Warfare Results 12/05/2016

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Warfare Results 12/05/2016

Post by Ashlee »


Corey Graves: Welcome ladies and Gentlemen to Warfare!

Joey Styles: We are on our way to Christmas Eve of Destruction, and tonight we’ll see the new EBWF World Champion, AJ Styles take on The Broken’s Baron Corbin.

Corey Graves: But first, the recently returned Slyck Wagner Brown meets The Prizefighter, Kevin Owens!

SWB came to the ring, accompanied by James Ellsworth.

Corey Graves: I’m still not sure about this team, Joey!

Owens was next to the ring, and he no sold the crowd as he got into the squared circle. The bell rang and immediately Owens was beating down Brown. Owens tried to suplex Brown, but he reversed it. Brown hit a few stiff uppercuts, and Owens tried to follow up with a superkick, but Brown ducked. Owens whipped him into the ropes, but Brown flipped over the ropes to the apron. Owens hit a running elbow that sent himoff the apron into the barricade.

Joey Styles: That’s one way to do it!

Once back in the ring, Owens was working a side headlock. Brown tried to fight out of it, but Owens gave him a neck breaker onto his knee. Owens set up the cannonball, but Brown moved out of the way. Owens poked Brown in the eye, generating a few boos from the crowd, and whipped him into the ropes for the pop-up powerbomb. Owens went for the pin.


Corey Graves: There’s the Kevin Owens I know and love!

Joey Styles: Love? What’s their to love about Kevin Owens?

Corey Graves: What isn’t there?


As Warfare returned from a commercial break, Mark Andrews was on his way to the ring for the next match.

Joey Styles: Welcome back! Up next, Mark Andrews takes on the former Intercontinental Champion, Jimmy Havoc.

Corey Graves: Havoc has set his sights on bigger things... he wants to be the next EBWF World Champion. He'll be looking to make an example of Mark Andrews here tonight.

Once Andrews was in the ring, "The Broken" by Lit hit and the crowd booed as Jimmy Havoc stepped out onto the stage. Upon entering the ring, Havoc glared at his opponent. Havoc's music was cut, the referee called for the bell and Havoc ran at Andrews, taking him down with a clothesline. He stomped on Andrews several times, then pulled him to his feet, whipping him against the ropes. As Andrews hit the ropes and ran back towards Havoc, Havoc hit a dropkick, then as both men got to their feet, Havoc hit a DDT. He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... kickout!

Joey Styles: An aggressive start by Jimmy Havoc!

Havoc pulled Andrews to his feet and hit him with a series of punches, then whipped him into the corner. Havoc kicked Andrews in the corner repeatedly, causing him to fall into a sitting position. Havoc placed his foot on Andrews' throat, choking him! The referee threatened to disqualify Havoc and began the five count – 1... 2... 3... 4... Havoc retracted his foot and took a step back from the corner. Andrews used the ropes to pull himself to his feet, and when he was up, Havoc set him up for a suplex. Andrews countered, suplexing Havoc into the corner! Andrews then hit Havoc with a cannonball, before hooking the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Andrews pulled Havoc to his feet and whipped him against the ropes, then took him down with a spinning heel kick. Andrews then went to the top rope, going for a moonsault... but Havoc got his knees up and blocked it! Havoc then applied a sleeper hold, but Andrews was able to get his foot on the ropes. The referee forced Havoc to break the hold and Havoc pulled Andrews to his feet and hit the Death Valley Driver, then hooked the leg once more. The referee counted – 1... 2... Andrews got his shoulder up just before the three count!

Corey Graves: So close to a three count!

Havoc pulled Andrews to his feet and dragged him towards the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle. Havoc then hit a back drop and went to the top rope, hitting a diving double foot stomp. Havoc pulled Andrews to his feet once more, this time hitting the Acid Rainmaker! He hooked the leg and the referee counted – 1... 2... 3!

Joey Styles: It's over! Jimmy Havoc gets the victory!

Havoc celebrated, then made his way to the back.


GLORIOUS! Blasted the PA system as fans got up out of their seats, as it was time for Bobby Roode’s second open challenge in the EBWF. The lights turned to a dark blue shade as Roode emerged on the stage in another expensive-looking robe, with his eyes shut and soaking in the atmosphere. He turned around and showed of the glorious stitching before walking down the ramp as his music kicked in.

Corey Graves: Here we go, this is the highlight of my night!

Joey Styles: Oh come on! We all know which was this open challenge is going tonight.

Corey Graves: Shut up, Joey! This is one of the reasons I turned to the commentary table, for moments like this, thank you Bobby!

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an open challenge, scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 235 pounds…the glorious…Bobby Roode!

Roode gracefully got into the ring, making sure his robe didn’t touch the steel steps on his way in. He raised his arms as the fans continue to eat up his entrance music, before raising his arm to the guys in the truck to stop his music, and putting his hand forward – his way of asking for a microphone. Eventually, Roode teased the fans enough before finally speaking as sections of the crowd to continued to sing his theme song.

Bobby Roode: You know…this isn’t a sing-a-long with Bobby Roode…

Fans couldn’t help but cheer as he tried to get them to quieten down, but it only got them louder.

Bobby Roode: At Survivor Series…I took part in what people are already calling the greatest debut in the history of the EBWF. It’s a historic event, stars are created at this event and while I was looking on from the side at what was going on…I didn’t think 2016 was going to be a year where another star emerges, so why not step into the ring myself? And give you all what you’ve all been craving for so, so long. This open challenge is a way for me to not only test myself against the finest athletes this planet has to offer, but an opportunity for you all to get what you paid to see, and tonight you’ll get more of the same.

Roode took off his robe, and ordered the referee to put it down carefully in the timekeeper’s area before continuing.

Bobby Roode: Now, Johnny Knockout proved to be a worthy first test, he took me to my limit as I put my body on the line and it’s only right that I do it again tonight…and go 2 and 0 in the EBWF, and embark on the greatest streak imaginable. I don’t need to do this, I have enjoyed one of the greatest careers imaginable, I can take my robe and hop on a jet and go home to my lovely wife but no, I’m here because you all deserve to see greatness every single week. You don’t need blood-sucking vampires, you don’t need happy-go-lucky B+ players taking up your valuable time and you certainly don’t need a trailer-park trash has-been hogging that World Championship and the limelight, when it DESERVES to fall on me. So get ready, this next match may just go on to win the match of the year...and it’s going to be…glorious.

Roode threw the microphone on the ground as he warmed up, as generic metal music started to play, and a scrawny-looking masked man appeared on stage looking in good spirits based on his body language. Roode looked serious as he stared him out, with fans knowing which way this was going to go. American ran down the ring and squared up to Roode, as the glorious one told the referee to hold him back.

Joey Styles: Oh God.

Corey Graves: If you thought the match with Johnny Knockout was incredible…well…I just have a feeling this could go down as one of the best of 2016!

Christy Hemme: And his opponent, from Seven Points, Texas, weighing in at 183 pounds…Americo!

Fans booed him as he looked confused, with both men circling the ring until the bell went. Americo ran towards Roode who hit a thunderous big boot on the smaller luchador, knocking him out cold as fans let out a gasp.

Joey Styles: This one is over, great.

Corey Graves: Not just yet, Joey!

Roode picked up an already-unconscious America and hit a huge Glorious Bomb, along with plenty of theatrics that he was tired and in pain, covering him by throwing his arm over his lifeless body for the three count.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner…the glorious…BOBBY ROODE!

Roode threw his arms in the air in victory, acting like he was tired and asked the referee to help him up the ramp, wiping away the non-existent sweat as he held his ribs in fake agony, before disappearing through the curtains as he continued with his unfair open challenge.


Joey Styles: Still to come, the new EBWF World Champion AJ Styles takes on Breakout Champion Baron Corbin in our main event. First though, Natalya takes on the Women's Champion Sasha Banks in a non-title match!

Corey Graves: Natalya is the number one contender for the Women's Title, so if she can get a victory over Sasha tonight, she'll have a psychological advantage over the champion!

"Closer" by Lacuna Coil hit and Natalya made her way to the ring. Once she was in the ring, "Sky's the Limit" by CFO$ hit and Sasha Banks headed down the ramp. Both superstars received a mixed reaction from the crowd. When Sasha was in the ring, the referee called for the bell and the two superstars locked up. Sasha applied a headlock, but Natalya transitioned it into a hammerlock, then whipped Sasha against the ropes. As Sasha ran back towards her, Natalya hit an arm drag, then as Sasha got to her feet, Natalya applied a wrenching abdominal stretch. Natalya went to transition it into a chin lock, but Sasha countered it, breaking free and hitting Natalya with a northern lights suplex. Both women got to their feet and Sasha dragged Natalya towards the corner, then went to slam her head against the top turnbuckle. Natalya blocked it, then slammed Sasha's head off the turnbuckle. Sasha staggered backwards, looking dazed, and Natalya hit a sitout powerbomb, hooking the legs. The referee counted – 1... 2... Sasha kicked out!

Joey Styles: Natalya starting strong!

Natalya pulled Sasha to her feet and hit her with a forearm smash, then set her up for the Michinoku Driver. Sasha countered with a headscissors takedown, then as both women got to their feet, Sasha whipped Natalya into the corner. She ran at Natalya, hitting a high knee, then as Natalya staggered out of the corner, Sasha lifted her up, trapping her between the top and middle turnbuckles. Sasha went to the top rope and hit a diving double knee drop!

Corey Graves: My god, Natalya could have been broken in half!

Sasha rolled Natalya away from the ropes and hooked the leg. The referee counted – 1... 2... kickout! Sasha pulled Natalya to her feet, and set her up for a double knee backbreaker, but Natalya managed to grab hold of the top rope and block it. She turned to face Sasha and hit her with a discus clothesline, then applied the Sharpshooter! Sasha tried to reach for the ropes, but Natalya pulled her to the center of the ring. Sasha tapped out!

Joey Styles: It's over! Natalya gets a win over the Women's Champion!

Natalya broke the hold and celebrated her victory as Warfare went to a commercial break.


“Superhuman” hit and Baron Corbin came to the ring sans any other members of the broken to a chorus of boos.

Joey Styles: Baron Corbin lost the IC Championship to Roman Reigns at Survivor Series and his partner in The Broken, Jimmy Havoc, seemed to make a play at the world champion. Corbin’s opponent tonight…

Before Styles could finish “Phenomenal” hit the PA and the crowd was on their feet. Christy Hemme introduced the champion and AJ Styles proceeded to the ring. The bell rang and the match was underway.

Corbin backed Styles into the corner. The referee forced a break, and Corbin clubbed Styles in the back. Corbin landed a few elbows to Styles’ face. Then he hit the ropes, but Styles dropped down, popped up, and drop kicked Corbin in the face.

Corey Graves: The overall athleticism of our Champ!

Corbin and Styles traded strikes. Styles shoulder blocked Corbin in the corner multiple times before running right into a double boot by Corbin. Corbin telegraphed a back body drop, which allowed Styles to boot Corbin in the face. Corbin tumbled to the outside. Styles missed a moonsault off the apron. Corbin tossed Styles into the ring steps.

Joey Styles: Baron Corbin is sending a message to AJ Styles that he might get a little more than he bargained for with The Broken.

Corbin dragged Styles back into the ring with the referee yelling for him to watch the hair. Once inside, Corbin worked a rear chin lock. Styles fought out of it, hit the ropes and ran right into the End of Days.




Corey Graves: That was close!

Corbin missed a shoulder block in the corner. Styles mounted the top rope, but Corbin crotched him there. Corbin tried to hit another End of Days but Styles reversed it into a thunderous DDT! Both Superstars slowly got to their feet. After trading punches Styles hit a spinning back fist followed by a stiff clothesline. Styles picked up Corbin in a fireman’s carry, but Corbin reversed it into a power slam.

Joey Styles: AJ struggled to get the big man up there, and paid for it dearly.

Corbin tried to lock in a nerve hold, but Styles fought out of it. Styles floored Corbin with the Pelé kick, and then went at him again from the second rope, but ended up jumping right into a clothesline from Corbin. Corbin finally locks in a chinlock. Styles managed to get to the ropes to break the hold. AJ came bounding off the ropes, and Corbin missed the big boot, and swung around to try to catch Styles on the return. Styles bounced off the opposite rope and hit the Phenomenal Forearm.



Corey Graves: Styles has done it.


Joey Styles: The World Champion has defeated Baron Corbin.

The referee returned the championship belt to AJ Styles, who turned toward the entrance ramp and raised it high.

Corey Graves: I believe our world champ is telling Jimmy Havoc to come and get him some.

Joey Styles: What’s this?

The tron had come alive to a scene of a lone camera filming an unmoving subject. The P1 symbol AJ Styles wore on his gloves was displayed on a wall, and cutting through the wood and drywall was a bloody hatchet. The words Die Havoc Die blipped briefly across the screen as Warfare went off the air.
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