean…how much longer can you pay your hard-earned money to come and watch Kevin Owens battle PJ Black in the main event? No, this time, things will be a little different in this company, because now I’m all about giving opportunities, it’s not about me, but it’s about those hard-working little guys in those independent circuits that need to catch a big break.

Bobby smiled, nodding as he delivered his big news to the fans.

Bobby Roode: I’m here in Green Bay to meet a very special man, somebody you all know and love very well.

Fans cheered as none other than good ol’ JR appeared next to Bobby, as he put his arm around a dejected-looking JR.

Jim Ross: I still don’t get a say in this, do I?

Bobby Roode: No, I don’t think so. Jim here is going to be my eyes and ears for the next few weeks. He and I are here in Green Bay to catch a flight, booked and paid for by Wes Ikeda himself, and we are going on a tour of the US, Mexico, and the UK. Using our mind and eye for talent, we’re going to find the best talent imaginable and give them an opportunity of a lifetime, a match with Bobby Roode in the middle of the ring, starting at Survivor Series. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, and remember, it’s not about me, it’s about me giving these unfortunate guys a platform to showcase their skills on the biggest stage out there. So be ready, after this tour I will be at Survivor Series where you’ll witness the in-ring re-debut of Bobby Roode, and I promise you…it will be…glorious. Let’s go Jim.

JR looked disappointed, shaking his head as he was forced to share a plane and journey with Bobby Roode to find independent stars to take on Bobby, starting at Survivor Series.


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Seth Rollins was making his way to the ring for the next match. Once Rollins was in the ring, Alex Riley came out, accompanied by The Miz. When Riley had entered the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two men locked up. Riley applied a headlock, but Rollins fought out of it, then whipped Riley against the ropes. As Riley ran back towards him, Rollins went for a high knee, but Riley ducked out of the way, then as Rollins turned to face him, Riley took him down with a clothesline. Riley stomped on Rollins several times, then pulled him to his feet, hitting a belly to back side slam. Riley hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... Rollins kicked out!

Joey Styles: Alex Riley is taking the fight to Seth Rollins!

Corey Graves: I'd love to know what The Miz is thinking right now, Joey!

Riley pulled Rollins to his feet once more, this time whipping Rollins into the corner. Riley hit Rollins with a series of kicks, but Rollins fought back, moving out of the corner and grabbing Riley, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Rollins then hit a reverse STO into the turnbuckle, before moving Riley away from the ropes and hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... Riley kicked out! Rollins sat Riley up and went to apply a chinlock, but Riley fought out of it and both men got to their feet. Rollins and Riley exchanged right hands back and forth; Riley gained the upper hand, and after hitting Rollins with a series of punches in quick succession, he whipped Rollins against the ropes. Riley then hit a spinebuster, before applying a figure four leglock on Rollins.

Joey Styles: I guess that's something Riley has learned from The Miz, Corey!

Corey Graves: Either that or he's using it to taunt The Miz!

Rollins was able to get to the ropes, and Riley broke the hold. He stepped back, waiting for Rollins to get to his feet, and when Rollins was up, Riley lifted him over his shoulders, hitting a fireman's carry cutter. Riley hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! As Rollins tried to get to his feet, Riley hit a stiff kick, causing Rollins to fall to his knees. Riley hit a snap DDT, then signalled for the Skull Crushing Finale!

Corey Graves: A-Ri is using all of Miz's moves... and The Miz does not look happy about it!

Rollins got to his feet, and Riley went for the Skull Crushing Finale... but Rollins blocked it, then hit Riley with an enzuigiri. Rollins set Riley up for a powerbomb, but Riley countered with a back body drop, then hit the Riley Elevation on Rollins. He hooked the leg once more – 1... 2... 3! As the referee called for the bell, Riley ordered The Miz to enter the ring and raise his arm in victory. Miz reluctantly did so, then the two men made their way backstage.


Matt Sydal came to the ring, fired up for his matchup against Sami Zayn.

Joey Styles: Matt Sydal looks ready to go, and tonight he takes on fan favorite, Sami Zayn!

“Let’s Go!” the crowd was hyped for Zayn who did his usual entrance, and proceeded to the ring.

Corey Graves: And here we go!

They circled the ring before locking up. Zayn quickly rolled him up for a one count. Zayn grabbed the arm and wrenched it. Sydal rolled through and wrenched Zayn’s arm, but Zayn rolled around and took him down before pinning him for a two count.

Corey Graves: Sami Zayn might have the best of Sydal here.

Sydal angrily looked at him before backing to the corner. They locked up, and Sydal kneed him in the midsection before applying a side headlock. Zayn whipped him off and leapfrogged him before hitting a pair of arm bars. Zayn took him down with one more before catching him with La Magistral for a near fall. Zayn applied a side headlock, but Sydal whipped him off. Zayn did a slingshot over him and hit a dropkick for a one count. Zayn went to the apron and shouldered Sydal. Zayn rolled over him and hit a head-scissor takeover that sent Sydal out of the ring. Zayn went for a plancha, Sydal got out of the way. Sydal pulled Zayn out of the ring and chopped him. Sydal whipped him into the barricade, but Zayn jumped up and took him out with a moonsault. Zayn got in the ring and apparently looked for a count-out.

Joey Styles: Get in there, Sami!

Corey Graves: This is smart!

The crowd chanted, “Sami.” Zayn went outside and sent Sydal into the barricade. Zayn sent Sydal into the barricade one more time before dropping him onto it. The two men fought back into the ring, and Zayn chopped Sydal. Zayn put him in the corner before going for the ten punches. Sydal pushed him off and gave him a back body drop over the top rope to the floor. Zayn smashed his face off the ring steps on the way down.

Corey Graves: That’s a way to mess up a million dollar smile!

Zayn somehow got back in the ring at a nine count. Sydal immediately kicked him in the face for a near fall. Sydal quickly stomped away at him before connecting with a corner clothesline. Sydal connected with a double axe handle off the top rope and taunted the crowd. Sydal went for the suplex, but Zayn got out. Sydal quickly caught him with a DDT for a near fall. Sydal pinned him again for another near fall. Sydal went for the Muta Lock, but Zayn kicked him off and connects with the Michinoku Driver for a near fall!

Corey Graves: Not quite enough!

Joey Styles: I can’t believe Sydal had anything left!

Zayn connected with a body slam and went to the top rope. Zayn jumped over him as Sydal got up, and Sydal dropkicked him in the knee. Sydal applied the Muta Lock and Zayn screamed in pain. Zayn clawed and eventually reached the ropes. Sydal stomped away at the knee before Zayn rolled to the apron. Zayn went for a sunset flip, but Sydal sat on the shoulders and grabbed the ropes. The referee saw this and stopped the count. Sydal flipped out on him and charged, but Zayn caught him with an exploder suplex into the corner. Zayn connected with a Helluva Kick for the win.

Joey Styles: And he’s done it! Sami Zayn takes yet another victory! This one over Matt Sydal.


"Phenomenal" blasted throughout the arena and the EBWF fans were up and out their seats in approval.

Joey Styles: Here comes the former EBWF World Champion AJ Styles! He looks pissed!

Corey Graves: He's just mad he's the former champion.

Joey Styles: What? He was screwed out of that championship.

Corey Graves: You say tomato, I say tomato.

Fully dressed to compete, AJ Styles made his way to the ring and was given a microphone. He paced the ring a little, showing off his frustrations.

AJ Styles: As you guys know by now, this hasn't really been the best month for me. I had my newly won championship stolen from me and never returned only to be screwed out of it the moment I have a chance to get it back. Not only did I get screwed, I got royally fucked with no lube by the man that runs this company, Wes Ikeda. This is definitely not what I had in mind when I returned to the company. I wanted to bring the spirit of competition back to this place but I see nothing has changed. Velvet Sky is still hot. PJ Black is still lame. Sami Zayn is still smiling and Wes Ikeda is still the BIGGEST piece of shit in the building!

There was a loud mixed reaction from the last statement.

AJ Styles: Chris, I don't wanna go on and on about who did what. I just want my... No, I demand my rematch. And I want that rematch right here. Right now. So bring your ass on out here before I come back there, find you and drag you to this ring by the scarf around your neck.

Styles paced back and forth in the ring, waiting for Jericho. A minute or so passed, then "Break the Walls Down" hit and the crowd gave a mixed reaction as the EBWF World Champion stepped out onto the stage. Unlike Styles, Jericho was not dressed to compete. Jericho was wearing a pair of jeans, a grey t-shirt, a leather jacket... and of course, his designer scarf. He had the EBWF World Title around his waist. Jericho stood at the top of the ramp, holding a microphone. When his music was cut, he began to speak.

Chris Jericho: AJ, AJ, AJ... you know what you are, don't you? You are, without a doubt, a stupid idiot. I'm not going to fight you in Wisconsin, in front of all these idiots. No, the people of Wisconsin, they don't deserve the gift of Jericho... and you don't deserve a rematch. At Fanniversary, I didn't just beat you once, I beat you four times.

Jericho held up four fingers and mouthed the word "four", reiterating his point.

Chris Jericho: You stole the title... not me. You stole it. I am the rightful champion, the only ten-time World Champion in EBWF history, and you? You're nothing!

AJ Styles: I'm nothing? These people sure as hell think I'm something!

The fans in attendance agreed with Styles by cheering for their hero.

AJ Styles: See what I mean, Chris? Looks like the only stupid idiot in this building is you!

The fans agreed with him on that as well by cheering.

AJ Styles: Hey, Chris. It's cool and all that Wes' wife is letting you wear her clothes, I'm not judging you at all. I just want my rematch. So go backstage and get your tights bedazzled because you're going to be in a fight tonight. I'm taking that title home with me if I have to win it or take it.

Chris Jericho: Of course these people think you're something, AJ. Didn't you hear me before? They're stupid idiots, just like you. And if you think you can take this title, you're even dumber than I thought. If you try to fight me, you're going to lose.

AJ Styles: Oh really? We'll see about that!

Styles dropped his microphone and exited the ring. The crowd cheered in anticipation, but as Styles was about to make his way up the ramp, "Glass Shatters" by Disturbed hit and the crowd cheered as Stone Cold Steve Austin stepped out onto the stage. Austin walked past Jericho and stopped halfway down the ramp, standing between Styles and Jericho. His music was cut, and the General Manager began to speak.

Steve Austin: Hold it right there, AJ. As much as I would love to watch you kick Chris Jericho's ass, Jericho was right about one thing... you won't be getting your rematch tonight.

The crowd booed, and the camera cut to Jericho, who was grinning.

Chris Jericho: I told you, AJ! I'm the rightful champ, and everyone knows it, even—

Before Jericho could finish, Austin cut him off.

Steve Austin: Shut your mouth, son. I'm not done yet.

Jericho looked like a child that had been told off. Austin turned back to AJ.

Steve Austin: You will get a chance to win back the World Title, AJ... just not tonight. You'll get your rematch in two weeks' time, at Survivor Series. And to make sure there's no outside interference, this time it will be AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho inside Hell in a Cell!

The crowd cheered, and AJ nodded, looking excited. Jericho began to protect furiously.

Chris Jericho: What?! No way, that's ridic—

Austin clicked his fingers, and Jericho's microphone was cut instantly. Jericho looked flabbergasted.

Steve Austin: Much better. On November 27th, when the two of you are locked inside that cell, you can tear each other apart. After what happened at Fanniversary, I'm sure you both have unfinished business. At Survivor Series, you can finish that business once and for all. But until then, I'm going to need the two of you to behave yourselves. Otherwise I might just have to bust out a Stone Cold Stunner or two. Do I make myself clear?

Jericho shrugged, but AJ still wanted blood. He walked up the ramp towards Jericho, but Austin but his hand out, stopping him. Styles pushed past Austin, but Austin grabbed him, hitting a Stone Cold Stunner!

Corey Graves: Oh my god! Stone Cold just took out AJ Styles with a Stunner!

Joey Styles: You can't say he didn't warn them, Corey!

As Austin got to his feet, Jericho ran to attack Styles, but Austin intervened, hitting Jericho with a Stunner! The General Manager made his way to the back, leaving both men laid out on the ramp.


Warfare returned in the arena and out comes PJ Black for the main event.

Joey Styles: And there is the man who has been the EBWF Path to Glory Champion for 326 days.

Corey Graves: Yes, PJ Black, the Darewolf, is on track to become the longest reigning EBWF Path to Glory Champion of all time! And the sucker doesn’t have a single EBWF World Title Opportunity!

Joey Styles: There is nothing wrong with biding your time, Corey.

Kevin Owens made his entrance next, and the Christy Hemme made the formal ring introductions. They went at it to start and ended up on the floor early on. Black got a knee from the apron. They brought it back in and Black ended up covering for a 2 count. Owens dropped Black over the top but got in the side of the head. Owens grabbed on, pulling PJ Black down across the ropes. Owens sent Black to the apron. Black flew in but had to roll through. Owens ended up dropping Black with a DDT for a 2 count. Black rolled to the floor and clutched his knee before Kevin Owens launched him into the barrier.

Joey Styles: Big move there from Owens, trying to stay on top of this thing!

Owens kept control and talked trash while beating Black around.

Corey Graves: Well that’s a new side of Owens!

Black fought back with strikes. Owens nailed a big elbow to the forehead for a 2 count. Black went to the floor in pain as Owens mocked him. Owens nailed a big elbow from the apron. The referee counted Black but he made it back in at the 7 count. Owens kept control and got Black down with a headlock while talking more trash. Owens launched Black into the corners and continued to talk trash. Black finally made a comeback and hit Black to the Future. Black with more offense and a 2 count. Black took apart the Spanish announce table and came back in, and got another close 2 count after more back and forth. Owens blocked a Russian leg sweep and kicked Black’s knee out in the corner. Owens hit the corner cannonball for a 2 count. Owens went for a big powerbomb but was blocked. They traded shots. Black dropped Owens with kicks. Owens ended up going for another cannonball but missed. Black came off the top and hit the 450 Splash! PJ Black went for the pin and took the 1…2…3!

Corey Graves: PJ Black just stole this victory from Kevin Owens!

The Path to Glory Champion got to his feet, and had his arm raised in victory. He climbed up on the turnbuckle and held his championship above his head. Out of nowhere, Kevin Owens stood up and pulled him off the turnbuckle, tossing him to the mat.

Joey Styles: What a sore loser! What is happening.

PJ Black tried to retreat by escaping under the bottom rope, but Owens whipped him into the barricade. Owens followed through and hit a power bomb on PJ Black right onto the ring apron. Owens was incensed!

Joey Styles: Are you… PJ Black is broken in half!

Corey Graves: What is the meaning of this?

Kevin Owens threw his arms up in victory, as he backed up the ramp and Warfare went off the air.
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