No More Mr Nice Guy

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Ben M
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No More Mr Nice Guy

Post by Ben M »

The Warfare pre-show was underway, and after a video advertising Christmas Eve of Destruction, the camera cut to the interview area, where Tom Phillips was stood with Kevin Owens.

Tom Phillips: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Kevin Owens. Kevin, the last time we saw you in an EBWF ring, you attacked the Path To Glory Champion PJ Black, powerbombing him onto the ring apron after your match. That attack seemed to signify a return to the Kevin Owens of old after we'd seen a change in your attitude when you returned to EBWF three months ago. The question on everyone's mind is, did you ever really change your attitude? Or was it all a ruse?

Owens looked at Phillips with disdain, scowling and fighting the urge to roll his eyes.

Kevin Owens: Todd, if that's the question on everyone's mind, why are you only asking me this now? I attacked PJ Black weeks ago. Do you even work here?

Tom Phillips: It's Tom...

Kevin Owens: I don't care. In answer to your question, Todd, I'm the same person I've always been. A prizefighter and one of the toughest men you'll ever see step into the squared circle. I'm a lot of things, but one thing I've never been is a liar. So yeah, I did try to change my attitude. I lost one of the biggest matches of my career to Chris Jericho, and I thought maybe if I started being a little nicer to people, that karma would give me another opportunity to become the EBWF's top guy. But do you know what I realised? Karma doesn't exist. It's a bunch of crap that people use to try and understand why bad things happen. Do you know why bad things happen, Todd? Because that's life. You have to take the good with the bad. And after I lost to Chris Jericho, I felt bad. I felt like a failure. But do you know when I really felt like a failure? When I started showing up and trying to be the good guy. Because do you know what happened when I acted like a good guy? People didn't believe me, they thought it was an act, and I kept losing matches. I kept losing because I was pretending to be someone I'm not. I'm not a good guy, Todd. But that doesn't mean I'm a bad guy either. I have a wife and two children that love me. I am respected around the world for my wrestling ability. So if people want to call me a bad guy because I'm willing to call things like I see them, and to do whatever it takes to get to the top of this business, then quite frankly I don't give a damn what those people think. To be honest, I don't care what anyone things. All I care about is getting another chance to be the EBWF World Champion. That's why I attacked PJ Black, Todd... because PJ Black pisses me off. He has a championship that guarantees him a shot at the biggest prize in professional wrestling – the EBWF World Title. And what does he do with that title? He sits on it, so he can set a new record as the longest reigning PTG Champion, rather than drop the title to get a chance at becoming World Champion. He's embracing mediocrity, and I can't accept that. So I made an example of PJ Black. I decided to show him and everyone else that I am not mediocre, and I need to be taken seriously.

Tom Phillips: Tonight you'll be competing against Slyck Wagner Brown, a veteran superstar. What are your thoughts on your opponent?

Kevin Owens: Excuse me, Todd? A veteran superstar? I don't mean to go all Matt Sydal on you and quote Wikipedia, but Slyck Wagner Brown debuted just three years before I did. We're both experienced wrestlers, so it's not like he has an advantage over me. Although, just out of curiosity, have you seen Slyck's Wikipedia page? It's not very long, and his "Championships and Accomplishments" are a bunch of titles from promotions even I've never heard of. The Allegheny Mountain Wrestling Federation? I might need to ask Sydal about that one. I was in Ring Of Honor, one of the biggest independent wrestling promotions there is, for seven years. I've competed all around the world, but as a top guy. I'm not a journeyman like Slyck Wagner Brown. How he ended up in the EBWF when there are guys like Matt Taven, Michael Elgin and Matt Riddle competing on the independent circuit is beyond me. Slyck Wagner Brown is a champion of mediocrity, just like PJ Black.

Tom Phillips: It sounds like you don't respect Slyck Wagner Brown.

Kevin Owens: Did anyone ever tell you how perceptive you are, Todd? You're right, I don't. It's nothing personal, he just hasn't given me a reason to respect him, and respect is something that has to be earned. That's why no one respects you Todd. I'm surprised you even got past security. Are you here for a tryout or something?

Phillips tried to ignore the digs from Owens and remain professional.

Tom Phillips: What if Slyck Wagner Brown beats you tonight? Would you respect him then?

Kevin Owens: If he beats me fairly, sure. Anyone that beats me clean is worthy of my respect, because that's something not many people do. But if he cheats to beat me, then I'm going to have to hurt him. And if that chinless sidekick of his James Ellsworth gets involved, I'm going to have to hurt him too. Because tonight is my night to prove myself.

Tom Phillips: And what is it that you want to prove, Kevin?

Kevin Owens: I want to prove that I am a prizefighter without a prize. I want to prove that I will fight my way to the top, and that I won't let anyone stand in my way. I want to prove that I am better than Slyck Wagner Brown, and that I deserve to be in the main event, not the opening match. But most importantly, I want to remind everyone why I got signed to the EBWF in the first place. And to do that, I have to win. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Owens then brushed past Tom Phillips, bringing the interview to an abrupt end.